tv [untitled] July 1, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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video for your media drug free media got our cheap talk to tom. in the. russian foreign minister slaps nato members for their actions in the conflict torn arab world at a meeting with this french counterpart. also criticized bettors are sending weapons to the libyan rebels saying the vagueness of the u.n. resolution allows it to be twisted and misinterpret. this country is a piece of cake rich for the jazz. and you have more than one hundred million dollars to buy those abroad so we have a few that are. targeted by nato when wanted out of the hague colonel gadhafi son reveals his theory on why britain is up for an exclusive interview with r.t.
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. greece is urging the news of popped over as promised bailout after parliament appearance new spending cuts and state assets sell off well that's despite days of violent protests. just after eleven pm here in the russian capital you're watching r t thanks for joining us and now to our top story moscow is alarmed by the way the u.n. security council resolution on libya has been interpreted after france supplied weapons to the rebel forces well russia also urged the international community not to enforce a regime change in syria but instead help the rival sides seek political dialogue a correspondent at the end of the car has more of the story. libya was the key
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issue discussed during a meeting between two foreign ministers that following france's deployment of arms to libya france admitted its air dropped guns in order to help civilians protect themselves and according to french foreign minister when it comes to protection of civilians all measures are justified they claim that u.n. security council's resolution allows them to do so though she believes it isn't it is unacceptable that it violates arms embargo to libya and russian foreign minister has said even though two ministers two countries have similar views on libya's future that has to be peaceful and democratic state that's a u.n. security council resolution can be easily misinterpreted as in which the resolution one hundred seventy three contains chapter four which allows anyone to do anything this very chance it was the cause of our problems with the mandate and all other aspects we supported and as we have warned now we're facing a rather unpleasant situations when it can be interpreted in most different ways i
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think most here in paris and other u.n. security council members are interested for the body to release concise documents to the international law does not need to put up with ambiguity meanwhile representatives of the african union have already spoken out about this saying that they are afraid of proliferation they fear that those guns make end up in the hands of terrorists and that's going to be a threat to the insider region russia's envoy to nato has said at a press conference in moscow that he fears that on grounds operation is just around the corner and that operation is only going to prolong this conflict and worsen situation in the whole region in general meanwhile when it comes to syria the two foreign ministers are not whites on the scene the guardian that uprising moscow stands firm against a u.n. security council resolution which syria while france has been going on with the council to take action while still believes that only
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a political solution to this crisis is possible and as a foreign minister lavrov has said the opposition in syria has to sit down and talk with us government instead of ignoring the confessions that. the duma foreign relations committee headquarter did cause a trial told r.t. that while the french may find a legal loophole for arming the rebels the international criminal court is making a peaceful resolution to the conflict less likely. do not exclude any developments in the future for the simple reasons nato has rather few chances to succeed believe in case the current location does not develop into the ground the regional story because it's not really single for there are no official confirmation for that i hope for the international community and specifically the international criminal court will stop creating additional obstacles for me said mr
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crowder free to resign and probably. within the country. special guarantees go in the position of the security as you see fit it will be corrected possibilities for there are still there but for there to be a need to have more united international community which is definitely not the case for. over the war in libya at the focal point of international relations r.t. is good access to colonel gadhafi some inmates who targeted tripoli saif al islam thinks his country is wanted for its riches but says the people will keep fighting to make sure libya doesn't fall under foreign control. today i was swimming and fishing because very heart of what we went to the beach really so we are in our country enjoying our life fighting for our country living with people who feel we live in our country where we would if we die we go to heaven and they destroyed
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our house in the middle of. area small house strong surrounded by many houses people are living near this small school next to them be born in that house with all. the kid my brother he hung civilian he had nothing to do with the war with politics he was sitting in germany because of the war he came back to libya he was there sleeping with. what. we born in a command and control center. with a two bit rules kitchen living room small house is if your example for my family let alone many other examples one week ago they had a house of my father in the whole family. the wife pregnant. two young girls of the back and he said
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again we are hitting and military side playing a president. with her. controlling and commanding libyan troops cannot change. the have one target. this country is a piece of cake rich and of gaz oil and we have more than one hundred billion dollars deposits abroad so we have to share that it little problem called america you want to finish the sinister sport because the hungry. they want to share the cake. slake for them maybe it is they trust who are. the most first cause evolution first passed for airplanes fast bullets cost victory but. because we are in our country so until. we die here
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so we're very patient and the goal is not the goal is to control libya is accountability this is the target. and the libyans will not allow them to do that. so the fight will continue. in the way. you can watch for a full exclusive interview with colonel gadhafi son in just over an hour's time but if you don't want to wait you can simply log on to our team dot com to download it right now and coming up shortly. our tax dollars are being used to incentivize criminals to you for your terror plot an f.b.i. sting operation puts three men behind bars for a fabricated crime questioning governments have to extend the war on terror. the greek prime minister has urged the european union to release
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a further wave of bailout funds which a death ridden country urgently needs to avoid default in july well to qualify for the e.u. cash options has approved a package of radical tax increases as well as spending cuts which triggered three days of massive protests and as our first reports plans to sell off greek assets to the highest bidder are also founding the flames of public anger. greece is not a sale the message from a year is public as plans to sell off many assets pushes ahead so incredibly proud of their heritage many people feel that the privatization proposals. grace the public. attention at the grabs for the lenders banks water companies insuring operators amongst many more mistaken lights telecommunications company aides he. sailed with. has been
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a continuous crime for the past twenty years peter sold off our company piece by piece and now we only own a small percentage but that small stake is extremely important to the greek people but they want to sell even bet. you ten feet at present governments who were heavily a close to the sale of eighty shares when they were acting as a position. called a national crime when the previous government sold shares now they want to do the same sell the shares now at a low price we don't think we'll see investment or any development eventually we think the only thing others will care about is profit profit profit. big continues calls from the public to refuse the massive privatization proposals set forth by the troika has seemingly gone on her this present from the european union is there a man who we would talk about blackmail i guess the government critics have argued that they banking again acting out of self-interest keeping profits private but the
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last is to say she lies the thing you hear is not like greeks have to stretch back into deep history to figure this out we can look at latin american we can look at countries all over the world where the i.m.f. has come in and sacrificed and plundered the nation for corporate consolidation and prime minister cap and trade state of avoiding the countries cannot sit all cost. but many are now asking just how high a price he's willing to pay someone buys something very tragic occurs that's going to be a catalyst for i think of all this government the e.u. only his name and be the a stereo he measures being an activist buses here he builds on the streets might be tiny thirty one. athens. and we have more stories for your line just log on to our web site that's r t dot com for access to fresh updates videos and much more and here's a taste of what's there right now are these correspondent is reporting first have
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from one of the boats the infamous freedom flotilla to sail to blockade of gaza. and also of my for you who are going to see why the pilots with laser pens will soon face time in jail for the life threatening prank. the three men convicted of trying to blow up synagogues in new york have been sentenced to twenty five years behind bars where the terms were handed down despite the federal judge involved in the case admitting that the crime was provoked by the government and its origins medina portnoy reports this new strategy has ordinary americans outraged. for nearly a decade the u.s. has waged a widespread global war on terror it's required a multitasking military effort overseas on the domestic front u.s. officials have decided to double down recently announcing counterterrorism plans that refocus resources on combat homegrown plots this is the first counter is
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a strategy that focuses on the ability of al qaeda and its network to inspire people in the united states to attack us from within and yet in countless so-called f.b.i. sting operations f.b.i. operative provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile the inspiration to attack america has come from a government paid informant working to orchestrate the plan a tactic critics say exercised in a new york case dubbed new york for. the suspects poor illiterate african-american muslims were presented as the faces of homegrown terrorism and subsequently found guilty of conspiring and attempting terrorist attacks against the u.s. no direction by a foreign entity or terrorist group instead direction came from shahid hussain a pakistani immigrant on the f.b.i. payroll reportedly paid one hundred thousand dollars for his services according to
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court testimony hussein recruited the cash strapped former conflicts by offering cars and cash to carry out the operation for individuals a. bomb usually is here in the grounds. of military or. yet not one defendant had a passport or license but what the government had with an agent provocateur tor who testified in court as a key witness a guilty verdict for all four men violence islamic caliphate the same day a new counterterrorism strategy was how did the nuber four were sentenced to twenty . of years in prison by tearful and angry crowd of supporters gathered outside manhattan's federal courthouse who was a government accountable trying on your own american citizens he was born right here on american soil you this is a damned shame. miscarriage of justice and we will keep fighting back the government should not be allowed to trap some make claims. to the full force of.
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the victims and since the truth. f.b.i. informants have reportedly been used in dozens of so-called foiled plots since nine eleven critics say hundreds of americans are languishing behind bars for fake terror attacks planted and grown by the u.s. government our tax dollars are being used to incentivize criminals to manufacture terror plots like that it catch other people up and i can't see how that in any way benefits the country that means they can pick anybody out from new york city or course the united states and make a plan you have to be very careful very aware of who you speak to who you are around because you have many f.b.i. agents you have many informants that are out there that they are using the u.s. federal judge said outrageous government behavioral was at sure size in the case of
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the newport for expressing doubt the convicts would have or what a plan to attack without the f.b.i. informant however the specific charges against the man require a nan dettori minimum sentence of twenty five years in prison prosecutors say they manufactured what would have been up whole law so much that it's carried out and quote the fact that it was fake doesn't matter or enough or not artsy new york. the american the civil liberties union is in a legal battle with the department of state over the release of classified documents of the u.s. war. over diplomatic cables expose washington's methods of abduction interrogation and detention of suspected terrorists always c.l.u. demands they are made public for an official probe despite the fact that documents have already been published by the all my whistleblower regular leaks are presidents of the council for the national interest allison where says washington
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wants to avoid an investigation at all costs these are public cables the now been published in the new york times in many newspapers across the united states as well as the guest room so it's absurd for the state department to keep them tense and truthfully they should not have been classified in the first things they have nothing to do with national security issues these are our embassy cables talking about the church or. the church getting very sensitive issues but people abroad this is finally on this super tuesday this approach is to keep it safe and instead this system of government the principles that we are really on are being dismantled from within by this i mean it's approach that was taken bill's going to reach bush now by the obama administration that problem with keeping the through point is that it makes them unavailable for good leaders that are pursuing peace is
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having to do with these big you can be incidents they make it possible for the government refused to answer questions about them because they are that's a great secret information so it's very important lawsuit. that the chinese communist party is celebrating its ninetieth year of the party has turned china into the world's fastest growing economy since taking power the revolution of one nine hundred forty nine a professor of the university of nottingham doubts that ageing could keep steaming ahead in the coming years. what china has been doing now isa i think it's pretty good but you still put the best china is potential because people are walking ustream the heart and china says it's really the pain quickly on the hot walking or people the high saving rate it will pale behind which meant that a country in another issue dicky in maybe the kinds of sustainability because of
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past loss in the past three decades quizzing you can china sustain for another twenty or thirty years of basketball's not what are their fundamental issues is it the economy is far too depending on low cost manufacturing to depending on consumption of all material thing energy and of prices of raw mccain your energy have actually increasing fairly fast over the last decade so this is something the challenge for the next stage of the roman i can you will be much more difficult for china to face. well we value your opinion so please log on to our website r t dot com and participate in our latest poll and today the question we're asking is why did congress is trying to succeed where soviet russia failed but so far the most popular response is that china didn't wage costly wars or sponsor satellite regimes in a close second with twenty nine percent is russia was too hasty to embrace capitalism
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and the less popular responses were that china has a lot more hard working people that it's a dictatorship. all the time now to have a look at some stories from around the world and go to new york where it doesn't excel scott has been released from house arrest so prosecutors have agreed to brave bail in the sexual assault case against him the former i.m.f. chief posts of the six million u.s. dollars which will be returned to him and the release comes after prosecutors raise doubts about the credibility of the housekeeper the center of the case of she claims to have been raped by strauss kahn and made allegations he did not arise. you are trying this has undergone a lifesaving surgery to remove a fifty six year old venezuelan from here has made his first t.v. appearance since treatment three weeks ago and speaking of his condition he called his recovery careful but said he expects to make a full recovery and government officials later confirmed that israel will continue
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with its socialist reform program despite traviss. its alya police have arrested a mafia boss in the cilia town corleone made famous by the godfather movie trilogy . faces charges of extortion and criminal association the seventy nine year old inherits of the role of his brother who is currently serving multiple life sentences for a series of killings. that's federation of russia's movers and shakers gathered for an annual event to exchange ideas picks and pick each other's brains and present their vision of the future or the would be political elite come together in a western russia after the so-called silly girl forum organizers say they are trading with potential go getters of the future twenty thousand young russians joined up with the to suppose from around the world for forward ideas our business
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politics and health care the outstanding country contributions will immediate a funding and support. i'll be back with the headlines soon the first time to track the highlights in the world of business. that's right time for your business update russia is continued to ease european version doubles back on track instruments to market produce from spain and denmark have been given the green light from russia's public health watch stock burn and all vegetables from the e.u. . months ago after an equally outbreak three days ago russia been lifting the ban presuming. that's from holland and belgium and another much longer standing ban has come to an end russia has returned to the global grain market by optimistic harvest forecasts grain exports were put on hold last year because of a serious drought the burn caused world which prices to rise to the highest level
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for two years whether analysts believe in and of the bend will not have a rigorous impact on the market. supply is being afraid to globally by poor weather conditions so there is a very healthy shortage in crops so this comes as a welcome rest by in the short term the increase in russian supply would you only need to look across the border at ukraine and see that their figures are down roughly forty three percent on the year to know that there will be snapped up pretty quickly so short term i think you'll see the prices cool a little bit belong i think you'll probably see prices spike higher as demand dictates. let's take a quick check on the markets here stocks are high on friday after a national gauge of manufacturing in june exceeded expectations. and european stocks finished trying to session up lloyd's will stop in the footsie index for the second straight day went up almost four percent on writing after story nine point
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seven percent was a before markets gave a thumbs up to further cost cutting measures and a new strategy for the lender. and the russian markets back from their earlier losses the r.t. has gained one point six percent of the mice that's right to break this seventeen hundred mark just before the end of the session but. some energy majors were in the red all in a drop in oil prices now i have a quick check of some of the individual share moves from the my sense fresh is the largest oil company ross never was in the red because ross telecoms six percent increase in the first quarter net profit fails to impress investors the results shares were flat because the telecom giant rose jurong three hundred seventeen million dollars driven by higher sales and foreign exchange again bucking the trend was there a bank its shares were up four and a half percent health it's beginning praising the london and frankfurt well michael stein. russian policy makers helped move shares up this week. russian equities
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about a very strong week ending of more than three percent on the back of falling risk aversion associated with in greece. on the one hand and on the back of rising oil prices which are up more than six percent this week from five month lows on the domestic front the central bank this week kept the refinancing rate unchanged at even a quarter percent and indicated in its accompanying language that rates are likely to stay unchanged for the next couple of months this is clearly positive for russian equities this week president medvedev also reiterated a number of pro-business comments including plans to privatise a number of companies including plans to cut the payroll tax some strangely and then today he announced a decree to create a centralized depository which once in place will make you much more convenient on the one hand and much less expensive on the other hand performed investors to invest in russian local shares and private investors are to get a chance to die thanks hundred to russia's precious stones the stage is considering
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selling up to forty percent of the diamond producer part of its privatization efforts currently the state owns nineteen percent. in all spends comes in line with the company's plans to hold an initial public offering next year. that perhaps not the business bulletin stay with us the headlines next. if it's. coming. from.
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is what i was just thinking about my future before the foreign companies came i dreamed of owning a cannon cutting factory. but we have less garbage now. some visitors who come here and make fun of me. picking up garbage boy i'm not bad like people think. i'm a good person. it's just the people don't see me. but i feel it with time people like me. that i feel people will start to appreciate us. from. wealthy british scientists i suppose some time to.
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