tv [untitled] June 24, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT
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when we first started to go see the prisoners there shortly after the supreme court allowed prisoners to go and we had heard all kinds of stories of people being roughed up and abused at this moment the clients i go and see there are going on ten years in detention they've lost almost a decade of their lives and there's no prospect of a trial no prospect of release and congress is going on saying we need to have gone on about forever so that's the real agony that they go through at this point uncertain future no prospect of leave i think is one of the saddest parts of the whole war on terror story the way various european nations for the kind of waiting around waiting handmaidens us torture practices we know about cia secret prisons and poland or maybe a little way and yeah the u.k. is us its closest ally let's be clear and we saw time and again in the war on terror the u.k. getting just a little bit too close to the illegality of george bush and his cronies but britain is not the only state that's been supporting the us to carry out its illegal treatment of prisoners back in two thousand and one e.u.
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leaders gave america the green light to go ahead with its vision of battling terror and since then hundreds have gone through torture without trial or he's done all bushell has one story. as was arrested on the streets and sent to guantanamo for torture after five years america released him without charge to this day the u.s. has given no explanation all said story couldn't as is suing george bush's lawyer alberto gonzales for ruling torture is legal interrogators from the land of the free are free to calls quote simulated drowning rape boy instrumentality impairment of bodily function organ failure and even death i was one of those who survived. on myself electroshocks because i will not sign. i was forced to agree that. the
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us refused to even reveal they were holding current as his mother owns this lawyer to find her son it took several years and there was no chance to get in contact with mr quinn as it's really a shame for the united states what happened. concerning that national law and it's simply impossible and twenty first century to put someone in the extra. room. you have no right moves to end the practices of imposing a set of standards on our intelligence communities in terms of interrogating prisoners that our people think will be ineffective in a de classified memo gonzales did warn us gods it was legally safer to perform torture on foreign soil ministers in the european union were glad to oblige e.u.
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agreed to help arrest and transport people to countries where they could be tortured in a meeting here at nato headquarters in two thousand and one detainees may or may not have been guilty since they never received a real trial we just can't know for sure. barack obama was elected on the promise to show. but he's even the people do is create rulings which give detainees some royds two years the prison still open for business. all. guilty of. crimes against humanity so is the obama administration and so is your plea for participating and supporting these actions executives from bush down no fear going abroad to foreigners food lawsuits over. when the world will to america's doing said bush is advise and we will all be ashamed. braman.
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you live from the russian capital the way this hour a poisoned generation thousands of families in india demand compensation from the government for spraying a controversial pesticide that's caused widespread deformities in children's. stories don't come first the euro is dead and buried quite literally according to skeptics who held a mock funeral for the ailing single currency in brussels they argue that attempts to bail out greece are today too late and athens economic failure will leave the eurozone dream in tatters members of a. greed on the terms of pressing the greek. once again if the money is to be. next week if approved. morning the economy. this is. where the european leaders are meeting to discuss the future of the greek debt. they believe the euro
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. most people believe. the euro well to me and i think a lot of people are beginning to collapse around the. bailout billions of pounds of taxpayers' money especially from the germans. and i think the public. the leaders of the european union have presented. conditions in order for the country. unfortunately for greece. which are incredibly unpopular in the country and that presents a major challenge for the greek government right immediately after it has just been for shuffled the leaders are unanimously wrong again. maybe i'm wrong about greece from the very start she should never have been allowed to join the euro in the first place she wasn't suited to it they were wrong to buy time. and if the greek
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choose day except this package this time next year i'll be talking to you. so while leaders are extremely excited. most of the people in europe believe so and unfortunately for the european leaders the europeans believe that the end of the euro is near. well let's talk more on the commitment of leaders to help greece in the euro's future in general with over developed he said journalist and author joining me live in brussels and i understand we can't join him at the moment or we can we can thanks very much indeed for joining us communication problem there can you hear me i can hear you yes great thanks very much indeed well we just had a report there concerning euro skeptics holding a mock funeral in brussels would you agree with those skeptics that the euro is basically dead well that's maybe
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a little bit too early to conclude but we are certainly in a situation where the risks with respect to the continuity of the war you want to project have become really very severe. and let's say that those skeptics are right and the euro does indeed meet its fate and die what happens next does that mean that european states would actually revert back to their national currency is something that greece is actually mentioned in the part. well of course you need a currency to have an economy so when we when we would drop the euro or so or some members would rob the euro we would indeed have to go back to a national currency but you can imagine that would be a very very messy process to. bring about in the first place and the problem of course is that we can not we do not seem to be able to address the greek situation in a proper way because indeed it is very complicated and the present policies will
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only make the situation worse however however much money one throws at the problem rather than seeing the eurozone collapse but the scenario when one country pulls out of the euro zone like greece perhaps if it has to do that would this be a case of integration or disintegration for the euro zone would it actually perhaps save the euro if this greek economy did opt out or would it actually complete well and utterly undermine the eurozone. well i think it can go both ways if it's managed properly. greece leaving the eurozone would not only be a good thing for greece itself but might also. saving the rest of the euro because greece is now definitely in a position where the economy and society at large i would i would even say can not save itself by staying in the euro the recession will only get worse because the austerity program that is pushed upon greece will lead to that to that conclusion
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and the only way out of that kind of deflationary and heavy recession risperdal is for greece to improve its external competitive position and that can only be done through a devaluation in this case being leaving the euro zone but if it doesn't leave you're saying these austerity measures will be particularly tough on greek society can you give us an idea of just how daily life will be for the average greek if this does happen. well i would say very briefly u.n.c. nothing yet because what one demands now of greece and obviously there is no other way is huge cuts in expenditures used huge excrete increases in taxes and both of these type of measures will worsen the recession that is already so bad thing raise and now a an even worse a recession means that the government and you see to go further down and expenses
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go further up due to unemployment and things like that so it's really a total twenty two situation where you get more strongly into recession do due to the policies that you follow and as i just mentioned the only way out of it is an increase in competitive in competitiveness internationally because that competitiveness of greece as suffer tremendously in the the last. ten to twelve years and the only way to. restore that international competitiveness is through. the p.c.h. and so many examples in the past so it's not to throw money at the greek economy to restore that competitiveness something which i like you know countries of course are very record i regretting having to do yeah of course. i guess you're first of all thinking about germany. at the end of the day is the country with what
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one calls the deep pockets in europe but if you listen carefully to what is happening or read carefully about what the german press for example is saying and arguing about this crisis the tone of the comments over there changed tremendously over the last year and it is fairly obvious that chancellor merkel and our government are facing increasing opposition from an even lot from from a growing part of the population against the kind of policies that they have been following now in europe so in other words could you say that the german taxpayer could eventually say enough is enough we don't want to stop bailing out these other countries and we've heard it from other countries indeed in the e.u. as well and actually particularly politically putting a lot of pressure on the german government which could decide not to help these countries. well that's one of the possibilities that one really shouldn't mention being a good european but what if at the end of the date yeah it's becoming
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a reality that there is clearly. a lot of erosion going on in germany in terms of the public opinion turning against the european idea that's very sad. but it's a reality and you. want to also to realize that greece is a very small part of the euro zone economy when you talk about portugal ireland and of course when banks start to talk about countries like spain and italy it's a totally different ball game that won't be manageable at all is immense and i think there is a lot of fear inside of germany that the reason is only the beginning of what will be a gradual worsening of the situation. that one tries to solve with. getting more credit to these countries but at the end of the day it will have to come from germany which is like i already said the major paymaster in europe and of course that thinkable that germany is prepared to go that route even much for that they
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are today well we should wait and see thank you so much for sharing your thoughts live on r.t. your value of a veldt joining us live there in brussels thank you for your time. the former prime minister of ukraine has gone on trial for abusing power during her term in office in two thousand and nine unit a mission to secure a gas deal with russia which has claimed to rob the ukrainian economy of millions of dollars she's dismissed the cases fabricated but faces up to ten years in jail if convicted and that she is in kiev for us. the atmosphere inside the courtroom and around the court building is absolutely electrifying around fifteen hundred supporters of unity much as you can see here gathered in central kiev to protest what they describe as a farcical hearing as a farcical case against their leader against going to mush and call now the arab league of ukraine a politics for self started this child with a little bit of controversy she refused to stand up when the judge entered the room
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and then she sat that this judge was completely unqualified for the case and that it needed to be dismissed clearly at the tension is rising as this case and as its final stage you have to assemble has been summoned to the prosecutor's office for months now for questioning now this case is being taken to the courtroom and we will be hearing some developments in the next several weeks or so the crane's former prime minister yulia timoshenko is being charged with many different financial crimes including the amateur and professional as described by the prosecution gas deal with russia in two thousand and nine the prosecution claims that due to those deals ukraine lost more than four hundred million u.s. dollars and this is clearly the main charge against the country's former prime minister it is something of a fall from grace for the woman who was once one of the most powerful and prominent politicians in the world several magazines describe. as one of the most important
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female politicians on the planet now she is she could become a convict and if convicted she could face up to ten years in prison even if this sentence would be suspended for her then still she would be unable to run for president for the next presidential election in twenty fifteen this according to thomas and co makes this case political and she describes it as the one being orchestrated personally by president victory on the court which it is not the first time that's going to go is. the trial in two thousand and one she was. charged with smuggling the russian gas into your brain clearly the supporters of you are ready to besiege the ford building until the year and use coming from inside and will clearly be more public and rescue to this case in the next several weeks or maybe even months but we'll be following all the details of bringing you the latest details as soon as we get it. the russian president is delivering on his promise to
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decentralize power in the country giving the region's a greater say in politics to me tonight if wants to appoint the current governor of peter's but as the new head of the upper house of the russian parliament. the details. valentino. guaranteed to be the next speaker of the federation council the upper house of russian parliament members of the federation council from the regions were saying that the federation council decided to moscow centric and they wanted to see more representation from across russia this is something that the president said yes i agree with you that he's boxed in. the. governor of st petersburg sixty two year old valentino. well she's essentially said to her if you want the job it's there and take it so it looks more likely that she will be established as the the new speaker of the house the state duma just behind me the lower house of russian government also set for a little bit of a shake up the president put forward
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a draft law that would mean that the current percentage of the vote you need to take a seat in the duma is seven percent he wants to see that lowered to five percent meaning there's more parties in the regions that can get a share of the main power base here in moscow not just the major political parties making the whole system far more representative of russia as a whole and as i said less moscow centric no it doesn't actually go further than not he said if five percent proves to be too little. of a decrease in the amount of the vote you need an election he's willing to lower it to three percent now this would make make sure that a lot of the more marginal parties as they are at the moment would be able to sit in on a decision making that goes on of making laws and governing here in the russian federation peter all of a reporting there from central moscow not in some international news in brief in a world update this hour at least twelve people being killed in syria as anti-government protests will once again held in several cities security forces
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opened fire and used tear gas on a crowd in the syrian capital a three month crackdown against those opposing the regime of president bashar assad has reportedly left more than a thousand people dead. tens of thousands of gathered in the yemeni capital after friday prayers calling for president ali abdullah saleh to go the country has been stuck in a political impasse since february which has claimed one hundred sixty seven lives sollars currently still recovering in saudi arabia from injuries sustained in an attack on his compound earlier this month meanwhile in the southern port city of aden at least one person was killed when security forces opened fire on a funeral procession that turned into a mass anti government protest. a former rwanda minister has been sentenced to life for genocide rape and crimes against humanity pauline you're not much of the country's former minister for families and women's affairs. militia leader were both found guilty of ordering and assisting massacres some eight hundred thousand
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people were killed during the one thousand nine hundred four slaughter most of them ethnic tutsis in a muscle who is the first woman to be convicted by the un backed tribunals. it was meant to ensure a healthy crop cheaply as possible but for locals living nearby comes at a huge price a generation of children has emerged in the south of india after a controversial pesticide was used on local farms despite the product being banned in other parts of the world indian authorities claim there's no cheap alternative on the market you may find some of the images in this report disturbing. this girl's body is the size of a baby but in reality she's five years old in her short life syria has endured an operation to reduce the size of her abnormally large head and she's not the only one suffering like this the doctor said that we have to put it through to our child's hand otherwise there would be complications. and surya's mother thinks she
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knows what's caused it here in the cashew plantations in india southern state of carola the government sprayed a highly controversial pesticide endosulfan on the crops during the ninety's that the people here say is causing a generation of deformed children victims groups believe there are around nine thousand children like syria with swollen heads and developing at only half the rate they should first some parents that prospect is too much choosing abortion sometimes disturbingly late my daughter was alterations own in the eighth months of her pregnancy until recently india with the only country in the world which allowed the youth of endosulfan the agricultural ministry said there with them pulling no other cheap alternative to the powerful past that died but after mounting pressure at home and abroad the supreme court voted on an eight week ban of the past the third which is thought to expire in mid july while studies show the endosulfan causes severe developmental in reproductive problems in both humans and animals
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proponents of the past aside say their rivals are the ones pushing this ban. the city. goes. but the families of the sick feel that they've been forgotten for long enough. there is no value for human life it's all about the money people don't care about each other the people who have money are categorized as high caste and the poor people are counted as low cost and nobody cares whether we did. the families are drained emotionally and financially their life savings wiped out to care for their severely disabled children. child like this you know it's disturbing that we have to tolerate it. there's little point waiting for governor.
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relief repeated requests fall on deaf ears in the capital all these families can do is make the most of the short lives their disfigured children will have most will die before their twentieth birthday priya sri there are two carola india. for the moment twenty five minutes past the hour in the russian capital is next with the latest business news. hello and very welcome to your business update world prices have stabilized after dropping almost five percent on thursday but once on the back of a surprise announcement by the international energy agency that sixty million barrels of oil would be released from strategic reserve it's only the first time in history a house sanction the release of reserves move is intended to offset the loss of production from libya currently involved in civil meanwhile some opec members warn of possible countermeasures to prop up the oil price christine to ground zero from
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standard and poor's explains why she thinks the i.a.e.a. has taken the unusual action. i think it's three things one it is trying to ensure that when the northern hemisphere is going to the driving season they will be enough supply now a lot of the opec member countries have said their recent also floods and that is correct but what you need is to make sure that prices don't spiral up the second is to ensure that there is a soft landing for the economy what they are trying to ensure is that the world economy does not go into a double recession and thirdly they have been a lot of prostration from oil barrels that have been taking out of the market on speculation so what they saying is listen we are going to dump oil in the market so don't try to get prices because you can produce money so this should put a barrier to oil prices a cap which should hopefully ensure that the world continues to soft land and
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recover from the recession. well thrice light sweet is trading at just under ninety one dollars a barrel while brant is at over one hundred six dollars. going to the u.s. markets stocks opened low on friday that's just trying to see what revision of the first quarter g.d.p. figures on the micro technology reported disappointing results for it's cool to say sales this week. and european markets are mixed this friday the footsie has narrowed its gains as investors confidence in banks was shaken by the suspension of trading in some lenders and each of the under pressure from drug stock prices the dax is in the red point two percent. while here in russia the markets have rebounded after thursday's shop morse's both the r.t.s. and the my six finished up one of the health and one point six percent respectively let's not have the quick check on some of the individual shown on the my six energy
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may just worry among the main gainers with gas from point one point seven percent to mine i am cables lower dragged down by metal prices that's just by the company posted and that's one hundred thirty four million dollars in the first quarter at all three years previous expectations banks were out but it was genius finished lower that's after be our genes that it's considering buying into the buying. just because social networks come back to do it argues going to hold and initial public offering in new york the company hopes to get the listing completed jury twenty twelve and say the company could be worth up to three billion dollars given the high demand for tech stocks contactee has around sixty million users worldwide with hobbled those in russia last month russian search engine successfully listed on the raising of one point three billion dollars. that's the latest you r.p.g.
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and free blog just plug in video for your media projects a free media done to our teeth on tom. live from the russian capital with the twenty four hours a day and we've got some news just reaching us here that the u.s. house of representatives has voted down a measure giving president barack obama via forty to continue the u.s. military action in libya more on this development of a haughty bottom a new stories the documents reveal the u.k. was happy to hand over terror suspects to the u.s. with little regard to what will be waiting for them in secret prisons on the jurisdiction hundreds ended up being tortured and abused without trial. warning the euro the face of the common currency is in serious doubt as europe agrees to debt
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laden greece but this is the country to get behind some in spending cuts some mixed . faces up to ten years if convicted in. fifteen minutes from the mean time the team explores the divisive figure of the father of the russian revolution it's. a welcome to the show in this week's program exploring. the ball strictly to change
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the course of the straits of starting off here next to the magnificent. show me as we take a look at his epic journey and visit various landmarks associated with his life. as. he changed the world. bullshit takeover of power in russia in nine hundred seventeen the communist party . and the. developments in syria. those guys were really able to take a full.
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