tv [untitled] June 29, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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are you hungry but our guest tonight is from what he can tell because feeding people has been made illegal in orlando helens are joins us to explain exactly why we've got a new total for the bill on the wars in iraq afghanistan and pakistan brown university researchers tried to include libya but couldn't quite count that high anyway u.s. admiral seems to gone rogue in libya or the white house is lying you can decide for yourself which is more likely the taliban is offering room service there's another revolution brewing in egypt i've got a new breakdown on lol site and we'll explain how al gore is nothing more than a state sanctioned product blocker and there's nothing special about our other dear leader from illinois which i have nothing better than you the viewer completes an
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episode of adam vs the man. a study at brown university has concluded that the total cost of the unconstitutional liberal nation building wars in iraq afghanistan and pakistan will total around conservatively three point seven trillion dollars or as much as four point four trillion dollars when i count the brilliant numbers guys over at the pentagon should consider reading some basic war strategy. here's an icicle quote in military operations a long drawn out victory will make the whole army dull and tired out and dampen the spirit and enthusiasm of the soldiers and a drawn out seed to the city will exhaust their strength
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a protracted campaign abroad will also deplete will deplete the financial resources of the state if the army is tired out the soldier's enthusiasm is dampened and their strength is exhausted and the state's treasury is depleted the neighboring princes will take advantage of your difficulty and attack you and do you harm that from sun tsu and the art of war sounds familiar right and conflict will also have cost the lives of again using an extraordinary really conservative estimate here a quarter of a million people and it looks like we're in libya to kill gadhafi after all well kind of maybe well it depends on who you ask i mean see the obama team keeps telling us it's all about the civilians you know even though thousands of our people might be in danger now on the mexican border thanks to the a.t.f. supplying guns to cartels there but nato is saying otherwise no it's to kill this too right admiral samuel locklear the top u.s.
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commander in the libya operation probably didn't for nato as well explicitly stated in a meeting with senior american politicians that the airstrikes over libya were intended to kill it off well admiral your you're doing a terrible job that's the case but if we're going to cause blowback and we can't we at least make sure we actually achieve these shortsighted goals. could the administration and the admiral be telling the truth there maybe one wants to have an expensive war for the sake of the military industrial complex and the other wants to make the military look good and it's failing miserably speaking of blowback our favorite religious fanatics know nothing about those guys the taliban are trying out their hand in the hospitality industry it didn't go over so well for them though or anyone for that matter at least nineteen are dead after a group of taliban fighters armed with rocket propelled grenades stormed the intercontinental continental hotel yesterday in kabul afghanistan eight of the
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nineteen were the attackers themselves taken out by nato helicopters during a rooftop battle and in other news we're still pissing off everyone we can over there in providing able soft targets in the form of our young men and women in the military using money borrowed from time to build roads and schools for the people shooting at them a new round of clashes have kicked off in egypt between protesters and police that have left over one thousand injured looks like statism didn't really learn its lesson the first time around outrage at the police has spurred new protests with hundreds of youth demanding that the military speed up their prosecution of police officers suspected of reality and abuse with the deepening economic crisis worldwide that are oh so wise leaders are still calling a great recession tensions are continuing to mount in egypt the internet remains a game changer here as everywhere and i hope that when the dust finally settles the ideas of liberty will be the ones that finally take hold however unlikely that may be since the first revolution from february seems to have only replacement bar with
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the new military dictator from the old system who is still carrying out force their genetic tests on females arrested from the previous protests. governments continue trying to plug a leaky down with their fingers as this global youth revolution continues to build and pressure and forth and force used in revolt across a financially tearing europe the arab spring in the middle east and the continually hushed jasmine revolution in china make you have to ask is north korea next they might think so because though kim jong il is incredibly busy looking at things and trying out new lifts for a sous sometimes he finds time to issue important mandates to his dear subjects the dear leader has decided that all universities in the country will close until next april that's right because many overlords and yang are declaring the countries on the verge of achieving its goal of becoming a great and powerful nation by two thousand and twelve oh boy of course all kid
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needs a strong hand sell finish up some construction projects and a few able bodies in the factories after all north korea can't suffer a pesky student revolution without students right well we'll see how that effort goes alright and in orlando florida the group food not bombs which is working to raise awareness of how we have a gross misallocation of resources although they might not put it that way when it comes to our priorities spending money on the military versus spending money on taking care of people here at home they have escalated their campaign to feed the needy i know crazy but it has been made illegal in orlando to distribute food to any groups of over twenty five people within two miles of city hall keep the riffraff away from the overlords right well joining me now is thomas adrian helen's or i were lando food not bombs thomas thank you so much for joining us tonight from a star there. all right we have a bad connection with thomas we're going to come back to that but some other
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interesting things to share about this they they started with a line where they had three people arrested and follow up the next week similar to as we did with the dance party thomas jeffersons here in washington d.c. responding with a greater act of civil disobedience and the second time six people were were arrested sounds do we do we have you know i now i understand we have a long delay on this still no audio sorry ok can you hear me now i carry ok i'll send it how you were among the second group that got arrested of the six is that correct. and what what is the next step of escalation in this campaign and what is the objective of orlando food not bombs well i think in addition you are going to certainly feel for the last six years we have i talk about working on it now but.
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i think that next. term you are really. want to turn. by mobilizing we're going to area so is the the media around this has been incredible i mean people see this and what you have have made clear and what this law means is that if you feed people you will be kidnapped by men in blue costumes and taken away and locked in a cage and face other criminal penalties as a result what you have brought attention to here is the inherent violent nature of government and what the implications of these laws mean when they simply say by design or whatever silly ordinance you cannot feed people here what kind of support is that brought and how hopeful are you that you're going to be able to get this ballot initiative completed the whole process. really the question well how do you with the support that you've been receiving as
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a result of the publicity from this how likely is it do you think that you're going to be able to complete the ballot initiative process then we lose a connection all right it seems like we've lost a connection with thomas in florida no. sooner sorry all right i'm afraid we've we've lost i was held in florida but it was one more thing i want to say about this story because it is really fascinating what we have seen in terms of the support from the will online community known as anonymous they have actually declared war on the city of orlando promising to threat down websites one after another until orlando food not bombs is able to feed people who are hungry imagine that all right we still don't have any manufacturing jobs left in the country and china is holding our debt but it looks like they've
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got some bridges to sell the incoming san francisco to oakland bay bridge is being put together by those dirty rotten commies over in china and it's being done for four hundred million dollars less than it would apparently cost to avoid the made in china label on the side now anyone who knows how to economize can't fault the california transportation authority for doing what seems most economical but doesn't the say something about the state of this country when we have to go to the other side of the globe to buy bridges for our own infrastructure one more thing it's probably not really the most economic decision the least not in the long term if you want to look at it from the nationalistic california who grows perspective at least as our manufacturing base dwindles and the jobs go over to china who start footing all of the unemployment and welfare costs that's right the suckers driving over said bridge to their minimum wage mcdonald's jobs. ah al
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gore state sponsored cock block are all that talk of keeping government out of the bedroom used to be pretty popular with the liberal crowd and i say used to be since it was our so-called liberal president who are into the fourth amendment shredding patriot act but also we don't just have to stop there you see the great mother gaia is in trouble and only fascism can save her from the evils of man bear pig and anthropogenic climate change like china carbon trade or al gore understands that we must stabilize the population by empowering women and educating them on fertility management and yet another pretentious gathering of so-called progressive corps have the following to say about one of the principal ways to put out less pollution is to empower and educate girls and women you have to have a big go to surveil ability of fertility management so women can choose how many children have the spacing of the children you have to lift child survival rates so
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that parents feel comfortable having smaller families and most important you have to educate girls and empower women and that's the most powerful leveraging factor and when that happens in the population begins to stabilise and societies begin to make better choices and more balanced choices now i'm all for empowering girls and women absolutely but. this is something else and i have to translate from al gore's statement in fascist the me is into regular english because what al is really trying to say here is simple though mask in a in a soft rhetoric the intention has been laid out by the enviro headliners before i quit making babies cease and desist i'll be making. then bless your al gore in which case read away gore's concern that people are poisoning the planet with their private jets and thirty thousand dollar your utility bills who are a fan of telling people how to live is also proud father to
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a large family of four but don't let that stop you from making the right decision there plebian please do not procreate now and state controlled china the one child policy which you have maybe it's a stretch for my view where this is going as a detrimental effects already with many sex selective abortions performed in the case of female fetuses the policy in the blowback from it that has created a looming life sort of now with twenty four million more bachelors and bachelorettes which is maybe why you've seen so many raging protesters in china these days maybe we should be more worried that they'll invade us in search of women rather than some kind of that the fart if we can convince the populace that big government is evil on the grounds of war or monetary debasement maybe revealing the mechanics of state sponsored cock blocking will do the trick. and when
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we come back we'll have some important lessons from the interesting timing surrounding both voyagers arrest and why the u.s. government considers some forms of money unusable funny you'd think they'd want to use all the money they've got in certain situations well so it's a promise from you the viewer states that you're watching out of persons. r t is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al-jazeera . and. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who make decisions.
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to be made who can you trust no one. is you know he will do with that noble mission that we see where we had a state controlled capitalism in school. when nobody dares to ask we do you are a key question more. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything you saw . because of the. new website which twenty four seven lives streaming news counts nothing to you about the ongoing financial crisis unlimited three high quality. dio's for countless. stories you may never find the need.
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to believe that there's a need for a political. person more than aren't. all the back to adam versus the ma'am as we've reported the activist group lol sec has been sailing the high seas of the internet but has brought their journey to a close recently after fifty days of mayhem and we're still going through the data dumps that they've released and want to invite any of our viewers who want to participate in this many amateur journalism crowdsourcing exercise please email me adam at adam vs the man dot com we're still going through the data dump called negro that is half the border patrol in spanish and going through some of that but
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there were some important observations of before we got to some of these activities in fact it was it was because of that data dump we had the f.b.i. report that we interviewed gary cooper about yesterday and how they're monitoring his activities and caught busters but i want to share in the e-mail that i got from anonymous ken will just call him that for now who really has some some powerful conclusions from his analysis of the thing to let me go data down here we go each of these files demonstrates a failure by the admins of the site's services in question to follow even the most basic principles of and future security practices for example the file it's silly rumors dot text as a list of the ip addresses of a large number of accessible routers that use the use user's live password combinations that are utterly and secure route so michael in route is not. hard guess and most armies groups are magically test for such condemnations all right so
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by the way this data dump was mostly from or almost exclusively exclusively from law enforcement agencies in arizona border patrol some of the other groups there and this is. to be really offensive to any taxpayer or really anybody who's got any kind of data with with any government agency isn't even what is supposed to be among the most secure is really i mean it someone who's not a member of the group sees obviously that as he said they are not able to follow even the most basic principles of computer security practices but then again these are the guys that brought down the cia website with a d.d. o. s. attack and it was back then there was some confusion about the file he says the larger six made version contains a lot more information in the form of word documents excel files and adobe p.d.f. but none of that is the main point here that data is what can be accessed via the above failure to properly secure these systems i cannot help but we're reminded of the movie sneakers with robert redford reviewing these technical skills in the
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administration of these systems it will of course be sold as a crime not a service is the answer to the people who allow these complete failures cannot be questioned right lol well i think the internet is changing the game here and thanks to groups like little second a lot of the hackers organizing is anonymous or let's just say working as anonymous there are a lot of services coming out all right so let's listen to this letter from him the full version which i've yet to find a valid copy of from a source i do not distrust contains another three to four hundred megs of davis it would be nice to see what was in that as well my instincts are telling me that also it was compromised the feds now have accounts that were trusted within those tendrils of anonymous thus running those persons involved in pretty severe straits so the feds attempt to use what they may have gotten their seizures of equipment in virginia to try and bring any of them to justice the most likely scenarios involve the feds of personating the county acquired in the season claimant to penetrate as far as they can swan by the way there was the f.b.i. where the woman's house and i would say to question her about hanging out with
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members of wall second online so freedom of association doesn't exist online anyway and it's back to ken. the problem is they don't understand a leaderless environment is beyond them that persons who never speak to each other could ever come to the same conclusions and participate in such civil disobedience as the activities represent without so much as a high what do you think we should do passing between them if you recall the recent story about the f.b.i. gaining the ability to search information for people who have no connection this is why they can't fathom the mindset so they want to go on and take random samples until it actually do find some connection between people partaking in these efforts to conclude the feds can't keep their pants up and will blame the persons who proved that here rather than take responsibility for their abject failures to protect their own data let alone our liberty so if you want to participate in this we're still doing some of the number going through some of the data email me adam adam vs the man dot com all right now is that is the timing of the downfall of
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illinois governor rod blagojevich just a strange coincidence perhaps as of a seventeen guilty verdicts monday blago is off to do some hard time for his political corruption as if it's some isolated incident but here's an interesting fact this is the former illinois governor under summer eighth two thousand the bay before he was arrested in his home and don't point. i'm the one hand powerful special interests get the help of taxpayer money to bail them out thanks and yet the purpose of that money was supposed to be a line of credit to businesses like this that keep workers working to keep people employed and yet the bank of america has yet to step up and say that they're going to be helpful to this company to keep these workers working so unless and until they do that we need to state of illinois will suspend doing any business with the bank of america and we hope it is kind of leveraging pressure will encourage the bank of america to do the right think that this business take some of that federal
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tax money if they proceed and invest it by providing the necessary credit to this company so these workers can keep their jobs secondly we are preparing a temporary restraining order now i'm not drawing any conclusions here and i'm certainly not absolving governor of illinois of acts of and the thing but the timing sure does lend some fun one to some some fun conspiracy theories but i think it's rather nice to know it's rather nice how the banks toure's got to load up on everyone's money and then we never saw any of it reinvested into the economy or no more than scraps and i'm not saying that blago is anything more than a power broker who thought his power would be best served by taking the side of the people on the issue of the bank of america money but even on the wrong horse in this race and while the media parades will go if his conviction is some kind of rare justice against the political class we need to remember where the real corruption lies and if the f.b.i.
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boller to actually program the public representatives a sincere concern for the law we'd see a lot more people going to jail we don't have people still walking around free are the ones pushing the bells the people pushing the illegal wars the people our rights to privacy and security to be trampled upon you have the a.t.f. caught red handed i mean fost like operations within our own country in their own heads rolled justice now will turn in general eric holder runs the show or. all right and in a report from n.p.r.'s planet money about the fed in baltimore the federal reserve is a cult and baltimore where there are one billion one dollar coins just sitting there now this is one of the problems with the currency there's still a cost associated with producing the money especially when you have activists in congress well as they were with the congressional efforts to get the more one dollar coins into circulation as part of the presidential coin problem
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these coins cost over three hundred dollars to make but nobody seems to want them in a world with free market money where the demands of those investing and using a medium of exchange you simply wouldn't have this problem and the market would never allow for this kind of inefficiency but instead a system with a government monopoly on the currency you're on the ticket you're you're on the road for this three hundred million dollars and now you the viewer we've heard some strong reactions of their condemnation of michele bachmann from yesterday on twitter where is cock strong not sure how to say that cock strong crocs truong anyways i think it's pretty simple last election you were automatically racist if you didn't vote for obama i'm thinking sexist this time. and from facebook where i ask how pailin and bachmann get away with the most retarded gas without it affecting their poll numbers that's retarded gaffes not retarded people
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who by the way are capable of saying things that are not retarded which might make them more qualified to hold office than pailin or bachmann mark one writes the voting public are a bunch of kulis half wits and global tools unfortunately us red pill poppers are unable to divorce ourselves from their choices at the polls ain't life grand and stephen meyer's writes how ridiculous is it if they still look at football wow people on facebook say the darndest things well soon maybe i'm just not kind of nerd but they stopped looking that way to me as soon as i looked into their policy positions the violence of sadism can be such a term and of course in the tooth for a comment on the clinton reference in the segment from p. creator shalrie did have the not knowing what you know no problem in the two thousand and seven democratic primary debates she said that no republicans were against the war. not bad and then worry i'm not the financial ready and neither is our friend sergeant crowley who writes look at hillary's picture around six minutes
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thirty seconds do you believe that smile if you do then you're all for on nobody saying no looks like that ever it's in the eyes the mouth the smiley and eyes on smile instead they pop out like high plains ally nancy reagan you're looking at a habitual liar he will look like that unless they're pathological liars and or control freaks it's called inappropriate aspect and it's one of their weak points they can't make their eyes warm and human we've also been getting a lot of support from that group you might have heard of them anonymous i've had the opportunity to take a tour of their top secret headquarters and met with both members of the group even had a picture taken with them yes very nice people and from twitter anon kid writes i don't poke your power to over dying thousand it's understood but it is understood here is what anon kenny's he's the one on the left in that photo was referred to.
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or not. and landers lancer anon writes anonymous wants to thank adam and r t and you know the truth so do we what is the plan or you know as a former political candidate i ran for congress in mexico i'm never shy about sharing nice things other people say about me on twitter the floor to puzzle writes adam koch is the provocateur of our age the intellect of thomas paine with a political awake equivalence of the road if only but speaking of what equivalence isn't it funny how we can cuss on t.v. but only other languages thank you dr blix for this and. what. i'm i'm getting screen we've done that all right we'll lot to rania and our brief exchange list of all knowledge what is her line non-aggressive position on the voting process counted alex and said it's all right i'm all new fan but i always disagree with him on this and always have there's
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a role for politics this is an intellectual war in a war you generally have to do things you wouldn't normally do and running for office falls into that category well i with you there we also have the honor of interviewing barry cooper yesterday who not only appeared on our show would even responded to one of your comments on the tubes one for one chris noticed so adam what's with barry cooper's nails being painted blue l a o two which barry replied at one forty nine chris i figure nails are painted blue to match my toenails he's very hooper with his account never get busted but of course it was to match his toenails anyways i want to thank one of our viewers and sent in the camels dash can someone write wrote of if we would do a review for it and i'm very excited to have this piece of equipment with me here and we will be doing a review of this so you can see can we get a close up anyways will be will be doing a review of this in the next week but i also want to share some some exciting news
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there's been a hover bike invented it's like a motorcycle but instead of wheels it's got to sideways fans apparently can go up to ten thousand feet to fly one hundred miles five hundred mph so if the inventor of that would like to send a sample or demo for review we'd certainly be open to that too and you know maybe give it a little test here around d.c. you know we can we can always get jake to strap on a. parachute if we have to order to make that happen but. another story i want to share obama was in his role today in negotiating the federal budget crisis ask the republicans in the negotiations to. give way on tax hikes but part of what he's complaining about here is the inequality of wealth in america but what he's really saying is because he's still giving bailouts to all of his friends the republicans give us some money from your rich sponsors.
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