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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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revolt against video for your media trial against the free media gargi dot com. in the. headlines of r.t.e. athens on fire protesters marched on the big problem and in a violent display against austerity cuts which have to be approved to secure and you bail out also. real concern about the problem of rebuilding in the very small prosecutors in the hague calling libyans to turn over colonel gadhafi for allegedly killing civilians brooke more from the coastal city of brega recently raised to the ground about david's whole body some of. the international monetary fund chooses french finance minister christine lagarde as it's a new chief in europe's financial time of.
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eleven pm here in the russian capital you're watching r.t. thanks very much for joining us now our top story violent clashes are broken out in greece during massive a nationwide strikes hundreds of thousands of workers are protesting ahead of a parliamentary vote on a harsh sets of tax hikes and spending cuts but riot police have detained eighteen people so far and four policemen have been hospitalized with injuries twenty eight billion euros worth of cuts are needed before the e.u. would greece to hand recent other cash bail out it's considered the country's a last resort to avoid becoming the first eurozone nation to default but both the cots and the high interest bailout are deeply unpopular illustrated by the fact that. police once again clashed with protesters and fired tear gas during last
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march all of it well i spoke to from national journalist who chico feed us who says that incompetent government has left people out. it's got a pretty bad and i wouldn't say that all these protesters represent anywhere near the population they're much worse than they were on the fifteenth of june and as far as i've seen they're much worse than anything we've seen before the police got a truly violent tear gassed all the people and. those in the square even people that are in that are in the private sector who don't stand to lose pacific and we're certain measures there are not a fan of these these measures because it's not just about cutting the public sector it's also about privatizing liquidating the the nation liquidating the national assets selling off. public companies liquidation prices and stand collateralized national assets natural resources so of course we're going to stand for it there's it doesn't offer anyone any kind of future here ok well if they're not going to
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accept it then the government seems to be keen on still pushing for getting a bailout what's the deciding factor here where's the tipping towards at this point . unfortunately the government isn't giving anyone any real options and that's the problem started measure unpopular widely unpopular amongst everyone in this in this country but at the same time they're not giving us any real solution that is getting threats you have our v.p. who came out yesterday he was misspoke a little and he said. we have a default the return of the drug could be chaos you have to actually treat and he may be he may be right but that's only because this government isn't providing a real solution so the way i see it as it stands right now the fault is inevitable option and i think i think that people are fed up with you here in general that's the major major feeling and they want a return to something some sort of national economy where they can implement a policy that benefits them because right now they understand they're under financial occupation which is what this is and and they're not going to be able to
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get out of it as long as the e.u. the you see the and the troika are working together to bankrupt this country. the unrest on the streets of the capital lawmakers in the greek parliament are debating it be a steady cuts the e.u. has repeated its warning that there is no plan b. for office or the vote itself is natural for wednesday. constantino a columnist for now and newspaper believes the bailout package is a catastrophic solution backed only by a desperate leadership. has lost legitimacy in the greys and as a prime minister he is a dead man walking at the moment presser from the european union is tremendous. talk about blackmail i guess that we could government because they say that unless you vote for this outrageous below the moral enough and there will be no more chaos and greece who will be left before. my professional opinion is this is
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a bluff from the european union because if we agree to goes before then we'll have a. i guess the euro that will be a disaster for european union at large but unfortunately our government has not been there all because of them and this is a difficult part of the story because you see the memorandums and there was a very good package is a result is the. golden eggs both development and this is unsustainable but the struggle in athens to keep the euro alive has some nations who have long wanted to join the e.u. asking a new question is it even worth it archy's tom harkin reports that yuki turkey is in asia minor not in europe so he's police is not inside that you are in union so he started seeking integration with europe in the one nine hundred fifty s. and was made me you can do that in one thousand. and since then from some germany
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has remained opposed to continue stalling negotiations he. and european union. have actually stalled the. relationship for such a long time that the turkish public is tired of it the main reason turks think the europeans don't want immigration. first will they come and still ourselves like the polish plumber there. and second well they threaten us culturally but others see the real fear in paris and berlin as a loss of political power and this sort of french german condominium is already under challenge but with the inclusion of turkey in the european union it would be totally impossible to sustain now embroiled in economic crisis the e.u.
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isn't as strong as it once seemed turks are starting to view the delays in joining less with frustration and more with relief frankly given. the state of the european union right now is the inability of taking decisions. fragile situation and the rising racism and islamophobia in many countries. it's it's becoming less and less attractive turkey is no longer waiting for europe to change its mind instead many speak of the axis of turkish interest shifting from west to east it's pursued a no problems policy with its neighbors in recent years that shielded impressive results boosting trade and making turkey a leader in regional diplomacy if we want to. combine our. power with others i think we should look at. the bosphorus
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behind me has long been seen as a bridge between east and west but with turkey increasingly pushed away by europe over here and pull towards the middle east and asia over here turks no longer see all their hopes but looking west tamasin artsy istanbul turkey live from the russian capital you're watching r t m we've got more news stories coming up at this hour just say things that a flotilla heading for gaza is carrying chemical weapons to use it outsiders are just israel's attempt to undermine the aid mission. in libya says the international criminal court is just a cover for nato attempts to kill colonel gaddafi and refuses to recognize its legitimacy this came in response to the issuing of arrest warrants for gadhafi or two of his confidants including his eldest son by the hague tribunal the chief i.c.c.
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prosecutor has admitted that nato forces have no mandate to arrest that office and calls on his inner circle to assist however many libyans believe the nato leaders should also be held to work out for their actions. the road from the capital tripoli to greg is lined with the aftermath of war towns abandoned as the population flow going bad and. this is what's left of the civilian airport in the siege of. home to one of the country's key oil refineries the last plane took off from this runway just hours before it was hit. the senate's only hit in the targets of military value will call say these telecommunications power to. be destroyed in a time i gather this is a sign between two strikes and they've also accidentally. two cars and killed two civilians since there is no t.v. in this area and as we can see the phone right has also been disrupted. there is no
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water and no. what used to be having this man says has become hell was home now feels unfamiliar. i have nine children and i send them all to my relatives abroad i don't want them to see their mother who is in such a condition. for release more poor not far from break even gas used to flow to europe. we used to produce fuel to send to them and you know see they destroyed all this is terrible and ridiculous at the same time the. closer you get to the frontline the more you feel it you can hear the war and you can even read it on a jew's leaf jobs just before the bombs arrive. this run's house is you can see the reason sign here in arabic but nato is here leave it here in france and i'll fly zone over the country to protect civilians on the other side there was another sign
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also in arabic saying that they took an attack any place any time. any time happened three times over several hours while we were filming. raga labors major is where the front line lies dividing the country into two parts into two swear one side is the frequent flashpoint within the rebels and gadhafi forces it's a very important player in a strategic location getting a firm hand on this town mean taking control over the country's economy. all facilities seem to be a rare target that nato bombs never land on. the civilian population can hardly scale. they were like my family not just going to the shops to buy some food and this happened six of them died i couldn't believe it and this used to be a restaurant for oil company staff where friends gathered after work we were eating
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with my colleagues and there was a boom we knew what that was we we tried to help those who was trapped then the helicopters came and still it it just. as if they didn't want us to signal friends from one street to another the stories are repeated. our problem although we will never. really know until there's been one every day every day bombing of the killed our civilians. from this country this is probably well those voices become more and more frequent as the sound of exploding bombs and the war planes drowns them. out t. tripoli bragger. also discuss the possible consequences of the i.c.c. decision to a diet more market daffy i'm sure live by drawl ruben director of policy and government affairs of the ploughshares fund thank you very much for joining us now
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neither the i.c.c. nor nato have a mandate or rescued off the wiley's in libya this has been acknowledged by the chief prosecutor of the i.c.c. do you think that libyans themselves will be eager to turn over their leader otherwise how else could he be arrested. well it appears. in tripoli and he does not want to leave but clearly the way out from this conflict is for gadhafi to leave power and to remove himself from the problem of course is that with the i.c.c. indictment it now makes it a little bit more difficult for gadhafi to go because he will see in his mind at least there are people looking to arrest him and send him to the hague so it makes it more difficult but nonetheless this is a humanitarian disaster that could offer he started and is continuing to film it you see it's difficult is there any other way that he will be arrested given this scenario. it's hard to imagine nato or other forces going in and physically
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arresting him today. balkans it took fifteen years just recently we saw iraq. finally turned over by the serbs so these things take time in addition to take time right now it's been several months of an international action to protect libyan civilians. in the balkans serbia they took a year of bombing so i don't see that half of the media future right here in russia or the parliamentarians say we're witnessing a you know a poll or policy where one country's position is mirrored by international organizations and courts is this fair in relation to libya well again international course they operate in their own independent way they're observing the situation on the ground in libya making an assessment and in their view khadafi and his government his regime have engaged in human rights violations at a level where he should be indicted and be tried and that is their. ok but some critics
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argue that there's little concrete evidence to support the course but with the i.c.c. make a move in the first place make a move like this if they don't have that evidence. i don't think the i.c.c. would do this without a real cause they could have done this in any time over the last decade since they were created last decade they have not and clearly they see something happening on the ground in libya that is very concerning to them they see the massive population displacement the refugees the death injury and injuries and they view this is if gadhafi leaves this will stop and they have identified the person as the perpetrator so they're going forward we're looking at the peace process here russia hopes that this arrest warrant won't hopper efforts to bring a peaceful solution to the situation in libya but in your opinion what effect will it have in terms of ending the conflict. well in practical matters this does make
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it a little more difficult in the short run because what we want to see is a peaceful resolution a diplomatic solution where ultimately as the obama administration said they want to see khadafi go i think that that is the recipe for the cause occurring in libya but that will require some negotiation in some moves forward some moves backward this doesn't make it easier to negotiate his departure unless he goes to a country where he will not get an ok then there have been reports that nato sees gadhafi as a legitimate target you're agreeing about how do you think regime change will be imposed. regime change being imposed by military force is a very delicate and dangerous action and the reason that nato and the un in general are involved in this is to protect civilians and they have done the right thing by blocking it off us forces from committing massacres across the eastern
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half of libya but if they are targeting gadhafi there has to be a clear way forward after gadhafi there is work with your institutional counsel that is still in early stage targeting gadhafi if he is directing. is legitimate if you use fully engaged in clearly he is ok thank you very much ruben director of policy and government affairs from the u.s. based think tank shares want to thank you. for more stories from marquis you can always log on to our web site dot com and there you can read about the american a tea party's presidential candidate who got egg on her face after mixing up a famous cowboy with a mass murderer and rapist. also russian scientists predict that they'll find alien civilizations within twenty years find out why they are sort of targets to seek out all these are are. now the international monetary fund has
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picked french finance minister christine legarde as its new boss and she was backed by europe and the u.s. russia and china making her the clear favorite let's get more from our washington correspondent. so is there any fundamental change in store for the i.m.f. under its new leader. well paso with christine lagarde appointment the tradition of having a european in the position of the head of the world's top lender. remains intact at times of debt crisis for europe having their own chairing the international monetary fund could be as important as the effort although missile guard has stressed that her decisions will not be fires floods for example as i've seen carstens from mexico who is with friends and finance ministers main competitor for the jobs said that the employment could add on to the perception of the i.m.f. as a bias that is they should be pointed out that there could be
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a conflict of interest with europe now becoming the main borrower of the organisation and at the same time dominating the situation the mexican can that contender for the office also said that he knew he lost to this low guard even before he announced his candidacy he said it was like starting a soccer game with five zero or emerging economies that contributed most of the world to economic growth in recent years have repeatedly criticized the convention that the head of the i.m.f. has to be from europe and supported by the united states convention that back to the founding of the i.m.f. at the end of world war two today the emerging economies are vastly under represented at the organization with the u.s. and europe holding a lion's share of the vote as well as a veto power of the sort of touched on it earlier but what has been the international impact of the i.m.f. since its formation. well test many analysts say the i.m.f.
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biases had negative effect on the world economy they say if you look back at the rescue packages that they handed to different nations it's clear that they acted in the interest of the creditors rather than the borrowers they were supposed to help it has to do with the policies that the i.m.f. forces onto the borrowing nations in exchange for the long policies that are often over restrictive and not necessarily in the borrower's national interest latin america is one example when the i.m.f. loans and policies that they came with that further aggravated the economic situation there along with lending money the i.m.f. has the function of monitoring global economic processes and crisis prevention and here the credibility of the organization has been shattered by the financial crisis . of the advanced economies while you know which the i.m.f. has really failed to address for example the completely missed the recent financial
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crisis in the u.s. that has even a huge rep or questions around the globe and on the question why one expert here told me why would they want to go against their friends on wall street anyways the u.s. and euro found christine lagarde best for the job so did several emerging economies by the way including china analysts say she faces a difficult task to either stand out as an independent manager or even further cement the perception that the i.m.f. is an organization that exists only for the benefit of the creditors all right well certainly it's tough because there has for christine legarde thank you very much for that report from our washington d.c. . israel says that international aid flotilla headed to gaza is carrying chemical weapons which could be used our soldiers and israeli defense force has been ordered to prevent the time ships from making it to the palestinian territories the jewish state warned it will want to grow its market of gaza it has withdrawn threats about
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any journalist traveling with the fleet palestinian peace activists as he says it will tell us where this about the blocking. claiming that there is chemical weapons and those ships will in case of invading those ships which is what the israeli army is planning to do and having any people killed it will hold the image of israel and saying we are from there is something like a weapons but it is really unlikely specially considering that the greeks have the authority which is where the ships leaving from to go and check those ships and nothing have have been found the people who are going to have little or more about creating awareness of what's happening in gaza and they will actually stopping the flotilla helps the mission of this group. it is a humanitarian thing and there are different people and there are different groups part of it so some of them are there for humanitarian reasons some of them are probably there for provocation and some of them over there are the reason we're in
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this of the reality of life in gaza and of the one and a half million people who have been for a few years now and able to receive what they need to be able to live. the u.s. state of michigan is giving up a prized asset to find a way out of its economic woes well it's decided that democracy is too expensive and a lot of financial managers have taken the place of all wrecked and officials and given a free had to make decisions unchecked artie's many report nyunt takes a look. the american state known for its greatly has seen the middle class speed and automotive industry crumble in michigan's poorest city benton harbor more than a quarter citizens are unemployed and elected officials have lost all authority to govern as an unprecedented democratic alliance plays out we believe that it's illegal immoral and unconstitutional no one person in this country have all that authority to pray to the united states of america for any in the face of massive
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public opposition michigan lawmakers recently democracy by giving unilateral authority to officials known as emergency financial manager e.m.i. have independent authority to fire elected officials close schools void union contracts sell public property and privatized assets residents like scott elliott say his city could be the start of a changing landscape in american politics people throw around words like oligarchs and all that sort of thing well i mean that's that's what it already is i think that the average citizen is going to have less and less to say about what is done with public assets these decision makers are appointed by the governor to oversee school districts and cities like benton harbor facing financial distress in april benton harper's e.m.f. stripped the elected city council of its democratic power leaving a city of eleven thousand struggling americans under the rule of
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a man they didn't elect their hypocritical you know their ex trying to export democracy for around the world put it home they're trying to suppress the citizens of this country at least four other cities including detroit have an emergency manager in the motor city the e.m.f. laid off some six thousand teachers and his pioneering plans for corporations to privately run schools funded by public tax dollars will go. martin luther king. said and justice anywhere is a for it to justice everywhere. perhaps and harbor today but it could be new york tomorrow or it couldn't be chicago next week exit harbor is one of roughly one hundred cities or towns in michigan reportedly on the verge of fiscal collapse and economic desperation that leave the way for financial
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martial law to spread throughout the states critics say that would lead to a deepening demise of democratic rights the u.s. has always claimed to stand for. or enough morton i.r.t. michigan i'll be back with the headlines shortly but first all the latest in the world of business. welcome to business here and i say thanks for joining me the clock's ticking down on greece's judgment day the country will default in july if the e.u. doesn't provide any new austerity measures are being submitted in parliament this week. from r.b.c. capital markets believes it's make or break time. problem in greece is that a lot of political difficulties we have problems with the statistics which is misinformed by the governments and the international community to say. they're living at the eleventh for quite some time but i think we really dodged the five
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minutes to midnight and there really is no alternative if you have to proceed with this is thirteen there is a risk if you don't push through this in storage and program we could see much more substantial impact on financial markets with a negative reaction obviously there are contingency plans but the question is can they be all ports and operation quickly enough to save the financial markets. european stocks ended higher on tuesday point by increased optimism surrounding greece's debt situation the footsie finish point eight percent higher supported by gains from world bank of scotland group german tax rose point nine percent lifted by a four and a half percent rise for shares of commerce back at siemens fell one point nine percent in frankfurt the company said it expects new orders and revenue increase in the fiscal third. question what the markets close in the black in my six and of the highest and more and we can all be bounded from a four month low energy majors among the main games of the day held by strong oh
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well let's have a look at some individual shrapnel some of my six rushes to biggest corporate uses they have gained nine point three percent respectively and i look to see the sector hold j.k. five and passed reports has successfully placed three year bonds however hydro electric company boost hydro finished in the red state will sell seven percent of the for by the. writing of cuisine soft unicredit securities wraps up with a strong. it looks like the market is structuring and that greece is going to result problems either by itself although europe will come up with some sort of before greek government so the military is discounting this is the first week u.s. . we've been running through it for quite a while it's not a surprise for the markets anyway also want to send your stock market for some for the rest of you on this i think it's a source from the prize so it's. sort of. doesn't have
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a direction for us on the russian stock market only it's a world. that's a business. where you can always find more stories on a website. if you really couldn't breathe.


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