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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT

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i have seen the future and it does not look good you will eat your own crap and ask for seconds but that's the good part the bad part is the economy is going to hell your freedoms continue to disappear until the love olution that is so i will get the scoop on how health education frees the sheeple with himself mike adams we've got an update on syria the russian face off how ok it is funding their operations with love and aid stands these a way to solve a rubik's cube what your government is doing to make it harder for you to make money a marine reservist attacking the pentagon a million dollar goes on in libya a multimillion dollar goes on the airwaves and another victory for anonymous and
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yes seriously i am about to explain why you'll be eating your own and asking for seconds happy friday from everyone to adam vs the man. tour berglund wait a i meant burger turd burglar it was not my drill instructor use the commie yes i did mean turd burger in japan scientists have figured out how to extract protein from human feces and reprocess it into edible. meat this is in response to the american scientists who figured out how to synthesise mean lab years ago then started arby's you might think this stuff is bad for you but i've
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got a lot more faith in reprocess who put the little soul and food coloring thrown in than i do in the crap they sneak into real meat that millions of americans eat at mcdonald's every day you know hormones steroids antibiotics but maybe the next time you go to making these ordering a number two will have a slightly different meaning eat crap five trillion eight hundred fifty seven billion one hundred thirty seven million four hundred seven thousand nine hundred eighty one flies can't be wrong this story comes from to us from digital trends dot com but many people are having a hard time believing it it could be an extremely elaborate prank but it seems to get around the internet because it's not just possible it's really cool. and can be worse than eating military emery's which by the way are designed to constipate you sure there's a certain psychological barrier but if i had to choose between the typical obesity causing american diet today and one of reconstituted human crap in a nutritionally balanced formula i'll take the crap in fact i love it.
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right today most americans feel helpless against the ever expanding reach of government from wars of aggression in iraq afghanistan and libya to futile elections at home that offer no candidates of substance we have been programmed to believe we are helpless and yet if you look at that which they have complete control over their own bodies our next guest tonight is going on the crusade to her the sheeple of america away from their own self-destruction diagnosed with type two diabetes at the age of thirty mike adams was done putting blind trust in western medicine and decided to take his life back through his own and was research night discovered that simply changing his eating habits and being an informed consumer cured him of his disease and after two years he was in perfect health since then he's written thousands of articles at his website natural news dot com and has attracted a following over eight hundred thousand readers and fans of the nonprofit organization
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the consumer wellness center and started the popular publishing company truth publishing join us now from an undisclosed location the health ranger himself mike adams mike thanks so much for being with us tonight hi adam thanks for having me on a big fan of your show you're doing some rock and good work good to be with you all really appreciate well you know we just briefly covered your story of going from from being diagnosed with diabetes type two at age thirty how did how did you go from that i mean i would without getting the details of the personal medical history there how did you take that as inspiration to become the health ranger that you are today and i got fed up with it i got fed up with being sick and living on junk food and medications and i just started reading and learning and putting it to use and changing my diet and just getting off all the crap in the food supply and it worked so cured my own diabetes and just kept moving forward so let me guess you started with the the f.d.a. is the food guide pyramid right that's the basis for all of your information and
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and all of your research. yes. the food guide pyramid that's a really big a sell out to pick agriculture and the u.s.d.a. continues to sell out to be gagged today with g m o's so you know we've got to get to what really works and that's that's not what the government is telling us to eat for sure and you have a segment there about eating our own excrement that's been processed in the meat you know that's what's coming next it's incredible what they put in the food as well of anything that would probably be healthier than most of the corn syrup stuff crap that is f.d.a. approved and government sanctioned but you know there's one thing that i haven't heard you talk about it's i know it's not something that that's a major theme on your web site natural news dot com but you know for me and for miles fitness and sports oh shoot all right we've got some technical difficulties here in the studios and we're going to try to get mike adams back on the line here soon as we can but there's something that he's produced on his
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website that i think is really amazing i'd like to share with you called the sheeple quiz all right so it's as he puts it it's it's a fun quiz to find out how smart or gullible your friends really are so this is a way to find out if they're independent thinkers or just zombie minded sheeple like the rest of the flock so it's it's kind of kind of an obvious one with the first thing here is the purpose of the mainstream media is to a keep you informed or b. feed you misinformation while keeping you distracted from the real issues our world is facing number two social security is a financial safety net that makes people make sure people have a retirement income or be a government run ponzi scheme that requires more and more people to keep paying in just to stay afloat and will ultimately collapse into total bankruptcy as the this is the cool thing about the perspective that mike adams is able to bring to educating the public about health and smart consumer issues is that he's able to.
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to connect it to the political reality the broader social trends that lead to the kind of problems that we see you know rampant in society today health wise cancer obesity as from his own experience type two diabetes you know so many of these problems induced by diets that are supported in subsidized by the government all right oh so we've got mike out of the back on the line here i'll say it mike so i'm sorry we lost you there for a second but we're just getting into the sheeple quiz and if we lose you my way we're back to that but i wanted to ask you about about physical fitness and working out and what a role that's played for yourself it's something that i haven't heard you talk about a lot of yeah it's going to be the big role but i've learned over the years that you don't have to go crazy with it to rebelution eyes your own health you really just need to walk every day and make it consistent and eat better food you don't have to be a gym rat you know you don't have. but yeah but for regular everyday people if you
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just get out and walk you know forty five minutes a day i mean it's great yeah yeah take advantage of what your body what was designed for very least all right so we're back to the intersection of health and politics why is it that americans shouldn't protect the government or shouldn't trust the government to protect our health when the government is actually working against your interests the f.d.a. in particular but also the u.s.d.a. to some extent they're actually working in conjunction with the private industry to maximize their profits often at the expense of your own health and your own freedoms i mean the government is supposed to protect you from dangerous chemicals but often it's keeping. oh are we will ask mike again unfortunately so i guess we'll get to get back to the next question on the sheeple see if we can get him back to this for a minute but. here's number three the floor i dripped into municipal water supplies
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is a naturally occurring mineral or be an industrial chemical waste product and in case you didn't catch its earlier this week we're on a special package on fluoride from our own we could also be reporting from ireland it really is kind of a scam that governments all over the world are tempted to be a part of number four when you donate money to find the cure for cancer that money goes pay to fund research programs that assess actual cancer cures for the purpose of freely sharing them with the public or be the fund mammogram campaigns that actually radiate women's breasts causing the very cancers that earn huge profits for the cancer treatment industry number five the national debt is a under control and will be paid off in five years or be out of control and will spiral into a runaway that collapse if we're not already at that point now number six g m o's will they feed the world and prevent starvation or be threaten the future of
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life on our planet through genetic contamination and widespread crop failures all right we've got if i got back on the line here for just a minute i would have to submit a love might but if you would tell us you know why is it so important that people get their news from you know about consumer related stuff for health issues and for food and drugs and other other related issues from natural news dot com as opposed to from the mainstream media you know it's just the alternative media we're just part of the growing alternative media just like you are that's where you should get your information because that's the information that's going to empower you with the solutions that you need to take back your freedoms to take back your health to even overcome serious disease you know government and industry is not. looking out for your interests you have to educate yourself and you can't do that through mainstream media channels stay tuned to the alternative media to get those solutions so what's really behind all that why is it that the government is subverting our food and medical and are subverting our health in order to support
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the food and pharmaceutical industries over there a lot of theories but one of them is of course the us government is already broken and the entitlements are a big payouts hey if people die before they can collect the government millions of dollars this is this is why marijuana is illegal is a wonderful health benefit potentially and the legal drugs are nicotine that die young the caffeine work hard and alcohol forget that you're being screwed over all right mike i think we've got your frozen of lot not lost again but thank you so much for joining us tonight really appreciate that was health ranger night adams all right the internet continues to be a high octane fuel for the arab spring proving that social media works better than the conservative imperialism for toppling authoritarian regimes in the middle east protests in syria continue to escalate with tens of thousands of protesters hitting the streets in defiance of president bashir al assad activists are claiming at
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least nineteen have been killed in protests earlier today that occurred in three of syria's largest cities according to a june twelfth statement from the syrian army observatory for human rights a total of one thousand two hundred eighty nine civilians and three hundred thirty two security force members have been killed since the protests began. as the military has been used to crack down specific pockets of dissent some smaller cities have even been turned into virtual ghost towns as dissidents and frightened citizens fled to turkey in the face of tanks in proof that the rest of the world's governments don't really care about human welfare when it comes to regime change if there was ever one more call for this the strongest reproach that we've seen to this situation has come from united a united nations secretary general ban ki-moon quote i have discussed and talked to president assad several times i have strongly urged him to listen to the wishes and aspirations of the people i again strongly urge president assad and his authorities stop killing that people and to engage in inclusive dialogue and to take decisive
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and bold measures before it's too late the revolutionary process that have swept across the arab nations continued to indicate a populace tired of the tyranny and oppression after decades of suffering under authoritarian regimes but for all the theories about how to drag the middle east to a more pro-american stance it seems the best way to inject a desire for liberty might be an example after all i mean while it remains important for those of us in the west who believe in liberty to remember it is us who sets that example americans must find the courage to speak out intelligently against government tyranny in all forms but perhaps in this case we can learn something from example as well and a nother act of maybe not quite yes yet in the massive civil disobedience in saudi arabia where it is illegal for women to drive cars there are women now doing it in open defiance of the law according to ma tani we've seen that change is possible
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this is saudi women saying this is our time to make a change and her act of civil disobedience it was driving for forty five minutes around the capital of riyadh with her husband in the passenger seat. maybe it's not dancing at the jefferson memorial but you know what it's certainly is a lot more significant in look and what they're looking to achieve in other news we have not yet heard back from law and sec despite our threat of me mud wrestling my producer my co-producer justin on the show we have yet to hear back from them looking forward to that congressman weiner has finally officially resigned so we can spare you of any more stories based on lewd pictures that he sent by text message or twitter to young women with no expectation of actual sex apparently but he does have a job offer from larry flynt in the past has given money to efforts to expose other
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members of congress and parker see when it comes to sex scandals maybe we will be hired to expose the rest of congress we can only hope all right when we come back we'll have updates from you the viewer and something about the it was it was a marine reservist. arrested detained for having spent shell casings at the pentagon crazy stuff you're watching adam vs the man states. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who made decisions to break through it to get it we made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called fascism when nobody dares to
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ask we do you are a key question more. into the little military little is a little work to bring justice and accountability. i have every right to. i don't know what my government would want to know what i think actually that's . what i would characterize as a as a charismatic sort. of american exceptionalism. i'm going to do a bit on russia so quick someone call cliff kincaid with accuracy in media to make sure it's gone so looks like an i mean evil moron russian spy which which i am by
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the way the only thing harder than marine corps boot camp is the k.g.b. indoctrination i had to go through to get this show but is there a rift growing in the alliance between russian president dmitry medvedev and prime minister vladimir putin since putting putin might be challenging medvedev for the presidency in the next election but if it is took a few political sides of the prime minister today criticizing what he called a centralization of economic and political power in the kremlin under putin's presidency in the eight years prior to his own some would say putin's presidency meant a big move in the direction of economic freedom but as with any modern mega state government russia has its own government empowered ruling class and super rich perhaps this is a move to just differentiate himself from who before the election and while neither man has announced yet speculation remains all but certain that one of the two in the political pairing will hammer down a spot in the race. jot that one down cliff anyway if russian politicians and
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lots of know how to do it right avoiding any of that messy centralization of economic power stuff maybe they should study them with us in it in the united states after all our thriving free market principles of a modern america into a beacon of economic prosperity oh. yeah ten cities all right we had those bailouts and those wars and that keynesian printing press. yeah never mind. all right so the solution to all of our bad economic policies is apparently other bad economic policy. for protectionism it least that's the democrats idea being pressed in the house right now nancy pelosi and company are pushing for a measure that would clear the road for a new tariffs to be placed on china their reasoning well they want to start
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considering the undervaluation of china's currency as a subsidy so clearly this will clear everything up maybe even patch up enough holes in the leaky dam of our economy to subsidize the start of your two on some of those workers rethink economic efficiency and prosperity depend on specialization of labor and free trade and see if the chinese are better at making trinkets and we're better at making. in well without government imposed restrictions. i guess nothing but let's say they're better at making trinkets and we're better at making widgets but we both equally want to use trinkets and widgets now we don't trade freely we had a pain for more for what we can't make as efficiently so instead of more freedom
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the government wants to compound this problem with another trade restriction the bottom line is protectionism is never the answer but then maybe it is for posting whose net worth went up sixty two percent over the past year thirty five million dollars while the rest of us are. well anyways believe me even though the people suffer some one always stands to gain from government intervention in the free market the real problem of economic intervention is obviously not unique to the american government but often the excuse of terrorism is used as justification now in the u.k. u.p.s. is being prevented from doing its job efficiently because surprise government the british government is in several u.b.s. transport centers the fission of required security standards so while our governments continue to play up the concept of terrorism through fear mongering and nanny statism they are now going to be contributing to even slower mail delivery
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day was of the british government was going to have a bit of fun here and wanted to create an artificial competition between u.b.s. and the united states postal service in the race to see who can deliver a package the slowest remember if we trash her economies in the name of fighting terrorism the terrorists win. all right kids are you young and motivated and entrepreneur the great idea want to start your own business well fuck no man you gotta pay the man first and in montgomery county maryland the long arm of the law came down hard on a bunch of pint sized terrorists who are trying to make a quick buck on lemonade for some cancer patients that's their new code word for terrorists their base of operations was set up just outside of the us u.s. open in bethesda maryland where many innocent bystanders and tourists were exposed to the children a fair use commerce it was unassuming enough cardboard signs in
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a flimsy canopy to provide the insurgents with shade from the blistering sun and they almost got away with it luckily the quick encouraged actions of a brave county inspector put a stop to the threat that will teach the brats a think twice about setting up shop permission tree road oh the irony perhaps it's time to water the tree of permission with the blood of i'll just stop there never mind cancer research. that's ok the police need new radar detectors that's why they find them five hundred dollars it would be tragic of a citizen got into an auto accident on the way to their chemotherapy treatment that they can't afford anyways you know it's gives me an idea with all these government busybodies running around measuring a person's worth could become significantly easier instead of asking folks what do you do for a living why don't we all start asking this what do you produce i imagine if an i.r.s. agent or
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a county inspector was pose that question were they going to say oh i produced inconvenience as an economic hindrances or a t.s.a. agent i supplied traumatic experiences to innocent travelers the message here to kids is sorry there's no american dream ruffed. so for me looking at what's wrong with the country i love i often feel like i'm playing with a rubik's cube and can never get more than one side to match up i know there's a formula i know there must be a solution but i don't know what it is and i'm afraid that even if i did it wouldn't work in time there's only one candidate for president who might have any faith in stopping the violent machine of government that is destroying america ron paul but i know it's going to take a lot more than that a president who believes in freedom is not going to compensate for fifty tyrannical state governors or a population so on willing to assert its rights that we would rather as we were
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demonstrating choose tranquil slavery that is by the way not so tranquil anymore over the naturally animating contest of freedom personally i don't know what i want to do it from paul doesn't win the nomination but i think it would be at least at that point that i lose all hope in reforming the system from within because by then the american people will be well past the breaking point even if reform through elections is possible it might be too late by next summer and we are stuck with obama until january twenty third team at least we might have to hit the reset button before it gets too late to restore order and peace here but if we can't come up with the magic algorithm for straightening out a constitutional republic before it becomes too late to be worth trying to salvage our current system of government there are always other methods.
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and now you the viewer are first come in today comes from trailers on facebook in response to my post. can't say that i just got a ticket for distracted driving for using my g.p.s. i can't cuss on t.v. but i can on the inner webs it was really a ticket for well check this out when when you noticed that i was using my phone for navigation here to help me drive better and you your fellow officer told me about it you actually were playing on pulling me over and then i responded to it with the bit of a smart alec remark is this is just to get for being a smart alec because you are in plano implemented over before that where you. put enough about me this segment is supposed to be good how brilliant our viewers are so from jay larson he said to
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a local police officer do you know why i pulled you over today me because fighting crime is real hard anyways also from facebook scott how would writes my i.v. w. shirt came in the mail today it's iraq veterans against the war i wore to the grocery store i was proud of all the weird stares i received a six foot four two hundred eighty pound dude with a message for peace on this fest kind of draws a lot of attention and nice and now over to the tubes where like the waiter writes security is a propaganda word for control and in response to a take back independence day campaign asked people to join us in wearing black instead of celebrating caleb glover comments on facebook susan you have the right to pay taxes if you give up that right you'll be put in prison and any taxes will be used against you and you will also it will also be used to bombs out of other countries you have the right to a blood sucking attorney we know you cannot afford an attorney because you pay
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taxes so big brother will provide one for you and we will call it fair well said from facebook on a segment on fluoride by liquid ascii linda rabbit writes. your show tonight relieved years of guilt i slept off of giving my newborn son fluoride drops i was gone twenty seven years ago now i am glad i did it on facebook regarding our segment titled protests erupt in china in greece when is it the u.s.a.'s turn rus so verisign writes we don't write over silly things like unemployment and oppression we save our energy for important things like sports championships speaking of which i just changed my profile picture to this now this is from the hockey riots in canada and those silly canucks but i hope to recreate this here at some point during the log lucian called me oh hopeless romantic if you must all right back to the tubes where in response to our new segment from anonymous the
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amazing anarchist writes once governments shut down the internet and the people have no porn to watch only then when they will they rise up rise up and attack for a glorious form. now i have to allow myself to be corrected on something sort of from yesterday's i was on you tube lordy halt all rights is the disinfo intentional the greek people are seen beyond the curtain now are well aware that the current pm is selling off public assets to foreign entities this buddies specifically speaking a group of wealthy turks have expressed interest in various islands of public infrastructure and since the turks are pretty much greece's mortal enemies this is pissed off many greeks as far as don't cut hours cut there's greece grew out of that months ago americans are still there i well it's not intentional no intentional this info here but i suppose my characterization of the protests in greece was a bit off but let's be honest many in greece started protesting because of proposed cuts i'm very glad to hear they're moving past the demanding stuff but i don't for
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a fact that a lot of them aren't and on facebook my friend became shady shared a quote i must pass on from john oates ken as you heard about the vast libertarian conspiracy we're going to take over the government and who do you alone right our twitter that we come from someone with an awesome handle real ninja duck that adam kokesh folks says if i don't like to say that i shouldn't fly out but if you're such a pussy that you need to say to protect you then you don't fly right finally in email archaic i know then rights via adam and adam vs the man there adam shows first class your parents i have two suggestions first our rulers have the money in the power what they crave is respect this is the easiest thing to take away from them that is why are dancing thing was so successful and you can embarrass the clowns you have done your duty second every congressman funky wife travels in a chauffeur s.u.v. do some research on government private jets the taxpayers.


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