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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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unfortunately. the arrangement. is free. to tonight's free. the old free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free radio gone to argy dot com. adam vs the man is a youth oriented show about politics and modern life so naturally it contains a lot of sex drugs and violence. that wasn't disclaimer just a statement of fact sex because it wasn't decides you wouldn't be here drugs because they save so many lives if your thanks to the pharmaceutical industry and violence because well our government just can't help itself. i guess that goes for the sex and the drugs too anyways tonight we've got super pot fake boobs and violent cops a press release from anonymous a protest for longboards with our special guest in studio all the way from virginia beach and of course you the viewers. what did you really think i was going to end
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it every hello with versus the man. brawl you sworn enemies of g.m.o. as that is genetically modified organisms are frankenfood who also happen to be stoners have i got the most what good temptation for you g.m.o. marijuana is here and in south america it's a booming trade according to national news dot com regular marijuana contains between two and seven percent t.h.c. to try to kind of an all of the primary active ingredient but g.m.o. super pot can have up to eighteen percent so if you normally smoke nine joints of trash compactor mexican try you'll only need one joint of g.m.o.
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super pot to get you just as high apparently the seeds are coming from europe in the united states but the trade is taking off in colombia where industrial hemp with zero percent t.h.c. was an essential cash crop until the war on drugs and other things that make sense shut that down now farmers who can turn to any legal crops because with all the taxes they're subject to they're turning to super pot now if only the super pot pollen could in fact the non-science so patented g.m.o. crop fields to give them a little taste of their own medicine but i don't think the pots that super all right. i don't know why we're ad libbing the segment i'm totally going to get myself in trouble here but some more news from natural news dot com according to the f.d.a. breast implants aren't all they're cracked up to be. seriously we can we can get something else on and anything else on the plasma for this one
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jeff shirton really i'm so. come on all right according to jeff shirton who is the director of the f.d.a. center for devices and radiological help the key point is that breast implants are not lifetime devices the longer you have the implant the more likely you are to have complications there putting the ten year mark on the saying that women with breast implants would have them checked at least every ten years and the scary part of this is that one in five women who get breast implants need to have them taken out or reconstructed or placed. you know they had to be just too good to be true all right and in news from dominic strauss kahn the hunter becomes oh i'm sorry to catch a predator in this case the hunter becomes the hunted chris hansen host of n.b.c.'s dateline to catch a predator is reported to be involved in an affair with thirty year old kristen
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bell a local news anchor in west palm beach florida now anthony is twenty one years her senior also married with two kids and we are going to be using the national choir as a alternate news authority here but they are claiming an interesting find using hanson same got to tactics they fall the pair with and camera and caught them having dinner together at a risk cross and before allegedly returning to get us residence where they did not emerge until eight am the next morning now i'm not saying is show that it had some real sickos but the tactics were legally questionable at best and equally minor soliciting groups on the internet and luring them to decoys houses if the affair rumors with with hanson are true we can at least give him some credit he may be old enough to be your father you may be filling some sick electra complex for but at least in this case she was legal right.
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and now you the viewer yesterday i mentioned my idea of the future of social networking being based on a decentralized platform and that's sort of happening already we'll cover after the break but see plot on you tube writes adam i like your vision for decentralized social media but i have to laugh even at the even twitter remark who imposed that crucial hundred forty character limit in a decentralized world it's that type of technological innovation that could only come from a top of the central as bureaucracy such as twitter well it's a good point i guess an open source of open source social network people will impose their own standards of brevity in whatever the equivalent of a facebook feed filter becomes and some critical feedback from the tubes got some serious thumbs up so also this hour survivalism writes the whole this one time at boot camp skit is gotta go makes the guys look like she's dicks my two cents. but we are cheese dicks at least i think that was the marines technical term for guys
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like jake and i and one for i'm chris responded on you tube i love the one time a boot camp does not make them look like anything wrong don't they get off but sergeant crumb was there to point out several survivalism that's part of the appeal while i was just watching f m g it's funny full metal jacket again greens have a tendency you know over and over this afternoon and getting all misty about the smell of mothballs floor wax bleach and dust bunnies about the feel of a rough green wool blanket on your cheek or you try to sleep or miss the sounds of forty or fifty other dude and their farts belches snores and random growls of the stomach and stupid joking around guilty you'll never live such she's dickering again so you must reminisce and let the show go on we look forward to your comments on this one time and who can't but i couldn't have said it better myself sergeant crowley and i would be out about on independence day in the c.
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files on july fourth but don't call it that and even back at the jefferson memorial monday at four pm from the event page on facebook for that event jim davidson writes the state supremacist imagine the jefferson is our debt my god and thereby capturing his temple and keeping his admirers from dancing there they're winning some great victory over freedom enthusiastic it is not an ugly statue or under his face and body that some of us and i are but his writing of a few important words in the declaration of independence the region your resolution is as on the rights of people in the world is as say on religious tolerance. and our segments on the dicks over amazon the seas morning joe prompted this tweet from pussy galore for once you can blame your parents generation for that totally crude and uncalled for sexual reference popping up on the show those legal rights wouldn't call obama a dig he's more of a pecker head been there ate it and i'm used to it we're good hearted twelve thirty added one more next to obama a morning joe you're a dick and finally a quote from the great h.l.
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mencken particularly apropos to our conversation about obama being addicted on you tube by lord de halter quote as democracy is perfected the office of president represents more and more closely the inner soul of the people on some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their arses ira glass in the white house will be adorned down right moron. if only and that was the case and we could have a harmless moron in the white house i often say it's the rest of the police force that tends to give the other five percent a bad name and so i've also said before the purpose of the police is different in theory than it is in execution in theory they're supposed to be protecting life liberty and property of citizens then execution there we see most of their time impeding commerce arresting people and arresting people for victimless medical issues or drugs veteran officer stu crystal appears to be in that five percent and i can give him a thumbs up not saying that we have to agree with every law the guy's had to
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enforce but he's got a clean record whatever good that is for the department unfortunately but i fulfilling a citizen expected duty of serving and protecting his neighbors he's being investigated by the city of st petersburg so what was officer chris goes no no the taser kid nope he should have done well. he was to run over someone's top of the squad car and i don't was in that either oh wait wait maybe he body slammed someone in the concrete for dancing and nobody was any other way worse he made his employers in the city look bad that's right officer christgau was speaking father to father with the father of a sixteen year old girl that had been robbed at gunpoint at the north shore pool earlier that evening he advises the girl and her family avoid the area in which she was assaulted saying it was an area he would avoid himself if not on duty and carrying a gun in the protection of the courts in our city overlords simply couldn't stand it he's now we investigated for quote making disparaging comments against the city
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this for giving honest advice to one of his neighbors about a shady or part of town mayor bill foster confirmed to ten news in st petersburg telling the truth. ok and from him we got more positive spin instead of the truth maybe he's taking notes from the obama administration. all right now that is about dominique strauss kahn but watch out there's another rapist on the loose i do always been and while you're at it maybe your bank accounts too i suppose all depends on your definition of what rape is if you define rate as being financially destroyed by a small cabal of global elites and bankers then yes a rapist is on the loose and never done any stress con former head of the i.m.f. and once considered a potential contender for the french presidency has been released from detainment as the attempted rape case against him is imploding the housekeeper who initially made the claims of attack and since confessed that she did not immediately go for help but cleaned a bathroom and then scales cons room before reporting the attack she also i don't
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have occasion of asylum from guinea she lied about being a victim of gang gang rape when she was there and she also apparently lied about her income so that she could receive housing and she lied about the number of children she had so that she could claim additional dependents for tax refund not that i would ever recommend to anything like that yeah all of that might cause some credibility problems one way or another we know this international bankers will continue to rape us all as long as they hold power and next up for the i.m.f. is christine legarde another frenchy who will fishley take over as the i.m.f. chief on july fifth the good news is that she spent some time in chicago which serves well as an unofficial stamp of corruption and in minnesota the government is closed weight what the sky is falling forty years of darkness the bedroom rise from the grave human sacrifice dogs and cats live together the stereo board will just
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mean one less thing to get in the way of productive people when you think. i think we'll probably hear a media narrative that the minnesota government shut down because republicans weren't willing to budge on budget issues but democrats including governor mark dayton were fighting oh so hard to stand up for the little guy fighting to raise taxes on the rich and only steal from the seriously wealthy millionaires meanwhile america's billionaires thrive on bailouts and government favors and public opinions seem to be doing just fine too speaking of which next door in wisconsin it looks like scott walker stand against the spoiled look unions actually did some good and may have already saved one school district according to a piece in the washington examiner because can a school district is on track to turn a four hundred thousand dollars deficit into a one point five million dollars surplus the change simple enough public employees in the school system will have to pay had the twelve point six percent cost of their health coverage and said ten percent. i know i know you're still better off than most of the students you've helped and. and as of about nineteen hours ago the
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first big fundraising quarter of the two thousand and twelve presidential campaign officially ended basically means a lot of money has been given to politicians trying to become your next president and this is the first part of a one season fundraisers some of the campaigns are expected to announce their official quarterly numbers so this today but we do have some preliminary numbers first fundraising reports rival debates for the amount of post event spent so we thought we'd simplify it for you but it is the biggest one reason report that will come out by far will be president obama's the question is will be the biggest ever for an off year well thanks to inflation probably the most a president has raised in one quarter during the year preceeding elections george w. bush in two thousand and three when he raised fifteen point one million dollars and obama's team has set a goal of sixty million for the quarter and campaigns usually don't set public goals that they can't meet now he said to beat the record set by push and it doesn't hurt to have made one point two million dollars just last night in
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philadelphia and two fundraisers want to which was also by comcast executive vice president or guest ponied up at least ten thousand dollars for the privilege of being in the same room as the anointed one it's actually not a bad investment for those trying to corrupt the government and you see what lobbyists are charging these days at some of the president's events guests pay thirty thousand dollars a head how does that happen with the federal campaign contribution limit of twenty four dollars per person well if you make the rules there are always ways around them and mccain feingold is not campaign finance reform was just part of the incumbent protection right republican front runner mitt romney won something a little less than twenty million dollars and the rest of the liberty hating republicans will announce something substantially less former house speaker newt gingrich is reportedly in all kinds of debt being committed to the race when you're struggling is one thing but being committed to the race when you're deep in debt and can't get out is a little more serious matter what's is so goes away and starts his advocacy for marital and apparently now this school your response. ability. you know the last
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government sort of let it right to the foot down they're experiencing today about four million dollars and sell bachmann who in addition to all the reasons i gave you to stay in and used to be an attorney for the i.r.s. only meant about one point five million and as for the ron paul liberty loving freedom movement we have this is a quote from ron paul we have raised four have million dollars in the second fiscal quarter of two thousand and eleven we are making history once again never our lifetimes have we seen such a grassroots movement for individual liberty sound money and interventionism and you actually see his donation figure as they come in at ron paul two thousand and twelve. and when we come back we'll have a special announcement from anonymous and some long words from virginia beach engaging in civil disobedience tomorrow we'll see if i'm up for rolling along with stay tuned you're watching out of vs the met. life the world the fear mongering used by politicians who make decisions compelled
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to breakthrough had to put it made who can you trust no one who is you maybe you do with the global mission that we see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called. when nobody dares to ask we do you are a key question morning. you know sometimes you see a story of the six so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't i'm sorry there was a big. welcome
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back to adam vs the now now. if you're leaving your wireless network at home open without encryption say someone rip some data off it is a constant wiretapping well that's what google's been doing and they might be in a hell of a lot of trouble for a class action lawsuit has been launched against the internet giant on behalf of citizens from nine different states google has been equipping vans with street view cameras for years now sent to capture images of their surroundings for use and map applications but it turns out those same vehicles were also taking wireless data from unencrypted networks including e-mails asteroids account names and other private information sounds invasive right but here's the real question is the data is being broadcast out of the open who's at fault here when we put ourselves in a public forum where ideas words actions and other information are out in the open for all the see so was it actually wiretapping and i'm not sure i have a solid conclusion myself here but clearly if google's going beyond a veil of what was readily accessible then they crossed a line i don't think they did but the court thinks it was judge where concluded
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google could be liable under wiretapping better violations quote the court finds that plaintiffs plead facts sufficient to state a claim for violation of the wiretap act and particular plaintiffs plead that defendant intentionally created approved of an installed specially designed software and technology into its google street view vehicles and use this technology to intercept plaintiffs data packets arguably electronic communications from plaintiffs personal life i networks with google launching their own new social network to challenge facebook stock minutes this isn't the best time for them to be in a major privacy scandal either way put a password on that router only to keep a new kind of instructor out. and even amidst this privacy scandal google's answer to facebook google plus is being slowly rolled out right now with a staggered invitation system to build up hype i tell you more about it. we're still trying to get an invitation that works i.g.n. recently remarked that the staggered invitation system was a ridiculous idea but they're from san francisco pelosi land no surprise they might
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have folks there who don't understand marketing it's certainly never needed under state control the condoms it may be irritating having to wait but it's certainly working creating a buzz i mean i don't even have a count on talking about no word on a dislike button yet but here's hoping and it may have sounded impossible even a few months ago but in the rabbit paced world of the internet and the ever evolving landscape of social networking facebook might someday be following my space and a.o.l. and google plus and so the internet has been graveyard google plus could be the next big thing but not of open source revolutionaries stepin and yesterday i was speaking on the possibility of an open source social network but i guess the future showing up a little bit early someone sent me a message about a platform called fredricka and it's pretty intuitive compass is all of the big preexisting sites and aggregates everything into a social stream best of all this is private or as public as you once it's a b.
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and they are going to try to lay claim to your content with despicable ip laws and tricky legally the most important feature though of course is that there is a dislike button what do you know someone is finally responding to market demand don't you just love the internet i can't give the fencer cannot work a proper detailed review just yet but check it out at project dot fredricka friends of the friend because dot com and let me know you think facebook your days may just be numbered and now some news from anonymous. in the past two weeks there have been several attempts made to disparage anonymous we have been branded as terrorists and traitors forces of evil this forces us to ask you a question which is the greater evil an organization that coerces its members with force and feels the need to steal from them in order to finance its own bloated corruption and terry group of people who choose to expose lies told by those in
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power last week we released the names of those involved in the peruvian paramilitary organization knows as the ideal a snake or black eagles perhaps the a keyless neighbors will think twice before committing acts of violence now that those they oppress know who they are and where they sleep at night on thursday we released another set of information taken from the corrupt arizona police force their internal communications include racism and the discussion of sex offenders among the members of the arizona police force along with our brothers in arms at a low sec and all involved in operation and the sect will continue to release the names of those involved in the oppression of freemen we do this today we invite you to join us on july fourth we encourage you to declare your independence from the state and from all those who believe that force is an acceptable means of coercion expect operation and he said to continue expect us. all right so for those
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of you who don't know about anonymous it is an idea and like the idea behind this mask it is bulletproof is an idea that anyone can embrace and anyone can be a part of even squares like me the anti said movement is a specific form of anonymous activism targeting the online security of corrupt institutions lol site is an actual group that announced it was the spending last week but my best understanding of it is that it was several anonymous hackers who came together for a project that allowed them to work together under the law banner on the good ship lol sec sailing the high seas of the internet in search of locals anyway it doesn't really matter if they have disbanded or not they're still out there they didn't back into the total anonymity or not much of what they have leaked from various government agencies is still being processed and i tested i hope to use the show is a platform to get into some of the relevant content in those of the mainstream media might be afraid to touch and i'm really grateful for all of the offers that we've received for helping us in this impromptu crowdsourcing exercise but i can't
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even keep up with all the releases to organize such an analysis so please begin the allison files email me adam it out of reach of the man dot com to find anything noteworthy like the very cooper report we interviewed him about just a couple days ago here if you have any questions please do not a facebook page and someone will jump out to help you up anonymous is an inevitable product of the internet we are anonymous we are legion we do not forgive we do not forget expect us. paul writes in a real life form as opposed to an online form of civil disobedience we have with us a group of protesters tonight who are organizing an event in virginia beach tomorrow to protest discriminatory skateboarding laws joining me now josh and tristan thanks so much for being with us and i really appreciate it thanks for having us so tell us about the situation is on the boardwalk in virginia beach
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there you're allowed to bicycle you're allowed to roller blade you're allowed to scooter your lawyer to use a saree courts i don't know if you know you familiar with those there are these four wheeled course you can fit forty six people in and they're very difficult to maneuver and there are sounds dangerous it is dangerous i actually don't call the police the brakes they don't work half the time. well you know what i've been on one of those and the brakes never work. physics. so that according to the orders now longboarding and skateboarding both the md too unsafe right be allowed on the border that's what that's what they say they say that it's about safety but everybody knows that the issue isn't safety it's an inconvenience for city council and for members of the upper onto a lot of society if you're trying to make money off tourism because virginia beach is a tourist place and skateboarders they scare people well basically maybe have cops weren't shooting innocent people all the time that have
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a little more credibility advocating for oil slick say funny you mention that because i just spoke to somebody so we could go guess apparently there was a russian girl who was raped in the bushes last year i think and. in virginia beach she was raped her jaw was broken teeth knocked out everything and the cuts were nowhere to be found they showed up an hour after it happened after somebody were found her they couldn't call the police and the police showed up an hour later after he called is this is the best argument for for gun rights right now well you know when when seconds count the police are just minutes away even a little of this it would take a step back about about this for us tell us tell us how this this came together you guys ran into a little trouble with the law yourselves right yeah basically a couple was a risky thing down there at the boardwalk and a cop pulled us over and gave us tickets we were just how do you how do you get pulled over on a longboard they really did and then there have been reported incidences people we've talked to that have said cops and shove them off the boards these are sixteen year old kids they had these really quiet motorcycles or so why didn't sirens know
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that what they do is they just kind of the broad a little bit pull in the clutch and just glide up on you while you're skating that's like to ski you don't the board i almost fell down want to use like you although that's really good for public safety so tell us about the event tomorrow and i'm really excited i'm going to be going down giving it my best attempt to roll along with you guys here ok so tomorrow at one pm. we're going to have somewhere between five hundred and three. thousand five hundred people gather road in front of the main street or i don't know for the joy we can so it's going to be really busy we're in a safe zone numbers and civil disobedience are going to have a hard time pulling over even just one hundred even though they're on board and down on the border you know the interesting thing about this is that a lot of police officers they don't want you no longer to be legalized because they actually have to do their job to protect people from. hazardous things and own border well basically i just lost my train of thought it was always it was because
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you know what civil disobedience doesn't always have to be about serious issues like dancing they can be about fun things like longboarding two i really appreciate that you guys have put this together and i want to encourage any of our viewers who are going to be there tomorrow virginia beach one o'clock at the boardwalk yes what's the actual intersection where you're going to start net between twenty first and twenty second street on atlantic avenue and what's your band you guys came together as a band first yeah actually we're in a little band called burn the radio as you can guess by the name we're pretty into it and in our right josh interests and the radio organizing along with the protest in long beach virginia virginia tomorrow one pm i'll be there myself doing my best impersonation of someone on a longboard ladies and gentleman. role on all right these are outstanding. jake are you going to be there too we can only hope all right. as the day kicks off independence day weekend i have
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a message for my fellow americans because i don't feel right celebrating independence this year if anything we should be holding a memorial for independence if you think we are free today if you think nothing is wrong stop watching this right now go back to your illusions and may your chains rest lightly upon you because there is nothing more anti american in the world today than the american government. i'm proud to be a traitor and a patriot i'm a patient because i love my country not only the people and land and culture contained within our borders but what makes a true american patriot is a belief in the ideal of america as a free country and an inherent faith in the self-evident evident truths that this nation was founded on it's two thousand and eleven and the true patriot is still scarce thinking brave hated scorned and patriots day is a traitor to a government that has demonstrated itself to be an enemy of freedom the anniversary of our independence is here and it is time to take it back the founders never
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intended this day to be marked by blood nationalism and petty indulgences if you think everything is hunky dory in america wear red white and blue on independence day and celebrate the illusion of freedoms americans pretend to enjoy or if you feel as i feel that america is a shadow of what it could be a nation on the precipice even when i ask you to join me and making this independence day a chance to reclaim what it means to be american what it means to be a patriot and you want to do something about getting those freedoms back where black on independence day and tell people why tell them what you would do to make america better i hope you'll join me in the simple act of defiance and create an opportunity to have a forthright conversation about where we are as a country or have fun with your own activism for the day to celebrate the real ideals of america and maybe next year we'll actually have some independence with sobering all right that's our show for that i think you're going to adam vs the man we say out of reach of the man accountable i guess it's obvious then find me on facebook and twitter as always you get me out of it out of verses amanda comp sci.


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