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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2011 6:01am-6:31am EDT

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lead. it will destroy the. streets to keep. trying to reveal. the soviet files on.
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the international criminal court since the place where the west judge is the rest tripoli rejects an arrest warrant for colonel gadhafi is saying the hague based tribe you know is just a political tool and has no authority. to use economic crisis nations like greece forces countries such as turkey who want been seeking membership to sift their focus its words. and boosting the birth rate or greeting women's rights russian lawmakers discuss restrictions on abortion that have split public opinion. live from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching r t with me and use the now way it's two pm here in the russian capital we begin with libya this hour where the country's justice minister says tripoli is refusing to recognize the arrest warrant for colonel gadhafi issued by the international criminal court at
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the hague gadhafi and his closest allies are accused of ordering war crimes to be carried out against their own people but tripoli said. as the actions by the i.c.c. are just a cover for continued nato bombings are to israel for no snow went to see the effects of the airstrikes on the libyan people. the road from the capital tripoli to brag is lined with the aftermath of war towns abandoned as the population fled the bombardment this is what's left of the civilian airport in the city of but also home to one of the country's key oil refineries the last plane took off from this runway just hours before it was hate. to say so it's only hitting the targets of military value well call say these telecommunications towers so fifteen minutes west of the tower to be destroyed. this is a safe two strikes and they've also accidentally. two cars and killed
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two civilians since there is no t.v. in this area and as we can see phone light has also been disrupted. there is no water and no. what used to be heaven this man says has become hell towards home now suzanne familiare. i have nine children and i send them all to my relatives abroad i don't want them to see their mother who is in such a condition. from the small poor not far from drug gas used to flow to europe. we used to produce fuel to send it to them and now see they destroy it all this is terrible and ridiculous at the same time. the closer you get to the front line the more you feel it you can hear the war and you can even read it on. jobs just before the bombs arrive. this one says as you can see there is
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a sign here in arabic that nato is here in libya to enforce and i'll fly zone over the country to protect civilians on the other side there is another sign also in arabic saying that nato can attack any place at any time. any time happened three times over several hours while we were filming. raga labors major port is where the frontline lies dividing the country into two parts into two swear one side is going to put one flashpoint within the rebels and gadhafi forces it's a very important point to quote case gets in a firm hand on this town would mean taking control over the country's economy. all facilities seem to be a rare target that nato bombs never land on while it looks like the civilian population can hardly scape. they were like my family not just going to the shop to buy some food and this happened six of them died i couldn't believe it
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and this used to be a restaurant or old company staff where friends gathered after work we were eating with my colleagues then there was a boom we knew what that was we run we try to help those who was trapped then the helicopters came to and stilted to shoot us as if they didn't want us to save our friends from one street to another the stories are repeated. probably mother. in. every madam every day i believe it did when being a big killed our civilians to prevent another. country this is from libya well those voices become more and more frequent is the sound of exploding bombs and warplanes drowns them. out t. tripoli. nato's operation in libya has outraged his critics who claim
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it's the alliance which should be held accountable for war crimes patrick hayes a london based reporter for the online magazine spight says the international criminal court's action so how many western nations want to impose themselves on the rest of the worlds. this is actually the first time that the international criminal court has actually pursued someone who isn't actually completely black i don't say this lightly but if you look at the previous five cases of the international criminal court the investigations they've been in kenya have been. the central african republic in the democratic republic of congo despite all the other crimes and wars that are going on that across the world from iraq could soon the gaza strip the international criminal court has for focus solely to this point upon black people and obviously you know they seem to be moving. the focusing on gadhafi now but still very much focused on africa the sense seems to be that the
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international criminal court is the place where the west judges the rest is for the international criminal courts presumes that they can have this kind of civilized legal perspective on the world which is lacking in african countries who are unable to determine their own affairs properly and the guiding hounds of western politicians. life from moscow you're with are still ahead this hour not after seeing what they preach. marcus lee for around the world. trying to suppress the citizens of this country we visit the poorest city in the american state of michigan which citizens say might become a template for a disturbing breakdown of local democracy. and so the world abandoned nuclear power after the disaster plan we asked the abstract to the international atomic watchdog a little later in the program. russia says the
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crisis in syria should be resolved through dialogue and once the violence to be stopped it comes as one of russia's top diplomats met with syrian activists here in moscow let's get the deal. peter oliver who now joins us live from central moscow peter what can you tell us more about who exactly is involved in this meeting and what are they hoping to achieve here in the russian capital both on the syrian side this group that's been in moscow contains members of the syrian opposition also representatives from n.g.o.s as well as human rights groups now they've been in here in the russian capital to try and ask russia to put more pressure on president bashar al assad's government to stop the violence against his own their own people in syria now they met with. a top russian diplomats senior member of the foreign ministry also a jensen with a lot of experience in this part of the world. to listen to what they have to say
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and put forward russia's side of the. bush the pinion on this subject that's the russian course will see an end to the violence that's ongoing in syria they want to see that end coming through discussion and diplomacy now he also said that russia would be vehemently opposed to any kind of foreign intervention into syria any kind of foreign military intervention no this comes after russia has been left hugely disappointed by the military action taking place in libya no they don't want to see any kind of situation that we have to be in libya helping in stopping in syria they will be vehemently opposed to any kind of foreign intervention in this situation right peter oliver following the syrian delegation here in moscow thanks for that. greek trade unions have begun a general forty eight hour strike against new austerity plans which are to go to a crucial vote on wednesday thousands have taken to the streets of athens and are
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now marching towards parliament protestors are warning bell time to prevent m.p.'s from entering the building the twenty eight billion euro package of spending cuts and tax hikes is a kick them dish. same for the country to get more cash from the e.u. ever proved it will mean a new bell out and another tranche of last year as a package handed over otherwise greece could become the first euro zone country to default on its debt some states like lothian are still keen to join monetary walk others are beginning to rethink their member said plans as tom barton now reports. sheep don't even think it turkey is in asia minor or not in europe turkey's voice is not the european union turkey started seeking integration with europe in the one nine hundred fifty s. and was made me you can do that in one nine hundred ninety nine but since then from some germany have remained opposed continually stalling negotiations turkey.
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and the european union. have actually stalled the. relationship for such a long time now that the turkish public is tired of it the main reason turks think the europeans don't want them immigration first well they come and steal our jobs like the polish plumber did. and second well they threaten us culturally but others see the real fear in paris and berlin as a loss of political power and this sort of fray german condominium is already on the challenge but with the inclusion of turkey in the european union it would be totally impossible to sustain now embroiled in economic crisis the e.u. isn't as strong as it once seemed. turks are starting to view the da lays in
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joining less with frustration and more with relief frankly given. the state of the european union right now is the inability of taking decisions the euro's fragile situation the rising racism and islamophobia in many countries. it's it's becoming less and less attractive turkey is no longer waiting for europe to change its mind instead many speak of the axis of turkish interest shifting from west to east it's pursued a no problems policy with its neighbors in recent years that's yielded impressive results boosting trade and making turkey a leader in regional diplomacy if we want to. combine our. power with others i think we should look at. the bosphorus behind me has long been seen as
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a bridge between east and west but with turkey increasingly pushed away by europe over here and pull towards the middle east and asia over here turks no longer see all their hopes by looking west tamasin r.t. istanbul turkey. the next hour max kaiser and his co-host stacey herbert discuss whether the stock waves from the e.u. debt crisis are reaching the u.s. . there's a common theme emerging all roads are pointing to one culpable source of the catastrophe be big i'm not talking about brigitte bardot but ben bernanke he actually says that this will be a small negligible impact of greece defaulting he is telling a lie that's causing incredible global financial damage again i suggest waterboarding.
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well whether the us is feeling the effects of the greek problems or not its economy is still suffering with massive national debt and high unemployment the american city of benton harbor is trying to deal with these financial woes with drastic changes to the way it's wrong now officials are being granted almost under strict local powers or days when important i examine what that means for the state of american democracy. the american state known for its great lakes has seen the middle class feet and automotive industry crumble in michigan's poorest city benton harbor more than a quarter citizens are unemployed and elected officials have lost all authority to govern as an unprecedented democratic collapse plays out we believe that it's illegal immoral and unconstitutional no one person in this country have all that authority to pray to the united states and that have that authority in the face of
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massive public opposition michigan lawmakers recently reshape democracy by giving unilateral authority to officials known as emergency financial managers e.m.f.'s have independent authority to fire elected officials close schools void union contracts sell public property and privatized assets residents like scott elliott say his city could be the start of a changing landscape in american politics people throw around words like oligarchies and all that sort of thing well i mean that's that's what it already is i think that the average citizen is going to have less and less to say about what is done with public assets these decision makers are appointed by the governor to oversee school districts and cities like benton harbor facing financial distress in april benton harbor z.m. out stripped the elected city council of its democratic power leaving a city of eleven thousand struggling americans under the rule of
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a man they didn't elect their hypocritical. you know there are x. trying to export democracy for around the world but at home they're trying to suppress the citizens of this country at least four other cities including detroit have an emergency manager in the motor city the e.m.f. laid off some six thousand teachers and it's pioneering plans for corporations to privately run schools funded by public tax dollars well dr martin luther king. said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. so is benton harbor today but it could be mill york tomorrow or it couldn't be chicago next week bedsit harbor is one of roughly one hundred cities or towns in michigan reportedly on the verge of fiscal. and economic desperation that paved the way for financial martial law to spread throughout the states critics say that would lead to
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a deepening demise of democratic rights the u.s. has always claimed to stand for. marina port i.r.t. michigan. well look there at an economic turmoil for an american city on the web site there's plenty more on this topic let's take a look at what's online for you right now at our team dot com. you can find out why experts are predicting that financial doomsday is looming for the whole of the you asked as soon as the second of august plus. fires and floods are threatening nuclear plants in america with fears that four million people actually live within range of a potential atomic disaster i've gone to our team dot com for more details. to japan where the president of tepco the company operating the crippled fukushima plant has apologized for the disaster earlier this year the company has come under
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fire at a meeting with shareholders for not doing enough to deal with the situation meanwhile workers have begun to install a protective cap at the first reactor and preventing radiation from spreading efforts to cool the reactors are continuing as a key water recycling system has again been launched the ongoing crisis has left europe divided over the future of nuclear power while france has promised further investment germany plans to stop all of its nuclear plants the former head of the international atomic energy agency says despite the risks there's no way the world can abandon nuclear energy now. this illusion is not to is not to to shut down a new kind of energy because it provides what you presented for your position to demand. possibly more in the future and got to use like india like china you know there is no option but to continue to use all that readable source of energy and including military and the fact that germany is working knowledge to france is going to increase well. this is
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a question of the psychology in different countries you know people doubted that to accept a certain degree of risk was that i was saying you know that i was saying that we would want to walk away but they would be interested to see how germany is going. substitute that twenty percent that the breakthrough you see that comes from your great energy. a look now at some world news in brief for you this hour iran has tested medium range missiles as part of a ten day real it says the missiles are intended to protect the country from possible threats from israel and the us forces in the gulf on monday iran released footage of its underground launch pads which can't be detected by satellites to iran is facing international pressure over its nuclear program which the west claims is intended to build nuclear weapons. activists from scandinavia were part of the far too hoping to make its way to gaza say their ship has been sabotaged the vessels propeller was reportedly cut off while docked at a greek or it will take
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a couple of days to repair the thought it was due to sail to gaza sort leave with israel warning it will prevent any attempt to breach at sea blockade of the palestinian territory a year ago a similar mission led to a deadly raid by israeli commandos in which nine activists were killed. the international monetary fund is going to name its next boss with christine lagarde expected to win the vote the french finance minister would be the first woman to leave the organization if she manages to beat her opponent a central banker from mexico the new i.m.f. head will replace. who resigned last month over sex assault charges. a drive by the russian government to raise the birth rate of lawmakers proposing a bill limiting a pregnant woman's options over abortion legislators say they want to reduce the huge number of terminated pregnancies but there is criticism that the measures will deprive women of the right to determine their own future. as the details.
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when she heard she was pregnant again and i had already been through to see her in sections and had. to make her life complete along with her diabetes this pregnancy was a huge risk. now though she can't imagine life without her sasha there's light over there i look at my little miracle and i can't even imagine that once i had thought about getting rid of him i've never regretted my decision later i was able to make a choice freely had she wanted to terminations nothing would have stood in her way abortion in russia is available on request up to twelve weeks and is permitted at any stage if the pregnancy puts the mother's life in danger the proposed legislation would end free abortions of state clinics and make women wait for a week before the terminations to think over their decision the morning after pill now available at any pharmacy would also become prescription only it's the but i would always be the right that if we manage to avert at least twenty percent of
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abortions annually we have a clear increase in birth rates instead of a demographic decline. that's a qualified psychologist working at one of moscow's maternity hospitals says the stress of an unplanned pregnancy often makes women rush to a decision they might later regret but the reservation my task is not to talk a woman out of abortion just sure how they'll turn it is so that she doesn't end up currency herself where with questions like who are all the baby would have been now and what he or she would have looked like. experts say the only way forward is to give women the security needed to embark on motherhood although found the help she was so desperate for at a moscow charity. my husband left me when i was pregnant i didn't have any means to feed the kids al ready had let alone raise another one. however opponents of the proposed legislation believe limiting a woman's choice breaches her rights both health and human my body is my business
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is just one of their slogans that she got about history shows that being abortions has never had to be born when the soviet union outlawed abortions in one nine hundred thirty six the result was an enormous increase in the maternal death rate and that's what doctors fear most that restrictions on legal abortions will only push women to find risky backstreet alternatives even if it threatens their health and life of the of those living in russia forty percent of women decide against pregnancy and if a woman is determined not to have children she won't and that includes simply abandoning them. like the mothers of these babies who found another way to escape the burdens of motherhood these children are too young to understand why they were not wanted. these children didn't choose to come into this world and be deprived of their basic right for parental love one day they might find someone to call their
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family however the question is whether restricting abortions will lead to more children abandoned after being warned against their mothers well. terry i wish her well r.t. moscow. but that wraps up the main news block here on our to business was next with katrina after a short break. hello and welcome to our seas business bulletin the clock's ticking down on greece's judgment day the country will default in july if the e.u. doesn't provide a new bailout new austerity measures are being debated in parliament this week nigel rented from r.b.c. capital markets believes it's make or break time. the problem in greece is that
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we've had a lot of political difficulties we've had problems with the statistics which are misinformed both the government and the international community so they've been living at the eleventh for quite some time but i think we really doubt the five minutes to midnight and there really is no alternative they do have to proceed with this or starting there is a risk if they don't pursue this a storage program we could see much more substantial impact on financial markets with a negative reaction obviously there are contingency plans the question is can they be reported to operation quickly enough to save the financial markets russia is on its way toward cutting its budget deficit and returning to the black in the next three years more in crude prices could also help reduce the three point six percent gap in the budget down to one percent by the end of the year but analysts warn that high crude prices are putting long term financial stability at risk. it's
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a good thing for russia that the world's come down for oil was heading up two hundred twenty hundred thirty dollars on brooms in the longer run this would be a boom and bust cycle we saw in two thousand and eight we do not want to see this again in russia much more sustainable for the world economy if if the oil prices say averaging nine to one hundred dollars this is better global economy grows stronger it's a more sustainable story and that's that's how you can make proper plans for the future. let's take a look at the markets now oil is starting to close the gap on monday's losses which sent crude prices to their lowest in four months the major drop came on the heels of last week's announcement by the international energy agency that it will release sixty million barrels of oil the move is hoped to counter the effect of hold it exports from libya. european markets are mixed this hour with investors wary of a greece's debt crisis the footsie is up a point three five of a saint and the dax is down one eighth of a percent and in moscow the r.t.s.
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and the my six are trading in the black coming back from monday's losses so investors are hopeful they continue to be cautious due to concerns of the situation in greece and it's have a look at some individual share moves on the my six energy majors are higher helped by slight gains in oil banks and also in the black bank up just a notch in the mining sector poly metal is among the main gainers with stronger gold prices supporting stocks. low oil price has hit many energy stocks in russia but as i said explains that some oil majors will still be flavor favored rather by investors boid by future tax reforms. it's an interesting environment right now because as you see oil coming off the structural trade that has been happening in the oil and gas sector especially the oil names. they have had one at the beginning of the year for what we think was not the right reason the real catalyst in the industry is actually the reforms in the upstream namely the sixty sixty six when we favor be upstream names that are going to be you know less
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affected towards the downstream raising of the taxes so we favor names that may have more exposure to the upstream and less with downstream so the names that cross and you have that near of a certain extent and also for different calculus so those are more or less the names were favre in at the moment. rushes elektra to the export monopoly into raul is about to pull the plug on its supplies to better routes minsk has failed to pay its bills on time and missed an extended deadline this applies will be halted by midnight if batteries doesn't pay off its debts of about fifty million dollars minsk says the economic crisis in the country has sparked problems overpayment about ten percent of the electricity batteries he uses comes from russia. and that's all the business for this hour we'll be back with more in just under an hour's time stay with us the headlines next.
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in the. long. term. come up. to feel. you.


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