tv [untitled] July 1, 2011 4:01am-4:31am EDT
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just to tell you that the supreme court. they are trying to negotiate with us a deal. we will take care of the court what does it means is it is controlled by those countries. which attack us. the son of the libyan leader explains why he believes the international criminal court is biased and corrupt after an arrest warrant from the dumphy family was issued. greece puts a number of national companies on the market but even then just to get the country back on track the people say it's a sellout and. who are the government accountable trade on your own american citizens he was born right here on american soil you this is a damn shame the f.b.i. sting operation sees three men each get twenty five years behind bars raising questions about u.s.
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tactics and fighting only grown terror. around the world and around the clock with world news and much more this is r.t. moscow has raised concern over france's admission that its military supplied weapons to rebels in libya russia's foreign minister said the move could be seen as a serious violation of the u.n. arms embargo is the first time a nato member has owned up to supplying weapons to libya. at the beginning of a campaign when one date short of authorizing a ground invasion and arming sides allowing military action only to protect civilians that hasn't gone completely to plan with the alliance already confirming multiple civilian casualties caused by strikes the international criminal courts issued a warrant for the arrest of colonel gadhafi and his son saif islam for the crackdown
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on protesters. but in an exclusive interview to r.t. the office son said the court is not impartial to this core. of court the sentence or against against. capital punishment so they decided to kill me and to commit another and they did kill my brother and they destroyed my house so i have been made. to execute you so now you are talking about arrest me i mean you did three months ago and so to kill me and you are after me every day you are trying to to find me and to give me over they are my brother so is the world number two just to tell you that it's a free court. they are trying to negotiate with us a deal of this the we will take care of the court what does mean. is the
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court is controlled by those countries. which attack us every day it's just part of psychological political pressures that are charged by the international criminal court with the design in quotation as state policy aimed at deterring in quelling by any means including by the use of lethal force the demonstrations of civilians against gadhafi regime which started in february two thousand and eleven this is a policy exist. come on they accuse me of killing people everybody knows even bibles themselves they're not accusing me of using force because i'm not in the in the army i'm not in the government so for me to be responsible for killing people it was a big joke second to the people who died at the beginning one hundred fifty nine a lot of the people died when the attack with the site and this would happen anywhere and anywhere in the world in russia in america in france in germany and
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italy if. people in the street move towards a military side trying to steal an election or arms the military would prevent this what happened in benghazi who are these people later on we found. most of them they belong to groups but it was too late of a direct question did you or your father. the army to kill protesters of course not this number one no second. my father. called the general bob but there isn't because you know he's one of the leaders of the whatever we called him and called him around the corner. we've told him many times don't use force with people he told us but
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they are attacking the mid-size it's very difficult situation who did order nobody nobody the guards fired but the fire that was the guards were surprised by the attacking people and they start firing. order to work to defend themselves and to defend their. camps. but you can see more of our exclusive interview in the next few hours here on r.t. or you can always find it on our website at r.t. dot com. greece is now set for a lifeline from the e.u. after parliament passed a vote on how to implement tough new austerity measures but cuts tax hikes for a condition for twelve billion euros in additional rescue cash however the move sent thousands of angry protesters onto the streets of athens and there's artie's sara first reports plans to sell off the greek assets to the highest you better but
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also fanning the flames. greece is not for sale the message from a furious public has plans to sell off many greek assets pushes ahead its way through incredibly proud of their heritage many people feel that the privatization proposals be simply stripping greece that is public. attention at the grabs for the lenders banks water companies and train operators amongst many more a stake in the large telecommunications company aig he is also a sale with the. there's been a continuous crime. for the past twenty years they've sold off our companies piece by piece and now we only own a small percentage but that small stake is extremely important to the greek people but they want to sell even that. is a huge can for the present government who were heavily opposed to the sale of shares when they were acting as a position. they called it
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a national crime when the previous government sold shares now they want to do the same and sell the shares now at a low price we don't think we'll see investment or any development of it to you we think the only thing others will care about is profit profit profit. they continue schools from the public to refuse the aggressive privatization proposals set forth by the troika seemingly gone and heard their presser from the european union is three men who we would talk about blackmail i guess the greek government critics have argued that they thanking a day and acting out to self-interest keeping profits private was the last is to say she lies nothing new here it's not like greeks have to stretch back into deep history to figure this out we can look at latin american we can look at countries all over the world where the i.m.f. has come in and sacrificed and plundered the nation for corporate consolidation and prime minister trap and trace they could be avoiding the country's kind that is
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that. many are now asking just how high a price he's willing to pay someone dies there's something very tragic occurs that's going to be a catalyst for i think a fall of this government the e.u. has stated fairly there's no plan b. the a stereotype measures being enacted buses theory bills on the streets might be tiny thirty one. athens. but greeks are now facing twenty eight billion euro in cuts to be implemented over the next five years e.u. officials have welcomed the plan saying it will help the country get back onto a path of recovery but also the entity from the u.s. space trends research institute says the austerity measures are actually a way to rescue the banks at the people's expense. you could sum up what's killed capitalism in four simple words too big to fail and that's
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what's going on the banks are failing and they want the people to bail them out because they after all they don't like to take a hit these big guys so they call it austerity measures and privatization the i.m.f. is nothing more than the international mafia federation they had a loan sharks of last resort and the people know it they call it privatization adults call it stealing valuable public assets and selling it to a friend's really cheap the politicians only represent the people that give the most amount of money so that people know that so they're it's going to continue to be it's a go of war and the greek people know that if you don't stand up they're going to bow you down when you get really hungry you're going to see the riots continue to escalate because what are these so called austerity measures what do they really bring all they bring a lot more poverty although they bring
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a worse g d p o they bring more unemployment so the politicians are doing nothing more than the bidding for those that pay the. oil still so then take it from the u.s. space trends with this institute about how well stance emissions are going to affect the greek population. to the head to this chinese communists and a break ninety years since their party's inception. a country believed people ruling ideology shows the first sign of decline in the economy is booming. three men convicted of trying to blow up synagogues in new york each been sentenced to twenty five years in prison but case has raised huge controversy after they were actually incited by the f.b.i. and handed fake bombs critics claim it was a setup job said her hands were tied. for
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nearly a decade the u.s. has waged a widespread global war on terror its required multitasking military effort overseas on the domestic front u.s. officials have decided to double down recently announcing counter terrorism plans that refocus resources on combat me homegrown plots this is the first kind of turns a strategy that focuses on the ability of al qaeda and its network to inspire people in the united states to attack us from within yet in countless so called f.b.i. sting operations f.b.i. operatives provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile the inspiration to attack america has come from a government paid informant working to orchestrate the plan a tactic critics say exercised in a new york case dubbed newberg for. the suspects poor illiterate african-american muslims were presented as the faces of homegrown terrorism and subsequently found
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guilty of conspiring and attempting terrorist attacks against the u.s. no direction by a foreign entity or real terrorist group instead direction came from shahid hussein a pakistani immigrant on the f.b.i. payroll reportedly paid one hundred thousand dollars for his services according to . testimony hussein recruited the cash strapped former convicts by offering cars and cash to carry out the operation for individuals that sought to bomb jewish facilities here in the bronx and also take time delivery or threat. yet not one defendant had a passport or license but what the government had was an agent provocateur tor who testified in court as a key witness a guilty verdict for all four mc lyte once islamic caliphate the same day a new counterterrorism strategy was touted the new birth four were sentenced to twenty five years in prison a tearful and angry crowd of supporters gathered outside manhattan's federal
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courthouse who was a government accountable turn on your own american citizens people was born right here on american soil you know this is a damned shame. miscavige it just is and we will keep fighting back the government should not be allowed to try out for some make a point where you can see the whole course i will go to the point and then take the victims and since i'm twenty five. f.b.i. informants have reportedly been used in dozens of so-called foiled plots since nine eleven critics say hundreds of americans are languishing behind bars for fake terror attacks planted and grown by the u.s. government our tax dollars are being used to incentivize criminals to manufacture terror plots like that they catch other people up in i can't see how that in any way benefits the country that means they can pick anybody out from new york city or course the united states and make a plot you have to be very careful very aware of who you speak to who you are
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around because you have many f.b.i. agents you have many informants that are out there that they are using the u.s. federal judge said outrageous government believe there was absolute size in the case of the new park. for expressing doubt the convicts put off or whatever. without the f.b.i. informant however the specific charges against the man require mandatory minimum sentence of twenty five years in prison prosecutors say they manufactured what would have been. if carried out and the fact that it was fake doesn't matter. artsy. but china is celebrating the ninetieth birthday of its ruling communist party which is also the largest political party in the world president hu jintao praised the party's achievements while in power that i did that corruption could
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cost him the trust and support of the people on this with not going to budge on off who's the director or the diplomatic academy of russia's foreign ministry has to do thank you very much for joining us here now the communist party came to power in china nine hundred forty nine hundred managed to survive a civil. suit spin very successful. despite its devised time reforms and china develops faster than any other country in the world so as a result it's still in power now the only other common a superpower the u.s.s.r. collapse the soviet union so what does china have that the u.s. is i didn't have well i think the soviet union collapsed because of the democratization that gorbachev would use them occurred because he couldn't make reforms chinese style he tried. he was resisted by the communist party he just stood by the military industrial complex he couldn't succeed and so he decided to introduce democracy as
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a result people began to fight against each other instead of working like what they do in china present whose entire said the people's trust in the party could be compromised by incompetence and corruption this is really any danger of that i mean as we know with you corruption is a danger to every government in the world. look at the middle east north africa one of the reasons they have to having troubles now its its corruption so in china corruption is also quite big and of course the government is whether it be the population does support the party does not what it does but if corruption gross and for. social differences some people are very rich some people a very poor some by the officials in bridge themselves and this is of course dangerous for the government because people might say that we don't want this development when you get everything i don't get anything. or china or russia say neither will second largest economy which is extraordinary really do you think this
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growing prosperity is due to the party's policies or are there other factors involved as well well i think you first of all it's. because when this budget had the wrong policies like it had been in the sixty's china was in deep trouble but in the seventy's and after the plug to change its policies and introduced a. very wise reforms china has been developing but of course it's not only part it's also chinese people who work very hard for very intelligent and who dissent time don't get much money and still satisfied so it's one of the reasons cheap labor which is so intelligent which is so hard working is so it's a social very important fact and there are other factors which should help china to to move ahead to spare example it's a very they have a very good climate for poor and business. people are very tolerant so to work for in this crisis a cheap. will also flexible so it's another reason of course political stability is
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one of the reasons when you don't have political stability from the reforms like what we had to the soviet union. when you go i would have recourse so it's another reason and i can name some other reasons but to any case in any case if behind all almost all this results is the come in spite it was in charge of the country in which the country moves ahead ok after a bit after now you can thank you very much for joining us live here at home thank you. more news and eye catching videos are always online few at auntie dot com is a taste of what's lined up a few right now as the u.s. secretary of defense retires and leaving behind three wars many are asking whether the cia chief was succeeding here to change the president's policies. under russian scientists or is a meeting extraterrestrial life is just around the corner even claims there were aliens look like that r.t. dot com to find out more. court has postponed the trial
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until september of two policemen accused of beating a businessman to death last year instant is thought to have helped spark the country's uprising that ousted president barack in fabric meanwhile officials have ordered a probe into recent clashes in cairo which rest of a thousand people injured during two days of protests activists are angry with the slow prosecution of senior officials and police are complaining that the lack of a speedy implementation of reforms since the revolt journalist russian matanzas since the current leadership is ignoring people's demands. the government such as it is has now responded to the concerns of the people there strikes at the suez canal transportation workers people being killed again on the streets of cairo not a peep out of the corporate media and meanwhile we have william burns in cairo talking with mr turn towie the provisional head at the moment of the government and
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even the trial of the interior minister who is hated so much on the interior minister and also mubarak has been adjourned people are not getting what they thought they were getting when they toppled hosni mubarak we must remember the joe biden and hillary clinton didn't want us to mubarak to go that's was the mubarak and his cronies so many of them are retaining power and it's a very dangerous situation and we mustn't forget what's crucial here for the international it's rational outlook is this is canal that's where trade goes through and it is the most populous country arab country in the arab world and we're not hearing anything about it in the corporate news it's as if that revolutions done and dusted in the egyptian people of. ready for that now some other international stories we're covering for you today but as well in present here chavez has given his first televised address since undergoing surgery in cuba june to remove a pelvic abscess he admitted that a second operation had also been tired out to remove cancerous tumor from a surgery on the tenth of june when public access that chavez said he was
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determined to overcome his health issues was now on course for food recovery. the sexual assault case against the former i.m.f. chief is in doubt after reports the victim repeatedly lied about what happened in the alleged attack so the hotel maid didn't tell the truth in a sort of medication that's according to u.s. media sources strauss kahn who is currently under house arrest in new york is charged with seven counts including attempted rape french national denies the allegations he's doing court later today bit to get his bail conditions relaxed. one of two french journalists freed after eighteen months in afghan captivity believes there was an exchange deal involving money in prisoners but not about have also said several of its jailed commanders had been freed from prison t.v. reporter in this kind of man were taken along with afghan colleagues in late two
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thousand and nine while filming in remote mountains afghan government has denied any prisoner exchange took place. the u.n. back tribe you know has issued arrest warrants in connection with an murder in two thousand and five of lebanon's former prime minister rafik hariri official say the warrants name for senior members of his below the group has denounced the tribunal and vowed to take action against it really was killed along with twenty two others and every two thousand and five in central beirut a bomb exploded as his motorcade passed by. kareena joins us next latest business news stay with us. welcome to our business bulletin this hour the customs union between russia belarus and kazakhstan has come into effect with three countries removing internal border controls from oh all the union members will have custom services only on their external borders and will share the traffic information with each other
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a trilateral union has functioned since january last year when russia bellows. unified customs tariffs. and staying with a customs union crisis stricken bella ruse has asked russia to freeze the price it pays for gas minsk is currently buying russian gas at lower prices than the european average higher than that paid in russia belarus claims they call an economic so implies prices should be the same throughout the area and the current cut price deal between gas from one mins and teach this year gazprom hasn't commented on what the future discounts are possible say the gas monopoly could lose up to three billion dollars next year if prices are frozen. russia has lifted almost a year long ban on grain exports the embargo was imposed to avoid domestic shortages following a heat wave that devastated one third of the country's crops last year now the baton calls world wheat prices to rise to the highest level for two years but
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optimistic harvest forecasts have prompted russia to return to the global grey market question follows cold could harvest up to ninety million tons of grain this year that's up fifty percent on last year on the exchanges wheat is currently trading at around six hundred thirteen dollars per bushel. and that brings us to the markets oil is moving lower output china reports manufacturing pace is slowing light sweet is trading at around ninety four dollars a barrel and brand is that around one hundred eleven dollars a barrel stocks in europe are downslide being early trading on friday having rallied sharply in the previous two sash. bank stocks are mostly higher lloyds banking group has extended the previous session rally but because we've heard including a point nine percent drop point. and russian markets to friday the r.t.s. is down point one percent of them isaac's is also losing ground energy majors are trading in the red following a drop in oil prices now let's have
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a look at some individual shareholders optimize it's right now russia's largest oil company is losing one point four percent look oil is dropping around one point two point two percent and telecom the shouting over eight percent. after it posted a six percent increase in the first quarter net profit telecom giants net profit rose to around three hundred seventy million dollars driven by high sales and a foreign exchange game. now while trading on the russian market. bank outlines several promising names for future games fundamentals basically saying that the russians could be the chip market but us fuel a cheap stocks in terms of relation from their perspective we can figure out what it's like to guess chrome the cheapest russian or the u.s. company was clear we all use and clear to where the cover also will like a few companies from. the sector for example and. they've combined all the recent
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telecoms now became a growth story because nobody tried to cash the really a lucrative broadband market in in russia and they're growing possibly the mobile operators among other companies we do like when people call because it's just very cheap and the thing people point to the company for a number of reasons but the snow is so cheap that we think that ratio recent award ratio is very very positive for the company that's our business. but it's on our website r.t. dot com business headlines are next. to a. looming the
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market why not succumb to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max culture for our no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. i was just thinking about my future before the foreign companies came i dreamed of owning a can come factory. but we have less garbage now. some business or come here make fun of me. regular garbage boy i'm not bad like people think. i'm a good person. it's just that people don't see me. but i feel it was time people like me.
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