tv [untitled] June 30, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT
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three. three. three. three. videos for your media drug free media a gun to our teeth on tom. welcome back here's a recap of the top stories we're covering for you on our team the greek parliament has taken the final step towards receiving crucial your gang bailout funds the government has voted on a detailed plan to implement the country's second away by the sturdy pressures its business by public assistance in the two days of rioting the more than three hundred people injured leg the u.k. raises itself for mass disruption as hundreds of thousands of public sector workers
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prepare for twenty four hours of industrial action for their less modern fund changes to pay and pensions thousands of teachers civil servants and a border control officers say the plans mean the work brain reducing. the moscow points to double standards of the new ran over the organization's position on syria say the crisis warrants a peaceful solution foreign minister sergey lavrov says the security council should not be calling for action while ignoring one describes as a civil war in yemen. well next we talk to british union leader mark said walker says public sector workers won't stop until they achieve their goals. today i'm talking to mark swartz because he's one of the brains behind the thirtieth of june nationwide strikes in the u.k. he's head of the public and commercial services union he's three hundred thousand
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members are walking out of a proposed reforms to the pension scheme mr walker thanks for talking to r.t. today now this is part of a wider plan to cut public spending in this country just how drastic are these cuts going to be gives an impression of what they might mean for the cuts of the biggest most people will have seen in their lifetime are projected to mean half a million jobs lost in the public sector six hundred thousand jobs in the private sector as a direct result we're seeing changes in the delivery of welfare cuts in funding of education for for young people and also a tax on people's pensions in addition to in many of the communities up and down the country will see libraries close cuts in social care services everything that people have taken for granted over yours is ultimately addressed you seem to see these cuts in terms of right and wrong almost a moral position but isn't there a blossom line that has to be respected for example they didn't reform and soon it
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looks like they might be able to afford teachers or nurses. in greece this is the fifth largest economy in the world and if you look at historically the british economy for fifty consecutive years from one thousand nine hundred on words our debt as a proportion of our g.d.p. was double what it is now then we millions of houses we have schools hospitals well first recognizing actually economically these cuts now if you will make it worse far better to cut the deficit by employing people who don't pay tax and insurance rather than throw them onto welfare where actually they depress the economy and we can make things worse you've said that the government cuts are now just attack working people. but how do you think this strikes your pacing will affect the. ruling class is what having three quarters of a million people from four different unions on strike is something to have this hasn't happened in this country for decades it's the start not the finish to the government is if they try to ignore will come back in the autumn when we may well
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see millions of people on strike so the idea is to build pressure so the government realise that working people the length and breadth of the u.k. i'm not just going to let them get away with what they're doing and we believe that pressure ultimately can force them to change direction the government's bill for pensions at the moment is around thirty billion pounds which does seem excessive a lot of money how do you suggest that they would use this i don't think they should reduce it i'm quite clear that retirement of dignity and old age where you don't have to struggle to make ends meet should be what we aspire for in the first richest country in the world and so my view is public sector pensions and all pension provision is important and instead of a risk to the bottom where we see the worst pension provision in the private sector becoming the model i'd like to see a rise in the pension provision and saying it's a priority for people to have a decent retirement could be done in many ways cutting the renewal of trident for
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example would save us enough money to pay for those pensions for three or four years in the tax code where the richest people in britain avoid paying over one hundred billion a year we actually mean these pensions look fairly cheap in comparison and you mentioned the private sector and a lot of private sector workers say that actually the public sector has a very good deal when it comes to pensions a lot better than a lot of private provision do you think there's really public support for what you're doing poorly opinion polls seem to tell us already a majority of people actually believe the public sector pensions are important arriving at the right level or should even be higher that's incredible when you think of the propaganda we've had over the last two years from politicians in the media telling everybody the public sector pensions are the cause of people. problem my message to private sector workers is they are being exploited by their shareholders and by the company chiefs not by public sector workers pensions and we should have a campaign that seeks to drive all pension levels up not cut down to the worst what you'll pull similarly what would you accept in terms of pension reform well i
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personally believe that it is not acceptable to make anyone to pay a penny more for their pension when the valuation of public sector pension schemes say they are costing less because it's not about pensions it's about raising taxes to solve the deficit i don't believe people should be forced to work longer i don't believe people should have the levers of their pension slashed so where we are in the talks at the moment unless the government fundamentally accepts they have to talk about those things and i believe the industrial action is going to take place you have said in fact that the government doesn't look like it's prepared to negotiate so what's the point of striking. from the point is to change their mind and saying you won't negotiate just when they're having a chat with a few people in a room is one thing saying you want to go see it when they could be millions of people taking strike action is entirely another and we actually believe that the six million trade unionists plus the thousands and thousands or hundreds of thousands of pensioners and students all becoming a joint campaign is going to be prolifically very powerful we've already seen in
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britain a march of one hundred five hundred thousand people three months ago transformed the political mood in this country all of a march going to our viewers will look at strikes actually to how exactly do you think that march changed political needs is transformed in that it was on the front page of the newspapers it was on every t.v. station and it gave people a confidence that however small the community and i have a small they've seen for example keeping a library they understood they were part of a much much wider problem and i think that's given us confidence to move from a march to now for unions ballots and members of members voting overwhelmingly for a strike so it's. clearly transforming not just people's confidence but the opinion polls clearly are shifting whereas a majority before survey a poor strikes now in the most recent polls a majority says they are sympathetic to the crisis that we're seeing in the me it was called certainly in part reckless financial services sector do you think there
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is political will now to create a more responsible banking community. where i would always question whether the exists when the carbon was twenty three multi-millionaires and when they have cabinet members themselves who have benefited in the past by playing fast and loose with paying their taxes all ego clearly not morrow therefore i don't actually believe it yet there is a political will of this government to actually ensure that the rich should pay for the problems that the rich coursed but the banking sector should pay for the problems the banking sector caused and as we're doing this interview who goes on fifteen thousand pounds a year struggling to make ends meet they don't have holidays facing having their pensions slashed when they see bankers who are already millionaires trousering millions more and they want to says that's got to be fundamentally unfair since the crisis began into a new war in a foreign country and recently the air force just said that he needed more money to sustain a campaign in libya and also. do you think there's
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a moral vacuum in westminster that causes these kinds of things to happen that the government would cut spending and enter into another war which is what i think there is a politico consistency quite clearly we've been told there were strapped for cash everything that we hold dear has to be slashed and yet we can still talk about renewing trident and fighting wars overseas irrespective of the cost my own view is that the war in afghanistan and the current war in libya. misjudged what people claim are about and we should actually find a way out of those pretty quickly not make the situation in those countries worse as well as at the same time. take valuable resources that could go into schools and hospitals and finally you office that number at unison the country's biggest unit is stressing this wave of industrial action that carries orders given to the op said are you prepared to join us oh absolutely we we've made it clear that i was struggling is the start of
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a process we want more and more people to be involved not because we want to be on strike because we want the government to set up and take notice so i very much welcome the comments of the apprentice in unison and we want to work very closely with him and all the other trade unions in britain to ensure that when working people are making a protest approach this is politics it is possible because it's designed to get the government to change their minds months look thank you very much like you. lose sleep sleep.
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faced it this is not a prohibition little or no. before which it surely has just everybody is sure the supreme retreat because they have no idea about the hardships the face to. face one it this is it is all of them to. it's in the ledger in the army to life liberty you see that is the most precious thing in the world. lead the use of some since resigned to the terrorism the those who understands it fully admit you have to live a celebrity mind stories from would need. to be true nineteen forty five don't. be official she on vacation jolie slowly pulled from the jump street. journal
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she is on the good. video on demand. she's among the old girls. in the russian streets now in the palm of your. column. on stories on our team greek parliament has taken the final step towards receiving crucial in europe beyond bailout funds the government has voted on a detailed plan to have one of the country's second wave of a sturdy measures those men met by public assistance for two days of driving and moving more than three hundred people injured leg into the u.k. braces itself for mass destruction as hundreds of thousands of public sector workers prepare for a twenty four hours of industrial action for their responses a lot of changes pay and pensions thousand six hundred first civil servants and four of control officers say that the plants need
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a more work break reduced have hit the last four points to double standards at the us over the organization's position on syria saying the crisis warrants a simple solution foreign minister sergey lavrov says the security council is should not be calling for action while ignoring what he describes as a civil war in yemen. are those stories in detail in fifteen minutes time but first all the latest in sports. well i thank you for joining me for this quarter and guess what i'm not. the last to reassure up the beach while kotzebue lisicki going to have wimbledon final since two thousand and four thanks to check the records of. what's called the winners circle which becomes the first russia to cross the gulf just over three hours.
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up in the air i find fault with one driver not whether the sides are targeted korea but pilots. the first to tennis and maria sharapova has avoided an upset by coming from three left and concertina sits in straight sets to go through to have first wimbledon final since two thousand and four the russian made a woeful start of the in-form german took the first three games but despite a. thirteen double faults it's recovered to find her form and power back to take the first set six four then did a similar job in the second set to really six three this is a match in just under an hour and a half drop of a has yet to drop a set to go into post this sounds like. one hell of a check out cricket over eight seeded lefthander face victoria azarenka valorise and a solid forty winners who eventually regained upper hand in this back and forth match
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as a rank that double pole to go down to the top six was to stick to victory both were competing in the maiden grand slam finals as well since so recently we've only been losing traction. i think anybody. you know because she's right now she has really good game you know she really go for it in the she's going to play like this so it should go today i'm sure she turned to him. which has finally managed to defy the elements and has become the first rushing. along as across the gulf in record time just three hours. reports. after much frustration it finally seen so peach here might be able to stand his attempt to kite serve across the gulf opinion but with the conditions that hindered him up till now and even now in what was his latest efforts the elements were once again proving to be unfavorable as distinct lack of wind was always going to prove
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a problem however he made a promising start and what seemed no time at all he was already miles away from a stone in coastline and his coach aleksey was pleased with his progress a quarter of the way through the eighty kilometer journey with the wind is pretty quiet but according to forecast should pick up at the once we get closer to full with a lack of wind continue to cause peter problems so much so he fell into the water as there wasn't enough wind to keep his kind airborne however he was soon back on his board as a finish coastline which is also his finishing line through ever close this hole challenger is a completely new experience for the twenty four year old russian he may be a world champion can't surf but normally he's used to performing tricks over a short period of time in good conditions and not home to surf a distance of around eighty kilometers with the elements against him as he who is
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pete best actually with the other wing drops so i was barely he didn't go in there luckily there was a child in the way so i got it right as you. have in this coil the pressure in the feet and the way it was up or down laws i had to go up with a bit so. not surprisingly he was shattered after his endeavors as he had to work doubly hard due to the lack of wind however he cannot relax completing his fantastic feats has been a fine effort to are once again the weather conditions haven't been on pages side for lack of when really he. during his progress but nonetheless he's become the first russians or price of across the gulf of finland an impressive time of just over three hours he may have completed this challenge how the preacher has no intention of putting the streets are still wants to underline his status as one of the world's best kind surfers but also in the future try to kite serve down the river nearby in his native simpy just richard ample fleet artsy been and that's a boxing and thirteen year klitschko says he wants unification back against david
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haye to go down to the wire and fight at targets his fiftieth career knocked out on saturday the other kids go brother turned up to see his public workout ahead of the showdown but the briton didn't reveal any of his tactics for the match the w.b.c. world champion trained in an unusual sas course stance and how much during the session nor did he stay to watch the i.p.f. and champion slug it out with sparring partner hayes in your face attitude was good enough reason for coach co to wish that meeting will be a long time for experience for his rival. will not or is the maiden and gives them a duty and they will of course you see a pretty good all see that's my wish for last two years now. there's going to be a long twelve hours for the hay in the last in the final round there will knock him out and he's going to be number fifty. football now and if relegation and the cross city defection of their manager once enough more misery could be in store for english club and city as their own
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a cause and young has been charged with money laundering in his native hong kong the thirty one year old businessman appeared in boston faces five counts of the offense totaling more the ninety million u.s. dollars however young doesn't think any of the charges will affect the club he bought two years ago betting on claims their first trophy in forty eight years last season by beating arsenal to lift the league top notch they failed to survive in the premier league and lost and manager alex mcleish to arch rivals aston villa earlier this month. i was saying with all the information i lost the coach and recovery of his being named as the new manager of bottom side previous of it off in the russian premier league year old has a three year deal offering sides as dinallo boss last year he's expected to drastically restore the portions of the some are assigned some think it's pretty to sort out it's on the time of sale to do it on the spot on tuesday competently as chainmail parking tickets to fellow strugglers spot acknowledging the weekend that sent the science to the bottom. drug korea were losing take our one to know about
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cancer extend their leads to four points at the top over the knees and could only manage a goal destroyed and to cut back altogether twenty three goals were scored in eight games on sunday and with the russian top flight now takes a month long summer break let's recap all those strikes is called a little. live
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i. i. and finally there may still be a week to go before the next formula one race mark webber says he's in the right form to once again when the british grand prix at silverstone and as it turns out this is not the australians on the ambition but actual malice determine just what his drivers helmet for pilots cannot but hopefully he won't be doing it forever and a flying license is a top item on his wish list weather has been given his first lesson at london's heathrow airport however he'll have to stay on the ground if he's to put any pressure on teammate and afghan leader sebastian vettel i feel very confident that it was over the off the back of a pretty solid result or saw
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a couple of goals actually so i feel the wind right strong is very very good as other half of it is. suicidal otherwise last year is so totally different i suppose that i totally feel like it's a very special and prestigious race here that critical praise always attracted over hundred thousand really every every race. and that's all the sports news series last time.
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