tv [untitled] June 21, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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tomorrow obama will analysis with drawls to stand over one hundred thousand or so troops there according to our own military analysts they have neo con nancy will promise to bring home least three of them so it will be joined for more on that by dr christopher sort of the center for national security law we've got a fast and furious resignation for the head of the a.t.f. a way to under the cost of war with pig bladders warning labels from the f.d.a. we'd like to see arizona burning on the border a special interview with pima county g.o.p. chair brian miller and will hook up one of our high school viewers from the school is spine on students by facebook with a great attorney adam goldstein from the student press law center because no one
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else on t.v. takes care of you the viewer like adam vs the man. or the. controversy has exploded recently over a disastrous a.t.f. operation known as fast and furious or project gun walker a debacle that allowed high powered firearms into the hands of drug cartels who then wouldn't you know use the guns in crimes you know the kind that result in death such as that of border agent brian kent. as outrage spreads spreads so does speculation that a.t.f. acting director kind of nelson will resign and yet another example of how government agencies have absolutely no ability to plan effectively or think
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critically the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms that's the bureau not the convenience store allowed mass quantities of high powered weapons to be sorts of suspected drug runners the agency had explicit intention of allowing the guns all the street where they'd turn up in crimes and that's exactly what happened the twisted reasoning was that by allowing the guns to walk the a.t.f. couldn't see where the guns and it up more than likely this was also a ploy to strengthen arguments for tighter gun restrictions on law abiding american citizens according to a confidential source within the a.t.f. the number of guns sold to cartel suspects underwater the a.t.f. exceeded twenty five hundred including as many as five hundred seventy five a k forty seven rifles the gun shop owners want to halt the sales of these weapons to suspects but the a.t.f. insisted that the sales continue since i know that all of the unconstitutional federal agencies are tax dollars fund are not letting cheap summer popcorn movies inspire their policy decisions with unnamed ideas let's see just how well attorney
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general eric holder will be able to make any more claims about the gun laws enabling drug gang violence while he knowingly allowed the a.t.f. to break the law and physically arm the same things credibility don't you think they would have it it least been smart enough to have some kind of disabling device or tracking mechanism in them but. never underestimate the incompetence of government employees i would know i used to be one but i'm better now or am i. anyways u.s. marine corporal isaiah hernandez was just nineteen years old when he was that a mortar attack that destroyed seventy percent of the muscles in his right leg taking his ability to walk now though thanks to research with them and go an institute for regenerative medicine at the university of pennsylvania hernandez is reportedly up and walking again the group was able to see the corporals remaining
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muscle tissue with a cocktail of proteins and growth had a lists derived from his bladders maybe they used big letters to disqualify us muslims because skeletal muscle does not typically regenerate after it is destroyed unless you're like my favorite x.-man wolverine this could be a big breakthrough not only for the scientific community but for thousands of veterans who have suffered physical handicaps and service to the state's new conservative adventurism if only we could figure out a way to keep their limbs from getting blown off and first place. and on that note i'm joined tonight by our own adam vs the man a military analyst jake negative neo-con nancy deliberate so and dr christopher swift fellow at the national security law center out of the university of virginia gentlemen thank you so much for joining me tonight good to be so it could be some good news on foreign policy about restoring limbs at least but are we looking for some good news tomorrow from a bottle announcing the withdrawal from afghanistan jake you have some kind of inside track on this what's your take only we would hope but it's not going to
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happen basically tomorrow president obama is going to get up in front everybody and proclaim those successes we made in afghanistan and give us the proclamation a profound number of somewhere between eight and twelve thousand troops that's very specific you're going to stand behind that is pretty eight to twelve thousand twelve thousand troops i can put every dollar i have behind it based upon my sources inside the pentagon all right so what would be the significant of that it depends on whether the eight to twelve thousand recommendation figure we're hearing from jake is accurate i've seen figures on c.n.n. and reported in other media twelve it's all day and it must be true this is fairly good i'll news network of up to thirty thousand right so let's hope it was eight to twelve they can cycle that out with people who are ready to go home and they can increase it by twelve without anybody in america even noticing a well they have to report it eventually to congress but they can do that very subtly but if it is the sort of thing more in the thirty thousand range then what we'll see is the take back of the search basically going to two years earlier than
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originally planned in fancy think it'll be more than thirty and also if it's more than thirty thousand then we're going to see a substantial policy shift from a counterinsurgency strategy to something with a much lighter footprint and i probably a greater focus on counterterrorism so one of the one of the things the eight to twelve thousand will happen by the suspect only by the end of july of twenty twelve and then you'll see another eighteen to twenty thousand from february to the summer of two thousand and twelve so basically you're looking at roughly twenty five to thirty. as in over two years what that means as chris said in two years time not what president obama said in his west point speech but in two years' time it could be a change in policy but in the media future we're going to see black no no such thing as change and much more of the same ok dr what do you think is behind this announcement what were the motivations are there a number of things going on and what they are there there are a series of debates we're having in washington about troop numbers about deadlines
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and about whether our strategy in afghanistan should be counterterrorism and counterinsurgency it's my understanding that after the death or assassination of osama bin laden that the priority that's been placed on afghanistan is somewhat lower on capitol hill than it was before and that some people in the white house or the national security council are moving towards a low a right or footprint strategy focus much more on high priority targets and much less that would mean i don't know he said mara would have to be something closer to eighty or ninety thousand nobody's nobody's perfect you have to try to remember adam that you know governments don't turn on a dime right so if even if the administration plans to implement a lighter footprint strategy it would probably do it on a phased in basis something similar to what jake is when it's not on when it comes to starting the interview and the. point is well taken out and all i got to say this panel is a bit of a preview of what some of the zombies out there watching the mainstream media might be seen tomorrow because our own military analyst jake has infiltrated the maze we
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have some some interviews lined up don't don't don't know you don't have to name any names but what do you think the reaction from the rest of the punditry is going to be tomorrow i think basically people are going to get on specially fox and c.n.n. and there's going to be a lot of bitter batter oh we should do this oh we shouldn't do this but really nothing of real substance because the bottom line we were facing afghanistan which some of the folks on this network and on al-jazeera and embassy in d.c. will be able to highlight they are the real problem that we face in afghanistan is not related to the taliban for instance helma. province everything to really related in a little bit we would see is everything that's related to helmand province is directly related to heroin everything in kabul has to do with corruption in the banking industry none of this has anything to do with the taliban and the only networks i want to talk about there are people actually do real journalism like we do here like some folks i've seen b.c. and how does europe chris you know i just want to jump in and make the argument that we can do more with
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a lighter footprint in afghanistan if we get our priorities over and in order get our priorities in order we have to ask three questions the first question is who are our adversaries the second question is what kind of threat to they actually posed on the third question is what's the best strategy for dealing with them now i would argue that you have a group a small group of people in afghanistan in the general after region who have a global interest in doing us harm there question how much capacity they have is a different matter i really do and i have been i know we get those other questions i want to ask what is doing more that we need to be doing it all in the first place but gentlemen that's all the time we have thank you so much both of you for joining us tonight that was jake gilberto adverse of the man military analysts and dr christopher swift of the national security law expert from the university of virginia all rights. oh excuse me you might have heard about the two thousand and bill allowing the f.d.a. to put whatever they want on cigarettes by the way this is the same food and drug administration that has been responsible for ensuring all the food and drugs in the united states are good for you and since they can find
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a way to convince you that smoking cigarettes is healthy they finally resorted to this warning and cigarettes are addictive ok i mean now i know this from personal experience since i spent in iraq a lot it's hard to worry about cancer with mortars falling all around you and can you imagine a soldier in afghanistan getting this fix of the good smokes from home having to look at something like this warning smoking can kill you now i'm totally against smoking but if every cigarette is the equivalent of an orgasm for you and totally worth the cost that's for you to decide so imam feisal can but i'm pro freedom against forcing cigarette manufacturers or anyone making any product to put any kind of government mandated warning other product whatsoever so if the government is to keep us safe from everything we might be seeing something like this in the future or dream feeding your kids crowd will make them fat but then the f.d.a. is approved by the courts or of additives that have made america the fattest
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country on earth but it doesn't have any real health consequences does it justify their cigarette labels the f.d.a. claims that smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the united states linked to an estimated four hundred forty three thousand deaths a year by this is this going alice's method they used for linking deaths to smoking their second leading cause of death is kevin bacon i've got a few more warning labels and i think we'll see all will be seen when the government finally titles the smoking problem they've been working on for years and drawn millions of your tax dollars at. but wait no nevermind the the adult smoking rate has been unchanged from around twenty percent since two thousand and four and the high school smoking rate is now right behind it because nothing makes kids want to smoke more than telling them they can't and by the way nothing erodes trust in government like sensationalist warning labels anyway there we go warning probably use of this product by women may cause the bloating morning sickness and the sexually transmitted disease known as pregnancy. do we
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have any labels for serious health threats warning proper use of this product by women may cause the bloating morning sickness and sexually transmitted disease known as pregnancy. do we have any warnings for other really bad things warning marijuana make oscillation cancer prevention and reduced anxiety. nothing to warrant people about with marijuana. oh here it is marijuana may cause severe beatings fines and imprisonment them and some dangerous stuff ok any anything else for consumer safety warnings warning watching government propaganda networks may cause wage slavery avidly drilling in occasional ross of limbs to necrosis pot you want to know the real reason the government doesn't want to warn you about these threats because then they'd have to
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put warnings on cops like this morning police may cause random acts of brutality violence and forceful violations of your rights. right but for people in foreign countries u.s. soldiers would have to come with warnings to the warning department of defense rules of engagement may cause torture. hey don't hate i've got the stories to prove it on our own all right now we all know that he has a employees don't really need this. warning giving up liberty in the name of security may lead to loss of both ok so where do they put the government warning label about unemployment oh yeah here it is warning printing money if you give your rich friends may cause severe misallocation of resources leading to massive economic suffering and high unemployment well there you go but i think of a couple of definitions before our final warning genocide among other things the
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killing of people by a government because of their indelible group membership race ethnicity religion or language the little side the murder of any person or people by government because of their politics or for political purposes mass murder the in this criminal killing of any person or people by a government and finally demo side the murder of any person or people by a government including genocide politicized and mass murder so how do those add up according to political scientists are very wrong who studied over eight thousand reports of government related deaths he estimates that there have been two hundred and sixty two million million victims of them aside and just the last century and according to his figures that's six times as many people who have died from inflections of people working for governments that have died and brom. all right you're watching adam vs the man will be right back.
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not drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it so that if you have made who can you trust no one who is you feel it with the global mission to read see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sections when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. into it only it would. do the work to bring justice and accountability. i have a right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. both
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backed out of vs the man even without the a.t.f. arming violent drug cartels arizona sees its share of cartel trouble the two thousand and eleven sheriff of the are all below blasted u.s. policy over the lack of federal action at the borders and while not here is something for intervention in mexico he did make some interesting observations on u.s. policy noting that we have more troops on the korean border than our own not to mention troops and. pakistan afghanistan iraq and i don't know however many other borders around the world that we're defending we also intervened in libya well cartel violence resulting in tens of thousands of civilian deaths is now spilling over into the united states they are terrorists. literally thirty five
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thousand people have been brutally murdered in mexico the president just articulated we went beyond libya because we didn't want possibly a thousand civilians just killed who had been blood on our hands wait a minute that's halfway around the world and look south meanwhile john mccain is throwing his to read sense and on the border issue you know those forest fires according to him they might be illegal immigrants both it least they're not blaming al qaeda for everything anymore right. so now we have a special interview as promised with brian miller chairman of the pima county republican party where the controversy stemming from the murder of jose graner by a swat team in a no knock raid has caused an interesting split within the party just in case you didn't see the footage let's play the clip of the attack one more time here.
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it seems that having taken a stand for this the chairman of the g.o.p. and in pima county our guest brian miller has caused quite a stir and almost a split or a rift in the g.o.p. and on one side or the establishment republicans who want a situation like this see guilty until proven innocent and are willing to tolerate this kind of violence by law enforcement officials on the other side or the constitutional republicans generally a younger group these days like our guest ryan miller stand up for the constitution and stand up for the core publican principles and stand up for what is right in the republican party and pima county brian thanks so much for being with us tonight thanks for having me appreciate it so you made a statement as the chair of the pima county g.o.p. on this what was it and why did it cause such a reaction. well i simply said and you know you talked about it on your show the
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video but all i simply said was i hope that this tragedy can reawaken a discussion of our civil liberties and freedoms that we have been and let's look at the policy that directs and allow those situations like this to happen at eight and it increasingly alarming rate but we're not all not yet you want a little further with that that the headline of your e-mail was we are all those a grainy at and it seemed like a lot of the reaction was hey i'm not some drug dealer criminal the guilty until proven innocent right that's true that was a reaction that you come to comes out of kind of a knee jerk reaction to always defer to what the government says but it seems to me a very conservative point to say well let's question government policy i think citizen oversight and government policy is a very american thing to do but when you you simply can't question the authority you can't question those in the know and we have a situation that's happened here and this will simply if last we have people like
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me and you and you and your viewers who you know are willing to stand up for liberty are willing to question authority are willing to say look no the constitution doesn't give government this is there already and will up to us to day to question be the old guard i guess it would be so this is just this is a symptom of a much larger problem that we have and you know i certainly didn't want to have this big brouhaha here but when you simply raise a question like that people get their feathers grew up ruffled and the apple cart has been tipped over and you are taking a side that it had already been taken by oath keepers the organization of military veterans and not active duty and law enforcement officers who want to honor their oath of the constitution and we're equally abhorred at this this act of violence by the slots and it was completely uncalled for but these bootlicker republicans these guilty until proven innocent establishment rick republicans who take the govern. word as gospel and don't even question that in a case where
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a marine it combat veteran is killed in his own home. what was he really not with us with his safety on right so what are they so pissed off about and why are they still in the republican party at this point well it's a good question part of it is there you know like i said it's a comfort thing as long as you don't you know freedom and limited government for me now for me is sort of the mantra of a lot of people and look there's a problem in the democratic party but there's an increasingly large problem in the republican party too because people like to say well yes i believe the constitution yes you believe in all this freedom but oh well no not if it means you know you know you can't really grow milk or you can't you know you can't do whatever you want to in your body or or you might question law enforcement policy you're free to do exactly what we tell you you're free to do exactly what we tell you as long as we're not offended so they willfully twist my words they say well you're attacking police officers or you know you're violating the due process that these police officers have when all i said was let's have
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a discussion about about the policy that allows this to happen pretty simple and this is if you think this is a really representative of a broader rift within the republican party you're right i think it's well yes i think you've seen it i know you have a new your viewers are recognizing a lot of people recognize and it's something that's it's not a new thing it's happened spence and barry goldwater was around and this period barry goldwater is alive and well here in arizona house and well it's good to see that at least some of you there are people who are alive fighting the likes of john mccain so that's all the time we have private thank you so much i think of the great sport there standing that was brian military man of the pima county republican party and now we've got yet another health mandate supporting norman throwing his hat in the republican presidential ring that's right jon huntsman utah governor and the former ambassador to china under obama is officially in the field as a g.o.p. can. pender taking second place at this past weekend's aral sea conference in new
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orleans and receiving plenty of free press it seems a lot of another pre-selected front runner to hear about in the corporate media narrative i guess he passes the litmus test for being considered serious where two term governor gary johnson can't still huntsman will have a fight on his hands in a tea party infused g.o.p. field that will find out as this into his expressed support for a statewide mandate on health reform is indorsement of the corporatists known as cap and trade and his refusal to cut to wish an aid to illegal parents. maybe he can use inside knowledge from his time as a bastard child to sell off the rest of the country and i don't know is not enough after the mainstream media elect him to be president all right so we have a very special panel to close out the night's show we are joined by high school student crystal adele who wrote an e-mail to us here at adverse is the man and attorney adam goldstein from the student press law center now this thank you both
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for being with us tonight now before we get into this let me let me just set the stage for a second a few weeks ago on the show we talked about a little privacy notice that we have on our facebook page i have on my personal facebook page so let me just read that for the benefit of our audience and through to refresh the memories here this is the man i want to face that we encourage everybody because this is warning. any person and or institution and or agent and or agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the united states federal government also using or monitoring using this website or any of its associated websites you do not have my permission to utilize any of my profile information or any of the content contained here including but not limited to my photos and or the comments made about my photos and or any other picture are posted on my profile your here by notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing copying seven to seven or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and i can't contents here in the foregoing prohibitions also for your employees agent students or any personnel under your direction or control the contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law and now chris
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before you ran into this problem with your school administrators that will gets in the second it did you have this posted to your profile no good which you do have it now at least yeah ok go it's a new lease now that the protections in place but you wrote to us and said the your school district in california current high school district has been basically they had school administrators using facebook to spy on students and pose as fellow students making fake profiles so that they can get into private profiles it basically this is just to punish people with things like the tension for things that the school deems inappropriate is that right yet my activity circular that farmers like them are activities director of studies that it's not going in we're getting suspended and she wouldn't disclose the names of students very much so we have a lawyer here for you to ask your question too because you wanted to know first if
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copping this warning to the government actually provides any legal protection or if all it does is put them on notice so adam what do you think of this this warning that had this been going around facebook i didn't come up with it i copied it from phone myself but what legal protection does it provide. well it's like wearing the same morning in a t. shirt it's not going to hurt but you might still get arrested sort of thing and i will if something were to happen like if someone were to run into actual legal trouble high school student in california for this it least when i go to court and they say no this i was specifically notified is private information does that give them at least an edge in court perhaps unfortunately not if it appears at the bottom of the profile that the problem is kind of a similar one that journalists run into in the field which is that if someone doesn't say it's off the record until they give you the information you can use it well if you don't warn them that it's private until after they've read your profile that warning comes too late if it were possible to put sort of
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a page in front of your facebook profile saying to us you hop it has to be a pop up right exactly you have to be likable and that would be sort of like a click grab contract and at that point it really is sort of a legal question can the government violate a contract in its law enforcement and i think maybe the n.s.a. thinks they can and probably local cops think they can't and everybody else is somewhere in between oh maybe someone will design a facebook plug in for us to make sure that pops up first and then any school or medicine or straight are saying this will be put on notice but chris you you had some you know your story here about what's going on raises some some larger issues about school officials in government run schools using the force of government taxpayer dollars to spy on students but we've got out of here do you have any questions for him about that. going to spawn. oh you're obviously disturbed by this this is a violation of your privacy and raises some legal questions i mean are they are just for starters are they able to get away with this is this legal for
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a school administrator to do for school administrators to pose as students to get access to other profiles it probably isn't illegal i mean if you want to take a really broad reading of the computer but if you use that some kind of fraud well that's the question like the computer fraud and abuse that says that it's you know a federal offense to provide false information to a website so that could be now i think in force ability that is questionable because you have a right to anonymous speech and then the question becomes well does the government have the same right as as a citizen but i think we don't even have to worry about that half of the story because the second half where they're at one hundred people or speech that's outside of school is both clearly illegal and really creepy and nobody said that before that let me just be the one to say that is creepy behavior i'm a little disturbed for the individuals involved in this like if they have some other disturbing motivation but chris what is the reaction of the student body to this coming to light. well it seems like our active user is also
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a history teacher in school and we had a conversation on this throughout the class and a lot of students they do seem to be like oh no it's ok and i was like absolutely not it's all my friends were with me in politics and they think this is like totally outrageous. and a few other students were very disappointed to hear this and we want to know if this was legal well it's should be no surprise that the government run schools aren't teaching you the ways in which they are violating your rights the it here and so the constitution but what would you recommend that students do to fight back against these kind of violations and certainly call me at the same person also be glad to help you in california you've got a great ally in state senator leland yee he's passed a bunch of laws limiting the authority of schools to punish students for protected first amendment speech well you know a lot you can also always start a facebook page and organize students against us and i hope you'll take it as an opportunity to educate them about free speech issues.
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