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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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we have a. safe ready freedom. in the middle of the minimum of the mood lima legal or are all of them a. little on the minimum. you know sometimes you see the story and the scene so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize everything you saw you don't i'm sorry there's a big. fight
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. for. you there all it's time for friday night's big picture rubble where i sit down with three expert political commentators to debate the week's complete his stories our pals in a heating pad which news editor and writer at townhall dot karen finney democratic strategist and jamie weinstein senior editor at the daily caller welcome to all of you and let's get started. here. the new jersey state house passed
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a harsh anti-union bill yesterday that shreds public employee benefits cuts off because the living increases their pensions and kills their collective bargaining rights but this isn't new. you got new jersey governor chris christie is just one of several republican governors who declared war on the middle thoughts all around america as this chart shows the american people are turning against this radical right wing agenda's republican governors around the country are watching their poll numbers plummet and shouldn't governor rick snyder for example numbers have dropped twenty five points since he won election last year so these republicans. listen to their constituents and abandon their war a little they will they just ramp up their war on democracy with voter id laws to just franchise millions of voters who are urban and elderly a tough time i went with. them better right now we know that what the republicans are doing is not necessarily popular these things aren't popular attacking third rails of politics aren't popular but leaders leaders and leaders lead they don't
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look at work halls or take them and follow and that's what chris christie is doing he's acting like a statesman and we are in dire economic times but we need our statesman not follow and we do need that but you know what you're seeing is people who lied to people to get elected as sensually now basically saying we don't really care we told you when we were running for congress now senator or governor now we can just do what we want to do in the devil is really in the details and the most interesting thing is that you continue to hear people say this is not what we voted for and yes we want spending cuts it's absolutely true as they campaigned on getting the budget in order and what he's doing is simply asking public sector worker workers come in line to the private sector and pay a little more instead he said this is all i. ever say i welcome your pension but also remember when he also campaigned on a little something called green energy and was he just decided he's going to get out of the compound so maybe that is going to the american is not efficient and sadly i don't promise they're going to do when you're running i mean either say when you're running and keep that promise or don't tell me what you think they want
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you're going to be able to fill a lot of you know big cruise ships with politicians that said they were going to do something you didn't quite follow through and unfortunately it's so so having to rely on people under two things that christie didn't do that in politics one ok but what he's doing is that leading on the big issues to save his state and he's found support with democratic legislators fourteen of which voted with him on along with this including the leader the leader of the state legislature the senate we should be applauding this because what we need is actually and this is leadership nowhere in the constitution to say that we like leaders we elect representatives and people that we send because the people that we send are going to have this debate or is going to have myself and we want to doesn't say either that you have collective bargaining rights and it doesn't say that the taxpayer. and all their money and pay for the public sector and actually i was making a shared sacrifice we always talk about shared sacrifice it's time for the public sector unions to give their fair share when they raise out i come from a union households and this is such crap i mean the thing about labor unions they've already said we're willing to come to the table and pare fair share and let's remember that the negotiations that have happened over the last ten or twenty
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years people have already given up they gave up pay raises they gave a cost of living increases because they were told you know what we're going to put it in your pension now what they're saying is we screwed up not only are you not going to get what you thought you were going to get we're going to continue to keep your wages look that is not a compact between government and people and the one thing chris christie has done that i think is honorable is to admit you know what the people who are managing the budget of the state screwed up because we didn't put enough money into the pension plans in order to be able to pay out but now going back to working people and we don't have the luxury here we don't make minimum wage if you made minimum wage for most of your life that's a lot of money that you're talking about. no matter if your pensions are a promise they're not going to promise in the future you have to raise taxes of twenty five hundred dollars per year for the next thirty years on everything or household new jersey to pay for these actions so it doesn't matter if you have to if you are god i mean you know he was also you know going to have a version of sweeney who came onboard because you understand the problems as well that's. cool i was six weeks to go until our nation starts defaulting on its debts
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republican majority leader eric cantor walked away from the negotiating table republicans are demanding spending cuts exclusively to hardworking families in the poor before the raise the debt ceiling despite the fact that the congressional budget office warned that spending cuts aimed at working people will shrink our economy meanwhile this chart clearly shows the bush tax cuts are the single greatest contributor to our nation's budget deficit and the c.d.o. on wednesday released their long term budget forecasts just two days ago showing that of congress does nothing as what the bush tax cuts expire and nothing. for six years by the end of that time by the end of president obama's second term we'll have a balanced budget so are republicans just confirming what i've been saying all along that their number one goal isn't to fix the economy but instead to make president obama a one term they are hoping that president obama is a one term president but there's anything the bush tax cuts tax cuts are not the problem with the economy medicare medicaid and social security are the republicans
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are trying to address those issues now and. it's not going to do you know i have something else to be done and i'm doing it also if a slightly different position here that i think people would accept the fact that yes we need to make some changes in the way we're spending and the way that when frankly even speaker boehner admitted that we need to bring in revenues and then he sort of flip flopped on that just about a month later the point being i think people would be more willing to accept this if they felt there was a fundamental some effect sense of fairness but it's not it's more trickle down economics that we already know does not work you know work and this is how i try to figure out where some truth is on this matter paul ryan coming out with his plan he could issue that is not generally popular but usually usually loses votes this is not something he did to win elections he did it because it was necessary it's called political courage when he so you see so much stick their neck out like that then you realize why are they doing this where there is no political advantage to it is because he believes it's necessary once again i stress me actually the political advantage was he could screw bin or and try to actually also put it put
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the you basically say i don't have to deal with you deal with it and like a little child i don't think i did anything with you. is getting political. it was all about screwing town baner that's exactly this that larry king about the idea of coming out here and trying to reform entitlements it's not a popular thing again walking away from the discussions he's already said to you if you're going to say so before all right he says if we if we just hand over you know sir give every senior eight thousand dollars voucher and say go to the private sector where they're making twenty thirty percent profits and and there's a big. it's your question is it ok for us all for him to walk away i think they're right in the sense that they've accomplished what they can i just level it's time for the president to get involved along with john boehner and with harry reid and come to a deal that would be more i believe i would if he hadn't actually not even told his own i don't know speaker that he was going to do something good let's have a good reason to get your ass here because i got to go she should like i think it is because it's just so she decided to go back to your question first what i did
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with john boehner he has said we do need revenue and we do but we need revenue through the growth of the economy not raising taxes the answer exactly what democrats when do they want to put their corporate and on the job creators in this country you say it's on the job creators the job pretty obvious are you going to be sure that money taxes that you're straight out of the middle there are jobs you really really are just trying on the people who are and who i know you're right well you don't know right or more more people that work in their homes i suppose or cut their grass i suppose both for me and maybe that's trying to raise these jobs after you are absolutely not that's not going to get us out of that mess of that line if you're just dropping eaters are the businesses the job creators or people who are spending money it's. clear that president obama pitches afghanistan a war strategy to the american people was weak it includes a drawdown of thirty three thousand troops by the end of next year still even after this drawdown they'll be more u.s. troops on the ground in afghanistan and before president obama took office but there's another problem with america's wars in the arab world take a look at this chart produced by the u.n.
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high commission for refugees this week which shows that nearly half of all the refugees in the world are fleeing american wars in afghanistan iraq is yet another terrible consequence of our war on terror that's where we talked about mainly because those refugees are not fleeing into the united states so how can we possibly window hearts and minds struggle in the world when we're devastating the lives of millions with a sense of millions five million i know it's awful i mean refugees is awful that's always the result of world war two i mean millions of refugees and he's ready for shady any study of history understands that war creates refugees and it's true. but it's unavoidable part of war turned it is especially since in afghanistan women have rights there and they didn't before we went in there refugee problem is a huge problem like you just showed on the chart however that's something that can be fixed it's a process and hopefully you also forgot to leave out there in that same study showed that the united states is the leader in the world with having permanent
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refugees come to this country and pursue their own americans are important we've got another one hundred thousand you know iraqis there's a you know this is not yes i think the point that you're making there sort of fundamentally a look at larger point and actually it was senator kerry made this point yesterday and i was a really important thing for us to just take a step back and think about your guard list of how you feel about libya iran iraq afghanistan what have you we are engaged in so many places in the world where what people are seeing of our country and our people our men and women in body armor with guns and are we comfortable with that look i think president obama has done a very important thing in trying to change the nature of the relationship we have to the rest of the world when we were hated under george bush we are now in a much better place he certainly tried to rely on diplomacy but it does concern me that i don't want what the world knows about us to be just our soldiers because there's a lot more of who we are as a people and what we have to offer the world community what we were going through in world war two through it through it through the conservation camps and
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a lot of people saw us with guns and you know what they were happy to see what was going to sometimes you just couldn't live anywhere and i want to talk about the other end of that you never hear from the people who actually respect the united states and respect george bush when you talk to people in iraq and afghanistan who are outside of the extremist yesterday and you know much of any other thing that george bush's term yes europe was it was not fair approach toward us but people who are who are now not living under saddam hussein and allah being under the taliban will tell you if you talk to them that they're happy that we were there so you never see this side of we're building schools we're giving people opportunities over there you know only here livingston is that we blew up. and shoes me yet. i understand they would not be ready to use a laser to go off you know that are all that is going to school in particular and the fact that you're playing at schools in my wallet me i mean i think you know harry morton a strategy that she regarded him as a republican presidential candidates and suggested it be great if we could be building more schools here in the united states actually than other countries could have done in terms are you know it was not. the limit you know the bad news and the
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money if you have mitt romney. there and leave it there citi corp released a new report this week predicting that india's trade economy will surpass the united states is the second largest economy in the world it's already a foregone conclusion that china will pass a switch jobs for the next couple of years so what can china and india have in common they both have protected economies that have an old falling for the free trade gimmick so what's the american economy falls to the top slot to third or even worse then what can we finally say that thirty years of trickle down and so-called free trade policies simply don't work or the republicans and so in many democrats very frankly just really want to become like the libertarian you are so you know there's sort of all of a crucial thing they have in common and that is over a billion people about four times the population united states has not only its natural but a country that has four times the population united states as they as they modernize and in advance what it would would have greater g.d.p. growth that's just a natural consequence of
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a country rising of course and china and india are adopting free market principles even though it's not nearly what it should be and that's why their economies have grown over the last thirty years to have an africa has not why is it that we're no longer making things about the thing as president obama has talked about and he's right i mean we have to get serious about the fact that we don't make a lot of things in this country and we don't make enough of the things that clearly these emerging markets what i need so if we're going to actually deal with these trade got to make a couple things one we've got three trade agreements languishing on the hill thanks to our republican friends have decided they're going to block it but in addition to that we've got any and a lot. again this is a long term prospect not a short term prospect we've got to really focus on in terms of manufacturing are we making the things that people in other parts of the world actually want to buy let's look at the reasons why we're not making things any more we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. are our invite on our environmental regulation our environment second largest tax. returns are so ridiculous that businesses can't
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even start from the level of not imaginary rasher our lighter than they are and i'm going to have most pessimistic as ever we lead nanotechnology we lead you to. really well i r r you are the reason our universities are the best thing and where no one is even close to us on the. most you can actually manufacture with with heavy government regulation that's what we have but it's an environmental how we did it we got to since the one nine hundred fifty s. with germany. there wasn't as much regulation from the e.p.a. and governments have to be very consistent to do with regulation that said we have thrashed out all the sympathy with seventy nine who want to alexander hamilton introduced his report on manufacturers ratified in seventy nine hundred from seven hundred ninety three until the one nine hundred eighty s. the united states had the most protectionist economy in the world and what did we do we built the biggest and strongest economy in the world we started tearing down those trade barriers and those protectionist. i don't think that that's a bad word we started we reversed alexander hamilton at the same time the chinese looked at this and the japanese looked at this and said hey let's do that south
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korea's average average g.d.p. and so it was five hundred dollars a year that was an average annual income for a family in south korea in the one nine hundred fifty s. in the one nine hundred sixty s. they started all our policies protecting their economy and boom their economy grew the same thing in japan in the one nine hundred sixty s. i mean germany is doing it right now china is doing or india is doing right now he still is trying to right now as much as south korea grow the absolute facts here i would absolutely. chang is that is the bad samaritans i strongly recommend you read to jamie's oxford obviously he has plenty of economists believe it or. protectionist policies that help us get into the great depression right got us set straight it was only three percent of our unit p.r.'s i mean they're not going to try this and if you're talking about some or all of that have two years after the great you very people are the problem and what's happening in our politics and i heard happening on this panel is we have been so reduced to it's the labor unions for as the straw man or you know the bad guy is actually the e.p.a.
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which you know they've actually made our air cleaner which actually is better for business because cleaner air means less people taking off work because they're sick and that's fine if you disagree with that but point being these issues are complicated they're not just about a simple you're the bad guy and we're going to get rid of you which is the kind of ideology frankly that we're seeing with these republican governors and started talking about rather than actually looking at these issues this isn't about the bad guy this is about what's really going to start to go to operation cycles business and that's true for paul ryan earned a dubious distinction this week i mean you know bloomberg poll become the nation's third most hated republican just behind you gingrich and so it would serve him i guess it's time for him to consider running for president those kind of numbers but aside from being honored with a top three finish in the most hated republican one of the lesser known awards is paul ryan going for a this is our rapid fire here a the most hated politicians of wisconsin governor scott walker has a lock you know. be the insensitive i phone app of the year award with his new hit
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game throw grandma off the cliff which i mean is way more of your complete angry birds or c. the eddie munster lookalike contest or the. i'm going to go with none of those and i'm going to say people are thinking later. i think he's going to go away so i'm going to disagree with the choices and say i think he's going to try to he's bringing instead of bringing sexy back he's bringing trickle down economics back in creating a nation of people and yes pretty encouraged because he's going to get in leading out of the shadows not popular but because of what he's doing it because it's right necessary and i say d. the republicans. aka supportive the person most likely to cost republicans control the house and twenty four mostly katie. karen jamie thank you all so much for being here thank you for the question after the break a daily take on why the uptake and comic computer hacks as little to do with ranking and social activism and a lot to do with an imbalance in our nation's history.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think. even one well. we have the government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you're going to their freedom.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sleek you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some of the part of it and realized everything you saw. i'm sorry is a big issue. for . for.
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yesterday the hacker collective known as little security released a cache of private data including intelligence bulletins and training manuals it had from arizona law enforcement hat was part of a mission to fight arizona's illegal papers please law that encourages police to use racial profiling to identify illegal immigrants into the state lul security referred to arizona as a racial profiling and immigration police state little says that like any police state transparency is hard to come by and that's why they say they're breaking down barriers standing between the people and corporate corruption a government that's in the business of hiding information from the population lul security is now teaming up with another group of hackers known as anonymous famous for a string of cyber attacks earlier this year against enemies wiki leaks the hackers spoke about their mission saying every week we plan on releasing more classified
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documents and embarrassing personal details on. material law enforcement in an effort not just to reveal their racist and corrupt nature but to purposefully sabotage their efforts to terrorize communities fighting an unjust war on drugs you know love them or hate them the rise of the rules security and anonymous and in particular the biggest internet muckraker of all of them wiki leaks was inevitable in today's world there are forces of nature basically respond to imbalances in our democracy you know nature hates vacuums and will always move to fill open spaces this is a basic law of science similarly citizens hate bad humans in their in their news media as in democracy can't function without a free and open press proven by relentless investigative journalism our founding fathers knew this that's why the only industry mentioned specifically in the united states constitution is the press they knew that our democracy couldn't function
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without a fourth the state of journalism but thanks to the rise of corporate media monopolies and patriot act policies that swash journalism and whistleblowers as we see in the cases of the new york times reporter james rising has been spied on by the cia and former n.s.a. official thomas drake who blew the whistle on government waste and judith miller of the new york times shilling for bush's war in iraq investigative journalism in america it's pretty close to flat lining it's a shell of what it used to be so as the newtonian law of politics we have it something has to fill that void. it's like something has to fill the void nature and that something is little security and anonymous and wiki leaks but this isn't a phenomenon a play exclusive to the united states it's occurring all over the world from tahrir square in egypt where a democratic revolution was ignited thanks in part to government abuses exposed by
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wiki leaks to china where the ranks of the solders are swelling to syria where the people were in the streets again today brought out by activists using twitter and facebook and cell phones in much of the world the press is not doing its job either because it's been taken over by corporate interests or because been snuffed out by to tell the touring regimes but no matter how hard some may try to cloak transparency and silence journalism information has a way of finding the cracks and leaking out to the people that's what we're seeing today with internet activism a new breed of investigative journalism to take on the entrenched forces of secrecy and corporate rule and we'll see more of these sorts of things if we real journalism and real news don't return to the american landscape this means bringing back the sherman antitrust act and breaking up the corporate oligarchy it has strangled our news media it means constructing strong financial disclosure requirements our politics so that we all know where the money in politics is coming
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from where it's going and what strings are attached to it and that means praising and not punishing the forces that work to bring transparency to corporations and governments so that the people's interest is best served this is the new paradigm for the hacker investigative journalist versus the forces of secrecy and corporate rule how did this come about how did we get into this point where we've got this vacuum where where news is not news where we have infotainment though mostly it began back in the early one nine hundred eighty s. when ronald reagan stopped in force in the sherman antitrust. virtually all of our media now is part of a giant interconnected transnational corporate i drew. ben ben back dickie and wrote a book called me the media monopoly back ten fifteen years ago twenty years ago the first edition and every every year or so he's been updating it and we've gone from
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hundreds of companies owner media thousands of companies really newspapers all over the country to hundreds to dozens to now if you were than ten control most of the media that more than eighty or ninety percent of americans read or watch or listen to it so far politicians and our military and security institute institutions are concerned about hacktivists there's a really pretty straightforward and easy solution break up the big monopolies. particularly the media that i was in force in the sherman act and thousand competitors small media groups will last and america will again be the well informed citizen involved society that alexis de tocqueville marvel with almost two hundred years ago when he visited united states and wrote democracy. that's the big picture for tonight for more stories information stories we covered there are websites of tarpon dot com and r t dot com also check out a youtube page at youtube dot com slash picture archie featured dot com slash and
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