tv [untitled] June 27, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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today violence has once again flared up. these are the images. from the streets of canada. for racial to rule the day. there probably isn't any gold in fort knox but if we pretend there is the government run financial system won't collapse for at least a few more days was the wrong call can save us on this one we got an update from the near meltdown in nebraska the t.s.a. doing something good for the texas budget a special report from the loop rebels feet from london to those brits are as bad at history as they are of dentistry a police state update now with breast milk and we've got former libertarian presidential nominee the first man i ever voted for to be my president mike of america on the supreme court decision on free speech free speech and video games and california and yes i do have a cuts and a small group on my forehead from port augusta more than worth it but i pride
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myself away from the pride and crawled through the mud back to d.c. just to bring you this episode of adam vs the man. so as our dollar is the based and the job market recovers a fee of mcdonald's one man there's to ask. or is the goal that ron paul is interesting bill that would require audit of every single bar of gold that is
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currently owned by the united states government that is now the fed or has five percent of the gold in their holdings and paul believes something suspicious other than the trashing of our economy through the base of the currency to steal from the american people by inflation and give gobs of money to friends of bernanke we might be going on there quite frankly we don't know what the fed is doing with our gold and we're supposed to trust their internal audits well we've seen how they've treated the dollar it's not a stretch to suspect that the gold might not even be there ironically a democrat representative from missouri william lisi clay is whining about the cost of an audit i guess he should think more about the cost of things a little bit harder considering his party's president has made bush's big government spending into an afterthought and the price of goods of everything going up are going up throughout the united states as ron paul said quote this is one of the few legitimate functions of government to check our ownership and be fiscally responsible and find out just what we own and whether it's really there sorry ron
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but with so many democrats like clay in the house what constitutes a legitimate function of government is well you know they're so busy protecting us from terrorists that hate us because we're free there they're much too busy taking our freedoms away and on that note we have a story from the travel transportation safety administration and since the introduction of new safety procedures the t.s.a. has been a target of public scorn on a routine basis. i guess that's what happens when said procedures frequently involve harassment humiliation in station of innocent civilians recently our favorite government agency found itself in hot water after demanding a dying wheelchair bound at ninety five year old grandmother remove her adult diaper to board a flight yeah the t.s.a. released the following statement standing firm in their endorsement of this micro tear any quote while every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area t.s.a. works with passengers to resolve security alarms in
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a respectful and sensitive manner we have reviewed the circumstances involving the screen and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure it's good to know the t.s.a. officers are so trustworthy i'm glad these particular government employees conduct themselves with enough decency to refrain from doing anything like say molesting babies. never mind what the t.s.a. is doing good work for the government of texas or do you think all those confiscated items go when they leave the checkpoints well in texas they go to the texas state surplus superstore according to the us an american statesman in two thousand and ten texas is general fund was enraged three hundred thousand dollars by the storefront sales and its own small way the stuff travelers leave behind is helping ease the state's financial woes leave behind. texas still has a budget deficit under the steel and spend policies of governor perry somewhere
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between fifteen and twenty five billion dollars but a a few more snow globes and pocket knives and that will be cleared up in no time now supposedly the state of texas and the t.s.a. don't always get along and alex jones has been leading the charge in austin to get the state to stand up to the t.s.a. and impose some rules of basic civility but the state in the t.s.a. seemed to agree that stealing from the people is passengers and then selling them back their confiscated items as surplus shoppers is good for business all right joining me now is michael but derek author and former nominee for president of the libertarian party and the first man that i ever voted for to be president of the united states of america michael thank you so much for joining us this evening thank you for having me on so i want to talk to you about this recent supreme court case that we just got the decision on today that said it is now unconstitutional to bar children from buying or renting violent video games and
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saying quote that they the government doesn't have the authority to restrict the ideas to which children may be exposed in of itself i'm always happy to see a restrictive laws especially coming out of california struck down but there's something else there's a certain other hypocrisy here is there not. history is and this decision like so many others is mixed reviews it's got good ship it's got pets but it's really hard to separate and it's mostly because they missed the issue entirely rights and responsibilities are the same i have a right to life but i had a responsibility to see that food goes down my throat every day and i'm the only legitimate butcher it is where are these responsibilities lie children whacked maturity and are typically irresponsible and therefore the parents ever
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responsibility to feed the children shelter the children meant teach the children to be good upstanding it built under the circumstances it is the parent's responsibility to decide what books and videos their children watch it is not acceptable to have the government step in and do that child force that's really where a lot of our problems start a lot i want to come back to that parent child said responsibility there an interest a moment but the obvious objection that's being a race of this is how can the government say you cannot restrict the sales of content that contains violence to minors but you can restrict the sales of things of a sexual nature well clearly this is out of me in it and it gets everybody all upset . we need to be controlling both parents need to be controlling what their children
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learn and the argument to myspace is grimm's fairy tales have a lot of violence in it bill that we could which is you know the knish can die rabelais what we know the clear logical fallacy there of like appeal to authority just because it's been done that way it's ok to keep doing it now i mean even that equivalency kind of is is you know falls down under scrutiny. well the issue is what are we teaching yes maybe some violence but bad people are punished in grimm's fairy tales in these violent video games you're basically rewarded i are sure when you kill and maiming rape so on so what do we what are we teaching children by saying that such truly illicit material is completely off. on an authorized for children then i don't what is the lesson there what is the moral equivalency well there is no moral equivalency i mean it can. be done still further
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down the rabbit a little bit it's difficult to find anything bit o. line just. like building building a house and none of the corner shop where. it is the parents alternate responsibility and i think that we as a society is the one down when you know we're more concerned with you know being answered with the stars than watching shakespeare or something like that. you know i know i'm all in favor of freedom of speech but you know so church springer want television programs he should be able to do that but bothers me is that americans are willing to watch your instructor oh i think we're in agreement here that the government should basically not have any role in determining what information is available to children and in a sense that that needs to be if anybody the responsibility of the of the of the parents and there's to be no restrictions on speech from the government but is there anything that you that takes that responsibility that said have the
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government actually helping parents if you're saying that it's not the child's individual responsibility that the child doesn't have the right to make that decision about what information they are consuming on their own because you have a sixteen year old kid who's using the internet who has access to everything you know if there's going to be restrictions there if the parents have responsibility do that why shouldn't they have help from the government until the child turns eighteen why and why does that arbitrary eighteen year mark even mean anything legally but will be. p. eighteen your is it's true you know what we're looking for is to determine whether a person is responsible or not and unfortunately we don't have a kick that we can use this side whether people are mature enough to carry a gun or drive report and still legally we just draw this line eighteen years old
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which implies obviously correctly it when you're seventeen years eleven months three weeks you know six days old you're an idiot your parents have to make your decisions and you wake up when you're eighteen per pay if you're you got another straight cheated with a major one and suddenly you're able to sign contracts and make all these decisions . well michael unfortunately since we don't have you here we still have plenty of dipsticks in washington who think that they know how to tell us about those issues really appreciate you joining us tonight like you having me out thanks so much all right and now you the viewer are first comment today is from sergeant crumb from youth who writes in response to my a knowledge meant of his correction of my semantic inaccuracy surgeon out on coke actually reflect great credit upon yourself and the u.s.m.c. at least that portion of the corps it honors the constitution and doesn't take stripes for asinine reasons so does my hard to present you with the never before exists in an entirely unofficial sergeant cross-road only integrity and semantic
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accuracy citation oh better than most wars i received in the marines all right and now to twitter where you as red army writes in russia many people still believe that american police is the best in the world. maybe that's why the show exists alright also from twitter name a name writes at lol second and there's a link artsy considers shoe based request and complied should hold off to see adam kokesh not russell hot. all right well the link in there is to a video on youtube from this show of me praising all sector poking a digital finger in the cia's eye ball in which i threaten to not wrestle ny producer justin. that's fairly honest the following comment from well said on that video not wrestle and you will have our attention well apparently we have your attention already so why embarrass yourself further and in light of your recent hacking accomplishments i hereby withdraw i'm not resting threat congratulations on
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last week's data down from your hack of arizona law enforcement he thought the good work and let me know we can do to help from here in t.v. land and now a comment from anonymous actually youtube account mescal gherao we are anonymous we are aware of the corruption in the world's governments and their apathy for the human lives because of money we are aware of the governments of times a cover on the news of the rebellions to keep us as slaves for the current system we are not honest we declare war on the corrupted system join the plan to get your freedom and rights back you are a human being and your life has value we are anonymous we are legion expect us what is the plan dot org and a sort of response to that not really related but from twitter where and w o blog writes i've been calling for an eighty's resignation for a long time i sure as hell don't need anonymity to do it all right and on facebook we have a comment from tyler cuke ass who writes adam lets you think on the rights of
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america do you think kids should have of the same rights as adults smoke or not forces such as military with parents permission please you and other contact me on this i already smoke and i plan to go into the military life would be easier if i could just do it now i hope we got it got all that it is right and it was well if you already smoke and want to join the military clearly your intended not to make life easier but you can make communications easier by working on your grammar and spelling now i believe that children are whole and complete human beings entitled to the same rights as anyone the only restrictions should be based on their abilities not their age go north adults don't seem to want to take care of themselves in terms of the violence of government which they then also subject young people to. unless you think obama will follow the constitution. please don't join the military anyways when we come back we have a special report from luke would ask you know we stayed up there you're watching adam vs the man six.
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let me get that we met in a park right here. i think. the the. we never got the book says they're going to keep him safe get ready for freedom. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions its considerable breakthrough it's already being made who can you trust no one who
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is your interview with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called satchels when nobody dares to ask what we do r t question morning. welcome back to adam vs the man now as promised we have a follow up from the flooding around the missouri river which is just collapsed the berm that was protecting a turbine building at a nuclear power plant near omaha according to the a.p. plans officials have said that seepage was expected and is a threat and that nice we're talking about an eight foot high temporary berm that collapsed early sunday. oh not public power district spokesman geoff hansen said that quote everything is secure and safe at the fort calhoun nuclear station and nuclear regulatory commission spokesman victor driggs used the word stable for the
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scribes if you ation so according to the people that our government put in charge of keeping us safe from nuclear meltdowns an eight foot berm collapsing leading to a flood of a building at a nuclear facility that they say doesn't have any nuclear material anyways is secure safe and stable and we didn't need a little berm thing anyway no nothing to see here move along citizen and now our own lucrative house the reports from london where seven hundred seventy six is just another number. this is a look at our ski in london england trying to see if the brits know what's going on below. zero. i tell you. can you name two famous people i got married about two months ago. everybody was talking about. one of them would be. prince.
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oh i think that might have to be william and kate the she can speak of such as cambridge prince william and. kate are willing to eat. william and. kate and when you are willing to die among many other people. do you conduct as a cambridge william and katherine you know the magna carta it. sounds mayor brings about. yes it's a bitch a code. something that. something that everybody signed two years ago hartman why my son would never. get it in paris now they can't can't tell you yeah it's something ok but. the division history history division inch writing was. america. constitutional i do it was the bill
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of rights which was written a long time ago i don't know when so one of the first written examples of that in britain fifteen very well can you name two countries your government is bombing right now. well i think that would probably be afghanistan and. iraq. and iran and. no. libya. the other one i. couldn't couldn't. at the moment i suppose. libya and hopefully syria spanish ok libya maybe we could afghanistan the probably the only home in the mud probably iran probably iraq. still pakistan they might be bombing occasionally.
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i thought my government but i will answer anyway one of them unfortunately might still be afghanistan and another one may well be. libya. libya afghanistan very well and how do you feel about being so connected with the united states through military actions on a book for a magazine that sells buttons delivery systems. not comfortable like that. i mean as you think you're great is that. a good thing. and i think that's essential because we've just such a small country we need to pick a power behind me i think it's stupid i think britain has a tendency to think oh yeah we like brothers with america but if they looked around their cousins which are europe they would find different kind of ideas and also as americans far away from most things they forget how bombing one place would mean
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that your place but next they only got it once and i hope they don't get it any more. so. you know some of them might say some doesn't but. here is the big brother. sort of toy the big brothers the u.k. . spoken some pakistani people and a lot of their opinion is if you stop bombing and the problem goes away and i can see you you know there's a lot. little. yeah just a little personal opinion i don't know if legions of a few rich people would want to do that was a pretty one when you pretty much as in. government has spent over seven hundred million dollars in setting up video cameras in private people's homes to surveil them because they're deemed troubled how do you feel about that as u.k. citizens but it's a discussion of invasive invasion of privacy which. i mean i was nowhere that
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actually it was in private homes. but if someone feels likes but people need to be surveyed because it is not a background for any particular reason. i guess that is ok that's up to the individual situation and if if if that if that's going to be putting to family time they need that kind of how that nothing good thing. i mean if. i actually i think i think some people managed. to yank i think it's. going to go deep into government is to you. are going to do it. as you can we hold on to think about it don't really care if you stop form in the streets following. and i think that there's an awful lot. of one's privacy that's taken place unfortunately. i feel that it's not really fair to
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set them inside the house and i'm sure there are other ways to keep track of where they are and what they are doing and so i think it's a bit too much it's pretty. clear where the governments are. really very ridiculous brother stay on the i mean you've got country pick your queens buy in seven hundred seventy six. spanish was you know. that's an easy search. you know france was a little common. seventy in seventy six. with that big i. don't know americans oh amazingly you love america. and i.
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have no idea the americans. and then i bloody. well i thought the americans anyways lucrative your reporting for london and for those of you that don't know the magna carta was the first document imposed on the british king the one that is authorities the first written with was originally issued in the earth well fifteen and it is considered by many to be a primary inspiration for our own declaration of independence warning humans our presence on the road they are known to be highly unstable terrorists and demeanor and completely unable to make moral or rational decisions for themselves government intervention is recommended ok so i can't say every driver on the road is rational short cruise around the beltway here in d.c. will erase any suspicions there but here we go again carolyn mccarthy my very favorite gun grabber in congress the so-called author of the assault weapons ban is
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up to no good remember when she was asked what a barrel shroud is because the legislation banned barrel shrouds she called it the shoulder thing that goes up. that's the shoulder thing that goes up and now this woman who probably doesn't even drive herself is leading the charge against distracted driving by pushing for a federal ban on hand-held cell phone use while driving granted no one wants to be sideswiped by making as many cooper while she text her club skanks about their newest i.c. nice but come on this won't make anyone safer also cannot successfully control irrational behavior the free market is already at work solving this cultural problem with unsavory devices so let's see this bill for what it will inevitably become another opportunity for the highway patrol to ram exorbitant charges up the ass and increasingly under employed americans i hope america buckle up america shut up america pay up america it's the. speaking of police harassment we have
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a quick follow up on emily good the innocent civilian journalist who was arrested by rochester police officer mario massey for filming his publicly funded behavior during a vehicle search taking place near her home several protesters showed up in support of her expressing their anger over the rochester police is intimidation and bullying this is how the rochester police is replied for their grievances and you know you really had the feeling complaint regarding the parking being further than twelve inches from the curb and i could make sure that we have a ruler because i don't think this is twelve and i think it can i say the ruler. ok that's twelve inches from the curb of those about a half inch i'm sorry you guys are different said about one of your officers did they have to behave this way. pay the fines it's the law america by the way i've
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applied my math for marines' skills since moving to d.c. this is math for marines from the marine corps institute source of endless humor and i've realized that a portable metal saw is cheaper than paying parking tickets here ya know more boots on cars so what about if you break the law well we know the run down here if it's a major no go and you go away to a cage but what about the little things you know nothing major well it might be a swat team shooting your family pet or if you're a kid being walked in a hot van without access to food water or bathroom type this isn't exactly what happened in fort lee new jersey after human error according to the findings of an internal investigation five young minors were arrested on the morning hours or in the morning hours of march twenty sixth for an unsupervised party they were then left in the back of a police way again until three pm the next day yeah oops no firings by the way
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the motions maybe suspensions no firings and so also a warning to residents of fort lee these men remain on the streets consider them armed and dangerous or dangerously stupid so how does one defend themselves from the force of the police well you could try bodily fluids. granted you'll be arrested for assault but it's damn funny anyways in delaware ohio a woman was arrested for allegedly sprained breast milk and sheriff's deputies after they intended to intervene during an alcohol charge domestic dispute at a wedding allegedly stephany robin it had gotten a little sloshed at the wedding before striking her husband several times and locking herself in her vehicle now i don't know for the husband you know what compels someone to bring police into their mesnick wedding spat when a woman's already locked herself in a car but according to lower county sheriff walter l. davis the third when deputies attempted to remove robinette from the vehicle she
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advised the deputies that she was a breastfeeding mother and proceeded to remove her right breast in the report just the right one from her dress and began spraying deputies and the vehicle with her breast milk at least it was creative but these cops managed to leave a very thirsty baby at a wedding with nothing but champagne so sad anyways that's our show for tonight and for everybody that helped make our live taping friday from fort fest such a wonderful event thank you so much. because you didn't notice it was certainly worth it and i apologize for my voice be in the state it's in but i guess when you're the guy who excepts the joint on stage or asks for one. there are votes of people stepping up to help throughout the weekend and certainly appreciate that thanks for tuning in tonight anniversaries the man please check out our website out of rhythm and i found a vote on guests and topics and find me on free from polluter as always you can get me adam adam versus the man dot com and cast.
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