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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT

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giving us broad powers because these guidelines will make sure that there are checks and balances and no one is able to use the power use the enormous amount of information that we've collected and that's available and you know all these digital aggregators that the government has contracts with for improper reasons and then when it comes time to revise the guidelines well look it's just our internal guidelines you know we're not getting new powers we're just changing the guidelines and so they have seen it they can't do anything wrong they also just don't have to leave any paper trail i think it's pretty disturbing but thanks for clearing up some of that for us thanks very much any time. so it comes in i said it i read it i respond to your comments that you left on line. can you put a value on sex and has the value of the crees there to more people becoming sexually active in today's society well the subject of a new book and we'll discuss that topic into thinking that.
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hello again this is see the headline. so the greek count a total drops in the plans for yet more austerity measures the greek prime minister has pledged to do when new government in a b two caused the deeply unpopular cuts the government fails to reduce expenditure it will not be eligible for moves bailout cash from the undocumented which could lead to the country defaulting on its debts. also nato has missile defense plans dealt a serious blow as a frustrated czech republic dropsonde brand has been left on humpy others a bush arab wants to build a radar system was crushed by president obama in favor of the newly rulings that
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stemmed from the white house changed things so it's part of a recession relations with russia you have a chance to draw the line. on iran confronts it has no plans to possess nuclear weapons at a key summit of asian leaders announced another stunning announcement was made during talks between the russian under reagan presidents on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization meeting which are the focus of talks so far has been on security issues facing the continent including post-war denniston and no cortex traffic in. parts of the older show with a big case of a u.s. marine veteran who is short sixty times by please churning and drugs raid despite not possessing any cortex.
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more than a mile in. one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization sean combs discovers flight makes us so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is a boat and runs an. expedition to the bottom of the earth our teams. are it is time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you got something to say i do listen so first i want to respond to a facebook comment left by paul elliott in response to ron paul's statements on foreign policy at the g.o.p. to pay debate earlier this week now i congratulated ron paul on his foreign policy statements that led paul elliott to ask a lot to say you're comfortable with extremists having control of pakistani nukes
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do you support dictatorships in north africa and the killing of citizens in order to suppress democracy. you know paul please do me a favor and spare me your conservative political talking points i am so sick and tired of hearing that i implicitly support extremists and dictators if i dare to question the actions of the us military abroad i like ron paul think that our foreign policy is dangerous i need some changes i like ron paul do not think of the world is going to suddenly implode if the united states doesn't wage a never ending war against anyone and everyone and spend more than the rest of the world combined on those military endeavors and to answer your question no i'm not comfortable with extremists getting a hold of pakistani nukes i'm also not comfortable with the notion that by us waging a dangerous and illegal drone war on the pakistani border they were somehow making more friends than we are enemies that's simply not the case and those who choose to ignore the connection of our actions with the creation of extremism and anti-americanism are willfully blind and ignorant now to answer the second part of your question no i also do not support dictatorships in north africa killing their
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citizens i also don't support illegal wars launched without the support of the us congress on the premise of humanitarianism when that clearly is not with the wars about because then we'd be in bahrain libya and syria and yemen as well and that's just to name a few so paul i will continue to question the actions of the us military abroad and you can keep viewing the world in black and white all for the sake of making sure that everyone is either too scared or to dumb to actually look critically at those actions next i want to respond to a comment from my romeo dude on you tube he said when considering the us military budget it makes me wonder what the cia additionally spends in these so-called war efforts more importantly what is the cia involvement with the use of contractors in the united states shadow foreign policy you know my romeo dude i wonder that same question myself every day we already know the cia black budget is probably somewhere around a trillion dollars annually and that's probably just the tip of the iceberg we also know if the cia is involved in several secret wars across the world from yemen to
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somalia and in fact it is just now being reported that the cia is build. a secret base to launch drone warfare in yemen somewhere else in the middle east so now they wage war spend money hire contractors all out of the purview of the american public so one can only imagine that they exert a lot more influence on america's foreign policy than we'll ever know next i want to respond to feelin sick sick sick from youtube he said alona has a fetish for computer geeks well you got me there i love the hackers and i love the geeks and in fact speaking of hackers just about thirty minutes ago lulz sec took credit for taking down the cia web site. really makes you wonder if they can take down the cia is anyone safe once again wins the day and i'll have more responses for you next week. now a few weeks ago we first brought you the case of the shooting of a former tutu a marine. a swat team in pima county arizona had targeted targeted his home as part
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of a series of drug raids but before i could answer the door the door was broken in by swat and they saw grain i was holding a rifle and they proceeded to open fire he was shot dead in his home after a swat team unloaded over seventy times leaving him dead with sixty bullets to the chest and here's a helmet camera from the actual incident i warn you that what you are about to see is graphic. now we should know that after he was shot his wife begged for treatment medical professionals weren't allowed into the house for over an hour to ask for the drug raid no actual narcotics were found in his home and his rifle still had the safety in gage after an investigation was launched into the details of this botched raid
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it turns out that the swat team was cleared of any wrongdoing by the state attorney's office surprise we were too but the attorney representing that swat team feels that they made the right decision. you know no surprise to me i fully expect that there should be a correct result in their effort if the correct result clearing the swat team one loaded seventy gunshots on the one man was the right decision to make what about all the evidence what about the fact that kareena couldn't a fired on the swat team because he had the rifle safety on what about the fact that there were no drugs found in that home apparently none of that really matters and shockingly this law attorney thinks the any civil suit down the line would be absolutely ludicrous. you know look they've been crushed during to make money off of those things from every day things from the reckless comments by and the czerny to those not they want to shock you about killed it became obvious i would think that if or if teligent mind had taken hold of the saying and reviewed it
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they might rethink the whole lawsuit. that attorney has the balls or what he's acting as if anyone who is a raising a concern over this issue is a complete idiot but you know i think this highlights the bigger problem here law enforcement and the attorney's office in pima county are turning a blind eye to a blatantly botched raid they're turning a blind eye to the fact that two kids are not going to grow up. about a father a widow is going to have to raise them without her husband and most importantly they're turning a blind eye to the ever growing problem of police brutality so i'd like to say something as attorney who thinks that there is no doubt the swat team acted within their rights i hope anybody with a half brain will file a lawsuit somebody needs to be held accountable for the swat team on steroids which left a man dead. now if you've ever thought about the economy of sex you know like what value we put on it what it's exchanged for how much sex is worth that's a topic in a new book called premarital sex in america how young americans meet mates and
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think about marrying the authors who argue that the price of sex today is pretty low thanks to things like birth control changing standards more people are entering that sexual market and hanging out in it for a while before they're actually thinking about marrying according the new book the losers in this situation are women especially the ones that want to get married and want to stay a virgin until they get married apparently if women were to simply use their power to influence sexual norms they could change it all but they don't i guess what the authors of the book are two men let's see what women have to say about the economy of sex and whether men really ruled the market earlier from our studio in los angeles i caught up with an experienced host of the young turks university i first asked her if she thinks that sex has become cheap these days. no i don't think that sex is cheap these days i think that people are looking at sex from a different perspective i just want to note that that article was written by a reporter for the washington times which is known as
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a conservative news outlet so of course it was a very subtle way of demonizing women who choose to have sex before they get married and you know when i read it of course they start blaming birth control pills oh i remember the good old days before birth control pills when women didn't open their legs to whoever they wanted you know it was it was a way of making women look like it's there the bad guys that's the reason why marriage is beginning to be perceived as office leave and i don't agree with that at all but do you think that they have some point in the sense that maybe men really do have the upper hand you know we hear so much about how free we are these days and our society has become much more equal society i think at the end of the day and i think this is probably the overall general perception doesn't apply to everybody. girls do want to get married and the older you get the more difficult it does become so do the guys really kind of get the pick of the litter because they get more time to flounder and to explore the sexual market as you know is talked
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about in this book whereas the longer women explore that sexual market the longer they're putting off marriage and the smaller their chances of getting married because. i guess there might be a little credibility in that but you also have to keep in mind that i don't think that men are actively seeking women who have absolutely no sexual experience i think that women are waiting to become educated waiting to have successful careers and then they start looking for marriage and a lot of cases it might in some people's perspective be too late for them to get married the man or take it in or they're looking for women that are younger and of course there's a little credibility to that but i don't think that the root of the problem is the fact that women are exploring their sexuality and they're having fun with it you know being free and you know getting that experience before getting married i don't think that it's fair to blame it on that and there's also the question of supply and demand you know there was a really interesting article written about russia and how in russia men actually
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women outnumber men so there's a huge issue with women who want to get married but they can't because men get that pick of the litter there are so many women looking to get married and so few men that they're able to be picky so there's a huge problem going on in russia with that but in countries like the united states to blame it on something like oh you know you're having sex too early to wait until marriage i think that's ridiculous and i really think that's what the article was pushing for yeah i think russia is a good extreme example in that sense but i think you see it all over the world after all there are more women than there are men you know on this planet and i guess the only opposite of that would be maybe china these days and you know the results of what happened with having one child policy like that but do you think what. i think it says about our society because it was obviously the article in the washington times and their outlook on it but they also drew upon this boy and what relationships look like these days that are we gauged in terms of our success by
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whether we get married or not. i think some people still look at it that way i'd like to think that our society has progressed to a point where we realize that you know success doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be married you know there were there was a huge poll that was recently done that showed that marriage is beginning to become obsolete a lot of people don't see marriage as something that you need to achieve in your lifetime to be successful and society is changing so i definitely think that it's not necessary to be perceived as successful anymore i think we're moving away from that and i think that's a good thing. i'm with you there i think i guess if there is one point from this book basically the conclusion that they came up with that actually does ring true is that probably it is harder for women out there that want to wait until they get married to have sex to actually sell that to guys because these days they have they have more options especially since so many people are waiting for marriage because
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they probably don't even plan on getting married but i want to switch over a little bit and look at another media outlet when it comes to the way that they view women in marriage these days and that is the mainstream media that's t.v. and that's n.b.c. specifically let's look at it cliff i just talked about this earlier on the show to . the investigation they did into why newt gingrich's staff decided to bail out on . one exam. to have her hair. back. ok i don't know what's worse is it worse that they actually use an investigative team to look into why new kitchen staff left and this is the best reasoning that they can come up with is that calista needed to get her hair done or the fact that they're actually blaming it on the fact that calista needed to get her hair done and not the new king maybe is somebody that you know can't control his own marriage
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they can't control his own team and just isn't cut out to be the president. you know i don't blame the investigative team for looking into it because newt gingrich has done some shady things in the past for instance he has a nonprofit organization and he used funds specifically two hundred twenty thousand dollars for that nonprofit and then he put it into a for profit company that he runs so i don't i don't mind the investigative team looking into it and i question whether or not calista gingrich is the real reason why the staffers resigned but let's let's give them a little credibility let's say you know for the sake of this conversation that that's what the investigative team really found ok. calista gingrich is very very difficult to work with you know she is the one who dictates the schedule she is the one who says that she doesn't want to fly in the morning because she needs time to do her hair all right fine let's believe that for the sake of the conversation if that is the case and i do question that newt gingrich is the person who's campaigning to be president ok so he's the one who needs to figure out what the
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balance is ok i understand he would want to keep his wife happy but he's ultimately the one in charge so if he's allowing his wife to dictate his schedule and he's allowing his wife to make decisions about what goes on his campaign website then i don't know why he'd be a questionable president so i think that it's unfair to place all the blame on her and make her look like the bad guy why don't we put a little focus on newt gingrich and what he's really doing thank you it's exactly what i was thinking and anyway if he does get into that white house as a first lady i think she might have even more demand so that was very difficult thanks so much for joining us tonight. thank you. all right so you heard the girl's take on that one but figure we may as well ask our male audience out there too what do you guys think has sex become a cheap and are you the winners and all that you can let us know on facebook twitter or you tube what you have to say now we're going to take a break but still to come your home is being foreclosed on because you always zero
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dollars that's right a big u.s. bank areas are told time award next answerer out for happy hour it could be the most sexist political ad ever and samuel jackson agrees to narita book with a very very good title back in just a moment. time
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for tonight's tool time award and it goes to bank of america say the big bank which is based in charlotte north carolina has struck again homeowner in western massachusetts got a shocking letter from b.s.a. saying that his home was about to be placed into foreclosure and he could avoid foreclosure if he would just pay the amount owed and it says because you always hear oh dollars and zero cents it was going to write them a check for one penny and have it clear earlier i couldn't help but laugh only that's right the homeowner who only went by the name our give a t.v. interview got a foreclosure notice saying that he owed it zero dollars and his credit score had actually dropped due to his late payment of zero dollars so he dealt with the problem for three weeks and bank of america never solved the issue after the t.v.
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station got involved that error was corrected and the man was given one hundred fifty bucks for his troubles a gift card and a promise to fix his credit rating is not sweet they greet a fix a problem that they created and only after the t.v. station actually got involved to shed light on the ridiculous situation but this massachusetts man story is not the only one making headlines recently just a few weeks ago florida couple turn the tables on bank of america their home had been foreclosed upon by b. of a but the couple paid cash for their home so after a five month battle gore the bank was ordered to pay the attorney's fees which the bank failed to pay so these people well they just foreclosed on the bank movers a trunk in an arm deputy all well a nervous. homeowner stands by and waits this is normally would you see when a person's being foreclosed on and their property seized by a bank but today it's the other way around the board or the letters. legally this is the next step to to get my clients home soon. you've got to admit that kind
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of makes you smile after an hour of seizing the bank the bank of florida paid the couple the money that they were out and personally i think we need more of that bankers the helped ruin the u.s. economy the world's economy actually being called out and obviously not by washington but by every day americans who are tired of being screwed so maybe some of the foreclosure victims should just go work for the justice department actually go after the people who helped create the economic mess because we all know the current d.o.j. could care less and that's why bank of america is tonight's told time winner for being so foreclosure happy that they foreclose on the people when they don't even know the bank a penny. ok it's time for a happy hour on this wednesday and joining me tonight is r t correspondent lauren lister and j.p. prayer senior communications strategist at new media strategies are you guys this
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next one is it's kind of a float around it's everywhere today but it's just so good you can't not play i think we're all used to you know campaign ads offensive ads this one isn't an official an ad but it's it's bad it's out there just just take a look. so so. so . how does this so wrong to do to somebody about this woman is now a council member she's running against a tea party or in a special election for congress and there's just some conservative filmmaker out there that is based on lies actually that she was trying to whatever just be too nice to the gangs and telling the police not to be so harsh on them they put that out there that is so messed up it's insane when you have a campaign ad that you have to actually bleep to show how the t.v. several times no no that's the whole that's the entire point behind viral video and
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you know i understand the strategy but you know newt. is hiring so you know these guys don't go to newt and they can get work for him one of the really remarkably offensive things about it though is that they actually have the council the whiteness of the councilwoman being this this well i don't like she's their star power right exactly and it's like do you want a stripper to be your representative and it's like well i guess that's the main message of these candidates and the basis for conservatives is this appeal to you it was obviously appealing sort of the show would cover it so yeah there's a cold. there in the early like a teeny tiny outfit that was shaking her this is why thousand dollars in earned media so good job guys congrats so basically we were condoning this kind of behavior let's give them that you're getting it and i'm you know are you ok to ok that there was a guy out having gang members that she's brought to do work in the community and i've covered programs like that where they've had reform gang members work with teams and they're actually incredibly effective in the cases where i've covered
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them so there's a lot are that you care and i get labeled as somebody who just wants to like you know throw all the gang members out on the street or maybe just musical expression you know while there is another type of expression everybody loves. like the perennial cool guy now he's narrating this new children's book and well i think you'll get the title as you listen to the clip from the windows and dark in the town and the wheels huddle down in the deep. reach you one very last book if you swear you'll go to sleep. i love that kids don't know what that means totally read that totally play it for a while there is hilarious you know you go no you don't know this but later you know there's going to market demand for parents to have samuel jackson curse their children out to go to sleep and i am so glad he finally got on and he's finally taking care of it it's going to market demand so you know congrats kudos absolutely because you know what it obviously resonates with
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a lot of people this book has been an internet sensation it's been a sensation it's been on the amazon no it's a book it's an actual book he's reading the audio book it's a children's book but it's not a huge hit but i was like oh ok i'm going to be a little house watch what hundreds of thousands of them have been called the copies have been made of them it's been on amazon i think like the top one hundred books for more than forty days i mean it is a sensation i think with the teachers he is having kids as hell and you just want to cut some they get the f. to sleep so maybe i'll go to maybe at some point in the future let's move on to our story is kind of interesting so obviously we've covered on this show we told you about it glenn beck how does restoring honor rally here in washington d.c. last year now he's doing a restoring courage rally in jerusalem and the part i find so interesting is that a number of potential g.o.p. candidates like herman cain michele bachmann and sarah palin are all attending and joe lieberman is flying all the way out there too but j.p. you got to explain this one to me because i thought that glenn beck became this
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pariah that nobody in the conservative party wants to be associated with but i guess if he's doing it in israel then it's ok i mean i think i think that there's you know you're asking me an earnest question i am very i was really i mean it's like you know he is going to i mean this is like the charlie party i think i think this is his effort at sort of recreating the tea party into something that people can do in israel you know going to see it like. sort of spread out it's like restoring a party you know and i have other. ideas that i don't i wrote them all down i put them in my i pad and i brought the beer because otherwise i would be making really offensive jokes i don't want to the whole thing is so ludicrous that glenn beck thinks he's going to restore courage to israel like really a pretty high rate is. high interest or his ratings as a rating i declined in the united states needs to broaden it was a year issue well actually his ratings are doing pretty well the reason that they're one of the shows that has a fall and a lot all in well because he's wanting to show down i mean he is creating this new
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well he already has this new network. we got to get to the last hour i want to get to but look at his ratings ratings to start falling before he actually was going to be there anymore but this new you know play commercial is being pulled because apparently it promotes eating disorders you guys decide to look. ok would it be just like it was good to have the servant i could have the media. right when marge so i think john please i need it oh god i really want to achieve cheesecake that looks really good to make you want to make you have an eating disorder directly into the facility eating disorders because well i mean i mean it's silly to eat something at least it's yogurt i was thinking i was thinking it's actually the guys are going to they are that way or like yes i have my go to you know food for when i have a craving but i totally go through i mean i think all women go through those emotions sometimes you're thinking about it like i really want to do that what i'm going to make up for it and so what can i do in the next five minutes in the maybe if i just wake up to minutes earlier that i can do something to help make up for it
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i know i think it exposes them and i remember i'm spanish which means eating disorders not eating lamb all the time so. all right guys i got to wrap it up but thank you for joining me tonight. i mean all of your all it's there i got in a pretty nice show thanks for tuning in make sure you come back tomorrow comedian sarah benincasa back on the program to have a little thought i mean time don't forget to become a fan of the ilona show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's or any other nights you know it's catch dolly dot com slash thing on a shelf and coming up next is adam. to a substantial degree and one form or another socialism has spread the shadow of human regimentation over most of the nations of the earth and the shadow is an
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approaching a whole different. in the early twenty first century military bases the network of military bases all around the world forms the believe. that the united states is trying to get its astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million or more than two hundred fifty thousand u.s. troops stationed on these bases all around us. we don't have fallen bases in america we don't have any british base we don't have any korean base we don't have any french bases or you know we just all american bases in our bases of. or the noises i would often doesn't bother us at all because they're all bases but for other people it's almost like a cancer here for these people. since the end of world war two spaces have been.


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