tv [untitled] July 1, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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ready to roll it's time for friday night's big picture rubble where i sit down with three extra political commentators to debate with the week's biggest stories our panel tonight heather sermon a conservative strategist of energy an owner of for forty public relations group democratic strategist and brian darling director of government studies at the heritage foundation and a columnist of human events and contributor to red state dot com all of you thinking about it all right. it's official last week debt ceiling negotiations broke down with house majority leader eric cantor threw a fit about closing the tax loophole for corporate jet owners over this week it was revealed that cantor may have ulterior motives in sabotaging the debt ceiling negotiations just as andrea to millionaires and billionaires according to his financial statements this year he had her has fifteen thousand dollars short on the dollar in other words a fifteen thousand dollars bet that the u.s. dollar value will plummet and. and there's no better way to cause the dollar to
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lose value than to ensure that america defaults on its debts now the reason why republicans may have no interest whatsoever in raising the debt ceiling is before we go i said senator chuck schumer this week is what he had to say in a senate hearing yesterday. and it leads you to only one conclusion which my colleagues have alluded to which is they want the country to be in his bad shape as possible because that might help them electorally all of a sudden it's sort of like a new fever has taken over the other sonic at the best way when he's hurt the country as much as you can and that will create political benefit it's just confounding i've never experienced anything like it in the thirty seven years i've been implement x. so is senator schumer right or republicans trying to crash the economy to make president obama look bad in two thousand and twelve or do they just have personal financial incentives like eric cantor crashed the u.s. economy. i think president obama's doing a great job in his own making himself look bad the shown absolutely no leadership
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in this debate he's what to be in the debate over whether to raise the debt ceiling what to do about the debt ceiling whether or not to raise the debt ceiling at all there's a debate on what to do and what to condition it on republicans have put on the table something called cut cap and balance they want to cut spending they want a statutory caps on spending and they want a balanced budget amendment here's what the president wants he just wants to raise taxes on the american people and balance of budget on the backs of the american people that's not the way to do it and i don't think there's so much pain about whether or not to raise the debt limit i think and then they pretty much everybody in this congress has already voted for an increase at one point or another in their career i mean the bath majority i don't think i think the problem is that there is that there is a statutory limitation on it that it's called the debt ceiling but at some point you have to decide are you willing to what are you willing to do in order to be right are you willing to take the entire economy to get your way are you willing to in a completely throw out are up to two hundred over to one. a year of having the best
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credit rating having perfect credit as a country just to proclaim this isn't like a budget standoff where you know we just aren't people and we keep kind of the containment you know the problems contain to our country this will cause world by discrepancies and and rocking his buttons or market or what should be done with let's remember though to the debt ceiling was established in one thousand seven hundred seventeen it's not a us constitution established thing it is it's the constitution yeah i mean it's give us a small sense of accountability and the reality is that it's not working you know we're not doing a very good job of keeping our selves in check and so i think something else to be done but we had a go during the clinton administration we should ban of that four trillion dollars and so i think that if the republicans aren't trying to crash the economy they're certainly pushing policies that will gradually already crashing tom well it's already crashing the rove. just came out and i should be paying more taxes that he
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should pay more taxes he thought he also did but you still supported the crucial part that it would have begun and those are the very good the debate that was happening in the gang of six or whatever it was the had reached the point where eighty five percent of what was going to be given up was spending cuts and fifteen percent was tax increases and when the democrats try to move it to seventy percent that's when eric cantor walked out of the room we've got a couple of graphs this is the effects of cuts we have to say we have two sets of states twenty four states have cut spending twenty five states an increase spending for states cut taxes twenty five states and increase taxes we see what happens is that it's in the it's an acute behind you here the states that have increased spending have seen that increase spending that seemed to put just a one percent decrease in unemployment that's good one point four percent increase in private employment that's good and zero point five percent economic growth but what about the states that cut spending which is what the republicans want to do nationally these states these twenty five states one percent increase. gadd two
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point one percent decrease in private employment bad and at some point nine percent economic contraction so the here's a here's another one this is this is you know the arguing that taxes on the rich don't lead to job growth this is fifty years and what we see is that when taxes are the highest of seventy five percent and to eight percent sixty nine to seventy five fifty percent. the job growth is greatest in those years when the taxes on the very rich are lowest job growth is the worst so you know if this is the republican sticks let's let's do one of these twenty five states did and shrink things it's going to kill economy or let's cut taxes on rich people is going to kill it seems insane we want to cut taxes on all americans not just rich people and rich people those evil rich people happen to be job creators but they are not job please explain to me the economic theory that when you raise taxes during a time of economic malaise that's going to turn the economy around and i don't
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understand how it's going to make our economy better we start raising taxes we're going to start in the one nine hundred fifty s. the one nine hundred sixty s. t. creasing founding isn't going to naturally suddenly make growth in the economy the economy doesn't care where the money's coming from government spending it certain part is the more. the kind of overall economic monies that are out there in order to kind of help kick start as economy and and if we've learned one thing that tax cuts don't create jobs i think that pretty much this president he did the stimulus was still the largest tax cut in american history that this president president obama president and everyone says you know hates the wealthy and is doing nothing but trying to raise your taxes has the largest tax cuts in history that's what i mean it is true i think we are this is becoming way too dependent upon our government i think there needs to be a foundational shift in the way americans new government and that's going to take a little bit of time i think has happened it has a great argument office you know now this idea that our government somehow some hateful thing that no no it's not a hater i think there is a purpose. our government who are hundreds of years private enterprise private
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enterprise not business the government government in order to make sure our ass for you all is making a very young child is no market for a long term job specially i disagree with all three of the real job creators are people spending money so now the question is how do they get the money and that's that's that's the debate that's been going on and the keynesian model is you give them the money and john mccain says you hire someone got to do all you hire another guy to fill a hole both those guys are going to end up going to the local store and buying clothes which are going to then cause a need for clothing or it's going to it's going to build the economy and then you know those people that are making a close to it but they only want to have a small business is that it's hard not to ban produces opportunities also that the workers that are actually selling the clothes and that's another issue here too is that this idea that we're just going to get these tax breaks or that the only people that need help are the actual people who own the clothing factory not the people who are working there that still need to be able to then make enough money a living wage need to be able to have their i think you could not be paying a disproportionate burden i mean go which brings us to michele bachmann saying
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let's do away with the minimum wage there's nothing wrong to say it no it's not and say you can't actually increase employment if you get rid of the minimum wage tomorrow it actually causes people to go on unemployment i actually know people that stay on the unemployment a little bit longer because why go get a job when you're on unemployment benefit because going to be that i actually love it and i don't own it when i think that you have to be actively seeking work it's not like we just pay people to not work and this is the kind of society that is there's a hassle associated with but do we really want to be a nation or do we want to be the next mexico do we want to be a nation where people are working for three dollars an hour while the seriously if you're in high school and if you can't get a job you can blame it on the minimum wage law this is a certain incentive i don't know far i've been hearing a lot of these to hire people outside of the economy and they go and maybe hire illegal immigrants i mean that in your eyes while in you i mean jobs because senior citizens it used to be able to be able to pay for their you know their their lifestyles point. but social security and medicare were able to retire at
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a real mean age they've now had to go back and people with college degrees have lost their jobs or people that have been training factories are now going working at lowe's or going and taking us minimum wage jobs and so that they have evidence there's also a big problem in this country under employment and that's another huge issue that we have to see where people's incomes it's going to be the economy it's not by making our government bigger and making more people dependent upon that government i think it's i think that that they're saying operations corporations can't use appendant upon government if the oil companies can't use depending on the sides i you know that i'm thinking and i agree with that that same that same idea holds true for companies but the stimulus plan was a great example of why keynesian economics is an abysmal failure it didn't work they just don't money into the economy will it work in the great one herbert hoover was following was following the conservative model for three years so we're going to our melons really put everything don't do anything it was just there's not enough there was too much immediate community to see in the world war two is what
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restore the know what did what you want us out of the great depression it was either keynesian economics or it was world war two you're saying all of the government money that was dumped into the economy created demand and started b.s. is for that's what i'm saying i don't think that's true and i think what then what happened i think how do we get out of the great i mean i think the free market kicked in and worked and it was a time when you had the government spending much more on steroids and you'd rather spend government programs social security which how this had a safety net which then i will see that i'm not seeing really be on your toes because i mean we are art art but when you stablish something in the one nine hundred sixty s. and it keeps on growing and growing and growing can we find it in the year two thousand and eleven it's a bird that we can only or carry so that's why i mean i've got to talk about this before in the show means testing for medicare means that i think are so security let's just call it is roeser here it is welfare. why don't we call it what it is having a decent society where everybody has access to. and right i think it's more decent
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to say that we're actually are helping the poor we actually are helping people who actually need help not people who don't use to them so well i mean i think it's a good discussion that it is and i'd like to as one i want to get to one last topic in here which is completely off this and just we just have a couple minutes left. you know or. just go about a g.o.p. day one of three things apparently is happening either a he's a mean evil great post in this is a classic example of rich white guy goes up against poor black woman and she gets squashed like a bug or. apparently she's hangs out this restaurant were beyond her the restaurant's friends with serco z. who. was going to put out a business so there was some horrible conspiracy or i don't know what to. three with any thoughts of what's going on here and how this is playing out what this will i think it's actually having you know it's the united states where we truly are seeking justice we truly want to know the truth and i think it's amazing that
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you know we're finding out these details i think it's a great country that we live and where we could have this kind of. thorough investigation occur and the prosecutors are the one that they have the right up that brought up so i mean it does show that there are that our justice system has had a very thorough investigation prosthetic there's kind of a bigger issue about how the laws are structured when it comes to women and this is a broader issue that's not just in cases of rape where it tends to become he said person she said because of our crowd a serial system is set up in a way that makes a woman prove her character and her work and kind of her every victim is a she and a lot of ways it's also played up that way with abuse also with murder women tend to not be as strong so most women kill tends to be premeditated even if it is kind of in a defensive stance so our laws don't really address some of the ways that they you know kind of failed women and a lot of areas now it's too important to kind of unravel that. whole thing right
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now after. all the news reports i read today that maybe one of you knows something i don't i don't see this is a partisan issue frankly you know but it doesn't appear that the prosecutors when they kind of threw up their hands today ever said we don't think she was raped but they're saying race is that they don't think. that it was consensual you know none of them are saying oh maybe his story is right the she approached him it was consensual they're not saying that what they're saying is the other parts of her story are not consistent she'll be a lousy witness they're going to lose the case and and it isn't that in itself you know speak to the problems with us i mean i'm a lawyer i understand that when you read about this case there's no denial that there's significant evidence that something happened sexually between the two and he's got the best lawyers in the world if his lawyers are rolling out some grand conspiracy theory i tend not to believe the conspiracy theory but i would tend to
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believe the evidence that's been presented by his lawyers are saying it was consensual they're not promoting the conspiracy theory that's all over france right you know i don't know that that you know if he is off base we're not bringing anything to a court unless they know almost to a certainty that they're going to be able to when you know i mean that's that's the nature that i think really it really does open up the fact that they again make i don't think they're not impeaching her you know going to the incident or what she says you know occurred and we know that he has had a long history of harassment from other reports that have come out and there's been a long conversation about this and pray and i hope there's more wind in america about. him see a little run. in two sentences or more or less we learned that we're now dropping bombs in libya or not in somalia six country now the world has this president exceeded his constitutional. right. no but i assume you're getting ready for.
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impeachment trial as you already recall there was an interim i'm not but i think he's exceeded his these constitutional are. trying to say that he hasn't you know overstepped his constitutional authority although i wish we could stop going at war with people and stop find a way to do it. differently schools and other who don't think he's overstepped his bounds but i do appreciate that we have a great checks and balances system and that he can't just you know continue buying people without congress i think and say what are at around six really have made it easy for you know it's certainly going to have a big easy one of the without you know he's exceeded the world powers or it would be. as much as i'm a supporter of president obama i think he's he's jumped the shark ennio heather erica brian thank you all saying she was i mean after the break a deal we take on our nation is losing the american way and what we need to do to get that. twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to do about the ongoing financial hardship
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a second it's not just the hero it's not just the carnage of nine eleven but also some of the last rather remnants of american manufactured steel a dying industry in our nation today those mangled sheet beams and steel beams sticking out of a pile of rubble that used to be the world trade center were made right here in america at a one hundred year old steel plant in allentown pennsylvania known as the allentown metal works today though ten years after nine eleven that steel plant is the poster child of an america in decline it was there that back in two thousand and nine president obama used the plan to tout his economic stimulus program the plant was supposed to be a symbol of the american economy will already be back unfortunately one year later allentown metal works shut down and now it's being used as a symbol of the failure of president obama's policies but one of the lead republican candidates for president mitt romney take
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a look at the startlingly effective campaign ad was just now hitting the airwaves good to be back on. allentown works at a chance to visit with workers there. the allentown battle work is set to close its doors on friday this was hailed as a symbol of hope by president barack obama last year when he promoted his jobs plan . so what really happened in allentown pa is the american still manufacturing industry collapsing. slate columnist dave weigel explored the issue in a column published yesterday and she gave one of the reasons why allentown metal works shuttered stores rial wrote the owners of allentown metal works of expected
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to get more business from stimulus spending on construction etc it didn't happen allentown metal works only chance for survival was an infusion of capital from the government into local projects something the romney opposed its collapse was classic creative destruction there simply wasn't business for the plant to do any more as to why there wasn't any business for the plant anymore allentown business columnist at work carter offered an explanation at the beginning of the year writing that the closing of the plant represents a bygone era of when manufacturing was king of the economy in the lehigh valley and around the country unfortunately the manufacturing cycle has seen its boom in america in one and not necessarily in the bust phase of the cycle the landscape has changed drastically for american manufacturers more than likely it will be used by some sort of service company which is currently in the boom phase for the local and us economy in other words we don't build things in america anymore we're now we
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are a would you like fries with that kind of nation a service economy and not a manufacturing economy so it doesn't matter how much stimulus money president obama gave allentown metal works if no one was building anything in america would be no demand for steel and the plant was bound to go belly up so what happened between the one nine hundred sixty s. when there was demand for american steel to build the world trade center and today and all that demand is now dried up well here's what happened we have banned and the american way. for two hundred years for our first president george washington all the way up into the swearing in of our fortieth president ronald reagan our nation operated under an economic plan known simply as the american way it was based on an eleven point plan to foster american manufacturing created by america's first treasury secretary alexander hamilton it was literally called the american
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system and for two hundred years it was referred to as the american way the american way was built on three basic tenets one tariffs or import taxes to make foreign made goods more expensive here and thus protect american industries to a strong national bank to facilitate commerce and three loads of federal spending for infrastructure projects like roads were railroads airports bridges ports even canals that help american industries easily and cheaply transport products around the nation this is the type of economy that ruled america through forty presidencies and turned our fledgling newborn nation into an economic superpower unlike any the world had ever seen before it worked flawlessly but then in one nine hundred eighty one with the presidency around reagan our nation embark on
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a radical new experiment of so-called free trade and small government and we said good riddance to the american way over the next twenty years we got rid of our tariffs we handed regulating our commerce to the banks toure's and we cut government spending on infrastructure completely dismantling the american way. which is why now we used to go build a damn thing in america anymore and the last high profile american politician to tell the truth about this was ross perot and his blunt honesty on the topic got him twenty percent of the vote in one nine hundred ninety two. first i have to do is get all these folks they've got these wrong way trade agreements that we've negotiated over the years and say fellas we'll fight the same deal we gave you. and they'll gridlock right if we have got to stop sending jobs overseas there will be a sucking sound going south he was right and just like we outsource u.s. jobs in manufacturing plants overseas now we've even outsourced the american way
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itself once we dropped it nations like china india brazil south korea picked it up and guess which economies are booming in a few years china will surpass the united states as the top economy in the world and if you in decades india will surpass us to the bric nations that's brazil russia india and china all nations that now employ the american way currently account for one fifth of the world's economy and represent forty five percent of all the economic growth on the planet we're being left behind by nations that are beating us at a game we invented beating us at the american way. there's no better example of this economic shift in this tale of two bridges yesterday china opened up the world's largest bridge over water it's a twenty six mile long behemoths that stretches across a giant bay in china and was constructed by chinese workers with steel made in chinese factories oddly the same can be said about
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a new bridge stretching across san francisco bay and you half mile long bridge that will connect san francisco and oakland will not have a made in america sticker and that's because it was mostly made in china later this month the last four segments of the bridge for massive steel skeletons will be shipped over six thousand miles from shanghai to be put together like lego pieces here in america and you wonder why allentown metal works couldn't sell or steel in this new american economy the point of all of this is we've lost the american way and if we don't find it soon if we don't reclaim what alexander hamilton and george washington gave us at the birth of our nation that nurtured us into an economic superpower and one day we're all going to wake up and realize that the age of the of america as a first world nation is over is that what we want to bequeath to future generations
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let's let allentown metal work serve as an example a rallying cry to bring back the american way before it's too late the fate of our nation and in the balance. as the big picture for tonight for this week for more information on the stories we covered visit our web site. free speech dot org and arcidiacono also check out our two you tube channels there are links to tom parker dot com and this entire shows available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free trial more of an i phone and i pad app in the app store you can sort of speak back to twitter it's from others for our going on facebook and from underscore our one on our blogs message boards and telephone comment line and thom hartmann dot com and don't forget democracy begins with you when you show up for just space it all happens tag you're it so you next week.
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