tv [untitled] June 28, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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well. janet you're. where you take. happens on the fire protesters marched on the greek parliament in a violent display against deep austerity cuts which have to be approved to secure an e.u. bailout also. reconsider all the problem of good really. good food well prosecutors in the hague call on libyans to turn over colonel gadhafi for allegedly killing civilians we report from the coastal city of brega recently razed to the ground by nato bombs. and activists say claims that a flock to one heading for gaza is carrying chemical weapons to use against soldiers or just israel's attempt to undermine the aid mission. and
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the business desk rest in equity markets head for the highest in more than a week as forward bounce from a four month low join me for more on this in our business bulletin in about twenty minutes from time. seven pm in moscow this is r t coming to you live from new so now with our top story this hour while in clashes have broken out in greece during massive nationwide strikes hundreds of thousands of workers are protesting ahead of a parliamentary vote on the first set of tax hikes and spending cuts twenty eight billion euros worth of cuts are needed before the e.u. agrees to hand greece another cast doubt it's considered the country's last resort to avoid becoming the first euro zone nation to default but both the costs and the high interest are deeply. they're illustrated by the fact that the police have once
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again class the protesters and fired tear gas during massmart on parliament viral fuck as facts are out they never say athens believes the greek crisis is a result of the glaring flaws in the euro. one hundred eighty percent of the population that gains what is being pushed in a parliament and even worse than that are free to our own politicians even those who are voting for those measures do not believe in them they resemble a few swear crossing themselves hoping for a miracle bailout from our wrong was passed one year ago the name of thousand and ten and it failed spectacularly its logic was false and its application made the problem worse for them. and while i'm afraid much afraid that you deficit is emerging a deficit of political legitimacy both in the surplus countries like germany and holland and in the deficit there's like greece and ireland the government is on
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borrowed time don't forget that this is a prime minister who only about ten days ago tried to fall on his sword and missed he was prepared to resign. if he's accused that their hopes that he goes to sleep with a knife with that he will manage tool keep the whole thing together and push this a steady view through parliament today and tomorrow then go to brussels secure a massive new loan come back around completely saying that he seemed to get if you going to buy a securities loan there can be no solution for the good problem independently of a solution for the us system crisis which is that you should hand if europe continues to see the you see this as a good problem i'm a very much afraid that there would be no europe in the next year or so and i think the choice we have is european says between letting the euro go and they don't leave their own currencies or fixing that you. well for more on what's happening in greece we'll be joined why have by in athens delhi comic columnist petrels
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constantino in just a few minutes for. well the struggle in athens to keep thing you're alive some nations who have long wanted to join the e.u. asking a new question is it worth it tom barton reports if you turkey is in asia minor and not in europe thirties police is not inside the european union turkey started seeking integration with europe in the one nine hundred fifty s. and was gravely you can do that in one thousand nine hundred nine but since then from some germany have remained opposed continually stalling negotiations turkey. european union. have truly stalled the. relationship for such a long time that. public is tired of it the main reason turks think the europeans don't want immigration first will they
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come and steal our jobs like the polish plumber there. and second well they threaten us culturally but others see the real fear in paris and berlin as a loss of political power and this sort of. for a german condominium is already a challenge but with the inclusion of turkey in the european union it would be totally impossible to sustain now embroiled in economic crisis the e.u. isn't as strong as it once seemed turks are starting to view the delays in joining less with frustration and more with relief frankly given. the state of the european union right now is the inability of taking decisions the. fragile situation and the rising racism in the slammer for be in many countries.
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it's it's becoming less and less attractive turkey is no longer waiting for europe to change its mind instead many speak of the axis of turkish interest shifting from west to east it's pursued a no problems policy with its neighbors in recent years that's yielded impressive results boosting trade and making turkey a leader in regional diplomacy if we want to. combine our. power with others i think we should look at. the bosphorus behind me has long been seen as a bridge between east and west but with turkey increasingly pushed away by europe over here and pull towards the middle east and asia over here turks no longer see all their hopes but looking west to martin r.t. istanbul turkey. massive public demonstrations against the last area the measures have gripped athens riot police have to take eighteen people so far and four
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policemen have been hospitalized with injuries cross live and joint financial journalist. who's a columnist at the athens newspaper thanks for being with us this seems we're seeing in athens make it very clear that the popular opposition to me are the popular i should say opposition to the thirty cards what do you think the deciding factor for the government will be the will of the people or the immense pressure from the e.u. . it's a very difficult day for the greek government as you know using your government on top of that one since last week our prime minister george spot on the radio was about to resign and was offered to have a new government government with the right wing party but this up in the failed and extent of this he formed a new coalition government with his enemy in part be evacuated. so
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we could say that george papandreou has lost legitimacy in greece and as a prime minister he's a dead man walking by the moment there presser from the european union is tremendous. talk about blackmail i guess the greek government because they say that i'm listening to you vote for this outrageous bill tomorrow enough and there will be no more loans and greece who will be left to default my professional opinion is the this is a bluff from the european union because if we greece goes before then we'll have a domino effect or i guess the euro that will be a disaster for european union at large and but unfortunately our government has not the narrow them and this is the difficult part of the story. in a recent article you wrote that within five years greece will have paid out more than the total bill out in interest and fees as an economic recovery even possible
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under that burden. exactly in five years time greece has to pay just fourteen there is no thought for their finance of the original loans just for the interest at about one hundred thirty billion euros while their loan for their alleged bailout of greece was only one hundred ten billion euros this interest payments would be more than the sum of what we pay for a duke is for health and or social insurance many analysts like a marker wise drop in the guardian and google primes have said that the this use in boast will be people sort of punishment like they were about the german republic republic or why mark had to go through after the disaster in the long war still the comparison i just want to bring up greece of course is in the me. fire sale of
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state assets private investors and it's big compared to the situation during the break up of the u.s.s.r. and the chaos that surrounded that do you think that's a fair comparison. and i think one even more outrageous. was. our family silver perhaps not this building behind me but you see i mean parthenon in acropolis but surely our public power good to leave you with european union wants us to say leads for. four hundred million euros which is really good news you see our. power of. at least fifteen plants each of the costs more than one point five billion euros so i would say that this is a cost. and you know better than me what this means for the people. you
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mention of the prime minister you think is a dead man walking what do you see greece is fine at the solution to greece's financial woes and of course the future of the euro itself. but surely would be a solution proposed by mark weisbrot i mentioned before in a new york times. he called go for it more i'm doing on the payments of the greek interests. interest so that we will be able to negotiate with our european partners . or for our loan even economist with a well known but i love british my doesn't propose the haircut or the order of magnitude of fifty percent then we could use a lot money in order to finance their recovery off our economy because you see the memorandums and there was very good packages the result is the.
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export development and this is unsustainable all right petros constantino columnist at the an in athens daily newspaper thank you very much for your analysis thank you . live from moscow you're watching our t.v. got more news stories coming up for you this hour. no one person in this country have a bit of story to prove the united states a very good authority who is taking democracy away from us citizens are to look at how one american town has lost its own lect officials. in libya says the international criminal court is just a cover for nato attempts to kill colonel gadhafi and refuses to recognize its legitimacy has came in response to the issuing of arrest warrants for gadaffi into his confidence by the hague drive you know and many libyans believe neighbor leaders also be held to account for their actions. the road from the capital
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tripoli to greg is lined with the aftermath of war towns abandoned as the population flowed the going bald and. this is what's left of the civilian airport in the siege of. home to one of the country's key oil refineries the last plane took off from this runway just hours before it was hit. in space and it's only heating the targets of military value will go straight these telecommunications power so fifteen minutes west of the town of that's been fixed for you in a times like this is a sign. of strikes and they've also accidentally burned two cars and killed two civilians since brand there is no t.v. in this area and as we can see the phone light has also been disrupted. there is no water and no leaks research which used to be heaven this man says has become hell is home now feels unfamiliar. i have nine children and i send them all to my
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relatives abroad i don't want them to see their mother and in such a condition. for release more poor not far from break even gas used to flow to europe. we used to produce fuel to send it to them and now see they destroy it all this is terrible and ridiculous at the same time. the closer you get to the front line the more you feel it you can hear the war and you can even read it on nature's leaflets jobs just before the bombs arrive. this runs as you can see the reason sign here in arabic but nato is here to leave it through in france and i'll fly zone over the country to protect civilians on the other side there is another sign also in arabic saying that nato can attack any place at any time. time happened three times over several hours well we were feeling. really good
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livers major is word from five guys dividing the country into two parts into two swear one side is going to put one flashpoint between the rebels and gadhafi forces it's a very important mistake to quote hasten getting a firm hand on this town would mean taking control over the country's economy. all facilities seem to be a rare target the native ones never land on while the. population can hardly scape . they were like my family just going to the shop to buy some foods and this happened six of them died i couldn't believe it. and this used to be a restaurant for old company staff where friends gathered after work we were eating with my colleagues and there was a boom we knew what that was we ran we tried to help those who were strapped to helicopters came to and still object to shoot us as if they didn't want us to save
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our friends. from one street to another as stories are repeated. our problem on. an interview when one through this imagine every day every day did when being a big killed our civilians. there's a country this is probably well those voices become more and more frequent as the sound of exploding bombs and he was playing the drums in. our t. tripoli gregor. but russell says the crisis in syria be resolved through dialogue and wants the violence to stop it comes as russians presidential envoy to africa met with syrian activists here in moscow artist peter oliver has the details. it's important to stress that this isn't any fishel visit from the syrian opposition although members of the group that do call themselves syrian opposition in attendance here in moscow's also people from n.g.o.s and human rights groups know
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they've come to the russian capital to call on russia to put more pressure on president assad the syrian leader to stop the violence in the country now they've spoken with new help mother. russian diplomats a very experienced member of the the foreign ministry when it comes to this part of the world and he put forward russia's opinion on this because it's in our interests that the reforms announced by the syrian government are put into action political dialogue is important for us we should put an end to all forms of violence and armed clashes as soon as possible if a little crisis in syria should be resolved by a political dialogue. say that russia would be vehemently opposed to any form of foreign intervention into the situation ongoing in syria they definitely do not want to see a repeat of. the violence that we have in libya at the moment and we're very
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disappointed with the the way that foreign intervention has progressed they said that they russia no circumstances will be backing any form of foreign intervention in syria they want to see peace coming to discussion and diplomacy. and for more stories from our team you can always log on to our website our team dot com there you can read about the american two party presidential candidate who got egg on her face after mixing up a famous cowboy with a mass murderer and rapist. a russian scientists predict they'll find alien civilizations in twenty years find out why they're so determined to seek out at r.t. dot com. israel says an international aid flotilla had. to gaza is carrying chemical weapons which could be used on soldiers the israeli defense force has been ordered to prevent the townships from making it to the palestinian territories the jewish state warned it more for attempts to break blockade of gaza
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that is withdrawn threats to ban any journalist traveling with a fleet activists to march from truth of i was on a similar aid far to last year he says israel's interests criminate anyone who gets close to its borders. so it's a very. humane for the israeli army and the israeli government to try to meet the peaceful activists as lethal and frightening as possible for the public in order to create public opinion against these people in people in controlling the palestinian people not let. her come to gaza but. it's also what we know from the foot of the other ones before it and they wonder i was on in the boat we also were attacked though we were only nine people and we were all israelis or jews the palestinian fishermen that wants to go out to fish
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they cannot pass the three miles without getting shot about twenty five percent of the of the agricultural land of guys is being taken by a death zone around gaza street from the israeli border of gaza into gaza strip killing every culture of person fishermen on this side or farmer in the land side killing people. some other stories making headlines around the world in france state media footage of what appears to be a task of short and medium range missiles the images came in one day nationwide military exercises iran's foreign ministry said the drills are purely defensive display in light of what he calls israeli and us across on monday to run it hidden underground. ready to counter a possible attacks on the country's nuclear facilities. the international monetary fund is expected to pick its new director french finance minister christine lagarde
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is the clear favorite if chosen she will become the first female i.m.f. director in history she has the backing of european members who are tough for nearly a third of the vote and also russia and china she will replace demjanjuk stars who resigned after being arrested of sexual assault allegations the guards appoint mexican augusten carson's run on the promise to give more state economies but felt enough support. the u.s. state of michigan has given up a prized asset to find a way out of its economic woes it decided democracy is too expensive on the left in financial managers have taken the place of elected officials they're going to free hands to make decisions unchecked in a fortnight takes a look at. the american state known for its greatly has seen the middle class speed and automotive industry crumble in michigan's poor city benton harbor more than
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a quarter citizens are unemployed and elected officials have lost all of florida to government as an unprecedented democratical lapse plays out we believe it is illegal immoral and unconstitutional no one for action in this country over the three could prove the united states and that it already in the face of massive public opposition michigan lawmakers recently received democracy by giving unilateral authority to officials known as emergency financial managers e.m.f.'s have independent authority to fire elected officials close schools void union contracts sell public property and privatized assets residents like scott elliott say his city could be the start of a changing landscape in american politics people throw around words like oligarchies and all that sort of thing. well i mean that's that's what it already is i think that the average citizen is going to have less and less to say about what is done with public assets these decision makers are appointed by the governor
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to oversee school districts and cities like pledge and harbor facing financial distress in april benton harbor z.m. out stripped the elected city council of its democratic power leaving a city of eleven thousand struggling americans under the rule of a man they didn't elect their hypocritical you know their ex trying to export democracy for around the world but it when they're trying to suppress the citizens of this country at least four other cities including detroit have an emergency manager in the motor city the e.m.f. laid off some six thousand teachers and it's pioneering plans for corporations to privately run schools funded by public tax dollars well dr martin luther king. said justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. so it's hard for today but it could be in the
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york tomorrow or it could be chicago next week then to the harbor is one of roughly one hundred cities or towns in michigan reportedly on the verge of fiscal collapse and economic desperation that would be the way for financial martial law to spread throughout the states critics say that would lead to a deepening demise of democratic rights the u.s. has always claimed to stand for. artsy michigan. and that wraps up the main news here in our t.v. business is next with kareena after a short break. welcome
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to business here in r.t. thanks for joining me at this hour the clock's ticking down long greece is just one day a comfortable default in july doesn't provide a new bailout deal sturdy measures are being debated in parliament this week and will rattle from r.b.c. capital markets believes it's make or break time. the problem in greece is that a lot of political difficulties we've had problems with the statistics which are misinforming play for governments and international period to sort of a better living at the eleventh for quite some time but i think we really dodged the five minutes to midnight so there really is no alternative we do have to proceed with this is thirty there is a risk here for if you don't push through the stories you program we could see much more substantial impact on for the markets with a negative reaction obviously there are contingency plans but the question is can they be able to drop the ration quickly enough to save before the actual markets
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let's take a look at the markets now all extend gains in new york on speculation the u.s. feels about willing crease on monday crude prices fell to the lowest and for months the drop came on the heels of last week's announcement by the international energy agency it will release sixty million barrels of oil the movies hope to counter the effects of halted exports from libya starts in the u.s. are advancing on tuesday extending two weeks gains on a growing optimism better fix is in the works for greece to troubles tech stocks again following strong trades in the internet arena on stocks such as google and yahoo commodity it's also advanced with crude oil futures nearing one thousand dollars about. european stocks are higher this hour as investors focus on this week's us thirty talking to greece post saying is in the black supported by gains from world bank of scotland and london shares a potential rose two percent after goldman sachs upgraded to buy from neutral shares of siemens cable and wireless worldwide and talked on a losing uncautious. and russian equity markets closed in the black. and the
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highest in more than a week as would bounce from four months low energy majors among the main gain as of the day by strong oil now let's have a look at some individual share moves on the rise that's russia's two biggest oil producers who call and. point nine eight point three percent respectively. electricity sector only k. five past all reports it has successfully placed three year bonds however a hydro electric company whose hydro based in the red state will sell seventy percent of the farm by the year and ready because it's off credit securities wraps up with a straight. it looks like the market is factoring in that greece is going to resort to problems either by itself or europe or will come up with some sort of well before greek government so the military is discounting this is a differently as for the weak u.s. the we've been running through for quite a while it's not
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a surprise for the markets anymore so we want to see in the u.s. stock markets where it's in right and there is really only there's think it's a resource or in the price and it's. sort of for doesn't have a direct influence on the russian stock market only if the world press. releases we have for you know business bullets and the journey less than one. if. the.
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