tv [untitled] June 22, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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live video on demand. as feeds now in the palm of your list. com. thanks to you the viewer we've got a new way to fight back against government and doctor an indoctrination agents also known as public high school teachers and spy on their students to punish them not only is what they're doing illegal it's against facebook policy stay tuned for that we've got peter schiff on bernanke is b.s. pill being rated and just like in the great depression the government making it illegal to buy and sell gold over the counter we got only have got our freedoms phoenix live reports best anonymous striking right in orlando the key to happiness through autonomy and you the viewer remember on friday we'll see you in lancaster new hampshire for a special court fest episode of a live studio audience for adam vs the man.
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once again publicly funded trolls and police have used their powers of government inconvenience and arbitrary a rust to imprison an innocent citizen for filming their behavior while on the job emily good was charged with the trumped up charge of obstructing government administration and bailed out of jail later that same evening after being placed in cuffs for merely videotaping from her own property while there was a vehicle search being conducted in front of her home the officer who felt she was anti police press passed into the woman's yard in a legally placed or under arrest after barking orders for her to be a good little citizen and go inside or. it's not right to be in my yard and i'm
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sorry that you never hear me all i have is a camera and clearly wearing nothing i have no weapons not matter what you're you're not listening to our orders right now we don't feel safe you standing behind if you're not moving you know what are the back you're going to be you're going to be wanting you to move out but for their balance. going to resume already warned i will look up further back i don't like when you go inside my house i feel like i need the fresh air right now. i'm wrestling with all of these orders were i'm not asking you what's really very simple i don't understand you're always got stand behind us ok you didn't mean to not give me a lesson and i can explain myself you were going to was going to going to jail and trying to give you a warning. ok. i'm going back out oh we're. going to go to the ledge that was a wrong and then i'll stay right here right. i'm out. here you know they're going to help i don't understand what's going on. you're
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under arrest for standing behind a police officer according to the rochester independent media center who released the video of the arresting officers mario massacre of the rochester police department. please tell me someone can dig up his home address and tell him what to do in his front yard. remember never be afraid to practice your constitutionally affirmed rights of free press the police do not have the legal authority to arrest you that is not a promise from me that they won't but they counsel legally and hopefully the consequences will be worse for the individual officers in the long run. what kind of free society can we truly claim to have when our public officials feel that they are allowed to just protect themselves from the light of public observation saudis are always those done in darkness so let's paraphrase the neo cons favorite phrase and defense of the patriot act if the police have nothing to hide they should have
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nothing to fear so actually since they're living on our tax dollars we need to weed out the bad apples in the police force and give the other five percent a bad name. in case you need more evidence of paranoia in government or solutions looking for problems flights were grounded sunday at the d.c. airport because a woman and ohio pulled an airport worker there was a bomb on a plane it was later revealed that she knew there was a bomb on a plane because god told her she was taken into custody immediately after suggesting the plane which took off from dayton ohio was cleared to land it reagan international anyway and the explosives were found on the plane after a thorough search of refurbishing all the passengers but if there had been a bomb whoever put it there could have been a bit over d.c.
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anyway apparently no charges have been filed against the woman who has a history of mental problems and is and health at a mental health facility where we should put whoever's in charge of airport security wait i'm hearing voices no wait it's just one voice oh my god it's gawd it's telling me there is a huge bomb inside the federal reserve building hit me all wound security. all right well we can't get your homeland security but we can get you our next guest peter schiff join me from weston connecticut the c.e.o. of euro pacific precious metals we have him on the phone now peter schiff the author of how an economy grows and why it crashes peter schiff thank you so much for being with us tonight here at home all right so everybody's mind is on what happened with the bernanke you press conference today what was your take on that. you know just i'd like to see the guy get a press conference hooked up to a lie detector. to go all over the place i mean it seems to me he's very timid
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in his responses and he seems like a guy who knows he's full of it you know he's afraid that someone is going to ask him a question and it's not reveal why is way but you know i mean he comes on and he pretends that the economy is improving when it's not that inflation is under control but it's not. saying that you know there's no plan for q e three i'm convinced he's waiting for the opportunity to roll it out he's looking for the excuse to do it whether he called it that or not but you know the the economy is in terrible shape base in large part to the actions of the federal reserve both underpinned he and his predecessor alan greenspan now he's been press lately on the issue of the gap between the rich and poor in america and how he how confident he is in his ability to control that we see that the rich get richer and i don't mean the people who do well off economically but the super rich the people that are connected to the
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pipeline of free money from the federal reserve and he says he is one hundred percent confident in his ability to control this do you think it's because there's something else going on here or that he's just so grazing about what he's doing that. he has to who are to have any idea that i'm i don't know how anybody with a track record as bad as his can say one hundred percent confident about it. you know i mean he he has a better chance if he was going to say look my instinct is this and the exact opposite of that and therefore i want to stay confident because i'm always wrong while i'm a better chance of believing you but the fact that he would even say something like that i mean i mean he's got he lives at one hundred fifty say something you know given his track record i mean it was the artist that confident that the problem was contained it was the one hundred percent confident that you know already that real estate. i just wouldn't follow the autor percent confident that following rules their prices wouldn't hurt employment or tip the u.s.
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into a recession i meet with the opposite confident q e one was going to work i mean you know. everything you thought was going to happen happened so i don't see how we could be so much cop with a sort of well today he actually admitted that the current recovery is all a little bit weaker than expected but he stood by inspiration that it's going to improve towards the second half of the year so starting in just a few days now think things are going to get better right now you know and i know and anybody with any sense of what's going on the economy those things are going to get a lot more sincere before they get better when they get what they get better i mean what is the seeing out there that's going to improve the situation the situation is getting worse well what was it sort of a cleaner peter what would you predict is going to be the next excuse for q e three well i mean i think they're going to officially call it q e three because i think the fed will have too much got a space if it has to launch q e three so i don't know that they're going to get q e three a name but it's going to be the same thing if it is going to fall i did excuse to
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print more money and buy more bombs and that's what. they're going to do it in the catalyst will be more bad economic numbers maybe a week in the stock market going up take it on the point i mean what employment claims to back up about nine and a half percent heading back and there should be a lot of pressure on effect if you do something about it even though with the fed does it just makes it worse ok we've been hearing recently about the raid at kitco some of the heat the basement getting from the canadian government here in the united states there are a lot of traders in precious metals who are reading the approach of july fifteenth when the the what of the da franc act takes in and over the counter precious metal sales are going to become illegal why is this happening. now and in this way is there a parallel here to what happened during the great depression and what are the implications of these specific restrictions and it seems. people are resisting unfortunately
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well it's just more excess regulation is going to put more forms out of business and concentrate a coward in those few firms that the government designates as being too big to fail because we did a lot of smaller players that were involved in these over the counter market circles for expanded precious metals and none of that is going to be allowed through those media that if you want to trade leverage precious metals are going to have to do it through a major bank you have to do it through the call to action and you know they're just going to concentrate you straight it's a turning competition it's you know this rise of businesses destroyed jobs you know all the name of you know more regulation to supposedly cut down on the speculation is not going to cut down the speculation it's just going to make sure that the speculation takes place through a different channel and of course a lot of people who are using the the over the counter market they're using them to hedge not to speculate so you're also plead out of hedging which a freeze increases the cost of doing business which is obviously
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a bad thing so well that's that's the one end of the effect you see but how much of an effect are we going to see on the other end of this promoting a black market for precious metals and all of the business being squeezed out well right where you know it was here that yes i mean for people who want to buy a little precious metal you know there are plenty of problems or you're still able to sell my from your presence that well i do think it's coming though i think because of the high profile firms that are ripping off their customers with the help of a lot of the radio talk show hosts who are touting it recommends companies and their audience because quite the opposite doom that there's been some developments that are going to form it's getting a good deal i didn't get completely whole is that ripped off by a sixty seventy percent premium i mean from outrageous. post the one or two or three percent which is what they would. like right i think what happened in government is that the profit if you did it is to totally regulate it because it
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will present battle market probably for the protection of the good number but really. bad action or benefit and more people predicted it worked it certainly did take away a lot of the better back it right now it makes sure that anybody will go over it because it goes about it well i don't think there's not spread in that direction there are has much more they can get away with in the name of the good of the people at this point thank you very much for joining us this evening peter thank you are those peter says c.e.o. of your pacific precious metals and author of how an economy grows and crashes and now some news from anonymous we have called for ben bernanke to step down as chairman of the federal reserve and he has not pressure will continue to increase but even if our demands are not met the federal reserve system is doomed to failure as millions will simply opt out of the system itself while opting out as much as possible from the violent government that imposes it on us you can try to make
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sales of precious metals or but coins illegal but you cannot effectively outlaw barter and the people can always survive without you in orlando city government has made it illegal to feed people in sight of the city overlords and arrested several members of food not bombs for feeding million children such an offense to humanity could not go unpunished so anonymous has shut down the orlando chamber of commerce website and used it to tell people to boycott the city expect more such retribution meanwhile the european commission is telling social networking websites that they are not doing enough to protect minors european commission vice president neelie kroes said in a statement quote youngsters do not fully understand the consequences of disclosing too much of their personal lives online and note this. after they arrested several minors in turkey for being anonymous perhaps they are truly afraid of the youth
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perhaps it is the government workers who do not understand the consequences of disclosing too much of their personal lives online after all it was hundreds of american government officials who gave their mail passwords away to so-called chinese hackers you cannot have the internet without anonymous we are anonymous we are legion we do not forgive we do not forget they expect us who they are. that there is a crazy place to be when we come back we'll sit down with ernie hancock live from us and a special the viewer with take delivery of something out of an airplane you're watching adam vs the man. is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al-jazeera.
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russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. and. us. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so foolish you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything is all. part of the big picture.
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welcome back to adam vs the man who ever said money can't buy happiness probably never stood in the soviet breadline happy bunch there are while it's true money can't directly by happiness in a global photography of corporatist bank stores money can sometimes be the only tool in the freedom arsenal to buy an ounce of autonomy and freedom it turns out is the true happiness science daily is reporting on a study conducted by the american psychological association that says individual autonomy is a stronger predictor of wellbeing than money quote providing individuals with more autonomy appears to be important for reducing negative psychological symptoms relatively independent of what the association is data from sixty three countries
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nearly half a million subjects and a spammer were forty years to arrive at that conclusion various tests were conducted measuring emotional exhaustion sematic symptoms anxiety insomnia social dysfunction the personalization and lack of personal achievement quotes across all data sets we observed a very consistent and robust finding that societal values of individual is and where the best predictors of wellbeing furthermore if wealth was a significant predictor alone this effect disappeared when individual ism was answered. simply put money leads to autonomy but it does not add to wellbeing or happiness without personal liberties no amount of wealth in the world can buy happiness and we keep thinking throwing our money into our broken public school system will make the kids perform better right maybe sending innocent children into an indoctrination prison has some negative effect on their morale just baby but
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maybe forcing the pain to corrupt system and. force them to use it based currency is feeding our nation's lack of industrial inspiration regardless a study just released by the work a dissenter george mason university that rank the fifty united states based upon their own allowance of personal freedoms and overall freedom could be pointing the way to happiness turns out the free state of maryland isn't so free after all placing dead last in personal freedoms due in part to tight gun laws widespread tobacco fascism and same sex and qualities they also rank forty third in overall freedom due to labor regulations occupational licensing and gambling restrictions well now we know why the words d.c. drivers come from the maryland side of town then again these see itself is probably like you doesn't have state of for this ranking considering parks police is only one of over a dozen freedom or strictly law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction here nearby
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new york ranked dead last in overall freedom due to economic burden astronomical tax rates high welfare rates and cost of government employee benefits. who could have ever imagined that people in states of economic hardship coercion planning and inforced it would be considered less free but online if you want to be happy go over the government busy bodies aren't and now i feel relatively free and in my own state of new mexico where it least the government busybodies are few and far between the real free state it turns out is none other than new hampshire which ranks first in overall freedom just so happens to be the home of the free state project and where i'll be partying this weekend at their annual summer gathering pork fest and no it has nothing to do with pig products or even pork in the pork in pork fest is short for the state animal the porcupine and joining me now live from port fest which is actually been underway since last
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weekend is ernie hancock publisher of freedoms phoenix dot com joining me from lancaster new hampshire ernie thank you so much for being with us tonight. pleasure bammer look forward to you coming out or going to ask well i hope you'll be there for the live taping on friday when we've got you got you scheduled to be debating stuff on molyneux about whether the volunteer rist should be supporting ron paul we've got a real him amazing volunteers community there in the free state project in new hampshire tell us about why you're compelled to be a part of this you come from arizona every year to new hampshire for this event well why why is it that this community is as as that poll for you but you're not live in new hampshire yet. no you know this is the freedom that we strive for i mean all of the activism i've been doing this since i was a young man twenty years ago and what we were looking to accomplish is exactly what we can witness year works fast i was here last year and it was colder gora alley
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well now it's a gora valley and really so exciting to see that federal reserve notes don't mean anything near its children all kinds of forms so over sixty four dimes or ninety percent sobers very that's one probably one of the most popular things that are being used they have shy or silver pieces of silver they have silver rounds or doing silver silver silver i mean eight eighty to have eight silver porcupine as they're. all right so what are what else of us have you seen their parts as that is that really tells you how this community has come together not just around port press but year round because there really is a community there of activists you know that the cop rock eyes are going to organize that have new hampshire freaking there's been some amazing civil disobedience why is that community been able to come together and be such a powerful force not just for creating this for themselves but also in the new
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hampshire political scene. but i tell you the big thing i'm seeing this time since they did the free state project is trying to move the further away from being active in politics to get votes it's using the political process to free minds and when you do that and use an example around the world you have people i interviewed a guy today on my radio show from portugal you know and eat the starch in exposure these ideas he tries to find people that are making these things what happens was he do you know he just as i need to go there i tell you a lot of people from free talk live the radio program that has over one hundred stations now they're always talking about it and it's just been a really big thing and people are just looking for answers that's like an attorney but i thought how we got but i will see you friday morning ten i haven't the media room for the live first taping ever of adam or his management of a live studio audience you can get for and have thought it was well will be
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a blast all right i was going to hancock publisher at freedoms phoenix that come on . and now you the viewer only out today on you tube writes and i'll have to yell to read this properly because it's in all caps as a warrior i demand the full length so be so in first or so i'll let you go i will come to d.c. and when i come i will let me bring in my usual roommates because i will leave my hands to bring you any at starbucks or whatever you drink to convince you through it all really your own peril because i'm going to have to find somebody to feed the dogs i don't want to have to do it they'll make me do it how do you guys take your coffee oh out they even come and we've got a lot of feedback on our own jake negative neo-con nancy little bertha recently here are a few of my favorites from youtube wildland eight three eight writes i agree an
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hour long show would mean jay can have more time when now they have all been about how much jake's the guy you love to hate captain lazarus writes negative nancy needs to wear less eyeliner less is calling robert smith that's from the cure from now on he doesn't actually where i line in fact according to him snatch really looks that way his italian stallion roots and according to marcello rodriguez honestly jake should uses neurons to think and not let gates ass oh who snap and there was even a helpful suggestion from madison take a pill jump out of a plane will he does that anyways indeed he does and the area is known around required actually i'll be jumping out of a plane with jet next month for a special segment and will be giving away a free skydiving trip with jay believe it or not he's actually a certified instructor it will be my first times that will be a tandem dive and you'll have to decide for yourself which one of us is crazier we
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even got a tweet from jake about andor doon who writes adam coker ad out of focus love your friend nancy a very insightful ever thought of giving his own segment it would give you more credibility. what that's the first i've heard about jake being good for my credibility but maybe when we go to an hour long show all right from our segment on the government warning labels on cigarettes yesterday yes weren't they pretty we have a comment from adam sixteen web we've had this in australia for ages and it's a good idea it's not just about telling people not to do it because it puts an unnecessary strain on the government health care hospital system. hey adam sixteen web people shouldn't be forced to pay for the consequences of other people's decisions in the first place only all right and facebook where i recently updated my relationship status tanner when word writes how did you end up breaking it to your right hand well it wasn't easy. and to clarify james w.
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my rights people claimed you started trying to start a riot at the jefferson memorial financial backing of a foreign government and they think that paul supporters and libertarians are the crazy ones l m a o well james we did start right for freedom and technically i do have the backing of a foreign government but i didn't really need it for that one so we're going to tell you i'm a traitor for working for the russians you tell them i'm proud to be a patriot and a traitor to the most un-american government we've had since the british russia is to two thousand and eleven as france seven hundred seventy eight at least i don't have to work for the freedom haters from saudi arabia australia who own fox news. just don't let them know that i'm actually a russian spy sent undercover to correct u.s. government secrets on how to impose obama i mean communism in the name of freedom on that subject valerie and our keast writes from facebook ah you finally get tired
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you finally get tired of the people are giving you over r t i've noticed the haters are normally people who lack the balls to stand up they don't matter until they decide they have a pair at that point they usually stand with us and john j. there are so writes ninety five percent of all statistics are completely made up not true where did you get that crap cite your source is everyone knows that only ninety two point three five or eight percent of all statistics are total b.s. and a suggestion via twitter from daniel asher of. you have organized the dance how about organizing marijuana where he was no smoking in washington i think that might have more of a results sorry we face i organized marijuana smoking in washington every day and now a couple of corrections on my interview was to follow knowledge about global warming sergeant crowley writes not anthropomorphic that's a ridiculous concept people have about god but anthropogenic the first means man
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shape the second means man made. my bad seed you can't trust anyone in the media even i have no frickin clue what i'm talking about but perhaps more substantively my segment on the nuclear issues in nebraska did miss the mark on something john feal king by email writes quote you claimed that the free market would take care of nuclear power safety by increasing insurance premiums for unsafe reactors actually nuclear power is long ago been declared by the insurance industry is uninsured if it ever were declared to be insurable it might proceed down the path where the plants are approved for insurance but then never inspected by the insurance company the n.r.c. bad as it is at least occasionally conducts a actual physical inspections of nuclear power plants. yes i forgot to include that point about nuclear power plants being uninsured well that means i'm a true free market we wouldn't have to worry about them at all until the technology improved enough to make them safe and reliable enough to ensure it in the government involved takes away the liability and as always allows people to proceed
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with unsafe technology like what we're enjoying now but you missed the mark about the n r c because it's already demonstrated to be complete failure insurance companies will inspect exactly as much as they have to in order to minimize their financial liability and therein lies the genius of the free market you know find a way to do things with peaceful cooperation not the coercion of government and finally a brilliant insight from one of our very sharp viewers matt writes out on what i saw your segment on the teachers creating false facebook accounts to spy on their students and punish them i immediately thought about the facebook terms that you agreed to when you sign up for a facebook account and says you cannot make a counselor about your real name and so on and i was let into a registration account security so that you can't get false information and you can't create more than one personal profile and protecting other people's rights number seven says that if you collect information from other users you must have been sent from the user to use that information clearly the teachers did not have consent from the students because they were posing as false people to trick the students thanks matt all right so if the government fails you are so it's your privacy and speech rights you might be able to turn on or to.
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