tv [untitled] June 20, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT
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thank you because. sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. where we are broke. and you know. fuck fuck fuck. fuck.
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all right it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you say something i do listen now first i respond to you john smith he commented about our interview with the whistleblower who's asking for obama to return his government transparency award and john smith said on facebook can obama's transparency ward be any more irrelevant and so is taking it back obama said in journalistic chasing their own tails with pursuit of this silly stuff the nation's bankrupt for military spending and you focus however briefly on the gross injustice of a transparency award how silly can you be now john surely you understand i don't think that obama being given a transparency award in itself is something that's important to her groundbreaking and nor would taking it back be what i do think is important is that people within washington d.c. are so willfully blind to the lack of transparency in the obama administration that
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they actually have the audacity to give obama award for something reads failed miserably on it's just another example of washington d.c. corruption interest groups in this case public advocacy groups patting each other on the back and laughing all the american people are kept in the dark and part of the reason why this nation is bankrupt with military spending is that government lies and misrepresents the truth so the people just don't see what's going on around the world john i think that it is important to talk about i think the fact of the obama administration has failed miserably in its promise to be open and transparent with the american people is important to talk about and i think the american people deserve to know the truth about what their government is doing not just in terms of military spending everything especially considering how many of our constitutional rights are regularly being trampled on in secret and i want to respond to doug fresh who said in response to our interview on the legality of the war in libya on facebook what difference does it make arguing over its legality they've successfully deployed military forces or taining funding through
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a channel if the congress will not be. pete ok doug i understand your frustration and i feel it too but just because the executive branch has been bandying its powers steadily over the past several decades does not mean we have to sit by quietly and let it happen or a country built on laws as long as our politicians claim to abide by their rule but simply ignore the ones that just don't fit their policy agenda i hope the american people don't notice i'm going to call them out for it so i will continue to point out the war currently being waged on behalf of the american people is illegal i hope that more americans who stand up to do the same now guy harvey responded to my fireside friday on the war in libya by saying it like ninety five degrees fahrenheit outside winter poolside shall be more appropriate but yeah you're right there would be in fact we're actually going to look into that as long as i have somebody to bring me tropical cocktails well i planted it and i will have more responses for all of you later in the week. now capital punishment it's one of the
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ways in which the u.s. stands out from other western nations but the death penalty has long gone but what people change there are tough on crime minds here in the u.s. if they knew how much was costing them a new research paper conducted over three years by a senior california judge and a law professor fines of the death penalty has cost california four billion dollars since it was reinstated in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight and that's where thirteen executions have been carried out since that time which equals out to three hundred eight million dollars a person which means that the additional cost of capital trials enhanced security on death row legal representation for they can get that all as one hundred eighty four million dollars to the california budget each year and they conclude that if persistent isn't reformed the costs are only going to rot as the rating by twenty thirty the tab is going to be at nine billion dollars so let's get into why the death penalty cost so much am i asking californians maybe even all americans will ever be right if we consider joining me to discuss this is craig haney
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a psychology professor at the university of california santa cruz thanks so much for joining us tonight from my alma mater santa cruz always love interviewing people from there you are so sure who we now like i said let's first get into some of the reasons why it is the capital punishment actually cost so much more money than you can explain for us sure. the most important reason i think is that there is. a mission change to several trials there is that first trial everybody is familiar with we are. guilty you think he or she is guilty and there is a second trial which is oftentimes much will argue and she merely more expensive to conduct with a jury as is so i would the appropriate punishment so that's the that's the structural difference between a. serious criminal trial that makes capital punishment so experienced in. that's a secret provided some additional protection for capital defendants. in won't
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own there's extensive amount of investigation they can't stand because of the stakes involved and so on so a lot of this is just trial with cost and then there's also a pure will there is even food so engage in a to be a lengthy process and there to rehearsal we don't think that i wonder this is something that's often argued by the advocates of the death penalty is they'll say if you look at california right you have about two hundred thirty thousand bar certified attorneys there but maybe less than one hundred that are actually qualified to work on capital punishment cases and they'll say that that's something that's deliberate that you know people who are opposed to the death penalty do that on purpose so of these cases take longer so that there's a longer appeals process so in the end to some of the people that are trying to end the death penalty or at least slow the process down they end up costing us more money as well. no i think that i have heard that argument and i sad to say it's
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a significantly misinformed or human the reason there are so few attorneys who or qualified to handle death penalty cases is precisely because the cases are so complicated there are there were very strict supreme court guidelines there's case law which clearly is the way these cases who don't own any and even with these fairly high standards of a qualification for cap or representation many capital cases are done badly and there's a sixty seven to seventy percent reversal rate among the courts who consider capital heels and that's even with the high standards of capital representation being applied so there's no ploy there's no tactic being used here these cases are more complicated unable to or highly skilled lawyers to conduct them and that's why there are so few people who are able to take in schemes let's talk about this and
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the research that's come out here four billion dollars that's a lot of money do you think the american taxpayers californians pacifically have any idea that cost that much i mean it's certainly isn't the first report to come out and say the capital punishment is an incredibly expensive punishment incredibly expensive policy to have but i still haven't seen people rising up on the streets calling for a vote calling for the policy at hand you know that's true i'm not sure that most people understand exactly how much across i'm also not sure that people have begun to think about what they're getting for that kind of enormous expense oh in a way that in a way that i had the sense that maybe people are now beginning to ask questions questions about a lot of social policies that they weren't asking over the last twenty or so years i think a you know where the budget crisis that state and more local governments are going through i think kind of rights and citizens asking questions about whether policies that we were led. are you sure you're mr sherry really or not if you care.
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but why does it take money to get us to start questioning whether something like capital punishment is moral or you know or is a good idea i mean often we hear you have the same arguments coming out with the war on drugs right now only when we're in a budget crisis do people start actually looking at the situation where we have a lot of mortality the legislates many laws in this country if you talk about abortion if you talk about gay marriage but capital punishment we don't think about oh i think that we lost greg they're going to we're going to try to dial him back in and see if he can come back but in the meantime if our viewers want to answer that question for us to you can respond to us on twitter or on facebook and tell us why you think it is that it takes a financial crisis something that has to do with a budget problem to get people to finally start changing their minds on any kind of moral issue including this when it comes to capital punishment in california specifically california actually has i think the highest prison population in the
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united states and don't forget of course we have the largest prison population in the world working with crack i think he's coming back. greg you hear me now let's go get a video that you know all of you ok well as long as you can hear me we're happy to have you back if you get my last question i was just asking you why it is that it takes a budget problem and it takes money to get people to start thinking about these moral issues and training them. well. it should i mean you're certainly right in pointing out the. money has led us to ask questions about the fairness and even the more ology of some. policies in the criminal justice system that we've taken for granted i think things like the death penalty change in response to a variety of different considerations and i think the monetary consideration in the case you can only go is only one of the things that's leading people to question
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again whether or not this policy that was so enthusiastically embraced in the last twenty or thirty years is really worth it and one is one thing i think all concerns are are wrongful convictions and all of the publicity which is surrounding very high profile exonerations in the country has led people to question whether this system is as concise and as fair and as accurate even in capital punishment cases as we've been led to believe so i think there's a lot of change taking place in terms of the way people look at this policy money is motivating a lot of people to look at it carefully but there are other considerations as well now how do you think of this. it should be solved for example the bears of this report get about three different ways that they think that it could be solved one includes lowering the matter crimes that could be something that's considered for capital punishment one is of course abolishment which they say could save about a billion dollars every five or six years for californians. well i think and i read
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the report i think all the things that was a reasonable i have to tell you that i think the united states is inching its way towards inching its way towards abolishing travel or punishment. we the poll numbers are really results that are coming out of capital cases where increasingly fewer and fewer juries are returning death sentences in the last several years there's been a few separators the client in a number of their sentences that will be rendered by juries i think there's a lot. so it's statistics are a little difficult to get a handle on but it also looks like prosecutors are beginning to exercise discretion more judiciously over which kinds of cases they actually bring the death penalty were requested to us parents and four and i think these things together or beginning to move the country as a whole away from this policy as i'm sure you know. we see years new jersey illinois new mexico all done away with the good schools. and i think they're normal
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students who don't follow suit i think that's ultimately were you that of course we're seeing and becoming more difficult for a lot of states to even carry out executions as pencils and available anymore in a lot of european countries block you know them being able to access i think i made aware of their tale i think i said polish meant that abolition it happens and t.v. craig i want to thank you very much for joining us here you're very welcome thanks for having. so the concert and eighteen t.v. pundit says that jon stewart's audience audience is dealt a cycle time and said i'm going to be awarded a pulitzer prize another clear attack happens stick around for all that i am one day vision of how to. ensure that only a military victory is a good deal to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes.
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but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sorely sleep you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard look at the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think. even one well.
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all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to ann coulter the aging right when hack hack author and pundits has a new book out and it's called demonic how the liberal lobby is in danger in america now it sounds like some light summer beach reading doesn't it and been out in the media trail trying to push this book and in the process she didn't interview with media and the web site asked her a few questions and her responses were. stunningly out of touch they wanted to know why and gave jon stewart so much coverage in her book and she went into this rambling answers of the jon stewart's audience had a mob like behavior and they weren't very smart this is what she said exactly so the low i.q. kids and their entire identity is i'm jon stewart's biggest fan they put on their resumes she went on to say that you think that jon stewart is funny but its audience is by and large filled with a bunch of losers that hold on here and coulter who makes a living out of bashing liberals and taking a paycheck and fox news thinks that jon stewart's audience is dumb maybe what she
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really means is that they're young she's just bitter they don't like her tired sexpot be true team that she parades all over the conservative seat and other than her being better she's also wrong seaweeds and we did some digging today and we found a survey that looks of the public's knowledge of news events and this was done a few years ago by pew research and the results are not surprising the daily show and the colbert report scored the highest pick or percent. the people surveyed had a very high knowledge of news events and if you look down the list that's even better than n.p.r. listeners and we all know that n.p.r. has a high reputation now if you look down on the list fox news came next to last just ahead of viewers who watch morning network newscasts and only thirty five percent of their viewers are knowledgeable on current events which should not shock anyone again now according to research done by comedy central seventy eight percent of the daily show viewers are more likely to have a college education compared to an average adult they're also seventy four percent more likely to make more than seventy five thousand dollars
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a year and household income compared to viewers of the o'reilly factor box news signature show only twenty four percent are more likely to have a college degree compared to the average adult and their fifteen percent less likely to have a household income greater than seventy five thousand dollars so am i to really think that jon stewart viewers are dumb maybe i'm just confused young informed people watch jon stewart not her any of the old guys the news you know she's getting a little older this year seems like maybe she's getting a little out of touch even though she still has that penchant for wearing those really ugly horse boots but tonight we are giving our children who are to ann coulter first stupid comments about jon stewart's smart. ok time for happy hour on this monday evening and joining me tonight is alex sites
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all reporter and blogger for think progress dot org and r.t. correspondent christine frizzle thanks for joining me guys let's go over it so we all know the onion with we've spoken about maybe with the same panel with our happy hour how there are some people out there that unfortunately think about the news real news but they're not but so he had to think that fox news is really well to get even more depressing i think. in their typical satirical kind of sticking to the fashion i big the onion it now is saying that they should be eligible for a pulitzer prize take a look at this clip. the only. one there was something. a little more. matter in the slightest than listen. or it comes with it that's why we hear it affect. our lives to exposing the committee's despicable bigotry. and making sure that america's finest receives the crimes which he deserves.
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and they've actually submitted the paperwork here and you know try to see if they're eligible for an award when it comes to commentary or public service but what i think they're really doing is trying to highlight the fact that sometimes the pulitzers awarded some people that if you don't really deserve it all that much you know to these news publications that are considered to be the top of the top while there is some great reporting great stuff out there that goes completely overlooked when you say i mean i hate to be the buzzkill here and i love the onion and i love that they're doing this because i think it highlights exactly as you put me out but i don't think they should win and here's why because even when they do when they can run a big headline that says the onion wins the pulitzer prize and everyone will laugh and have a joke about it i think the pulitzer should be reserved people who actually win the pulitzer prize just like to see that those headlines the real media become more you know better and more informative one of the things that i mean is so good at is getting people talking about headlines or about the silly stories or sort of the irony that's kind of brought up in the paper and i think no matter what this video and this suggestion will bring up again porton discussion which is that the
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washington post and the new york times should not always be the winners nationally i mean i agree now but maybe you know other smaller publications online publications will get a chance now or released at least be more seen as acceptable for the candidate i have people talking about because they already have some celebrities on their side arianna huffington tom hanks and even georgian president mikhail saakashvili decided to put out a video. for the codes or else i want to something else and i talked about john. night's show because he's great so he went on fox news with chris wallace and i think a lot of people would agree just totally destroyed him but just take a look at the reasoning and like the research that went into wallace's mind for this taking. place in forth how did you physically have sex with tommy lee. if you put him in front of my face i wouldn't know what they're actually seated.
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so nothing cycling masterpiece theater you're working for you're damn right and i think i am perfectly poised i think that is my that is worthwhile her balance so that you know i know that i have i don't. care for this i had to prepare i had to go through episodes of south park i had to see cartman's mom is a slot parts one and two actors i don't know if work you know nine one one says i'm not about those guys they are brilliant guys are you suggesting that you and i are the same are you suggesting that what are my of my highest aspiration and what are you desperate for. it is still ludicrous to actually think that he needs to go study up on south park and on comedy central roast to prove why counties in general is a comedy that we're going to want to point what was the point he was trying to get through or does that every time too whenever he's interviewed especially by somebody on fox and he's been on the factor before he always seems to i don't know
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if i can put it on television ripped him a new one i mean he just quit thinking you know a lot of things that if they're worried about it i just think i mean it is crazy i mean because you see like chris wallace had all this stuff prepared any other will take this video clip and take this video clip and you know he played for me with diane sawyer is that in trying to think about was the how connected to jon stewart you know he seemed to be overly prepared but was not prepared for the fact that jon stewart is just so smart and quick to just do it as a comedian and i don't even think it takes a genius to figure that part out you think media and he's on a comedy network and it's fake. exactly i mean after jon stewart there used to be the show with robots fighting each other in trying to do is make jokes about it so does this chris wallace think that he's not a good fighting robot because you know it's on with writing about something but the best thing about this is they proved its point when they edited out a piece of the interview where john sort of brought up these e-mails that bill sammon the washington d.c. editor of fox news sent to his staff directing them on how to just climate change cast doubt on climate change to call the public option health care debate the government option i mean this is exactly what john was saying and they edited out
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of the clip to present the narrative in the way they want it to be. all the more power to him this was just kind of funny paris air show coming up when we know that obviously all those military contractors have to be able to try to sell their really fancy and expensive weaponry and this is how lockheed martin is trying to sell their f. thirty five. i don't like to go really. yeah i don't understand who they think that's going to help them sell to i mean you know military contractors the people buying in the defense department i don't think are checking out pitchfork you know trying to see what the latest bands are up to i don't think so just so it's very strange maybe it's sort of
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a younger audience and appealing to them so when they're voting on these things in the future or i don't know fire danger and call them discerning hipsters or something today so yeah i have every head start to have life let's rewind our last story we've been covering lately a lot of the glitter bombing and that's been going on here's a reminder of what's happened you. know. the running of. the clothing on the snow the snow. it's glitter it's hardly it that's fine but mike huckabee actually seventy thanks for the glitter bomber should be arrested and they should be considered an assault. what about the people dropping real bomb exactly on the war of hogs they're really scared of a little glitter that gets dropped on a litter is a little nothing i mean come on guys your number using about it as
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a kid and it will follow you for the next several days no but i agree it's totally fine. and it's supposed to be fun it's supposed to just bring shed light to the fact that these people have very strange but it is a way of protesting not actually hurting or damaging anybody you're just making a sparkly absolutely i do this is a critical strategic error for my country because who's the next person is going to get little by mike huckabee no doubt i'm sure every glitter bomber in the country is at the ready with their arsenal of glitter and the next time mike huckabee shows his head that's probably what he want to go because nobody's talking about him these days little body he wants to be the good of all and i will be waiting for that i want to make sure to show you the video does have an guys thanks for joining me tonight so much thanks ari that's every night show thanks for tuning in and making the come back tomorrow katharine siana from c.e.i. is the backyard happy hour in the meantime temper get to become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it on the complete dot com watch the launch still prefers the interviews as well as michelle in its entirety coming up next is that
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