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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT

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down to business the billion dollar energy deals between russia and china spearhead a major financial forum in some petersburg lancer push the world economy through its. war hostility the u.s. congress threatens to block washington's campaign in libya it's now been in full swing for ninety days about going to concrete will. cost thousands of palestinians are left scraping for a living as israel withholds money owed to their government and is it could be used to fund itself. and the city that is russia's window to europe has
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become the window for the world as the second day of the some economic forum gets underway we're bringing you all the news from of course on business and around twenty minutes. on the air and on line twenty four hours a day your watching on t.v. the supply of energy will remain at the very center of russian chinese relations was the message from president dmitry medvedev also talks with china's hu jintao in muscat the country's hope to her out of class deals worth billions of dollars worth of tips and just work for the city's international economic forum in the snowy is following the three day business brainstorming event. the economic forum is in full swing here in st petersburg top business executives global innovators and world
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leaders all gathered together to debate going forward economically and environmentally on various levels it's considered that this year the big players are close loss and china because while the euro and dollar are struggling severely these two countries are not only developing separately but dynamically in their bilateral cooperation i in fact it's come out statements from both sides recently that china and russia can say that they love the overcome the consequences of the economic crisis of two thousand and eight but they have between the record bubbles pre-crisis levels and that can allow them to set and vicious tasks to further intensify our bilateral trade and cooperation it would look at other issues on the world stage france and china see i fly you very differently from the last when it comes to international crises take libya both have their reservations about the u.n. resolution is expected back both strongly oppose any kind of intervention in syria which recently is seen more and more unrest in both countries are also going to
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certainly it's expected encourage other leaders here to deal with the arab uprisings and always want full and peaceful means president's visit ends up like china some to tell met in moscow before coming to this forum and they discussed there how china and russia believe that the u.n. has to play a bigger role in states of course including the security council just to give you an idea of how our. weekly china and russia are solidifying their relationship through presidents have already met twice this year they're going to meet at least twice more before the end of the year if not more and will both be giving speeches at this year's economic forum this will broadcast live for you here on r.g.p. now i'm using our reporting from the st petersburg on the form. of energy analyst joining the e.u. told r.t. between the world's biggest energy consumed. energy producers who come soon enough . try not to be hugely important trade partner for russia both in
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terms and in general trade these are two countries that for many decades shared a political ideology least to some extent they share the longest land border in the world ought to be much much greater partners than they are now if we look ahead russia is extremely keen to develop its oil and gas resources in the east of the country exporting those anywhere other than asia just doesn't make logistical or economic sense so really this is about russia spreading its wings you know everybody who can explore anything is looking at the asian market because that's where the growth it's i mean this is a. this is a very sensible and understandable move on the part of both countries. energy alister generally back in his take on the strengthening russian chinese ties
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. the us president is under fire for congress of the military campaign in libya which is continuing despite not having approval of lawmakers obama has rejected accusations that the law is being broken arguing that americans are playing a supporting role through nato which makes it legal. to count has more. u.s. lawmakers are saying that president obama has to either stop waging war in libya or ask for congressional approval the lawmakers claim that the military action will violate the nine hundred seventy three war powers resolution if it does not and by friday and they mean this friday ninety days after the intervention began under the u.s. constitution to wage a long term war the president needs to get authorization from congress analysts say the obama administration will certainly find a way to get around the requirement by referring to his rights as commander in chief as well as certain legal speak in order to this day the administration has
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refused to say war when it comes to their actions in review they call it kinetic military action as a result of that kinetic military action civilians are there for a day a group of international observers is now in tripoli including a former u.s. congresswoman cynthia mckinney we spoke with her a few days ago she said they've heard in the counted eighty nine blasts in just one day those are civilian neighborhoods eighty nine bombs dropped in just one day there is a lot of concern that the voices of those who are caught up in that war in tripoli go unnoticed in the international community but here in the uighurs it seems the voices of the majority of americans those who oppose the u.s. military involvement in libya also go unnoticed by the white house the administration continues to stress the good cause that pursuing leiby are put some analysts say the administration also seems to be in denial when it comes to the will of their own people regarding the issue as well as constitutional procedures
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legal experts say there is not much congressman can do to force the president to comply at least with the u.s. constitution because there are ways to get around ways the obama administration seems to be using extensively most congressmen now criticize president obama for as they say ignoring congress but capitol hill observers say it's mostly political games that the lawmakers are playing to score points by snubbing. the president come the day to actually vote the majority of them will vote for more military spending as they always do but there is a small bipartisan group of congressmen ten people in it went further then. they sued president obama on the grounds that he's violating the constitution but everybody here knows that the lawsuit is certain to be dismissed on procedural grounds because the us supreme court has that term and that members of congress do not have standing to file such a suit and this is where it hits a dead end that it makes me wonder whether or not u.s.
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lawmakers actually have the capacity to effectively represent the people. of washington's credibility and the future of the day to campaign fatally damaged if congress for stroke obama to abandon operations or swan so says the problem is that there is political confusion over exactly what's happening in libya. white house doesn't make the arguments that many of its supporters make that the war powers act does not apply much less the constitution because this is neither a war nor hostilities this is something else this is a military operation that doesn't rise to the level of hostilities which is absolutely absurd the war powers act was written in one nine hundred seventy three very intentionally and clearly to encompass all military engagements superfluity imminent threats of us still of these obviously a dentist who soonish was debating former lawyer from the reagan white house he was defending obama and he asked this guy twice never got any answer if there were two
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thousand and missions over the united states by a foreign nation and many of them were dropping bombs would there be war with a hostility he could have gotten congress to authorized war in libya it would have been quite easily done he could've done it in the sixty day gap after he started the war he chose not to presidents want and this president is no exception but how to make wars on your own. russia's envoy says that libya needs national reconciliation after meeting with arthur the us in tripoli as part of attempts to mediate into a ceasefire the nato raids continue unabated against gadhafi strongholds to hear from russian has the details from what i've been talking to. after meeting with the libyan prime minister and foreign minister here in tripoli russia's case mediator because the together has severed head office people are actually ready for peace negotiations but this could only happen if nato stops born in their country recently nato has dramatically intensified its matrix we see here in libya just
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ahead of marvellous first visit to libya as a peace mediator to bin ghazi later actually launched the most intensive air raids yet since the beginning of the operation in march we just had over gallops arrival to tripoli we've been hearing massive bombardments over. this lawless officials for has been able to speak to are saying that this must be stopped and only that you know she could start to tripoli is expecting to see an immediate cease fire before a peace process can begin it's also refusing to discuss the departure of colonel gadhafi from the political scene there is a dialogue going on between the warring sides were those talks to begin to result to police there's a cease fire must be put in place and huge international mediators need to keep regulating the process one thing is clear russia is very welcome as a mediator both in tripoli and benghazi we will keep working together we can no go
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it has also stressed that russia's role in mediating peace he leave is very important spats the african union and actually all leave is they where is our role so playing. important role in that is actually welcoming adverb it is peace efforts russia has always been concerned about matriculation here in leave in most cases position has always been clear that a non violent negotiation is the only way out of this crisis of this protracted conflict russia has never supported the u.n. security council resolution which all surprised intervention and russia has repeatedly criticized and they terfel launching military operation here in the. people actually if you extremely exhausted after months of devastating war which has already taken many many lives and has actually completely destroyed the country's infrastructure they're getting more and more angry and they just want to
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get their life back. now a quick look at what's still ahead for you on the program off the tracks a young woman to try. hard and world's first continent. america's top military commander says al qaeda leader will be found and killed just like a son of bin laden a new top man iman hours on i mean the second in command since the terror group was founded in the late eighty's terrorism experts who research says that no matter who's in charge of washington will still use the perceived terror threat as an excuse for military action. a month where he was the main fear efficient osama bin ladin thought in broad strokes it was a means of curry was robbing the nitty gritty and some people even said he was the brains behind the movement so in that sense they'll be a continuum i think the grass was. was wrong footed by what was going on in the middle east and i think they're very keen to have
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a foothold there now certainly al qaeda in the arabian peninsula is one of the most active ideological groups there but the yemeni president. who was injured recently used al qaeda as an excuse to get funds from the united states but then he used those funds against another group in a local dispute and in the same way that i think that the united states going to attack drone attacks in certain areas and claim that's fine we go so our influence there shouldn't be questioned so i think we should be slightly cynical about those claims. that israel is fighting its own war on terror or refusing to hand over tax and customs fees collected on behalf of the palestinian autonomy it's you lots of pay wages and israel says it could be used to fund attacks they support asli reports with a massive now unlikely to enter a unity government alongside that or other students are even less likely to see their money. i look we are gods the palestinian ministry of finance his job
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is to check everything that comes into this building but he has no control over what goes out least of all his salary which is paid by the ministry and sometimes comes long overdue my salary comes later it's like my life starts i simply cannot do anything i have a wife and four children to feed and when i don't get paid on time it makes lots of problems for me and my family. i want to keep the ministry get its money from the israeli government it comes in the form of customs and tax cheats he said tell of if it's been collecting on goods arriving at israeli ports and distant palestinians the arrangements in one thousand nine hundred three as part of the oslo accord even tell of if control of the international borders between israel and the palestinian territories but the money transferred each month to the palestinian ministry of finance which uses it to pay wages except now we're talking about some action for a million dollars because mr peters families are. asking we want to tell you they were afraid the situation could still. palestinians fear their tel of
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of can again choose to withhold tax money like it did last month israelis argue that would be right to do so if they suspect the money could be used for buying weapons the salaries of hamas terrorists paid for the same bank account so i don't want confining. only in order to kill me palestinians insist the monies for ordinary workers it is. sore because of one it's a punishment but on the other it's a punishment it's a collective punishment that would mainly weaken the moderate elements within the palestinian society and play into the hands of the extremists the relationship between hamas and fatah is a turbulent one but both groups are trying hard to work together ahead of september's planned declaration of statehood no doubt is what will be working even harder to. and for them should it feel its interests are threatened policy r t women are. more stories on life in the past and what's holding well you can go
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too far to the heart is more news and media is always online reza could look questionable case even on x. cia agent links to once again only this time that it came to the city of miami even as a fan of his countrymen said sentences from criminals. and flash mobs become a way for russians to force their discontent move from one city in the face of repressions from misfortunes on the more subtle to the top of. millions on a new change. is easy. to. see.
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down the official altie obligation to join a phone or i pod touch from the top story. joel she lives on the go. video on demand all she's mine old girls. are registering each now in the palm of your. question on the alkie job call. well some other stories around the world for you though syrian security forces are expanding their saw to the north west of the country that point tanks around several towns and forced more people to flee raising the estimated number of refugees to almost nine thousand u.n. secretary general ban ki moon has urged president started to stop killing and
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gauging dialogue activists say more than fourteen hundred have died since the princess scrapyard in march. the greek prime minister is preparing to name a new government that's going to make. a difference experience teaches you that. it's something the supreme leaders of the second year and ira bailout. plan has almost one hundred sets. released court papers show that dominique strauss the secret diplomatic community has detained at most a directory of course the former head of the international editor for the wrestlers description of sex. tell me. a frenchman who could not be out again and use cases up. to three if it's. a huge
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loss to a more user friendly city the new delhi hours of friday. fifty these are actually suspected terrorists but the explosion is now thought result of a gas leak in the residential building and workers say for americal if anyone wanted to get out in the night. he. would comb the frozen continent of antarctica has always been a bio dominated bartlett's which means that when a woman arrives to ply her trade it's still something of a novelty so also he's struck down in trying to direct what drew her to the ends of the earth. as a filmmaker olga stefano vote likes the penguins and seals but for her and article is about something much greater. even though it seems like this is a naked land make it stands to cliff's nothing special snow like anna snow but what happens inside of you when you are here for the whole year and are removed from all
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other external factors is there a valuable experience. seeing through an antarctic winter is serious business and so every member of a winter team has a specific purpose and they rely on each other to make it through olga is one of only a few women who have ever been allowed to be a part of this experience in. fact of all that ended up on our team was a big bonus for us as the first time such an intelligent young woman of such high professional objectors has been on the winter scene stephanie made their existence very close here of course there were some difficulties and attractive girls with fifteen men. so it wasn't difficult to manage them bogus experience in wintering of building a house and gave her a true rare opportunity to experience and document life here in antarctica now she's working through expand on her project and find an audience for her work but. right now i am putting the finishing touches to the second part of the film the
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first one is already finished it's called weathering the wind there the second part will probably be called this season and it will feature of the antarctic summer want. to debut her documentary older invited some special guests the same antarctic winter team who are the subject of her film the fact that makes her slightly nervous you know he watches. i love and respect them they're close and dear to me and they have such he's background knowledge they know people in the field they know the winter season firsthand they have been through this themselves i get wolf that you put up with as for the thoughts of those. have seen the film. this film makes a big impression on you there may be some shows that expose unprofessional actions by a couple of members of our team but to show that the way it was just showed of the way she saw it spectacular. but unique look into a world that is inaccessible to most. thomas she.
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sat down on the world's coldest continent r.t.s. on thomas found many unusual stories and they came back and some spectacular footage on his blog. within a month. one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is and charge adults and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization sean thomas discovers what makes antarctica so special and attractive for many wildlife in antarctica. and from the. expedition to the bottom of the earth. just a few minutes we'll take you to the sandy beaches of russia's black sea coastline now but first this is update with katrina after a short break status. hello
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and welcome to the business bulletin here on r.t. we start with one of the most important russian economic events of the year so biggest international economic forum. the city of st petersburg has always been called the window from russia to europe but with the economic forum underway it's become the window to the whole world see such an appalling hence the details about the second day of the forum the presence of russia and china will kick off the second day of the forum with a keynote addresses after
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a meeting on thursday dmitry medvedev who just how anthracis the group trade between the two countries although they couldn't hide an absence of free long awaited deal over against supply contracts this is now expected to be signed later in the year if the deadlock over crisis is resolved in the meantime goes leaders will go through their best to persuade delegates to invest in emerging powers so far this year russia has been a stay of the capital outflow something all these countries here i kin to. the russians major financial corporation says stanley is set for energetic expansion the company is planning to spend five billion dollars to buy businesses ranging from agriculture to chemicals to see to stem and make a rational and outlines the cornerstones of their strategy. the expression strategy is very simple you have to return the cost of that which if you use the course or
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whatever to which in order to support your two percent so that's the primary target we're expecting him do we have to do whatever it takes in terms of for investing in projects and favors the existing houses to deliver this kind of return to our two key markets are russia has a primary market for ninety percent of work that is concentrated and also india which is good because what you want to look at this those are the markets looking out for to us to both expand the existing businesses that we operate and also new projects. now let's have a look at how the markets are performing oil prices have dropped again after the major losses of two days ago the uncertainty off the commodities market is a reaction of investors feels like greece's debt troubles are far from over asian markets are again down friday with the nikkei edging closer to a percent in the red this sound energy companies were hit by weekly crude oil prices with japan's incase corp down two point nine percent and banks are among the
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main losers in hong kong with agricultural bank of china down one point seven percent. russian stocks dropped to their lowest closing price in more than a week this response also due to concerns over the greek debt crisis energy majors were among the main losers because gazprom name calling one point five percent banking stocks were also lower rates for banks like one point two percent. alcoa the top aluminum producer sees a big future for the metro with an average growth rate of six point five percent annually the company wants russia to take a big part in that development as the vice president says they are trying to make that happen. we have strong business and in russia been here since two thousand and five in the best of seven hundred fifty million dollars in the market in the sea and we see growth in this market so we're we're going to we're going to you know focus on russia and and what we're trying to do in russia now is increase productivity just make sure that you know both our plants reach
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a level of productivity that is this is the really we're seeing a wound you know growing in them demand growing that we look at a market like china. demand growing fifteen percent in two thousand and eleven seeing a market like russia where you see the man growing probably eleven or four percent this year so it's double digit growth movement there's a lot of substitution going on copper wiring changing too and there's a lot of light weekend vehicles trucks and cars where you have to meet new emission gas standards so a lot of people are shifting to london and. that's all the business for this hour we'll have more in just under an hour's time stay with us the headlines next.
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lead . the latest science steps in. the future. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to hope for asians or the day.


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