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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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on a platform of repealing and replacing obamacare before the affordable care act and while they passed legislation the house representatives to repeal it far as i can tell the party has not introduced a single piece of legislation to replace it we found if i have to follow the replacement just get yourself arrested when you get so. oh you know we've been a lot better for him to go to canada to get some health care but the reality is and it's no wind up yeah the reality is no one in that whole two thousand and it could be over obamacare said that someone like this man should not be taking care of everyone acknowledge that a five percent of population that is in desperate need of medical care and does not have insurance should be taken care of and also everyone agreed that we do need a health care system that is revamped as there is a plan in trouble to play there are a lot of ideas that are out there and the first all of our efforts right now are being dedicated to repealing it we've got to get rid of this thing first before we work on a substitute and there are a lot of ideas. can we give james room
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a couple points for creativity i mean that is a smore well here's the thing he's probably not the only guy you know there's probably a lot of people who are in prison because you know the i measured as the best alternative i don't i don't want to add things i don't doubt it's a really sad commentary on the road but i think there are other way all other developed country in the world that would have somebody go to jail to get to see a doctor i'm sure there are there are a lot of manipulative people everywhere to pay you know if they get what they want but it's true there are two things first of all it's it shows that yes we take care i mean there's a positive we work in that we take care we care for prisoners take care of our prisoners but but more seriously. it can be looked at in several different ways foremost why does this guy have a job what with unemployment at nine point one percent a lot of people don't have jobs and that's a serious that's a serious problem that's going to we could have a job doesn't mean you're out of health and it's going to lead people to desperation and desperate measures you know this guy is not this guy's there's nothing nothing nothing there. it should be but this guy this is his load
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aberration yeah there was a penguin a little just whether this list of questions is you know set aside james room what's the republican health care plan the republicans have introduced several health care plans for most let's not corrupt and big growth our current health clear care means that you buy when the companies are skewed are there any pretty good off the top would be in their c.e.o. is a billion dollars let's let's get rid of obamacare that's that's bad for health care and let's then birth focus on solutions but opening up long lines so that insurance companies can compete with each other to get you there if you can get a card companies and all move to south dakota where whatever state has the lowest common denominator stand competition is good then learn how to harness monopoly know when when you do right now there are not now you did. right now if i'm in virginia i only have a few choices would be great if i could choose the health care plan that's in south dakota if and that gives me benefits and perks and fadi a great idea and he would be better than the ability of state health care commissioners to regulate state plans then what you would have is if you were you
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you probably wouldn't have a competition you instead have a seven or eight where we have seven big health insurance companies and probably have i mean it's because they and they go for the same plant and of course obamacare says the government takes care of everything and they don't have a business or job and they're not so far to tell i give them no more pathological our veterans who are who are looking and i know i've got tons of ministration does a very very good it's good to hire a veterans administration to medicare the high satisfaction of it and you know investigation that matter into ministration need to be appalled to find out why can't you hear every program but if you do it investigation the united health care years ago there's another point and this is going to be problematic because the veterans plan is actually going bankrupt and within a few years we could be completely insolvent because it continues to expand and continues to be more veterans and we should take care of them but it's not by no means is that a model to be so. we also have like the whole point about the prisons we have a tremendous problem with our prison system. he has you know he was an heir to the
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i mean our zoe and we did the nixon drug war in half our prisoners won't be any well let's move along last year thirty two corporations spent more money on their c.e.o.'s and they spent paying taxes cording to a recent report by an independent research firm course a lot of corporations actually paid nothing taxes last year so even if they paid their c.e.o.'s one dollar still more than they're paying in taxes yet republican presidential candidates like tim collins he and michele bachmann are touting their new tax plans that guess what cut taxes for corporations and a parody isn't absurd enough they also want to drop the top income tax rate for millionaires and billionaires the same guys who are collecting more money than their corporations pay and axes and in fact take a look at this chart this clearly shows and you guys want to see the actual print out of it now it's mckubre and it. clearly shows that as tax rates for rich people get lower economic growth slows down these are issues solid numbers the annual marginal this is from one nine hundred fifty to two thousand and ten and we have not ever seen annual annual you know what the annual g.d.p.
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growth above three percent except when the top tax rate on millionaires and billionaires above roughly forty percent so why don't we just go back to that this is what works fifty years of it is sixty years that's a sixty year i think you're but you're you're missing the point on the problem the problem is not the tax rate in fact if there's a problem tax where you do that it's too high the problem is that people aren't paying the taxes because of various corporate loopholes and because of various and the problem furthermore is that these people are being rewarded by people like president obama if you look at somebody like jeffrey immelt the c.e.o. of g.e. which is one of these corporations to which you refer jeffrey immelt is making millions of dollars in his court as corporations getting billions in tax breaks and so why is jeffrey immelt being placed on the president's job council and why is he being looked to. just rush it's insane the problem is the tell me who should be on the on the job. so if you know it's you know i don't know you know as human
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resources i'm not going to be what your older i think these guys you know it's a problem is that gee should pay the taxes that they're responsible for paying and they should be paid they should be responsible for paying less if. i think what i think one of the things that we need to how we're looking here is that we need to be promoting entrepreneurship that is the real way that we cut unemployment rate number one way to promote entrepreneurship break up in other words what happened when a.t.t. was broken up into nine companies you know all these other people come into the marketplace eight the if you own stock in a year before jimmy carter broke two years later your stock which was now in one company's is worth substantially more we don't think in any way another barrier that they can stop enforcing the sherman act and when you sort of force you to go i think another barrier though to starting a new business is these exorbitant taxes ok barriers yes it's very difficult to start a new business is business never make money in the first couple years started businesses
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do not pay taxes they always lose money in the first couple of years there are always barriers and there are a lot of barriers and you know these are not these very near we have more and more barriers you can take and use when you start showing profits when you show in profits you don't you're not worried about it what i'm saying is that c.e.o.'s many of them start off as entrepreneurs many of them these are their baby you know not many of them you know the corporate level these c.e.o.'s did not serve as entrepreneurs they're in the business i don't know the percentages you have a lot of them who actually didn't start their company is migrating and you look out you fall bill gates you know first starting his company bill gates steve jobs being that an exception to his society to society and that's the greatest model ever you have the capital society at its best you work your way up will and you give back will agree that cannot get money to the government if you're of individual wealth and corporate wealth but i think there is certain corporate responsibility which is paying taxes the problem is this crony capitalism to which i referred earlier and the problem is that obama which are. they're promoting it and not doing anything
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against it. and not just president obama says this is and has been through quite some time yesterday senator bernie sanders held a senate committee hearing and released a twelve page report on the dire situation many seniors currently there are five million senior citizens and going to bed hungry every publicans in the house led by paul ryan want to privatized medicare further screw over impoverished senior citizens and also just pass legislation that cuts sixty three million from the emergency food assistance program a cut that will lead to one hundred thousand senior citizens losing home delivered meals coincidentally the total full year cuts to food assistance programs passed by house republicans is equivalent to one day's worth of bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires and revenue so what republicans think you yats for millionaires is worth five million senior citizens one. i love the way you thought these things up oh goal is that you have every question make your head explode yes paula zahn's it's a genuine question to understand but there's so many different ways to address it
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but i'll go back to paul ryan because you always like to be smart and his medicare plan he is not for jesse. fine but he's not suggesting that we stop providing for the ninety year olds that have made or you know he's going to get users you know he's lying to us said he's going to test a new paradigm for how we take care of better care by the way of our future steve years that he's not saying right now that eighty five year olds have to totally change the way that they are getting health i would not he says if you're under fifty five he doesn't want to have a paradigm shift we are in the verge of bankruptcy we cannot sustain these programs anymore i mean he does have to step up earlier the right way to do we would do away with medicare part c. and d. and replacing it's even worse than the other suggests i mean you you have to trustees today testifying on capitol hill saying that if we don't do anything if medicare stays exactly the same within around two decades medicare will be broke so that those numbers also. soon to the bush tax cuts continue and the economy is
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still you know these these all of these dire predictions or for that matter all the rosy predictions that come out of whether we want to take on a good look like we're also decisions we can or we can argue over a couple years here and there so what so it's so if we go up to ten percent if it comes you know medicare goes bust and fifteen percent or for go up to five percent of you know medicare goes bust in twenty five years the point is that if we don't do anything medicare is going to go bust so we go on the one had to have the ryan plan which has which is a filing and which is a plan in which will change which will change medicare for people younger than fifty four and younger and on the other a way to highlight that on the other hand you have president obama and you have that and you have the democrats who have no plan. and so i think i think you can have your disagreement with the paul ryan plan but come on where is the plane yeah there is no i have only had something that something needs to be chipped grosser caucus has a plan there is there are there are a lot of progressives who are suggesting the reason medicare is in trouble is
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because so many holes have been drilled in it to let corporations in medicare advantage which has nothing to do with medicare it's like let's bring in the private corporation medicare can't negotiate drug prices they're spent they're over spending three hundred eighty six billion dollars these are slight tweaks in the medicare hundred billion dollars as you know slight tweak it is in comparison to the cost of medicare on the yearly basis right so i would say and do with medicare party make it available to everybody in the country as you as it was originally planned as they are go j. road that is they can go bust yesterday and yet nearly it's you we don't have your money to seniors raise the medicare tax the point we're pays we assume that the mother will join the other thirty three o.e.c.d. nations and having a national health care so we're going to get my that's when i show me the money we are tax rates right now are lower than they were in one thousand nine hundred thirty have not that's not the kind of state that if that's not the kind of state that we want to take care is not the kind of thing that we do i would i would like to live in a country where everybody said really had i said their friend a country's freedom moved to you know me and i think this is the united states of america. in response we're not that i'm saying i believe that if you if you like
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that kind of country this is not the kind of country that we are but we're not proud to be that kind of thing we can wire a very to be a different story about their own medicare you know if they if they don't like social of it we're out of time i'm sorry i didn't mean to i want to let you have less for their villages yesterday former utah governor jon huntsman announced his candidacy for the two thousand and twelve presidential race and a series of highly produced and very flashy events some beltway insiders are saying that huntsman is already has been before his campaign even gets off the ground but his main problem seems to be the most americans have no idea who he is so for our rapid fire question here we have a guy who can't win during a field of candidates and nobody wants to win so who would be a game changer if they join the republican field would it be a chuck norris more recognizable than rick perry and he is the last man standing in every competition he enters or be a sponge bob square pants he lends credence to the republican environmental
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platform or c dora the explorer of the intellectual heavyweight about. ron paul ryan jumps in the race you change the completely he has a play and he has a medicare plan he has a budget he has he is he has all the tools you'd love it i love it and i think that i would love it too and you know he's not afraid to speak the truth the hard truth that's going to be difficult to swallow and that's what it that's what these was congressman bachmann you know her truth when she said the forty three forty seven percent of americans don't pay income federal income tax because they live at or below the poverty level and she wants them to start paying taxes that everybody should have to pay taxes she wants to raise taxes on working people improve people and cut taxes on millionaires and billionaires to zero if they get their income like paris hilton to get their income from inheritance or from capital gains i'm not here defending any particular person right now i but i am saying that paul ryan has been speaking the hard truth about our financial situation he hasn't said something like that but he would. he has said is that i have plans and that they're
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not going to be you know drastic but they are going to be something that we have to do in order to save our economy and i think that that's i think that we need to hear that but you know what it's a hard hard sell because the democrats hate changes to our big government so yes. i actually know that i would love to see some you but as you are better i know you know you know medicare party or everything any other of my choices deal louie gohmert the only person who can out crazy michele bachmann daniel help or heather ceremony thank you both very much for banks thank you always it was great after the break transformers may be a fiction movie but a storyline is playing a very real role corporate america.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. either one well. we never got the that says they're safe get ready for freedom. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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the good the bad i live very very indifferent t.w. ugly the good the our walmart organization after decades of successfully squashing
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unions wal-mart is up against a new threat a non union organization the groups the group of our wal-mart is organizing wal-mart workers with the head of the united couldn't marshal workers union so that they can demand better wages even though they won't legally have bargaining rights to demand better wages walmart employees will be able to collectively make demands and if the organization grows large enough they'll have a lot of clout currently our wal-mart boasts a membership of thousands of workers and has been hosting meetings all across the nation let's hope they get big enough to put a check on wal-mart's corporate. bad rick don't google his name santorum speaking in iowa santorum explain why american schools are failing and why students don't know much about american history the worst social. oh children in american schools is. not bad science it's history. it's the worst so how could we be a repeat how can we be
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a people that fight for america if we don't know what america is what we're all about. to say hi my opinion a conscious effort on the part of the left who has a huge influence on our curriculum he said sometimes america to what american values or so there were prior to the new value that they would like to impose on here. and what about the right wingers in texas summary railing textbooks to replace thomas jefferson with rush limbaugh or santorum thinks he'd be better off with this show bachmann is running our textbooks here she loans a lot about american history and a very very ugly because brothers as filmmaker robert greenwald points out in a new video in titled the coke at the chamber the billionaire koch brothers our nation's oil our guards are focusing everything within their power to spread misinformation about social security and push to have the retirement age raised to seventy take
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a look at the cold rolled is funding the tanks and other organization which spreading an enormous amount of this information help out whole has the cure raising the retirement age i would increase the retirement age to which probably has to increase every time an h. probably going to have to raise the retirement age. and people are very effective in getting their positions out into the media. should congress raise the retirement age theresa or terminated or raise the retirement age let's consider the options let's raise the age of raising the retirement age to sixty nine at the same time the koch brothers are putting huge amounts of money into the campaign contributions very modest increases in the retirement age grocer get into retirement age so this stuff has to be. age and so security will have to go up so you'll have an echo chamber with thoughts. repeating a lot of this information. and
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sure enough the more money throw in the more their arguments against social security enter the mainstream debate as we speak right now lawmakers are negotiating changes to social security buy off is working it's all part of a plan to describe the strike government in general we're going to be worth a couple billion dollars and don't care about anyone else but yourself. you can tell us oh sister and that's very very. one hundred twenty five years after corporations transformed into people the march to end corporate personhood is underway in boulder colorado they say art imitates reality and with the new transformers three movie set to hit theaters next month that same holds true. i'm not talking about cars and appliances turning into
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massive demonic robots waging war on cities across america still confined to the realm of fiction the real transformers rampaging our cities and stomping out the middle class or the corporations i'm talking about something called corporate personhood. a transformation that began more than a century ago and was cemented in january of two thousand and ten turning corporations into people not just regular people like you and me super people people who aren't born and don't die he'll who don't need seafood or health care people who can be imprisoned or executed for their crimes and people who have thought are more money in their bank accounts than even bill gates will ever ever have and they will never have to pay an estate tax because they'll never die but according to five right wing justices on the supreme court these corporations are just like you and me and they even have human rights under our constitution which
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begins with the words we people i feel right to free speech the right to privacy the right to due process under the law and the right to equal protection under the law with their immense powers corporations are the decepticons they're bankrupting our government by using their free speech rights to buy off politicians and carve up our corporate tax code they're dismantling our nation's manufacturing base using their corporate war chests the past free trade legislation and shipped millions of jobs overseas they're shredding our social safety net literally killing off americans so they can profit from your and my health care and pension plans and they're spreading war around the planet to keep the demand up for with cruise missiles armored tanks and fighter jets that they so profitably manufacture our nation is literally crumbling under corporate assault which is why it's so important to fight back and that fight is continuing right now in boulder colorado
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. the corporate decepticons rose out of the night out of the eight hundred eighty six supreme court case of santa clara county versus the southern pacific railroad it was a case that set the legal precedent that corporations are people under the fourteenth amendment that despite the fact that the fourteenth amendment had nothing to do with corporations and everything to do with making sure that newly freed slaves are entitled to equal protection under the u.s. constitution and is despite the fact that none of the supreme court justices hearing the case actually ruled that corporations are people and actually they dismissed the argument altogether it was in that case that a famous lawyer perhaps one of the most well known american lawyers of all time dell from dawn it's not of the first defense against corporate personhood as i write my book on equal protection first book ever written on the subject of corporate personhood gelfand almost a man who was known as the silver tongued orator of the west argued before the high court why corporate personhood is so dangerous and why the fourteenth amendment
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must be preserved as is protection for all people and not protection for corporations on the fourteenth amendment jonas said its mission was to raise the humble the downtrodden and the oppressed to the level of the most exalted upon the broad plain of humanity to make man the equal of man but not to make the creature of the state but bodyless souls and mystic creature called a corporation the equal of a creature of god therefore i venture to repeat that the fourteenth amendment does not command equality between human beings and corporations don't this one a case but a rogue court reporter john chancellor bancroft davis with ties to the railroad parents who knew a person who would was the ultimate weapon to help them take over our nation. took some creative license in writing a commentary about the opinion of the justices to make it look like they did indeed
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rule that corporations are people and they didn't again that's despite the fact that the supreme court did not rule that corporations are people in that case in santa clara county versus the pacific railroad but thanks to court reporter davis and die was cast and corporate people the decepticons ran roughshod over our country for the next hundred twenty five years culminating in the supreme court's citizens united decision last year to get corporations the right to buy our democracy which brings us to boulder colorado where the city council will soon consider a referendum to be put on the ballot calling for an amendment to the united states constitution to strip corporations of the personhood the corporate court reporter davis deceptively gave them more than a century ago course this resolution in colorado is just a tiny step in other communities have passed similar resolutions thirty one point arena california about a decade ago it keeps the message going and most importantly it keeps waking people
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up to amend the u.s. constitution congress must pass an amendment in both chambers with a two thirds majority and then three quarters of all state legislatures need to pass it as well so you have boulder colorado passes the resolution still a long way to go to convince congress to write and introduce and pass an amendment and then send it to the states you could take years on the other hand on march twenty third one nine hundred seventy one congress passed by two thirds the twenty sixth amendment after less than a year of discussion and debate and it was ratified by three quarters of the states just a bit over three months later on july first one hundred seventy one. why so fast why did take three months to pass a constitutional amendment and people really upset that then that eighteen year olds were old enough to die in vietnam but not old enough to vote when enough people got really upset a constitutional amendment can happen really fast eighteenth amendment for example
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and in prohibition of alcohol going to eleven months it's all about getting enough people both awaken informed and upset and that's what they're doing in boulder and in hundreds of other communities around america so spread the word let's tell megatron he is not a person. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website so tom harkin dot com artsy dot com also check out our you tube page you tube dot com slash the big picture artie to dot com slash time and this entire show is available as a free podcast on i tunes and don't forget the mocker sea begins when you show up you participate it all starts with you tag your it super.
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wealthy british stock.
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