tv [untitled] June 16, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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the longest war in american history was declared forty years ago tomorrow by president nixon so joining me tonight to commemorate the momentous victories through the prism of those still complex the pharmaceutical industry and freedom freedom papers everywhere of the war on drugs is still franklyn of law enforcement against prohibition we've also got robert naiman of just la policy and gareth porter with us on why we need to get out of nato in libya not so crazy this for mamma did a job the new police s.o.b on cover of the worst u.s. cities for speechcraft john dennis explains our ron paul will win iowa and i'll explain why i have reason to wear a shoe on my head and mud wrestle the co-producer of out of versus the man.
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here's a little cite the cia's web site was down yesterday and they took credit with a tweet that said tango down cia. for the loans a group also sort of a telephone hotline for public requests on who or what they should attack in the future but when called an answer machine so the phone could not be answered by an actual person because the group was busy raping your internet so why am i wearing a shoe on my head because when a little bit cops of the alona show right here on our t.v. try to get an interview with them they said only if you were a shoe on your head the whole time and then they tweeted at be alone or show and you and the producer have to moderate us all while singing the love boat in russian
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the ill hash tag entirely serious well you heard us and just want to tell you guys are whoever you may be this is my co-producer and i really don't think you want to see us not russell so i don't you want to consider this a promise or a threat but if if i don't hear from you you might just see. the live on the show seen russian mob wrestling at least so email me at i'm at at a vs the man dot com let's make it happen all right so in copyright news apple has decided to pick a losing battle one that can only cost them customers since apple is trying to win deals with the music industry leeches who profit from the scam of intellectual property they're trying to make it impossible to record concerts on i phone well i guess that money will just have to go to flip cams instead facepalm doesn't even cut it for apple this time and instead of embracing freedom of information they are
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creating a ridiculous infrared system for concert operators to shut down the recording capability of i phones through the infrared receiver at concerts and if it succeeds we might never be treated to such footage as this. all right so just wednesday's president of iran mahmoud ahmadinejad it was that they sang high cooperation organization in summit in kazakhstan now this is billed as a group to be a secure a rival to nato that was founded in two thousand and one to take a more active role in ensuring regional security as is always the government excuse for such things now i want to show you couple quotes from mahmoud ahmadinejad at that summit from his typical firebrand speech and then you'll know well here we go
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he said have any of us have any of our countries played a role or played a part in the creation of nine eleven under whose pretext afghanistan and iraq were invaded and more than one million people have been killed or wounded now regardless of what you think happened on nine eleven or whether government or governments played a part in the creation of it clearly the excuse here. of nine eleven to do all these other things kind of cause a little bit of resentment throughout the rest of the world here's another quote. have any of us use an atomic bomb against the defenseless citizens of another country so now you know why this guy is so demonized in the american media he's making a lot of sense to people who are part of our little information propaganda bubble here in the united states all right joining me now is neill franklin executive director of law enforcement against prohibition to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the war on drugs now you said at the at the press conference if you
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had earlier this week. when president nixon declared the drug war in one nine hundred seventy one we arrested fewer than half a million people for drug offenses that year the day the number has skyrocketed to almost two million drug arrests a year we jail more of our own citizens than any other country in the world those including those run by the worst dictators in totalitarian regimes so we must be winning the war on drugs right now. i don't think we're winning anything i mean and you mention these these numbers here in the united states five percent of the world's population that's what we make up we have twenty five percent of its prisoners and by far the majority the majority of those prisoners come from the war in drugs ok so you also released a study from law enforcement against prohibition looking back forty years whatever you would actually yeah the conclusions are after over a trillion dollars spent after over forty million people put in prison over these
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four decades but we haven't gone anywhere addiction is still heart disease is still high deaths are unbelievable just over the past five years. somewhere around forty thousand people in mexico murdered at the hands of a cartel bennis well it's over forty thousand people and here in our very own country in our own neighborhoods thousands every single year are murdered by our own very own neighborhood gangs on a foundation of the drug trade so. we want to. mention the consequence of mexico and there's a hearing on congress this week about operation fast and furious obviously some cops are having some fun with this but tragic consequences drug violence in mexico as you mentioned but also guns that we are supplying and already operational bird sting operations and all these guns have gone from the united states it's part of
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a federal sting operation into mexico what do you think there's going to be in use for. ok now. i want to get personal with you for just a second here because you know i'm a member of iraq veterans against the war i was in the marine corps similarly came to the conclusion from my experience that i was part of a massive immoral government effort and you were a baltimore narcotics officer v.m.s. beating out guys for smoking pot i mean. seriously those that there's got to be when you realize that what you were part of was such a massive organized immoral effort by the government and you come out of that i mean there's a transformation is that something that the you see happen with a lot of law enforcement officers and i wasn't realizing that the war on drugs is not only a horrible failure leading to disastrous practical consequences for the american people but also fundamentally immoral to try to tell people what they can and cannot put in their own bodies and i mean course when i started to feed their kids
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we go we don't we didn't have the data we all thought we were doing the right thing there are many narcotics agents and officers out there right now thinking that they're still still doing the right thing so that's why it's so critical to get this data to them and to hear it from fellow former officers. are some making this one eighty like i did yes are there enough no. but many of them currently in the reins are scared you know they still want to have great careers in this remember this drug effort is not lie most of them went into law enforcement in the first place you got to remember that most of them went in to protect people from violent people but now we're caught in this thing and they can't always see the difference because of the propaganda between violence caused by the drug war versus caused by drug and it's kind of like mexico so you're seeing is the violence in these communities and neighborhoods and you think that it's because of drug use and abuse but it's not it's because of prohibition you know us pushing and then
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creating those those voids it's all about territory it's all about real estate for the drug dealers they want the government well for. scorsone through tag and what has a whole nother story line is these have been created in the government and outside of the government and they are hard to destroy a hard to dismantle in this were it out so i'm glad you're doing some great work on your franklin thank you so much for being with us tonight and thanks for having me on you know as i've said in the past that it's the bad apples of the law enforcement community that give the other five percent of that name because there are so many that cover up for the crimes of the worst but then we have members of law enforcement against prohibition leap dot cdc men like neil franklin who are doing the good work of those five percent to keep the rest honest and to end the war on drugs so i encourage you support them leap c.c. all right so our favorite shrubbery hiding the bridge dwelling friends in highway patrol's across the country are out in force in
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a city near you yahoos has released a report on the ten worst speed traps cities in the united states with some disconcerting statistics in regards to just how much money the state is repossessing from private citizens speeding tickets have become a whopping four to six billion dollars per year industry for the police and with their economic woes it's only getting worse but only to squeeze might hurt your grocery bill but it's the oregon cars right and the cops have to keep funding their salaries otherwise who would protect you you by the way i figured out how to solve the problem of police brutality we just need to give them a little bit more money. for penis enlargement anyway take notes here's if you remember where not to vacation the top ten winning cities are los angeles with one hundred fifty one speed traps chicago illinois hundred fifty three dallas texas one hundred fifty six orlando florida one hundred sixty five denver colorado one
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hundred sixty five jacksonville florida one hundred seventy five colorado springs colorado one hundred eighty six las vegas nevada one hundred eighty six austin texas one hundred eighteen i am the mayor by a large margin houston texas three hundred seventy three speed traps and if you're in one of those ten cities i want you back there be bandits about all right with decadent overspending tax parasites bankrupting their municipalities nation i've got to plug their budget gap somehow right now and i just have the cops deal for it after all the unemployed masses are such easy prey. all right and as the police become more desperate they become more corrupt unfortunately cover up seem to be a new cart of standard operating procedures as the internet age brings a new level of scrutiny in miami beach footage has been released of a police officer snatching a camera from a local ten news reporter covering the brutal memorial day shooting in this
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instance the newsman's camera was locked in the back of an officer's car without any justification officials all reporting that they are investigating the incident have made no comment on it probably hoping that it will just go away this after they also stole and snatched a cell phone someone was using to record the incident while in cleveland video is just been released after inquiry from the plain truth newspaper showing police brutally beating julio anderson during a booking incident the police initially reported at trial a much different story than what the video depicts police reports claim giulio hit officer martin once in the face with his belt buckle the video however shows little through his belt onto a table barely grazing months on his hand before the police beat down began boston is the battleground to watch right now however outrageous some of service may sound this is a true story four years ago simon glick was arrested in a public park for simply filming police officers while they made a separate arrest he was then charged with felony wiretapping disturbing the peace
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. eighteen the escape of a prisoner even though there wasn't such a state charges were eventually dropped against him with them filed the suit for false arrest claiming his friend becoming his first and fourth amendment rights violated the big issue here is that the cops are appealing the suit claiming qualified immunity which means they are allowed to be ignorant of the laws before making arrests i heard that same ignorance of the law is an excuse to apply cops a judge will decide whether or not the officers are essentially given free passes to make an awful arrests if they're not familiar with the constitution the pace or to uphold. police do not have permission to seize a camera unless it is used in the actual commission of a crime that camera is your property and your defense mechanism against their frequent abuses it is vital that each and every time you encounter police document
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the encounter. do not be afraid to film their actions i know it takes courage to do so but we all must find that kurds they serve the public at least are allegedly and you're well within your constitutional rights to record them and not simply shy away because you see someone else filming the cops pull out your cell phone and hold it out to even if they're not actually filming just a threat of it in the impossibility of the cops stealing everyone's cameras will let them know that we are watching and we surround them the more pressure we put on them the more light we set on their actions the harder it will be for them to get away with their value it was when we come back we've got an exclusive interview with john dennis all the way from san francisco california the man who challenged nancy pelosi for all the richer she is now we've got an interview with gareth porter robert naiman on nato and an update on why the president of the united states seems to still have a constitution you're watching out of earth is the man safe and.
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get some glitches to the story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realized everything you saw you don't think are the big. meal website which twenty four seven live streaming newscasts what think you about ongoing financial crises unlimited free high quality videos or download. stories you may never find the name. of the. political. machine more on our t.v. .
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in cedar falls iowa private property seems to be a thing that has never fear citizen just remember that everything the city government does is for your own safety security and city councillors decided this regarding vocal opposition and now a nationwide outrage to require private commercial buildings and apartments of more than six units to supply the city with access to external lock boxes containing keys into the supposedly private whelan's the only citizen to speak in favor of the ordinance at the final council meeting on the ordinance was justin police who said at the end of the day you can disagree about the ordinance that's your right you can protest the ordinance that's your right but when your fear mongering on the issue you're just plain wrong so not to worry you don't overwrite the private property you don't have the right to restrict governments from access and every day
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you have the right to be mad about it and you have absolutely nothing to fear about given government officials keys if your property that power would ever be used but we have some encouraging news for iowa now as i'm joined by none other than john dennis from san francisco california a former republican congressional candidate challenging nancy pelosi who just so happens to now as of her recent financial disclosure be sixty two percent richer than she was last year bringing her net worth up to over thirty five million dollars john if you could remove her from office i'm shocked. it was kind of you would think she'd want to remove herself. that's a. how do you think see got it in the first place. i were you guys the audience and i because you're doing some more amazing work you're doing some grassroots organizing for the ron paul two thousand and twelve
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presidential campaign for iowa and you have a plan for ron paul to win the iowa caucus tell us about that. well we think that it was important that a lot of us like you and a number of other liberty candidates ran and ran campaigns over the list a few years and and it it actually taught us what it takes to win and one of the things we learned in my campaign was that you have to hit milestones in order to win you have to win every little step along the way and those small wins will develop into a big win hopefully so the next step for ron paul i will is the first caucus and it will send a win in the iowa caucus and show where i will send a message that resonated around the country and so we want to win as many those milestones as we can and take those smaller steps in a place like i when the next one is a really high profile stuff and it's on august thirteenth and aims i would be ames straw poll so we set up
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a website here that allows the grassroots support to actually do something concrete to actually go out and identify ron paul supporters in the first phase and then the second phase we're going to get those ron paul supporters to the ames straw poll to give them significant chance to win there that's really amazing how much power is in the hands of individual republicans in iowa and new hampshire because of the way the process works but we are able to organize nastily to make sure that our supporters are turned out the people who believe in freedom who believe in the constitution have their voices heard in those events and those important primary states so tell us about the website you put together to help people organize around the suffer sure it's r t two thousand and twelve dot org and several other campaign . it's a completely separate from the campaign you know the ron paul scene was known to the ron paul campaign was known in two thousand and eight as being grassroots driven and this is no different but instead of doing something say that's fundamentally frivolous you know this is actually
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a very concrete thing that we can do that the mainstream media cannot take away so it's going to be very difficult thing for the mainstream media to spend its way out of a win in ames because you know it's usually a very high profile event so it's r t twenty twelve or it's the same software that we used during my campaign. people are who worked on our campaign are familiar with it takes about literally about ten seconds to sign in and then all you do is even for those people who are maybe a little called reluctant little afraid to make a phone call well you have to do is just pick up the the phone dial folks just ask if they're wrong paul supporters and that's it no cell mate and they say one of those hey information to be empowered and turn out at the right place the right i'm outstanding john thanks for joining us tonight we look forward to hearing from you from iowa was reflecting all right according to a thirty eight page statement released yesterday by the obama administration the war powers act doesn't apply to what they're doing in libya this came in response to house speaker boehner has stepped up rhetoric against the kinetic military
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action on constitutional grounds resulting in many people remarking on how wonderful it was the speaker had appeared to have finally actually read the constitution or at least parts of it you know the ones that service kind gentle but the administration has decided that congressional approval was too much work so instead they decided to fall back on their regular tactic of denial and obfuscation calling that action in libya not only a less than war conflict but a less than a less than war conflict because the u.s. operations do not involve sustained fighting or active exchanges of fire with hostile forces nor do they involve grat u.s. ground troops. so ground troops are exposed but they never blow back is going to be just fine i guess when you have all the power you can just rewrite the laws as you please but the city will just. luckily so now are trying to hold obama accountable as a bipartisan group of kind in congress including ron paul and honestly senator
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filed a lawsuit against the administration in federal court challenging obama's quote commitment of the united states to war in libya absence but required constitutional legal authority and that the executive branch is circumvention of congress and its use of international organizations such as the united nations and the north atlantic treaty organization to authorize the use of military force or fraud in violation of the constitution even bush had the courtesy to talk to congress before launching unconstitutional wars and now jack goldsmith who led the justice department's office of legal counsel under president bush even he said obama's argument is a rapid expansion of on authorize war making powers nagel's mission is regime change at any cost actually not at any cost when i say they all wanted to cost as much as possible do you really think of the plan was to kill gadhafi with all the combined might of nato still be there the white house confirmed that the operations
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cost american taxpayers seven hundred sixteen million dollars thus far by september it's projected that the operation will reach a cost of one point one billion remember though even though they are they are already are already plans being drawn up for u.s. ground troops to go into libya or we're just there to make sure we can keep the peace all right joining me now to discuss this further in the relevance of nato is robert naiman executive director at just foreign policy and gareth porter investigative journalist gentlemen thank you so much for being with us tonight. so you. care. what is the significance of nato in the broader u.s. foreign policy picture in terms of at least the guise of providing regional security well the real importance of nato is that you've got a big military bureaucracy a lot of generals looking for a mission and they have ever since of course the disappearance of the soviet union
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and they got a look at libya how that works well i mean they've they've been looking ever since then of course they discovered kosovo they discovered that kind of stem very quickly after two thousand and one nine eleven two thousand and one and now they have their own war the war that nato itself initiated or at least nato countries other than the united states really pushed for but i think the real problem is that you have this military directly see which is desperately in need of a russia now and it really doesn't have one because nato i mean it simply is not an appropriate organization to deal with any conflict that you can look for or find in the world hammer looking for a nail so to speak and well and don't be the one that stands up right iraq screwdriver looking. oh i don't want to take that analogy too far all right robert so given it is that nato is forming you know after world war two as a strategic alliance do you think it's really in the u.s.
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interest to be a nato should we leave it entirely or do we need some version of nato. well as usual you have to distinguish between the interests of people who are influential in. four million years killing u.s. foreign policy and the interests of the majority of americans think the continued existence of nato and u.s. participation in there is any interest majority of americans because in addition to what i hear is this permian or bureaucracy of looking for places to intervene to justify its existence it's also a mechanism for obscuring. in a certain accountability we've seen this in the in the recent libya war we are you had to be finally in the last week or so in congress about a war with both republicans and democrats criticizing it in
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a key argument it was made in defense of or in sport of not thinking action to withdraw u.s. forces say well regardless of how we got into this. you know we can't abandon our allies our allies of britain france i mean we think this war is stupid but there is for us the accuracy and they think their war is stupid so fair's fair their sporting honest if it were we have supporters and are our allies are doing something evil so we have to stand by them right fair is fair because they stand by us when we cue evil and you see if you lose an argument in public debate then you know we say hey wait a minute you know the constitution says congress has already declared war powers resolution says that congress has article her order to authorize using military force he will say oh that's ok that's not necessary because this was authorized by
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need. which of course meaningless both the domestic lie and international law two countries get together how did lie and does it mean anything were your thought of the constitution who earn it their congress and declare war authorize force so we say it is a needle is the enemy of american democracy the it's an obstacle to the american people actually so you control the us foreign policy it acts essentially as a front who are people in washington to see a world we have internationalist we're not the new liberal hold on especially hold on that's that's it's a be fair you know i was in the marines and i really like the idea that we had nato standardized munitions i mean to me it was like if i go to another country and i run out of bullets i've got the same five five six rounds i can use them i am sixteen i can get them from any of the nato countries but you know that's not enough justification or would you say we have to get out of nato this point how do
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we do that it's not so you know. it's not just the united states should get out of nato look nato exists because of the united states if the united states says that nato is no longer useful in the world it's stop it ceases to exist so it's really a question of should there be a nato and i think the answer to that is clearly no there should this is an organization that should have stopped existing when the cold war ended it simply is not an appropriate organization to deal with the issues that the world now has to face such as you know islamic insurgencies or. civil wars within countries it is it's an organization that was appropriate to is facing up to the soviet war machine so so robert if this is. really up to the united states they continued existence of nato itself how do people you know get engaged in an end pressure elected officials are can we just say please vote and get us out of nato or abolish nato i mean so i mean tell us just what is just foreign policy doing
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about this how can people get involved. well i think we're far away from. being a poet with us withdrawn i think there's some intermediate steps that we should look at and we already saw in the last few weeks and secretary gates he has. he said you know people in congress are asking questions about this expense and whether it's really just a guy here and so the first thing is they're public include racial to be about the structures there are artifacts of the absolute as anyone said a robber of silence all the time we have that i thought i hope that at least what we're seeing in libya can be a cause for the united states pop up public to start raising the issue as you describe so it's a matter of hundred you're right absolutely thank you for joining us i was robert naiman executive director of the us foreign policy and airport or investigative journalist so that's ourself right thank you for sharing the adam vs the man police say on.
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