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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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guys let's go. to. the market. so i know what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. the reports on our. this is all see a quick check of the headlines at home past the. crux of it's on the gaza bound for a team that is trying to increase that buying to start sales for the palestinian territory on monday to define not only these aerated located but also a bond that battle's leading greek schools campaign it's a enormously refitted greece doesn't it under pressure from the u.s. and israel. germany's accused of the shouldering
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a war criminal class can't solve it by refusing to extradite the notes the s.s. man sentenced in the never and still life imprisonment for mass murder requests to return him to the dutch authorities to continue our live sentence after his escape from jail in the country almost sixty years ago have been rejected as germany does not extradite its citizens. and also those thirty seven to national film festival has come to an end where the spanish movie did wade snatching the top prize almost five hundred films have been shown to the russian public over ten day . there's the headlines time not all spotlight show and today i'll do you know his guest is they are playing the tall girl from whose iconic image i want our good wife kranish for leaving her husband shocked the world that's up next here announcing.
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twenty years ago the largest country in the world is going to certain places of. one hundred million each man looked at each began a journey. where did it take them. how over again the world tell the truth squad light billion fish on our team i'll bring our bench today my guest on the program is jody babydol. modern technology works wonders anyone can fly everyone's a photographer every day millions of cameras stay in belittles up pictures in every part of the world but only a few just even journalists are good enough to fly to the right place to add their
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rights are and make the snap that really makes a difference but in such shots out of thousands is exactly what the world press photo competition is all about but what's it like to be called the best on the planet and what does it take to their spotlight we need their reigning well best photo point jodi people in. the photo of an afghan girl just bigger by taliban extremists singletary missed the shopping and inspired shocking because one cannot get such atrocious injuries calmly and inspiring because the guys on bail the girls will to leave even after suffering such beastly brutality jordi bieber is not new to the w.p.a. competition she wanted eight times already. the jury describes the nature of b.b. i. it is one of those totals which is immediately recognized as a triumph for charlie's.
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whole julian thank you very much for coming thanks for having me it's a pleasure for me to having on the show well first of all i read that when somebody told you that you won the world press photo would you report and say you're joking i can't believe it is that true well why couldn't you but you're not going to will go out you know as you said in your all previously that i had won eight will place awards before never in a million years would i ever have thought i would have won the overall prize and at the same time because of all the controversy that was surrounding the photograph i thought that the jury would be they would be to much of a risk to give it the first prize he uses to mention the controller see as far as i remember this picture this very picture appeared on the front page of time magazine and the headline read what happens if we leave afghanistan that's right yes so
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actually your picture was used in a propaganda campaign to sell the occupation. you see this is what's very interesting and south african coming from johannes for if you show that cover to people in south africa they didn't even notice the headline because that's not our politics day so i share and the controversy came from very many different places and therefore everyone responded in very different ways depending on the politics depending on the country they came from depending on a whole lot of different variables so it didn't affect me in that way in actual fact it was a catalyst and there. it spread through the blogosphere world it was on t.v. it was everywhere and actually it was furthering and speaking about violence
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against women and more and more people were seeing this before we start though with the story and the question is a couple more words about the plan placing first of all what was your favorite picture among others among your competitors can you name them something else. because i quite like the one photograph i think it's in bangladesh of it looks like a set of photographs from the cinema and it's a far then he son walking through the water and i lie there at all certain what was very interesting for me more than then appreciate in the photography so much was it was interesting to see the chilean the chilean miners photographed and the ground. there were the clarity so it speaks a lot about citizen journalism. we're speaking about citizen jews speaking about awarding prizes well it's not the first time we'll ask this question to myself when
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i see the winners a world of the works willing workers voter is the prize awarded to the peace chair to the photographic work world to journalism to the story behind the picture in the i have been a jury member a few years there and really firstly it's about it's a photographic hunger tissues the quality of the picture the composition won't go the dates the initial thing it's totally around the photograph and then of course the journalistic value after the fact is as important but really it's a photographic competition well let's take a closer look at this year's winners of the world press photo contest spotlights even admit there were reports from an exit bishan in moscow. those quakes and for planners heroes and villains the poles and the nerve of two thousand and ten is here are these pictures when put together the works which run the world press for
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the contest here the view was more life like a tsunami of human emotions the first to feel the force of the tsunami were the coins as jury they had to delve through a wreckage pool of more than a hundred thousand photos giving should we choose two hundred images which best reflect last year's advance fifty six photographers from twenty three countries won one of the industry's most prestigious prizes in an age where everyone carries a camera and can get a lucky shot the professional still have an age like a body people who have dedicated their life to photo journalism and had a great experience but that's a completely different vision to quote a future as they take is so much higher citizen journalism will never replace professional journalism but the two can co-exist perfectly well. the world press photo contest is ready to celebrate the coexistence
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a special mention went to nonprofessionals such as the chilean miners photographed themselves while trapped for sixty nine days on the ground viewers of the moscow exhibition are welcomed by portrait of julian our son which the result to be one of them and mark images for two thousand and ten but most of it doesn't matter what we think of julian assange is just that we call it was did not exist before and it does now and it has given a new perspective to reality and one more source of getting information from the life through out its fifty four year history of the world press photo contest was most of all revolutions violent uprisings and clinical disasters but there are always images ones i can recite the pawn next to the brutal pictures which make most of the daily news images of beauty and tranquility of nature look exceptionally fridge. so
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you don't consider yourself to be a journalist or work campaign or whatever you tell you're just a photographer for me i feel i'm a photographer. and move between the documentary world and the magazine world. i feel that you know my work isn't totally journalistic in a way after i also bring something of myself into the world you see when i would with photographers here in television i always try to tell them you're not just taken your journal or your reporters to you do your journalistic point but i do it with a pen and you do it with a camera so with you it's different so for me when i later. i wasn't thinking how to satisfy a time magazine i was totally thinking of the creative process and working with i should. to create their photograph but i wasn't thinking how am i going to tell
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when you took that picture you thought it will make a beautiful picture or you wanted to to try to get to express yourself in your position your attitude towards well i think you know i think this photograph has a number it says a number of different things and you know as a journalist that when you're in the process of creating i'm not thinking that but out saw that i sure was a very beautiful woman and i will set the stage where i am trying to break stereotypes in our work sack could have photographed in a more vulnerable position i could have lost because she doesn't have ears either i'm going to ask could she moves her hair away and i didn't do that and i wanted to show her in a position of power and not in a position of of being vulnerable this is who cares about asia how did you mean to tell us a bit more about that that how you got into the story well i went to see time
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magazine in new york and they gave me an assignment erin baker who's the writer for time magazine she was doing a story on about eighteen different women so she actually found ok you got the names on and women for afghan women shelter i was looking after i share the time and that's how i need to really through aaron bay so you already knew the story that i knew the still a student about the story the arab media i mean i mean without lives it's just unbelievable well actually comes from the southern provinces of afghanistan and. it's i think it was twelve or fourteen a corner named of the detail she was given away to cover a dispute that happened with the family and she was really abused quite badly within her in-laws home and so she decided to run away and. she ran to her neighbors thinking she would seek refuge but they handed her into the police and in
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afghanistan basically if you are a woman and you run away from your husband you go to jail that she received amnesty and her father came to collect her and two could bet her oh to be raised has been due to that has to go has been and there was a court which happened to be in that area it was a taliban court. and they say that as punishment to teach other women in the village not to run away from their husbands to cut off their nose and ears and they held it down decisions it was the tribal accords in order to see out was a village moment decision. to cut off innocent and they lived through to die and then the military the u.s. military found the. world looked after her and intricately women for afghan
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women. who are still looking after her in new york now and they're going to and then she she came to america when she was reading over there in was what will you told us about how you were taking this picture was it difficult to convince this year leads you to pose for her for a magazine you know you see i think everyone tries to may i share and the organization a victim to this and i she was actually waiting to get a visa to go to america i wasn't the first photographer if it your photograph or all journalist writes about her and i think that i don't know for sure but i think women for afghan women and i actually made the decision that the more publicity they got around her and what happened to perhaps the media would help to get the same as it was who own decision to to do. make it public to me that to make him face public and kids and to to make
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a statement starts and you can't force anyone to do something this isn't a shell said it's a very structured structured and protected place sa couldn't just walk in and say oxys you know can i photograph you that's a they flatly doesn't work that way without a session or was it just a couple of special it's not out of the took about three hours so it was like a professional photographic session yeah with a model. i would like to know everything no no i haven't said tripod very basic how you stand. and then are affected so that i think i like the studio's not not that's not in the shelter in a very basic room with in the shelter. jodi bieber the winner of the world press photo prance in the spotlight would be back we'll continue this interview absolutely take a short break so stay with us to get. hungry
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for the we've got. the biggest issues get the invoice face to face with the news makers. welcome back to spotlight i'm al gore novel i'm just reminded i'm a guest on the show today is jodi bieber the world press photo artist
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judy we talk about the girl you photographed of vanstone here we see this award winning picture once again was there any any investigation other than this tribal court decision to take your children actually into the case so there's something up and yeah i think pressure you know everyone wrote about this or knew about it all made a statement and in the taliban even made a statement to say they don't advocate something like this and now the father in law has been arrested thing is a court case that's opened and they're looking for a husband with. the husband on the run as for his own you know the whole this is what they're saying. do you think do you think the court will. will be able to to to to to make an unbiased decision. well it's never called for you just say because i mean you know i'm not an expert in additional systems how did
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the. nation change change or asia. you you talked to her you know her well this should become a new kind of a person after all you have to. run major posttraumatic stress and strain she still suffers pertly she couldn't have a parade and she's in new york. she lives in queens women for afghan women look after her that she was meant to have the operation and the surgeon said they didn't want to operate on her because she's still emotionally not really for it but we do have new pictures all for actually this picture where we're here isn't it after the surgery this is a press critic know her with when she goes out oh she's she's just where is her so so so so so this is also this is something you see you can hear you can see there so
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a she has to have an operation to to make it real i mean to make it way to really now i sing and sing so so she just was this thing who did it just doing very well i think they're just waiting for her to sack illogically recover to give the stronger before they can operate. was interim decision to go to the united states or a great stay there were people to ask you how to take her out of the nation was over run and later she was really anxious to go to america but really the main reason why she wants a new nose and ears i mean can you imagine what it must feel like. what awaits in the united states she she she should learn english language or in you know what was she going to do or at the moment she's making jewelry and all i know today because i'm in very close communication with but we're going as ation is that she makes jewelry she's got a very small. right now she sees them in mom once a week. she knows how to use the internet she serves afghan
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websites. and that's really what she does for now but i'm sure with him and when she gets emotionally stronger you know then things could open up for her but i know that you you mentioned you should know the so called be jewelry year and she would sold a couple of things i know some bracelets and necklaces do you think she can make a living well i don't know she grown ups but i think lack for i should you know i think they're the opportunity for her in afghanistan wasn't she was either going to stay in a shelter or she there's no way she could ever go home. do you think that she may be able to return home just not to have really gotten. back to me i mean if she were to painting what she does perhaps she can go back to couple and work their way through who moves so do you think she will
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want to go back on their do there still fickle to say i mean i really don't know you know no one has access to i share i have very close access to the the organization that looks after her but i don't get on the phone and have a conversation with you know they're still trying to protect them from the media you set up the mediation first and the foundation no no i did that will ensure that no they say that but us really try wherever i go see advocates and ask people to donate funds to the b.b. for what it would be doing while really you know it's very expensive living in new york and it's not that she's going to go shopping with their money and you know she needs to be educated she needs caregivers and it's a very expensive process so i bet fund one hundred percent of the money put into
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their family will go to b.b. i shit and really it will go to her living in york. what i have done is i've created a limited edition of prints of i share that i'm hoping museums or that it's very limited will collect and all those funds will go to the maybe i should do so it's selling so but for science fiction or. how common in general if you know if you can give an answer to that when are such things that happened it happened. fleischer i mean i mean is it is it considered like normal in the radical islamists like villages and communities are going to do such things to to what i like to think of this more. domestic violence more than looking at it from the perspective of islam i don't connect the two i don't connect would you call it an exceptional or things like that happen i would say things like that
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happen but i don't know how often to their extremity let you do for example when i was in kabul i went to the self immolation hospital where because women are suffering so much within their homes they has been zones they try and turn themselves poor petrol on themselves and their track and it's sad in that way so this definitely violence against women. we started talking about this story you said you said it all started when time magazine told you to go to kabul and take eighteen eighteen girls are dating eighteen people said so so you did all of them only eighteen you met all of them we did eighteen stories eighteen portraits one of them success stories were happy happy endings happy stories among mentally a photograph that oprah winfrey of afghanistan i photographed a woman who is a politician and wants to become the first sports minister to
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a documentary filmmaker. years so i photographed a variety of different women you know not all in a vulnerable situation so so there are a lot of happy women and yes well they are women i think they come from more educated backgrounds they're you know are having a very different life now i mainly in couple yeah but again in the villages it's still hours away or it's largely or locations free to do whatever your parents or you has been close you to do wow or do you imagine it's similar to that but i'm not saying that every household sure is please file use you mention like twelve or fourteen she was we when she was given a right. to change the future has been so this is this is the age where when the girls are usually you know this is nice to settle down this is for criminal this is and usually they're. very good we're going to work fifteen sixteen you'd think it
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was a bit older children ok that wasn't. your previous set of pictures before you did they have again series was about the slums in south africa is not true it's about so we're younger so we're to you know do you consider yourself like a social photographer a social campaign or it also was just in the simon wishing. so return really came about the project on the township i don't call it a slum because i don't see it as a slum. well this is what they call it and in. fact it was a personal project and it became a book and it's really about you know i think that sometimes the media lumps it and countries in certain ways and before the soccer world cup in twenty tame a lot of bad media was leaving south africa and it was really about crime it was
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around aids it was around poverty and now. and i was just showing the normality that also exists within our country and so we're turning it in a way was to break down the stereotype to show just the normality that can happen in south africa as i'm sure sometimes russia is showing in a certain wasn't true so so so there is the social our own goal to what you do. you know just the be just another photographer with with a logo and i mean this was really about upgrading to a theory of these times and it was to try and break down their fear that people have about the end. what are you working on now. i have been in i think six countries in one month yeah and four mainly for old friends but just before i was in moscow i was in london photographing a portrait series in an area in east london called shorty. and it
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kills a lot in fantasy. wrote east something hard so let's hope not that i don't know really not today i know it's changed a fine that's very trendy and over and you're your exhibit. here in moscow i think i think kids it's doomed to be a success because because because the world appropriate proper in this country. really thank you thank you very much for being with us and just about just a reminder that my guest on the show today was jodi leave it there with other world press photo that's it for now from all of us if you want to have yourself a part like we have someone in mind when you think i should say when it's time to drop me a lark at al green up and party t.v. are you from the t.v. show interactive will be back with some comments on cars going on in and outside russia and so then you stay on our team and you take your kids.
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i'm. good.
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