tv [untitled] June 16, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT
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forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the lead i think either one is plenty. whenever the governor says here keep him safe get ready because your freedom. course show and tell on tonight's program last time we discussed the g.o.p. debate in new hampshire and we want to know if you thought that all the hard hitting issues were asked of the participants leave anything out should anything
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else have been included let's go to producer patrice in a century to find out what you have to say. we want to know what you thought was really missing from the g.o.p. debate on monday night and i got to say from looking at all the responses those of you who wrote in your really went for the juggler on this one so let's take a look at mason's question he said how do you bring back jobs without tariffs well that's a good question i think i was asked monday night there were definitely be this moment of silence school over to al he wanted to ask how do you prevent another financial crisis well out already in an enormous financial crisis i know one is telling us how to get out of this one. but check out miles he wanted to know with the last one the last time anyone actually set foot in inner city or the ghettos and actually talked to the locals i want to know the same thing when was the last time many of them actually went to reality and not only talked but really listen to
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average american you know think about this millions of viewers tuned into the debate and no one really panned anyone down on specifics arrestors hard hitting questions and reading a lot of your responses it looks like we would have even better debate if we host the next one right here on our ticket. now as always thank you for your responses and here's our next topic for you so we just debated the two sides to the constitutionality of the u.s. involvement in libya and as of congress so it was illegal for the president to unilaterally involve our military forces white house says that no dice because libya doesn't technically qualify since. nato is in the lead so we want to know what you think who wins is libya a war that u.s. forces have been devoted to or not you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. now when you hear the words a little sick you can't help but ask what will they do next so far they have
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attacked and expose e-mails from people linked to porn sites all the way up to the u.s. senate web site senate as well as. now in their cyber tirade for lawyers they've continued to go after a few more notable so sources for starters there's an a.p. gary ring a bell it should we told you how this cyber firm was secretly hired by the government to take down the whistle blowing organization wiki leaks well erin ghar the head of h.p. gary based a lot of flack in the cyber world over their backhanded techniques of attacking with leaks things like sending them false government information and although the firm's devilish plan did leak out stopping them from actually being successful it appears that decided to make them their next target it was morning it was tweeted about its latest hack saying. let's shine more light on h.p. gary a company that plotted to attack wiki leaks and its supporters so this should be good right well it clearly has no trouble hacking or temporarily taking down even the most secure organizations so just a few minutes later decided to expose the company's man in charge and they tweet it
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you know why they got own because this man right here aaron barr use the password kid a of both thirty three for the entire company e-mail account so wait a minute the head of a firm that specializes in tech security used one password for the entire company e-mail accounts talk about a rookie move but them also tweeted this and he said you know what else he has that password for his twitter his online payment accounts his personal e-mail and his links in secure or secure seriously the hell is wrong with you it's internet knowledge one o one of the you make your passwords different for every account and you definitely don't make a. something obvious that anybody can figure out on their own now and should be embarrassed at least beyond embarrassed at this point some to let that one go but yesterday we also mentioned to you that little security card another possibly more famous website. yesterday evening if you tried to access the site you probably found an error message on the page and it was all over it they tweeted tango down
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cia dock for the walls early this morning that site was back to operating as usual and no security information was compromised so at this point a look for people security is almost unstoppable so analysts and media outlets are scrambling to find a way to categorize this group we're going to sit back and watch what happens. now all the cameras from the mainstream media focused on anthony weiner's press conference today our team's cameras are pointed in a different direction on the streets of new york concerned citizens are speaking out against the latest proposals from mayor michael bloomberg proposals that could leave even more people unemployed as they see it in a shed light on what's being called bloomberg bill. this summer the u.s. media is buzzing with these burning hot stories you. don't believe you me you do not want to see it is what was the relationship like between casey and her parents
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and how is it now that she's accusing her father of sexual abuse the masterminds of the t.v. networks are needed in this story news coverage who could believe that congressman weiner's pictures or not pictures could be the number one story on capitol hill sixty tweets of a congressman are being stretched to the likes of the lewinsky scandal i did not have sexual relations with that woman. who was looking right at me when he said that and every detail is getting sucked out of a child murder case she's a sweet looking to teach she looks pale and the fray with her here back in a ponytail like that surely not. i meanwhile new york city has seen a small town of its own a few blocks away from wall street in the back yard. the countless protesters on the floor steps into the economic collapse always different it's about this time the people pushing to camp out here they're saying this is just the beginning they
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will spend the night here so their message is heard. a loud no to bloomberg who pulls budget cuts that would throw more jobs out the window at. the banks are sitting on trillions of dollars of our money. we're going to stay here until we get it we want to make sure we're all prepared so here we actually have pillows this resistance is inspired by global outsourced to quarter over the last year not only of the governments here in our country but the governments abroad don't seem to want anybody to have any kind of subsistence living. citizen journalists are here in mainstream media is not once you go outside be there you go outside but heard and you start covering the unions and workers are our. mayor and they want wall streets of
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a higher tax well those are likely your sponsors if you're a commercial t.v. news operation as the media treads carefully around the issues the people's anger is growing ok. so how many will be camping out here for the media shaken out of its self-imposed oblivion to report what matters. well after the g.o.p. debate in new hampshire the other night congresswoman michele bachmann has become somewhat of a sensation and a rasmussen poll of likely g.o.p. primary voters shows her in second place behind mitt romney now i'm no fan of bush . politics i will give her some props for being the sole female candidate in a line of dominated by met then what happens if sarah palin really does join the race is there room for two women on a campaign trail to win with brown hair that are both fairly attractive you know that's the ridiculous question being asked by the mainstream media these days as they make it look like
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a female on female. bachmann's campaign manager ed rollins from the old school so i am failing yesterday for lacking subjects today a top male an advisor shot back accusing rollins of sticking his foot in creating a contrived narrative about the two thousand and twelve race. so if both bachmann and pale and she used to run our heads going to explode over the increase and ask her to you and me to discuss this is there but across a blogger for comedy central in this vision there are so nice to have you back on the show it's been a really really long time we've been seeing you know i am so excited to be back a lot i don't know unless. you're joining the tech revolution so what are your big can the media handle two women that my kind of look like each other running at the exact same time i've just not sure i think their heads might explode but the same time we never really hear them complaining when it's just two old guys with white hair running at the same time yet we've never heard what are we
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going to do we or the. old man running story we just sort of hear that about women and specifically about these attractive brunette women i think this sort of feeds into the narrative gentleman who. this is what i think a lot of let me just touch the chase i think people are hoping that under since they had. i think you're right i think they're hoping for a madonna britney spears moment except for it's just bachmann pale and you know maybe the next debate they should totally go for i want to have used pacifically because in your work as a comedian you do pretty needed person asian of both of these women i want to show the audience a little clip so they can get a taste of that but every since my first run for congress in two thousand and five the media has been doing its best to portray me as some kind of quote unquote we not whatever that is i felt like i was stone cold steve austin just up there yes no that's here i can cook and they you can have
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a can of whoop ass. no no no no. you crack me up so what could happen to both of them actually rather than you impersonate both of them you can't possibly impersonate both what time you have some really tough choices ahead of you i think it's going to explode i honestly haven't even thought about the concept and still killing your producer and some time later treats me today and i honestly had minutes to calm myself down. stream technology can be crazy. all right well let's move on to something that kind of relates to these two women right they both know how to run the party crowd and it turns out reports are coming out that there's going to be a tea party summer camp held in florida for kids where they're teaching about the founding principles of this country let me just read you three of them out of about
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nine that there were one is america is good too i believe in god and he is the center of my life three is i work hard for what i have and i will share it with who i want to government can not force me to be charitable. what do you say to that or you send your kids that camp oh totally you know what i'm going to have kids hopefully with extension. and i'm going to send them to that hitler camp where they can learn just how stupid i you know i want my child's version of color wars to be racist and i think it can't she party can bring that to fruition i think santorum might not be in you know people like you and i but whatever will move on from the. no we also the funny thing about this right is that when the tea party is doing it they're just teaching kids about liberty and freedom and how great america is but i remember when president obama went to go give
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a speech at a school that the media took a little bit of a different tone let's take a look. this is really just a creepy indoctrination of our children it seems very close to indoctrination liberal indoctrination indoctrination yes indoctrination because any parent can tell you one speech will make a child changes entire belief system. so why was that indoctrination and then i don't know summer camp for kids is a great idea oh that wasn't dr nation because he's a black man who speaks intelligently about upright your issues there probably won't be any black people at camp so you party and then there are will be out there herman cain variety if you know what i'm saying. you know the crazy thing about this new rasmussen poll that came out is that mitt romney's in first place michele bachmann's in second place and herman cain is actually in third place so that doesn't look so good for the gingrich's and paul end of the santorum. now last i
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just want to get your opinion we don't have time to play the clips but yesterday i said he devoted their resources doing a hardcore investigation as to why newt gingrich's staff quit and they decided it was because of his wife because she had to get her hair done in the morning so they they couldn't get the plane to fly out there she is right there with her with her deal on that are you going to impersonate maybe calista gingrich next. if. you know . bachmann is that these laser college you sinful like you know i think it's actually made of the inside i think she might actually be a creature from another dimension and is created entirely of ice and snow i don't know if i could get all this down but frankly i don't know ouch well i think newt's going to ask you to issue an apology just like you did with. sarah thanks so much for coming on the show is a pleasure to have you back on you alone. all right still to come tonight
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a comment by a multimillionaire running for president lands him in tonight's all time full time segment and then stay with us for happy hour apple trying to take some fun out of concerts and a totally bizarre campaign ad for a man about to enter the presidential race lead guitar sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. the end yet so. cold. lead. fuck fuck fuck.
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i mean i full time award and tonight it goes to mitt romney he's a multimillionaire has been hitting president obama pretty hard about the current state of the economy and the high unemployment rate and just this week me and build a new campaign ad that went after obama for calling last month's job numbers a bump in the road.
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of an american not a bump in the road. thing well apparently mitt romney considers himself a bump in the road a day in florida twenty twelve presidential candidate was speaking with a group of unemployed people and he said quote i should tell my story i'm also unemployed that's right he actually went there good lord the arrogance is out of control of a guesstimate you are unemployed but your net worth is valued at more than two hundred million dollars do you know how many americans don't have any money don't have a home are underwater in debt or two hundred million isn't making you feel sorry for you let's focus on why you're unemployed so you only served one term as governor of massachusetts then you started running for president back in two thousand and six since your loss in the two thousand and eight and probably can primary you've done nothing but campaign for the two thousand and twelve race so if you're unemployed then maybe you should just get a damn job that's more than a five years of just being a candidate and let's not forget just last june it's and his wife's body twelve
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million dollars break from home and the lawyer california they also own a ten million dollar lake house in new hampshire and a condo in. i just wonder if the fourteen million americans who have lost their jobs during this recession if they've been able to hold on to their million dollar estates you know mitt romney you're not employed you're not working because of your desire to be president and your massive gigantic ego so stop insulting those who are actually struggling to survive in this economy and that's why mitt romney is tonight's told time where. ok time for a happy hour on tonight's show and joining me this evening is archie producer jenny churchill and libby jacobson senior policy analyst for a new media strategies ladies thank you so much for joining me i think this is the first time that i've had two blondes on the show if we have kind of fun i like to
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look out. we just showed mitt romney's ad which you got to admit i was kind of did take me to get obama and i'm not a bump in the road but here's one from jon huntsman that is it's it's just bizarre it's one of those what the f. moments take a look. six days and what is it ok so we know that he's going to now that he wants to be you know run for president in six days but really about an ad is that is that still you on him and jon huntsman. that left me asking jon huntsman are you samus at all i know you told me that you're not famous for being in the band wizard but. i was unaware that you were famous at all i'm pretty sure my friends at
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home don't know who you are obviously trying to rub some of that you know i was the bastard in china she wants to be all american again riding through the desert but he's a living is there an alternate reality game that goes with this are we going to be . uncovering you know special. different clue going on. on a pebble on the time it was really a campaign or maybe a commercial for a motorcycle it has nothing to do with jon huntsman i mean do you think i got a riding the bike is jon huntsman it's not actually though the guy who made the commercial same guy behind demon sheep. you know it could get it could go in a really rigorous you think creating demon she just totally blew his mind and you know the longer function and was like yes this looks here's that maybe he's just trying to tone it down out of fairly that he's a he's a star now after da vinci and everybody wants to work with him but maybe this one is going to ruin that career let's move on to something else apple is now trying to develop this software and this just sounds really crazy to me i have no idea how
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this is going to work but essentially they want develop a software that makes it so that if you're at a venue seeing a concert there's going to be these infrared sensors at the venue had to take it upon themselves to install and so then if these sensors interact with your phone and your phone feels that you're trying to take an illegal video and make your concert going experience even though you didn't take it to go see a minute that it shuts off the camera in your phone and like i sat on how that's going to work but i think that we know what this is really all about it's just so pop stars don't have to be embarrassed and a video doesn't leak out take a look at best. we did for he or plants what happened we do not care if your fans i don't know we're out of time but. the stories are endless and this is my view on paper if you
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have a lover of it that was a fault do you think that's what's behind this. obviously well i don't know that it's not a conspiracy it's. out there in the open i mean they were like oh we don't want people making videos with their cell phones because then they can sell them no one's buying their crappy cell phone footage other than what sites i want to make fun of the celebrities it's not as though there's some high gas you know quality video coming from these phones that people are buying on d.v.d. you're right i probably don't but i don't think that really digs into their business at all i don't think so i think this will actually be really good for you too because have you ever tried just searching for any video on you tube you get you know maybe buried in like thirty results of like really kind of low quality cell phone camera videos that you can't hear anything maybe then you'll finally find you know they might be giants or what actual pirated video yeah but it's low quality and like this isn't what i want to listen to what about work and i just you know you know i just think this is the beginning of the nanny phone era and i'm
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frightened by. the how is it not that's so disturbing i think is probably sensors and they're going to know when you plug your phone it's the end of fun as we know it this is just one more sign of the beginning of again to find it but i don't think you think people are actually going to stay with apple they're going to keep buying i phones or they just because they are going to draw it it's better anyway i think the fastest way to lose customers is to try to be a parent to your customers breaking a piece of technology that they paid for saying you can't do this traditionally does not go over well with customers in the tech sector so well this is just apple trying to brown nose the people in the recording industry if they want to be friends with you because then you get the loyalty you know infrared sensors in the bank so i think all right let's move on to our last topic of the evening so yesterday we all go n.h.l. playoffs versus the bruins and a lot and it's interesting too because rather than just being like a regular n.h.l.
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thing this turned into a canada versus america being and well canada vancouver they lost and people weren't so happy about that it would happen on the streets. what do you canadians out of it and how do you know right i mean there is a buzz to be the nice people but the crazy thing about this which takes all the fun out of writing if you ask me where i go i find i write again is that apparently now the people who were involved in the riots are being hunted down by the authorities on twitter on tumblr on facebook because obviously everybody posts pictures and videos anyone who's tagging their friends in the video you know he's attacking or this bagel recognition well we talked to whatever i mean those people need to be arrested for sheer stupidity i'm sorry number one rule of right club is don't tweet
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and facebook about right club but i see a lot of people that put their pictures on my like that if you're observing a cool event and you think you're being a citizen journalist would you take pictures if you were witnessing a riot probably and you know this has been happening just across like american campuses for years and i was in college minnesota state university maine kato good right school we had a riots and we had a riot it's in like two thousand and three because it was a homecoming game thing and kids like overturned a car set it on fire it was kind of crazy for like small town minnesota but they were taking pictures and putting them on facebook wasn't around they were going about my space yeah and these a restaurant because we're out of time we're running really late but thank you for joining me tonight girls thank you i think i show thanks for tuning in and make sure you can back tomorrow because tony shaffer is going to be on the show to talk about why obama should give back the award that he got for transparency i mean time to forget to become
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a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter we miss anything catchall youtube dot com lastly on a show and coming up next is adam her man. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. and yet. feel. fearful
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