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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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ladies and gentlemen it's time to mess with texas because everything's bigger in texas even the body parts the t.s.a. is still groping we've got alex jones with us tonight on the latest failures of the texas legislature to stand up to big sis and the t.s.a. to the scanners exposed as having a somewhat less than texas size. resistance we've got more from my space a lot more bridge from china predator drones kicked out of pakistan justin timberlake sprad business this is in california trying to kill online commerce and obama's addict oh yeah and this one time at boot camp i had this crazy dream that
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one day i would be on television hosting a show called adam vs the man. a what's one more war at this point we've got our rock afghanistan pakistan and yemen libya and now some mali yes resentment is soaring we're on the verge of default our dollar is worthless no one can find a job and we have way too many bullets on hand to do something with them so why not smaller apparently a us drone strike on the militant group al-shabaab to targets but they skate their lives but don't worry the ammunition did get spent. the u.s.
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suspects that also bob is expanding its operations outside of somalia as this becomes another in a series of drone strikes throughout the globe no word yet on what kind of blowback to expect except for pakistan where at the shaanxi base in baluchistan pakistan which has been a base of operations for cia don't drone strikes against u.s. targets in the region but apparently isn't anymore pakistan has ordered u.s. military to g t f o and it sees all drone strikes from shamsi relations with pakistan have deteriorated greatly since the tearing and courageous video game narrative of bin laden's defeat by seal team six afterwards the united states government insinuated pakistani involvement in bin laden's long invasion of u.s. forces which. inevitably sent pakistan into a bit of a diplomatic and diplomatic temper tantrum isn't interventionism fun we could start
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a new war every year at this rate it least until we default on the debt and i say every year i'm always saying you know obama's got the regis for two thousand and eleven. what was i thinking anyway here's a fun fact i figured out the real reason osama's body was dumped in the sea so quickly i have to bet here at least the real reason was probably that one of the seals on ship on the right home got a little bit drunk and seen bin laden's body mistook him for one of his own and drew a penis on a space all right you know that other war the one no one talks about you know it's . slip in my mind. the so many it it happens you know let's see a little word association or sand bullets insurgents in iraq yes the the iraq war it turns out we haven't exactly made saddam's old stomping grounds all
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that safe for freedom it was revealed by the new york times that deaths this month are at a three year high for u.s. servicemen with eighteen dead for the month of june this is the highest number we've seen since june of two thousand and eight when a total of twenty three marines and soldiers were killed there and while the narrative at home is painted that the combat mission is over fifty thousand american men and women remain in iraq and they remain in harm's way don't you just wish we could go back to those peaceful days after nine eleven were when we were only in one war and at least kind of knew what we were doing there ok on to north korea jingoist i am certainly not but north korea such an crazy government and you don't have to be a neo con to see that so it should come as some surprise or. maybe not that the us taxpayer funded united nations has named north korea to chair
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a conference on any the drumroll here really disarmament that's right him dunghill a rabid chihuahua of a man with a penchant for looking at things leads the same north korea that often threatens to start world war three and has twice tested nuclear weapons not that the united states government has ever done that except for hiroshima and oh yeah and i was socking away but those were tests that we've conducted thousands of tests. so you think i'm not working for the u.s. government so i'm in a position to criticize that same north korea that fantasizes about conquering japan and defeating the evil capitalists if only we had a few more of those here so why are we funding the united nations to the tune of twenty five percent of their budget again and be nice if the productive members of
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western society were actually getting pissed off enough to get off their butts and protest but those pesky jobs that require actual products of the can get in the way sometimes but the government called public unions continue to have a monopoly in that area yes and it over in europe our friends in the united big brother kingdom are seeing a string of angry protests from the national union of teachers association of teachers and lecturers university and college union and the p.c.'s about seven hundred fifty thousand public sector workers over pension reform of course when you have monopolies to government for critical functions and never really get chaos and conflict on the other hand the government is claiming that more employees are showing up for work that was expected with after the call for these strikes but i guess some of them realize that while the rest of the globe is increasingly unemployed maybe they shouldn't bite the taxpayer hand that feeds them and in
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china i don't yesterday we reported on a new bridge made here made in california or made in china imported to california in pieces to the tune of about four hundred million dollars and when that happened the. record holder for the longest ridge in the world was the lake poland train cars away in louisiana but it is now been eclipsed by over three miles by a new bridge in china yes they make them longer in china it is twenty six point four miles open just today and links china's eastern port city of with the offer island of long doubt so if you ever want to make that drive instead of a boat trip now you can the bridge has five thousand pillars and is one hundred ten feet wide so yes they make them wonder in china now one more way in which the american economy has been eclipsed by our conference to the east ok
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most people usually are speaking figuratively when they talk about crappy government service but they're probably referring to entities and agencies other than the washington metropolitan area transit authority a government run monopoly that actually is covered in fecal matter at least ok maybe that's a side exaggeration but that was the case this weekend or this earlier this week of the franconia springfield station so how to tell if you're on the d.c. metro and certainly the best indicator would be the perpetually out of order at school years but now just keep an eye out for the human feces on the walls on monday a commuter found crap smeared across the walls of the pedestrian bridge leading into the station two days later still there maybe the government employees want to add some aroma to the area you know will atmosphere or maybe they're embracing
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their reputation for crappy service going with a fickle wallpaper theme but when you have no vested interest in the economic success of the enterprise you're a part of. why not work extra hard to keep those pesky customers away we complain in this case at least one of them told the examiner that he spoke to the station manager on monday about from countering the well for the response it's not metro's problem they've been clued up however when government employees spring into action two days later after being pressed by the examiner turns out that because the virginia railway express own the stairs connecting the walkway metro felt it was best to just ignore the problem so equally the complaint question why it wasn't a metro is duty but they couldn't just contact the staff both sides so that generally metro managers don't reach out to be are
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a very janitorial teams and both sides must go through a chain of command you know like in the military and that chain of command will get right on that little unemployment issue in most a few months as soon as they're done scraping the rest of the crap off the boards in two thousand and five rupert murdoch's news corp it's the same guy who wants the biggest chunk of fox news next to that saudi prince but my space for five hundred eighty million dollars turned out to be a horrible investment you recently tried to sell it for one hundred million dollars but had to settle for thirty five from justin timberlake and specific media a california based digital advertising agency my space is that in two thousand and three and peaked in two thousand and eight was seventy six million monthly u.s. visitors currently facebook has about seven hundred million monthly users worldwide and my space is down to about thirty five million. according to relate quote there
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is a need for a place where fans can go to interact with their favorite entertainers listen to music watch videos share and discover cool stuff and just connect and my space has the potential to be that place. i thought we had facebook for that anyway justin will have the resources to do it according to civic media c.e.o. tim vander hook j.t. will have his own office at nice but he said cordes and beverly hills and about a staff or staff of about half a dozen to bring his ideas to life before this nice place was already down to about five hundred employees before this particular sale which according to a leak from within the company at that number in half will see if there's an artistic genius is enough to turn it around but i doubt it and he said nice place has the potential to be that space but i'm going to go out here and boldly make the british and then in the future that space will just be the internet itself out of
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what we call social networking right now takes place within specific social networking websites eventually the need for centralization of social networking services will become completely unnecessary sooner or later someone's going to develop an open source social networking system that will be the end of even facebook or whatever site happens to be down in the time an open source social networking system will allow users to have standards of code between computers that fulfill all the current functions of facebook and my space and possibly even twitter without the need for a centralized system. and it will allow for the development of apps without approval by a central authority oh and those crazy banner ads you know that. kind of responsible for killing my space in the first place that took forever to load probably won't have to worry about those and at least the system that i'm envisioning call me crazy but i think that's the future of the interim webs not justin timberlake
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revival of my space and other internet news california is busy killing online commerce starting friday and a new state law will demand sales tax from all internet retail purchases made by california customers the move has been in use the acidly backed by government called big boxes like wal-mart the orwellian named california state board of equalization estimates that the state sanctioned that can raise california's overlords it leased an additional two hundred million dollars a year however the move inspired amazon to terminate its affiliate advertising program with twenty five thousand other sites really seen this letter to their affiliates the bill specifically imposes the collection of taxes from consumers on sales by online retailers including but not limited to those referred by california based marketing affiliates like you even if those retailers have no physical presence in the state we oppose this bill because it is unconstitutional and
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counterproductive it is supported by big box retailers most of which are based outside california that seek to harm the affiliate out of arson programs of their competitors similar legislation in other states is lead to job an income losses and little if any new tax revenue we deeply regret that we must take this action. gov jerry wesley mouch round called the new tax common sense unfortunately still fails to recognize that coddling public unions and spending money as passive and returns it is not how much sense why is it that whenever a government overlords present us with a new fascist policy another invasion into our privacy or another incursion on our liberties they insist on throwing the common sense line into the discussion when obama wants to take some freedom away it's usually in the name of common sense it was common sense to renew the patriot act it was common sense to pass obamacare mandates it was how incense to rescue the financial system and germany was
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a democracy when hitler rose to power i guess and people found policies to be common sense and once again in california where it's common sense to have the chinese build their bridges it's common sense to put the most efficient online businesses and a competitive disadvantage all right when we come back when we come back we'll have the latest from alex jones a let's going down with a fight over the t.s.a. in texas and a little bit about obama being a dick on m.s.n. b.c. will have some clips coming right up about that you're watching adam vs the man states. she is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al jazeera . and. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to the u.s.
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. but given that we had an apartheid regime. i think. either one. whenever. they are safe get ready to get their freedom. from them.
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well go back to adam first says the man and now this one time. oh oh. i wasn't it was my animation it was my animation and there were no props there what's come on this dude i don't know if you noticed but we're not allowed to play the marine corps him either are him yelling or that we say. we should solve can wait a second but i'll tell you why you don't worry don't worry i'm not going to make take saying thank you i'll remember you making fun of me for my little rants about intellectual property rights and what a government scam they are is well now because of government imposed intellectual property rights and you can't play the marine corps him and me yeah well apparently
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someone has sued somebody and the network told us today that we're having some issues we can't even play clips from full metal jacket and i really can't like our movie how are we going to compete with the internet i don't know i know our movie of all that using government of the united states another useless law which infringing on us being marines awesome but now it's like there's using it as a weapon to mess with our t. and the law and the interpretate i mean it's like the i.r.s. code you know you make it so big and again it was targeted intellectual property rights and other government scam but. we're talking about i want to call you out on something here because i found out other than the like if you voted for obama you also have something very much in common with them. that i have nothing in common with barack obama if you're had not totally robert gates ass. the best secretary defense ever like of course well obama seems to agree with you just
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gave him the presidential medal and rightly so but like oh go think it to or is four and a half years no victories well whatever listen best we've ever had i like gates he's been he's got a good thing for families and he's never got a good thing and i'm criticizing some wasteful defense spending so i. i got to say even obama can get a couple things right here and there ok and then all that money is really being spent well well no it's not but do you do you know about this story ok so it's of the others yeah do you know that this last year that the d.o.t. spent twenty billion dollars on air conditioners and he. had provided for air conditioning for troops out of iraq and afghan ninety billion dollars that is more this is more than all of nasa has budgeted you know i would make fun of the thought it's in iraq and i was one of the guys outside on the street and hundred ten degree weather it was like to go inside where they're all sit around their computers with play to let's go live here like go kitty yeah go rub it in the iraqis faces way
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it's a hundred twenty five out there but it's feels like canada in here well you know thank god for air conditioners i mean god knows we've got to have the troops there forever i well we wanted to end tonight's one time a boot camp on a serious note because it appears that veterans suicide rates are still on the rise and it's it's a real tragedy but i just want to say for all the veterans out there you know this is something i've worked on as a number of iraq veterans against the war something i really believe in in terms of appears important coming together is that even if it's just random crap like this and tell our stories and get the word out and make sure that you are able to deal with your experiences we recently saw the suicide of a veteran who was even involved in a lot of these causes and ended up taking his own life so let me just say it's all the guys out there you know what get involved get politically active don't let your frustrations people out a lot because we will need you one of these days to help us overthrow the government and we will need your military nonviolently nonviolently of course but
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seriously stay active staying here you can go to federici or you can go to veterans for ron paul and veterans for rethinking afghanistan to get organized and iraq and afghanistan veterans of america as a nonpolitical way is a great place to get connected with a community of veterans so please veterans take care of yourselves and for those of you who are watching who are not veterans make sure that they have someone there to listen to them. through own. someone. else. shot. and killed. that was the health ranger mike adams own rap song don't touch my junk yes and joining me now for the latest on the t.s.a.
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wranglings with the state of texas and some of the recent revelations about cancer and naked body scanners is none other than the host of the alex jones so and prison planet dot com and infowars dot com alex jones alex thanks so much for being with us tonight and i'm it's great to be here with you now and i'm really glad that we have we have a number of stories i want to talk about but that we do have the time to get into these a bit with you because we've seen the there was a plea deal for the airport screener assault case for the man that was was taunted over over his penis size isn't right they repeatedly made fun of him over and over again in front of coworkers and he asked for help and they just continued in their abusive culture that they use against the service and against him so he finally hauled off and attacked the guy and then he gets in trouble now now they've pretty much put up to probation but i mean i'm sorry just a crime of passion and if you're being verbally assaulted and being naked body and
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and and and the systems are doing anything about it to to account for it well i want to ask you specifically with this with this story because you know from my time in the military from what i've seen about when when a culture within an organization becomes programmed for a certain kind of abuse or disregard for rights it's usually turned on the members of that organization to does this tell us anything about t.s.a. organizational culture well that's exactly where i was going they call people in town for years rebuilding an army of idiots control freaks pedophiles because good people the last few years they call them in and show you are you concerned about the radiation and when they say yes they're given a pink slip a few weeks later if their surname about groping or given questionnaires every few months and if they complain that they're given a pay. schlepping so all you get left with is people that will do whatever they're told and then treat us like we're crazy when we get upset at their groping our
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daughters or sons or why ourselves and so absolutely they're forging really a legion of old bully control freaks that are now betting they're going to turn loose on the straights of the united states there on the streets of many areas show this should be done through social engineering the big szish they're creating they're creating the organization that they want to do the real jobs that they want but i want to move on here and ask about two specific stories from infowars dot com new documents prove the t.s.a. mischaracterize safety aspects of full body scanners and cancer surges in body scanner operators t.s.a. wants is cover up now this is out already on the internet thanks thanks to the work that you're doing. and this is really disturbing but no surprise to anybody who's paying any attention to the government's history of line. how are they how do you think they're going to be able to cover this up or is it a totally futile attempt at this point. well it goes back to what you just talked
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about organizational training to be abusive blowing back it turns out that five airports going back to late two thousand and two boston logan amongst them put in the naked body scanners and they started having cancer clusters just a few years later and there's now been a five year coverup and epic of the free speech. rochebrune they did before requesting got the documents that congress couldn't even get where they were doing the radiation meter testing and showing that it was hard levels not just inside the scanners but outside and so basically the whole area is like living inside of a you know microwave oven over time and that the cancer clusters are just off the charts at these airports where they've you know adam for you know more than just two years most of the country just got in the last year but five airports got in the last seven and eight and so it shows the cold blooded nature of homeland security and shirt off and others that just want to make money off of these systems
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you know former head of homeland security orders the machines leaves and then goes to you know head up one of the biggest companies i mean this is just clear corruption out the open a cold blooded lee have now known for many years then it is killing their people and they know this and are covering it up as they plea for help they just basically let them go and say go get your chemotherapy they'll be in a pine box soon because we think of you as trash just like the public now this must be really vindicating for you and for your cause you've taken this up. as a project in texas the legislation the discount passed you said it got it was gutted as a version of the original bill that would have made groping and illegal assault in texas more or less but there's still a specific provision here is it really useless. well there was a new house version of the new senate version and it basically stated well
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now we can say reasonable suspicion but then they define reasonable suspicion of not that you pull somebody over for a broken tell i'd so he's beating on the truck chain l.t. l.t. and that's reasonable suspicion probable cause you don't even know. it's just saying that we have reasonable suspicion you're in an airport and that now we can grow to you and so basically rick perry wanted to politically say he supported this but every time at the senate level and then at the house level in the legislature when it was about to pass the real bill that was very strong and the and that texas was proud he would have a lieutenant governor or the speaker of the house both republican minions perry and again perry is as phony as a three dollar bill he was al gore's former chief of. ok i'll let you get started on rick perry alex because we wish we could do also on and on rick perry coming up as the bill the bird selected presidential candidate as
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a possibility or is that some really scary stuff as well but if there's anything we can do from washington d.c. to press this try to help you bring up and i hope that what comes out of these stories that you brought to light to get some real change on this issue now that now that we've seen that the cancer is i think a lot of the tide the tide is turning just as a fan and others thought send thank you alice people great work all right thank you so that was alex jones with info wars dot com now we have a little mayhem over the from the from the left part nation on m.s.n. b.c. from morning joe. i want to characterize how i thought the president behaved but he was kind of a dick yesterday by the way that. the way that what do you do it i think the president i can't i can't believe i wasn't. sure but i think seriously you can't tell me i did but i was just. i like to hear more of you know.
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ok ok the reaction one more time and the follow up but i can't believe. i did but it was just. let's hear more of you know. this is the sort of thing that we don't allow to happen on this show. we pride ourselves on not being like on the show. right one more time let's see the formal reaction i'm sorry i'm sorry the viewers certainly me can i also apologize our kids watch yes they call it boring joe. so do the kids of america we certainly have no no. it's not about appropriate on any level. and again we all apologize we apologize for the entire show profoundly sorry as well i'm sorry i will tell you we're.


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