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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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as goes greece so goes the rest of the world well it is a concern these days and just one of many challenges new i.m.f. chief christine lagarde will inherit so how will she shape the global landscape if it doesn't shape her first really some sort of almost program ok. if you need to through. nato backfire libya civilians call for an end to nato campaign because the bombs of betrayal and drowning out our voices from the president does not have the power under the constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in
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a situation that does not involve stopping an actual were imminent threat to the nation and senator they're quoting someone so who was it well actually senator barack obama or why has he changed his heart over libya and went to members of congress have to say about it. it's tuesday june twenty eighth four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for sound here watching our team. well there has been for pushback in libya this week after the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant for moammar gadhafi many libyans say it's all just a cover for nato's attempt to kill colonel gadhafi and refused to recognize it for genesee and the libyans are also calling for nato leaders to be held accountable for very actions as well as violence and devastation continue their article respond
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to reify notional is one of the few reporters on the ground there and has more on what this means. the road from the capital tripoli to gregor is lined with the aftermath of war towns abandoned as the population fled the border and this is was left of the airport and the siege of. home to one of the country's all the highways the last plane took off from this runway just hours before it was hit the latest based on its only hit in the targets of military value they call say these telecommunications towers get to the west of the town of that's been destroyed in eight hours my goodness is a saying they've been two strikes and they've also accidentally. two cars and killed two civilians since there is no t.v. in this area and as we can see phone light has also been disrupted. there is no water and no. what used to be heaven this man says has become hell which was home
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to me. i have nine children and i send them all to my relatives abroad i don't want them to see their motherland in such a condition but from least more poor brother or even gas used to flow to europe. we used to produce fuel to send to them and now see they destroy it all this is terrible and ridiculous at the same time. the closer you get to the front line the more you feel it. the war and you can even read it. just to survive. this run so you can see there is a sign here and i have a big nato is here to leave it to enforce a no fly zone over the country to protect civilians on the other side there is another sign also in arabic saying that they to attack any place at any time.
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any time happened three times over several hours while we were feeling. better from dividing the country into two parts into to see. if the for one flashpoint between the rebels and. it's a very important strategic location. this town would mean taking control over the country's economy. all facilities seem to be a red target of nato bombs. while it looks like the appellation can hardly scale. they were like my family not just going to the shop to buy some food and this happened six of them died i couldn't believe it and this used to be a restaurant for all companies start where friends gathered after work we were eating with my colleagues and there was a we knew what that was we run we try to help those who are strapped and the
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helicopters came too and still wanted to shoot us as if they didn't want us to save our friends. someone to another stories of keaton's. our problem alone. and in the food blame so there's the matter of every day every day bombing and they killed our civilians for another one hundred from this country this is probably well those voices become more and more frequent is the sound bombs and you walk planes the drones. regional. police. all right so this decision to go into libya in the first place well it's become the center of conversation here in washington it's become both political issue and a point of contention in the power struggle between the legislative and executive branches just this morning there was a hearing on the matter with senators on both sides of the aisle questioning the
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state department's top lawyer harold koh here's the deal coas urging u.s. lawmakers to vote for a resolution authorizing the u.s. role in the nato led mission in libya lawmakers say under the war powers resolution president obama should have come to congress for authorization in the first place a long time ago here's one senator who used barack obama's own words during his questioning i want to give you a quote from then senator obama in december of two thousand and seven and he said quote the president does not have power under the constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation in quote i've heard the discussion of that can you give me a simple answer is that still his position. question a lot of people are asking of course regarding libya lots of talk about and for more i want to bring in d.j. for sean from hartford connecticut he's the director of international studies at trinity college and for. a there there you are
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i want to talk about some of the key arguments the obama administration it made today at this hearing i know a lot of people have been waiting for to hear how they would lay this out on the table basically they said the mission in libya is limited the risk of acts isolation is limited the exposure of the armed forces is limited and so without full military engagement the war powers resolution has not been violated attorney attorney harold koh are arguing also the word hostilities should be defined by congress and by the president and of course in the historical context so my question to you is do these arguments hold any water. but i thought that i actually. did engage meant is rather absurd to me you know be all this going to begin based on a un resolution within a few hours of the war beginning with the french and american striking libya they
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had already violated the narrow terms of the un resolution and now it looks like libya is simply being played there's been a hundred days about decks twenty four thousand sorties you know there's a very gradually being followed reading of libya to the extent where that these ally and then to second most has said libya is being made into what we call it giant somalia so no this idea limited thing huge money and you know there's nominally game of their own but hostilities you know what this actually is making sense. this is you know to discussion hearing this is nothing to do with what is actually happening in libya hostility is certainly an ambiguous word to some but probably there on the ground in libya not business with you is the word i want to talk about is sort of how this is being defined how this is being discussed from
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the take in obama's action a step further i want to listen to a statement made by u.s. congress last week and i'll get your take congress has nothing to do with incision about whether to go to war or not and the president is becoming an absolute minor we don't you think it's unfair that by going alone without authorization by congress that the president is acting as if he himself is a king. but there is a i have it all making it exceeds obama i mean this goes back to. even you know the korean conflict but really the place you see it most is in the last twenty years the united states president has not over the last twenty years come to congress to seek authorization for a war they have been very poorly defined statements brought before congress the same thing in the punished if the united states are probably going to walk in about a stone then it may not have been so i don't see a about the legality for instance of killing osama bin laden so you know there are
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a great deal of ambiguity over the last two seniors in most of the was the united states is going to need to do so i don't do this is the obama problem i see this as a problem that the united states has gotten into over the last few decades i think that's an important point but it seems to me you know what's kind of happening here is that the administration is bringing up the historical precedent and using it almost as an argument well you know you want to confound me well look but look what reagan did. i think that's what's going on a lot of the time in the more it goes on the more it's going to be used as well he doesn't do well i can argue but he is in you know this is where you say twenty twenty hindsight is actually something that we should have benefit if bush did this and it didn't work so well it may not be a bad idea to take some lessons from that if clinton did this and it didn't work
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out so well for some idea well maybe it's a good idea to look into that as well so i would say that yes fine other presidents have done the same kind of thing but there is demonstrate for us quite clearly that you're going to break countries bill going to intensify hatreds and this is particularly hard when there are very very well laid out and. unfair. i think much of africa coming out of. brazil russia india china south africa so if we don't experience any of these alternative. thinking that the only solution is war making interesting figure is arguing that you should look at history and say this is a reason not to do it again i want to look i think some important points you brought out let's take a look at what's actually going on on the ground in libya now you know former cia asset who covered libya back during lockerbie to coming forward with a few observations and i want to just put
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a few of them up on the screen and we can talk about them she says nato have been grossly deceived and should seize at once for protecting these rebels u.s. tax dollars or training a new taliban to intimidate the libyan people into submission well the west plunders libya as well susan lindauer a former cia asset she also says cia operatives working side by side rebel forces driving around trucks is proof that u.s. forces are already on the ground and active participants in the atrocities she says video shows several dead libyan soldiers with their throats cut lying in the back of a truck these killings violate the geneva conventions of war which protect anime soldiers after capture some pretty interesting things there these are things that no one really seems to be talking about i guess i want to get your comment on this. well i would say that you know done a filler of the amnesty international spent three months investigating claims that the good athlete or g.m.
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was using quagga with its troops and she came back and said that is absolutely untrue there is no evidence for that but what she did was she spent three months investigating these claims so far night international noise human rights watch i mean best to do to chremes the west has conducted a systematic killing of civilians so you know what i would say is that i was she is making a significant and we need to be investigated and i frankly don't understand how the great organizations like amnesty and human rights watch spent a lot of their resources investigating walk by the other side but that's what i see is different by the comprehensive report about the war crimes from the need to look and found the united states and much the same goes to the campos office at the hague you know what temple used as fact ladder was being given to the troops a claim though completely you know at least from amnesty international
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a claim that is being bugged me was ok was did nothing about need to a crime all right certainly a lot of things to talk about here i'm sure we can go on go out of time the deeper side director of international studies at trinity college. well moving on now the torch has been passed french finance minister christine lagarde has been confirmed as the new head of the international monetary fund she is of course replacing dominique strauss kahn who is charged with second sexually assaulting a maid at a new york hotel last month and this is a prestigious position of course but let's get to the nitty gritty here and talk about what the world at that will guard inherits. here is certainly one view that's greece today and for most of the last year riots in the street people fighting and dying and demonstrating against the government many there believe has failed then unemployment in greece now about sixteen percent
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financing by banks there standstill as the debate continues over austerity measures and more worry and speculation that as goes greece so goes the rest of the world not just greece of course the middle class here in the united states continues to suffer. about everywhere you look you can see evidence of that of course here in washington we've got talks about the debt ceiling going nowhere fast and so it goes charlie mcgrath is the founder of light awake news dot com he is in bozeman montana to weigh in. and charlie you know it's pretty difficult to envy christine lagarde coming into this position at this time not to rain on anyone's parade but i do want to paint a realistic picture here and talk about the guard's greatest challenges what do you think of the. well i think her greatest challenges will be to make sure that. the same masters. controlled stross konkan that she can keep them satisfied in
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order to advance her blossoming political career one that i don't know you're talking about but i'm talking about the banks of france and germany plain and simple she she is the same old school just like shrugs come on she's going to work diligently to make sure that austerity rain throughout europe so that the banks get they get paid they don't have to take a haircut i mean isn't it isn't it incredibly ironic that all the burden we're talking about greece right now but it's going to spread you said it as those resource the world all the burden is being shifted to the back of the system nobody is talking about having the banks do anything but make more and more money and people's misery for example the one hundred ten billion euro bailout that happened in may of two thousand and ten this was the involved if you remember here we are we're years later and they're talking more austerity that hundred billion euro bailout is going to cost one hundred thirty one billion euros inference and
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refinance the banks are the ones that are actually reaping this incredible profit so we see one austerity measure we're told at the end all be all just like in the states where we see one bailout this is going to fix our financial problems with it it is never going to end in till we see unfortunately hopefully peacefully but more people in the streets like we see in athens so are you saying then you know that greece should define that. this is this is a foregone conclusion the debt loads are not sustainable they're not that the medically possible to pay that at the end of the day the fall is going to occur. but if the end of this day if we keep going down the i am that's that we will have a system that's completely and totally own but the banks i mean this is the crux of why the people weren't in the streets in greece right now they're talking about
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taking the infrastructure of greece and turkey and privatizing we're going to see deducting thing in this country we already see goldman sachs coming out talking about the future. investing is going to be in infrastructure you know in all owning the water systems and the highway system toll roads because you can tax the people indefinitely and it's a guaranteed profit in perpetuity less i mean i do want to talk about the trickle down effect and we will bring it back to the united states but i also want to point at europe certainly a lot of countries in europe having financial troubles and we do see chinese prime minister on a european tour right now he has offered to help to buy some of their debt so archie spoke to author an investor jim rogers about what this could mean i just want to play a little part about what he said and i'll have. to pay become the savior they become the largest creditor for europe and they're going to have a very major seat at the table it's going to improve their position in the i.m.f.
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spoke to produce improved their position with the world bank it's going to improve their position if you win because you know the europeans are going to have to be more and more friendly to china because china is saving american i cannot save them . so basically when he seems to be saying is that you know these countries in europe they're going to have to play real really nice with china what do you do first ok i wear my head can i wear my headphones because i want to look cool like iraq or well i think you look cooler without them. i agree one hundred percent i've read a lot of information on this deal and if you look at it from a political standpoint. we could look at this as trying to drive a wedge between europe and the united states and suddenly they're coming in baylor bailing out all these european nation then they've got an ally in their corner next time they're there any kind of dispute between the united states and china is very very obvious. the chinese are making
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a play to be the world's number one economy and you know i think everybody would agree we're on track to see that so but again you know another side of that coin is china needs to prevent its own civil disobedience and civil unrest and push back and they can't do that unless there are an ever expanding economy you know the projection now is they're going to be in single digit growth this year which you know america and europe europe would be jumping for joy if they had those kind of numbers but in china that's consider starting to go into recession so you know and they're already seeing some civil unrest by people not having jobs to go to so i think it behooves them to make sure they have a trading partner that still consuming the products that they're making far cheaper than the west all right let's bring it back here to the united states i mean we certainly haven't seen quite what we've seen in greece in terms of people taking to the streets but there are a lot of people especially in the middle class they're frustrated and they're
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voicing their concerns let's talk about you know what this all means in terms of what's next i know you've been very outspoken about this in the past. give us your take on the suffering middle class right now and what you think happens next. but i think. great question i mean i think the suffering middle class right now is starting to be the forgotten class and what i mean by that is we have three years now of this bailout nation we see articles like this you know march of two thousand and ten saying americans back you know we have a recovery because the money that was handed out to wall street and we were told things are getting better and. we're going to see growth in the ten eleven and on forward and so we have millions and millions of people who are unemployed still starting to fall off the unemployment rolls and they just become basically non-person they don't exist they're not a statistic anymore they they no longer receive any benefit from the government
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anymore and they just kind of go by the wayside. i think more people are truly waking up to this as i problem back it was just in new york yesterday. just in a random sampling of talking to people in the airport you know disk feeling of something is about to happen in this country as far as the citizens of this nation pushing back because they just can't handle one more. and we're talking about there is the debt ceiling we keep being told over and over again give us a little bit more money a little bit more power let's take a little bit more of your financial future and decide what's best to do with it and things will be better but nothing is getting better forty five new people on food stamps i know less can go on and frankly we're out of time charlie mcgrath right awake news dot com. president obama of course entrenched in the late talks with top senate leaders on the debt as charlie was talking about a pair of meetings yesterday they're trying to resolve the stalemate on raising the country's debt ceiling that now by the way fourteen point three trillion dollars so
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far nothing's worked and with the looming august second deadline there's worry it won't happen some saying it shouldn't happen and still others who say this is all a big show designed by politicians who want to play to their bases pushing the problems of the last minute when we really are backed into a corner lauren lyster spoke to dean baker about this he is the co-director of the center for economic and policy research she started it she wanted to get from him his take on exactly what's going on here. well we're close a lot of political theater and certainly cancer walked out last week said their campaign is tax increases the clues political theater i'm sure planned i want time in advance the thing knew it happened so it was obviously theater and they know there's no way if they're going to have an agreement with president obama and it doesn't involve some type of tax increase whatever they want to call it connected by some some revenue increase so they're parts theater now are they actually making progress i guess they will because you know at the end of the day they are going to
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have to have a deal so you envision those two series basically one is that they come to some sort of deal in the not too distant future they will turn to those who actually get to this stead line august second and that's a hard and fast deadline but somewhere there are about and at that point secretary geithner personally make some statement saying what we owe x. tens of billions of dollars have to be paid in three days there's no money in the bank i can't pay that and at that point the financial markets could not so be just like what happened when the chart was voted down the first time at that point the wall street people are scared to death they started cloning speaker boehner cantor mcconnell so you better pass something or this is it and my guess is the point people running back i would have on the show august third we're going to. vote in the meantime it does sound like a few things have changed there are some reports there's a report in the washington post today that republican leaders are actually looking at one of their sacred cows that they may look at military spending on defense spending is something that can be cut do you think we watch lisi some significant
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defense cuts like that be possible well i think oh definitely will be cuts the military budget questions how significant so i don't think there's any doubt that we'll agree to cuts in the military the question is whether they really are or sizable or whether they're primarily for show i mean there's a lot why do you think you think that this is going to be significant we have a whole lot of debt we have you know a very large deficit we need to cut more than forty billion dollars here or there to make any difference i'm sure we i mean part of the story is you know what's the baseline in terms of the mill. as for the defense cuts so we've increased military spending a huge amount because of the wars in iraq and afghanistan and presumably we are getting our troops out of there whatever pace so that does mean less military spending so they'll be a lot of so she added with an ending or winding down of those wars and we go beyond there but i kind of doubt that so we will see some cuts there won't be trivial but they're the sort of cuts that you'd expect from the ending of those wars but the other thing to keep in mind is they're just running the numbers so they can write
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down any number they want for you know what they think we're going to spend in two thousand and fifteen sixteen seventeen that doesn't matter so we might get a situation where we get a lot of cuts that are written into law today that says some extent or joke that everyone knows who want to actually see speaking of predictions and what you know estimates are first spending this estimate of the debt has it at one hundred twenty trillion and when you add all of the expected unfunded. entitlements when you look at the debt that is zero to all of the people that invest in u.s. debt such as the chinese government is this really the dire situation we're looking at this i'm going to say via report this is the one hundred twenty trillion is essentially you know where you get c. suppose that we pay out everything that people get so security benefits and we don't count the taxes to pay out everything and people are scared to get medicare benefits we don't count the tax receipts it's kind of silly number of other words if you want to go through and scare people you can put together a number like that but it's really not the sort of thing that it was meant to take
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seriously so the c.b.i. you're not supposed to know this is the video c b a was probably asked to do this by members of congress and c.b.s. does what they're told so they think this is political it's political it's nonsense all right well i want to talk a little bit about another item as far as what is the state of the economy i want to bring out what analysis someone recently had the president of u.b.s. america he says this he says since i sat here a year ago we have two my end jobs that have been created exports have gone up ten percent and technology is booming agriculture is booming. but when you look at the t.v. you hear what we are not doing well i believe we have built a foundation and are on the right path now i have seen where u.b.s. is in new york as i work there and i saw a cushy story and i'm sure he has a very costly office and i'm sure new york looks like things are improving from where he sets i'm curious if you know as we're sitting here talking about the debt and the you know possible unfunded liabilities that are even more than what we
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typically hear on the t.v. that he is talking about what do you think that the situation in the economy really is with it it's not going to the time of day i mean this is really kind of a charade and so unfortunately wasting time talking about the real situation either charade how is it already because the financial markets don't give a damn financial markets are willing to go in the united states money at three percent interest long term that shows they don't care at all but i wouldn't you argue that that is in part because of the federal reserve policy of quantitative easing up on buybacks which have kept interest rates are scheduled to end on june thirtieth that's maybe lowered about twenty thirty basis points or at most because it ends in june thirtieth that the markets know what it's hundred thirty it's already risen back that there's a yes exactly no but that you know june thirtieth comes this week ok so that doesn't make any difference but how does the dynamic any difference i mean you because he said if there is an interest in chinese ideas can you start to sell off treasuries are you thinking that you know i'm asking them to sort of treasuries you want them to raise the bill you their currency against the dollar how would they do that it would so off their dollar holdings so they are actually doing what we're asking them to do what happens if people don't want to buy u.s.
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debt because they are confident that the united states will continue to raise their debt ceiling and one thing and one thing that would happen wolf we don't reservists who that is an issue but it's something that the u.s. economy because congress point games for you for the debt doesn't matter that you know that is your aid we should be talking about it's right in the congress is playing the game when they don't raise the debt ceiling so if you say oh we were going to make spending commitments but on the money that's a real issue but that's not because we can't borrow the money it's because congress is playing games when the economy is the lack of good me and it's like one hundred eighty degrees that it's with this story the problem economy reason when we have so many people in the. because there's not enough demand in the economy that's what we should be talking about the debt oh it's not an issue a lot of we get them and you spend money we need to spend more than we've been spending or you look at the dollar for that would be a great thing so china it's threatening us and should go please go ahead stop buying our bonds let your currency rise against the dollar will stop buying your imports will increase our exports that would be great news and you see all the political will for cutting spending maybe other political well but i plan.


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