tv [untitled] June 24, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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broadcasting from the free state project lancaster new hampshire annual pork fest gathering so that is why we have such a very enthusiastic audience here though the they we've got a really awesome show lined up for you tonight for our first panel we've got first lawless with the free state project in a couple that is in the process of moving here to be a part of the free state project we've got some fun at molineux a freedom a radio dot com ernie hancock of freedoms phoenix dot com on whether of all interest should be supporting ron paul and then after the break we'll have a market in a free talk live discussing their media empire and to round out the show will have adam day mo freeman and pierre cop lock out organ and liberty on tour and a special appearance by anonymous. thank the low the way without further ado i'd like to introduce our first panel free state
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project spokesman chris for lois to go through and lauren who are in the process of moving here to new hampshire from atlanta. georgia thank you thank you chris for people at home who have no idea what the free state project is why are all these libertarians coming together new hampshire so the free state project is an organization that was put together about ten years ago and our primary purpose is to make a free state you realize that over the you know the years that libertarians are great activists but they've been separated and we know that together we can achieve more so we're trying to construct twenty thousand activists not just people but twenty thousand activists to come here to the state in an effort to make it a freer and better place and apparently you're you're already you've already accomplished your goal at least becoming the freest state in the union according to
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the mercator center recent study about that right new hampshire with there's a vote taken and new hampshire won the vote and people started moving to new hampshire already is in some ways freer it's certainly not free by every structure that's like seating. why don't you start with new york. some rocks are too big to push up. and the major has no income tax no sales tax there's big gun laws and so many of those reasons why is there such a thing as a good gun laws. well put. so you have two was chosen and people start now people don't have to move to reach twenty thousand but enough people said enough is enough i'm moving now and we have about a thousand people here in state are you making a huge difference here in new hampshire all right stephen lawrence now tell us a bit about gives you some good about your personal background because you're not you're not activists like full time activists like so many of the people that were
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the some of the first members of the free state project that have planted a flag for you which you're feeling like this is this is the time so tell us tell us what we know about your background. well i first heard of the free state project a long time ago i think in two thousand and three or something and i was afraid to sign up right then because i didn't know where i was going to be and the next five years i didn't know it was going to happen and about why this was almost four years ago we finally signed up and said ok it's time. it was just it was just time and it was right around last time where you're looking at the national trends the loss of freedom the rest of the country wanting to preserve what you can for yourself here or just a time in your life personally a little bit of both may kind of came together nicely. so what do you guys do for a living i am a schoolteacher high school teacher ok and i'll say as far as my story right i'm
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currently. georgia tech i'm studying engineering and i've i've always been interested in all these ideas of liberty. i've wanted to make a change in in the government and in the world but i just haven't really seen a way to do that. again and so then four years ago when warren showed me what's going on with the free state project it seemed like an incredible way to actually take that step and start doing something and said. you know it takes a little bit of time but we've heard our ourselves to the way to the point where now we're going to be able to move up here probably next summer or we're going to spend most of the rest of this year up here and. so we're super excited in the free state project seems like a very crude
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sounds like they're pretty welcoming. chris what are you doing to attract young people like this who are ready to plant the flag for them. to establish you know get in start on their adult lives i was ill and in some kind of person transition but we want to be a part of the free state project how are you helping to make that move there's a couple things one of the i would say is in a bed just like this at port fest just the very idea to get all these libertarians in one place we've seen spontaneous organization here in the camp crowds of people selling things and people doing things so it's a place for them to get to know locals because there's a lot of natives here in the campground that are also brace liberty they could meet all of the activists they can meet other future movers so coming here together as a community is a huge part of why we put this festival on but then we're also doing other things like we're trying to help people reach out say hey need a job we're going to help you look for a job we always do parties where if somebody is moving and we tell them not to go get it go get pizza and beer drop for just pizza and beer just pizza and beer guys
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thank. you guys felt welcome by the community here so far absolutely we first met this community really last year for this and we were blown away by the sound many amazing people there are here and just our welcome in part of it we felt pretty much from the time we got here so yes it's one thing where you come here and you don't have to explain your core beliefs because everyone here has those beliefs so you know it's libertarians who argue over money i believe in the exact same thing right everybody. is never never any arguments and disagreements ok so i think it's one thing where we were starting from a point of you know we are debate a finer points where but i want to explain that non-aggression principle to many of these people because they get it and that's one thing where we are you're starting from a place of trust and respect so that people do feel welcome and that's why i think
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the great things about ports are just outstanding thanks so much for joining us side lays down we get up for our first panel thank. you. ladies and gentlemen i'm very honored to be joined by our next guest two of my most important philosophical mentors in developing my own ideas about liberty who have been most influential on me first ladies gentlemen give it up for ernie hancock a freedom speaks out thank. the anchor. when i was actually running for office as a republican ernie was the. zero zero zero zero i think he was was a big supporter of mine and explore that campaign and i always tell people if ernie still in my corner you know i haven't compromised on the philosophy an inch and i'm
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grateful to still have him support me in support of the show but thank you who. we're also joined by someone of extreme strident philosophical grounding you might know i'm probably remain at radio dot com most popular philosophy conversation on the internet stuff on my own and the they are who now these gentlemen have a slightly different perspective they just put it mildly i hope let's put it mildly so we have an interesting discussion about this here in terms of political engagement now i was tough on you've been critical of ron paul as not just a candidate for the presidency but of the idea of engaging in the political process and electoral politics why would you say that well first is not against from all this infernal writer and you could educate or. know that philosophically the state
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is an immoral and criminal enterprise and you do not get into a immoral and criminal enterprise in order to turn it into something that i mean if we believe. that this is possible let's join a local street gang and try to turn them into charity workers let's join them happy and try and turn them into the united way and that's not the something small not the biggest monstrous tentacled government of the world has ever seen so now i think is not possible if we look at him as someone who can educate people the education is good he just better ways to do it but if we think that you can go into the belly of the beast and come out and night in shining armor i think that is a fantasy liberty activist one hundred fifty years have been trying to get into the government and turn it to virtue i think we've got to be a little bit more so critical about our approach and start looking for other alternatives to political action and you vote in the last election because i converted to get here was thank you earlier before we get into your ron paul activism do you still vote. you know why not.
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because i know better good i hadn't voted since two thousand and two and yet here you go devote and it's like a check off box or you pick up a know you got out the kids at school i voted and you feel a little bit better when you check off the box and you felt dirty i trust my instincts you know i go this is bad and shut the rumpole revolution the love olution was not an endorsement of the system and quite frankly not even ron paul it was ron paul's knesset we knew how many minds were going to get infected with this message so now is the passion behind it you know any of you around the country did i traveled all over the place you'd ever heard me say anything about voting and i came from them you know my thing was for you to be able to express yourself and i'm much more with stephon than people think you know i just understand that there's
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a pathway to stefan that it's such a big giant wall they have to climb i'm just helping with some ladders man you know they're getting it says is that is that really the purpose as it is you don't put up signs that say vote ron paul and i've noticed this but for those who don't know this about ernie hancock all of the ron paul love olution stencil spray paint tyvek signs that you saw during the ron paul campaign in two thousand and eight if not made by him and his crew out of phoenix arizona at least it was a technique developed by him and exploited by him throughout the movement and popularize and he supplied activists throughout the country with ron paul love olution signs we had around with was my thank. you i home school kids and you know from nine to nineteen that i saw one over today period make three
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hundred signs you know they do it themselves. i don't remember because i'm one of the old guy. and i remember when i was your age you know a lot of the younger people here and i knew what inspired me and it wasn't somebody telling me where to go pass out something and how to vote and call somebody and robo dial and and that was not it it was how many minds you could free to the idea that you own yourself and if you don't know yourself and i don't know somebody else does my vote nobody else does and that's why i'm so supportive of and i got to the row stefan and i i can't say anything bad but good luck with your pound political power is like that ring in lord of the rings right i mean you don't run because god got a little piece of that say you know we're going to join sorenson me and take him down from the inside do you think that range would in the mountain that's what you do you put it in the fire you get rid of. the interior movement thank you were the hobbits we were aware of the good you know you were going to chuck it in the fires
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road or so i mean i understand the concept of not one to be a slave but you also have to understand a concept that you know you can't be a master and these guys are all they want to give allen a well who wants to follow you know the ron paul loose in the signs we saw going to baxley international i know you're in canada how come you were put up ron paul evolution signs in canada help spread the message. i think i gave my answer to that because i just don't think that look there's lots of alternatives i come from an annoying entrepreneurial background where if you do stuff that doesn't work for long enough at some point unlike the government you have to say let's look at what we're doing and see if we can change it there's lots of other ways of changing the world getting rid of the state rather than political action to try to put someone on the top to strip it down not going to happen too many people invested too many people second off the government teat writes not going to work but what we can do is recognize that political power is something that is kept alive by the belief of
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the masses and we can attack belief and we can criticise that belief we can undermine that belief horizontally don't worry about political power or ignore and gauge in a way is as early does in the political process to reach them if you can get and certainly look ron paul that i get many emails every day saying well if it wasn't ron paul i never heard of. thank you thank you challenge and critical thinking is to look at the and see right so yeah ron paul the problem out of people into libertarian is no question has you given other people out here no question he's got some religious fundamentalism that is less appealing to other people and does he get people stuck in that last exit before voluntourism whole political action like this one last exit. it's like. ok i don't know if i was sorry i thought i would go over the bells i think you know i think it was very close that you got there was something about it when it's an item of ways you can only give it up because the farm. with the
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thank you watching the first ever episode of adam versus the manager of a live studio audience when we come back we'll hear from marketing in a free talk live in a day move freeman and pete air with couple i've got organ liberty on tour and a special appearance from anonymous you're watching adam vs the man stay tuned thank. you. contributors we have a lot of people who are now taking up the technology that's available to produce their own media what advice you have for people that are just passing out the message you want to start speaking now confirm eaters we have a lot of people who are now taking up a technology that's available to produce their own media what advice you have for people that are just passion about the message want to start speaking out want to
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do what you guys do and thank her for her communication cluster in the center of siberia once he has revolutionary ideas for the automotive industry your competitors that suck the infection straight out of the software to make the streets and the building blocks for russia's first nationwide four g. network homeschooling top ok let. the future coverage. planation and free to critique should be free. for charges free. arrangement for free is free. to types of free.
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please gentlemen welcome back to the first ever episode of adam vs the man before a live studio audience we are at park fest and lancaster have for the free state project free state project or join me now are marking the end of free talk live ladies and gentlemen give it out for free talk thank. you both. now i've been fortunate to be on their show and a couple of times and very happy to have you on now since we can get you to d.c.
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to be in the studio you made the mistake the last time i was on your show is calling me the hardest working man in the movement media and looks that way i can't even hold a candle to what you guys have come together you have a media you should say this is the big underwear is who shoots and stuff he was watching me show. you guys that bumper stickers and hoodies i mean half the people here are wearing your printed those things out. of that throughout the cereal aisle because you have such an inspiring that's. ok like you guys have to actually prepare to go on television there's a lot of preparation a lot of we i literally roll out of bed five minutes before the show this guy has two people that will show you see the bush people the juniors there's like i'm going to have people to do your show out here i can see them over for those of you watching this on t.v. there is no such thing. but we do have an amazing crew that's of course is what we
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are seeing you in d.c. but you guys have have really literally created an empire and you're such an aerialist you've got you've got your carried at least your saturday show now by how many networks i think we were on the total of one hundred five stations i couldn't tell you which ones have saturdays and which ones have we gone. i mean i want to get the network as a network they were only one network to skate on one hundred five stations i don't know how many stations are to use on i certainly see a show from the saturday so because it was picked up where i was doing my radio show in albuquerque and in fifteen fifty k. v.a. and i mean you guys have been doing this for nine years you've built it out you know carrier by carrier how did it how did you do that how have you got what is the process of saying we're going to produce this weeks you've got a solid product you've got a solid concept. with the website in terms of determining the subject matter that you cover and how did that audience interaction where you create a formula by which it's been able to slowly build over and over over the years how
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if you don't have money just like with any business it takes time and it took four five years for us to actually start making a profit and doing free time live and through the how is just phone call after phone call you know i need fifty calls a day and beginning to radio stations like here is just you know calling all across the country every single talk to and i could talk into the program directors and pitching the show to them and then over time getting them to listen and over time getting them to have us to their station and for some stations it literally took five or six years to you know to bring them on board so it was a real time intensive process but i wouldn't say picking up the phone is hard work after that i started doing ad sales have been doing radio ad sales for a one time and you know obviously the needs we need money to keep the mechanician working and working and you know that's what we're doing now. here in the room even we have a lot of aspiring would be media contributors we have a lot of people who are now taking advantage of the technology that's available to produce their own media what advice you have for people that are just passed out
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the message you want to start speaking out what to do if you guys do and have another opportunity to spread the message other than listen to your show and call other people and tell them listen your show produce content and produce it consistently and regularly that's important you know you got to get it out there and make it a destination where people can go to to expect something like you are on every single. people know they can expect that if you just want to podcasts once a month and that's not going be enough for people to get something out there consistently and if you want to break into the you know the old school mainstream media that's a little bit more difficult but having something out there in advance can help with that we're just interviewing a young lady who is the nighttime host i want to talk stations in delaware last night she's here at port fest and she actually had her own blog and a program director of the conversation was reading her blog came to her and said he would you like a talk show so it's still possible to get into the old media but you've got to have something out there for them to look at and consider i was lazy and we get a free marketeer for talking right thank.
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you give it a five next guest today we're freeman of colorado and the real truth thank . you get her back around us everybody can see your beautiful face. these are these are two of my favorite lineal activists you guys have been at it for a long time cop locked out or tell us about the concept behind this well cop like that or is a web site i started back in february of two thousand and ten there started something there i just want to share my police encounters and i'm a victim of the war on drugs i have police or actions around my life and i wanted someone to share it because you know they were only going up against a police force you know in town that you know from a total disconsolate had six cops. were either already americans out here who are
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not victims of the war on drugs or individuals maybe calcutta lucky people. etc but this i want to play stand so how is all this a relation and share my story to turn out to be you know something people are looking for through the bloggers came out and now it's a decentralized organization to say you're. why did you give you an opportunity to come together invent that for such a state that we're just bunch of individuals who just you know we have a website and you can share your story and police accountability we can put it you know we can try to hold accountable we can you know amongst a group of person a visual you know some people accountable for i mean change when policing is done and so tell us about how you guys first i mean you guys have been a team working together on and off two different projects you started liberty on two or before there was cop lockout or details about that to come together back in early zero nine myself and jason tell he's now doing civil disobedience evolution funny telly t.v. we hit the road doing a project called motorhome diaries again will hit us up like we were doing a similar idea and he was going to join us for
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a month and we got along so well we ended up continue to work together libby and to work on some other projects so it's just like for us is about taking these ideas you know from like a street were i was to to main street and you know curtain people think for themselves and on themselves and now cop like kind of grew out of liberty entourage and he was it was something your brain surrounding me i noticed i noticed you ran into a lot of police advocating for liberty imagine that was actually started. in libya and sure so we had started top lock and then decided to go down to or since we became a two man crew and sort of three we just again came a three man crew recently yesterday i was police interactions i mean we go all over the place meet a lot of good people and you know it's the world's scariest as people in the government try to tell you this is evidence here at work and so you know with the only problems we had on the road unfortunately were are mostly done by folks of badges who thought they'd actually rights or they would be held accountable for their actions so yes copyright was kind of
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a natural growth out of that and just it underscores what's going on today and you know that the traction of the project has had a lot of people been harmed by folks who are bad just so you know like i could say we just try to support each other and point out what's wrong and you know not let them get away with things that are wrong for us to do i you know i feel in covering this being. liberty media finally you know someone who's offended when we see these iconic incidents that you know go viral online that that even the mainstream media has to be you know that has to talk about like the grain shooting in tucson the guy that was tossed out of his wheelchair and the see you know my little dance party thing but you didn't cover that right and it was well we didn't get some really good mainstream coverage but it wasn't until after the video went viral and it was like this is this is kind of the the struggle with mainstream media is that their struggle to stay relevant is that when something goes viral online it everybody's talking about it if it's not on the television people are going well i'm going to
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turn to the you tube and i'm going to be watching that and i'm not going to be paying attention anymore so even if you don't you know get get that coverage you're you're sucking their audience away were part of the ministry it was bad and we twitter facebook and the story out there before they even came and so and plus people who are you know what they want is online so i mean you know we're going to a contract out award for talk a lot of these great things are going on with the news first i mean even in a can we have sure there was proud to live stuff on fire outside a courthouse and nobody in the city i would venture covered it before talk live and freaking out calm down and that's were some of what we're going to get the resources at and i found out about that a few days after it happened and i was shocked that i found out that far after it happened but i feel like there is pressure building as the state gets more desperate the united states the federal government at all levels though as it gets more and more desperate as it gets more and more strapped for cash as they see more
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and more people wanting to stand up more people converting to libertarianism. thank you there's coming there's a boiling point that we're reaching in and i don't know if it's going to be manifest and what people are hoping is going to be an american. spring here in the united states but if you see the way that they're pretty effective at suppressing dissent in the capital here and you know where i live in washington i mean you guys are based out in new hampshire now do you feel and you've traveled around the country do you feel the rest of the country is seeing these incidents happen more and more often i mean no not raids violations of civil liberties cops being violent destroy your level indefinitely mates instead of institution based on violence you continue to grow and you know as a negatively impact more people it sets them up to be more receptive to these ideas that a lot of us in here you know are creating and disseminating so you know.
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