tv [untitled] June 26, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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artie's latest headlines and top stories from the week the death toll rises to forty seven following monday's passenger plane crash in northwest russia as two more die in the hospital one of them a teenage girl. casualties in the libya conflict continue to rise while rebel forces are accused of forcing civilians from their homes in bed ghazi. skeptics in brussels staged the euro's funeral as greece faces public anger over deeper cuts and the country teeters on the brink of bankruptcy.
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five am in moscow i mattress are bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news here on our team a man at a teenage girl who were among the eight survivors of monday night's plane crash in northwestern russia had died in the hospital a tuple of one three four headed from moscow to russia's republic of korea crash landed on a major road just a kilometer from the runway the disaster now has claimed forty seven lives artie's tests are so your has more from the crash site. but struggling to keep her composure the town is in disbelief at the sudden death of a friend you know. i do not some the sound bite happened he was one of the base people i've ever known i'm so lost in the sounds maybe it's fight or want to have to happen. the russian premier league football referee i just want of the killed.
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monday night when he took a live one three four carrying fifty two people from moscow to because of what's going north western russia crashed on this road missing the runway by kilometer. it's awful my late husband was a pilot he had landed planes at this airport many times it's very personal to me this side of the crash has been cleaned up the roads have been reopened the wreckage of the plane completely removed but there are still clear marks evidence like this poorest that reminds people of the property that struck on monday night and for those who have been here to witness the rhetoric say as they say that those memories are unlikely to go away. i didn't sleep for two days i couldn't even form a sleep i can't recall him people screaming and also pulling bodies away from the plate what should he have guinea was one of the first that seen his house only metres away from where the plane came down. i heard the explosion and ran outside the lights went out i ran to the site and we started blustering people here we're
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trying to a man two women and the pilot he was dead while all the bodies have been recovered the relatives of the victims still have the tough task of identifying their loved ones investigators say all the equipment were functioning properly at the time of the crash and they've also refuted initial reports that the navigator had high levels of alcohol in his blood for now they suggest bad weather and pilot error appear to be the likely causes of the crash a suggestion that didn't sit well with some locals just would cause i knew it's easy to blame the pilot because he's dead i think the airport itself is to playing family and friends are waiting for answers but all they can do now is remember those they've lost. tesser syria r t russia is going to give each. civilian casualties in the libyan conflict continue to rise with the government blaming nato for killing more than a dozen people in
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a recent airstrike in the eastern town of brega you know i instant eyes the accusation saying it struck only legitimate military targets meanwhile opposition leaders in benghazi say they're ready for negotiations to draw the bloody conflict to an end but many in the kind of you believe the rebel force is more interested in waging war though than creating these parties maria the notion that i was more. this family hasn't had the wall quiet and peaceful like this one for months they've escaped from the libyan rebel stronghold of benghazi to hide in this refugee camp in the west of the country after a life in their native town became a nightmare. it's not safe there anymore it's become dangerous and it's not only because of explosions and gunshots one day people from the government didn't see you call them rebels we call them terrorists came to me and told me we have to arrest your daughter because we know that she supports khadafi. these cave has been long and hard for they were in the family well i remember they were good and i had
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to hide for some time from them as they've been searching for me then we knew there was a bus coming from benghazi to turn is here the bus with the rebels for their purposes we took that bus with our faces covered and everybody was against gadhafi on it we told them that we were also against him and a lot of sentiment some was rather. a surgeon has also for the city he says they've made three attempts on his life but he only finally left when he saw a killing. to kill from from from. killing him in front of. his body on the world cup with the doctor says people from the national transitional council were behind it this is the rebels official political body so they are part of the revolution in libya started in the mid february its members are recognized by many countries throughout the world as the your legitimate representatives of libya. then you will be in you so you
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will be. there you are going to. go about freedom and democracy there is not freedom or democracy there is just want to kill all the refugees here say the now finally feel safe but it's not that safe from the side of the frontline either . these people have gathered in the west of tripoli to bury those killed in. striking code until even government officials a bomb landed on a private compound and flattened fifteen people including three key aides this conflict has to come to an end immediately which is very unlikely to happen anytime soon while nato has already claimed to your curation to protect civilians must go on with clashes continuing in benghazi and nato intensify in its bombardment of tripoli both eastern and western parts of the country are perilous to say and people are dying on both sides of the frontline many on the ground fear that when
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the democracy the west talks about will finally come here they will not be enough people left to experience it. r.t. reporting from western libya. with the nato intervention in libya stalemate and savaged civilian casualties mounting the u.s. is coming under fire on a different front washington's undermanned drone strikes are being blasted for fostering not writing global terrorism people are growing weary of increasing numbers of big. hearts he takes a look at the real radiation situation here japan's fukushima nuclear plant as the international community tightens up atomic security but. first syria's forces have opened fire at funerals for victims of brutal crackdowns on anti-gay regime protesters near the capital damascus at least two people were killed more than twenty people are thought to have died across syria since friday latest wave of protests against president bashar assad's rule came just write
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a speech monday in which he promised liberal reforms in return for an end to the violence and a three month long crackdown has reportedly left some fourteen hundred people dead former british ambassador to syria basil eastwood says people there are divided over president assad i mean strong desire for a political process and there were great hopes that he would lead to a better future he still retains some of that popularity particularly with the urban populations in damascus and aleppo the second big city which i'm done relatively well because of his economic liberalization. but in the countryside and amongst the intelligentsia i think there are now no hopes that he can bring about reforms but there is a long tradition in that part of the world of vengeance but so far the opposition activists at least sticking firmly to their
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insistence that they should be. no violence on the part of the activists and they're also saying they do not want any outside intervention. and they are starting to talk about the lead fall. a political process. members of syria's ex turtle opposition have arrived in moscow to hold talks with russian officials archy got a chance to speak with one of the delegates about their mission to the capital. i think you came here to find most go for its efforts to stop the bloodshed and violence that's sweeping syria we would like straight soon we will continue to maintain friendly strategic relations with russia a mother who is going to be in power in syria we as well as all the other political forces in syria we have for our friendly relations with moscow and coal in the russian authorities violence in syria at the un security council all of position forces inside and they say the country are against foreign intervention in syria we
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are united in only one thing only the syrian people have the right to resolve the country's domestic programs we are also convinced that russia and the world community mostly of basal rule in achieving peace and stability that greece is expected to get another cash injection from the european union on condition it impose severe financial measures totaling some seventy eight billion euros the greek parliament's expected to vote on tuesday they're opposed calls an eruption of anger in the capital with protesters claiming the move was aimed at rescuing the l.n. euro skeptics in brussels even status and funeral for the currency more into surat is this a lecturer at the university of the only way out of the mess is by splitting from the e.u. . the problem is we cannot do it we are giving a lifeline. to the biggest part of which is going to be us to repay the debt to repay previous states this is totally absurd it is for the benefit of greek
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people to have an immediate exit from the euro from the eurozone the euro is a monetary absurdity in a way it's a totally irrational financial and monetary architecture that is also a contributing factor to the debt crisis and in general to social crisis in greece so i think that going back to a national kerensky regaining public control in a way national control of monetary policy is a very necessary step to be taking it is not a road to disaster as the government is saying on the contrary it's going to be a very positive step. we have plenty of other stories for you on line right on to our website r.t. dot com here's what's right now. find out why the promised land of israel doesn't seem so promising for many israelis as they are passports of other countries.
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celebration turns to sorrow when dozens of wedding guests are injured in a freak accident. and we take a look at grace former finance minister was found safe haven in. cairo much more. dozens of people have been killed in afghanistan in separate bombings over the past two days the attacks followed president obama's announcement of his troop withdrawal strategy the latest attack on a hospital in eastern afghanistan left at least thirty five dead with some reports putting the death toll at sixty is comes amid heightened tension between coalition forces any afghan army after a number of nato soldiers were killed by taliban infiltrators in uniform on
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wednesday president obama announced the withdrawal of a third of u.s. troops by the end of next year the plan has been met with criticism among some of the us military leadership but afghans combat veteran turned anti-war activist a deliberate oh thinks the presence of foreign forces only helps the insurgency. the longer that the u.s. stays in and nato stays inside of afghanistan the more enemies we create because what happens in war unintentional consequences innocent people get killed more people join the insurgency that normally wouldn't not having troops there doesn't allow the insurgency to grow we've seen every year the longer troops stay the insurgency grows and anti-american anti western anti european sentiment grows so that's why we should leave more importantly the not for the money we've invested has largely gone to waste and it will continue going to waste by any nation that continues to support it what we can do is provide financial support for
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n.g.o.s and non-governmental institutions that where the money actually hits the ground where the people are at work schools are being built and roads are being built by n.g.o.s if we continue to do that it will be good for the afghans if we continue to give money to the central bank in kabul that's bad because that's where karzai and his cronies will steal it. as america winds down its presence in afghanistan it's coming under fire on a different front in neighboring pakistan public anger over mounting civilian casualties from u.s. drone strikes is reaching a boiling point as our he's got reports new plans to expand your own used in yemen are prompting fears of a surge of terrorism. the u.s. is looking to expand its more on terror but its methods are under fire in pakistan in the one year that cia drone strikes killed seven hundred civilians but only five actual militant leaders are. in
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a number of civilian casualties that result of the strikes. like the taliban and al qaeda in other groups. numbers and they're doing. many pakistanis are furious that they're going to. for helping the americans kill their own people they accuse their leaders of doing that in exchange for billions of dollars from washington americans on the other hand are not too happy with what they get in return for their billions how do we support governments or large ones when we say enough is enough most governments lie to each other that's the way business gets done washington now sees yemen as the most dangerous al qaida outpost and he's planning to step up drone attacks on the country establishing a base in the persian gulf specifically for that purpose especially now when the hans replacement iman also ari is not to be building novel quite as already
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significant presence in yemen. the us had been cooperate ing with yemeni counterterrorism forces in targeting al qaida but they've since left the field preoccupied is that with the nationwide turmoil against the sollie regime that means the americans are likely to have a freer hand going it alone with the cia to take a central role because the agency is not subject to the accountability the us military is legally under expect more bombs to fall on yemen when the us starts to hit people who are members of all id new arabian peninsula then i think the real worry is that it expands war to the point where so many people join up with al qaeda their security in yemen over the killing of scores of civilians by the drone strikes in want to attack there the american military presumably ming at an al qaida training camp ended up killing dozens of women and children in another strike a year ago a drone mistakenly killed
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a deputy governor in yemen he spam only and eight with the expansion of the drone war it seems the west is seeking only in itself and the fighting on fire analysts say some of the main features of this is all the trades are not having making sure on the fourth of the weekend that they're bombing and the lack of accountability when it comes to sydney that being. there is that more paradox in the web strategy let me ask you what america is marketing and fostering care at the same time i'm going to check out reporting. more parties could soon be represented in russia's lower hours of parliament after the president proposed a lowering of the threshold from seven to five percent of the vote that will be the minimal level needed to take up a seat in the duma speaking before the decision dimitri medvedev said it could be possible to lower that figure to three percent in the future there are four means to boost political competition and help modernize the country but medvedev pointed out that december a parliamentary election will be held using current regulations that change in
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a threshold if implemented will apply to elections on twenty sixteen. sticking with russian politics hoping to give the russian political scene some fresh impetus as one of the country's richest men who has set his sights on parliament. has been elected leader of the right post party that plans to run in december selections it stands for a more liberal russia but protocol himself didn't want to call it an opposition party he promised to make the right cause party the second largest after united russia and said he would like to become prime minister one day in an exclusive interview with the billionaire is coming up in the next hour here's a preview. i'm not the kind of person who will change the dream or plunges into allusions particular goals to get into russia's lower house of parliament with the maximum number of votes what i also understand is that i could be a good prime minister if the party successful i would fight for disposition.
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a five day nuclear farm in vienna this week so widespread agreement for increased safety measures following japan's atomic crisis in march and thomas travel to the no go zone at the stricken folkish if i play i the ominous and constant ticking of geiger counters and scientists working in fukushima city concerned and i know i'm in charge of the group of radiation detection and survey from fukushima university where now thinking of their creation a protocol and process set up by the japanese government is not enough and myself i think i should evacuate from this area but because of my job at the university i can't my family and my friends family are of a creative. officially fukushima city is in a safe area eighty kilometers from the day to plant reactor one and a full sixty kilometers outside the banda danger zone but still radiation levels here are much higher than normal. just to give you an idea of the consistency right now the ground is really three point three nine. with about one time what is
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more than we accept admirable but if you come down here to where i just thought of a lot of collector the redneck you quickly dump it it's still climbing earlier we got a reading of. my career which is about a thousand times more than what is new except at the level of great britain. but in order to claim that fukushima is truly sing for fermenting radiation the japanese government has had to be creative with the numbers but the government did they change the. quantum level done. the liberals for one. minute. to twenty. twenty times. the. standards before the accident and now. they raise the. standard so that they can say it's safe but actually the standard has changed the new higher
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levels mean that fukushima can be classed as being outside of the exclusion zone some say that evacuating the city would be simply impractical given the huge numbers of people affected to try and mitigate the circumstances to some degree a group of scientists have teamed up to find simple ways to reduce the radiation levels. we're just trying to do. project. work by ourselves and we are not using especially we just use normal show both. scoops. we just. saw a small effort to bring some security to a community facing a scary and uncertain future in fukushima city sean thomas. in a series of international reports that will go sharp as the stonily anti-american president of venezuela is in critical condition after undergoing surgery in cuba
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speculation's been stopped by conflicting statements from the government about his health something that's been seized on by the media eva golinger a lawyer in journalist based in the venezuelan capital caracas believes the u.s. is driving the reports in an effort to destabilize the shadows regime. and the u.s. government is looking for any chance they can get our so there's no question about that and of course they're riding on this rumor mill as much as they can and you know milking it for whatever it is and in fact one of the main stories that's been put out of rumors in the first place of the so-called critical condition came from a u.s. publication which is the spanish language version of the miami herald and the source i just trying to say that the miami herald cited by said and anonymous u.s. intelligence officials are looking for ways also to decrease his popularity because concerns about you know could he last over the long term is it a good option there to reelect him. turning now to some other stories making
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headlines across the globe an eight year old girl has been killed in a bomb attack on a police checkpoint in central afghanistan she was reportedly ordered by insurgents to take a package containing a homemade explosive into the police station militants had been said to have detonated the device as she approached a vehicle in the facility no one else was hurt in the attack the taliban has previously denied recruiting children and hasn't paid responsibility this time this comes a day after an attack on a hospital in which at least thirty eight people were killed in the east of the country. protesters have marched through the these capital hanoi for a fourth consecutive weekend calling on china to stop entering the waters in the south china sea the two communist nations have been accusing each other of violating maritime borders for years recently they pledged to resolve the territorial dispute through peaceful negotiation but this escalated after both held independent naval exercises in the area that's believed to be rich in oil and gas.
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traveling to the most to the most breathtaking and remote regions of russia delving into history and getting to know injured traditions all this available to you on the new r t documentary channel that was launched on thursday or his diary takes a closer look at what's in store. they travel through snow and rain and cross river as they go hunting beyond poland so go and take to the skies they talk to goosed through shamans and studied all kinds they are the team of documentary channel made by those who want to share their discoveries of russia. or to the commensurate is unique oh viewers will not only have a chance to find out it's more about russian history and nature culture traditions or curiosities but also learn one of the most difficult languages on the planet are many serious little bits of russian is an adventure in its own rights and this is also why if ever. russian letter z.
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in our logo the russian deal for russian documentary will see proudly on the eve traveling to the country's most planets time corners to hear thousands of stories and find answers to myriads of questions. like what's behind the a sit in traditional baking the three cakes for a wedding and only two for a funeral or what kind of a note in a personal diary could have doomed a soviet school go to ten years in a gulag. question more they say and have answers it and i myself have learned a lot through our documentaries i never thought russia has so much beauty and interesting places but my favorite programs are those that look back at history of you trying to salvage files meeting with nature faces of russia off track art lounge and to phonology other dates are just some of the programs the channel will put up for the viewers judgement proud and excited the team is happy with the result i would like i would years to see that it's.
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russia it's not only natural beauty it's also a strong spirit it's also. been tested here with the stories and i want them to i want to introduce the world of russian heart the world of russia's soul well my name is they've been collecting stories prove a point here is some have already received international recognition and awards others have never seen the light of day but finally this unique collection goes worldwide this is the nerve center of any t.v. station can hear anything that goes on air is broadcast and from now on the brand new channel r.t. documentary will take its permanent place on one of these screens hoping it will become a favorite off the globe. gary pushed over r.t. moscow. you can watch the new r.t.d. channel right now on line twenty four seven at r.t.d. . r.-t.
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i was just thinking about my future before the foreign companies came i dreamed of owning a cam cutting factory. but we have less garbage now. some businesses who come here make fun of me. figure out garbage boy i'm not bad like people think. i'm a good person. it's just the people don't see me. but i feel it was time people like me. that i feel people will start to appreciate us. an inflation cluster in the center of siberia one city has revolutionary ideas for
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