tv [untitled] June 30, 2011 2:01am-2:31am EDT
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rooms rage on the streets of greece. and yet more job cuts. to pull the country out of its financial. and more strikes hit another part of it as the u.k. braces itself for more than half a million teachers and civil servants voicing their anger against the government's massive cutbacks. whether the new head of the pentagon the wars that the outgoing defense robert gates. and online twenty four hours a day welcome to watty the top story greece has erupted into more civil unrest with thousands of angry protesters flooding the streets that's after parliament gave the green light to tough new. cuts in order to secure a financial lifeline in the e.u.
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european officials welcomed the greeks could not have been less happy with the pending austerity they gathered in the center of our friends on the second day of a general strike. police smashed windows and set the property and its responded with tear gas and stun grenades and the clashes continued and night dozens of police in protest as were injured while many demonstrators were detained greeks now face twenty billion human worth of cuts and tax rises a precondition to a second least without the money greece will default on its loans with weeks of financial journalist and i to call this is this the government addresses the needs of the people of evolution on its hands i've been to a lot of these protests and a lot of these rallies are usually things down after they get very violent or at least when we head into the night time there's a there's a brief period where things calm down before an interesting thing is some some bikers who actually rode down yesterday from northern greece and more and more
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people got on the on the bandwagon as they came down they rode by again in front of parliament once again and people get very excited when they come through it's very hopeful so it's i think there's a mix there's a mixture of excitement hope because of the the response but also there's a there's a concern a fear because there's a lot of violence and and that's a concern not only for the protesters obviously who have been injured but also for the government because with these with this type of violence it becomes a much more difficult for them to study measures and privatization schemes that are widely unpopular in this country according to scholars here in greece or constitutional scholars and former members of the government they claim that the measure completely unconstitutional the first place because you need one hundred eighty members of parliament to pass a sort of legislation first of all second of all they can pass whatever they like but if the people don't agree to it and that people are not willing to sit down and take it it doesn't really matter what they pass and that's what we're seeing here right now what you're looking to have happen is you're you're going to see a fall of this government at some point i've said if things get really out the violence is a. a big issue because if if the violence if this results in casualties not just
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massive injuries then that's going to that's going to lead to a collapse of this government will that mean that the next government will come in and actually do something productive maybe maybe not but then the government have to fall to i don't see the people in this country lying down people they're very angry here and they're very upset and they understand what's going on and these measures are not going to help them and their future there are a lot of educated people this country a lot of capable people people living outside of greece who want to come back to this country because they love it and they're not about to see it get liquidated. for some morsel of bread and some. might have natural gas and only that's not going to happen. to hold a vote on thursday to decide how the cuts are going to be implemented because greeks cry out against the tough austerity measures it's the germans who are going to bear the brunt of bailing out. as the greek rescue package of the ease of contagion and puts things credits and risk. we have to bail out prohibition in
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the european treaty article one hundred twenty five which express he says we have a month or you know i'm going to you to collect financial officer. in case of natural catastrophes like earth quakes requires is no the earthquake governance problem it's generated by we said it's. a responsibility as a matter of fact as people believe that the greek crisis might create a contagion to all the. economies. of great people very very unbelievable decisions the first decision was to allow greece to have a very generous credit last year credit to a sovereign country means that as a sovereign country has. has not paid to credit all people have credit to remain at risk so we. every very dangerous phrase of european monetary policy.
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institutional policy because we have strayed away straight away from the power of institutional unama diverge here which is laid down in the treaty and overnight in all the ninth and tenth of may under french influence of the european economic. community and in particular the european monetary union has been redesigned without any vote by populations who have consented to giving up the money the germans and their will and very bitterly i feel i was going markus kerber arguing that the greek bailout is actually outside egypt stiction. it's not only greece that seeing a massive civil unrest in the u.k. more than half a million the public sector workers are set to protest against government plans to change their pensions and freeze paint he schools will be closed and transport is likely to be severely affected as workers embark on
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a one day strike auntie's listen to the voices of frustration. down tools up with industrial action an autumn of discontent starts here as the u.k. braces for a wave of strikes not seen for decades this time it's three quarters of a million public sector workers walking out on happy with the planned reform of their pensions which they say will see them paying a lot more and getting a lot less we don't think that should be a vice about some of the functions we think one deserves to have security retirement people are talking about withdrawing from the pensions game because they can't afford to pay the mortgage at the same time as paying for the conventions and people are really angry that time and bankers are making record bonuses yeah getting away being asked to take a pension in our pensions to pay more for our pension it's reality is we've got to for the rest we're just using these people do a huge variety of key work from teaches and lecturers to air traffic controllers
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and coast guards unisons the u.k.'s biggest public sector trade union deputy chief paul babbly says his one point three million members already for prolonged industrial action and we're almost a war footing we've got thirty million pain set aside and we've got a strategy work but i must strangers that's not what we want to do we want to talk to the government and negotiate a sensible package a normal ridiculous package of their proposal at the moment that package involves raising the retirement age from sixty to sixty six raising pension contributions by workers and having payouts based on average career earnings rather than final salary the unions admit public support is fundamental to having a successful strike action the government's very unlikely to change its mind about reforms if the public at large doesn't back the unions but that's by no means
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a short public sector workers do already get very generous pensions and the. cost of those pensions is very much of a cop it turned the burden falls on to the next generation that really is absolutely essential the public sector pensions reform don't even after they are reformed public sector workers will get far better pensions and worse private sector workers the unions want to apply enough pressure to force the government to change its mind and it's no stranger to you turns it was hell bent on reforming the health service too until it decided to take longer to think about it causing friction in the coalition the government is doing this to reduce the current fifty billion dollar pension bill but it may be cutting off its nose to spite its face that the wider issue here according to the u.k. pension fund. is a part of me public sector work if no don't think that what while they may talk to me you think that if there was a widespread withdrawal pepsin funds would collapse and that would leave u.k.p.
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out of the very short of investments just what it means that more than ever big unions will be correcting that but is the government listening your avatar teeth. or the scale of the walkouts in the u.k. hasn't been seen for decades later we hear from british trade union leader mark so what he says if the government fails to take notice this time around he will return to protests in even greater numbers. having three quarters of a million people from four different unions on strike is something that's hasn't happened in this country for decades it's the start not the finish to the government is if they try to ignore it will come back in the autumn and we may well see millions of people on strike so the idea is to build pressure so the government realise the working people the length and breadth of the u.k. i'm not just going to let them get away with what they're doing and we believe that pressure ultimately come forced them to change direction saying you won't just when
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they're having a chat with a few people in a room is one thing saying you want to go when there could be millions of. people to construction is entirely another we actually believe that the six million trade unionists plus the thousands and thousands or hundreds of thousands of pensioners and students all becoming a joint campaign is going to be politically very powerful already seen in britain a march of one hundred or five hundred thousand people three months ago transformed the political mood in this country really from march can do the power of the river walk it strikes actually do. watch the full interview with so what care in just twenty minutes time a lot. but also coming away tensions are still high over the long awaited changes in egypt's capital yet again which is boiling point as thousands of protesters accuse the interim government of a lack of action over the deaths caused by police in the recent revolt. and the
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history repeating itself find out about the hardships of the only nation of people forcibly displaced struggling to get back to their native land. for almost five years he's been the man at the helm of the u.s. military responsible for the billions of dollars of the flowed into the pentagon's coffers from washington now though secretary of defense robert gates is retiring even behind three wars and an ever growing defense budget with the director of the cia stepping into his shoes critics doubt will be much change in the pentagon's course college account reports. whoever's in the white house in the pentagon it's business as usual robert gates was secretary of defense to two different presidents obama was elected on a promise to end the wars of his predecessor george w. bush but america's worse continued and one more was even added to the plate of inconclusive campaigns leave when administrations change or change between
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parties there really isn't a great deal of change in the pentagon under robert gates his watch america's annual defense spending approach the trillion dollars rising at the pace of about five percent a year but statements from his office were often contradictory fan spending that nearly doubled the base budget over the last decade the gusher has been turned off and will stay off the u.s. is supposed to leave iraq by the end of the year but it seems that they had line is not final he gives all kinds of contradictory statements for instance not long ago he said that anyone who advise is to put u.s. land army in the middle of an asian conflict should have his head examined yet at the same time. he's done everything you can he's flown over several times to baghdad to leave with nouri al maliki government to that please please could
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u.s. soldiers day after the deadline at the end of this year the pentagon says they expect the iraqi government will ask them to stay beyond their scheduled december thirty first departure date but with the announced troop withdrawals from iraq and afghanistan the u.s. started actively waging a different kind of warfare what they call an intelligent war one that's waged with drones without sacrificing the lives of their soldiers in countries like pakistan yemen and libya and may. they say that's the major shift that happened in military operations under robert gates a shift that some say can only lead to more destruction. the united states has increased the intensity of the focus on pakistani terms of drone strikes those remotely piloted vehicles while targeting terrorists the us has been criticised quick killing mostly civilians it's also making us less secure from
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a policy standpoint we can intervene all over the world it just fuels insurgencies and fuels and i am americanism and always say the deaths of thousands of civilians in afghanistan are part of the reason why the us has failed at curbing insurgency there now the u.s. is preparing to pull out a third of its troops by the end of next year many afghans fear that less troops doesn't mean less bombs dropped on their homes as the u.s. steps up aerial strikes in the region the possibility of waging a war without having to justify the deaths of the american troops has become more palatable for the pentagon the cia has been at the forefront of america's undeclared wars and with a new secretary of defense leon panetta who was the head of the cia the trend is on likely to change i'm going to check our reporting from washington our team. egypt's
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interim leadership is facing the strain with renewed violence on the streets officials of all of the probe into clashes in cairo which have left more than a thousand people injured during two days of protests. at these used tear gas to disperse demonstrators who pelted offices with stones and firebombs the rest began over the slow pace of prosecutions of senior officials and police officers accused of brutality during the mass uprising for green activists also calling for the speedy opinion taishan reforms demanded you involves present. i mr pepe escobar says the office trying to change. the regime is still in place and the political parties and the political forces were articulating for the next elections they don't care about this they are just well again i sing to grab political power later on and do it young generation the connected deal employed young
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intellectuals of egypt now they're back in the streets again because they see that essentially nothing has changed these people who committed these atrocities in fact against civilians especially in february. are still at large and. i would say it's a fair bet that they won't be going to trial for the next few months because most of the people who are actually protecting them still there at the ministry of interior the problem is these new forces in egypt and young intellectuals the unemployed the corrected the facebook generation into your generation they still don't have the political participation organized as well but the fact is that the muslim brotherhood is already very well organized even do a progressive streak of the muslim brotherhood is splintering and forming their own political party because these younger muslim brotherhood people they seek that that
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the old generation is still conservative and that's absolutely true. if you've missed something that we've been covering on the air you can always find it online a couple more news in the eye catching begins at their future as well as a taste of how they manage regional prophecy by taking a peek we feel close but it seems that the sternness home so pose a health risk to new data reveals a high levels of radiation. found a very unlikely friendship and the russians were fox has adopted the roost instead of having it for dinner. or other videos tell you change. is easy to.
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believe. the official altie have location your phone on called talk from the top story. the law is on the go. video on demand parties in my old girls and already street now in the palm of your. auntie dot com. now to some of the international stories in brief this out it is a way that has been laid to next week's major summit of latin american and caribbean leaders as who will chavez is still recovering from surgery cuba comes off the state television show the fifty six year old talking to fidel castro deepening speculation over his health but also celebrations marking
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a two hundred year anniversary of what is what is independence from spain on the. and tonight president was rushed to notice his surgeon earlier this month suffering from a healthy abscess. the african union has condemned france for supplying weapons to the libyan rebels chief threatens to put regional risk on wednesday france became the first nato country to openly admit arming tribal fighters but struggle to topple colonel gadhafi heads of state from africa to meet an equatorial guinea late on thursday for a summit. is expected to be high on the agenda. and the first tropical storm of the atlantic hurricane season has brought the threat of floods and mudslides mexico's central gulf coast state companies are monitoring the situation ready to order the evacuation of oil platforms necessary at the rains have already been falling and forecasters say many parts of the country swarmed the
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central gulf coast region still recovering from a major flooding last year. almost seventy years ago an entire nation of people were displaced from their homeland four hundred thousand were scattered around the globe and even today are still not made to feel welcome in the country of their ancestors ortiz takes up the story. as it turns out this colorful ad which aired across the world was an inviting everyone and entire people can make their way back to georgia the land of their ancestors we heard him say bush we want to scum back to our land to miss hard to georgia that's what we've been dreaming of for many years there are some four hundred thousand people with this dream spread across the globe there have been left with no homeland mishaps and turks are often described as the twice deported people they were forcibly displaced first from georgia and then from respect is done and after
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almost seventy years of there are no magic exists. this their only hope now is that one day they will be able to return to their own age if it was the still in regime which deported over ninety thousand miss houghton turks to central asia in nine hundred forty four but they had to flee again after a violent ethnic was in his back is done in nine hundred eighty nine most of them now live in azerbaijan and turkey as well as russia and the united states georgia finally adopted a repatriation law under pressure from the european council in two thousand and seven but even four years on the law doesn't appear to have changed anything. georgia is in the regulation of the most stable of countries that's the first thing secondly they seem to realize they're not welcome there to come to an entirely new country that's going to be on everyone is capable of that. came into power but it was surrounded by so many bureaucratic barriers to collect so many documents that
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make coming back almost impossible the chairman of the world are getting his ation of metatron turks through the month but about cancer has traveled to georgia repeatedly in the fight to make the repatriation a lot more effective but last year saleman was arrested in georgia and imprisoned for less than years he was accused of forging documents and fraud but his supporters say the charges were trumped up charges that there is now prove that he's guilty i'm sure he was arrested for boys go on national his decrees and we can do anything to help him for now most miss hatten turks continue to leave a lot of scattered far from where they consider home and in distant lands their hopes of return still sim equally remote r.t. reporting from the north caucasus. but let the business update with korea.
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are welcome to our business and here in our right as a gas giant gazprom is holding an. annual general meeting today the company has announced that me crease its investment program to record high level now for more details i'm joined by. the gas head hello marina what are all the key issues of this meeting. well we are expecting to hear about record breaking dividends gas problem is proposing to give out just under four rubles per se air this year and that is a sixty one percent increase from two thousand and nine and if it is approved gas from says it will it will be the biggest amount of money ever given in corporate history they're also changing their roles as far as how and when they will be given out the dividends shareholders can expect to receive the money up to sixty days from the moment the decision is made and it will be the store simultaneously to all of the shareholders now it's when it's our results for gaspar were positive sales
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revenue went up twenty six percent to one hundred eighteen billion rubles dollars and that was historically low but now gas from is looking ahead they're planning to increase or spending to accommodate higher spot prices and higher demand in europe there will be racing output and export volumes and production is now forecasts arise two percent to an estimated five hundred nineteen billion cubic meters of gas for twenty eleven and of course there will also be increase in their investment so record forty four billion dollars and the directors expect this year's average to rise about twenty two percent to about fifty eight billion dollars and all of these decisions will of course be made with a new board of directors who will be elected later today. ok marina thanks very much marion acosta reporting from gas prongs headquarters in moscow. well russia is about to realize its biggest investment dream the country's newly
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created ten billion dollars fund will come up with the first projects in september the head of the fund has outlined its investment priorities. agricultural prices are increasing dramatically so our grid business is very important health care. health care can be much more efficient and can be improved dramatically with proper investments i was proper know how energy efficiency we all know that we are so much dependent on energy prices and there are all sorts of new energy efficient technologies that produce very significant cost savings so it's not venture project it's lot were early stage projects so for the projects where we can see sort of predictable cash flow and such as energy efficiency it will produce good results but also good for the country. now let's take a look at the markets now all continues with gains after rallying two percent on wednesday the increase followed a u.s. inventories report showed a sharp decline that surpassed expectations light sweet is trading at around ninety
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five dollars per barrel and brant is trading at around one hundred twelve dollars now eighteen she has pulled higher on thursday with hong kong leading the advance that's up and greece moved closer to receiving more aid to avoid a sovereign default japan's nikkei is trading up more than point three percent among japanese lenders mitsubishi financial group gained over two and a half percent while sumitomo mitsui financial group tacked on one point nine percent tokyo listed shares of citi group were up two point three zero point three percent after the lenders us talk and did well with we have to set some airlines lost ground on from all prices china southern airlines down to half percent and hong kong. here in moscow the r.t.s. on one half a percent hi adam isaacs will stop trading in just a few minutes now it closed half a percent in the black on wednesday and the growth was mainly supported by energy stocks. now greece's approval of the hotly debated austerity plan has some
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tensions on the markets however said again at deutsche bank believes other events will have great. positive or to linger because i'm most impressed even knew told me my construct in the past few feet in the past several days but on the other investors cold put on the full problem sold well multi p.s. at least one the next several months the most important so after three quarts will be in the ample quantities and in the us on the thirtieth of june and the first on the content and the start of course for the reports and susan in the states for the second quarter we expect this will take me down all the good he called this fact this will fly in the time to hold the markets in the beginning like. that's his business is i have for you you can always find most stories just log on to our website r.t. dot com. in
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