tv [untitled] June 24, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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the. it is not the first time she's been asked if she searched for chloroform not war not the economy not the future of i don't know this country you know the cable news channels are leading with the internet searches of some a woman from florida where's the sanity in that but we're going to show you what's really happening in the world starting with libya. last who is the coach of the streets to your own crowd to get through so is your street. right well whether you agree with that or not judging by the silence of this administration seems that what happens at most stays there so why isn't the government or media commenting. and what is up with corporations sleeping
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with the government or who knows these days i mean it may be the other way around it may mean the death of democracy according to one guest we'll have more in just a bit. good evening it's friday june twenty fourth four pm here in washington d.c. and you see coughing up and watching our team right folks there's a breaking news development in the casey anthony murder trial and our team has the exclusive scoop you guys ready for this. everyone nobody gives a damn ok we have more than four unemployed americans for every single job in this country the government is acting frankly like a rich girl who stole her daddy's credit card and is going on a shopping spree more importantly there may not be a credit card to steal soon enough of these debt talk implosions actually get in the way of a lifting of that limit on the debt ceiling but of course the mainstream press is
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a covering the casey anthony trial i mean aren't there slightly more important issues here in this country i could think of four five six who lost count wars going on not to mention libya something that the house is actually voting on or did vote on earlier today now it is an upsetting thing that the mainstream media is snoozing on this entire thing they're not covering what our tomahawk missiles and bombs are doing abroad but we are are tedious now. the notion of decided to spend some time with the libyan people let's take a look at how they're dealing with our so called kinetic military action. this family hasn't had the war quiet and peaceful like this one for months they've escaped from the libyan rebel stronghold of benghazi to hide in this refugee camp in the west of the country after a life in their native town became a nightmare. it's not safe there anymore it's become dangerous and it's not only because of explosions and gunshots people from the government and then you call
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them rebels we call them terrorists came to me and told me we have to arrest your daughter because we know that she supports could. these cave has been long and hard for the will and their families well umbrello the government i had to hide for some time from them as they've been searching for me then we knew there was a bus coming from benghazi to near zero the bus with the rebels for their purposes we took that bus with our faces covered and everybody was against gadhafi on it we told them that we were also against him and they lot of same we kept silent until we went to egypt and from there via tennessee and we were sent here. son was a brother of sabri a surgeon has also fled the city he says they've made three attempts on his life but he only finally in the act when he saw it healing. from from from. killing him for your own good but. the doctor says people from the
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national transitional council were behind it this is the rebels' official political body so it's all part of the revolution in libya started in the means february its members are recognized by many countries throughout the world as the only legitimate representatives of libya. or being then you knew. you would be. well you are against. that freedom of democracy there is not freedom or democracy there is just war. the refugees here say the now finally feel safe but it's not. that say from the sound of the frontline either of these people have gathered in the west of tripoli to bury those killed in one thousand airstrike he called them to leave and government officials at baarn landed in a private compound and flattened fifteen people including three kids we have been calling for peace and negotiation for months and no one wants to listen to us
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now we have to pay a very heavy price of. casualties civilian casualties and also military casualties i think the time has come for the world to understand that this conflict has to come to an end immediately which is very unlikely to happen any time soon they need our ground in these symmetries still fresh while nato has already claimed that the operation to protect civilians must go on with clashes continue and benghazi and nato intensify its bombardment of tripoli both eastern and western parts of the country are perilous to say and people are dying on both sides of the front line many on the ground fear that's when the democracy the west talks about will finally come here they'll not be enough people left to experience it brave notion or r.t. but porton from western libya. well few news outlets seem to be giving libya the coverage that it actually deserves and when they do it's armchair speculation
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a lot of folks are reading the same has lines that i have right here talking about what they think is actually happening on the ground there so i'm a little tired of that let's talk to someone who's actually spent some time on the ground in tripoli when mattson as an investigative reporter you just came back a few weeks ago as i understand it right yes i was actually a member of the delegation that former congresswoman cynthia mckinney led there and i have to say that even worse an orange armchair speculation the washington post which you just showed in a new york times have pete reporters in tripoli who are obviously living in an alternate universe because what they were reporting there dateline's out of tripoli were had nothing in common with what we all saw on the ground first of all they were saying you know schools were closed and i watched the kids go to school yes things are not normal in tripoli long gas lines because of the sanctions imposed there's some shortages of food because of collective punishment is being applied by
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nato or blocked by the courts are blocked including fishing boats and can't see for seafood and so yes it's very similar what goes on in gaza with the collective punishment on those people there but but he has a lot of support in tripoli there was a report today from the murdoch normal rupert murdoch x. . distributors of propaganda wall street journal in particular saying that cannot if he's getting ready to flee tripoli why would he has total support from tripoli all the way to the tunisian border we had to go by car we actually encountered one impromptu pro get off a demonstration on the main highway and we got out as he said he wanted to know are these you know are these shills being paid by the government this was knows little about you when i read this i mean this is the office lying son of a bitch who's running around tripoli getting out baskets of. faking civilian casualties you know you say yeah it's not you know. and you know that we haven't seen an information war like this
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a propaganda war since the you know the leading up to the war against iraq and the occupation remember the yellowcake uranium the biological mobile weapons labs you know colin powell holding up the anthrax well that although not so he spent billions of innocent civilians slaughtered yes one thing we did go to the hospital we saw civilians who were been hit with shrapnel i think one of the things is nato was saying we are not targeting civilians we've got the video footage of these people photographs and now nato at least has to admit that it is hurting civilians in its attacks and they did admit to killing recently that killed some children but that's when i found out from president obama our own president speaking just a few days ago working mentioned libya let's think about it when innocents are being slaughtered and global security in danger we don't have to choose between standing idly by or acting on iran. instead we must rally international action which we're doing in libya where we do not have
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a single soldier on the ground but are supporting allies and protecting the libyan people and giving them the chance to term their own destiny so when you heard the president protecting the libyan people is he lying oh i would say so and we we know that he doesn't even have the support of members of his own party in the house of representatives seventy democrats voted for a resolution to curtail the u.s. support for this operation today in the house basically. look what another thing that's not being reported there are some rebels who have gone back to gadhafi we have seen reports of nato hitting rebel columns there are other reports that these may be rebels trying to get back to tripoli to rejoin cannot be cannot be given amnesty to these people and many former rebels including one i spoke to said look we weren't happy with gadhafi but when we saw nato including italy our former colonial occupier joined this thing and now there's some question whether the italy
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want to participate in this any longer they're you know say ok he's a dictator we've had an around for over forty years but darn it he's a libyan nationalists and he has given us a higher standard of living in africa it really instinct thing to me just to focus back here in the u.s. as you know you mentioned the house but there's it's really it's the thought of symbolic about it's not actually going to change the gun policy immediately sends the message that congress isn't very happy with this war the american people are very happy with the war forty six percent of them according to a new gallup poll today and how does this administration sell this conflict to the american people and to lawmakers let's listen to what hillary clinton had to say do we have that. the bottom line is whose side are you why are you on the side or are you on the side of the aspirations of the libyan people and the international coalition that has been created to support them now wayne i don't know about you but that's kind of familiar sounding let me play you another clip that we might have in the control room either you're with us if you love freedom
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and with nations which embrace freedom or you are the enemy there's no room for trade if you the world is she with the enemy that's that's clear. let the media well the media is is silent and worse as i pointed out they're putting out this information rather than reporting the facts as they see them on the ground i think what we're seeing here is you know cannot be good for this rebellion started in libya he was part of the international community he'd given up his w m d's in two thousand and three to george w. bush is an illustration and bush got up here's a look what a success is we're now friends with khadafi the thing is many of these libyan rebels and this is one thing that has not been reported one of the first targets of the nato air strike was the libyan anti-corruption agency in tripoli they were trying to destroy the documents they had information they were going to actually bring charges against some government ministers for siphoning off libyan oil revenue and putting it in their own swiss bank accounts isn't it funny almost to
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a person these are the ministers who defected to the rebel movement back in the media topic for a minute i just want to ask i mean there clearly is a shift in the mood of the country against the kinetic military operations everybody out in libya how intense it is i don't know but it's shifting right. why let me phrase it this way when the last time and i think it's ecology to put you in our own box you know many many years and look at who i was and why is that general electric you know you're on the ground here getting this information information jibes with what the people of america seem to believe which is that this conflict is not necessarily worth it why are you the pseudo hanoi jane i mean you're right rather than oh absolutely well they don't want this information out and it's funny i had more of an opportunity on libyan state t.v. to give the you know what we're talking about here without any sensors present night the next day people total strangers coming up to me on the street in tripoli thank you for coming here to tell the truth for once look at n.b.c.
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still a lot of the ownership is general electric one of the big military contractors fox is murdoch who has his own interest in keeping these were. it's going to be a look you're not going to get on any and c.n.n. which is more into infotainment like the latest murder trial in the south and on that i think we have a photograph we had to more meeting this morning where we noticed that all three channels that we had on the mainstream channels that we have a photo control room was was covering something very important it was a breaking news story let me say what you're seeing right now and this n.p.c. all the way on the left believe that c.n.n. i can't really see it in the middle and fox news is i mean come on guys. i think this is a problem and look this is more than the libyan situation the war this is a this is another constitutional showdown between a white house and congress and we haven't seen it i mean the whole purpose of the war powers act was to curtail as the show did to him and pakistan right mind well
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isn't it funny we you know here's another war against arabs and muslims and you know where is the outrage i mean this was talk about a war of choice it's all about iraq being a word choice this is a word choice and people basically many of these rebel leaders are are just as corrupt as i am a child was all right well hanoi away and i don't i don't give you that title but i really appreciate you taking the time to explain to us exactly what's going on since we're obviously not getting at here thank you so much as investigative journalist wayne madsen right now imagine walking down the street one day you had your family and if you're coming home to feed them here going on a date who knows suddenly get arrested you spent five years at america's most notorious prison only to be released without any charge now let's punish and no apology just silence and of course five years of memories that you would probably rather forget well unfortunately that's exactly what happened to one guantanamo bay prisoner and artie's daniel bushell has that story. morricone as was arrested on
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the streets and sent to guantanamo for torture after five years america released him without charge to this day the u.s. has given no explanation all said story couldn't as is suing george bush's lawyer alberto gonzalez for ruling tool sure is legal interrogators from the land of the free are free to cause quote simulated drowning and rape point instrumentality impairment of bodily function organ failure and even death i was one of those who survived. on myself. because i will not sign papers. i was forced to agree that i'm a member of either and i said i am not the us refused to even reveal they were holding current as his mother also these lawyers to find her son it took several years there was no chance to get in quantity quantity it's
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a shame for the united states what happened. concerned national law and it's simply impossible twenty first century. put someone in the extra. room. and saying you have no right moves to end the practices they are imposing a set of standards on our intelligence communities in terms of interrogating prisoners that our people think would be ineffective in a de classified memo gonzales did warn us gods it was legally safer to perform torture on foreign soil ministers in the european union we're glad to oblige the e.u. agreed to help arrest and transport people to countries where they could be tortured in a meeting here at nato headquarters in two thousand and one detainees may or may not
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have been guilty since they never received a real trial we just can't know for sure. but eric obama was elected on the promise to show. that he's even appealed u.s. court rulings which give detainees some rights two years on but prison still open for business. all washington street guilty of. crimes against humanity sociopath strange and so's your plea for participating and support exactly executives from bush down no fear going abroad after foreigners filled lawsuits over torture when the world looms what america's doing said bush's advisor we will all be ashamed and you bush will r.t. braman. when it comes to guantanamo bay let's talk really briefly about sort of the course of events that that erupted we had the tragic attacks on nine eleven the
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country is shell shocked rightly so it was a devastating event i remember i was right here in washington when it took place we don't exactly know how to react so there's a lot of panic and fear the u.s. military sets up a essentially human intelligence gathering laboratory in cuba of all places and lo and behold we have a guantanamo bay a black hole for prisoners a black hole for constitutional rights and unfortunately a black mark on the u.s. reputation abroad and as well as here at home let's let's let's make sense of all of this how this was allowed to take place what hope there is if any of it getting shut down and what exactly is going on in that dark void with us for more from our los angeles studios jason leopold he is an investigative reporter and the editor of truth out dot com jason thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us now the story that you listen to beforehand but you know who knows whether the accusations this president was making are true or not but they're pretty dire they're pretty shocking why wouldn't the administration or at least comment i mean
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that doesn't something that really deserve a response. well i think it's it's quite complex let me just say that. he wrote a book called five years of my life i'm very familiar with the book and would encourage people to read it in the book he actually describes in horrific detail the torture that he endured in one particular gruesome. incident he describes how difficult leaders were use on the soles of his feet as some sort of torture method he talks about the fact that he was forced to. take unknown drugs which is a common theme that we hear from many other guantanamo prisoners in terms of whether the administration should apologize i think. i'm just going off of. what other attorneys have said apologizing would perhaps be accepting.
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some sort of. being complicit more or less that it would be acknowledging that in fact this detainees were other detainees have in fact been tortured and that's what i believe something that we know that this administration has not has refused to do i would never in my years of covering politics that would never wait for any administration to apologize unless it was essentially done so with the barrel of a gun pointed at it but i. don't think people understand that when you have incidents like this when you have candles like guantanamo bay like out of the gray of these kinds of images these kinds of stories whether they're covered by the mainstream press here in the u.s. or not they will reverberate across the world i mean how many jihadi is do you think with the case of this prisoner clip of inferior songs. sure i think it's you know you make a very good point but look we when we spoke actually a couple of months ago when the guantanamo detainees files were released i noted
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that there was this stunning hypocrisy within this administration and it also was was true for the bush administration and that is vilifying other countries other governments for human rights abuses in many instances the same types of human rights abuses that. that we the united states are guilty of so to try and make sense of why lie this administration frankly why people in general are not paying closer attention to this but why the administration is not. speaking out more forcefully and in fact by congress isn't either is it really comes down to just wanting to make this go away wanting to sweep it under the rug but as you know here what's really important is that this isn't going away this you know when you have lawsuits when you have detainees coming forward to describe what they endured
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that that ensures that it will remain front and center and this is just a perfect example but this administration has actually gone out of its way to thwart any effort to hold anyone accountable to even launching any sort of investigation we recently heard however that the special prosecutor who was investigating the destruction of the torture case his name is john durham from connecticut that. he convened a grand jury recently to look into the death. detaining known as the iceman at abu ghraib. you know the belief is well perhaps he's actually pursuing something that may result in. some sort of charges or an indictment and i doubt it we already know that with regard to the torture tapes that there was
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no accountability whatsoever in fact he ran up the clock on the statute of limitations there so. the the a.c.l.u. one of the you know. before we go we get a little off topic actually even a really good point there because you talked about how the u.s. often brings out the human rights abuses and the abuses of the law in other countries and not really looking at our own behavior here and i want to play you something that president obama said when he addressed the nation earlier this week we have that sound made sure in all that we do we must remember the sense america part is not solely our power it is the principles upon which our union was founded were nation that brings our enemies to justice while it hearing to the rule of law and respecting the rights of all our citizens we protect our own freedom and prosperity by extending it to others jason in the countries where u.s. troops are on the ground right now how do you think people in those countries would react to that statement and how does that threaten the lives of our soldiers there
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. you know that's a good question i try to get an idea of how our own troops would be. threatened by the fact that first of all where when i'm holding anyone accountable it's really hard to say i think that with regard to some of these other countries. the way that they're looking at us it's becoming. cynical perhaps with that i think that could be the you know the right word hypocrisy is another word that's often used simply because we're not holding our own accountable i can't tell you how many press releases i have read from the state department within the past three months talking about sanctions and human rights abuses that match exactly what the bush administration had done to detainees in cia black sites prisons in
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u.s. custody so you know it's it's one of the issues that. no one seems to want to mention reporters that is when the you know when these press briefings go on. i think other countries or are looking. in. being hypocritical they don't really believe the rhetoric coming out of president obama's mouth and that goes for a certain area of state hillary clinton as well apology saying you know perception is the one thing but i can only hope that genuinely this is not at the perception doesn't translate to actual lives lost on the ground because at the end of the day there are folks american folks who could be risking themselves as a result of this policy and the administration refusing to talk about it and you hope that changes thank you so much for your time really appreciate it jason leopold investigative reporter and the editor of truth out dot com make sure to check out that site. the united states of america incorporated a governor
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a government of the stockholders for the stockholders by the stockholders not so much of democracy as a corporate toxic talk received confounds that what i obviously can't now it may sound a little bit farfetched but if you're beach reading happens to be a bunch of wiki leaks documents that may just be the impression we walk away with so corporations somehow eroding democracy and i think the conclusion reached by independent journalists around i call it who happens to be joining us live from fairfax virginia i just butchered your name there will you pronounce it for us. ron you are wrong i thank you so much all right well what the through this i mean you're so freshly saying that the rise of corporations in america is correlating with the erosion of democracy what's your proof. well if you look through the u.s. embassy cables released by wiki leaks you'll see a trend where oftentimes in other countries than when that when what the national corporations profits are threatened by whatever it may be by that country changing
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of policies or by you know protestors not country the immediately the whole meeting that we had the u.s. just not that country and and us to get involved and start basically intervening intervene on behalf of a multinational corporation to force a country not to make a policy change for example. there's people doubt about ecuador in ecuador a few years ago the president of ecuador talked about changing the drug policy the drug czar changing the from a physical all the to where they could make generics and it would be more affordable for people to buy buy life saving medicine and the u.s. corporations u.s. from bill companies in as we're like pfizer all called a meeting with u.s. diplomats and talked about intervening and and talking with people in the ecuadorian government on changing the control of power. you can go through but i have to say i mean this sounds sure that sounds like
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a pretty bad deal for the ecuadorian people but an american who might be reading about this will say all right you know too bad for the ecuadorians but at least the very these diplomats aren't shilling on behalf of i don't know i'll be dobby or u.a.e. . corporations at least where we're helping him is not the do the job of government to promote american business in american interest at all because that's the problem is what we see media people use completion between us government us interests and corporate interests and those are not always the same. and we're also we're seeing that it's not our are intervening in sovereign countries to sabotage sabotage. policies that could help their people just a corporation making more money just because it's american corporation does not mean beneficial to the american people and that is not what our tech must be doing or working for us not or these these these corporate entities that are you know running all over the world and found a charging democracy to benefit their profit well i'm let's talk about of the influence of corporations and democracy here at home very briefly i mean you write
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about this kind of frequently explain to me how corporations making money that sounds like a good thing how is that actually undermining democracy here in the united states so it's interesting because corporations making more money means that they were example gets you close down their factories they then go open factories in countries where there's no regulation and they can hire people for slave labor we did that competition in the american people but it sure is benefiting you know corporate or private profit because they're making much more money they don't have to pay as much for labor. so that just that right there shows you that you know the idea that we're broke or you have corporation making more money is going to it's going to help americans but it doesn't it doesn't hold up it really doesn't and. in america i mean reparations is really just extending or parole in america. multinational corporations have they spent a lot of money on campaign contributions and buying our politicians and and then hey mitt romney just burned a whole bunch of a whole bunch of cash from.
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