tv [untitled] June 21, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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for why they didn't ask congress for approval to go to war in libya they said it didn't count as hostilities the way the war powers act intended but some members of congress are fighting back so we want to know who comes out on top of this argument and is libya really a war that u.s. forces haven't been devoted to let's go to producer patrice in a sense and to find out what you have to say. this is how most of the world sees u.s. involvement in libya it looks like a hostile war zone because it is but the president is assuring us what we're doing there isn't hostile so apparently the white house sees the conflict in libya like this so we want to know what you thought is it a war has the us devoted troops to the conflict there samantha said flat out the president is not authorized to commit american forces into a war without congressional approval jack hitmen he agrees he said it is definitely unconstitutional they talk about boots on the ground but what about the billion dollars worth of bombs so now this bigger picture is starting to unfold and admin
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said the u.s. has sent drones cruise missiles conducting countless strikes if that is investigation i don't know what is ok it looks like the real question here is how could you not consider the conflict in libya hostile to the troops on the ground rhetoric doesn't think of a fooling anyone what the white house is doing is setting a dangerous precedent that drone strikes and missile attacks are not the definition of involved in hostilities oh and don't forget the pentagon the one to five billion dollars for drones next year so it looks like they're not involved in hostilities strategy could be used to get around the war powers act for decades. now as always thank you for your responses and here's our next topic for you we showed you a c.n.n. poll earlier in the show where more respondents reflected a libertarian view points than in previous years so we want to know what you think is libertarianism going at main street in america. you can respond to us on
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facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air . now as we promised yesterday we're going to continue to tell you about police raids that go wrong and what do you know another police raid has left a civilian day and hampton virginia a local law enforcement is serving a drug warrant on a sixty nine year old man when they got to the door william cooper allegedly fired a handgun at the police and ultimately he was shot dead in the cop's returned fire even though this incident happened just a few days ago a lot of people are critical of the way the drug war was carried out for starters we should know that witnesses to the scene couldn't confirm if the older man fired first friends of cooper say that he was very friendly but he was most likely started by cops busting down the door and they added people around here sleep with a gun beside their bed because of all the home invasions that we've had the guy was a nice guy the guy was a good guy so you think the local police would maybe take that into consideration when they're busting down the door of a sixty nine year old man as of now nobody has said whether or not any narcotics are found in two percent but the local police department has made every effort to
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tell the media that they feel validated in their return to gunfire any time there's a loss of life it's a tragedy in this instance because officers involved is not only a tragedy for the poor for the family members who lost eleven loan it's also a tragedy for the police officers that are in their wives will also never be the same. well those cops might have considered this a tragic incident as well but i'd argue that their lives never being the same is quite different than cooper whose life was ended altogether but a local police continue to defend the officers who killed them saying that they were met with deadly force and had no alternative other than to return fire really maybe you should yell police a little louder before you start busting down people's doors in the middle of the night maybe you shouldn't be knocking the doors down of people or prescription drugs either that's just a thought that frankly the details surrounding the story and the death are still fishy and if the police are already so firmly defending their peers i doubt that anyone who cries foul voices are going to be allowed to be heard but what's worse
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is how the police are acting as if their own boys in blue are forever scarred by this shooting they're still alive cooper is dead so perhaps the cops in hampton should start changing their message on this one. so last night we saw the debut of keith olbermann new gig at current t.v. of course with the exact same name and the same music that he had over m.s.n. b.c. in fact it's pretty much the same of everything minus a few obvious steps down a production value it wasn't a groundbreaking alternative media above the fray kind of show in a special comment for the evening over and promised to take on a fight this is to be a newscast of contextualization and it is to be presented with a viewpoint that the weakest citizen of this country is more important than the strongest corporation but the nation is losing its independence through the malfeasance of one political party and the timidity of another and that even though you and i should not have to be the last line of defense presently we are so we damn well better start being it the words thing is when it came to bringing on
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contributor markos moulitsas from the daily kos kind of trying to do the same insider baseball for a five minute rant about how joe scarborough is a tyrant. but you haven't been on cable television since may twelfth two thousand and ten why for. well it seems that your old boss had a little problem with me i was under the impression that you were in charge of your own gas that you could decide who could speak on your show and that was ed schultz in the rachel maddow and the rest of the lineup on the mess in d.c. turns out that joe scarborough has veto power over who can speak and everybody else the shows they got. that really what keith mad by the week is citizen being more important than the strongest corporation so we thought maybe his worst persons segment would be a corporation maybe the executive that has been held accountable we helped. the first time in the last million occurrences a conductor a new york suburban commuter rail on metro north actually intervene when the passenger you've been stuck next to a least once in your life on a plane or
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a bus or train not only talked to well but was also allegedly swearing. a lady swearing on a subway not so much of that us versus them so what we say about the new countdown is that just more of the same joining me to discuss this is christopher chambers lecturer at georgetown university and author of the blog. chris thanks so much for being here you ok what were your first thoughts on over men's new show i was missing some of the the the passion was there was right all over men but where is this where alternative i'm doing things differently this time around well i mean it's alternative in that he's not a major news outlet but it is in terms of the demographic that he's going after current t.v. is almost like the national geographic channel and discovery for kind of a hipster demo where they want to see documentaries investigative reporting stuff they go to current so it's alternative and it's not you know stodgy and b c but it's he has to really keep his brand going and you know you go to ease into it you
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don't just jump into it you know he's not going to go in there naked or to clear war on john boehner ok. but let me let me read you a quote and this is something that he said at a press conference and he was talking about his show and what he wanted to achieve he said what we're trying to do is something that is utterly different than what's been done with television news in the last thirty years since the advent of cable and the breaking down of that used to be the wall between news and everything else and television networks are a jumble that only. he said is going to be completely and utterly different than anything that on t.v. in the last thirty years he has the same music basically the same ground and it was the same old insider baseball republicans versus democrats i didn't see what he was promising a special comment which was standing up for the people versus the corporations and the lawmakers that don't do anything for that i can only say you know stay tuned it might be a ploy it's marketing and hucksterism or no one or it might be all b.s. i mean we don't know i mean this guy you know he's pretty cagey guy i mean i think
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he's trying to suck an audience and you know he's got his brand he's got his target groups that followed him over but he's also got the current demos the people that watch her and he wants to bring them in and so he's got to i think he's got to do it a little easier that you've got to ease into it he's not he's not a lunatic ingrate i think that people are looking though they're looking for something different right there who obviously already who is willing to step above the fray excuse me and not do the m.s.n. b.c. versus fox to host a resume point i think he did overplay the alternative people think of alternative there's old that's a very pregnant word and so i think that you know when curry and him and he's a great self marketer use that term everybody all the wheels started turning in the audience's mind he didn't really deliver on it i think the next time he's got to start delivering on what i'm just wondering what do you think the current strategy is at the end of august do they really want to be this alternative channel they've been for here is who quite frankly that's a minute not that many people have heard they have
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a tiny tiny test them all you know viewership compared to you could say the cable networks or do they want to actually be one of them go. i think so i think they want to be this big network for the you know like an eighteen to thirty demo we don't because if you look at their shows where they have marvelous investigative reporting you know documentaries and stuff like that now they have him i mean they have a cooking shows i mean i think they want to be they want to be their own little universe i mean as opposed to someone like glenn beck was trying to start basically his own cult you know i mean that's truly alternative because he's building it around himself you know it's almost like pat robertsons you know p t l club i mean that's a true alternative model right there i think that olbermann is just basically part of the you know on a weapon a star that they can they can bring out but is it going to be at the end of the day right they still have commercials they still have these corporate ties or is it to have that ring of corporate media to it but not as much as he was used to but i
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mean it wasn't really corporate media had a problem with as such it was ours it was it was there. yeah and i think that there he's going to i think he's going to be turned loose a little bit more in terms of administrative leave how he's going to run his show but. i mean if the reports are true he is getting ten million dollars a year that's a that's a huge. part of them but where that money even come i don't know what he did auction value of the shell for mr right now but it didn't look like a little coming from al gore's pocket he was where the people who started current i don't know i mean the flip side of this is you could have the disaster that happened the sirius radio when they decided to basically mortgage the earth moon and stars to howard stern and things they had to restructure because of that you know i think they're looking at that that's a model for the industry but i think you know i think because of the tenor of the show the product that he puts out i think they'll melt together pretty well so alternative no but a good fit yes probably do you know anything i do you know much about al gore's
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partner in this venture as you know are saying and maybe isn't coming out of al gore is pocket by about. other people involved i'm not really so sure about the corporate structure there again i don't know where they got the money from i mean somebody who's basically probably has a new car note on it at this point but i mean i don't really know where they got the money from because now if they're going to suck the money away from the stuff that's made them a name like vanguard like they're investigative documentaries they're going to have a problem well i guess we'll have to wait and see if it's actually and not being worth it for them by keith olbermann not only is he getting ten million dollars a year reportedly he also then gets to have a stake in the company probably all a big say but. you mustn't lose you know money for the for the overman fans or one of the exact same thing you know i guess that's exactly what they got but i think the younger people want something you're probably right that's my take chris thanks so much for joining us tonight. still to come tonight we have our tool time award which calls out a governor for signing
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more news today violence has once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporation to rule the day. more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean combs discovers flood makes antarctica so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is a bonus if you live in the front of. expedition to the bottom of
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your parties. are it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to a georgia governor nathan deal say the republican governor was elected to office last november and recently he signed a tough new immigration law starting on july first a georgia law enables law enforcement officers to question all criminal suspects about their immigration status it also requires employers to verify the immigration status of new employees there are a federal database before hiring that and deal said at the state had to act with an illegal population that is estimated to be almost one half million the collective financial cost to our educational health care and correctional infrastructure is in
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the billions. but see now a deal the rest of his republican lawmaker friends who passed that bill are dealing with a few other major issues a lack of migrant workers illegal immigrants who work in the fields picking fruits and vegetables are now leaving the states in huge numbers which is really shocking since they're under attack and a study by the state of georgia released last week found that more than eleven thousand agricultural jobs remain vacant during this which is the busiest picking season for fruits and vegetables just listen to a few vendors in atlanta who are afraid that they're not going to be able to get a steady supply from southern georgia. to reach. this well you say people. that there is a group who is doing. sort of georgia farmers are good lawmakers who voted for this bill actually think the farmers in the state wouldn't be affected by the immigration bill here georgia's called the peach state because of its world famous peach crops they ever tasted of a daily onion their sweet on the ends are only grown in the state of georgia so if
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you can't tell agriculture is kind of big business in this state they produce more than five billion dollars a year in revenue with that and farmers are not the only ones facing the hardships because of this new law there are some people moving around. in this he or she could be going back to mexico if i have no license and i'm not going to be legalized i can't work. so i'm just wondering and a slow economy is a really good to be chasing workers and their money out of the state while they may have been there illegally they were contributing they were working those are things that politicians don't like to bring up the immigrant population is a huge contributor to our economy and that is a fact we need to figure out how to deal with it properly so governor nathan deal how's that new immigration law working out for you you know the one that's not even a law yet and it's already costing your state money that's why it's tool time winner.
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ok it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening our producer jenny churchill and catherine santow warren brookes journalism fellow at the competitive enterprise institute ladies thank you for joining me. big news today there's a new g.o.p. candidate that's entered the race and we've been covering it obviously because it's important to see who might be running to be president next but there's something different about this guy take a look. today. i'm a candidate for the office of president of the united states of america. all right here comes the magic question do you think that jon huntsman is hot no i
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think he seems like a creepy camp counselor creepy camp counselor. i know that we're doing up on fire he's excited tonight guys running for president come on what do you say i think the president is a story about a very good looking tall man who who are tall person who controls who you know oversees the government and i think this is a guy who's trying to sell himself as a sort of like hot younger looking guy let's be honest i mean in american culture today these days in our sound bite culture especially when a lot of people just see their president in you know still shots or maybe to be like a little two second blurb on t.v. good looking people probably have a better chance of getting elected probably jon huntsman has a better chance of getting elected than chris christie and that's something that people have said you know even bowls and people are written about it because that's just the type of culture that we are but we had a little fun and we found some pictures that we thought we could compare jon huntsman to. in
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a bathing suit no it wasn't about their politics and it was just about their looks that blood flowing is obviously wrong paul i'm sure you don't know how many kids you have it was enough. for me it's not about looks for me it's about kind of the feeling that you get about a candidate it's about you know how endearing they are to you how real they seem to you how honest they seem to you and that really has nothing to do with how they look you're just not playing along when i run. around whether he's hot or not and will john kerry was a good looking guy i really disliked him because i thought he was smarmy and rove john kerry is not good looking but i don't agree with about his politics i think he's a good looking man and i think that you can separate those two things but i think that the good looking thing does a really big job for a campaign i think that's i'm just trying to say in his country it does make things easier and quite frankly if i'm going to have to be covering you know what these people say and do until the next presidential election with mine if one of them is good looking i can say. nother story this one's
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a lot more serious actually so the f.d.a. is now about to release their new smoking labels on packs of cigarettes and they're pretty graphic this is the first change under twenty three twenty five years they've made labels and some of them they said they were trying to pull on your emotional heartstrings because sometimes they felt like it was too graphic that people just tend to tune it out and some of them while they just wanted to be really graphic like. the smoking through your neck obviously we can say with that with that deter you do you think about going to her kids my favorite cigarette out of ever seen was turned out was a couple looking unhappy in bed and there was a cigarette and said it happens to everyone smoking makes it happen more and it's one of them. again and again sex sells and if you don't people their sex life is going to be ruined if they smoke then it probably has a better chance of making them quit rather than showing a picture of a crying baby just. i want to know what's your take a lot and i want to know what you think what's my take about it i mean i think that
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those i don't think those will necessarily work i think that like hopefully they will deter and when it comes to young kids i think that the asians are visuals really can stand out in your mind they can make an imprint i don't know if anybody who's already smoking is really going to take that much time looking at the pack of cigarettes to really think about it right at that minute but i just i ask because i couldn't help but draw a parallel to the story at the beginning of the shell about the pictures from libya and showing the reality of what's happening there and that's kind of how i feel about these cigarette ads you know they might not be pleasant but this is the reality of smoking a cigarette absolutely so. kills bad for you. kids ok this one's just kind of fun so amish me just tell you this story twenty one year old amish man was arrested in indiana because he arranged a sexual encounter with a twelve year old via text message and apparently he sent her hundreds of dirty texts including pictures of his penis and lewd videos you know it's one thing i
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guess we've come to expect politicians and people like anthony weiner doing it but are the amish being corrupted by technology other couldn't use technology was part of their whole thing so we don't get this guy was there you know us about this so there are a few aspects of this that are really confusing one is apparently most amish people have cell phones which kind of blew my mind i guess it's because it's because of business reasons they have to have cell phones you know. but he's also this guy taking pictures of himself i thought that was completely against the business. there you go there you go i mean if it's business can you do it can you break all the rules if it's good for business can you talk about the really funny part of the story they set up a sting where he showed up in his buggy i'm sorry he was like. you know you know need for a very have to bust down a door and excessive violence because the guy's on a buggy and i think he's going to get away from the police car did they have the
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horse was impounded if it was a swat where right i'm sure they should have asked the forfeiture. ok. a last. let's well let's just play the news but i think we'll explain the story for you. you want you want to rescue. changes hoping for a three year sentence he figures he won't be able to collect social security when he gets out. so that's just a sad state of affairs james there worked for coca-cola for seventeen years and he was laid off three years ago and then he started noticing that he had some. medical problems and so he actually went to a bank to rob a dollar and told them that i'm just waiting to go to jail so i can get treated
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like i have a guy who is blogging as a lesbian in the middle east is not the same. guy you know this story is actually really sad and similar to other stories in the winter you always hear about homeless people trying to purposely get arrested to get away from the cold and i think it's really really sad that we have to have people putting themselves in jail to get the types of things that they need to survive to make us feel like oh wow this is a problem in new york every year there's there's hundreds of people every single night probably in d.c. to call ambulance and call nine one one just to get picked up and taken to the hospital to get a good you know a good night's sleep in a hot meal it's sad but you know. not the right way it's sad but if you think about it no it's not the right way and then that's when people start getting angry because they say that all these people are wasting my taxpayer dollars by calling nine one one or they're wasting my money by going to jail and i'm paying for these prisoners to stay there maybe that's why we have to start thinking about our priorities of things like actually has more homeless shelters or we actually treated health care is something that is
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a right that he can have this problem lay in the people here larry i know you want it all doesn't it actually. i mean do our girls thanks for joining me tonight for having us ok that's it. tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow lawrence wilkerson is going to be back on the show to discuss obama's announcement about america's involvement in afghanistan in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can always catch a dollar you tube dot com slash the long show very post interviews as well as the show in its entirety we up next is adam vs the man. wealthy british style stock. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy.
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for a no holds barred the global financial headlines kaiser reports. the official on t.v. application. called touch from the. life on the go. video on demand. old costs and feeds in the palm of your. question. in the united kingdom is available in the house bill and. hotel the old waverly hotel they can also tell the millstone hotels some of the country house today is the pool towels the rim brands the crimean the chesterfield. moto the royal the rubens hotel.
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aviation experts examine the black boxes of a russian plane that exploded into flames after crashing the republic of killing forty four people. the greek government survives a critical vote of confidence in its austerity drive and furious protests that the will of the people is being neglected. page in history. republics more in the millions killed in the second world war seventy datsun troops are facing the same. but out there with world news twenty four hours a day this is r.t. the flight recorders from the airplane that crashed in northwestern russia on
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monday have been brought to moscow to shed light on what caused the tragedy forty four people on board the temple the one three four jets were killed when the plane landed on a highway just a few hundred meters from the runway the aircraft was making a regular flight from moscow to purchase of malts russia's republic of korea eight people including a ten year old boy hospital and severe injuries a correspondent. is in the city of pictures of all it's going to join us live in a few minutes here on the front. of. the greek government has nearly won a key vote of confidence allowing the prime minister to continue his fight for more cuts parliament and now has to decide whether to impose austerity measures with billions of euros in order to secure a second e.u. bailout lifeline for the country's paralyzed economy but as sarah firth reports there's an ever widening divide between the government's vision and the will of the
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people. it. is considered by many to be the best place of democracy but increase now the widening gap between the aims of the people and the government is proving explained. that we are a mix of people that have no political dollars and we are all together to say that we cannot be on the vice president we cannot hold. the measures measures that they take for us without us and we want to take out a large block demonstrations are held in the central square now on a daily basis with some of the protests turning violent the protesters say the suffocating take us nothing compared to the a sturdy measures that they fail a strangling their economy the people are being refused very right to drugs what policies are going to be implemented upon.
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