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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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call. it without hearing talk now of our top stories are angry protests where the response to the greek government's approval of posh new cuts nor to secure further financial support from the e.u. police fired tear gas and stun grenades the crowds of people throwing stones and smashing windows. in. the u.k. braces itself for a massive strike of public sector workers as threatens to simply disrupt schools and transport more than half a million teachers and civil servants are staging
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a breakout against government plans to cut their pensions and freeze pay. as the u.s. secretary of defense robert gates prepares to say goodbye to the pentagon and the cia chief who's taking over the critics question whether disappointments will end the rules driving an expanding budget budget. or with many countries tightening their belts and feeling the effects of the economic downturn we ask whether the world really is getting back in for money spotlight. hello yes hello welcome to talk like the into shell arts i'll be your playing today my guest in the studio instead of none. of the recent russia e.u.
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so it has left some of the diplomats questioning a truer first his critics saying such summits cost too much and aren't very effective but maybe this lady was an exceptional russian and you feel the need is compromised by moscow's ban on duty of vegetables and new pretty good progress on a visa free regime but is there anything that still remain and so here's the head of the european union delegation to russia for the players who are. asking is back on track of european vegetables on the headlines of the russian e.u. summit. some other topics moscow wanted to discuss like become dissipated because of the regime that started almost a decade ago and progress has been slow russia still going through consultations and experts say they will take at least a month but the fact that words have become actions they say could be seen as a sign of documents. leave. me.
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alone as well and thank you very much for coming thank you well first of all i want to start with this main question this this may news that came after the. russian. diplomats reporters experts started questioning the frequency of the sun and the efficiency of the summit that really aren't costly so is it true and do you think that it really may become a case that the. frequency of the summit will be reduced. no i mean everything is possible but it's not something that is on the agenda right now. this has never been discussed and i think that for the time being at least this frequency of the summit has a certain a certain value of some it's an opportunity of course on the one hand to solve issues of problems but not only that it's also an opportunity
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a unique opportunity for leaders to get together to get to know each other better to discuss about issues of common interest not only about a bilateral relationship but also how do we perceive can see certain problems in the world how to solve them and they have this opportunity which i think is sincerely and valuable. this week july the first poland is taking chairmanship in the european union and this country is anything but indifferent towards russia we have special relations with poland then we have problems in our relations with the world what do you expect from polish chairmanship in the european union and then you think that poland will have a special russian a gem there for instruments. i don't know i mean paul is going to present his priorities for the presidency of the union soon of course things have changed since
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the entry into force of the lisbon treaty and now all the rotating presidency has no longer the responsibility for external relations or the. presidency of the european council but it has a still the responsibility of the presidency for a number of issues of you policies and i'm sure that poland will make a very good presidency they have been preparing themselves for that we know that you know that they are ready and i have no doubt that they will have to do a very good presidency and in terms of. russian poland relations russia e.u. rule ations do you think that that poland presidency will play some role in making this russian issue special for the e.u. have relations with well they were not directly in the sense that they are not responsible for the foreign relations in there actually on a number of issues it might be might have of course
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a bearing but but not on what is the bilateral relations between russia and the e.u. which is a matter in our foreign institutions in brussels. on the twenty seventh of june russian and the european union diplomats had their meeting on visa related issues and agreed on some joint action steps on the way to these are free travel could you specify one of these joint action steps well this is something that came out of the not this dust summit but the previous summit where we agreed that the best way to be more efficient in making progress would be to identify were are the problems which are the issues that need to be solved in order to reach one day in this beautiful region so we don't these after that this working groups got together start working identifying which. those issues would be now they have almost come to
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an end not completely and that's why i cannot give you it completely stop it because it's still been been dealt with but i am quite convinced that in a matter of perhaps a few weeks we will have at least of this common steps that we call because our stated that we are going to tackle together and the idea is that when he says steps article we will get to the solution this may be a still a long process let's not create a false or pretensions of this because some of these steps will be relatively simple in first of those will take longer not for the matter of lack of will to solve them but simply because the asians are more complex issues related to for instance of me gratian from spoken trees issues related with a border control number of issues which are not simple and you cannot resolve just in one day. when you say. hard issues difficult issues issues that will take years to tackle you mean the ball is on the russian side were
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all or both on both i mean there will be in our view there will be poorly more balls on the russian side absolute from the russian point of there will be more votes on as i said expected to be the way to a tragedy said to witter yes ok you mentioned border control well actually the e.u. is a funny organization on the one hand there talking with russia on a visa free regime something that was unthinkable like ten twenty years ago russians coming levity but on the other hand you are. imposing a little is to to put border control inside the shell game zone in scientific europe it is funny i mean i mean this sounds like a complete contradiction. i think it sounds like a contradiction but let's be let's be concrete i think the missions that have been approved are first exceptional missions to be applied exceptionally and. temporally the russians say there is nothing as as constant as temporary measures as
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a berms sometimes is true but i think that is not the is not it is not i think this is this is meant to deal with very painful situations i think a case in place was this case in which on the other hand italy and france agree with these migrants that came all of the sudden due to the commission in the libyan crisis in that were causing italy going into france and source or then france realize that there was a need to establish to control these doesn't mean to reestablish the borders or to restart it is the customs or anything like that but simply control for identity for the people going through this does not in any way of course affect the rights of the different e.u. nationals and citizens will have the right to move freely around in the e.u. cetera or all the people that are that have a document that allows them. xing and visa to travel around freely so this is a matter of control not a matter of a stylish. prohibition or
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a limitation but these limitations inside europe limitations on free travel for grants they will not. influence the process of negotiating with either free russian well ok the e.u. nationals that work and russia stay in russia you know a lot of them and you know their main complaints they all complain about the bureaucratic loss of the great restrictions in russia one of them is the registration we have to have registration wherever you go in russia and this is a headache for for europeans there was the issue out of the registration and maybe other problems faced by europeans in russia what they discussed during the summit and did russia promise anything to make it easier to live like easier well. on the way hand i think we have to take note it's very important that russia
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already money for somehow the legislation this year and exactly to make it easier and less or less of a difficulty this whole thing up over just ration the delays for registration and other aspects so that this one one thing that i think we have to acknowledge the other thing is that when we are discussing it on the disappear region. in due course this will also employ aspects of registration not only in russia but also in india in the which we are going to discuss bisa feet meaning we are going to discuss our old free access. one to another territory so yes in that respect the commitment is that we will discuss everything and international has not objected to this but of course this will come in due course speaking of lawmaking at the state duma deputy that mr libby did propose recently a draft law aiming to punish foreign citizens including e.u.
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nationals who i quote violated their rights are russian citizens and or implies freezing bank accounts of such individuals. do you think the e.u. will somehow reacts to this legislation i don't know i cannot say because of course this this is only one one line we will have to look at it and see exactly what is on it what we of course respect is whatever decision is taken it will be a decision that will be according to international standards and international principles and of course a quarantine by law and by the last it happens that it will be a president would well but if it happens i mean if you commit a crime i don't know if we are talking that in use it is a whoever commits a crime well it has to be trial and brought to justice to be trial and eventually can be condemned to something so if all that is the case in stone in the proper way there is nothing to object of course if that's not exactly the case all things are
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not talking in a proper way then that is a problem so the third nando are going through well ahead of the european union delegation to russia spotlight we'll be back shortly to take a break though stay with us we'll continue this interview in the. move. a little to. use. the gifts. to pick
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the best. twenty years ago a large country the biggest surprises of. the. subcontinent each element of the speech and the jerks and where did it take the. wealthy british scientists to sort out the type. of. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause
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or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our cheap hunger for the full story we've got it for us to the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on our team. food . welcome back to spotlight on our going out and just to remind you that my guest in the studio today is the lens through our head of the european union delegation to russia. this surveillance of the recently on june the eighth if i'm not mistaken prime minister putin made the remark he said travel rules should be equal for all russian citizens but this remark caused a concern among the citizens among the russians who live in kaliningrad because
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there they have been discussions of a special agreement and special travel rules for the people because they live in a place so so will these will these discussions. be continued despite the superrich but. i i i cannot judge of all the remark of course of course because it's only by the premises and i don't have the elements but the this equation is that the people from kaliningrad have already a special agent which is a typical region for. because of all the traffic people that are the near the border normally have a special regime because both size gross instances fair which is fair i mean is normal is not only a case in kaliningrad in the e.u. but it's in many other parts of of our borders in any other part of the world in fact and the question now is that this regime is somehow be reconsidered to see if
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it has to stay as it is all of it has to be a lot more flexible so we are working on it on in or on our side we are simply working and need looking at the pros and cons of different solutions and we will see which is the agreement so so so the europeans they do believe that people like the said the current ground living in the special and special places like an angle as they should have special special. regulations question is of all has been sensitive in the us i say we have this kind of agreement with all the other areas ok the. e.u. summit was overshadowed by this round over the vegetables scandal when the russians banned the whole european vegetables and russia. is i think the biggest market for european vegetables so. are you sure do you think that this is fair that this problem had to be solved by president medvedev and the leaders of the european
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countries should it take such a high level to solve such a problem you know probably broadly broadly what happened is that this happened just a few days before the summit where i said i hope that if a cucumber is working. this through congress albeit possible is something that they have not done because this is it is not at all you look at brazil at all gave i think with a little bit was we will keep this. historical moment but not i what what happened is that this problem arises in the band also took place just a few days before the summit so logically the issue was not solved by the time of the summit in the summit a look at it. on the west probably it would have been different but i think this simply shows also about summits and the warden sells to high political issues are complex issues but also two very practical ones well the deadly strain of bacteria
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e-coli has taken dozens of lives there has world relations between countries spotlights you learned the media has more on this issue. the mate outbreak of e. who like in germany was english only blamed on cucumbers from spain delegation caused sales of they just to go to collapse by the time cucumbers were proved not to be the source means farmers had lost more than two hundred million euros and it's speculations on what caused the outbreak russia decided to stay on the safe side and banned the e.u. vegetables at the beginning of that sound when the country's ruling with the european union which called the russian move disproportionate the banking is a serious blow to the european economy is russia buys a war to remove fresh vegetables exported by the e.u. . meanwhile the search for bin factions was led to bin sprouts from northern
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germany and later it was reported that it was water which contaminated the goals of the vegetable we should top the agenda at the russian e.u. summit in may june both sides eventually greed on conditions for the removal of the embargo while the vegetable problem seems to have been resumed russia's agricultural watch dog has banned inputs from thirteen milk and meat factories in fuel many caption factories failed to comply with russian health safety standards. well so far only netherlands and belgium other countries cucumbers are free to travel to russia without a visa. what's the problem with the others i mean the other european countries they didn't give didn't provide the necessary documents away i think. first let me say that this is not all these visitable of this country or that all country can all
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come home he says in european union matter. so i suppose that's what we are simply talking about is different stages in which the process is taking place. what it was agreed the summit of also agreed only in the band under certain conditions that had to be taken clearly arranged this took place last week and there was a technical agreement on which this e.u. visit all screwed be exported russia or imported in russia come in with a certificate that. it extended by the national laboratories that the e.u. which to notify russia would certify that these products of course were. the necessary center conditions. so what happens is that some countries had the commission notified to the russian authorities first but laboratories for
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a number of countries now i think i think not i'm sure all that glitters from other countries have been also communicated and i think that the case here is that the first ones were these ones so it would logically the first products to get here with the ones of the first laboratories that have been communicated to the russian authorities so this is simply a matter of time and of course of having the necessary certificates and for the products to come to the russian customs were the products and he said the piece would be very fine. let's talk about the w.t. one of the favorite subjects to talk when it concerns russia and europe wrote the bill it is one of one bits of the discussion so so stay in stay in the trend and the customs union russia will reduce and ca's us then. they are developing a custom union and it's called one of the main obstacles under way of russia's joining the euro is it really obstacle and if it is not so what's so strange about
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it for the europeans no i think the question is the following i don't think it is an obstacle right now is not an obstacle right now be. because of russia decided to accede individually. your all in of course then make the necessary adjustments within the course of june for that what was it a problem and was mainly a problem of time was to try to made the customs you a member of a q not because that is impossible in any way but simply because that would have meant to begin negotiations practically from scratch so i think this was the decision that was taken by russia with the right decision and i think we are very close now and in any case the customs union is not an issue on the table at this moment ok now another thing. i wanted to ask you is about one of your interviews that you gave some while ago you are quoted as saying that you said
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that the monopole lies in gas prom will be a good thing for russia well when i read that i said mr bullen so is too much of a diplomat this is such a thing to say something about caspar reasonably i didn't i don't i don't remember anything a specific like you're going to be friends you know doesn't sound like you know what you think about gazprom but rather he is a big company big big tower and do you think they do really agree that there are multiple ways they should because it is a monopoly it was itself a gas monopoly they say they say they are alike and reginald monopoly i mean they should be able to have that do you think that maybe monopolize it and it may be good for russia or for the russian partners abroad this is of course it is a matter of opinion it is that there is not one truth this is a matter of opinion and you can feel it one way or another. on the e.u. side we are not to be favorable to monopolies in general this is not talking about
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that's probably going to police in general because we believe that competition is a better way and a better instrument to. good vision see to get better prices to get a very quality for the consumers so this is our approach but of course it is one only specific situations a census has to take in some decisions we cannot enter into that. question the russian energy companies which are gazprom have to gasp from gaza grasp of whatever . russian energy companies they are complaining that they have a lot of barriers in the european union. the barriers there are not letting them freely access the markets is it true and is the e.u. really to compromise the really because i don't think that is exact or correct i think that precisely i know that this third package which is the last legislation that the e.u.
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has passed on the energy market has elements of all eat that are not of the liking of russia. into russian companies but is true and they have the reasons we have for our reasons but i think one one aspect is normally underestimated the third package gives precisely the right to foreign companies including the russian companies to accede to the e.u. market i think this is more than we can see you around so i think that even if the third package is true that introduces some measures businesses are not meant for russian companies they are meant for all the components they are also meant for each companies so they are not discriminatory and in exchange they give the russian companies. all right off axis thank you thank you for anon it was a pleasure talking to you as usual and just to remind you that my guest in the studio today was for nando violence a while back and out of the european union delegation to pressure and that's it for
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now from all the spotlight will be back with more from his fans comments on what's going on and outside russia and so when i say on our team and a picture thank you.
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