tv [untitled] June 17, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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well the fighting continues to rage in libya but don't forget afghanistan iraq pakistan the list goes on but with congressmen senators and even mayors pressuring obama to end these wars how will the white house respond to going to war and we've got to will get a fight of feeding our american people we will hear that mr president when obama isn't about war he's all about education but how do you succeed in school if you don't have a home we're going to take on the growing homelessness trend among america's youth
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. and the mysterious he coli outbreak is still raging in germany as the death and infection tools continue to rise scientists are scrambling to pinpoint the source but we'll speak to one just may have some answers and i warn you this theory may just stop you. good evening it's friday june seventeenth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm lucy catherine of and you're watching our t.v. . well libya of ghana stana iraq yemen pakistan i mean the list of wars reached by this country seems to be growing the same time america's patience is wearing thin and all outraged lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are battling the white house over libya a war that technically isn't really a war according to this president generals in the pentagon at the same time are waging a quiet campaign to actually ensure that the afghan surge continues despite the plans for the drawdown and moreover the cia has fast tracked its plans for
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a not so secret base in yemen in the persian gulf in order to ramp up its operations in yemen and whether or not you think these wars are in their sincerity the more important the more pressing question that we have to ask here is how this country can continue to pay for all these conflicts i mean the i'm a just today came out with new numbers saying that america's economic growth will actually be slower than expected warning washington of quote playing with fire if it doesn't curb the soaring deficit and even america's mayors are now joining the fray by calling on this white house to stop spending on wars and start investing right here at home when they need it and this is something that the conference of mayors has not done since the vietnam war since a really big deal so anyway for a look at how all of this is going to play out let's turn now to dr paul craig roberts is a former reagan administration official and if we can get on this program dr roberts thank you so much for being here now let's start off with libya one in four americans just one in four support this mission we saw that obama got slapped with
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a lawsuit by lawmakers earlier this week the war powers act to somehow been conveniently reserved acted rediscovered by congress it is all of the signified a shifting tide against this ministration on libya. well it may which receives the administration has its own goals and they're independent what mayors three or what the american people think. libya is important to the administration because they want to be china from its oil investments but china has massive all investments in eastern libya and the united states government is concerned by the report recently from the international monetary fund that within five years china would overtake united states as the world's strongest economy so washington trying to protect its hegemony is trying to reduce any independent sources of energy that china has so that's what the libya conflict is about so you don't think these
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lawmakers a lot of the republicans are joining the fray bringing up the whole constitutionality issue you don't think they're going to be able to do anything at all to change the policy on in libya and not unless they were willing to impeach the president well it's really considering that mr boehner and the president going to be golfing and smoking lots of cigarettes this weekend i guess we should hold our breath for that but why do you why do you think all the focus here in congress about this outrage of president obama bypassing them why is it all focused on libya not for example yemen where we just are reports of a cia ramping up the operations there. well they don't acknowledge that war that's a secret war and the little boys are when the ok to preface a writing about it well and in secret until the united states government acknowledges and they don't acknowledge it you say. congress gave up its power player war some time ago but they happen this war powers act and you're supposed to
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be speak unsold and but now you see obama has cut them completely out of the process and started a war without even telling asking them so that's their sort of belatedly trying to defend their power their products with so much of it is slipped their hands i'm not sure how how evil they will be to which then their power and let's be realistic here i mean have you gone to congress in the first place they probably would have rolled over and rubber stamp whatever conflict you want to get involved in and just their math you know no one checked with them at the parish or just like you say but you know i have to ask i mean where are we going to get all of this money for these wars whether the arc knowledge does not mean even alan greenspan pardon me alan greenspan the former federal reserve chairman today called american debt a horrifically dangerous issue i mean how do we pay for these conflicts if we're trying to reduce deficits and debt at the same time around and that printing money so the federal reserve is printing money to pay for for the wars now if that puts
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too much pressure on the dollar may face the dollar crisis the next thing they do they will grab people's private pensions. you know there's a lot of money in private pensions and that his goodness accumulated tax free and so they go it was say hey look. this is accumulating tax free and therefore we're going to put a tax on it we're going to confiscate some part of it or they will tell the pension manages you have to use it to buy treasury bonds so they'll make people's pensions being used to finance the government's deficit that's what they'll do if they get into real trouble with the dollar the you don't see lawmakers actually catching on to this whole issue of defense spending spending on a you know fancy planes and gadgets and then things that belong better in the cold war and world war two than the modern day america and flashing fact there are. no because you see the united states is not really
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a democracy no it's an oligarchy it's ruled by a few powerful interests and the military security complex is one of the most powerful and of course there's also then the israel lobby which is also very interested in united states continuing these wars in the middle east and then there's wall street and if you look at it and then there's the oil industry and if you look at all those interests there really related to the war and those are the powerful on the guard groups so what the people won't say is it doesn't count very much including at that lawmakers are on board well and let me just ask you i mean we covered this in our newscast yesterday but what did you make of the president the justification for libya saying it wasn't really a war because you know was a full scale conflict i don't know what that makes tomahawk missiles party favors for for peace. yes well it's obviously nonsense i don't really know why he bothered to say it look what's really going on here this under the bush administration you
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you had these. people claiming that the president has unique powers and these powers are over and above the ability of congress or the courts to check them and this is especially true in wartime and so if you look at the situation since the president now can determine whether or not there's a war simply by having a war gives him the powers overseas or he doesn't there's all kinds of laws he doesn't have to obey doesn't have to bait a law against spying on americans or the law against torture he doesn't have to obey any of the civil. liberties such as he does corpus rights attorney so that he can do what he wants and i think what they've done they've let too much power accumulate in the executive branch and it's going to be very difficult for congress or the courts to get back in this game and that's a robert i mean the problem is really limited to obama i mean everything the
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president since ronald reagan has waged a war of his own i mean isn't this more of a cultural issue a bigger a bigger trend than just one president or another if it's a transition with a walk or six first we had a republican a republican democracy and now we're moving into a season. that the president's becoming like a caesar and even in the roman empire it took a long time before caesar had enough power that the senate no longer counted we haven't reached that point but we're getting there but the powers of the executive now are so much greater than the congress or even of the courts that it's very difficult to checking or making him do what. anything that people would support and dr roberts of course the roman empire famously collapsed what's your prediction for the united states. it will it will probably collapse as well because it's over it's over extended financially and militarily you see now they're confirming
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chatter in libya and the reason for the troubles in syria is the americans want the russians out of the naval base told us they don't want a russian naval presence in the mediterranean so so the americans now are hiding behind arab protests to work against the interest of china and russia now this is different from taking on iraq. and china russia has a different magnitude of. capable of opposition and so is getting more reckless and the risks are rising and the united states is taking on these greater risk at a time as you make clear it's beginning of this that it's financially weak as the norm is deficits and these are putting pressure on the dollar so the risks are just exploding great risks but perhaps who knows perhaps the financial crunch will all
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finally lead to some sort of a rethinking of the foreign policy i won't hold my breath but we should all probably hope for the best thank you so much for your time dr parker roberts the former reagan administration official. still ahead here on our team the issue of homelessness is one that we all see on our streets hardly talk about the country as you know the number of homeless students in america is on the rise we're going to speak to just one of them and that. our team is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like algis e.u. . russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here so you saw the part of it and realized everything you saw you don't. charge the big picture of. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through to convey who can you trust no one. is you know what you do with the global machinery city where we had a state controlled capitalism in school that when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. well from warfarin economic woes to the battle in education it is often said that knowledge is power and even president obama himself
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says that education is the key to keeping america competitive but at a time when so many american families are struggling just to make ends meet academic success is becoming more and more elusive for us schoolchildren now in california alone some two point two million children that's million within are living in poverty thirteen percent of them are also homeless and artie's ramon glinda profiles one of them was a traitor who is fighting to succeed despite all odds. i want to go to this is i'm fourteen years old man this is not a trite tokyo palmer has been forced to grow up faster than most kids after losing everything in hurricane katrina his father headed west but their move to the golden state has only led to poverty unemployment and ultimately homelessness is not a good paying for a kid should go to go. at all and i mean good i mean us care what have been everywhere tokyo is among
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a growing number of homeless children in los angeles and around the nation last year the department of education reported that there were nearly a million homeless students in america's public schools thirteen thousand students in the l.a. area alone that's more than a p fifty percent increase in the past five years i was doing counselor i know i know my c.s. has seen this very rise in homeless students since the housing crash these families that we how they're homeless and looking for employment we want employment and quite frankly that this is an employment right now tokyo comes home after school to a shelter which is actually right next to this mega hotel in downtown los angeles where suites run at more than four hundred dollars a night and you could spend the entire day relaxing in the ritz carlton spa the type of luxuries that tokyo and other students in this situation can only dream up and i'm paying. government based so high standard so high play that they don't have
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the web i know but still and i would if you was in the bag put yourself in my shoes the can see insecurity that homeless students encounter makes it nearly impossible to succeed in school and move bookman economic status a challenge likely to increase as legislators in washington debate making cuts to programs which help our nation's hungry tokyo's father believes the debate is not really considering the people who are suffer. on the streets we've got a war. we have a world empire of getting our american people are far from st tokyo knows you will get a good look at school but having dinner or even having a place to stay at night is always uncertain we call a coral home a park a home and shelter a home the national center on homelessness tested a portion of california's thirty four thousand homeless high school students and found that only nine percent were proficiency at reading and only five percent were proficient math
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a problem which will likely worsen as job losses foreclosures any vixens push more families to discrete you're worried. over those of the moment bikies because my. kids do wrong with this one this is school despite dealing with poverty and discrimination took you'll still dreams of being a basketball player or a musician you know money there's no good schools like get some more kids in grades give them a zero and yes even dreams of being the president of the united states until he reaches high office he has a message for those who are in power now we give in when it's a different people but you have children at home with children you know and you're staying. in your eyes you came help them out far from the corridors of power and ideological battles challenge express with
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a clarity of childhood to the nation's elite in los angeles but i'm only in the party. drabble a powerful story unfortunately not just isolated to los angeles now according to one estimate the number of homeless children and youth and rolled in american schools rose by forty one percent over the past few years now this may be a depressing trend but some students do find a way to succeed despite all odds one of them joins us here today to share his story his name is brian k. smith and bryanna thank you so much for being here you know on the show so often we talk about issues that aren't really covered by mainstream media and a lot of times they're they're depressing stories but what you went through and where you are today is really quite an inspiration to a lot of folks and i understand you graduated last month you're here in washington with a great job you'll be enrolling in grad school but it's a little bit of a change from where you've come from. explain to your story what happened ok as a student across the long beach and the i guess we have
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a certain number of units and governments of that you cut off and financially since i was a foreign language major before i had plenty of units and then of course my french will financially but i didn't realize that when i had gotten loans as well that those certain loans were also stopped and so then when i came back to school i feel myself not getting the fifteen goals or so in front of the lead in and i was a long way yes before we go into how you dealt with that just to get some folks here back when you're the first many your family to go to college is that correct so if you're somewhat of a prodigy i mean you studied all of these languages you know you got so much education from different sources before going to college which is where this whole units things come from comes from one would think that someone like you would be rewarded instead of having their financing taken away in this country i was surprised because i was an honor student as well but i just set the rules and there's not much that you can do about it but. when you got i got through it and so
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the funding was taken away you found yourself homeless but then i mean most people i think would just give up and either go work full time or just. no i knew at this point i had also gotten a scholarship so at least the education was paid for then time and had i left then i would have had to pay it back as well and of course want to start school the loans that i had from before i want to start paying on it to walk us through the actual experience i mean i read in one piece that you were sleeping in the music studio yes there was a lab where we did certain music in and since we had keys to and i paid a fee to use the lab i would sleep in there since we would do you know music in there all the time it was not uncommon for students to be in the music department until one or two in the morning so i just used that and then i would do work on my project all the time and then of course i would sleep there well i didn't get your friends at the school administrators know there this was happening to you for the most part no with until journal on harassing me you know and figured maybe i was
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sleeping there and he made it very difficult for me and then that's when he started complaining and. it got kind of worse from there i went with how did it get worse well the school actually threatened to get me to have me arrested and. the student janitor just would not i mean if you wanted to clean the room i said i you can clean the room and even the police there's no other that you could do at that time and so it was difficult because every little noise that i heard i thought it was someone trying to come in to rescue her something so it would be an. honor student what was your g.p.a. . three point seven six i believe i mean that's really just incredible and as our reporter ramona talked about in the story that they were just before he came on i mean this really is unfortunately somewhat of a trend whether in college or in high school have you seen this play out in california during your years there so you know a lot of other folks out there similar experiences i have heard of other students
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going through it i think there are more than we realize and another thing is just because you can't tell a lot of people can't tell even a friend of mine who helped me said well you know you always smell nice well i take a shower the only problem is you don't have enough money to rent a place where you take a shower at the gym i was at a gym membership and i had different lockers you know to take a dance class and have a locker there and then have one in the yeah off in the music department and it was difficult just knowing my schedule had a rest room we could rest so i would go there until i can until the when. well you did what i had to do please agree and i mean you really do seem like you overcame all odds and so you got your degree you're getting even more education you're succeeding in i don't most. do you feel overall just looking at this country do you feel like there's a really take an individual like yourself to succeed or are there a lot of ways to get help out there because it seems to me that the government to some extent is letting letting some of our students down by not addressing this issue i don't hear obama talking about homelessness and youth i think it definitely
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exists you can walk anywhere and see it that's not a problem but i think we don't see it with him with the youth as as much as not as as a parent i do feel that. there will always be someone there to help you a lot of times the government doesn't do what we really need for at least california if you go to school you generally can get from stamps which i don't think really makes any sense but that's the way it is libyans to get tomahawk missiles. you know so i mean there i believe there are other ways you know there are some kitchens but it my school in the news an apartment in any music department at a university every sidles and generally there's a buffet afterwards so you know that's you know that's you're really relying on your own work and an opportunity to make it right there most definitely yeah i was definitely and so i think you just make the best out of it and i think there's a purpose for it and a reason it's you should help someone else and some people have told me that my story had been inspiring to them so that's that's great i'll buy
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a really is an inspiration especially amid these terrible statistics that we talked about and the story earlier and i really do appreciate you taking the time and hopefully some other folks out there if they're watching and also you know what we're doing school isn't the only option you think you can equate even if the government isn't our money our hand thank you so much for your time thank you you know well that was brian k. smith will be right back we'll be talking about the fascinating a whole i'll break in germany we have one guest who has a pretty unique. theory as to what's actually behind it they didn't.
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confrontational stance when it comes to us. and i know that we promised you a unique look at what's really behind germany's deadly e. coli outbreak unfortunately the health ranger my god i'm sorry our guests who are supposed to happen to us speak speak about this as am i right now we're stuck trying to get him on the line in the meanwhile let's take a look at what's going on in egypt four months after the revolution there lets the ousting of president hosni mubarak take a look. i have to have the agent never sleeps the eighteen day uprising that ousted president mubarak has woken up the hell nation peace has become a common scene here and this to. amnesty international estimates at least eight hundred forty people were killed and more than six thousand wounded during the protests that forced a tyrant to step down was given in
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a barrack free country and raise room for fear and frustration. right his brother was among fifteen young men killed in the violent religious strife at his cairo just weeks after the revolution egyptian christians and muslims clashed following reports that a young christian woman was kidnapped and held in a coptic church after she married a muslim and converted to islam even though he was a christian coptic it wasn't a muslim that's killed right his brother is a rebel and i'm a sniper shot my brother dead the bullet went through his forehead and it came out on the other side and i saw it with no one here has a weapon like this on a soldier's death it's hard to grasp what happened. rather blames the army for taking the life of his younger brother and the revolution so given the army so much power. and i was a suicide dog we expected the army to intervene to protect people just don't whine
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and suffering and instead they started to kill people themselves we didn't expect that all the little that the people of egypt didn't expect many things they didn't expect the economy to collapse they didn't imagine the path to free and democratic society would be such a bloody and painful one they just wanted to free from dictatorship and didn't expect it all to find themselves and to get another one in military one the power in egypt now since mubarak is out rest firmly in the hands of the military chief of staff. they were sitting literally in the pentagon war room when the twitter revolution started they are running the shoulder has been well displacement about military power but this is a washington installed as i call it in my book full spectrum dominance totalitarian democracy the people who stood on doesn't square with jubilant the regime that oppressed them for more than street.
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