tv [untitled] July 1, 2011 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT
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russia's foreign minister slams france for supplying weapons to libyan rebels saying its interpretation of the u.n. resolution to protect civilians gives carte blanc for a free for all meanwhile the international criminal court also comes under fire from russian officials who say it's arrest warrants for the gadhafi family further damaged chances of a peaceful resolution to the conflict. and in an exclusive interview with r.t. colonel gadhafi is a son saif al islam says he believes his country's riches are natives real target but that his people will fight to prevent foreign control of their nation meanwhile thousands of taking to the streets of tripoli the biggest progun dopy demonstration for months. greece urges the e.u. to release a bailout funds after athens passes a second vote on its austerity program to avert imminent default the measures including radical times increases pay cuts and privatisations were approved despite
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violent street protests and riots. and up next the alyona show broadcasting from washington d.c. looking at the news headlines that the american mainstream media has missed this week. hungry for the feast we've got. the biggest issues get a cuban voice face to face with the news makers. welcome to the lower show where you get the real headlines with none of the mercy or to live out of washington d.c. now tonight we'll speak with radley balko about the case of corey may men on death row who just got his life back and rallies reporting had something to do with it also speak with rapper marcel cartier who is releasing a new album about the war in libya and a look at the political circus that is washington d.c.
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we're going to have all of that and happy hour for you tonight but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has missed. you know yesterday i thought for a second that there was some hope for this world because i thought that the casey anthony trial was finally going to end the boy that i think wrong there's been a major interruption in the casey anthony murder trial judge belvin perry calling an indefinite recess so the defense can question the prosecution's witnesses casey anthony's murder trial is in recess indefinitely that unexpected move came from the judge just two hours ago our david mattingly he's outside the courthouse in orlando david this is somewhat surprising well consider this ok the state should we call fifty nine witnesses for ninety days in the defense called forty nine witnesses five the jury never heard over eleven days there were two days where there were no
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witnesses which took us the thirty two days and now we're in d.c. thirty three. how unexpected that was you know i almost feel like the mainstream media called up the judge called. the lawyers and just beg them to keep this circus going just they'd have something to talk about but then again as i predicted yesterday even if that trial were to go away they're sure to move on to the next mind numbing story that holds absolutely no relevance to what's really going on in the world and what do you know they found that story prince william and kate middleton have made a trip all the way over to canada big big crowds gathering here in the sunshine is come out there's a spooky thing going on and whatever catherine and william go outside it's sunny they go inside starts raining something very old going that is very successful just so you saw the will adventure throughout our neighbor to the north continues today the duke and duchess of cambridge are drawing some big crowds as they take in the sights and sounds of canada during a weeklong trip through neuer so delighted to be very proud of the.
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growth produce we love this country we've been looking forward to this moment for a very little toy. can somebody tell me why the hell anyone in america cares if the royals are in canada why the hell that's what's being reported on the so called news channels here in the u.s. well let's face it there are a few bigger things going on let me just give you one example about a month ago we saw a battle over debit card swipe fees finally come to an end breaking news from d.c. on that swipe fee caps even jabbers what is it guys will the banks have come up just about six votes short here the tester amendment has failed the final vote was fifty four forty five in favor but supporters of the test that's right we finally saw it is tense where it looked like wall street lost a battle of course they only lost because they were up against another huge industry the retail industry but still some looked at the situation with the
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glimmer of hope the federal reserve had finally decided that it wasn't fair that america had the highest swipe fees in the world for such as what and that's something that are in the banks a whopping twenty billion dollars a year for the federal reserve. decided to lower that amount to twelve cents and of course the banks cried foul what would they do with all the extra cash that they used only for bonuses so a lot of the one of the biggest lobbying battles on capitol hill some lawmakers even joked and called it a full employment bill as every single lobbyist was working for one side or the other but of course to you and i this was sold to something that affected us the consumers and viewers for months had to put up with watching these ads that ran on every single corporate media channel. small business is getting we've done every time you swipe your card credit card companies and big banks make big bucks for years big banks and credit card companies pushing people to use their cards is that right but then they use their market power to charge you an easy loan shark rates
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for the kurds i've been running a small business for less than a year for seventeen years for over fifty years it's a tough economy we need support for the release of more than a. well guess what i've got some bad news for everybody the whole battle that was documented by the media that everyone thought was over took a giant step back this week less than twenty four hours before these new rules were to take effect which is today the fed announced they would change that cap on the fees from twelve cents up to twenty four cents which means that at the end of the day the banks are still going to complain about the lost revenue from the original forty four cents so they'll still start charging more for checking accounts and every other place they can find to rip you off the retail industry will probably still raise their prices so this way they both win and the only people that lose are you and i and after all of that hoopla after all of the talk of somebody finally taking on wall street the fed just goes and changes it and nobody nobody out there reported it you think of the corporate media that shove ads down your throat for months would feel some tinge of responsibility to update you on how you
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the consumer have been screwed again but they didn't and that's what the mainstream media has missed. well it looks like the case of corey may it's coming to a close he spent ten years behind bars he had been sentenced to death by a jury but now may soon going to be heading home on a sever twenty six of two thousand and one of them twenty on twenty one year old may was at home with his daughter drifting off to sleep when he heard the sounds of a group breaking into his home and i guess we could describe his fear paternal instincts confusion may fired his gun at that point he realized that his shot. police officer after which he threw his gun down and surrendered but he didn't kill just any officer it was the police chief's son and this wasn't just any part of america it wasn't just mississippi criminal justice and racism are known to go hand in hand he was convicted of murder for the intentional killing of
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a police officer and sentenced to death in january of two thousand and four but years later a few bloggers a few journalists to look into the case and found that the word justice didn't seem to fit two years later after the regret relentless work of may's family of attorneys of journalists he's soon going to before he joins me to discuss this is radley balko senior writer and investigative reporter for the huffington post and someone who played a role in winning this man's freedom rally thanks so much for joining us tonight i know you're down there in mississippi so i guess i should start off congratulating you because you did put quite a bit of your time over the last couple years into this case. i mean i think. probably goes to four years. yeah i mean these are the kinds of stories these are why you why you become a journalist. it's been very satisfied also the thing is this is your beat right you talk about police raids they go wrong swat raids go wrong all the time you talk about the lack of justice in the criminal justice system what is it about this case
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specifically that drew you to it originally when you found it. oh i found this research on the use of swat teams for the cato institute and the. sort of scream at me i mean that was this had been reported by the a.p. had been reported by the new york times but nobody sort of thought to ask why a guy with no criminal record who had you know basically a firm roach in his apartment why he would have decided to take on you know when we take a reading team of cops killed just one and then surrender with old still left in the gun me approaching this from the from the angle somebody was critical of the police tactics it just didn't add up it made no sense at all in the far more plausible explanation is that this guy thought he was being you know invaded by people there to do him harm or to do is try. all right so what can you you know tell us more about that i think in failing in some of the holes and the brief
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outline that i gave at the beginning there that night when the police didn't rate his home he wasn't even one they were looking for. right he looked into even looked at his girlfriend and their daughter in a duplex and by all indications it seems like the police were actually after the guy who lived on the other side it's a guy named james smith who already had bro charges pending against him and who they actually did find drugs and that that's part of the duplex now or even his girlfriend then girlfriend didn't they didn't know jamie you know separate apartments. and you know there was there's. jimmy smith to this day has never been brought to trial so. you know there was there was that aspect of it we found out later you know several years later actually that the whole reason the raid was conducted was once because of a tip from an informant a guy named randy gentry who was a admitted drug user and so and who left
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a incredible beat races for fame message on one of the answering machines so you know this is a guy who's described as trustworthy and reliable in the search warrants he was probably use you know dozens if not hundreds of times as an informant for similar raids like this one who was you know a really unabashed racist and so i mean there was there are it's there's there's so many just really kind of horrible things about this case. that aren't sort of unique to this case certainly if you see it all these bad things going to happen in this case that they probably have to know them well and one of the things they write about in terms of this case is when it came to the trial the medical examiner there examiner there steven haynes played kind of a big role when it came to actually convincing the jury to convicting this man and you know what more can you tell us about him and his his reputation and how you see that all across the country to him sherry i mean i've actually end up writing and writing quite a bit more about dr again when i have about corey may you know he gave some
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testimony in this case that was questionable and that basically really made me look like a liar or a bit curious. this whole case hinged on whether you believe me when you said you didn't know the men believed in dr name you know questionable testimony in this sort of calling around and asking you know defense attorney the mississippi other medical across the south that they knew anything about this doctor is it turns out everybody knew about this doctor and everybody knew that he added we will work somewhere between fifteen and eighteen hundred autopsies here by himself. and that you know he gave testimony and a number one case very justified to be held by the body that there were two hands on the gun that fired the bullet. just you know if you don't have that kind of degree to see the volume that. you know in this guy just by finding thousands of cases of the year so you know it was i mean finding this case was was.
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you know sort of what it was. this particular issue but really i think it was a lot of other problems and from the justice system here in the city and it actually began to. you know in two thousand and six very long extended incredibly detailed piece about they have said about being there in mississippi and you spoke about the race relations in that community how you know perhaps the white part of the community only trusted the police department the black part of the community only trusted the sheriff's department i think even had a line from a defense attorney there that said we don't lynch black people outside of mississippi courthouses anymore but we still lynch them on the inside so do you think that race played a role in this case. well i mean you know i've seen sort of white people who got caught up in the same sort of situation with these grades get rewarded as well but you know there's no question that race was a factor in this particular case and that race is really kind of
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a suffocating part of everyday life in this apartment so big it is going to unavoidable it's everywhere. and you talk to people in these towns and again like you said the black i mean not only black people not for us it's always the city police and the like people don't trust the sheriff's department be the sheriff's department in the city police don't trust each other because some cells don't get along. so there is. yeah there's a lot of racial animosity and it's heated down there and there's also i mean i know it's just that. you can't help but notice the sense of. reservation and. among the black the black people that live in this area there's this kind of feeling that if you're black and you live in that particular part of the country that expects you know that if you're male you're probably going with me. by that so you're probably going to get you know pulled over and harassed for something you didn't do but just for living or living in this part of the country
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so there's there's a lot of fatalism there and it's unfortunate. yeah that's something that we see a lot too but you know i want to other things is that we've covered a lot on this show the case of oscar grant where of course as a police officer that body is pulling out his taser and and then up shooting a young man in the metro station and he serves maybe eighteen months right and here you have someone like man who was convicted to the death sentence right that the jury gave him the death sentence how often do we see that where police are never held accountable for those crimes where someone an innocent civilian might be killed in one of these raids and yet the opposite happens when it's the civilian that did the shooting. yeah i mean that's that's standard. the police are given a lot of leeway in this because of the the bottled nature of these raids the low the low margin brewer the truth inherent danger and you know that's that's true all those things are true we've created those situations but millions of people in the receiving end of the raid the people who you know are trained don't know what's
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happening you're being woken up in the middle night they're not given that same sort of deference and that's really. huge double standard here and you know particularly in the big you don't you think for his base is pretty open open and shut to a lot of people he still gets ten years. you know i have you can argue that drove the actual drug. and shoot at cops probably didn't know there were cops i mean you can drug dealers know that you shouldn't kill. you know you're going to be lucky to live past that aspect particularly in that you do you're probably going to be executed for the most of your life in prison so i mean being broke even with drug and shooting we're getting caught so i think they generally think it's you know another drug dealer breaking in so you know i mean. this is a happy day for us family and they're already through planning the homecoming celebration. but you know this guy lost ten years of his life and his kids you know spend ten years of their lives without a father and. and you know in terms of the larger picture the drug war in general i
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mean you know there's a police officer family is missing there's. as a twin brother brother i mean this is a bad oh. so very predictable consequence. you're going to be they're going to be more like you know that definitely isn't an isolated incident that's something you always write in your blog too but i think that this story really has touched a lot of people out there and has gotten a surprising amount of media attention even when it comes to you know the mainstream or the internet bloggers on all sides of the political spectrum bradley thanks so much. thanks very much. well still to come tonight the battle over reporting how much c.e.o.'s are paid versus what employees make c.e.o.'s want to keep their pay and we're headed into the fourth of july weekend a little holiday help for dangerous tensions between democrats and republicans in washington plus we'll tell you who is it raking in the catch twenty two well still rates i'll talk about all of that and political david tatton is joining in just
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wall it's no secret of the working structure for americans that's quite a few pay gaps everybody goes ahead on joe is going to make more than the average employee but after word got out the new regulations would force corporations to report the median compensation for workers and for the chief executive well a lot of those make it companies now are lobbying to make sure that that doesn't happen in fact a group that's backed by eighty one major companies like mcdonald's general dynamics and i.b.m. are all teaming up to try to stop these new rules. i wonder why they'd be so opposed to regulations would force companies to report the pay of both boss and employee maybe it's because of the in the say in disparity between the two are poor
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from the economic policy institute shows that the average c.e.o. makes the read hundred times more than the average worker and although our country's faced major recession c.e.o.'s pay has managed to jump up twenty seven percent so it looks like some people out. there aren't facing tough times when frustrating isn't it but what's more frustrating is the fact that this has become a partisan issue here in washington some republicans in congress say the posting of the comparing salaries is quote useless of course they're going to say that right when they're always on the side of the corporations and meanwhile some a democrat are arguing that not showing the gap between the positions only masks the growing pay disparity problem in the us paul but aside from the obvious david sirota points out in his piece on salon dot com a few more reasons why c.e.o.'s are fighting this regulation for starters there's fear of these ratios fueling shareholder activism and sort of points out the data showing that in equal numbers we're also spur new debate and ongoing discussion of corporate tax reform and you know actually forcing corporations to pay their taxes
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especially c.e.o.'s the ones that get to stuff it all into their pockets but until any real change does come around it looks like the old tradition still stands the big guys make all the money all the employees do the rest of the leg work and this is why we've had to say adios to the middle class. all too often in politics these days first you get the money and then you get the power so in preparation for the two thousand and twelve presidential race it seems like g.o.p. candidates are already beginning to shake at the thought of obama's possible one billion dollars campaign numbers are released today for how much candidates have raise so far and let's just say that it seems like mitt romney despite leading the pack seems a little nervous. even have a primary opponent. is going to raise a billion dollars we're not going to raise anywhere near as a kind of money. now mitt romney's campaign told n.b.c. yesterday this is his second quarter total will be less than twenty million dollars that would be less than what he raised in the first major quarter of two thousand
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and seven he had raised twenty three million that simple and he's expected to bring in less than five million jon huntsman has raised a fairly a little over two million throw in his own money it's four million. ron paul told supporters yesterday that he's raised over four million the number now unfortunately if we look at the debate going on on capitol hill right now it looks like once you get that power and then you get the entire country's money in your hands you don't do anything good so what can we say about the political circus that is washington d.c. joining me to discuss this is david cantonese politico national political reporter thank you so much to being here tonight and you're actually no political power and you guys all political reporters at politico it's word lingo like those words. let's start off talking about money it sounds to me like mitt romney sounds a little bit scattered well look this is not this is expectations game as you well know and he didn't meet expectations because he raised more money at this same time
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the first time you ran for president back in two thousand and seven so going under the twenty million dollar mark that opens it up for his primary challenger to say ok he's actually the leader we knew mitt romney's going to the most money but we're in the game and he's not as strong as we thought and then put that against what president obama is expected to raise which is supposed to be around sixty million dollars so you can do the math that's three times a month do you even think that it's possible for the obama campaign to raise a billion dollars like people have been saying can anybody really read the billion dollars a huge amount of money and that was floated out there and then i think the obama campaign sort of brought it back they sort of reeled in those expectations but i think it's possible it's on the table in this environment we saw the amount of money that president obama raised his first campaign both him and hillary clinton i mean tons of money so is it possible yes but we're in the very early stages but what is it about him that makes him be able to raise so much money right because normally you think and obviously this is a false way of looking at washington d.c.
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that people like to think that all republicans are in line with big business they've got wall street on their side the democrats so they just have the labor unions and such but you know obama we keep hearing about this fake disappointment when it comes from the big banks and from wall street and from the business side of marriage. does he still get all their cash that's a big question he's not the new thing anymore the reason he was able to raise so much money the first time was let me let's talk about it he was the first african-american viable presidential candidate he was exciting he was a young guy he was the new thing he doesn't get it right is that new shiny object that everyone's looking at that's you know it's worn off because he's actually had to go vernon make decisions and therefore upset people at all sides so there is that question out there but he is the incumbent president and historically in this country incumbent president raises the most money and that's what i guess i will see but you know at the same time he is dealing with the tough situation terms of the economy in terms of all the wars that we keep getting involved in i'm curious what you have to say about michele bachmann because obviously there's a lot of people making fun of or a lot of the she. is the c.e.o.
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flake but it seems like people are getting kind of excited about her i'm going to say i'm impressed with the roll out because she's got professional people around her i've watched her in the crowds and she's really good on the stump but we should interact with people she's the real deal she's off fantic whereas mitt romney the question is is this guy really what he's for he was you know it's like you know when are sale right. michele bachmann people are saying i mean chris wallace asked her if you she was a flake some people say you know snarky things about her but i'll say this she's got some possess as you watch her out there on the trail she excites people she drawing crowds three hundred four hundred people get this crowd this early what do you think we have a clip actually of something that michele bachmann said in this provide the other female that may or may not be in the presidential race at some point. they want to see two girls come together and have a mock wrestling fight. and i'm not going to give it to him. because i have great respect and admiration for the governor i appreciate her and i wish her well and i
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think this race is wide open. she's going on sarah palin and she's right and you know i just want to dislike the person the mud wrestle them. just say it's true. i guess the venue and the circuit ok let's talk about the individuals here right that are trying to be the president talk about what's actually going on because it boggles my mind that people might donate enough money that we can have a billion dollar campaign and yet at the same time congress is literally just in a standstill over this debt issue i mean it's one month away july first august second supposedly is when we might default on our debt and then every day we hear something different this is john boehner is latest. but what we believe is that united states was going to walk away from its obligations. when i said this is the moment this is the opportunity to exactly what i mean dealing with this this debt problem and this deficit problem is far more important the medium so more official
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date created by the treasury secretary. so now it's an artificial date then we heard from some democrats that apparently it's unconstitutional i can't mean a freaking break well i mean banner has switched from where he was here recently saying we have to deal with is and you know we're going to have to raise the debt ceiling with spending cuts but now he's willing to go along with some of the tea party members and say you know what august second can come and go and you don't have to deal with it unless i get some concessions so there is there is a bit of a change and it's because of the tea party i think republicans are willing to walk this up to the plank whether they're willing to jump off is another that i think has i think that you know the ok by their tea party members in congress but they're saying that they want to please their constituents i don't think that they're being honest with these tea partiers their constituents because they're not telling them what that might actually look like because nobody actually knows and it would indeed be catastrophic but what do you think it looks like to the rest of the world we depend on everybody buying our debt if our lawmakers are just messing around
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doing absolutely nothing why would anybody invest in this country heard the business leaders you've heard secretary geithner out there saying this is a big deal this is important for royle the world markets it will hurt the confidence that we have and maybe i'm just going to leave before that happens if there are rumors of geithner's departure but you have senators u.s. senators out there saying it will be that bad we don't know the consequences i mean i see the statements coming each day and these are republican senators and these aren't even you know the most conservative of some of these republicans are saying we don't know the consequences so that sort of lowers the bar as far as how how dire of a situation this is and we don't know because we haven't we've always raised it right now. getting closer i think this is a lot of brinksmanship and political posturing to go back to your supporters and say hey i fought all the way till here and then we got this but right now they're deadlocked well it sounds like a game of chicken that they're playing and i hope they were not the ones that end up you know losing out in the long run they think some.
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