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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2011 6:01pm-6:30pm EDT

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russian foreign minister slams nato members for their actions in the conflict torn the arab world at a meeting with his french counterpart. moscow criticise sending weapons to the libyan rebels seeking to take this resolution allows it to be twisted innocence or . this country is a piece of cake rich guys. and we have more than one hundred million dollars deposits abroad so we have to show that's targeted by nato and wanted at the hague colonel gadhafi son reveals his theory on why libya is at war in an exclusive interview with r t. and greece is urging the e.u. to hand over its promised bailout about the parliament approves deep spending cuts and state assets despite days of violent protests.
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and broadcasting live direct from the heart of moscow this is r t certainly glad to have you with us let's take a look at our top stories moscow has criticized the way the u.n. security council resolution on libya has been interpreted after france admitted it supplied weapons to rebel forces russia has also urged the international community not to seek to enforce regime change in syria but instead to help a political dialogue within the country our correspondent natalia novikov has been following the meeting between russian and french foreign ministers in moscow. libya was the key issue discussed during a meeting between two foreign ministers that following france's deployment of arms to libya front admitted its air dropped guns in order to help civilians protect themselves and according to french foreign minister when it comes to protection of
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civilians school measures are justified they claim that u.n. security council's resolution allows them to do so while she believes it is an it is unacceptable that it violates arms embargo to libya and russian foreign minister has said even though two ministers two countries have similar views on libya's future that it has to be peaceful and democratic states that's a u.n. security council resolution can be easily misinterpreted she did her solution nine hundred seventy three contains chapter full which allows anyone to do anything but this very chapter it was the cause of all problems with the mandate and all of the aspects we support it and as we have warned now we're facing rather unpleasant situations when it can be interpreted in most different ways i think moscow in paris and other u.n. security council members are interested for the body to release concise documents to the international law does not need to put up with ambiguity meanwhile representatives over the african union have already spoken out about this saying
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that they are afraid of proliferation they fear that those guns make and up in the hands of terrorists and that's going to be a threat to the entire region russia's envoy to nato has said at a press conference in moscow that he fears that the only ground operation is just around the corner and that a ration is only going to prolong this conflict and worsen situation in the whole region in general meanwhile when it comes to syria the two foreign ministers are not quite on the scene between guarding that uprising moscow's stands for or against a u.n. security council's resolution towards syria while france has been going on with the council to take action more still believes that only a political solution. this crisis it's possible. for mr lucky. things to sit down. instead of morey construction. it's. artie's no telling overcover reporting for us
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a very large he spoke exclusively to colonel gadhafi son in tripoli as of the city continues to be targeted by airstrikes so if all islam says that nato is after his country's natural resources but that libyans who support his father will keep fighting to prevent their nation falling under foreign control this country is a piece of cake rich full of guys. and we have more than one hundred million dollars deposits abroad so we have to share this cake that it need to travel. and harry we want to finish the soonest possible because the are hungry. they want to share the cake. slake for them levy is lake fast food like mcdonald's past because if you should be fast fast fast airplanes fast bullets passed differently because my brother he young civilian he had nothing to do with the war with
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politics he was studying in germany because of the war he came back to libya he was there sleeping because. what nato. command and control center were concerned was a two bedrooms a kitchen living room small house is it give you an example for my family let alone many other examples one week ago they had the house of a friend of my father. the whole family. the wife pregnant. two young girls. and i gave out a hitting method to cite. a president. with her. controlling and commanding libyan troops coming but we are very patient because we are in our country so we're going to. leave you here
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so we're very patient if your goal. is to control libya. is going to leave you this is the target. and the libyans will not allow them to do that so the fight will continue. and you can watch our full exclusive interview with colonel gadhafi his son at our website r t v dot com and also coming up shortly fair game or an unfair plot. our tax dollars are being used to incentivize criminals to manufacture terror plots an f.b.i. sting operation put three men behind bars for what defense lawyers say was a fabricated quine questioning u.s. government tactics in the war on terror. the greek prime minister has urged the e.u. to release bailout funds after athens passed
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a second vote on its austerity program to avert imminent default a deeply divided parliament approved a package of radical tax increases pay cuts and privatisations amid violent street protests and riots parties are first reports our plans to sell off greek assets are fanning the flames of public anger. greece is not for sale the message from a furious public has plans to sell off many greek assets pushes ahead quick so incredibly proud of their heritage many people feel that the privatization proposals is simply stripping grace of public assets potentially up for grabs for the lenders banks water companies and train operators amongst many more a stake in the large telecommunications company aig he is also up for sale with the we're going to go to you there's been a continuous crime for the past twenty years they've sold off our companies piece
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by piece and now we only own a small percentage but that small stake is extremely important to the greek people but they want to sell even that. it is a huge turn for the present government who were heavily opposed to the sale of eighty shares when they were acting as a position. they called it a national crime when the previous government sold shares now they want to do the same and sell the shares now at a low price we don't think we'll see investment or any development of it to you we think the only thing others will care about is profit profit profit. big continuous calls from the public to refuse the aggressive privatization proposals set forth by the troika seemingly gone unheard their breasts are from the european union is there are men who. talk about blackmail against the greek government critics have argued that the banking of bailouts acting out to self-interest keeping profits private lets the last is to say she lies nothing you hear it's not like greeks have
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to stretch back into deep history to figure this out we can look at latin american we can look at countries all over the world where the i.m.f. has come in and sacrificed and plundered the nation for corporate consolidation and prime minister pap injuries think of avoiding the countries cannot sit all cost that many are now asking just how high a price he's willing to pay someone dies there's something very tragic occurs that's going to be a catalyst for i think a fall of this government the e.u. has stated fairly there's no plan b. to the a stereo to measures being enacted buses theory builds on the streets might be time they thought of one. r.t. athens. three men convicted of plotting to blow up to new york synagogues have been sent to excuse me sentenced to twenty five years in prison the trial has sparked controversy in america as the men's lawyers insist they were set up by a paid f.b.i.
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informant or he's wearing a port and i reports now about what some see as the latest u.s. strategy to fight domestic homegrown terrorism. for nearly a decade the u.s. has waged a widespread global war on terror it's required multitasking military effort overseas on the domestic front u.s. officials have decided to double down recently announcing counterterrorism plans that refocus resources on combat in homegrown plots this is the first kind of tirzah strategy that focuses on the ability of al qaeda and its that work to inspire people in the united states to attack us from within yet in countless so called f.b.i. sting operations f.b.i. operatives provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile the inspiration to attack america has come from a government paid informant working to orchestrate the plan
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a tactic critics say exercised in a new york case dubbed newberg for. the suspects poor illiterate african-american muslims were presented as the faces of homegrown terrorism and subsequently found guilty of conspiring and attempting terrorist attacks against the u.s. no direction by a foreign entity or terrorist group instead direction came from shahid hussein a pakistani immigrant on the f.b.i. payroll reportedly paid one hundred thousand dollars for his services according to court testimony hussein recruited the cash strapped former convicts by offering cars and cash to carry out the operation for individuals that. bomb jewish facilities here in the bronx and also take out a military aircraft. yet not one defendant had a passport or license but what the government had was an agent provocateurs or who testified in court as a key witness a guilty verdict for all four minutes while an islamic caliphate the same day
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a new counterterrorism strategy was touted the new birth four were sentenced to twenty five years in prison a tearful and. crowd of supporters gathered outside manhattan's federal courthouse who was a government accountable turn on your own american citizens people was born right here on american soil this is a damned shame. miscavige it just is and we will keep fighting back the government should not be allowed to trap for some make. the whole force. you point. to the victims and since in twenty five years the f.b.i. informants have reportedly been used in dozens of so-called foiled plots since nine eleven critics say hundreds of americans are languishing behind bars for fake terror attacks planted and grown by the u.s. government our tax dollars are being used to incentivize criminals to manufacture terror plots like that they catch other people up in i can't see how
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that in any way benefits the country that means they can pick anybody out from new york city or course the united states and make a plot you have to be very careful very aware of who you speak to who you are around because you have many f.b.i. agents you have many informants that are out there that they are using the u.s. federal judge said outrageous government behavioral was exercised in the case of the new park for expressing doubt the convicts put of or would have planned an attack without the f.b.i. informant however the specific charges against the man require a mandatory minimum sentence of twenty five years in prison prosecutors say they manufactured what would have been up home lost so much that if carried out and quote the fact that it was fake doesn't matter arena forty nine r.t. new york. now let's turn to some other stories making headlines for you around the
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world. a new york court has lifted dominique strauss cons a house arrest and six million dollars bail after down. over the credibility of the hotel room maid who alleges she was raped by him prosecutors say the woman lied to a grand jury and believe she may be linked to drugs criminals and money laundering the ex i.m.f. chief support still remains withheld by the court though the woman's lawyers insist she's telling the truth however about the sex assault which is firmly denied by. political and military leaders in venezuela have insisted that president hugo chavez remains fully in charge of the country despite lifesaving cancer surgery in cuba the fifty six year old says he expects to make a full recovery but there are fears over the seriousness of his condition crowds gathered in the country's capital caracas to wish their leader a speedy recovery echoing greetings from other latin american leaders chavez said he hopes to return to celebrate the bicentenary venezuela's independence from spain
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on tuesday. the chinese communist party is celebrating its ninetieth anniversary after taking power in the one nine hundred forty nine revolution it is turn to china into the world's fastest growing economy but some experts say beijing may have problems with developing the economy in the coming years. what china has been doing now is i sing it is very good but it's not to the best of china's potential because the people are walking is truly hot and china says it's really depend greatly on the hot walking or people the high saving razik who paled to high investment but a country that is another issue dicky it may be because of sustainability because of fast growth in the past three decades they're questioning if they can china sustain for another twenty or thirty years of boss girls and not what are their fundamental issues if the economy is far too depending on low cost manufacturing to
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depending on consumption the law materializing energy and of prices of raw material energy have edge really increasing for live fights over the last decade so this is something the challenge for the next stage of the roman i think you will be much more difficult for china to face. and you can give us your opinion on our web site . just one. where soviet russia has failed thirty four percent believe it's because china didn't wage costly wars or sponsor satellite regimes twenty nine percent think that russia was too hasty in embracing capitalism twenty three percent believe because china is a dictatorship. perhaps a little controversial the chinese because the country simply more hardworking people.
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though many interesting locations in places connected to the soviet leaders like. this sinister monument represents the victims of stalin's purges in the one nine hundred thirty seven million people were held in prison camps by the time his rule was over and the hundreds of thousands were still alive if you take a closer look you can see the nose on the statues face is broken one reason the majority of the controversially to step cheese were removed gradually from the towns and cities across the u.s. you saw. as one of history's most notorious dictator is he was for some a war hero who modernized the country to others he was a mass murderer it was
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a reign of terror to his people. he used to be a bad man i think it was very dangerous and stalin. believe he's. a leader that led the country after lenin. he was a burden lot of people three million people. so maybe not the best guy. he always destroyed your in your military before. you were after the nazis so. it was a good. view was he was a good person. but was he able to destroy the nazi regime yes because of his leadership i will tell you and was. a great warrior. brought through some really really tough times for. him leaving he did what he had to do to you it was it twice time magazine's person of the year to this day
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stalin still evokes mixed emotions. most modern day russians will continue to respect those who fought the nazis but they can separate this from respect for a vicious ruthless tyrant. engine we did not believe in his time many people say he's a terrible tired. and who can we know who he was or how he removed. the soviet art here the need to trust gallery is well worth seeing it offers a real insight into the creativity of the time this grand piece is called stella and for the share of income and painted by alexander in life in thirty eight he was one of the few masters or to officially work on commission after each cell and i remember that all work had to celebrate the leader of the state the page in the midst of a happy country a daunting task for any artist of the time and so the pieces like these have been
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gaining much more popularity in the world's oceans houses. was now arrived at red square as burial sites by the kremlin moules many servia leaders military personnel and influential figures were laid to rest here when stalin died in one nine hundred fifty three many openly wept for the man they called father teacher or god he was ugly enough still generally loved by the masses although lenin has a grandiose lame on red square not many people know that stalin is in fact here ok so right behind it next to the kremlin walls the embalmed and later arrest next to lenin fades years after his death it was decided in the late one nine hundred fifty s. due to his controversial reign his body should be removed from public hearing. and pave the way for a wave of liberalization in the arts although no official change in policy took place began to feel free to experiment in the work the next location is the goal he
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house museum it was built in one thousand nine hundred for. a textile aaron head of the russian stock exchange featuring a mix of hallways in a spectacular gallery style design this building was one of the main locations associated with soviet literature. now as a file of literature around several meetings here with various. right is in this building he even later went on to give the house to the writer maxine gorky in one hundred thirty one and as the author was famously known for his love and passion of play in interior design i really wonder what he would have thought of this breathtaking elaborate a stone marble staircase maybe stalin had a sense of humor after all but at the moment still this room the dining room is a perfect example of the stalinist style it can be used as a period piece film set it's furniture including the cardboard table chairs and the grand piano come from the nine hundred thirty is the full right to mix in gorky
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moved into this house several soviet organizations were located here one of them was a kindergarten for top party members and stellan son bacilli was one of the kids who spent time here during his childhood the navy was extremely meticulous over who he allowed to write or paint the whole creative world was under his thumb and any mistake could mean certain death that said sal and suppression didn't stop other writers from producing famous works. for instance was forced to write his masterpiece the master margarita in secret. so what other venues are locations in the capital connected with joseph stallin stallin had several residences outside moscow as the cool russia his favorite one was the residents known as the house was built in the one nine hundred thirty s. but it had undergone reconstruction changes many times according to stalinist haste he likes the place a lot and mostly lived there during the second world war period and beyond.
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famously died at the residence in march monte fifty three sans bunker in this model is a branch of the central museum of armed forces it's an exciting place to visit as it's an authentic military construction from the one nine hundred thirty s. used by stalin jawing world war two from nine hundred forty one to nine hundred forty five it was ten. museum in one thousand nine hundred six after a major reconstruction origine the bunker was a top secret location and to hide it a large stadium and sports complex with thousands of businesses was built above it the underground chambers were connected to the city center but the seventeen kilometers long tunnel could be handy nowadays to avoid being stuck in traffic. the wrong son played in the us saw has been studied by scholars and historians for decades from architecture to nature and technology the leader was on
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a mission to change everything and to discuss the debatable positive steps telling me to watch the country let's meet this week's guest. thank you so great to meet you well so you all of the architecture too to hear the stroke and. most they were doing research very serious projects well it is not the old teaching or working picture well that but they pose a greater program well. this year there are five themes. one there with them as they raise their ration of. regarding architectural heritage stalin's architecture is very dominant in the russian capital today yes you're right well of course stark a picture world has a great impact well at the urban structure of moscow to look over the. boy in moscow also in. russia. well i think in this
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world this. its influence is very serious still to today because we cannot imagine moscow without for example seven sisters we don't still east skyscrapers without metro. as well. but. i would prefer well the political regime and architecture and art that's why it seems to me that architecture maybe it's one of the few positive results of this of this spirit what do you think the average opinion in the streets of moscow is on stalin today well i'm not a specialist of course i'm not the next historian oh. well my personal way to you it is negative of course but i'm not sure all the all the russian people know are agree. with me it was great to me
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here thanks for your time and good luck with your work here in this truck institute yes thank you very much thank you. you think you look ations associated with stalin and you most probably think of the moscow kremlin i read a lot about russian history when i was in school. i read. the role of russia in the second world war and i read a book called marx lenin stalin. to come to the red square to visit the kremlin it's just special it's big with its tall towers imposing red. history it's the perfect place to visit the capital. you aren't allowed in the administrative buildings he is standing by and entry to the kremlin all together. even the police during stalin's times the kremlin was almost closed from all visitors it was turned into a huge minute. of complex which serve not only as offices for the top officials and
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the leader of the state would also the apartments were located inside the kremlin walls. where the tyrant or hero one thing is clear just like the greats napoleon or hitler the soviet leader will be forever criticized discussed and evaluated from the ancient. can visit many places connected with the most controversial man in russian history . a savior or mass murderer. is larger than life and will certainly never be forgotten. that's all that's how we have on this week's program i'll see you again at the same time next week and tell them from me and the rest of the team inside the. kremlin.


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