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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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what we have right now is we have prison corporations that are lobbying for was that will get them or america ever has a severe case now and i would absolutely agree with you there but i think that you have to look at the bigger picture and look and see that state and federal prisons do the exact same thing and we look at the california corrections officers association and the same thing i mean they're huge driver of the incarceration rate in california yet they do the exact same thing i mean in the past they've allocated up to eight million dollars from their lobbying the law is the same policy is there not a lot of it was there i mean yes they do they love you they give money to candidates in california they give you a huge amount of money to jerry brown right there given the letters and brown is there and is are and they gave their i mean i can i can name turning he gave them a huge contract a very generous car so i said i swear lobbying for their law and i figure that it's a known lobby babysitters but it also is the same thing but it's also knows for
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sure some policies it's a psycho right and yes private prisons do it our own state prisons here to do so so i agree that it's a problem so if we agree there is a problem and we agree that nobody should be lobbying for was to get a prisoner just because they couldn't get you absolutely right it's in your mind the unions are in my mind a corporation ok then doesn't that absolutely mean that the prisons should be part of the commons that they're part of the commons part of the stuff that we the people. i mean if there's a private prison i'm not against private prisons like philosophically right the idea of private prisons if there's a market for them and i think you well and i think that if you make a profit that's not necessarily a bad thing i mean there openly a for profit prison but i was seeing it but then you're going to but you're going to you're going to restrain their right of free speech are going to restrain their ability to live stream their ability to conduct themselves in a way that maximizes your all you know the right. the prior year. i mean the
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problem is what's the solution right so if you see should you decide to resist like you most every other country in the world. so you're going from that to every private industry i mean you can go down absolutely not but i don't ok well that's another fundamental disagreement as whether there should be private prisons i think that it's not a problem i think the question is we we have to define what the commons are in the eye states what are the things that are so sacred to us one of the things that are sold for to us to have a functioning government and a functioning nation that we don't want there to be a profit motive distorting the profit motives to distort things to destroy things in a very healthy way of america if it's you know making bluejeans or selling computers but if it's prisons i mean we stand for profit hard work and then chicago burned down and people who didn't have a value i mean that's a reason to go to i mean there obviously is referred form. in private prisons and in federal prisons state and local jails even but fundamentally the idea of
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sort of a private prison some. doesn't doesn't seem not registering thirty out of the thirty six arizonans legislators who voted for the papers will use law got money from private prison go and that law if they throw a few c.e.o.'s in jail who are hiring illegals you know half those people in arizona would have just said ok that's it we're back to mexico but instead the person companies are saying you know go after the individuals give us some request yet i don't know they say i can't yeah i agree that is wrong but it's wrong for everybody and i think what they really the problem is looking at i mean it obviously these government officials are playing to their the one that put in the policy is their problem participation rate policy the minimum sentencing laws the california's three strikes laws i mean i think there's a lot of the blame maybe we should have public financing of elections to nobody who's throwing money into it not you know that's not corporations an idea that can be debated. this referrers might happen if i read
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a lot of my reform policies that are you there ok for me and very much for your society one of the conversations frankly that america's not having often enough is what exactly are the commons history. is president obama illegally spying on american journalists that's what pulitzer prize winning journalist a new york times reporter james ries says in an affidavit he filed earlier this week after publishing a book detailing the cia's mission to sabotage iran's nuclear program rise and claims the cia started monitoring his in going and outgoing calls to discover his sources this surveillance began under the bush administration and continues through the obama administration rising argues that the cia campaign against him will have a chilling effect on freedom of the press in the united states so how is this allowed to happen in a nation that's supposed to have freedom of press for more on this story i'm joined by stephen webster senior editor ross three dot com stephen welcome. pleasure to be
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you're great to have you with us. first of all my recollection was that when the cia was formed out of the o. s. s. and over the years since then it was illegal for the cia to involve itself in domestic surveillance if they wanted to know something that's been going on domestically they had to turn over the f.b.i. why did that change. i believe that changed after the nixon administration when president nixon was chased out of office and in part for spying on its political opponents. the intelligence complex knew they had a problem on their hands and with the rise of the internet be seen personally at all nixon's crimes legal rights yeah it certainly seems like his what is what is the. what's the story with james arise and what is the cia is is trying to. get out and what makes him so special for them well in my book james bryson is something of a super if you're a journalist he helped reveal the n.s.a.
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spying program back during the bush administration where all of the americans electronic communications were getting swept up inside of her and more of her keywords and escalated to other levels. most recently he revealed the bush administration was trying to intimidate a critic. now he's he's been kind of a thorn in their side and even by his president dick cheney was rumored to have pressured the justice to try to go after him they got turned on him and what he published in two thousand and six really set in was basically here if you don't. do us so it was held it seems he was using a russian scientists to spoil all that information to the iranian nuclear program but nuclear triggers our new york times best story but he brought it back in two thousand and six with his book state of war and didn't want that and so much so
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they began investigating his sources were and according to rice or at least the affidavit he probably sneaked biggest phone records and they have is he now. and is he suggesting that they're doing this because they're trying to track his sources because you know they feel that he's breached national security or is he suggesting that they're doing is because they're basically trying to intimidate him and shot him not. oh oh of course they're suggesting that news source the cia or it's our lead source jeff weise jeffers three when. i alluded you know national security protocols by turning over classified information to internal. rice and i mean. reporters do this every day this is the very fundamental basis of what we just heard. this secret information about the powerful about the government but corporations now we have the freedom of the press and in going after rice the white
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it's inspiring on him and now subpoenaing him trying to get going to testify against him interests or somebody is wow tremendous chilling effect partners so. it seems like this is like the post patriot act. although it's not just the patriot act obviously but without a vibrant fourth the state i mean it's referred to as the fourth estate because because of this notion that without journalism you can't have the first you know you can't you can't have the legislative the executive and the judiciary to have them function in a small d. democratic fashion. is this part of a larger assault on the fourth a stay on journalism or could it become i mean what's the state of that relationship break between government forces that. is not accountable race should. be abolished ministration in the name of prosecuting lawrence. we
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suspect communications of many terms it is not just you are straight from the bush administration to work. in rice and case yeah they're absolutely going after him so intimidate him too since you know it's freedom of the press and i'm sure the best you can journalism. focuses on the national security outlets which is i mean anything can be national security but if you do literally anything we would never know about well and the difference between having to have a a warrant and the national security letters and is this just none of the above. no it is not. under the law or you know person you know classified information begin trying to determine who this individual was talking to. jeffrey struan was talking to and so they spied on his phone calls and
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he spied on his. process but he's cute go information from a service i mean it's amazing stephen thanks so much for being with us then absolutely my first press is the only industry that has rights guaranteed in the u.s. constitution the only one that has the founding fathers knew just how important a free press was to the health of our democracy without that no democracy is possible. coming up if you still don't believe warming is a real problem just check out our sea levels at the break i'll tell you how our oceans are becoming more toxic and dangerous at an alarming rate and why the media isn't doing its job of reporting.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think a beautiful morning well. we haven't got the shows to get confused safe get ready because you get your freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you
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don't come to our culture is a big issue. when it comes to republican governors and acting radical immigration laws around the country the race to the bottom continues not to be outdone by arizona governor jan
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brewer's racist papers please law passed last year georgia republican governor nathan deal passed the doozy of an immigration law himself like the arizona law the georgia law promotes racial profiling and structure police officers and check the immigration status of people who don't look like they belong here as in people who aren't white americans or georgia's law goes a step farther and axes targets techie cab drivers too under the law it is illegal for taxi cab drivers to transport any illegal immigrants that means it's the responsibility now of the driver to ask any new fare and who gets the back of their kid for their immigration papers before giving them a ride that's right in georgia taxi drivers are now our first line of defense against illegal immigrants and will say this. law isn't sitting too well with the state's cab drivers more than two thousand of them backed by several taxi companies a lawsuit against state of georgia went to washington one of the attorneys for the
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cab drivers on the city said it is our hope that the legislature and local law enforcement authorities would not seek to penalize drivers for simply taking people from point a to point b. so how does putting taxicab drivers in charge of enforcing illegal immigration laws a good idea why are these republican written anti immigration laws getting crazier and crazier joining me now to offer his take on this is conservative commentator david david welcome back hey thank you for having me tom it is absolutely a pleasure particularly for this topic well you know the last time you and i were talking and you kept wanting to go into this topic and said we would do it and here we are so why do you hate casting cabdrivers. well i don't hate taxicab drivers as a matter of fact i'm concerned about taxicab drivers george is not a unique state many of these individuals have been killed carrying out their duties frequently by illegal aliens now getting to the issue that you said why should they
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be the first line of defense and i'm hoping that this very good start on the part of the governor will spread a contagion and perhaps now law enforcement will actively do their job because remember the good people in georgia are very frustrated by the inequities and the unfair financial burden that has been put on them by illegal aliens particularly in the wic program which has been terribly abused by the state's low income tax credit that these illegals have been able to exploit because of section one fifty two of the internal revenue code they are a fact stealing approximately twenty eight billion dollars a year from the american taxpayer and if i could say one more thing just so we level the playing field for every day in the united states according to the house committee twelve americans are murdered by you legal aliens and every day
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twelve or thirteen americans are killed in drunk driving accidents by illegal aliens who are here driving drunk and that's just not right and georgia has been especially hard hit you know we i don't think anybody is supportive of drunk driving and i have no idea if your statistics are real or not but there's a larger issue here a do you really want to live in a country where when you get in a taxi when you and i get in a taxi or anybody who might look like they you know that their skin is a little darker than mine or yours that they are so that the person says them please see your in of your proof. citizenship i mean in a taxi i mean this i was in east berlin when i was east berlin and the taxi drivers didn't you know they would they would try to you know what are you doing you know trying to figure out who you are i mean they were as they provide us. this is not
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a second complection issue it is not only a muslim to ask this everybody for their it's a very prim and malady issue in other words in this particular case now. for instance in georgia getting back to this and perhaps this was part of the impetus the violent crime institute which is in atlanta and for some of the more geographically challenged people in the viewing audience that's in georgia they've determined that approximately two hundred forty thousand illegal aliens have gone through their system for sex offenses and it's a terrible burden that's being placed on these individuals and they're frustrated and they want to do something and the governor took a very bold initiative and let's just hope that law enforcement follows suit and we resolve this problem and that it spreads to other areas so i put in a time until the time of the problem ronald reagan only. you know the time that ronald reagan did his his amnesty for three million people we had about
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a half million people come north into the united states every year for the basically the crop picking season and then they go back down south and you know just continue that way and it's been it's been basically reagan did the amnesty and then stopped in force in the laws against employers president obama has done more about illegal immigration than any president in recent history more troops on the border or deportations but one thing he hasn't done and what reagan didn't do and what no president has done is put rich c.e.o.'s in jail so he got his magnet for you make good plans and you know why not why are we going after human beings why are you so so worried about somebody's going to get money out of them. women and infants and children program when we show you we should be we should be as a stead saying that that this is it is wrong you know being a meat packer used to be a career in the united states the union built the green bay packers football team now you the meat packers union the construction used to be where union labor right
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built letter stop worrying about these criminals and let's start caring about americans i'll take the i'm saying the real criminals are they are their c.e.o.'s of minimum wage they're hurting americans and we have to nip it in the bud so let's start here i applaud the governor it's a bold initiative let's hope it's a great honor has not put any c.e.o.'s in jail the governor is not doing anything about the people who are who are who have a giant magnet that is drawing people who are not citizens the united states but the governor is doing is saying taxi drivers have to become that's nuts no i don't think that's the case remember these illegal aliens who are they hurting the most they're hurting the low income and low earning american citizens who now cannot even be hired for me they are not hurting because he's i mean they're really all they are is are very minimal by age and it's not fair and i have to stand up stand up and say it's not right larry are you and joe are going after people who
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are just trying to feed their families you're going after people who are just trying and let them come here i eagerly so they can follow our rules and i hope that they come you know roughshod over america people i would think that you would say wow these people care so much about their families and about having a better life that they're willing to risk their lives to do it don't we want those kinds of people in the u.s. these people who are people who are you know who have if. that is a ladder are going to have been let them have a comprehensive immigration reform and in the meantime let's put the magnet let's put the employers in jail. it's an interesting thought however getting back to this is. the it's a good folks of drugs have been stepped upon and they've got offend their own interests and this is a start it may not be the best solution but it is the beginning and as i said let's hope it spreads into other areas i know that i go to st i live there are about
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americans thank thank you very much for being black you again in my opinion this is an employer problem not an illegal immigration problem once we start throwing corporate c.e.o.'s in jail for taking advantage of cheap illegal immigrant labor and exploiting it and there won't be people rushing across the border looking for jobs in america but the pressure on c.e.o.'s not the cabdrivers. right now sea levels around the world are rising at a rate faster than any other time in the last two thousand years that's just the latest inconvenient truth coming from the world's leading environmental scientists and it's clear this is the result of manmade global warming is for much of the last two thousand years sea levels were stable arose at a fraction of a millimeter a year that was until the turn of the nineteenth century and we found a way to harness ancient sunlight like coal and oil for energy and spew billions of
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tons of dirty greenhouse gases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere since then sea levels have been rising more than two millimeters every year and speeding up and this graph shows. there it is right here this is this is pretty remarkable zero millimeters a year change this is two thousand year period two thousand years and and then and the green here is the actual observed numbers and then the blue is what they were able to calculate from looking at things like you know ice chart you know ice things and tree trunks and however they do this so here we are in the last fifty years or so soon this conclusion comes on the heels of a new report by leading the ocean oceanic scientists who warn that thanks to global warming and pollution the oceans are actually turning more and more acidic and threatening to wipe out half of all a crowded life around the world and extinction not seen on this planet in the last
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fifty five million years or so given all these dire warnings of a rapidly changing planet that could kill or displace billions of people why are our politicians not doing anything about it and more importantly why is our news media not holding them accountable for their inaction. al gore knows why in the most recent edition of rolling stone magazine who are penned an essay titled climate of denial are why it is a global warming is still a question in america and not viewed here as a fact of life as in most other nations on the planet the analogy the grower uses spot on has to do with professional wrestling to someone just watching professional wrestling for the first time it seems real guys look like they're just beating the snot out of each other there's blood groans of agony kasia all serious injuries one of the tip offs that it's all a fake it's all a show it's how the referee acts if wrestling was real the referee would be on
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point and impartial fulfilling his duty like any other referee in professional sports baseball basketball football but a wrestling the referee is just a character playing an important role in the scripted theatricals inside the ring ever notice that any time the bad guy is breaking the rules like smashing his opponent's skull with a metal chair the referee seems to be distracted. when the good guy finally pile drags the bad guy and lays on top of him for the pin the referee is nowhere to be found again distracted. thank you. thank you.
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thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. thank you thank you it's simple the referee is there for the drama for the show it's a show and when it comes to the climate change debate here in the united states our referee is the news me. and instead of acting like a legitimate impartial and competent referee al gore points out that our news media using this metaphor is acting like a referee from professional wrestling the media seems unsure if they're supposed to be reporting on the facts of climate change or if they're just part of the entertainment refereeing an absurd to bait between actual climate scientists have devoted their lives to studying the issue and on the other side pseudo scientists and pundits who are just saying with the big oil corporate overlords pay them to say as al gore writes the referee appears not to notice that the polluters and
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ideologues are trampling all over the rules but democratic this course they are financing pseudo scientists is job is to manufacture doubt about what is true and what is false by an elected officials also bribes but the politicians themselves have made legal and can now be made in secret spending hundreds of millions of dollars each year on misleading advertisements in the mass media hiring for anti climate lobbyists for every member of the us senate and house of representatives in other words climate change deniers are cheating hitting the legitimate scientific community in the head with the metal chairs and all the while our news media is looking the other way when the real story should be this blatant subversion of science in america but when it comes to fox news the media isn't just distracted while climate scientists get kneecapped with fake science they're handing the metal chairs directly to the bad guys as media matters noted late last year fox news
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managing editor bill sammon sent a directive to all of that network's journalists instructing them to doubt climate change science. salman's email read we should refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed or cooled in any given period without any media delay pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question it is not our place as journalists to assert such notions as facts especially as this debate in and some. in other words it's not their place as journalists to report on facts that's because their job is to be a crooked referee and a shy in a side show and as long as the climate change so-called debate remains a sideshow in the corporate media then it will never be taken seriously anymore unless we get water cooler debates across america or debates in congress and the bad guys the big oil polluters with their phony science chair shots are going to
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win match after match after match until the entire arena is underwater with threat of mass extinction in our oceans is not entertainment the threat of american cities like new york los angeles miami drowning under rising sea levels is not entertainment and the threat of billions of people around the world being displaced is not entertainment it's real life it's what we're all facing right now and we need a legitimate referee a news media that knows how to do its job and can't be bought off by big corporate interests to make sure that americans are informed about the very real threats of climate change and that our political leaders are held accountable al gore is so right on this and told it so clearly in his rolling stone op ed it's time to disqualify pseudo science and give the world title belt of legitimacy to actual climate scientists and start listening to what they have to say. i see big picture
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