tv [untitled] June 19, 2011 2:01am-2:31am EDT
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today they said that they wanted it to be peaceful until the end of any of the pas see the police still letting up to get into the crowd incredibly hard to grieve on the. plaza for anyone there's lots of people getting medical treatment around the play. but the violence is really erupting and we're not entirely sure if these people when they got off that are provoking the police that she said as he said the people we take he said they wanted it to be peaceful and it had been up until now up until the day when that provocation happened when the police started. her for their skeptical and the british your m.p. nigel farage says the reason politicians are so determined to bail out greece and keep it in the euro zone is to protect the banks one of the reasons that everybody is so determined to keep greece in the euro is so that the banks don't have to take a serious. policy so something has gone seriously wrong with the banking system
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it's almost as if. the holy alarms of politicians and bankers the people i'm sure that's what the people on the streets of athens today feel like don't think the banking crisis i suspect but it's hard to i mean many cases it might have been better to do what i say and say look these banks go bust these people lose their jobs these people lose their money that's about life and i suspect we're going to regret keeping the banks afloat and imprisoning countries like greece inside a currency union which they're just not suited. for while the greeks express their anger at facing further cuts and germans on this serious about having to pay for it again later this hour german m.p. klaus peter wilson explains why he thinks e.u. countries should look after themselves. it was regulated that there must be any bailout because otherwise you will
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ruin the public finances of those countries who are contributing to it as long as each country is responsible for its budget has to take full responsibility and the only right answer to that is no bailout. at least seven civilians in libya have reportedly been killed by nato air strike which hit a residential house overnight and earlier the alliance confirmed it had mistakenly attacked rebel forces where number killed in that friendly fire attack is not known where for national reports from the capital tripoli. the residents of susie my district here in tripoli have been woken up by a strike in the middle of the night a mom of several moms london hear this story as you can see behind me several three story buildings as we were told at least four families have been living in the
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damaged houses which is from twelve to fourteen people some of the people are still missing as you can see behind me the rescue operation is now undergoing but people here on the ground are saying that there is little higher that's someone could be alive the buildings on the opposite side of this street have also been partially damaged but we were told that no one from there has been heard live in government spokesperson the for the side of him has come through since hotel this happened and he has this civilian area had been made by maintain try to win at that by look at some of the sky people were killed children with my own hands with my own eyes i still am helping out little girls who would kill and get the boys the father and the mother june whole families perish and under this attack you cannot justify just the target would you naming this is the top of the incident this incident khans i
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mean it's continuing intense bombardment all believe it by nato bombs are actually being dropped day and night we all the time hearing sounds of having explosions russia which has always been against miss remains to suffer with the protracted leave in conflict has recently signed a peace treaty a ten to believe it would try to dissuade the war in size to start talking after missing the rebels in benghazi and pro productive people here in tripoli making money off a side that he believes there really is a fire for peaceful solution of this crisis with both sides saying they're ready for negotiations with the knees are now ready to provide an appropriate location for tolls. but what we're seeing on the wrong with nature to continue in mumbai runs and people feeling exhausted and angry it was made it very clear we can say for sure compromise could be possible but this is
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a very long way to go it may have some of the largest oil reserves on the planet but these days labor is also god some of the longest queues at his pastoral stations the international sanctions imposed on the embattled colonel's regime did not include a few and. that nato is targeting. if suspected the fuel might be used by gadhafi as military forces with roads closed factories at a stop and foreign workers long since gone from the war stricken country is facing its worst energy crisis ever the new reality is ordinarily been drivers now spend vast amounts of time queuing for a few months ago this became a common theme in the. country people have been lining up to fill up their cars for hours even days but this line is a little different compared to the gas station at the end of life here is limon only barker is a university student and has volunteered here to help organize the process she
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stamps a few russian boots which allow individuals thirty five liters a week she believes it's a great idea to have women on the station whose. women have too many things to do they don't fight each other world cueing and never shoot into the year is men often do so we're able to serve up to nine hundred cars. this line is long but others are ruben longer still cheaper than water here just a few cents for a litter it's just that is often in short supply. if there is no fuel we have to get our cars and return reentry appears. could be days. women only gas stations is one of many innovations supposed to ease people's lives in a country that has there are also special problems for ambulances and police cars. up on the bottom of the needle surrounded us but we should move on we try to do our
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best to help people get by if we give up will die it's a lot of those seeking to oust colonel gadhafi may have been hoping the hardships will incite people to rise up against their leader but instead it only seems to be fueling people's hatred towards what they feel is western imperialism and need to nato damaged our city destroyed our life they tell does they want to save people is that the way to save the people tell me this is just a crime. while the warring sides try to find a way out of months of devastating conflict ordinary people looking for a way to just leave their everyday lives dreaming about times when these nightmare would be with a distant memory. grief notion r.t. tripoli. for u.s. involvement in libya reaches its and ninety day deadline on sunday when
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a group of congressman is suing president obama for resorting to the traction without official approval but the voice of russia radio host common russell such an scheme says he doesn't believe congress will pull the plug on the strikes. the problem is that when there was a prior lawsuit during clinton's foray into the former yugoslavia dennis usage in the group of other congressmen even at that time filed a very similar lawsuit saying that it was illegal and they went to a district court for the district court said into the individual congressmen did not have any sort of standing but the reality is i think still a majority of congressmen are said are going to support the the actions in libya and afghanistan and so on congress is not going to you know in mass come and say that we shouldn't be doing this and try to defund it and besides obama is currently using discretionary department to fund discretionary funds to get around it anyway so it's a question of how effective would be it works in the you know to their benefit we do live in a military industrial complex type of world where they have they have the purse
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strings they have the power the revolution in egypt at first seemed more successful than the vicious stalemate in libya since hosni mubarak fell in february around seven thousand people have been jailed by egypt's military rulers activist david teens says the revolution to install democracy has so far changed very little. some have been jailed simply for criticizing the government others have been brought up on spirits charges of quote unquote insulting the military but increasingly and certainly given the incredible high number of detentions detentions of civilians not attentions of people who have. tried to undermine the regime but people simply criticizing the military this is a very dangerous trend egyptian dissidents and bloggers who were imprisoned in military prisons and they describe incredible torture they describe electrocution they describe waterboarding they describe regular beatings and this was the
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egyptian military that stood behind mubarak until the last minute so while there have been gains and we hope that egypt has a brighter future ahead of it there are still many many challenges that it still has to overcome if egypt is going to move towards democracy and liberalism and openness in the west in fact is a very important role to play. with to they had this out cleaning up fukushima's reactor is what's hampering efforts to decontaminate. the dangers posed by radiation leaks. the u.s. is accused of using political pressure extradite jailed russian businessman to boot . details just. the state should have less of an influence in russia's economy that was part of president vision nation's future. international economic forum in st petersburg this week he joined business leaders and politicians discuss ways russia and the world should be
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developing their economies and he said no we are. modernization based on stifling corruption days centralizing power and government reforms all goals voiced by president medvedev at this year's international economic forum here in st petersburg where how russia is going to attempt to become one of the world's biggest and most effective economies was laid out. we shouldn't hesitate to say goodbye to many bad habits we can focus only on a step by step development it's a mistake we should focus on the following improving the investment climate in russia to create new jobs in the regions making progress in the fight against corruption the creation of a modern police service and other security forces improving the effectiveness of the justice system and finally the modernization of government applying modern approaches and the decentralizing of power of course the main bad habit as the president calls it is corruption which he says is choking russia's economy this was
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his message to the country's officials that don't do business according to the law . the noose around the neck of those who practice corruption should be tightened and the whole of russia agrees with this without any exception but corruption is very difficult to deal with the government should be purged of corruption in a more decisive way and for that purpose we should in harms way those suspected of corruption are dismissed from public service another issue that's hampering russia's economic development is it not being a member of the world trade organization lately we're hearing from a lot of officials that access into the w t o for russia is possible by the end of this year the president agrees but says only under very specific circumstances. we have long been ready to join the w t o more than many other countries small or large everyone is perfectly aware of that still we are asked to make an unseemly large number of concessions this kind of approach is unacceptable russia will not
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agree to any evidently unfavorable solutions and of course presumably the one question on all of the minds of the business executives top innovators and world leaders will president medvedev run for reelection well it was their vessel was the question of the forums and this is what medvedev had to say. sure when i consider it appropriate to tell you whether i will do it or not i will come out and say it this forum is not the best place for that one thing you can be sure of is that i will be able to avoid making that statement i will have to tell the people of russia and anyone else who's interested about my decision was that you will not have to wait much longer. every story requires some kind of intrigue otherwise they'll be no interest in living. so let's keep the intrigue a bit longer. and certainly no intrigue surrounding what platform advantage would run on if he doesn't out he's running for reelection it will be all about
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modernization reporting from st petersburg and use the way our city. and among those attending the forum was the chinese leader in town he said the world economy is still recovering slowly and that reform of the global financial system is needed in talent this is the last day where major energy deal with russia was on the table the thirty year supply contract wasn't signed however as the price for russian gas is yet to be agreed but the two leaders did put pen to paper a number of other lucrative deals one of the scarce in the wider world they agree that the countries involved in the libyan conflict must stick to the un resolution . based political scientist that are killed in that russia and china has increased collaboration will have global benefits. china russia trade an economic relationship and huge development between two nations i believe is not only of the impacting european continent but also the global scene i believe the wall these are
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at the crossroads historic crossroads or some may say no wallace at the brink of either being subdued or all the coming to us nato military intervention in libya now moving into possibly syria or even to iran if russia or china or these as see all the alliance we saw that not enough to stop the us led nato military aggression in north african region so i hope saw that as the all russia china china russia leaving leading this new global movement to balance the power in the wall so that they can build a new world order we are no more unilateral aggressive or you can clone your own methodology being put into a sovereign nation such as libya. wideout look at
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how the emerging powers could reshape the financial landscape you can check out our website your business section expert opinion and the latest updates to the perspective of what's going on in the global economy just log on to the home state . the presidents of russia and iran today to shanghai cooperation organization summit this week they discussed iran's nuclear program and tehran's envoy once again told r.t. and its atomic games are peaceful nations prove the opposite of groundless. many allegations was raised by united states and i approved of the investigation taking samples and early to go process that all these allegations were based in fact before coming to me and i was in charge of escorting all the spectre's and i was with them in this military size which would prove that this allegation had no basis
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is every unfortunately after eight years they are repeating these boring stories one thing is clear that we do not have any program for nuclear weapons we are fully cooperating we die as a said unprecedented the most robust inspection in the history of why or five thousand mandy's gay have found no evidence of divergence of nuclear material to prove we did purposes and the statement claimed by lady ashton with due respect i categorically reject. but iran's enthusiasm for a nuclear program doesn't seem to have been affected by events in japan there the operator of the crippled fukushima plant says it may take several days before the system to decontaminate active water can be restarted the cleanup operation is being hampered by high radiation levels which are now far beyond safety limits it's fear the contaminated water could overflow within the week for solutions found
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latest setback comes international atomic energy agency report criticized the government's slow response to the nuclear disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunami but james corbett editor of dependent news website says the risk to people's health remains very real. i mean new leaks of any kind are going to be an incredible burden on the efforts that are already on underway to try to clean up the water or decontaminate it because they are now running out of space to actually store the contaminated water in the fukushima in the immediate vicinity of the plant and i believe within two weeks they're actually going to run out of space so they're trying to get a system on line for treating the water but apparently they test for that it's going to be pushed back another few days it's already been pushed back from last friday there is no such thing as a safe level of radiation exposure that any level of radiation exposure increases the risk of cancer and however negligible that risk may be with any particular
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person on any particular date any particular spot when it's averaged out over a large population like is living in the fukushima region unfortunately means there will be over time an increase in cancer rates there and it's really just a question of how many. from manmade disasters to natural ones expose the unpredictable risks of avalanches and the adrenaline junkies and bracing the danger . why stream cascading from. the view is mesmerized. by this beauty brings death at a speed of more than one hundred kilometers. along. this week new york judge questioned the validity of evidence against vick to boot the russian man america being an international gun runner since his controversial
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extradition from thailand boots has consistently said he has little chance of a fair trial he's not was following the story. he is the russian citizen america fought relentlessly to adopt victor boot was secretly and swiftly extradited to the us seven months ago and this may be where he stays indefinitely if found guilty on arms smuggling and terrorism related charges if he is convicted . he's looking at life there's no parole there's no early release in the federal system really the only why in the federal system to get a reduction in your sentence. a significant reduction is if you cooperate with the united states government some have argued mr bush needs to be on captain america's team however captain america is being accused of playing dirty and illegally to remove the air cargo business man from thailand according to documents released by
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wiki leaks all levels of washington top to bottom mounted political pressure against bangkok to gain custody of boot in the us cable dated august thirteenth two thousand and nine u.s. president barack obama was urged to call thailand's prime minister directly about boot the u.s. attorney general and state department were encouraged to call the thai ambassador highlighting the massive drug enforcement administration commitment to thailand and the us ambassador in bangkok urged the thai government to issue a public statement of disappointment at the judge's ruling not to extradite boot america's the world's most powerful nation but it's not more powerful than the world unfortunately the way things stand right now they're willing to flaunt every international law to get what they want and that means doing all these illegal things in the case of the mood to extradite him or should say kidnapping who was arrested in bangkok in march two thousand and eight during a u.s.
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sting operation he was charged with conspiring to sell weapons to colombian fark rebels on two occasions the thai court rejected america's extradition request when an entourage of armed u.s. agents removed him from thailand following a decision of the thai government his extradition was still not legally approved the covert operation was kept secret from russia boots family and his attorney. tell you the transfer of victor boot to america was a violation of a very important tie american treaty signed in one nine hundred ninety s. which the political offenders cannot be extradited was the case was not finalized and was moved to the us america used various means political. another's outside the boundaries of due legal process to get victor boot that means that victor boot is not getting a fair deal to this day tire fishelson have not provided official documents explaining the legal grounds behind boats extradition this despite repeated
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inquiries made by the russian foreign ministry that the back of that we know for sure that on november sixteenth two thousand and turn that the moment a little bit to beat was physically taken out of its own prison his case was being considered by the time i call to the appeals that is why there are no legal grounds for him to face a u.s. court. meantime victor boot remains in the u.s. prison held in solitary confinement his wife doubts her husband will receive a fair trial from the country she says violated international and bilateral laws to get him more it's clear to everyone that the case has long been moved from the sphere of want to politics i think or rather i would love to think that the american court is unbiased but i have strong doubts about it because i think such pressure could be put on anyone including the jury. the country accusing victor boot of arms dealing now finds itself accused of political arm twisting come
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a substantial degree and one form or another socialism has spread the shadow of human regimentation over most of the nations of europe and the shadow is an approaching upon liberty. in the early twenty first century military bases the network of military bases all around the former misleading empire that the united states is trying to do it's astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million more than two hundred fifty thousand us troops stationed on these bases all around us. we don't have fallen bases in america we don't have any british base we don't have any korean base we don't have any french bases or you know we just
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all american bases in our bases of. of the noises around northeast of those bother us at all because they're all bases but for other people it's almost like a cancer here for these people since the into world war two the spaces i've been. working here to provide a safe and secure environment for everybody. the questions they have thing else just get everything you needed. emotions soon which will brighten if you move soon from plans to try to shoot these. stunts on t.v.
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dot com. this is r t a recap of this week's top stories nato airstrikes reportedly hit one of tripoli's residential areas killing at least seven during all me it's also the fuel shortages on which country. the state's role in russia's economy must be reduced to its part of the future president that it mapped out at the international moment former cent pieces but he also reiterated calls to part corruption more flexible and create a better investment climate. and greece has been engulfed in the broader protests against a fresh round of government cuts comes as the prime minister reshuffle the targets in a bid to push through a new austerity package to secure a second include data from. just greeks who are under the sacrifices that being
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forced into for financial help from europe germans aren't happy about paying for the financial weaknesses of the neighbors either when next we talk to a german m.p. who thinks eight countries should look after themselves. greece and portugal should leave the euro to save the european union according to german ruling party m.p. klaus pizza we'll show mr walsh what will happen if you keep bailing them out. you know and you would treaties that was regulated that there must be any bailout because. otherwise you. you will. ruin the applique finances of those countries who are contributing to it. as long as each country is responsible for its budget
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it has to take full responsibility and the only right answer to that is no bailout how do the bailouts affect the german economy in germany we are making a lot of efforts to keep public debt under control. we. just amended our constitution we put in their so-called freedom dept break. which. defines the steps we have to take with our. budgets. in order to come to the zero nine and then start paying the debt back. and it is dangerous if this is. infected by. policy national policy of either your apocalypse. or it's it is an invitation to.
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