tv [untitled] June 17, 2011 10:31pm-11:01pm EDT
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seventy six hours of intense fighting. six thousand days. of beach front battlefields several kilometers long. and now there is only one person who cares. you see we are surrounded by garbage everywhere but also there are. on this beach which of course is very most appropriate signification a symbol of everything that's wrong with our goddamn government allowing not only garbage but to accumulate where so many guys died. a new battle is going on. will the history be protected. return to terra what julian cooper story on our t.v. .
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hello again this is coming to you live from moscow the line. russia's economy must modernize its president dmitri medvedev bludgers a drastic measures to great a better investment climate in the country speaking of the international economic forum in st petersburg and also warns that corruption and excessive state influence in business and trade threaten the country's development. also u.s. congressman warn about cutting funding for the media campaign saying obama is acting illegally north seeking full approval to extend american military involvement past ninety days the white house however denies it needs permission
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from capitol hill. plus a new wave of protests in syria as the towards a third round of sanctions against the country germany and france meanwhile say they will put pressure on russia and china to support a new resolution on syria with critics fearing it's part of a build up but enough in the style intervention. is the headlines up next hour into the show spotlight talks to the project leader of the south stream gas pipeline kramer told the new route may mean for supplies to europe. hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview cheryl on r.t. and i'll do another one today my guest is marcel grammer brochure isn't the first
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thing hard into the south stream pipeline a direct and independent gas shipping route to you but as the project is gaining momentum there's criticism in some quarters that south stream is unprofitable and has no future no one to do the project leaders have to say today here's the c.e.o. of the south stream marcel primary joining us from st peter's world economic forum . after the gas role between russia and ukraine left europe breezing moscow decided to develop an independent group to secure its gas supplies south three believed along the bottom of the black sea and then on into europe but critics say this pipeline will make western europe even more dependent on moscow today every fourth household on the continent consumed russian gas. main stream and best against rome is working hard to prove the eventual decline.
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is a crime or a welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us. well first of all first of all i'd like to ask you about your presentation in brussels on the twenty fifth of may did this presentation somehow change the attitudes in the e.u. towards the south stream or do they still have questions about the project. well i think it was a very successful event so. there was a very good price and smote only of the many partners in the sauce. in projects but also of e.u. officials and service from various institutions. we consider this session a success also because the european commission are confirmed the importance of energy relations and of the southeast project such. two dollars real agents and use
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the words this is clearly a priority also for the e.u. and we will find good ways to work with it and to support it so i think all in all . we are now at the point where we have a good basis. and perhaps more detailed discussion. do you believe that you will succeed in getting a priority status for south stream in the e.u. that's exempting it from the european union rules requiring it to share its infrastructure with third parties. well there is an ongoing discussion between the european commission and the russian government about an overall agreement with regard to how gas infrastructure could be treated and i think we should wait and see how that agreement works out and what exactly that
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means for the status of the project at the same time it is clear that the participants in the project and they represent about one third of all e.u. member states. feel very strongly along with russia that this project these are clear priority status so we're working on that or discussing it to mystic about. russia's energy minister mr expects to sign an agreement with the e.u. this autumn what kind of agreement could be there is russia want to have this. same preferences as nobuko for example or you ready for a compromise. we see this quite separately from whatever partners may have a arranged among themselves or wait to eat with the e.u. member countries what we really want to make sure of is that whilst we of course
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respect the the legal framework within the european union when we work what we want to make sure of is that whatever specific measures are taken do not in any way undermine the economic viability of the project for the entire duration of the operations of the project we want to have a clear stable and supported legal and regulatory framework so that's what we're working well many experts by the way say that from the economic point of view the modernization of ukraine's gas pipeline system would be a cheaper solution than constructing a new underwater pipeline is it true or does moscow believe that ukraine has lost its credibility as a reliable partner. but i think in general the transit networks need modernization and a good example of that is also the north stream project which is now for its first
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stage nearing completion to great success which will also ensure stable long term supply so a modern system and on the modern management all i can say about the ukraine situation is that it is clear that all the partners in the south stream project have collectively. agreed that. this is obvious from the actions they are taking now that it would not be wise to and tire leaders rely on the ukraine for fuel. transit for the kind of volumes that have been going through there so far so. what that it's done sums up to is really the ukraine will likely continue to play a role in transit to europe. but we will also have a modern day and well managed transit system in
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the former south stream. which implies that there is going to be additional security of supply or for your call of the south stream promises to to to pump up to sixty three billion cubic meters of gas three years do you already know the source is going to get the gas to fill the pipe. the the market in the end told the site the exact volumes work is being now done is being done now to conclude those contracts the capacity of south stream india and that means in twenty nineteen will be sixty three b c m you're right about that but we see it gradually increasing from a much much lower level at the end of twenty fifteen to that sixty or sixty three
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b.c.m. capacity about forty four years later in the end to market will be the judge though because the contracts have to be signed. and we will see partly new gas and we will serve partly rerouted gas gas flows that are now today still going through the ukraine it will be a mix while you're talking about this really rooted gas well the gas that's now going through funk through ukraine is. a lot of it going to be diverted into sites a south stream a significant part yet or how much. well you know significant. it's always open to interpretation what that means but we have a basic supply scenario for south stream which says that up to two thirds of the volume going through south stream could be volume that is now going through the ukraine system. many analysts say that they expect
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gas from to revise south strange price tag for this year as the prices for commodities like seal and cement also klein is this the reason why the publication of technical and economic assessment of the project was delayed until the the end of the year if i'm not mistaken. no i don't think there's any correlation in that respect to the project is on schedule we are working hard on many different aspects including the final. conclusion of the preferred routing of the entire pipeline so stunned we expect that to be ready sometime in the start quarter. nobuko is cheaper than sound sleep does it make more competitive than south stream. but first of all i haven't heard
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any firm and final numbers for i don't know google or south street or south stream or using a preliminary estimate which says they taste likely to be only order of magnitude of ten billion euros for the offshore part in the black sea and approximately another five shore parked through the transit countries on the way to italy and austria. that's a very preliminary estimate the final budget will be available when we take the final investment decision and i think we'll have to wait and see therefore we review also. do not have a good comparison with any other projects on nabucco it is clear that a number of the participants and they have said so publicly expect much higher costs than originally estimated. and we will have to wait and see whatever they come up with when they take
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a final investment decision before that it is really until that point it's really not so easy to talk about who is cheaper and more expensive the key is. if you have sufficient gas flow through the pipeline that of course significantly improves the economics and that seems to be an issue for some of the other five like projects. such as noble coal but are more have the d.v.d. but do you feel the competition from the book anyway. well i don't i don't see decent turns of competing projects they are very different in nature in a book called very heavily of course depends on the ability to get adequate gas supply large volumes of gas supply into the markets ruled out by flying systems in this ousting case the gas is available we're really talking about new infrastructure for security of supply and not about the need to find large
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additional suppliers large additional volumes of natural gas so in that sense really they're not quite competing also time wise what i've read at least we're not following a day to day is that the number of partners expected to be quite a bit later than the planning we have for south street says marcel crammer the c.e.o. of south tree who is joining us from st petersburg from the economic foreign spotlight will be back shortly right after a break so don't go stay away. our. place . to sleep. the
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if. you. welcome back to the spotlight i'm just a reminder that my guest on the show today is of our self primaries they see out of the south stream who is joining us from st peter's been from the economic forum mr krammer we started talking about about south stream bad in the book about competitiveness of these two projects but as far as i understand natural gas which you pipe which you pump through the pipes also asked also asked competition like the new sources of gas for example the shale gas and the liquefied natural gas they're putting downward pressure on natural gas prices is this really the trend is
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a true. well you know i think we have to look at the alan g. and chill gas in quite a different way. the shale gas first of all we know the story about to us very large and rather unexpected volumes of shale gas have come to the market there. we are now as an industry looking very hard at what could be the possibilities elsewhere in the world and what i'm hearing about europe in that respect is that yes there are in geological terms certain possibilities it is not yet quite clear how complicated some of the production will be in europe it could be quite different from the u.s. and there are a number of environmental issues around shale gas. which may also delaying some of its development particularly in europe which is more densely populated than
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most places. and we dare for have to wait and see about the general view is that we would not. back to significant volumes of shale gas to come to the markets in europe until at least twenty twenty five or beyond. there may be some production in some parts of europe before that but that would not really impact this ousting project at all and alan g. well let's wait and see it is true that we have more alan sheen receiving tar minerals now in europe than we had let's say five or ten years ago that's good news it gives the market more options more flexibility. but we also have to wait and see how much of that liquefied natural gas is actually coming to europe and much of that will be find on pricing so we'll have to wait and see i think a large modern pipeline system such as self-esteem is definitely proven to be very competitive that's always been the case in the history of the gas industry and it
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will be the case for itself. but i you know russian partners are russians ready to to meet this new possibilities the new challenge challenges of which we're talking because quite a quarter they are still pretty conservative then and still prefer to to make their money the old way i mean by pumping gas into europe through pipelines. well i'm not here to talk for all the companies that are in this business i'm really focusing on the south and by client project the such but let me say this if you have large natural resources conventional resources of natural gas that can be produced if you also have possibilities for for the to my station within your current system much of that is likely to be economically more
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attractive than venturing into all kinds of new technologies that being said i am sure. that russian companies including gas from will follow the developments very closely they already do that and are seriously involved in a lengthy trade and in energy production they will also follow very closely what happens to shale gas but it is definitely not seen as something that they will large scale jump on in the immediate future because you have so much conventional gas that can be competitively produced a market that is still available. to cram or you have claimed many times that the south stream is a project of european interest that what you say but this argument against sits in the european union who's interested in doing this project. is against except ukraine force. well i would say that you know it's it is obviously
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a project in european interest europe needs to import more gas europe wants to do that in a secure and stable manner and so safe and secure new transit routes are obviously one way to do that on top of that you have many european companies and countries such as the southeast the east european countries directly involved and wanting to see the project realized so i don't really doubt that this is a project of major european interest it brings good natural gas supply secure supply for the long term the ability to plan for a for a cleaner environment for renewable sensible woman soulforce so we are feeling quite strongly about that and it's not only us in the project itself but also other companies involved now of course there will be. always people around your who see
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this somewhat differently that's fine i'm sure we can convince. i guess. that turkey is giving you some had a plate like kenyan lightness how long according to your assessment will it take to reach an agreement with the turks on laying the underwater part of the pipeline in their territorial waters. well i know there's an ongoing discussion. about certain details of the arrangements between between moscow and ankara we in the project with such are not directly involved in that so i can't really comment on it clearly also here the importance of the overall relationship will dominate the discussion i will lead to a good resolution. but is there still
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a risk and i have read about it in some and some analyses in the papers that the turkish position the tough position may even change the route of the south south stream pipeline may this be true. well we are looking at the overall route at the moment and the terminating. routing over the next few months and when that decision is being made sure all the aspects such as the position of transit country and others and fulfill be taken into account. they see where you laying the power pipeline is called the black sea and some some people say that that the south stream is a project there that may really turn the sea into black sea literally it's not black yet thank god that well i mean are they really huge environmental risks
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for the black sea i mean the little lane they the underwater pipeline. is this true . well i have to say you know all the questions about the environment impact in general of the project or in specific locations have to be taken very very seriously. if you look at a short pipeline project for natural gas such as north stream but also many many of those in the north sea for example the norwegian sector the british actor etc and elsewhere in the world you can really say transporting natural gas in a by plane. is not in itself at all survivors exercise now that being said for the specific route you have to of course of any negative impact on the seabed and on the environment where you can but transporting gas. through. an area such as the black sea in itself is
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a perfectly safe activity. when will the final agreements one movie be signed with. the false and also the winter shall the french and the german companies about the condition of their participation in your project. well they're working hard together to. resolve. some outstanding issues this is a large and complex project so naturally as has been the case in other projects this takes some time but i am called for then none of them wants to take it any longer than necessary so we're looking forward to the conclusion but it's not in my hands it's entirely and there's. another question about deals i know gas from is negotiating with iran is put dissipation in the south stream project how high is
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the probability that iran will join. south three men what made the conditions of the. i'm not aware all or. involved in any of those negotiations so we are focusing on the preparations of both the project the start and we will see when you can target shareholders some for what for what percentages so i can't really comment on what course i think that's best addressed to gospel thank you thank you very much for self for being with us and just to remind that my guest on the show today was marcel crammer the c.e.o. of south stream and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your sound spot light or have someone in mind you think i spend the next time just drop me a line at talbot or not at. tara here and let's keep the show interaction we'll be
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to a substantial degree and one form or another socialism has spread the shadow of human regimentation over most of the nations of the earth and the shadow is an approaching i believe that. in the early twenty first century military bases the network of military bases all around the world forms the believe . that the united states is trying to get its astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million more than two hundred fifty thousand u.s. troop.
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