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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EDT

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ted has responded to no apology. intended target during last night as truck in tripoli was a military missile site however from our initial assessment of the facts it appears that one weapon did not strike the intended target due to a weapons systems failure although officials in tripoli claim more than eight hundred civilians have died in nato raids nine people they say were killed in sunday's bombardment of the city has become the first civilian casualty is officially acknowledged by the alliance only on saturday nato has also admitted to another mistake a nice try this time on the rebel forces neither live in or called ragga the number of casualties not to be disclosed we hold nato you hold mr cameron was the thought i was seeing this going to scorn in mr obama hatred and the good response about for the deaths of these innocent children innocent what is going to
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kill an innocent fathers and mothers you cannot justify this attack would you name this up with that incident in. sunday's fatal error occurs every day rising concerns within a terror about is a gratian in northern africa only eight out of its twenty eight members have joined the mission to protect civilians in libya which raises the question how many would support one to kill them rafe notion of. tripoli. well with civilian casualties in libya mounting and no end in sight those paying for the intervention might be stumping up more than they bargained for the u.k. has announced that its taxpayers might see one point six billion dollars of their hard earned cash diverted to fund the intervention and as artie's laure emmott reports there's little patience left among an already dissolution public. they're already calling it the billion pound it's calculated that if the war in
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libya goes on for six months it will cost the british taxpayer one point six billion dollars but that initial humanitarian mission is now get rid of. and that's . assuming that. this is not going to end. this could potentially. and as we've seen they've already extended the operation by another three months that's unlikely to be popular with the british public that government spending like a hawk already seeing services and jobs slashed even say downing street suborbital it is open and it's taking the. data gathered by britain's guardian newspaper from defense ministries and news reports shows that britain has flown twenty five percent of all sources in libya second only to the u.s. by the second week of may six thousand strike missions had been ordered. rennick
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says the u.k.'s likely to have weighed up the cost but with wind blowing westwards from libyan rebels and us movements. billion pounds is a pretty good investment. and with the u.k. cutting defense spending analysts say they may not be replaced when. the food costs maybe one thousand. hours of flying so small changes in the number of hours you estimate produce big changes in cost estimates. and. expensive but the costs back home. next in line to strike a million public sector workers who are being asked to work more and get less
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disruption to services could run into the commitment to continue in libya for however suggests a blank check at a time when. the deployment of apache helicopters doesn't appear to have given the tactical advantage it hoped for and every time a plane takes to the sky drops the cost for britain and its beleaguered european neighbors. a repeat of the quote a libyan a scenario in syria would be unacceptable and everything that must be done to prevent it that's the view of russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov. do everything you can to prevent the libyan city of syria together with the international community. to put the reforms into practice as soon as possible and to call on the opposition to ignore suggestions to discuss.
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it came a serious president bashar assad addressed the nation with his third major speech since some rest began in the country in mid march and in that assad a promised liberal reforms but declined to go into detail something that was picked up on. the president's stance that it. was behind be authorizing and said no change was possible until the violence died down all experts say the speech could become a turning point if the president follows through on his promises. and coming your way later today are to peter lavelle and his guests discuss whether the international presence in libya and other of african countries is really likely to improve life for the people there well that's up to fifteen hundred g.m.t. but here's a short preview. things have gotten better in the past ten years you've seen inflation has come down average incomes have gone up the the world bank did
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recently they're talking about a rise in the number of people who are earning between two and four dollars a day as for the world bank and their apologists who talk about you know the middle classes beginning with two dollars a day a pound a day have you tried living in the ruby on a pound a day these guys are if they think this is the middle classes there must be we are on some other planet i'm afraid. a five day long nuclear security forum has kicked off in a vienna and the japanese atomic crisis has prompted a comprehensive discussion of the future of nuclear power delegates for most of the one hundred fifty member states of the international atomic watchdog the i.a.e.a. are at the gathering or they aim to work out tighter universal safety regulations for reactors japan is expected to be criticized for its slow response to the fukushima disaster it has already submitted
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a report admitting it wasn't prepared for an accident on such a scale artie's sean thomas traveled to a city well outside the official exclusion zone where locals are concerned over high radiation levels. the ominous and constant ticking of geiger counters and scientists working in fukushima city concerned on the one that i'm in charge of the group of radiation detection and survey from fukushima university when i was thinking there were a creation protocol and process set up by the japanese government is not enough and myself i think i should evacuate from this area but because of my job at the university and my family and my friends families are evacuating. officially fukushima city is in a safe area eighty kilometers from the daiichi plant reactor one and a full sixty kilometers outside the band danger zone but still radiation levels here a much higher than normal. just to give you an idea of the consistency right now
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the dagger count is really pretty quite chilling nine micro ring it's about thirty times what it is more than the accepted level but if you come down here to where the soil and a lot of it collected the radiation will quickly jumped out and it's still climbing earlier we've got to really have nigel nile. which is about a thousand times more than was the accepted level of a little. but in order to claim that fukushima is truly safe from leaking radiation the japanese government has had to be creative with the numbers but the government did ease day change the. standard the levels from one. to twenty million. twenty times. the standards before the accident and now. they raise the. the standard so that they can say it's safe but the standard house changed
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the new higher levels mean that fukushima can be classed as being outside of the exclusion zone some say that evacuating the city would be simply impractical given the huge numbers of people affected to try and mitigate the circumstances to some degree a group of scientists have teamed up to find simple ways to reduce the radiation level. we're just trying to do a pilot project do the decontamination work by ourselves and we are not using a special we just use normal child bulls. scoops. we just. a small effort to bring some security to a community facing a scary and uncertain future in fukushima city sean thomas r.t. . all despite concerns over japan's government playing down. the dangerous number
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two nuclear official in the country thinks the issue is simply too complicated for the general public while the full exclusive interview with japan's nuclear industry spokesman is coming your way in twenty minutes time here on r.t. . the japanese government tried to. distribute or make. available all the information we got from typical and from our systems. it's very difficult to understand for ordinary people how. dangerous those numbers are we have to explain in the manner in which people can easily understand the situation that's a task. president medvedev is still keeping russia and the rest of the world guessing of whether he'll make a bid to stay chief of the kremlin for a second term however in an interview with london's financial times he appeared to
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rule out a putin and medvedev face off in next year's election scott that he now is out of all reports on what else the president had to say. well it's definitely the question that the russian president has been asked most frequently in the recent months lots to begin with they decided to keep the suspense up for a little. but is a deal on the leader especially one who occupies the president's seat has to be willing to run for reelection however it's another question whether he would make that decision for himself but i suggest waiting a bit longer and keeping the intrigue. memories of the main street of the twenty two of the presidential election still remains blocked with imitative did answer some questions in relation to who will run for office and one thing is certain both he and like him a person will not run for the same office it will just be one of their forces still remains safe while that man but. it's hard for me to imagine. both running
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for president of the same time for at least one reason. we strictly speaking represent the same force competition between us would bring harm to the goals and tasks we've been working on for the past several years good for russia and it wouldn't be good in this particular situation it was a very long interview that the russian president gave to the financial times that of course many issues were raised throughout the course of it both of course pertaining to russia's national and foreign policies many aspects that are interesting. to people living in russia and to those observing russia from the specifically of course questions relating to the goals that the president set out for himself during his term in office i place a ship that only option for snow in egypt that is taken by western media source has gone by without the issue of that seat where c.e.o.
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will tell you this being raised the us president reiterated his position that that is the least that it happened not in any way be a danger to society unlike any russian citizens currently serving time that. has the right to an appeal to the us it wasn't just matters of domestic policy that were touched upon the russian president speaking quite harshly about the nato military intervention in libya saying that some of russia's partners basically chose to misinterpret the resolution passed by the united nations security council resolution that russia let pass hoping that it will be observed and kept to as it is worded but of course you did just said that basically a very good resolution turned into a meaningless bit of paper with nato as a military intervention in libya and the first i see because of that no resolution will be passed on syria what do you listen to all the serious matters of course that were discussed we do know that the russian president is very fond of his
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gadgets he is rarely seen without his i pad and he did let slip that he has a special on it that lets him monitor exactly what his employees are doing and which of his tasks have already been fulfilled is a very useful thing i personally plan to check out the app store to see whether it's been specifically custom made for the president or whether it's available for the general public a log onto our website that's r t dot com and there you can find that interview with president medvedev in full and you can leave your comments also online even though the average words small ball game is not one of the applications the russian leader frequently due says he still gave a special thank you to its creator find out why at r t v dot com. and the who's next to the terrorists crosshairs has launched its own list featuring pentagon officials and u.s. politicians.
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in greece the workers at a state owned electricity company have gone and a forty eight hour strike against austerity measures all this comes as e.u. finance ministers failed to agree on conditions for releasing the next installment of last year's bailout package for the contrary the decision was postponed until july with the stipulation that athens employed as fresh a budget cuts workers at the utility are angry at government plans or privatized the company as part of a steady measure seen as crucial if the country is to avoid a default or fierce of greece defaulting made british banks hold back tens of billions of euros from the lending market a former deputy speaker of the belgian parliament claims previous bailouts didn't do much to change the policies of receiving countries. crises like these are
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considered big opportunities by big financial institutions it was showing the past and it is so deep where is the money gone well i think you don't have to look follow the money is going to financially she do she do wealthy elites who are actually benefiting from despite the bailouts what kind of bailout to whom to what purpose that is the question then is that we actually saw look we give you all the stock spare money without any conditions so you can keep on going doing what you did that is not the kind of bailout that i see what all the social achievements of the last thirty years are put in jeopardy by these financial so-called financial reforms and the feeling is this is a question about what is democracy and what is democracy for i think the monks look at people not for financial institution it's as simple as that. now for a brief look at more of today's main world stories one of indonesia's most prominent insurgents has gone on trial charged with plotting assaults on
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a foreigners and plotting the assassination of the country's moderate muslim leaders who told who it was arrested in december with one hundred twenty eight other suspects or they were allegedly organizing attacks similar to those carried out in mumbai in two thousand and eight when more than one hundred fifty people were killed. more than five million people have been affected by devastating floods in southern and eastern china with more than one hundred seventy people dead or missing they've been caused by to wrenshaw rains which followed one of the most severe droughts in more than fifty years you thought he's gone before it's are going to continue and more than ten reverse in affected areas may burst their banks . now russian mother is facing criminal charges over the death of her daughter who it is alleged was not given proper care after cashing in monia became sparked widespread outrage when it was revealed that the mother failed to call in doctors
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and instead to sought advice on the internet. has been finding out why some parents prefer prefer to avoid the services of medical institutions. aasiya was an eagle a awaited baby adored by her mother and everyone around she was a lively newborn for three months when she became ill and died within a week doctors say had i been hospitalized earlier she could have had a chance of survival however usses mother julia hesitated too long and she's now facing criminal charges for negligence. so you have to understand we didn't want his lawyer necessary medical intrusions that were not in his coat we cared about how children's health and wanted only the best for the new this is julia's heartrending response in a t.v. show called let them talk on russia's fast channel. in the program she was hounded as an irresponsible mother who watched her daughter die on line after her desperate
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asking for help on the internet reached the wider public julius tragic story is just one among those who chose to give birth at home and resort to self treatment rather than trust official health care they may be a fraction of russian society but then number is increasing and doctors are among the younger sister the more they're usually three reasons behind a woman's choice first is when the mother falls under the influence of an alternative group or to make a business out of it a living baby's without a license so that the second group are those who prefer everything natural as it was before hospitals and that it is the most unpleasant for us when a patient has a bad experience connected to a medical establishment. or. stories of medical maltreatment or even worse continue appearing in the russian media an unplanned amputation of a baby's limb and an alleged swap of a woman's healthy newborn for disabled one are among the most recent cases those docs stories often have another side to them but they're scary enough to make women
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dread any hospitals drunks and doctors. people who are afraid of clinical medicine have their reasons for that. they're afraid of the complications they might get in maternity wards where the necessary medical intrusion there's quite a large number of deaths and crippled lives. children wanted to believe her mother when she told her doctors might harm her and her baby the idea of natural delivery at home sounded very convincing to me and so my son and i nearly died in that birth i'm like neither of us ended up in a grave the ronnie is one of those who opted for home both with this instance of only a midwife a practice that is unregulated in russia and skates on legal thin ice making. the running because midwife barely had any relevant training but dick the money and never asked if the baby survived. despite the controversy over home birth everyone agrees that in today's russia if you want to minimize the risk giving birth in
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hospital is the also but with mothers wanting more choice the system as it currently stands could do with a rethink all through all it is these little people and their health that matters most and their arrival. should be healthy and to say that. they're. all way back with the headlines shortly but first the business news with katrina after a short break. hello and welcome to business the world's oldest and largest labor day gets underway in
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paris today as hope despair on a return to major orders for new aircraft globally the most news paper says russia is expected to sign a contract to sell ten super jet planes also the country's largest airline aeroflot is set to buy a new head of the event business the head of amount russia's contribution to the plane make his business. you know airplane sales of the business when business because planes in the last year was sold almost one hundred new airplanes over here but less important for me personally more important is a really great supplier for boeing we talked about the intellectual services. we buy technologists would develop technologies to the russian side that we bought and developed there with sophisticated i t and this is hundreds of millions of dollars that we borrowing from russia in the sector that i think is critical for the
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survival of the russian economy. china and russia going into green business they've agreed to create a new company which will develop energy from agricultural waste russia has enough resources to produce almost seventy billion cubic meters of bio gas a year that's enough to cover the annual electricity needs of countries such as egypt. now and have a look at how the markets are performing oil is shot plea down monday due to continuing fears over greece's debt crisis and concerns over the u.s. economy brain just trading at one hundred and eleven dollars a barrel while the light sweet has slowed to ninety one dollars european stocks are also lower monday with investors avoiding risks on fear the e.u. finance ministers were unable to reach a solution to the greek crisis despite meeting over the weekend. and bearish sentiment is dominating the russian markets monday the r.t.s. is losing one point five percent the my six is also love more than
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a percent in the raid losses hitting the markets too with the longest losing streak since two thousand and eight. ordinary shares and telecom losing almost six percent mess of selloff followed a rally this morning when shares rose thirteen percent analysts attributed the rise to the inclusion of telecom shares in the r.t.s. index and on expectations that the stock will soon be included in the c.i. index energy majors are suffering losses dragged down by the oil price gazprom is in the red despite its announcement of a twenty six percent increase in its forecast for this year's european exports sperm bank is also down almost one percent more on that company in just a moment. the first russian insurance i.p.o. might happen as soon as this year the country's largest insurer kraft has taken a six hundred forty million dollar loan to prepare for the listing analysts say the company could be worth more than two billion dollars. being in russia is to receive
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a facelift with the addition of a strong new player. the country's largest lender sperm bank is teaming up with b n b m p paribus russian subsidiary the joint venture will install loan offices in many retail stores across russia within around three years the company is expected to dominate with around a thirty percent market share analysts suggest that the company's key competitive advantage will be rated its a low interest rates spare bank is also set to own seventy percent of the new film with b. and p. paribus holding the rest. and that's all the business for now for this hour and will be back with just a few more sorry just under an hour time stay with us the headlines with.
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brighter if you are about song from funds to. start on t.v. dot com. for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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here's a recap of the top stories on our nato admits it launched the airstrike that killed nine civilians in a. well british taxpayers really a reckless spending bill for three months of bloody stalemate. every head of state wants a second term but it's the people of the final word so says president medvedev he still hasn't announced whether he will stand again but didn't rule out a faceoff with. the international atomic energy agency is expected to slam japan for poor handling of the fukushima crisis a nuclear safety forum opens in. improving safety regulations and preventing
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a repeat of the japanese crisis. takes a closer look at the nuclear crisis in japan and we talked to the number two nuclear fishel in the disaster hit country that interview is next. seventy six hours of intense fighting. six thousand dead at a beach front battlefields several kilometers long. and now there is only one person who cares. you see we are surrounded by garbage everywhere but also there are. on this beach which of course is the most appropriate city signification a symbol of everything that's wrong with our goddamn government allowing not only garbage but to a chair we were where so many guys died. a new battle is going on.
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will the history be protected. return to terra what julian cooper story on our t.v. . we are here with he did he call in the sheehan man who is with the ministry of a colony here in japan specifically with the agency that deals with nuclear safety and thank you very much for taking some time to be with us today now as this. devastating event has happened in the news has spread out around the world it's become clear in the past three months that the information coming from the fukushima nuclear plant has gotten worse can you tell us what's the situation on the ground right now the situation is improving. for example we're still.


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