tv [untitled] June 27, 2011 11:01pm-11:30pm EDT
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criminally responsible libya's colonel gadhafi officially charged with the killing of anti-government protesters and the international criminal court also wants gadhafi son saif and other close aide in the dock for the deaths it alleges happened at the beginning of the popular uprising. troubled waters ahead a fleet of ships carrying humanitarian aid bound for gaza gets ready to leave greece israel says it's i'm gearing up to intercept the convoy after withdrawing earlier threads to ban into port journalists traveling with the flotilla to. public anger growing at tokyo's handling of the fukushima nuclear disaster is fifteen people living outside the exclusion zone are diagnosed with radiation poisoning the government has stepped up health checks but official figures have been met with skepticism following conflicting reports about already. time now for the alone a show from washington state with us.
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welcome to the alona show well get the real headlines with none of them or say we're going to live out of washington d.c. now so i will ask what the i.c.c. is issuing of an arrest warrant for moammar gadhafi will mean for the war in libya because dean baker deficit talks in washington are misguided and if the american worker has already lost and will look into what could be next for hacktivists after lol security announced this saturday that they're done or have all of that and more free to night but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has missed. well today we all learned what we already knew was going to happen because she already announced it at the g.o.p. debate in new hampshire a few weeks ago the michele bachmann would be running for president now just by
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already knowing this for a number of weeks apparently the mainstream media thought it was breaking surprising jaw dropping news my name is michele bachmann i stand here in the midst of many friends and many family members to announce formally my candidacy for president of the united states it was right here that she made that announcement and repeatedly tried to make that connection to iowa voters saying that everything she ever needed to learn in life she learned here proclaiming yourself a daughter of waterloo and that's a big question mark and you talk to any political analyst looking at this field and we always put the caviare out there that this is very early and even though these polls are showing one thing that can completely change by the time we get to the iowa caucuses. yeah you know what i wish they would have been talking about in regards to michele bachmann running for president what she would do with the war in afghanistan i don't know ask why it is that the economy. concerns are so much that
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when it comes to our wars abroad with the exception of libya because let's face it that's an easy in a very popular attack coming from conservatives these days while they hypocritically still support all of our other wars why it is that's what i would ask why it is when it comes to defense spending does she really not have a whole lot of space oh yeah that's because the mainstream media doesn't have a whole lot to say when it comes to defense spending either but i forget let me give you just a few numbers that might put things into perspective for you and the u.s. spends twenty point two billion dollars a year on air conditioning alone in the wars in iraq and afghanistan that you hear that air condition eight that doesn't even count weapons troops infrastructure rebuilding projects the training of afghan security forces about a million other things you can put on that list and they are even put together a nice list of everything that costs that that program costs more that and that includes air conditioning after iraq and afghanistan is more than nasa's budget it's more than b.p. has paid so far for damage during the gulf oil spill it's more than what the g.
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eight has pledged to help foster new democracies and egypt and tunisia those should make you pause for just a moment but if they don't let me give you the examples that we came up with on this show air conditioning in iraq and afghanistan is costing us more than domestic programs that are being cut or targeted by republican lawmakers domestic programs that could really be making a difference it's more than national school lunches it's more than heating assistance it's more than eight hiv and aids funding federally so i guess you could say that that's probably something we argue about too right just like we already knew the michele bachmann was going to run for president but the thing is that most americans don't know it because the mainstream media doesn't report it and that's what they missed. well today the international criminal court issued arrest warrants for libya's leader moammar gadhafi as well as his sons. safe and military intelligence chief
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abdulla listen to see how the warrants are for alleged crimes against humanity from february fifteenth to the twenty four judges apa hague said that there was sufficient evidence they could offer his two relatives ordered the killing and imprisonment of hundreds of civilians and the white house has already responded saying that this is another indication that moammar gadhafi has lost his legitimacy funny considering if the u.s. doesn't find the i.c.c. legitimate enough for the country to sign onto but how could these arrest warrants change the course of what's going on in libya from legitimizing more attacks to throwing a political deal out the window let's get to the bottom of it and discuss it with me is john glasser the assistant editor and blogger for antiwar dot com john thanks so much for being here tonight for starters let's think about this. moammar gadhafi isn't the only one out there with an arrest warrant out for his name you could say the same thing sudanese president omar al bashir and that there west warrant was put out in two thousand and nine and yet he's still in power so does that make this
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kind of a non threat. yeah i think so i don't think it changes the calculus very much for qaddafi he had an incentive before to stick around as much as possible maybe hold out until congress starts to defund the war or something whatever happens and he still has that incentive but this is sort of the i.c.c. in this respect to sort of acting as a tool of u.s. foreign policy sort of a way to say. look even if you would go yourself out of this you still going to be hunted by the international community for trial at the i.c.c. so yeah i don't think it changes the calculus very much but even say also that part of u.s. foreign policy well u.s. foreign policy is mixed in this regard right because on one hand we're being told that perhaps they do want to come to a political solution they would like to find a nice cozy luxurious place for him or i could offer to retreat to but then at the same time we have u.s. officials we've had an admiral last friday that even admitted on record yeah we've been trying to kill him the whole time so do you think that. you know if you want
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to say that it's a tool of u.s. foreign policy is that legitimizing the assassination attempts yeah i think so i mean it's a stablish fact by this point that the u.s. is aiming specifically at regime change aimed at places. where they thought he was numerous times very mystical and then have their hands in libya for as long as possible to try and set up some client state that would be ideal for the u.s. so you had certainly justifies further attacks but it is that also i mean could you say there's some kind of a psychological game here right because a lot of people say that any political negotiations for him to step down would completely fall apart if the issue an arrest warrant that is going to make him dig his heels in because once they say he doesn't have that many options of where he could go so they know he's going to dig his heels in they know they're going to get more chances to bomb away yeah that's why i think it doesn't change the calculus that much he knows he's in big trouble the world's only superpower is after him and the fact that. arrest warrant like you said bashir got in two thousand and nine
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there's no head under after him. it's just doesn't change the calculus isn't it hypocritical though how come nobody looks at what carney today said in the white house press person when they say that this means that gadhafi isn't as legitimate and ask why it is then that the u.s. is not part of the international criminal court. well that's a really good question but if the u.s. were part of the international criminal court they'd have to sort of come to grips with the fact that many of their client states through the enthusiastically lend support to commit the same crimes that qaddafi has been committing we were the i.c.c. in yemen when saleh was enthusiastically supported by us was committing all sorts of atrocities to take care of the who were blown in rebellion in the north where was the i.c.c. in bahrain for example when it was opening fire on innocent nonviolent protesters. so you know the u.s.
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is inherently contradictory in their stances and thus they can't lend legitimacy to organization that wants to keep people in check what you say whereas i.c.c. as well as in syria in fact congressman dennis kucinich is in syria right now what do you think of that what do you think the fact that he is he's flying all the way to syria to try to take care of this or whatever you want to call it himself it's interesting it's sort of surprising too because he's not he's sort of marginalized in the senate and the fact that he get to meet with someone like assad is sort of surprising i'm not sure you know what'll come out of it he bashar is making assad is making the same promises he made in years past oh you know we need some reform i'm going to stop the protests peacefully song and so forth and he's making them today as well i don't think is going to change much now in regards to libya of course the thing that we've heard repeatedly not as if promises mean anything anymore but this war is that there will be no troops on the ground but the admiral
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locklear josh rogin from foreign policy to have seen what he said to a congress member which then kind of put everyone on the spot because he not only said they have been trying to murder gadhafi since the beginning he also said that if they do that they're going to need troops on the ground how do you think that that would be taken in with that finally get some people to start revolting and you know it's. would be nice if it did but it's sort of along the progression it's going the same direction we could have said before when the united states was still saying oh we just want to protect civilians before they said ok we actually want regime change we could've said oh once they say we want regime change everyone's going to get too upset and this will be the end of the war but once he's taken out of power and then the u.s. wants to send in troops i'm afraid too many americans will just passively accept it as sort of mission creep they always do yeah it's a concern but you don't think that americans find that there is some kind of different you know the administration is trying to paint it as if there's a difference between hostilities where troops are involved and where they're not
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but i think that some americans might see it that way too long as they think that we don't have men and women on the ground actually putting their lives at risk and they're just playing some operational role in the background gathering intelligence that maybe i can be cool with it but then at a certain point what do you say it's possible but a lot of this sort of sentiment you're talking about should have been coming from obama supporters back before he surged in afghanistan the way bush did in iraq i'm skeptical in giving the american people a little bit too much credit in this regard we have a global military empire we're running five wars and they're still not upset enough so i'm not sure that ground troops in libya would piss them off too much ok so what do you think about some of the congressional action that we saw last friday i think it was seemed a little confusing for people is that we saw the house vote down vote against a resolution to defund the war and we also saw them vote against a resolution that would allow the war to continue but i feel like there hasn't been
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enough explanation there in the census as to why these people actually voted no against against funding it. i think congress enjoys being impotent that way they don't have to be accountable they don't have to claim responsibility for any rash decisions they enjoy the fact that the imperial presidency can make war with impunity you were ever in whenever you want and that's why there's sort of you know all the gagging and trying to figure out what should my position be and how do i hedge this and why would i be moderate why do i you know be strong. and effective institution at this point when it comes to keeping the president in check in terms of war powers and i think they'll continue to be why i think the frustrating thing about that is that you know if you go back and you speak to some of the people like representative ron paul that have been against this war since the beginning and it seems confusing that they actually voted. against defunding it but it's because defunding it in fact in the resolution involves funding
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a few programs so you had even the anti-war people voting against that because they plain and simple didn't want to give the obama administration any leeway because they'll always just say the inner virtually congress did kind of approve this that right exactly there was all these exceptions within the bill that said you know we will defund unless it's this or defund it unless it's a that and it essentially. legitimated every action that's being taken right now things like fun doing things like arming nato things like doing you know targeted attacks with drones things like this so yeah that was the reason that the anti-war bill which really wasn't was voted down well in the meantime i guess congress isn't doing. warrants issued for moammar gadhafi is rast and we'll see if that really changes anything at this point my daughters and so much for joining us tonight don thanks. also to come tonight israel and she's a strong warning to any journalists covering the plant flotilla to the gaza strip this week will be that story when we come back and says it is so wrong after
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the world looks like another flotilla is heading towards the region but israel and the united states are not wasting any time making very firm statements when it comes to the real purpose of the. humanitarian aid ships for starters israel has come forward saying that any members of the press who actually cover the journey while being on this ship could be banned for the next ten years in the country and their equipment will be confiscated there already mixed reports coming out today as to whether or not israel is actually going to hold on to that threat to the media but one thing is clear the you ass is going to continue to stand behind israel when it comes to this take its own conflict take a look at secretary of state hillary clinton take on the news of a new flow tell us about to embark. well we do not believe that the flotilla is a a necessary or useful effort to try to assist the people of gaza just this week the israeli government approved a significant commitment to housing in gaza that there will be construction
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materials entering gaza and we think that it's it's not helpful for there to be flotillas that you know try to provoke actions by entering into israeli waters and creating a situation in which the israelis have the right to defend themselves. so although she attempts to touch on the issue delicately clinton that's made a point to say that these flotillas are seen as more a political statement than anything else she then goes on to support israel's right to defend itself and we should also note a point the glenn greenwald from salon dot com highlight today to kind statement prove that the u.s. government is preemptively defending the possible violent attacks on the people who will be on this flotilla including american citizens no matter what your opinion is on the flotilla as they head towards gaza whether they help the situation or if they hurt the situation it should make everybody pause when you hear statements
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from the u.s. government that it's a case where attacks on their own citizens just might be ok of course if you interpret it that way. hopefully there will be no violence this time around a flotilla is said to reach gaza some time later this week and we're going to keep you updated with all the latest. all this saturday the hacktivist group and now it's the after fifty days there are crews that come to an end and that they'd be saying goodbye before we get into what that may mean let's take a little bit of time to walk through a quick timeline of their online presence and we did leave a few details out there's a lot of they did but in terms of the attacks on the government and their affiliates here it is and early may they first came out of the sea they launched their twitter page and quickly demonstrated their skills by hacking the database for contestants on the talent show x factor on may thirtieth the group hacked into p.b.s. his website after they were disappointed by the frontline documentary on wiki leaks they're even posted a link to
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a fake story declaring that he was still alive on the public news website and early june hackers stole passwords from infor guard a firm who works with the f.b.i. after they learned of the pentagon declares from cyber attacks as tools of war but on june thirteenth they went directly after the government this time the web site senate and while they didn't steal any information they did gain access to one of the main servers for that senate site just days later they also went after the cia website however they did not steal any information from that's night site it was more of a denial of service attack and was really more of an inconvenience and an embarrassment than anything else now this is also around the time with seem to start teaming up with another have to his organization anonymous by june twenty first nineteen year old brian cleary was arrested in the u.k. on the allegations that he tied was tied to the group now over hackers took to their twitter pages to say the clear was not involved in their efforts and the
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f.b.i. also conducted a raid on a firm in located in virginia where they have taken a rack of servers that they deemed were suspicious and some people speculated the. that raid may have also had to do with all security on june twenty fourth also when after arizona in protest of their contentious immigration law s.b. ten seventy eight the group hacked the state's department of public safety and reposed of e-mails passwords and other private information belonging to members of the department and then finally this past saturday while sick announced that they were acquitted but is this really be end of the have to this group or are they just assimilating themselves into the larger framework of the anti security operation with anonymous joining me to discuss this from our studio in new york is john young the webmaster of cryptome dot org john thank you so much for joining us tonight for starters. some people out there are just speculating that maybe lol psych hasn't actually quit and they were just doing this to get
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a little attention or for more locals to get a laugh out of people what do you say i think the question will not go away i think they will use different kinds of. operations to do what they do and that i think that they are just the tip of the iceberg there are thousands of people doing this activity but what they don't see obesity. why i've you know i think that's interesting that you say that as the most of these people do not seek publicity what do you make of the very public manner in which first anonymous and then well security which i guess you could say even more conducted their hacking campaigns. well it's a better personal style. to work in public and get attention at this like to work quietly but this is true in the security field as well so the loudest melcher in the security field are not very good the best people keep it quiet this is true in military affairs. so that the people who get to move to teachers are not the best people so are you saying that perhaps law saying is not the best. not at all.
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but your but they are quite good at getting published to show that there is a style of doing this for publicity and attention and that's ok. quite a number of celebrated people do things like history teachers but most accomplished people did not she could teach and they do it quietly ok so that when you're in that case who is the best out there that perhaps we don't know about where are they working for the government you and i have spoken about this before the possibility of many hackers working as a informants or are they independent. i would call them independent the best ones really dependent they don't notice really it with government or with commerce or with institutions they keep it to themselves however they are available to to work with is to touche like this but institutions are typically inept incompetent and incompetent. and that's why they that's why they need to publish or do they they put more money into press releases than they do the technology. one of those wondering you know there was
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a lot of speculation that perhaps there was some infighting within law security of course there are other groups of hackers that threaten to expose some of their names do you think that sometimes i mean they claim that there's only six of them is it easier sometimes to just become a part of a a larger loose collection people like anonymous rather than only having six people below security where you put yourself at more risk for exposure. well i'll just say that your number of ways that people come out is there's a lone wolf there's a small group there's a large group there's the two previously that alliance with different people and they stated the best people in the movies they did not set any particular bill any predictable pattern because they don't like to be traced that way and so that. i think just moved on to a different formation. do you think of a god they may have gotten scared off a little bit because of course ryan cleary was arrested in the u.k. although they say that they were only loosely affiliated with there were stories
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coming out that indeed the government was trying to create some sort of investigation to go after them and find them. the government will have a hard time finding these folks. very sincere between fear that. they pretend to be more than the or dumber than they are and they're actually comedians and they assume different forms. they're comedians i'm sure the like here and now what do you think of the way that the media really has joined upon the story i mean we hear on they want to show we've been covering anonymous we've covered all security since they first came onto the scene but then you even have you know the mainstream news organizations suddenly start reporting on them every single day. it's pretty shallow stuff. so it's kind of care to but it but there's very little information in most of these stories maybe of providing
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a racial discrimination that kind of report stuff that's already been reported elsewhere ok sure you'll find someone who gets some people of the nation but most of us pretty. do you think that some people are are in fact concerned i've read a few critiques saying of the media has been too kind to anonymous until security because they're simply just too scared to critique them because they themselves might get hacked do you think that hackers or somebody should scare journalists. i know is i think journalists probably don't understand much of the issue there but they're doing the best they can but i think it takes some technical skills that most journalists don't have to understand this stuff so they do it in a shallow way now i should say the readers prefer the shuttle way too but they say they'll be more and more people who have the skills of hackers and become an ordinary skilled just like nothing to read but it's a generational thing in the u.k. still things a lot of this stuff is taking place outside of school with education and these young people are teaching themselves and they do have some older people working
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with them but the best people are self-taught. why does kerry as to how far do you think the government might go if we do indeed keep seeing more of these hacks in terms of trying to crack down and go after them do you think of actually have any idea what they're doing. i think they ought to publish a campaign right now to to inflate the threat they're actually seeking greater funding for shopper warfare shuffle the new shift going on around the world for this and i think that they will but only the threat but the general accounting office the other day reported that most of the deal the leadership are totally inept about these matters but they're good publicity. kargil i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight and of course we'll have to wait and see to see if loss like really is done and whether. security operation and nandu keep leading the charge there thanks so much. you're welcome. all stories of impending disaster usually capture the hearts and minds of both the media and the american people there with this story we haven't really seen your typical amount of coverage so the
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state of nebraska is dealing with major floods and fears are now as collating after rising waters have breached a protective temp. very berm for the fort calhoun nuclear facility. as far as we can see well touristed. we can read it to. show you just. for the search. now while officials say that there's no potential threat to the public the floodwaters have forced the facility to shut down and stop producing electricity meanwhile wildfires are to blame for a shutdown at the los alamos facility in new mexico all the fire there is currently a mile away fish was there say the plant has been closed to the public and all radioactive material is accounted for on the labs website says l a n l's emergency operations center remains operational observation aircraft are currently conducting aerial surveys to gauge the fires growth and current size overnight as
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a precaution the lab natural gas and technical areas in l.a. and remote southwest area all hazardous and radioactive materials remain accounted for enter appropriately protected as our key lab facilities such as protonix celebrator and supercomputing centers although both of these facilities facilities emphasize safety under the threat of natural disasters memories of the fukushima plant japan are still pretty fresh in people's minds when the earthquake in japan's nuclear facility the government failed to tell the public about the real health threats now causing a lot of people to question that although america hasn't yet faced a record breaking earthquake a lot of people here in the u.s. are also questioning how safe these nuclear facilities in new mexico and brassica really are and why we aren't hearing more about it so well word finally get out years later the people living near those facilities in los alamos and for calhoun are in fact in danger only time is going to tell but one thing is for sure the skepticism is growing fast.
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