tv [untitled] July 1, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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joining us tonight are. right so to come on tonight's show he's already accused of putting a fellow judge in a choke hold now more trouble for wisconsin just this night school time winner and the power of music when it comes to politics and i'll speak with a rapper who's got a lot to say about u.s. foreign policy and the war in libya in just a moment. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day.
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and broadcasting live direct from the heart of moscow this is r t with your top news headlines from around the world. russian foreign minister slams france for supplying weapons to libyan rebels saying its interpretation of the u.n. resolution to protect civilians gives carte blanche for a free for all meanwhile the international criminal court also comes under fire from russian officials who say its arrest warrants for the gadhafi family further damaged chances of a peaceful resolution to the conflict. and in an exclusive interview with r.t. colonel gadhafi his son saif al islam says he believes his country's riches are nato's real target but that his people will fight to prevent foreign control of their nation meanwhile thousands have taken to the streets of tripoli in the biggest. demonstration for months. greece urges the e.u.
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to release a bailout funds after athens passes a second vote on its austerity program to avert imminent default the measures including radical tax increases and cuts and privatization were approved despite violent street protests and riots. now coming up in about thirty minutes my colleague carrie johnson will be in with a full look at your news but right now it's back to part two of the ali on the show . time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to wisconsin state supreme court justice david prosser you may think that he's winning this award for his alleged fights with fellow justice and watch bradley and if you haven't heard justice processors accused of putting justice bradley in a choke hold during the disagree with they had more than a week ago the whole incident has just turned into
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a three ring circus in wisconsin allegations charges of lying being tossed around by both democrats and republicans as you might expect the local media in madison the state capital of wisconsin well they're just going big gangbusters over this story every single day reporters are trying to find out what really happened and break new details on the case as a reporter from the local fox station saw just as prosper in the hallway of the supreme court on thursday and he tried to figure that out take a look but she called me. just a stupid prosser grabbed our microphone on second thought he decided he didn't have any use for it he didn't want to answer any of our questions which was in the press or what happened in the room we gave him yeah some of that somebody had a change of heart two seconds after grabbing that thing he wondered why that would be i don't know how about because you're accused of putting a fellow justice in a chokehold and then just a few days later you snatch the microphone out of the hand of a reporter talk about a bad p.r. move but you see the reporter in madison didn't give up he kept chasing at the
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justice trying to find out what really happened there a reason you won't explain what happened to the public instead he turned his back on those in the elevator and stormed into his chambers. you know the whole thing about this story though the whole thing of who put who had a chokehold or who pushed to isn't this point there's really there's no telling what actually happened but if you're a justice oughta state supreme court you would think you would have better judgment than to make yourself look guilty but i think the most you would agree that if somebody runs from the media slams the door in their face it looks like they have something to hide and from the looks of this story it appears that justice david prosser needs some anger management classes you know i was accused of putting a fellow colleague here at our teen a chokehold believe me i've been my best behavior around the office of course that would never have been a peace loving person but this thursday incident of grabbing a reporter's microphone is not going to win the justice any new fans in fact it'll probably already confirm what a lot of people are thinking that he's got
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a temper so police and a judicial review board of wisconsin are investigating the choking incident but no word on when the investigation will be complete so let's hope it happens soon because it looks like supreme the wisconsin state supreme court justice david prosser is about to blow a gasket and that's why we're giving him our tool time award tonight. all right so you know our passion about bringing attention to police involved incidents to go a step too far and this time i'd like to present to you an incident that happened a few weeks ago and dayton ohio a mentally handicapped teenager named jesse curacy was stopped by police when the teenager who also had a speech impediment tried to explain his condition to the officer willi hooper helicopter that he was being disrespected by courtesy and in fact a core papers go on to explain that a neighbor who saw this dispute tried to explain the situation the officer however hooper threatened to arrest the neighbor if he didn't go inside so from there the teenager attempted to return to his home to ask his mother for help but officer
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hooper followed him managed to beat him pepper spray him tase him and then proceeded to call for backup from fellow police officers oh and despite the fact that at this point here is his mother was trying to explain the teen's mental state he was handcuffed hog tied and then put in. back of a police car now i thought as with the fact that we don't have any video of this incident any interviews with local police about what happened because the media and dayton ohio apparently didn't really cover this issue yet the local news stations thought that it would be much more fitting to cover local fairs and road construction but learning how officers in their district teach treat teenagers with mental disabilities now since they refuse to give any attention to it let me explain why this is such a ridiculous case for starters the teenager was not only beaten and pepper sprayed he was also taped all taser guns are supposed to only be used by police officers to stun a disgruntled person into submission we've seen them get pretty taser happy over the years and often times tasers have led to deaths and hours of searching for his
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mother unsuccessfully at the airport can't get flips out starts throwing chairs at a glass window in the customs region of the airport four officers finally approach one pulls out a taser and opens fire minutes after being cost. is dead in spanaway neighbors say pierce county sheriff's deputies used extreme force to take down the band who refused to leave an apartment unit or to taser going. by the time they came. after. the twenty seven year old spanaway man later died at the hospital one of the deputies deployed his taser sending a normal sized shock of electricity into coal years body he stopped breathing the deputies tried to revive him using c.p. your but it was too late. i was scary part here is the officer still use tasers to detain people as a less deadly method than say their guns even if tasers have been linked to several
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deaths in the past but in this case there is no excuse for the way officer hooper treated the mentally handicapped teenager beaten stunned that first braid and a hog tied for a speech impediment who was grossly mistaken is being disrespectful so this deserves a double whammy award for. an officer who completely misunderstood a situation for putting an innocent teenager through hell. how the u.s. and its nato allies have not been bombing libya for more than three months with each passing day the suppose that humanitarian intervention which they refuse to acknowledge is a war looks more and more like a stalemate and we brought you extensive coverage of the illegality of this war but not explainable explanation by the obama administration for why this president involved has unilaterally and without asking congress but we knew the american people also didn't get a say and rapper marcel cartier has decided to make music about that. it's all. been listening to.
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some things. and it also takes a look at how this war explains america's greater foreign policy agenda. that you'll be promising. was the president of. the needle. conflicts the problem. first of all in bed with storms instead. it's a topic that we've touched upon it many times on this show the power of music to become a political tool so why is he the only one doing it joining me from our studio in new york is rap artist marcel cartier his album hands off libya is due to be released this august marcelle thanks so much for joining us tonight so your album is coming out in august so far we gave the audience
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a taste of two songs on there why are you making an entire album about libya. well toward the end of his life martin luther king said the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government and he also said the government continues to spend more money every year on the war than on programs of social lift spiritual death now we have to put together these imperial adventures abroad and the fact that every single year and every day for that matter they tell us again and again and again there is no money for basic social programs there's no money for education there's no money for health care and don't even think about asking for those things as basic human rights but suddenly when it comes to war there was always an endless supply at any given time so we have to put those two together and we have to understand that poor and working people need to stand up not only for
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economic rights but against these wars of imperialism and occupation because that will bring us liberation and what do you think about the fact that the administration refuses to call this war a war they would say that it doesn't even count as hostilities under the war powers act and they still go on calling this a humanitarian intervention. we shouldn't be surprised whatsoever we're dealing with the united states the greatest in slaver of african people in history and we're also dealing with france and britain the two biggest colonizers of africa you know when they first colonize africa they use the humanitarian the guys there is well they said we have to civilize the african people it is the white man's burden to civilize africa and they're doing it all over again it doesn't matter which u.s. president is in office you know so we shouldn't be surprised whatsoever by this you know they can see again and again that it's humanitarian just like it was in iraq just like it is in afghanistan to fight terrorism but they never acknowledge that
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their war is in themselves or terrorist actions and that the u.s. government is the biggest terrorist in world. well you know i think you make a good point and one of the clips that we show there when you said you know this these people don't represent you and i think that a lot of american probably feel that way because we have no say in the wars that are on our behalf that are in our name do you think about it's ever going to change or is this military industrial complex just just too large and we're too removed from it well i think the it doesn't matter of clinton's in north bush's in north obama's in office because it was fundamentally a steak is the system in the system of capitalism is what creates these wars imperialism is the highest stage of the system is not a policy is not something that obama could change even if he wanted to you know this military industrial complex they constantly need wars in order to stimulate the economy never for poor and working people but to answer your question i think
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that the power is in the people i think the history is shown as the every some the organize the masses come out you know we had the revolution movement in the sixty's in the seventy's in the u.s. government was scared to death because they saw the organized people so we need to regroup again we need a revolutionary movement with real leadership and that way we can take down some of what obama not about bush it's about parasites who are in power who represent one percent and the people who represent the other ninety nine probably more now you know and we saw the revolution going on in egypt as well you also made a song about that and i'm nischelle a clip of that and the audience right now. go ahead and just. see. you post. so you make so many points about how revolution change democracy has to come from the bottom up and from the people but then what you have to say about the situation
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that we're seeing in egypt on the ground right now the continued violence. well the egyptian revolution what the mainstream media likes to term the egyptian. revolution which is really just the removal of hosni mubarak from power that was really the first step that was not a revolution in itself because after mubarak was gone you still have the same system in place it's still a proxy state of the u.s. is still a puppet state so the egyptian masses are demanding more they're not willing to settle for nothing they don't see the bloodshed you know that happened in february is the end they understand that the entire system has to go perhaps it lacks organization and that's what's really needed on the ground but you know i don't i don't think that i don't think the violence on behalf of the oppressed people fighting for their liberation is a bad thing i think that you know first of all the most violent people involved in this process were the egyptian government you know their force of repression you know so the people who have the right to use whatever means necessary to get their
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freedom and we would like of course for peaceful solution but you know let's be honest a lot of times you know what state is willing to do is give up their power in a in a nonviolent way just say here have the you know people take the power marcel just very last last they have been like thirty seconds you can tell me you know we see a lot of hip hop artists making political statements but rarely is it about something that's going on right at this moment like the war in libya why do you think that is. well i think the hip hop has been hijacked by capitalism i think that it's been hijacked and turned into something that is not in fact you have a lot of press people who are making songs trying to imitate the oppressor which is ridiculous but it's a tactic that they use you know so i'm going to continue to make these songs you know you continue to put out music that speaks to our reality on the ground not fantasy but we're actually dealing with day to day and you know i think that is a movement that i think that there are all other voices like mine out there is just that without the right forum in the tolls russia today was the only one willing to
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put me on the air you know we don't have the that we have to deal my thoughts are out of time but thank you so much for joining us tonight thank you. are coming up next we have our fireside friday and that is the end of the week so make a toast in happy hour fast food chain wendy's goes to russia and it turns out when he and russia's a little sexier than when he in the u.s. plus a wiki leaks goes after master card to stick around for a price that was. spent in the year in iraq is a military journalist by the way still in the u.s. on the workers there is kind of wasting their time trying to get killed. i thought oh was willing to give me the low life among. you to be about twenty
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to feel. the soviet files on. to tonight's fireside with your host cops. this week we saw the idea of justice and responsibility basically come to a close when the obama administration first took over they made it very clear that they would not be pursuing any bush administration officials you know people like the president or the vice president or any bush administration lawyers for their crimes and by those crimes i mean approving and legally justified the use of enhanced interrogation techniques on detainee it's something that the rest of us in the real world call torture what obama's justice department did do is call in a special prosecutor john durham to carry on an investigation into cia
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interrogators who may have unlawfully tortured detainees in their custody and since that moment slowly but surely the investigation has been throwing bits and pieces out the most prominent example being the destruction of cia interrogation tapes and investigation that john durham decided to drop and then this week this week we learned from attorney general eric holder that out of one hundred and one cases they would pursue criminal investigations and only two. two cases out of one hundred one and they haven't even released the names of these two specific cases but some out there are speculated the one is a prisoner who froze to death and a secret prison in afghanistan the other was one of the bodies that you saw soldiers posing next to it all to create those those sound brutal and their proof of the grave abuses that were committed in the name of america all over the world in secret installations but they're just the tip of the iceberg so if you look at the information compiled by groups like the a.c.l.u. those people who are investigating for human rights watch they reported over one
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hundred detainees have died during u.s. interrogations dozens directly because of those interrogations going too far eric holder is aside to look into two cases and how much would you like to bet the chances of those actually going to court anyone actually being charged those are slim to none and then again there's a greater problem to all of this it's the fact that those at the highest levels those who make the calls for torture will never be investigated and the only ones who are pursued are low level and it doesn't mean that those on the lower levels who carried out the torture and orders bear no responsibility oh no their hands have blood on them but it's the joke of a word that's become justice that really gets me this means that according to the obama administration you know the one that was supposed to bring back the rule of law according to them this means that the book on torture has essentially been closed nobody nobody out there is going to be held accountable and so how many times have we heard them say that they want to look forward rather than back those
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are words that we've heard echoed by leon panetta and also david petraeus as they move on to their new positions and betrays his words actually being sworn in as the new director of the cia he said it's time to take the rearview mirrors off the bus you know that's the same but try as the wall testifying on the hill said that the cia should consider enhanced interrogations again only in special cases of those ticking time bomb scenarios and l.-y. . when they write now that any chance for any legal repercussions have been squashed now that pesky law doesn't have to hang over their head who knows what they'll do and that my friends is a legacy that this administration is going to be known for. well tonight we have a special surprise for those of you who follow us on twitter you know that we've been holding a little contest this week all the efforts to give away our lovely new swag we've got mugs and we have a little heart shaped stress balls so we asked you to tell us who you think is the biggest tool in u.s.
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politics and why in just one hundred forty characters so after much careful thought and deliberation we decided on a winner and in light of hillary clinton's comments last week on the war in libya and the congressional critique where she said the bottom line is whose side are you on during a press conference the winner of our tool time twitter contest is film dave who tweeted the biggest tool is hillary clinton for repurchasing bush era double speak and refuelling american warfare. tool time with now i did an entire fireside about that comment last week so if you can't tell something that gets me riled up to so nice one day we'll be in touch with how to send you your prize but everyone else thank you for your responses and we're going to have another contest soon enough so make sure you follow us on twitter to get in on the fun. ok it's friday the time for happy hour joining me tonight is r t correspondent
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lauren lyster and libby jacobson senior policy analyst for new media strategies public affairs team ladies thank you so much for joining me thank you brian i think they were all well acquainted with those master card or is a visa so your master card thank you the commercial the word it's priceless but now there is a spoof on those take a look. people of servers and over. two hundred of those. donations launched due to banking book fifteen million. that it cost. five hundred thousand dollars. watching the world. series so. priceless. thing that we're going to take a little dig at master card forget master card shut down any donations that are claiming that you just lost a whole lot of money with that what do you think is a priceless as we could exchange the world i think that was
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a really good execution on the commercial i think that that's a little i mean was behind some i'm guessing it was he stars in it but. i don't know having that you do protests and taking credit for that behind your laptop oh not so sure it's all fun and games no i don't know if it is i mean i think you've taken some pretty serious and i think it's a great powerful commercial but you know you've got to admit it's a little bit self aggrandizing a songes under house arrest and bradley manning is still sitting in a dark cold cell somewhere saying you got to do something like on house arrest you know about. it i want to you know that i had only the man has maybe a little bit of an ego problem this sort of kind of bodies everybody knows the fast food chain wendy's and dave thomas is the founder and the mare. when you look at the way these logo that it's this cute little girl with pigtails and apparently it's his granddaughter but in russia you just opened the window and that's actually not the real picture because we couldn't find a good picture but they sexed up when d.n.a.
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had the sexy ladies standing outside apparently the c.e.o. is kind of angry now i think they should have expected that or maybe they're just jealous the russia thought of it first we're going to russia and i mean is this the best way to get people in when you see burgers they are more expensive and. i know that all the men are office talk about how much people like men like russia because of the women so i know what they did are beautiful also why not entice people to come into your business of beautiful women standing outside they don't need wendy's that is are you not really doing those girls but i think that's the way they're going to get it it's going to be great for hollowing you know you've got sexy nurse sexy police officer now you have sexy wendy who ever thought i don't think there is one because i did a google search on you. didn't see too many thanks the wendy's ok next up with this guys is being called a robot we've seen a lot of politicians that give the same answer over and over and over and over again but this one is really bad this is labor leader ed miliband from the u.k. today just options. put aside the rhetoric get ready to go straight to the table
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and stop it happening again get round to go straight to the table put aside the rhetoric and the problem al is to get around the leadership you table put aside the recruit get rather because. put aside the rhetoric and stop this kind of action where you can use drugs a rule. that was pretty bad i guess is what i'm talking going to could remember i'm going to have time with it he our person before i mean what the he'll did he do that on purpose was he trying to make a point politically we certainly we had it right it was a little bit of a longer interview and so we showed you where he just kept repeating the same lines but it was really you couldn't think of anything else to say how did people like that even get elected i mean it was literally the same talking points just rearranged and they arranged and re-arranged but you. i have to ask in this kind of a situation where is the interviewer on this like why doesn't the interviewer say anything like you're saying the same thing that's not what i asked you i mean i would say that if i was interviewing him i would say that my favorite is when matthews basically just asked michele bachmann or she was hypnotized. i mean.
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really that was that i missed. her going to have to show you a clip but the thing about this is i don't know if anybody knows that miliband brother has to be the foreign minister over there in the u.k. he's very popular here david miliband he's a looker that's all we have to say. is rather doesn't have his charm because he was always a very much a favorite whenever we covered congressional hearings that he was i have to say what do you think is really rationally. doesn't really do it for me before i do it well you know you know and i've seen him up close to it up close looks good ok this last one is pretty funny so ashton kutcher tweeted in los angeles and he said l.a.p.d. asked me to tweet four or five freeway between ten and one o one will be closed july sixteenth and seventeenth and exchange i'd like a free pass on the spot stoplight ticket it was yellow so apparently the l.a.p.d. is reaching out to celebrities like ashton kutcher and lady gaga they are some of
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the people who have the most followers on twitter by the way in the world but they're asking them to tweet traffic that's kind of sad come on alone know that we both are from l.a. anything that would clue you into what the traffic you're actually going to be tweeting you're not driving on you're not supposed to be tweeting while driving that is part of the rendering a different between ideology and reality and there's plenty of time to check your phone or you are sitting on the floor if i'm just saying i think that they're encouraging people to text and drive it's one more reason not to follow celebrities on twitter and i think it's one reason to firstly that lindsey lowe and tweeting about the fed now about picher give you actually helpful traffic advice now i'm good reason although i think people are starting to realize that you know if you want anything to get out there and anybody to pay attention to it unfortunately you have to have a celebrity otherwise you know diets are ladies thank you so much for joining me tonight. thank you for tuning in make sure they come back on tuesday for actually taking monday off the fourth of july in the meantime don't forget think about that if they want to show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of night's show or any other nights you can always catch all the you can dot com slash
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below the show coming up next is adam versus the man. wealthy british soil the sun. that's not on the president's side of the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause the report. is he.
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