tv [untitled] June 29, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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thanks for. coming out tonight i'll delve into some of our viewer comments and laws were originally created to protect women are now being used against them in one state to tell you where this happened and will ask is it ok the women have gone from being the victims. in this case and if it's carrying a return. twenty years ago largest country. to some degree it's. been true. began the journey. where did it take to. reach you believe in science and technology from the realms of. the future covered.
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seven thirty am in moscow these here are t. headlines things votes for drastic spending cuts and attacks to secure another e.u. bailout despite days of clashes between police and protesters outside the greek parliament a forty eight hour general strike is underway with demonstrators remaining on the streets of the capital tonight dozens have reportedly been injured many others detained as police fight to keep the activists from reaching the parliament. as pressure mounts on syria's president assad we investigate intelligence reports that missiles are being moved from the country under the control of the lebanese militant group hezbollah syria has a large network of allies and supporters and analysts say the collapse of the government in damascus could have catastrophic implications for the region. more than a thousand people have been injured. in clashes with police in egypt's capital
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cairo demonstrators are demanding the prosecution of security forces accused of brutality during the mass uprising that led to the ousting in february of president hosni mubarak or also anger at the slow pace of reforms following the revolution. back now to our washington studios for part two of the alona show stay with us here on our. we've got. the biggest issues good voice face to face with the news makers. are it's time for you said it i read it take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you too because when you've got something to say i do listen now first on responded john smith who commented on lol psych announcing that they would be disbanding after their fifty day reign of
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terror he said on facebook called it quits not a chance a hacker will hack that spirit cannot be tonight and you know it john is most definitely right just because it's gotten rid of their title does not mean that they're no longer active the people who made up of most likely just directed their energy into another group maybe been absorbed by anonymous in fact anonymous has already been quite active in the last few days just yesterday they released information hacked from both viacom and universal music group in addition to declaring war on the city of orlando and response to that city arresting members of the group food not bombs is a week and if that doesn't convince you that having isn't dead i don't know what will a law enforcement can dream on because as john says apparently that spirit cannot be tonight now under sponsor the view of p.c. creator who a commenter who talked about our tool time segment about newt gingrich and he said marriage is one man and one woman legitimizing same sex marriage is destructive to
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american culture michele bachmann for president into a twelve now b. creator uses it what argument really really gets me you know i just don't see really cannot wrap my head around why someone can argue that legalizing same sex marriage is destructive to american culture what's destructive to american culture is when politicians get in their little soapbox and preach about what's right and what's wrong what you think to ignore everything they just said when it comes to their own. what's destructive to american culture is people think you know they should be able to deny others equal rights in this country because they don't like it i've got a noble idea for those of you who have a problem with gay marriage just don't do it case closed problem solved now i want to respond to club two one three five four two who said on you tube the only american newscaster giving us the real the all the police state so any chance you have a hot canadian sister one. not biologically but maybe in spirit i'll look into it and have more responses for you next week. and more riots have broken out in greece
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after the government approved another round of austerity measures and while the greek government says that this is the only option for the country doesn't default the people of greece feel that this bill is going to leave them with the bill while they suffer all those cuts so it's just more evidence of politicians mismanaging money that ultimately gets passed on to the greek people r.t. sarah first has more. on the streets about the releases of discontent the growing louder. it's a war we did not create this so we're not going to pay for this we want to become like a bug as greece continues to fight against economic ruin the second bailout is an attempt to prevent greece from defaulting on its previous lame attainments that the greek people will be feeling a penny. of this buyout money actually comes into the greek economy it all goes out the interest payments and repayments also battles on save the banks and
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prevent a large scale financial crisis the people the price is simply too high they see their income going down they see taxes taxes taxes and nothing else their money does not go to very early corner me here is struggling against hostile stereotyping measures that the government now faces an electorate opposed to and not the bailouts but they are going to get all this they could. be i mean very proper and they are going to get almost everything. and live the same of the good people they're going to get in this invest. to plug the bailout would certainly come as a high cost for the cuts in public spending raising taxes and in the quest of privatization program that would mean the sale of many quick public assets this is robbery this is theft this is swindle. tension on the streets of athens continues
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to mount violent scenes witness recently disturbing testimony just how situations deteriorated one of the reasons that everybody is so determined to keep greece in the euro is so that the banks don't have to take a serious. problem it is almost as if there's a. politicians and bankers versus all the people it's a fight that the people say they're not prepared to. athens. and we've been reporting to you on this show the moves in many states across the u.s. to try to make abortion illegal using vague language in twists and turns to circumvent the supreme court's roe v wade decision we've seen states try to manipulate their justifiable homicide laws to make killing in defense of a fetus ok but now let's look at something different that's going on women who actually have their children but those children die and now those women face murder
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charges and jail time of up to ten years because of chemical endangerment or drug use or negligence which mississippi calls depraved heart murder they were laws originally created to protect pregnant women they're now being used against them and it might be becoming a trend so is a right or is this government overreach and how to be different if it was men who were put in this position earlier i caught up with and a host of the young turks university i first asked her to give us some examples of these cases. absolutely it's actually happening in several different states there aren't isolated cases of this incident or of this story for instance in south carolina three hundred women have already been arrested for this type of. criminal is that criminalization it doesn't really make any sense like either they did something during their pregnancy that was deemed wrong so they were arrested just to give you some specific examples in alabama there was a woman by the name of the magic kim bro. this woman was very much pro-life ok what
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ended up happening with her is when she went to the doctor during her pregnancy the doctor told her look you should abort this baby because it will be born with down syndrome and she said no i am against abortion i am going to deliver this baby after she delivered the baby baby did not survive so what happened they started investigating her and they found out that sometime in her past she had used drugs so what's happening to her now she is being prosecuted and she could serve prison time in alabama because of this another case involves a woman in indianapolis who was in a terrible of emotional state she was pregnant and she decided that she wanted to commit suicide so she drank rat poison when she did that she was rushed to the hospital and she survived but the fetus did not since the fetus is not survive she was prosecuted and she is currently serving three months in prison or she has already served three months in prison and of course her sentence is much longer
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than that so you're seeing this all throughout the country there was another case of mississippi a woman by the name of rainey did who is accused of murder and faces a life sentence because she delivered a baby at thirty six weeks and it was a stillborn so you're seeing this all throughout the country and it's beyond egregious and what i'm amazed by is that this story is not being reported by u.s. media it's it was a story that broke by the guardian which is a publication in the u.k. firedoglake wrote about it but other than that you're not hearing about it anyway anywhere else why is that it just it drives you crazy yeah i know you make a really good point there because it was the guardian that originally wrote about and they said america is in an uproar over this story but if you look around nobody is in an uproar because nobody is actually covering it but you know i think it gets into this weird murky gray area when it comes to the legality i mean what do you think if a woman is doing drugs while she's pregnant does that count as murder then kills the baby or should she be allowed to try to kill herself with
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a baby or you know with a fetus inside of her. if a woman is taking drugs while she's pregnant she needs help she does not need to be stored in prison ok the way that our country criminalizes people and demonize those people doesn't make any sense at all ok i think that this story is tied into the private prison system and how private prisons are profiting off the people getting thrown in jail for minor offenses i don't think that taking drugs during a pregnancy is a small situation i think it's a big deal and i think that these women need help but i don't think that under any circumstance should be throw them in jail how does it make sense that we throw them in jail for using drugs while they're pregnant but it doesn't make abortion is legal don't get me wrong i think abortion should be legal but it it's not consistent with our current laws were in that case do you think that sometimes this may even work in the opposite direction you know the anti-abortion advocates that if you're telling women that there might be if there's
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a risk that your child might be born stillborn or the they might die because they're on healthy it wouldn't that to make women turn to abortion instead to try to terminate the pregnancy before you know before that happens. i think that's part of the reason why abortion is legal in this country i mean of course in the first trimester it's legal to differ it differs from state to state after the first trimester but you know women have to have that choice they have to make that choice for themselves and it's very important that they have that choice so if a woman is addicted to drugs and she gets pregnant and she decides look i'm too addicted to these drugs i can't get off of it and she decides to abort will that's her choice and if she wants to have that baby if let's say she's pro-life there needs there needs to be options out there there need to be options out there for the woman so she can get help we shouldn't automatically have that knee jerk reaction that you and i always talk about where we just throw people in prison these people are addicted to drugs they need help and by the way in these cases
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that were reported by the guardian these women when they had the miscarriages or when they had stillborn babies there was absolutely no evidence linking their drug use to miscarriage ok but that doesn't matter the investigators looked at their past and said oh look at this this woman used to have a cocaine habit let's automatically criminalize her and throw her in prison i mean i think some people might call this a nanny state issue just general government overreach too but here's imagine if we turned the tables what if men were the ones in this world that got pregnant do you think that we would have so much legislation do you think that they would allow for one second so many people trying to tell them what they can and can't do with their bodies while they are pregnant. you know it's really hard to say my instant reaction would be no but it's really difficult to say whether or not people would have the same reaction you know there's a whole question of whether or not this is a republican war on women and you know i definitely think it is a republican war on women which by the way as soon as you really look into the type
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of legislation that they're trying to pass and the way that they're trying to throw women in jail for having miscarriages or for having abortions it just makes me sick to my stomach that you see them you see these legislators on the mainstream media talking about how they want smaller government how they want the government to stay out of our personal lives they want the government to stay out of our finances they want the government to stop taxing us all of this craziness and then they turn around and they throw women in jail for something that they might have done wrong when they were pregnant it makes me sick to my stomach and you know what shame on the mainstream media for not reporting about this story it makes me really upset that the guardian is a u.k. publication is the one that broke this story you know a lot of the times they don't like covering the news that just might make people uncomfortable and thanks so much for joining us tonight. thank you ilana. well coming up next a spoiled celebrity is getting money to send out political tweets we're going to tell you who it is in our tool time segment and on tap and tonight happy hour and
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a video from the united nations thank you will look kind of like a rock star and the cover the latest issue of newsweek has got a lot of people upset and we're at that thought that. i was just thinking about my future before the foreign companies came i dreamed of owning a can cut in factory. but we have less garbage now. some visitors who come here don't make fun of me. picking up garbage boy i'm
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not bad like people think. i'm a good person. it's just the people don't see me. but i feel it was time people like me. that i feel people will start to appreciate us. wealthy british style some time to try to find. markets why not come to. find out. what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to a report on our. hard
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know it's not because her latest house arrest and it's a day after her most recent run in with the law see lindsay has decided to get political on her twitter account lindsay tweeted to her two million followers have you guys seen food and gas prices lately that continued u.s. dollar will soon be worthless if the fed keeps printing money and then there is a link to a web site followed by a hash tag at you know in the least shocking discovery of the day it was revealed that lindsay tweets that phrase for a group called the national inflation association our good friend joe wasn't all over the business insider says of this group's mission is to prepare americans for hyperinflation and they believe that will happen if the u.s. doesn't act deep spending cuts so the group actually paid a lindsay lohan money to tweet about hyperinflation and the u.s. debt i'm still confused who the company thought the low had was a goods. folks person hired if you needed someone to endorse a vodka brand or cigarettes then by all means hire lindsay but you endorse the risk of hyperinflation i just don't know what that means and also kind of funny that she
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was tweeting about it so excitedly her usual strategy is to cry and beg for forgiveness early start so she doesn't from the judges i was working with children it wasn't a vacation it wasn't some sort of a joke i wanted to make sure that i would. be in the court system. yeah that's the low hand that we all know but just her prove my point we actually found a few photos online today just ask it do you really want this over the past the car seat offering advice on debt issues how about her to bar drinking a big bottle of booze in front of the crowd that just screams that she should be taken seriously in a debate about the economic future of our country i'm not saying that lindsay doesn't have the right to tweet anything she wants but come on you bring paid to do it why would anybody take it as honest advice unfortunately the scariest part of this is that it could be the thing that finally gets people tuned into the set but
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not because they understand it just because it's the next thing you know the next thing you know everyone in hollywood is going to be talking about ron paul over coffee at earth cafe and that's why we're giving tonight's tool time award to lindsay lohan. ok time for happy hour this evening and joining me is our correspondent laura lister and that welsh editor in chief for reason magazine and co-author of the declaration of independence and a libertarian politics can fix what's wrong with america hopefully they had forgotten that one yet i think i just said it like twenty minutes ago. so first of all can we just carry on a little bit with the lindsay lohan bashing what do you got on it i think i want to call i think it's amazing i think we spend so much time on this network talking about how the mainstream media only covers people like lindsey lowe and when she's
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in court or casey anthony or you know giving them undue attention and don't focus on the real issues and here is the best way to emerge that have someone that people focus on you know that has more than two million twitter viewers tweet about the fed and it's right the best thing was that it was her next tweet or two tweets afterwards she said no but like totally i'm really interested in these issues and i'm following the completely different voice i'm going to make the whole hundred forty characters with the hook up and i wonder how much she actually paid i don't care i can't believe food or gas prices lately this is a marvelous you caught me right to everyone everyone can make money somehow you know what there are so many brands that these celebs tweet about him to get paid a lot of money to do that i mean there are daschle and i think a ton of money to do that kind of thing so i like that it's at least something a little bit more useful to the public good to be leading about i only know a bar coca-cola or senator george clooney or like angelina jolie or a bottle i use are going to return everything alone to that i want in the order of
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i mean when i was the owner shows really worried about hyperinflation and how you know the dollars going down so what do you care i see people who don't even. know like you know i need to get paid for these things because i exactly i actually give a damn actually let's move on to something that i just really love because this is not a celebrity trying to get political this is somebody who is involved in politics trying to become a celebrity take a look. you know there's. no missing. piece. if you don't recognize them that was bank a moon from the u.n.
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and that was just absolutely wonderful if you ask me the whole rock star vibe this is why i don't agree it's final proof that anyone can now look cool with modern editing tools and the internet my god you know works in paul anyway but anyway we were banking a moon let's go to what i think you were actuary firm you know let's go watch the paint dry but with a better you're totally i think whoever did that whoever produced that and shot that there was some kind of an award because to make the un look sexy is quite a feat especially that was a thing during the u.n.g.a. last september i mean the u.n. is under all of this construction and there's all those plywood inside i mean it doesn't look nice one thing and there's this very sexy they did it right because of the media personality based you know they had like thank you moon coming down the stairs of this breeze briefcase and then doing. he walks out and we didn't cut the shot where he's getting into his mercedes in the doors being opened for of the cameras going at different angles and it makes it seem like a lot of i have certain you can call to whole foods parking lot. i've met the guy
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by the way oh really whole foods guy oh let's have them on the show a television show i reply well i really i think we play that for our audience that armor if we played it for you but we will if we did it ok let's move on to the next one this is causing quite a stir newsweek who at one point tried to claim like they are really. important you know. i can't even get it out anymore god they used to mean something when it comes . politics and journalism and reporting and now they help you know did you ever let's play it again this is supposed to be princess diana if she was still alive today diana at fifty why would you do that i'm sorry this is just like you cringe when you see it i mean newsweek is trying to relaunch they're trying to be relevant again i just said roughly once the last time that you actually went to the supermarket in time or newsweek. or calf or get it and i'll you know the only time i buy them i think is if i'm getting on the plane. are far more that i will spend
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my money on their overpriced there is enough there like by annual issue of you know what the jesus you know you want to buy about just to see how they run your story every month every spring but now it's desperate it's pathetic and i'm looking forward to newsweek going back. oh ouch well i think this one just might do it for them it's just too bizarre and kind of like more of it if you're going to do it why would you recreate someone there's so much better photo shop every day you know women's bags whatever you saw demi moore last on the cover of a magazine they're not worth. more internationally got a great. surgeon who does all the work and she has a very ok so you know we speak about the westboro baptist a lot on this show we've interviewed shirley phelps so far on this program but right now there's a new controversy because apparently the f.b.i. invited the westboro baptist to come to quantico and basically according to the f.b.i. they were told that they invited the westboro members to the class so police officers
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and agents could see extremists up close and understand what makes them tick too bad the westborough baptist weren't told that they are the ones that were the extreme that we were being experimented on they thought they were there to really help with you know with helping i don't know fight terrorism and let's remind you who the westboro baptist are real quick. to. expand their claim. you know there's more and she. goes you. know. what do you say the f.b.i. finally got it right i think at the met i think it's amazing based on by the keeper tonight i had no idea until they go through i think any one of the you know if you're going down that they would but i think it's great i mean they brought them in to teach the f.b.i. how to talk to people that they generally disdain and can handle kind of what they stand for and learn how to deal with that i think that's kind of perfect seriously
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so crazy almost makes sense i mean the idea is let's bring in absolute nut bags the nuttiest of the but in a way to teach people like there's a difference between someone who is stone crazy and someone who is stone crazy and a threat to someone that actually has a clue violent people and how to use it for for the f.b.i. and all law enforcement out of the kind that they do to them and you know they said they got manipulated but who knows we don't really know ok i don't know if we have time to play this clip let's play it really quick. so you sample the saliva in the cheek of the dog we have to take a sample of the dog doo doo then the lab matches that up with the d.n.a. ok let me give you some explanation there it's the condominium or apartment complex in florida and they have a problem with dog doo doo apparently nobody cleaning it up and claiming it so now they want to mandate d.n.a. testing to match the dog to the do do it it comes with
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a one thousand dollar fine you know what i say go for it come on if this apartment complex that our economy and complex which evidently it smells horrible it's disgusting it's a huge issue i think that people should have the scare tactic of having their dog do d.n.a. did not come on about anything then please please make a reality show out of the one i want to see the look on the faces of people in the test comes positive and it's their little proof she was you know going to be the doo doo hunter version or not i don't know for joining us tonight and that's it for tonight so thanks for tuning in and make sure he come back tomorrow former cia officer and criminal defense attorney jack rice and we've got a lot of talk about robert gates stepping down and meantime don't forget to become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed and the tonight show or any other nights you can always catch you tube dot com you want to show where you'll find interviews as well as the show in its entirety and up next is out of this is the man.
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