tv [untitled] June 16, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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concern about this so i think it's very legitimate for a member of congress to have an investigation in the area where a lot of people have concerns a lot of african-americans have concerns i have concerns i don't see it as a retard but i wonder is this really a threat i mean an african-american man finding a new religion and taking on a new name equating religion with terrorist acts here by making that assumption let me start off by actually saying one to the experts say according to a congressional research service report which is congress's own research service ok their own think tank they have said that out of the forty one different plots that have taken place. against our nation since nine eleven the only one only one that they have counted has actually been hatched from behind jail cells and i think really what representative thompson has said is really apt in this case which is that we need to be focusing on the bomb throwers regardless of religion regardless of their political idiology. not the people who are behind the cells the other
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thing by the way is that the other thing by the way is that when we look at what the other experts are saying like you seem who actually interviewed over two hundred seventy different inmates at several different facilities and over two hundred different correctional correctional officials what they've consistently found across the board is that the prisons themselves are actually a very strong barrier to radicalization itself now from my own words but from the words of the experts who then compiled it from the jail officials and from the inmates themselves and carol if i can get to you i know. one of the things that that i am more concerned about it not seen it you know with people that i've known that have gone person and come back and returned to the party lation it may not be that they're trying to do a terrorist plot but they return with a lot of hatred towards white americans and there's no place for their you know and
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so they may not be trying to blow up buildings in and do mass slaughters with their hatred sometimes translates into crime and so if true that investigation programs and policies can come out that will somehow improve prison life because i've also read the young men and women who might move in that direction they do it for protection because we know prisons are a very dangerous place and so if it's prisons are so bad that they have to join gangs or they have to join a group for protection we need to improve conditions of course and carol i don't think anyone would disagree with you on that much less myself but then if that's really the case of gang violence if radicalization of all sorts is the issue in our in america's prisons then why limit to scope to islamic radicalization i mean the very same when is it ever about very same witness that the congressman brought in
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to were testifying about how they get more than a dozen tips about islamic radicals in the los angeles county system also noted that there are sixty thousand gang members in the los angeles county i mean my limited your point is exactly. and i think a point is absolutely right to that there is a concern about gangs but this is not something that is limited to any one religion itself anyway this is a serious threat that is across the board if we look at the long history of even prisoner radicalization and their nexus to gangs we might as well start looking at white supremacists if we really want to look at this based on numbers alone for why why or why in that case we can look at golf but. own. we're going to look at the islamic threat so right and this is going to be this is the have neoprene obvious now that it was carol please if i may want to finish for a moment is just that we have no problem looking into this issue here about personal radicalization because there could be
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a potential threat but at the end of the day there was one plot but we also have to keep this into consideration and to proportion and and if we're going to be looking at this particular phenomena of prisoner radicalization then it should not just be limited to muslim prisoner radicalization but threats across the board because it is not just people who may be wearing a koofi or growing long beards that pose a threat to our country because religion itself doesn't pose a threat to a country but people who simply have a hatred and it and it doesn't necessarily have to be a slam it could be someone who is a k.k.k. member of whites or on the sis or even someone who i don't have a chance to respond to you were disagreeing there a minute ago what's your take. i do disagree i think islam teaches a lot of hatred and they certainly don't black man that christianity is the religion that in slaves white people are to be hated and that's a negative they may not go out and blow up buildings and kill people in mass in
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mass crimes but i do thank you contributes to the crime rate and i've heard some of the what evidence do you have that it's racism. what evidence do you have play you can look at you can look at you could look at you could look at the black crime rate of black on white crime rate but if you most come coming out of prison if you look at people that are coming out of prison my concern is that with islam it does you know teach that. muslims you know they're in for day olson and it is a religion that does preach balance in a way that christianity doesn't and that's my concern we're almost out of the. parents or world of american icons i wonder when you get to the last word precisely the problem here is that this is completing religion with the violin next act of of a minority people here all religions have suffered from their extremist. members at one point or another it's unfortunately has been no different in this case and
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really when we're conflating the criminal acts of a few with the entire broad faith community especially people who have been contributing to the society and in many cases even even stepping forward to the word terrorist plots we really are going la join the service of our nation here and thank you both so much for taking the time to speak with us today for having her i want horsley anti muslim sentiments can be found far beyond chairman king's committee tom took on this issue just last week and he explained how it's a symptom of a march a much larger change in america take a look. what's going on in wisconsin it's not just about the unions it's also about pulling the plug on democracy in america by selling off and privatizing our conscience and what republicans are helping their corporate overlords rob the united states of america blind they needed distraction so the rest of us don't catch on to their crime and that distraction is taking place on capitol hill and we're right here in washington d.c. right now where republican chairman of the house homeland security committee peter
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king republican from new york state began his hearings today into american muslim communities there's no greater distraction than fear it's been so effective in the past it's been used again today piers of peter king had to say today i remain convinced that these hearings must go forward and they will in fact craven surrender it's a political correctness and an abdication of what i believe to be the main responsibility of this committee to protect america from a terrorist attack despite work this is for conventional wisdom in certain circles there is nothing radical go on american politics. pay no attention to the billionaire try to buy your city's water or power systems to turn a quick profit instead focus on your neighbor the muslim and his wife and kids are
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part of a sleeper cell that wants to blow your house up by the way your odds of dying in a terrorist attack in the united states are about one in nine million to put that in perspective your three hundred times more likely to be shot by some random guy with a gun that in a terrorist attack yet you won't see republicans holding any hearings on gun violence appear cain isn't doing anything new here he's just you know off the old playbook of this guy. the late the late wisconsin senator joe mccarthy the maestro of the communist witch hunts in the one nine hundred fifty s. that divided our nation turned us against each other and ruined the lives of tens of thousands of law abiding american citizens it back peter king used to work for mccarthy's committee lead lawyer roy cohn so it probably does actually have mccarthy's playbook but here's the thing paul mccarthy was distracting us all from a right with irrational fears of communists most americans totally missed a fundamental transformation that was taking place in our country from the taft
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hartly act that cripple our unions in one thousand nine hundred seven to the rise of the military industrial complex in the one nine hundred fifty s. that led us to over eleven thousand nuclear weapons at the height of the cold war so today's rise of the security terror complex it's bringing us chertoff porno scanners it's all underway now the phone companies listening to your conversations while the internet companies are inspecting your e-mail and buying habits and they're all selling that information to political machines like that run by karl rove to help elect mostly republican politicians who keep adding more and more power and money over to these corporations increasingly we're not only economically addicted to war but to the security state as well as security state that will become even more powerful and more profitable if peter king can scare the hell out of enough of us welcome to all this huxley's brave new world synthesised with george orwell's big brother remember what's going on around the country is not just
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about the unions it's about who really runs our democracy is that you and me are the core corporate oligarchy and peter king is doing his part to distract us all from that truth. let's not let fear terrorists apart we need to be united today with our muslim brothers and sisters to take on the real threat to america the corporate buyout of our commons in particular the most important of our commons our elected officials themselves. the cyber hacking the run becoming the new friends america an inside look from a cyber crimes are after the break. twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download.
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a rash of cyber attacks against prominent websites took place this week but just yesterday the cia learned the meaning of w.t.f. the hard way after hacker collective known as lol security shut down the agency's public website the cia is unfortunately just the latest addition to a growing list of hacking. victims that includes the sun sony google even the contractor defense contractor lockheed martin so are we in the midst of some sort of serious dangerous cyber war against america or is the cyber threat just a bunch of hype will join me to discuss this is david seltzer he's an attorney and cyber crimes expert david welcome to the program thank you so much for being here so how do you should americans how worried should americans be cyber warfare is this a real threat or just a bunch of happy i don't know making little funny pranks and trying to get their name out there. yeah well you know one may call it a phony prank but one of the facts you personally and affects your identity is not so funny anymore because cleaning up your identity in society today when everything we do revolves around technology and your financial data and security it's
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a big mess so we need to be concerned and we need to be worried that our government is getting hacked you know i read a statistic today that one in four hackers is employed by the government in some shape or form. in essence informant for the government but if the government can't stop these attacks what are we going to do to protect us in the future but they have to be vigilant people if they did the thing is the government's not really just talking about the kind of hats that you're talking about with private privacy and protections and security and financial data we're talking about cyber warfare i mean we saw the launch of cyber com we saw the pentagon rolled out a new strategy with their super apparently now saying that presumably if they get attacked and they can trace that attack to a foreign governments then that can be seen as an act of war and there could be retaliation even troops on the ground in return so it is this focus then mis placed on these foreign threats. i know their focus is not misplaced but it starts and stops with the little hikes if they can't stop the little hikes how are they going
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to stop the big tax we have to be concerned in this country but our government website is being crashed we have to be concerned that sony is being attacked because the cyber security that we use for sony that we use for the cia is similar to what we use in other parts of this country for other to other major matters you know power plants electrical facilities grids these are all similar situated technology that people can hack so we can protect the little things my concern is how we can protect the big things well that's a very valid point but one of the issues that one of the concerns that i have is if you look at where this fear mongering or alarm bell ringing is coming from i mean a lot of the same people who are warning the alarms about cyber war also seem to at least in my view have a lot to gain from defending the country against a threat i mean look at richard clarke whose book on cyber war is more like the book of revelation written for the digital age and now we have michael chertoff the former homeland security chief who now has a firm that essentially peddles cyber security services shouldn't that worry us if
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these alarms are being raised by folks who have a lot of money to be to be earned from from this new industry. i don't fault people for that you know it's cutting edge stuff and people have to take a leap or have to have to start the process somewhere so yes people are going to benefit from it financially but we as a country need the protection so we've got to turn to our experts but are actually out there and so much money we as a country spend so much money on the military industrial complex on warfare on the countless wars countries involved and isn't this the time and place to be a little bit more wary about a new whole arena where warfare can be can be waged to be a little bit more careful where we don't doubt the security contracts. one hundred percent but the military is only equipped to do so much and if the military wants to outsource and we you know they outsource a lot i don't fault them for that i will i agree whatever is in the best interest of this country and protecting our infrastructure must be done whether it's privatized or public i can tell you well i mean if we move away from the private
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versus public debate i mean one of the other issues is that the pentagon again it is essentially threatening physical troops on the ground retaliations to potential hypothetical threats by foreign governments and given the fact that hacks are so difficult to trace you don't often know the source you don't know if it's you know a rogue nation that's behind it or a bunch of hackers that happen to live within that nation behind it are we opening up the door to unlist state of warfare yeah you're opening a pandora's box because there is ultimately going to day no other way to trace it you know the defense that so d.d.i. some other dude did it is the standard defense that people use and types in criminal matters but there is zero ultimate accountability for a country if you're going to trace it to russia china india whatever at the end of the day there is no guarantee zero guarantee to prove it came from that country so you are all concerned about this potential military as nation of cyber sober or fight yes i am ok well i guess what other countries are going to retaliate and trying to fend themselves so it could bring war to our country of course and i mean
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you know. it's a if he issue here but we talk about the stuxnet virus there's been a lot of reports out there saying that it only it wouldn't have been to develop without the help of the united states in conjunction with israel and so it would iran then being completely in the wrong by attacking this country and god forbid this would ever happen of course it never would but doesn't that open again that the door to perpetual warfare we can't really necessarily afford it yeah it does it creates a situation where it goes both ways so we have to be wary of what we're going to practice what we preach so that is our government's focus misplaced on these warfare threats as opposed to what you talked about you know hacking the little man there the average american. you know they're not misplaced in the sense that they understand what has to be done but i think in this place and how they're going about doing it they're not protecting it right now and they're they're imposing all this legislation and talking all these big things on capitol hill about how they want to protect us but they're not getting it done instead we're becoming victims and until they figure out how to protect us as a country to protect our cyber our national infrastructure we're going to continue
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to have problems and i'm afraid exactly what you're saying is someone's going to be trigger happy and pull the trigger words shouldn't be told it isn't really the government's role to sort of lead this initiative or do you see private firms sort of stepping in and doing this on their own. i think the end of the day the government's legislation to impose a blanket over all security measure worrying that companies have restrictions on what they must report and must not report is appropriate but yes i do see private companies leading the charge here because government is to overburdened right now to deal with this right doing this properly all right well a lot to discuss here i really do appreciate you taking the time to join us tonight thank you so much any time. all right it's time for the good the bad and the very terribly incoherently hideously ugly first up the good magic mushrooms as scientists at john johns
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hopkins school of medicine have been working on a new drug to help cancer patients as well as folks suffering from severe anxiety because as if to make headway in the future of medicine the researchers found inspiration in the psychedelic past it turns out that the psycho active ingredients in so-called magic mushrooms actually transform individuals for the better living relationships with family and friends boosting self esteem lots of psychological benefits now the only trick here is finding that right perfect dose right high enough to have an effect but low enough to keep folks from floating off into the world of ponies and rainbows and marshmallow. anyway as the far out development of modern medicine the. next up the bad canada will not really canada vancouver hockey fans to be exact yesterday evening the vancouver canucks lost the stanley cup finals falling to the boston bruins four to zero in the seventh game now you may not be familiar with hockey i certainly am not
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a big fan of but this is a huge deal in canada where hockey is like their version of american idol so how did the fans decide to react take a look we have that video. they started a riot you see the fans to. the streets to fight with each other throw beer bottles setting trash cans and cars on file over hockey i mean really my team had a pop in a goal with a stick less than another team did so i'm going to burn the friggin city down brilliant logic now i'm sorry canada but this time you have nobody to blame but yourselves. i think. the real country. that's right there not in the very very very ugly target and take a look at the following propaganda video that the retail dot giantess like to show it to all of its new employees in order to scare them away from joining frightening
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communist gangs otherwise known as unions because we're the best it makes those of us that target a target ourselves we're a target because we're threat to unions the unions that represent grocery store workers when we take business away from unionized grocery stores that means they need fewer employees and fewer grocery store employees means fewer union members fewer members that's a problem for the union business that's right ok well i think is a very very ugly video speaks for itself but there's a glorious silver ironic silver lining in all of this those two actors that you saw were actually hired by target and they were both union members take that target. right republicans in the house of representatives are constructing their next trojan horse for their war against women and children and burry it in the agriculture appropriations bill which funds farm and food programs republicans are
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actually cutting more than eight hundred million dollars from the food assistance program known as w i see which helps put food on the table for women infants and children and clearly the program offers food assistance to more than ten million americans. that's ten million americans americans who could potentially go hungry starving thanks to these g.o.p. budget cuts and here's the kicker the eight hundred million dollars that republicans are trying to take away from the poor and hungry cost the just as much as one week's worth of the bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires just one week when it comes to a war against women the costs i guess don't really matter for these guys why wait for tonight here's what tom had to say about this when the conservative war against women first started and its effect on our nation today. since republicans took control the house of representatives and state legislatures around the nation it launched an all out war on women from defunding women's health care services to defunding planned parenthood to redefining rape to blocking legislation that
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provides equal pay for equal work for women you wonder if the next step for the republican party will be to repeal the one thousand amendment and take away women's rights to vote republicans are also cutting critical federal programs that assist low income families across the country and to make sure the women don't get any help raising their kids will try to work republicans are cutting head start programs and slashing elementary school funding at the same time republicans of the feverish were pushing corporate tax cuts corporate deregulation corporate welfare should be u.s. jobs overseas tax cuts for billionaires even doing away with the inheritance tax basically it's a strategy of let's steal from the poor especially women and give to the corporations and the rich c.e.o.'s. it makes you wonder if you conservatives think that corporations are actual people. but women particularly poor and minority women are just second class citizens the truth is they do but this isn't anything new in
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america since that fateful supreme court case in eight hundred eighty six other pacific railroad versus santa clara county where the court reporter decided to take it upon himself to say that corporations are people and they should be granted all the same rights as people. despite the fact that the supreme court had actually ruled the exact opposite corporations have staked a claim to more and more rights that used to reserved just for actual living and breathing people including the first amendment right to free speech the fourth member right to privacy the fourteenth amendment right to equal protection under the law meanwhile women and minorities actual people have seen their rights steadily taken away. eight hundred fifty six in the dred scott case the supreme court ruled that people african-americans in this case are property that decision led directly to the civil war after which the thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth amendments were passed history of slavery out of the constitution and guarantee
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equal rights for everybody except women during that same era in the bradwell versus illinois case the supreme court ruled that women couldn't claim rights under the fourteenth amendment because basically they were the property of their husbands that was partially was reversed in one nine hundred twenty when the nineteenth amendment even in the vote but every year since one nine hundred twenty three a constitutional amendment has been proposed that simply says equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by any state on account of sex. and every year it's been shot down by conservatives in either congress or the states equal rights or an equal rights amendment still has not passed so women still don't have full rights and republicans feel quite calm comfortable with their war on women particularly poor women. or corporations they got out of riots. in twenty ten in the citizens united case the u.s.
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supreme court mirror image that dred scott ruling by saying that property is people and corporations have constitutional rights like the right to political free speech and frankly a new civil war has started. between the rich and the rapidly disappearing little problems today we are seeing the largest gap between the rich and the poor in america nearly a century there are fifty two million people without health insurance forty million people dependent on food stamps to survive and one in five american children live in poverty it corporations never been better thanks to their personally gamed the system and the financial times notice today they're on course to see bigger profits this thirty year than any time since one thousand nine hundred three as warren buffett said the rich are winning the war i see it's time to turn the tide let's strip personhood from corporations and embrace common sense only people should be considered people. no more or personhood for corporations that it is an insane
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concept it needs to be a bit but that's ok well that's it for tonight's episode of the big picture for more information on the stories we've covered these bizarre web site at thom hartmann dot com and also our t. dot com you can always check out our you tube page at youtube dot com slash the big picture our team and as always you can download the entire show as a podcast free product that's on i tunes and don't forget tom always says democracy begins with you get out there get active and tab to your it. with twenty four seventh's live streaming news towns what to do about the ongoing financial hurricane unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on. the. political. parties.
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