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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2011 6:01am-6:31am EDT

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communities in terms of interrogating prisoners that our people think will be ineffective in a de classified memo gonzales did warn us gods it was legally safer to perform torture on foreign soil ministers in the european union were glad to oblige the e.u. agreed to help arrest and transport people to countries where they could be tortured in a meeting here at nato headquarters in two thousand and one detainees may or may not have been guilty since they never received a real trial we just can't know for sure. barack obama was elected on the promise to show. but he's even appealed to you as cool rulings which give detainees some royds two years on the prison still open for business. all washington street guilty of criminal. crimes against humanity sociopath ministration and so is your plea for participating in support of these that
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executives from bush down no fear going abroad after foreigners filed lawsuits over torture when the world loses what america's doing said bush's advisor we will all be ashamed the new bush will r.t. braman. well we spoke to corey from the reprieve charity which fights for the human rights of prisoners she's a visitor detainees at guantanamo bay and says there's no end in sight for those incarcerated there. at this moment the clients i go and see there are going on ten years in detention they've lost almost a decade of their lives and there's no prospect of a trial no prospect of release and congress is going on saying we need to have gone forever so that's the real agony that they go through at this point uncertain future no prospect of leaving i think is one of the saddest parts of the whole war on terror story the way various european nations for the kind of waiting around waiting handmaidens of us torture practices we know about cia secret prisons in
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poland romania lithuania the u.k. is the u.s. its closest ally let's be clear and we saw time and again in the war on terror the u.k. getting just a little bit too close to the illegality of george bush and his cronies and that was a reprieve as a charity to fight for the human rights of prisoners obviously giving our take on what's happening at u.s. detention camps. well ukraine's former prime minister yulia tymoshenko is in court to face charges for abuse of power she's accused of losing ukraine hundreds of millions of dollars in a gas deal with russia. is outside the court and for. all the atmosphere in the side the courtroom and around the court building in central kiev is absolutely electrifying fifteen hundred supporters of unix machines were gathered here since early morning to protest what they describe as a farcical trial and. i related ukrainian politics to to much of the former prime minister herself already started some controversy in this trial now when the judge
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entered the room the courtroom she refused to stand up and then said that this judge this judge must be dismissed because she believes the judge has a very low qualification to handle this very important case now the case is clearly the biggest one in ukraine along with that case of the country's former interior minister udall tent it is being televised live by the local t.v. stations and clearly this is causing a lot of control we see here with the former prime minister herself saying that she must not be prosecuted and beliefs this this case is completely political and is being orchestrated by president viktor yanukovych well this time we understand that you are too ashamed but he is being charged with many different things with many different financial crimes but the most important one as we understand according to the prosecution is that she is charged with striking unlawful gas deals with russia
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in two thousand and nine the prosecution says that due to those unlawful contracts in ukraine lost more than four hundred million u.s. dollars there are also several charges to you are too much and go. the unlawful usage of ambulance cars and money and corruption and all different charges like that it clearly is not the first time that something like this happens with a little machine gun. back in two thousand and nine she was already charged with smuggling russian gas into ukraine she was put in prison back then and that caused a huge public and outcry in the society here in ukraine so you are. in some way experienced. in trials and we are waiting to see what the reactions for the controversial controversial reactions we'll see from the former prime minister. reporting right there where you are with r.t. and still ahead for you in the program from top brass to buy u.s. army general petraeus to become the next cia chief but opponents question if the
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outgoing commander in afghanistan is fit for the job. and the hot issues that brought leaders of two southern nations to the world of coldest continent all the details in just a few minutes right here on our team. now it's cheap effective and highly toxic endosulfan is a pesticide banned in most countries but still widely embraced by farmers in india however its use carries grave consequences for the whole generation of children suffering devastating health problems and while the government claims there is no affordable alternative to the chemical ordinary families are paying the price you may find some of the images in previous reader's report distressing. this girl's body is the size of a baby but in reality she's five years old in her short life syria has endured an operation to reduce the size of her abnormally large head and she's not the only
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one suffering like this the doctors who have to put it through to our child's hand otherwise there would be complications. and serious mother thinks she knows what's caused it here in the cashew plantations in india southern state of carola the government sprayed a highly controversial pesticide endosulfan on the crops during the ninety's that the people here say is causing a generation of deformed children victims groups believe there are around nine thousand children like syria with swollen heads and developing at only half the rate they should first some parents that prospect is too much choosing abortion sometimes disturbingly late my daughter was also right his own in the eighth months of the pregnancy until recently india was the only country in the world which allowed the youth of endosulfan the agricultural ministries that there with them clean no other cheap alternative to the powerful past that died but after mounting pressure at home and abroad the supreme court voted on an eight week ban of the
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past is that which is thought to expire in mid july while studies show that endosulfan causes severe developmental and reproductive problems in both humans and animals proponents of the past aside say their rivals are the ones pushing this ban these two cities only. goes the e.u. . but the families of the sick feel that they've been forgotten for long enough. there is no value for human life it's all about the money people don't care about each other these days people who have money are categorized as high caste and the poor people are. counted as low cast and nobody cares whether we are dead or alive the families are drained emotionally and financially their life savings wiped out to care for their severely disabled children. i feel very sad when i see my child
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like this you know it's disturbing that we have to tolerate it. there's little point waiting for government relief repeated requests fall on deaf ears in the capital all these families can do is make the most of the short lives their disfigured children will have most will die before their twentieth birthday preassure either r t carola india. the outgoing commander of u.s. forces in afghanistan general david petraeus is set to become the new cia chief the u.s. looks to be moving away from is having approach to war as washington stands firm on a mass troop pullout from afghanistan but the general's a son to his new role behind the wheel of global covert operations rose's doubts that he can be impartial couldn't ford has more. and he's been called the rock star four star he is without question one of the finest officers and military minds of his generation the architect of modern
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counterinsurgency i'm asked quite often those are all of those what do you think should happen in a. first response is well whatever general petraeus direction which we are that's going to respect. general david petraeus. who trains was on capitol hill to be confirmed as the next director of the central intelligence agency in truth my goal in uniform has always been to convey the most forthright and accurate picture possible. i have to be sure offered more positive assessments than the intelligence community did but although he's been lauded as the man responsible for america's strategy in iraq former c.n.n. pentagon correspondent jamie mcintyre says he has his detractors a lot of people see him as very ambitious very calculating playing the system telling the american people what they want to hear. and a lot of people also some critics also think that the success that the u.s.
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is touting in iraq is vastly overstated and despite his star power some in the military say petraeus is better at navigating the media in washington than a battlefield it's called the green zone hero these are your senior officers who never actually saw any action who have never themselves been under direct fire and have never pulled the trigger and killed anyone in combat although president obama called him a quote lifelong consumer of intelligence others are skeptical that the trainers will fit in at the cia their evaluation of iraq their evaluation of afghanistan have been generally diametrically opposed to what betray us has said his characterization of conditions on the ground in that country bears no resemblance to what people in the central intelligence agency or say general petraeus spent thirty seven years in uniform but will hang it up to leave the cia as a civilian senate republican leaders praise president obama's decision for quote choosing competence and continuity but that same continuity means petraeus will be in charge of assessing his own success in iraq and afghanistan here in fort r.t.
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washington d.c. . now as the general a slides over to the cia the nature of war seems to be shifting with him the u.s. president says the troop pullout from afghanistan was possible because the taliban's momentum has waned despite calls from the top military brass for a more gradual drawdown a former cia officer jack rice says that washington has confused its enemies in the country. i think that the department of defense and the white house are probably mischaracterizing how this is successful if you will one of the problems is that somehow the u.s. has broken the taliban or separated the taliban from al qaeda well the fact is is that the taliban and kind of were separate organizations from the beginning and to simply characterize them as bad guys as all the same guy was one of the biggest mistakes that the united states ever met i think you are going to see more instability when i talk to people in other parts of the country they look at
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president karzai as a crook they see him as somebody who is doing nothing but protecting himself and his own democracy is not there but you know what at the same time anybody who thinks that the u.s. or the or the europeans can roll into a country and simply say we have decided we're going to have no into with democracy and you put it in equals i can't imagine any country in the world where a foreign army would walk in and say we're going to give you something who is going to accept yeah. it's now a quarter past the hour here in the russian capital you with it if you missed any of our stories just go over to dot com they're all online plus there's always more news and video lined up for you on his i print take that we can find right now a dutch court clears a far right politician build those charges against muslims saying that his comments were within the scope of acceptable public debate. and president medvedev launches our new documentary channel as a new vision of russia get so round the clock reach you can see the new addition to
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the family at t d daughter t v dot com. all right now let's get to some other international news we have for you this hour the e.u. has pledged to help greece with its workers over
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a looming bankruptcy and debt the country could gain vital bailout funds once parliament passes austerity measures next week the greek government is to approve a further twenty eight billion euros in budget cuts over the next five years if these are passed then greece could get another twelve billion euro and it's part of the current rescue package from euro zone countries. minister has been sentenced to life in prison for genocide. was found guilty on seven charges including incitement to commit genocide and rape as a crime against humanity she was a minister for family and women's affairs in one nine hundred ninety four when eight hundred thousand people were killed most of them ethnic tutsis she was convicted along with her son and four other former officials after a decade long trial. the u.s. secretary of state has warned of an escalation risk after reports that syrian
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forces raided a village near the turkish border hillary clinton said to deepen the conflict and worsening the plight of refugees troops using. tanks were seen on the syrian side of the border on thursday forcing more people to flee to turkey over ten thousand have sheltered in camps and almost fifteen hundred have been killed since a government crackdown on anti-government protesters started in march. well she has obstinate and unpredictable nature be ready for that if you ever go to antartica she shows no fable to anyone this icy and inhospitable land treats all visitors equally from tourists to top officials artie's thomas witnessed the world's coldest continent playing host to not one but two national presidents. as a military c one thirty approaches a gravel airstrip the people on land prepare for celebration and official ceremony . the presidents of both chile and ecuador are making an official visit to their
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respective research stations in antarctica where we are for our base it is a very important visit but it is also important for our people as we here at the gateway to the rest of antarctica and for chile it is very important to support the antarctic treaty. and think it's. important. for president sebastian pinera his visit has the potential to be a political hot point as chile holds a territorial claim over the antarctic peninsula clear down to the south pole but on this particular trip controversies were put aside in favor of a more international message that has been and should always be a continent of peace of friendship and it has to be very friendly with nature and the environment is very much committed with that and i'm sure that the russian people share these feelings so to get there we have to say that because because
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it's the continent of the future of peace and also science and technology. and while ecuador holds no boundary claim on the continent rafael korea's visit does hold some national significance of this is a very impressive you know the first time that. he's here in antarctica so very very exciting he's very important for us. hosting not one but two presidents is a tricky business especially in antarctica when much of the planning can be changed at a moment's notice depending on the constantly changing and unpredictable weather we if we have a saying about antarctica not only she knows who can and cannot visit her in fact last year both pres. try to visit but could not land because the weather shifted and it was too dangerous. to organizing a presidential visit a delegation of this size is quite difficult logistically they were able to fit in
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a little bit of russian culture with a visit to trinity church. traveling with the presidents a delegation of both chile and ecuador's top military brass as well as minister of energy. and while there were photo opportunities and press conferences the main message from these heads of state was one of international cooperation. and. harmony. work. in order to. improve. and as their presidential flight leaves the continent after a successful visit those who stay behind to continue their research to ensure that idea of unity is realized. sean thomas. well you can always get extra videos and read more about sean's big adventures in all corners of the world of course on his blog on our website at www dot com.
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more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization. so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica. and the. expedition to the bottom of the earth. of course it all to dot com well love him or hate him you can't deny that lennon had a unique role in russian history a little bit later we explore the life of the man known as the father of the revolution. change the course of history and starting off here on red square next to the magnificent moscow kremlin. as we take
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a look at his epic journey and visit various landmarks associated with his life. here in around five minutes but first i will cross over to dmitri in just a moment for the latest business. and it's you and welcome to business at sea oil prices are flat after dropping almost five percent on thursday that was after the international energy agency made
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a surprise announcement sixty million barrels of oil would be released from strategic reserves something the first time in history the i has sanctioned the release of reserves the move is intended to offset the loss of production from libya currently in the gulf war he while some opec members want to possible counter measures to prop up the oil price christine just kind of from standard and poor's explains why she thinks the has taken the unusual action. i think it's three things one it is trying to ensure that when the northern hemisphere is going to the driving season they will be enough supply now a lot of the opec member countries have said the reason of supply and that is correct but what you need is to make sure that prices don't spiral up the second is to ensure that there is a soft landing for the economy what they are trying to ensure is that the world economy there's not going to a double recession and thirdly there has been
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a lot of frustration from oil barrels that have been taking out of the market on speculation so what they saying is listen guys we are going to dump oil in the market so don't try to get prices up because you're going to lose money so this should put a barrier to oil prices a cap which should hopefully ensure that the world continues to soft land and recover from the recession. all right let's take a look at the current oil prices that we're having that's like. lee in terms of light sweet crude added in terms of brant to thirty four forty five cents respectively there was a joke of four point six percent i remind you in first day of the international energy agency said it was releasing strategic reserves. to move to european markets they are rallying this friday after european leaders agreed to launch a fresh bailout package for cash strapped greece miners are in the lead xstrata and forgets to wrangled resources are all leading the way up around three percent. of
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the market so also positive after thursday's sharp losses both your yes and my stocks are up one point six percent. looking at the individual share movers the energy majors are among the main gate is gazprom up to half the sense banks are also feeling well two and a half percent for the burbank metals miner m.m.j. is also gaining company both in the net profit of one hundred thirty four million dollars in the first quarter of the year the previous expectations. the warning lights on europe's debt crisis flashing red that's the verdict of the president of the european central bank. his analysis might be a little behind the curve according to a number of commentators who think it's only a matter of time before the single currency collapses patrick young editor of the gathering storm describes the possible consequences of your disintegration. there is a credible possibility i mean if the euro actually is going to collapse then there
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is a very very significant process because after all the euro is the second most important currency on the planet i mean roughly one third of all the world's reserves are in u.s. dollars something like twenty five percent are held in europe so if the eurozone goes into a debt spiral that causes a huge problem it causes a fundamental crisis of confidence in the money that people hold in their pockets at the same time it quite possibly gives russia an incredible opportunity because in fact it may well be that other currencies such as even the ruble male timidly be regarded as being safer havens for investors and to the afghans the russian government is going to hold considerable struggle to manage to keep the economy going but hopefully they'll be able to pull through. the headlines with rory stay with us for that. the.
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wealthy british style. is not on the type of. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars
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a report on our. mission and free credit taishan free in-store charge is free the maintenance free risk free studio types free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to our teeth dot com. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news maker. is he.
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the hour here in moscow you with our. top stories here. in the. program this comes. from. overseas prisons. of abuse of power allegedly hundreds of millions of dollars in energy deals. called the hearing a political. rivals thousands rally to support outside the court.
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accused the government of allowing. children groups. children who don't live to see their twenty's. all those are the headlines. divisive figure of the russian revolution. to stay with us. hello and welcome to the show on this week's program i'll be exploring that in slice. the ball straight lead to change the course of the straight and starting off red square next to the magnificent moscow kremlin. as we take
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a look at his epic journey and visit various landmarks associated with his life and . is one of the names associated with. eight hundred seventy s. . it shows his pseudo name lived in. as one of the leading political figures and revolution we think is the twentieth century he changed the world. bullshit takeover of power in russia in one hundred seventeen the communist party religion wanted a class free equal. and adapted for. what is the soviet leaders like you see today. for the developments in syria who. might say. those guys were really able to take a philosophy churn it and then turn it into something the whole society could use and think it was well intentioned to be doing. this.


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