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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2011 9:01am-9:31am EDT

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the shirts and twenty hotels hotel will show his the groom who took the show with who turned some will do see typee hotel kuvasz photo photo slim hotel resort evergreens sold for a total eighty grand victoria hotel gloria prince photo springs resort and spa tied to hotel royal she plans posted a photo. of the evergreen close a hotel in thailand tyee london hotel telling us of the time the hotel's full points and how it prints or to discipline the hotel in touch with the hotel new touch your room the hotel room and guru gold how would international house to change every green lol he told intel who.
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could corner judges in the hague issue arrest warrants for the libyan leader two of his songs charges of killing the regime protesters over the last four months. it's all frightens journalists with deportation and the ten year ban from we entering is well if they plan to stick sale with a fifth to let down from gaza. it's now at least fifteen people showed signs of a radiation exposure a. nuclear plant has the latest a government check summit with anger and skepticism. and in absentia a moscow court hands out twenty five years in prison to a top intelligence officer who fled russia after exposing a group of u.s. based russian agents including. and in business russian finance minister says the government needs to diversify its economy as well production is not expected to grow in the next decade and the government wants to create an environment. develop
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energy sectors will have more on that and other stories visible to the. global news live from moscow city center this is arts well it appears the libyan leader moammar gadhafi is not only being targeted by nato jets but the international criminal court also has a. judge's. arrest warrant for gadhafi and his closest allies on charges of crimes against humanity correspondent now in a group joins us live with details on this from brussels or so what does this decision mean in terms of could refuse future. well as a matter of fact worry the decision means that only that gadhafi has been found by this particular court of crimes against humanity namely he's being accused of purposefully targeting civilians of killing civilians during the dispersal of the
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protest in february of this year now the court's decision and the request for it for the arrest of moammar gadhafi his son and also his intelligence minister has been has been issued. by one of the prosecutors of the international criminal court and this is only the second time in the chords a nine year history that such a warrant has been issued for an incumbent head of state the first such occurrence happened in two thousand and nine and the man that they wanted or were afterwards the sudanese president over that this is and has yet to be implemented in reality or executive because obviously the president is still in place and the libyan authorities have already said that they will not comply with the decision in this case they actually questioned its legitimacy and have reminded the basically the world. libya is not
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a signatory to the rome treaty which has actually set up the international criminal court however the courts in turn said that libya will have to comply with this decision and for their arrest of moammar gadhafi his son and the intelligence minister because it has to comply with the u.n. security council resolution it's now what exactly will happen to more about gadhafi is not yet known of course several high ranking european officials have already praised the cord for this decision but we have we have yet to find out how we can sack we will go about arresting more market. the i.c.c. did say that the libyan people themselves will arrest but of course. he is called words remain defiant and say they will continue to fight to the very end and they basically said they don't particularly care for this particular decision or you know i think the word you use is key the word of being defiant a defiant
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against the rebels advancing on tripoli also defog of the international criminal court. the issue of these arrest warrants it only adds to the terms to enforce regime change in libya. any criticism of the law and his message that this was supposed to be a humanitarian mission but it was turned into one hundred day bombing campaign. and that's right and as a matter of fact there were reports of intensified bombing tripoli just this morning there were reports that blast have been have been heard very close to gadhafi compound by the way khadafi is that reportedly not there however the international journalists are not too far away but the bombing continues nevertheless of course this is a this was supposed to be enforcement of a no fly zone in libya and yet already we're talking about. according to libyan government we're talking about hundreds of civilians being killed as a result of the nato airstrikes of course need to officials have until not so long ago denied. being at fault for
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a job just recently have to affirm the deaths of nine civilly and at the same time they are saying that supposedly conduct himself has killed thousands of people during the dispersal of the protest but the bombing continues and what will happen next is not yet clear and there is increasing dissatisfaction in the military and political observers of the world over who say that the bombings which need to with carrying out really very no fruit whatsoever conduct here remains defiant like we just said before and there really is no progress and actually the opposition leader is the libyan opposition leaders are already starting to question the methods which are being used by nato so at this point it's kind of a situation which is just hanging in the air and whether this particular latest decision from the i.c.c. whether that will have any effect on the situation in libya remains to be seen all right our teams are going to go there with the latest on libya live from brussels things. well still to come on the program here on our democracy with
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a touch the u.s. announces a new program to help opposition movements across the globe some suggest is just a convenient way to overthrow nuisance governments. you with are to live from moscow now a flotilla of humanitarian ships carrying supplies for gaza is set to depart from greece it's reported to be made up of ten vessels with some five hundred activists on board is there a war that its military is quote gearing up to intercept the aid model warning journalists they could face of ban or deportation for covering the events he's put to sleep now as more some of. the missing has been called. and it consists of ten ships comprising some three hundred and sixty activists from twenty countries now the plan is for them to sit later this week but we're really hearing from one of the ships which is an american ship that's. called the american boat to gaza the
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audacity of hope it complains that the greek authorities are not allowing you to leave and in a statement that was read out by passengers onboard that ship they accuse the united states of using leverage of has with the i am it to put pressure on athens with the stage is seeking economic balance in a separate development the israeli government has warned that any journalists who plan to stick with the tele will be deported from israel and prevented from reentering the country for another ten years that was at the end of may last year and at that stage it consisted of six. from turkey but that attempt in the disaster of an israeli commando units stormed the lot just off those ships it was a boat that was operated by the i h h that israel considers an extremist organization but which turkey still is a humanitarian organization and nine passengers nine turkish citizens on board were killed in an effort to prevent a similar kind of outcome the israeli security cabinet has been holding an
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emergency meeting today the sake of such meeting in two days it's trying to look at alternative ways of dealing with this fertility but the latest word we have is that it is saying that it will not allow the ships to dock in gaza that they have the option of either docking at the israeli port city of ashdod or at the egyptian city of rishon already carter has indicated that it would assist the ships that plan or in fact decide to sail there because radio farda two saying that they need to check the cargo on board and only offer to be all satisfied that there are no weapons and no ammunition while they then take a commitment upon themselves to deliver the goods in their entirety to gaza now it is important to remember that this blockade that israel has imposed on gaza has been in place since two thousand and six but since then citizens of gaza have been unable to receive many basic foodstuffs many items in the last it's all has eased destructions but still humanitarian organizations both inside and outside gaza
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claim that the situation is deteriorating and they talk about a humanitarian disaster. reporting right there now to our discuss what effect israel's ban on journalists wanting to sail with the flotilla might have i'm joined by joe fatima chairman of the foreign press association in israel and live for us from a jerusalem mystified and good to see you considering how big an event the last turned out to be i mean just a scandalous p.r. campaign do you think some journalists will defy israel and cover what could be another massive international confrontation well if you ask me that about a half an hour i would have answered it differently because just in the past few minutes we received an announcement from the prime minister's office where they are now dropping their threat to punish journalists who sail on the flotilla. it's not quite clear how they're going to handle it but they are now backing away from their threat to deport people for ten years ok so another saying journalists are
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potentially allowed to come on the flotilla but do you think israel would repeat what it did to the last flotilla taking into account the worldwide condemnation and diplomatic mayhem that it caused no i think the last photo is really seen as a major debacle you know both militarily they weren't happy with the way things unfolded and clearly from a public relations perspective that said they do promise to prevent these ships from reaching gaza and we know that the navy has been training apparently for months working on a new tactics how to stop these ships in a way that will avoid bloodshed how do you tell us about the general attitude on the ground among israelis how do they feel about these flotilla ships i mean surely they're just packed with aids for suffering palestinians. yeah the israeli view is that this is simply a provocation there's plenty of aid that is flowing into gaza especially since last year where they've ease the blockade so plenty of you know there's no major
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shortages of medicines there's food and so forth where the blockade is still in effect is mostly in the area of building materials if you remember there was a massive you know israeli military affairs offensive about two and a half years ago and there's still a lot of damage to infrastructure and especially to homes that needs to be fixed israel continues to restrict the amount of building goods that gets into gaza. and do you suppose in the larger picture here do you believe that israel is really going down the right path it would seem that such strong opposition from the government of seeming to such a seemingly trivial thing as an aid flotilla would actually encourage activists to send more fleets do you think. yeah well you know that's a decision that they have to make they have you know one thing that i've tried to point out you know in the past there have been other ships that were allowed to sail into gaza where the navy decided not to stop them and in those cases the boats reached the shore there was a short celebration and it attracted you know grief international attention in the
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world moved on when they stop these ships and there's you know violent confrontation and bloodshed and death people are still talking about it a year later so you know that's a decision that israel has to decide whether the threat is worth taking the threat of violence is that important where you could face this huge public relations watch as you say well in the world of the world are still talking about it and yet israel continues a very heavy handed approach to various aspects of the of the palestinians evident just briefly israel's blockade of gaza seems to be in trouble from the opening of the rough crossing with egypt to rising global sympathy for the palestinians is it time for israel to rethink the blockade. well they have been rethinking of it and what if you compare the situation now to what it was a year ago they've clearly they've made a lot of changes really as i said you know the two things are the issue of the building materials in this naval blockade and i get the sense that israel will never drop the naval blockade as long as the hamas militant group is in charge in
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gaza israel says the blockade is needed to permit ships from sailing in full of arms. you know when israel has bitter experience with hamas there's been you know thousands of rocket attacks into southern and central israel so they do have a legitimate concern there as for the ground blockade the main issue again is the building materials and that's something where israel has actually shown signs that it's suffering things up just last week there was a big announcement where they were allowing enough materials seem to proceed with a huge housing project of about twelve hundred homes so there are signs of change but as for the naval blockade i don't see that changing anytime soon because of the security concerns and when you say a lot of construction equipment has been allowed into into the gaza area those two to build houses apartment houses first of all bombed by israeli jets and i'm sure that's all the time we have for today chairman of the foreign press association in israel thank you. very. well the man who blew the cover of a group of russian agents in the u.s.
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last year has been found guilty in absentia of treason and assertion by a moscow court intelligence colonel alexander to tell you have fled the country before the scandal last june which saw ten agents including and chapman arrested. outside of a has been following the proceedings. this very high profile case has been deemed top secret and classified so most of the proceedings that took place in moscow's military court were held behind closed doors and every shred of evidence and witness statement that was submitted throughout the course of the trial was also classified and top secret but we do know that of excited by c. it has been stripped of all of his military ranks and achievements and found guilty of treason and sentenced to twenty five years in prison of course at the moment that really doesn't affect his life that much because of course he's not in russia porting to the court he's most likely hiding somewhere in the united states and he
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left for the united states just a little over a year ago and according to information voiced in the court room that was a complete surprise to everybody including his wife she found out that her husband had deserted her her family and her country from a text message which he sent to her saying mary i'm sorry i hope you find a way to forgive me this isn't for a while this is for ever and that might save has been working with the u.s. intelligence officers for at least a decade out of those people whose coverage he blew and of chapman perhaps one of the most famous said a media. liked characters she picked him out of a photo lineup saying that this is in fact the man that she met with in the united states according to her statement she felt somewhat uncomfortable after her meeting with him and contacted her superiors in moscow which then confirmed her suspicions but of course by then it was too late and ten people were sent out of the united
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states being found guilty of being unregistered agents of a foreign government. he's gotten out of reporting right there now the japanese government is starting radiation checks on millions of people living near the stricken fukushima nuclear plant it's been revealed that fifteen of people living over forty kilometers from the facility showed signs of internal radiation exposure when examined it last month and as artie's sean thomas found out many no longer trust the safety warnings. in a culture that is generally non-confrontational and obedient when thousands take to the streets of tokyo against nuclear energy it is a serious sign of discontent if after this crisis it is true that the people are more conscious and we need to take advantage of it this is the first time since the second world war that the japanese people have no trust in the government the walky a coastal city devastated by the earthquake the tsunami and on the edge of the radiation exclusion zone is starting on the long road to recovery but the people
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living here see the government just isn't doing enough from the city hall iraq city they said different things live perfect they said different things and the government there are different things. the end of today to the. part of the country. they are a part but some believe it is too early to tell what the real dangers of the situation or scientists know that large doses of radiation given in one blast is a significant health threat but they say there isn't enough information about long term exposure to lower doses of radiation and the types of damage it can do if you check it here. at ideation level and then you kick the breeze in when you take water you always feel half different values because it's so close and it's so changing so you can hardly say but it's really exceeds what a normal person would have by a year one of the frightening things about this entire incident is that there are
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no concrete boundaries that can clearly guarantee your safety one example is this looks like a beautiful lush green valley behind me but in fact this is the very head of the twenty kilometer exclusion value that the government has set up in fact we're trying to get a little bit closer but were escorted out by a police officer and a top. now although this is supposed to be a safe area the radiation levels here are still between seven and ten times higher than normal weather for misinformation or mis understanding that people who live in the affected areas don't always take the proper precautions hero volunteer works to clean up toxic radioactive hot spots with hardly any protection at all a problem that some say is compounded by government propaganda accentuating the benefits while neglecting to inform about the dangers of nuclear waste. the first thing the government should do is let the citizens know the real cost of nuclear energy until now the priority has been to profit from energy the p.r. machine of the government has been emphasising the benefit of nuclear energy and
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the citizens have been brainwashed to believe it now in the wake of an international crisis and there are allegations that the government and the power companies have worked out a deal to help each other and that the media. has been born on. the t.v. channels need the money from advertisement and the nuclear energy companies pay a lot without this money they cannot survive and for that reason i have to shut up about the situation the newspapers have this problem as well a move that if true keeps the important information hidden from the people saving face for those in charge in japan and showing thomas. now at twenty eight minutes past the hour here in the russian capital you with out here let's check out some of the headlines from around the world for you this hour and thousands have been forced from their homes in the u.s. state of north dakota after a river burst its banks emergency services and volunteers scramble to build dams and make shift levees with mixed results a major fear now is the contamination of drinking water with people being urged to
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boil before drinking the water is still not receding and the worst could be yet to come. are greek lawmakers are discussing a deeply unpopular spending cuts and tax hikes today the measures are a prerequisite for a new multi billion euro bailout from the european union in a last ditch effort to avoid default the vote is being seen as crucial to the future of the whole euro but the austerity plan has angered the public because of its severity and cost to future generations. the u.s. state department's plans for spreading democracy around the world have been greeted with speculation that washington is planning a program of foreign regime change it will provide finance and technology to opposition groups but the strings that could be used to steer other states where america wants them as aunties garniture can reports. the u.s. state department now generously hands out cash and technology to dissidents throughout the world its bureau of democracy human rights and labor has announced
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the request for proposals on how to foster change in a number of countries in the middle east and north africa as well this cuba the us claims the best of intentions saying it wants to strengthen independent civil society groups in those countries it's just in really another form of provoking regime change they're just trying to do it under a different guise under a different facade saying that somehow and with the best of intentions they're promoting democracy but in reality it's just promoting us agenda among other things the state department is financing the creation of stealth wireless networks that would enable activists to communicate outside the reach of governments in countries like iran and syria and libya according to participate in the projects other programs include a so-called internet in a suitcase a powerful portable wireless transmitter that activists king used to set up their own networks in order to circumvent state control but at the same time american
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companies provide authorities in bahrain saudi arabia and kuwait with the technology to effectively block websites those double standards system everybody should be fully aware of things and understand the. us or united states government austrian regime change that's what essentially zero revolutions our technology is not all the us provides to instigate change in certain countries some opposition movements get a direct. supply for example week it leaks cables show that the state department has for years secretly funded syrian anti-government groups it's done in general to create a world that is more aligned more specifically more control would be aligned with the views of the united states i'm now looking at the state department website that promotes grants for those willing to bring about change in communist cuba and here is one of the requirements i'm going to read this it is preferable
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for these personnel to speak spanish fluently solid understanding of the cultural context and have prior experience on the island in order to maximize their effectiveness in this unique operating environment and of quote sounds very much like recruiting agents but instead of doing it the traditional secretive way the us does their right out in the open on their website help most often comes with strings attached many say opposition leaders in libya who now get financial and political support from washington are sure to get instructions on how to return the favor essentially their eight years in the system with. agents of the us government even if they don't necessarily think it's going to check on r.t.e. washington d.c. . all right and i'll be back in just a few minutes to update you on our main stories for first though corinne is here with the latest from the world business.
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oh welcome to our business program with a korean american thanks for joining me russia needs to diversify its economy as oil production is not expected to grow in the next decade finance minister aleksey couldn't says the key challenge is to create an environment to develop energy sectors this last would mean should quote good. crease its rule in companies and give way to private investments the government is going to sold most of its shares and key enterprises in the next three to five years this relates to point and shoot energy and transport workers. and russia's biggest airline air flight is the latest company to be shadowed for privatization the announcement came from finance minister called in there in a sense capital investment forum he says the sale will take place within the next three to five years the russian state owns around half the company and the size of a stake to be privatized is unclear the russian government is going to sell
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a number of assets in the near future in order to raise up to twenty five billion dollars. that was dropping further with a stronger dollar and worries about the global demand it declined sharply at the end of last week following a decision by the international energy agency to release to teach a quick service of the market. the range of between eighty and one hundred dollars per but it is reasonable both will consumers and producers and as long live the price keeps it reasonably within this limit there is no need for anybody to plan it there is plenty of oil to do while there is plenty of worry there in the ground there's capacity available it's limited but it's sufficient to moderate the market is the really difficult to. tell us take a look at the markets crude is now trading at around ninety dollars a barrel its lows for about a year brant is harboring one hundred four dollars a pound stocks in europe mixes sour the indexes are fluctuating between gains and losses as traders gear up for dance this week and the greek debt crisis investors
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are looking ahead to u.s. thinking putting personal income and consumption numbers later today came in russia the markets are extending all cents on negative sense and it's over greek debt my xix is down just under a percent all slip below ninety dollars a barrel and the r.t.s. still want to help let's have a look at some individual share moves on the rise six all majors among the main losers following the downturn include both local and rostam trading the red banking stocks are also under pressure would spread bank down one point three percent. the a western that ass on capital explains what russian stocks could potentially see an upswing in the near future if you're more sort of long term investor i think you can't go wrong with the banks all prices might not have another sort of big spike upwards in the near term but nevertheless we're still at ninety and the revenues of consumers eventually would leave to the banking sector. given the triggers that we
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have as well the data or program is a good stock and it has been underperforming. to be there would be a shift out of that maybe to spare because i believe. now russia is setting up its own national payment system on the lines of visa master card that's been signed into law by president added if it's aimed at boosting competition in the credit card market but our us chief editor of business news new york magazine explains the advantage of creating such a system from scratch russia has this advantage and so much as a lot of these systems that putting in place they're doing from scratch so you know it's obvious never have any of the stuff really custom exists and so they go straight to states which means they get the quest software the best. and most of the systems are built in the way be an incremental one with you know progressively adding new functionality new software new hardware as new services become available
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and in that sense they have the opportunity of building a really classy system that you could then naturally export to the other members of the c.i.s. and to further abroad to other emerging markets who are coming to this question around the same time. that's our latest business bulletin they'll be back with more just on the want to join me.


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