tv [untitled] June 28, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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ok it's time for show and tell on tonight's program the last time we mentioned a segment from the daily show with jon stewart already quite a few numbers which showed us how both the u.s. and greece are facing serious debt problems however people are going to seem to have better options for themselves like law retirement ages and benefits while the u.s. is stuck paying that on all of its wars abroad so which countries got more for its money let's go to producer for treason efendi to find out what you have to say. since we're both buried in that the question is who's got more bang for their buck the u.s. or greeks well there's nothing like going right to the source for
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a quick and parson. you can see for yourself is going through a tough time i mean check it out ok well now let's take a look at the u.s. . business as usual he well let's remember the symbol for american freedom is lady liberty and like some women america they know how to spend expression on credit i mean just yesterday we told you that the u.s. spent twenty point two billion dollars and iraq in afghanistan last year just on air conditioning now let's see who are viewers think is the winner of this losing spending spree between us in greece who told us americans are how to sleep as to what's going on well greece is actually confronting some of the problem is access he thought greece had been getting more for their money until the collapse of the financial markets john conrad on the other hand he doesn't seem to care who gets more stuff out of the guy he just wants it all to stop his recommendation how about
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not spending more than you could afford dennis came back and said u.s. congress will never have the courage to cut as deeply as the greek legislature but as we all know greece is being forced to cut pensions and benefits increase taxes and bump up the retirement age all the losing jobs but the u.s. has had to do the same and the reality is in this race to the economic bottom the u.s. it's not far behind so when and our viewers they don't seem to care who has more so your real concern is how are we going to pay for it all. or thank you for giving us your input and here's our next question for you we just told you that the supreme court is taking up the case of warrantless g.p.s. tracking so we want to know what you think should the feds be able to attach a g.p.s. to your car and track you with out a warrant you can respond with on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response it just might make it on air. now just yesterday we brought you some of
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the biggest tax conducted by law before the group disbanded i want to their last notable attacks was against arizona's department of public safety is their way of protesting the state's papers please immigration law but in the dump of data from this week we also learned that cops are very well aware of police monitoring apps but i've been popping up on your smartphones see a document labeled law enforcement sensitive specifically it tells cops to look at universities and aristides cell phone to see if they have any apps that quote target the police that alone is surprising but they actually list a few key apps to keep an eye on trapster and police alert are designed to show users the location of speed traps although most users complain it's not really all that good updating on the hotspots call id faker that was designed to give users a chance to make spoof calls and alter the caller's voice which apparently is a bit of a problem when it comes to prank nine one one calls how they're also will pick insert about an apple feature called find my i phone now is designed to wipe all of
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its data from a remote location if something happens like a cop sees a phone with some incriminating information on it now for most people i think that's just used to race or info if your phone is stolen right aggressed and lastly police are in the know about the cockpit recorder that's after we told you about last week that will make you be able to record the audio from an encounter with the police and then upload it to a website with your encounters over reopen the application by clicking on the icon again will now give you the option to upload your to our servers describe the recording and then upload to send to our server. all right now the department of public safety has information has been hacked reports are saying that cops are going to great lengths to protect their identities over those people who think that it's illegal for cops to search your phones california supreme court has already ruled that seizing your phone without a warrant is fine because cops are allowed to take anything that's found on the
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person being arrested so just keep all of that mike keep in mind that the police are clearly paranoid about these apps and the fact that they directed police to search for these programs on your phone i think that's just another indication of the police are feeling the heat of technology. and we're taking a break but just ahead all liberals hate god that's a quote from a g.o.p. congressman and tonight we have some fun of an arch old time segment and then stick around for happy hour texas takes on the t.s.a. and should be banned from getting that's the story for you interest in that. you know somebody should see the story and see. you think you understand it and then something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything is going to go. hard.
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i think even funny well. we never got that said if you're safe to graduate because of the freedom. all right it's time for tonight's tools on award and it goes to missouri g.o.p. congressman todd akin he talks trying to make a name for himself in his home state and he's already announced that he's running for senate next year an attempt to unseat democratic senator claire mccaskill so obviously the best way to get attention is to make crazy comments to the media you
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might recall more than a week ago and b.c. caused a controversy after cutting the words under god from the pledge of allegiance during its airing of the u.s. open golf tournament congressman akin said a few days later on a conservative radio show i think n.b.c. has a long record of being very liberal and at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for god and i believe the government should replace god to help all liberals a god who knew how since his comments that many religious leaders in his home state of call for an apology but who no yesterday congressman akin to actually doubled down on his comments on a different radio show. oh it'll be. a record but i was told. to. go. to work for what are you doing and try to.
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so it sounds like the congress some believe that because he's a republican he has the upper hand of god so if he's actually correct correct and that's a big if then one of the things you liberals hate and what are they love you know you call me a liberal and i'm going to use for that ridiculous process of conservatives that just because i believe in something record tika policy it means that i automatically hate something else but here are a few examples of that it's an oversimplified approach that makes our political system unable to function you know we've heard the argument over and over for the apparently liberals hate babies almost all liberals are for abortion rights so so that is has to be true probably bad because they like to call abortions of orders baby killers so i guess about means liberals must love promiscuity right sexual freedom is so have we believe in equal rights in and out of the bedroom for everyone to go get your freak on we also know that liberals hate oil big oil's always a favorite target of democrats why not just blame actually almost every single
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problem in the world of big oil plus oil's need to drive s.u.v.s in my liberal friends and i are just so not into owning cars is that for the environment we do have bicycles have you seen a bike share program is a major liberal cities they're very popular and they're very trendy now another items that liberals supposedly have a problem with is money money corrupts people causes major problems and that's why we need a government safety net so if we hate money then we must love taxes taxing the rich or the corporations i'll take it all and we will squeal with delight as many of you are aware liberals are also not really big fans of national security we are. on our civil liberties trampled on all the name of that security and we don't think of fighting endless wars around the world is a good idea so for that reason well we're always called terrorist lovers how many times we were the g.o.p. called democrats terrorist lovers for opposing some war in a foreign country and we all know that liberals apparently hate fat people so we
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are. drinking going to the gym five days a week liberals we like to grab our workers work out on facebook and twitter so if our people well they just just kind of a different kind of trouble but we do love the whole foods the market just screams a lead it's where else can you spend a hundred bucks for just six items plus you have to get dressed so cute just to go shopping you can be seen by other elite it's really good times all around and that's a quick lesson on what liberals love and hate if you can tell i'm obviously joking here but this is honestly the typological it makes you question what the hell is wrong with the country over that reason g.o.p. congressman todd akin who believes in that logic and who wasn't joking when he said liberals hate god that's why he's tonight's tool time winner. now here frequent viewer of this show then you know that we've been documenting the obama administration's war and whistleblowers from bradley manning and wiki leaks to the case of thomas drake amongst others let's say let's take a good look at what this administration is doing the james rise of the award
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winning new york times reporter who they're trying to force to reveal his source that's a case carry over from the bush administration and in an affidavit affidavit excuse me that rising filed last week he knows that he was told by reliable sources that former vice president dick cheney pressure the justice department to personally target him because cheney was unhappy with his reporting and wanted to see him in jail of reporting in this particular case a first rate shocker in his two thousand and six book state of war the secret history of the cia in the bush administration in that chapter he described a cia effort to thwart iran's nuclear ambitions by secretly providing them with faulty blueprints it was more than just that rising reported on the waterboarding of detainees in iraq he broke the story of the n.s.a.'s warrantless wiretapping program he also said in his affidavit he was subject to government surveillance and harassment during the bush administration but that he feels of the obama administration is just continuing the effort of intimidation so why won't pursue him so vigorously and as our guest today wrote in doing so has obama finally become
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dick cheney joining me to discuss this is conor friedersdorf sociate editor at the atlantic thanks so much for joining us. first starters what do you mean when you say that barack obama has finally become dick cheney. obviously hasn't worked into an old man with a problem what i mean particularly is that on this issue he is taking the bush cheney position that james rosen should be jailed if he doesn't reveal his source. and it's particularly galling because president obama relied on the reporting of james rosen in particular and in making a lot of very solid critiques of the bush administration so it's disappointing to see him take the position of dick cheney on this particular issue what would you say virgin's rise and actually health care obama elected. i would say that i think that if not for reporters like james rosen and james rosen in particular we
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wouldn't know about the illegal acts that the bush administration committed in the name of the war on terror we wouldn't know about the illegal wiretapping that the n.s.a. did we know about the illegal torture that was done to detainees overseas and so they're just all sorts of critiques that president obama made during his campaign that are a direct result of james rosen doing this according to new york charts and i think we can throw in this case where with a larger one whistleblower is that the obama administration is waging but any return of those cases would you say is the worst of course there's the case of wiki leaks of bradley manning the thomas great case mysteriously most of those charges are actually dropped but here a rise in is being asked to reveal one of his sources that's pretty damaging for journalism. but it would be damaging because all of these cases that we've been talking about were so important to expose during the bush administration the
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reporting couldn't have been done without reporters granting immunity to sources and it. would reveal the source in this case he couldn't go on to get these kinds of scoops in the future and what some of us in journalism fear is that the obama administration now that it's in power and now that it doesn't want its secrets spilled across the front pages of the new york times. the good news this all too well that is trying to prevent that kind of thing from happening in the future but why do they go after the bush guys and right we know they have a kind after the bush administration for actual you could say war crimes or for bringing torture into into the american you know the history here when it comes to our war on terror you can say that they obviously haven't gone after was free for some of their biggest prize but now they want to go after a guy left over from the bush administration apparently dick cheney had a personal problem when it doesn't make sense. well by obama's own admission he isn't going after the bush administration for some of us lawlessness because he
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says that it would. harm the country's ability to look forward and to implement some of the things that he wants to do during his term he doesn't want to have these backward looking fights. it in this case you know someone might say well well than barack obama why are you looking backward to something that happened during the clinton administration this. case of iranian spying gone awry and you know why is it appropriate to look backward and prosecute rise and well you know maybe the answer is that a guy like arisan or investigative reporters generally in some ways make it harder for presidents to operate in some ways make it harder for them to. help the government to escape scrutiny and embarrassment and just as that applied to the bush administration applies to president obama it's consistent with his logic of i'm going to do what i want to do in order to forward the agenda that i want to push let's be honest here right has been off guard just with the bush administration and just be continued by the obama administration had only seen
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a trend or at least records of. presidential administrations trying to intimidate and put pressure on journalists in the past absolutely in fact one frustration of journalists is that every administration that gets into power tends to talk about government transparency before hand and then once they're the ones that would be subject to that transparency you know they talk a good game but in fact when it comes down to it big one to keep secrets and prevent these things from getting out and president obama is particularly disappointing because it's hard to think of any president that before he was elected talk so much about transparency and the importance of whistleblowers and protecting them and so it's just a particular disappointment to see him do what a lot of other presidents have done before gallant battling talk a big game here right there and you know i was one of the things that we hear used often is the excuse is that this falls under the banner of national think. parity and that's what they try to claim with wiki leaks as well but anything the rising reported was that actually damaged our national security. i've seen no evidence
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that it's to mature national security you know it's been several years since the bush administration claimed that what he reported to mature national security and yet i've never seen anyone from the bush administration come forward and say look here are the effects of this disk a broad and it's because it would change and tries to report it or this terrorist attack out there and it's you know we can trace it back to what james rosen reported it's never happened and i would encourage americans to you know of course sometimes there are things that the government should keep secret things that would damage our national security but we've seen so many assertions that things have been mature national security it seems that eventually you should be able to point to exactly how that happened never seen any allegation with that sort of specificity with regard to anything that rosen has reported and certainly not something that happened way back in two thousand during the clinton administration now it's definitely in other example another scary example of what i think is really a silencing campaign in the implementation campaign by the obama administration harry potter thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me.
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for a happy hour of night and joining me this evening as our team producer jenny churchill and mike reagan says the ever reason that a scene and reason dot com thanks for joining everybody how we all doing through the first starter ok so we've obviously been doing a lot of hacking stories on this show as all of our viewers know followed non of as before lol so i came around with all the also like is god but apparently anonymous is still around and they're actually going after florida now for going after the food not bombs people that we have a clip from this one as well ok let's play the clip the public's peace being used to peacefully are for them food is a human right you must not interfere with. anonymous as reasonable we are not here
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. to help we will there and not just a second it up with a female voice i've never been a lady before would you say i found it kind of creepy and i'm glad they're doing this to be completely honest i mean like i was there's the anonymous isn't a lot of stuff like over the last year i thought really conflict is like i feel like they're acting like probably in the best interests of like being a liberty friendly person somebody certainly does it we can see you're conflicted about that but you know so supporting people who are clearly breaking ordinances on purpose to get press is totally cool you know it's i was the opposite it was the opposite like i was i like some style like the sport of wiki leaks and i didn't like the attacks on people because i think a private company should be able to like who wants to withhold service and withhold service like they were after paper on an aircraft or private yeah i doubt that people in the government were giving them little phone calls or grocery right right gary but it but then again i was like a mascot on a sprite service and i said radio the city of orlando is doing is like so grossly
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inhumane it's like beyond the pale this law enforcing an ordinance you have an issue with the actual or the lobby for building the forbidding the feeding of homeless people is just disgusting it's appalling and there's absolutely the whole reasoning that orlando's doing this is because like they've got to say idea that they're downtown which is kind of like crappy and sparsely populated is going to become this great place if they just make sure the bums can't get anything to eat and so i don't know i do you clearly disagree with three times i mean i think this is i have an issue with people who go out and routinely regularly break laws or ordinances for crass and then i call my god i don't mind getting arrested let's also look at the oppressors i want to probably do it because they are because they disagree with the law or the ordinance in the first place or they do it you try attention yeah but if you actually go screaming and crying about it afterwards already knowing what was going to happen to you then that's where i find it to be a little bit annoying but if you just acknowledge it it's. i'm just trying to bring
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light to this issue because it's a stupid ordinance and you can't be homeless people i mean go in there go actually i mean the food not bombs people like they just go out and do this like every week and you know we can we cower i think it's like a great public service i think the city of orlando is like they have absolutely no reason whatsoever to let you go on. these kind of funny tom petty has apparently or is reportedly going to issue a cease and desist letter to michele bachmann because she's one of his favorite songs. yet. you know i just kind of love that i love an artist get involved and like you i don't agree with their politics i don't like you don't you think you could start using my songs wherever you want i don't want american girl representing michele bachmann if i don't like michele bachmann i think it's totally an artist right to do that i like it. yeah i mean this is this is like this is seems like it's
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a trend now david byrne from talking heads when after charlie crist when using his music in fact i think that is still ongoing i really think he dropped the you know he barely did it before even with george w. bush ok for you know what was it won't stand back down again but i mean yeah this is going to try and he clearly doesn't want to songs he has for these purposes and i don't know why these artists as artists is this going to let you know why these politicians continue to use these songs you know it's interesting because you know and song copyright her think the reason she chose the song is she's trying to send a subliminal message to the burghers like i'm an american girl i'm not the guy we can you know you know that's good i hadn't thought of that could have been the same kind of bad preparation that got her to say that john wayne was born in waterloo and the only john wayne who's ever been in waterloo is john wayne gacy the serial killer so i don't know i just maybe like this organization part of a team like nobody requesting artists rights to me as a reminder that she's an american girl she just keeps forgetting things. you know
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especially important to. point out to them that's only of years far liz mair pointed out to you that that song appears in the movie science of the lambs right before the girl gets got to know maybe it's like a serial killer truman not a not well i'm just saying maybe it's for shadowing for when the g.o.p. gives it x. i don't know that it's just dirt which are annoying and creepy let's. read the next story of barely twenty two states are now considering legislation to ban indoor tanning for people that are under eighteen even with parental consent and of course there are a lot of bad effects from tanning here's a clip that shows some of them indoor tanning before age thirty five raises the risk for melanoma the deadliest form of skin cancer by seventy five percent the indoor tanning association maintains the decision should be left up to a teen's parents they released this statement if such a law were to pass a seventeen year old could drive a car get married have children go off to college join the military and not be
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allowed to suntan indoors. here i kind of always agree with that like i think it's so ridiculous you can't drink until you're twenty one be fighting a war when you're eighteen so if you can do all those other things why can't you can't you just suntan if you can i think it's going to running out of like horrible things to tell people not to do like genuinely bad things like we've already kid tuberculosis and polio you know there's all kinds of great cancer in each of the research going on it's like we have this giant public health apparatus in this country that gets billions of dollars a year simply to tell people how to live like a sort of ideal life and they're running out of like obviously bad things to do so now it's like don't eat for a grow you know like don't smoke in public parks still use i mean how do you know i don't think of a war and i was going to go to sort of like regulating who lays out on the beach like you've been around here for an hour and what i say one of your injuries you know i heard snooki is just devastating. i was very serious lastly so we've talked
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about texas is the ads i.t.s.a. groping bill that they try to pass on the threats that if they did pass they would have a no fly zone over texas guess what they did it very proud of them yeah i think this is fantastic what you want you little irish these wanted it down so much that it actually accomplishes nothing so i don't know how anyone can be really excited about it's much just it's grandstanding by politicians but what i think what's also significant is like the argument the t.s.a. and you just have been making from day one is that we cannot alter these procedures at all we cannot change them at all we cannot roll them back at all we cannot reveal our strategies at all the church will have won if texas pushes that back just a little bit if we change just a few things and there is no nine eleven and houston point but apparently it's just criminalizing the intentional and inappropriate touching which there's going to be sorry it's my job well except i got to wrap it up again because we're out of time but thanks for joining us tonight and you thanks for tuning in and make sure that
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you come back tomorrow and experience the young turks back on the show and meantime you're going to speak to the fans of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's or any other nights ago it was actually. last year i'm sure that is an understatement. i was just thinking about my future before the foreign companies came i dreamed of owning a can cutting factory. but we have less garbage now. some businesses who come here and make fun of me. figure out garbage boy i'm not bad like people think. i'm
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