tv [untitled] July 4, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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an. nato says it's not going to build a joint anti-missile system with russia and doesn't find it necessary to provide moscow with legal guarantees the shield won't be targeting the country sponsors the dawn of the put into a stalemate. as the alliance runs out of missiles for its air strike campaign over libya germany u. turns on its policy of abstaining from the conflict so you can deliver a bomb but you know it's more on our. general record and outages ejected from the war crimes force of the tribes to enter a not guilty plea on his behalf that it faces charges including genocide carried out in the balkans war some subset use the hague of one sided justice. and from our
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business desk former heads of bank of moscow are facing criminal charges after its huge bailouts regulators discovered a third of the bank's assets were in bad loans join me for a four business bulletin and twenty minutes from now. international news and comment live from moscow this is. russia and nato failed to reach a consensus on missile defense plans in europe if you're not standing firm on its position nato says it's against a joint shield and doesn't find it necessary to provide russia with legal guarantees that the shield won't be directed against it. because it has more now from russia's city of sochi where the talks have now drawn to a close russian foreign minister sergei lavrov described. the missile defense shield in europe as long and not going as smoothly as it was expected why i was
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speaking in a separate press conference secretary general of nato rasmussen has said that nature never promised that those talks will simply happen overnight explains that the reason why troll. and so missile defense shield participation of russia is impossible is because nato cannot delegate the security of nato countries to a third party russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said that if a subtle and say missile defense shield is not a possible option then perhaps there are other ones. we would like to reach an agreement which would allow us to work together without any additional risks and agreements that will strengthen strategic stability rather than undermine it we would like to have a guarantee that missile defense systems are not angels to russia we're not asking for unilateral guarantees we would like all the members of the russian nato council to agree that missile defense will not pose any threat to the security of any of
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the participants. in general rasmussen has said that he sees no need of such a proof and once again to try to ensure that i am dealing in here not going to be a threat to russia personally i don't think we need a new treaty is what i think we need is practical cooperation and the best that best reassure your guarantee if you so wish that russia could get would be to cooperate activity we want to see two systems that would exchange information. to make that defense of nato territory and russian territory more effective big part of russia will be covered by that and five missile defense shield and russian president in creative believes that that could be a potential reason for another arms race on the sidelines of the russian nato council and there wasn't anything with the russian president and if you need to be if. the
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president of south africa jacob zuma came to present new ideas on how to resolve the conflict in libya the ideas were deprived from the recent summit of the african union and he was here speaking on behalf of the union and the ideas were heard out but it seems that russia and nature are still not on the same page when it comes to resolving the conflict let's listen to what russian foreign minister lavrov had to say. we believe that the arms embargo that was introduced by the un security council is straightforward and it is captured this way in the resolution is applies to libya's in charge your injury therefore any arms supplies are violating this resolution as well as any attempts to send military instructors into libya to deliver military knowledge and know how all of these cases are covered by the arms embargo and this is our position and speaking of had all of this meeting russia's and going to nato where there are voices said that he fears that and on
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ground operation is just around the corner and if that happens. the situation in the region route severely worsened meanwhile today secretary general rasmussen once again try to reassure everyone about its ground operation is not in nato plans . with civilian casualties mounting gadhafi still in power and the winds of a conflict inside nato has hit yet another problem a crippling shortage of munitions you know that putin germany which has previously resisted getting involved in the conflict to chip in is not easily in a political discovered there are those who believe all too happy to get on board know that there's a profit to be made. more boards wanted just over one hundred days of airstrikes and with just over two thousand bombs dropped by nato allies on libya the mission has run into an unexpected problem a lack of cells to drop where there is demand there is that why and this is their
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only has agreed to provide the much needed ammunition previously berlin has a third from voting in favor of the un security council resolution on libya and move that surprised some and heard others but it may now be backing out of a decision the germans may not want to participate but are they have decided the position does not preclude them actually subserve line weapons in this case or systems some believe germany is under pressure from other nato members particularly the united states friends in the u.k. to take a more active part in a libyan campaign but first. you know ministry's toward the foreign minister don't go into libya it's a very bad conflict it was started by the cia and it's a dirty business don't do this so this is why you voted with russia and china now the backlash from washington is so tough obviously we are under pressure to do
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something to make up for this decision but aside from peer pressure germany may be lured by the possible financial benefits of making its weapons available for natives use in libya probably germany will get paid for delivering these arms to other countries but that is normal practice between. nato countries. out of the twenty eight need to members only eight are actively participating in libya with civilian deaths to which neither recently admitted to a shortage of weapons and the ever relentless more market duffy still at the helm because maybe facing just the beginning of its problems. is in a tough spot on the one hand it has. disappointed need to by refusing to support the mission in libya in march on the other by agreeing to supply bonds it may now lose friends in other places and whatever the real reasons for its contradictory policy may be germany could find that by trying to please everyone it may end up
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pleasing no one if you know goes quiet. well not joined by brian johnson former season arms trafficking expert for the un security council joining me live in the u.k. thanks very much indeed for being with us here in our team know you are a global arms trafficking expert just how much do you think trafficking is going on in libya right now. we don't know how much we can look at darpa's hard because there is in theory an arms embargo so they are to the arms embargo was announced there were flights to tripoli for those few days before the bombing campaign started from a variety of destinations and it was strange flights from for example damascus from various parts of central asia and elsewhere. despite the certainly the french of those said that they're dropping weapons i think inside and southwest of tripoli as well yes exactly that's exactly what is going to ask you this part is arms embargo the french have indeed admitted to dropping weapons into
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a certain situation where they're saying those civilians were under threat of being massacred by a good after u.s. military there's a problem of their own they right in helping those civilians by dropping those arms in the name of a humanitarian mission. well it seems to me very strange we're going about it and i thought the arms embargo was laid down by the security council was quite clear that it was arms to both sides were embargoed. and what about those arms that for reaching the country and perhaps getting into the wrong hands is there a danger of that happening for example al qaeda or all drug traffickers and potentially destabilizing the country even further well the interesting thing is that until recently. al qaida was present in the area we know we know that for example some of the militants some somalia. went to libya for training within the last two or three years plus documents we have the fly records
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and everything else so it seems strange in many ways the whole western support of some of the rebel groups in libya must be questioned as in some cases i think we are effectively arming al qaida so it's impossible to keep track of those weapons which is supposedly going to what the authorities would say the recipients absolutely old guns start off being legal when they get diverted they go god those who are a little us with a gun you are in a position to commit various human rights abuses but isn't that the answer though to end this conflict as soon as possible to supply weapons to this problem to those who need it isn't that the way. no it's not because in any case we're supplying small arms and large weapons they're not necessarily the the decisive things you need to look at are he's got quite a large portable organized army are you going to take on and teach r r g armored vehicles with small arms you know you record fairly sophisticated missile systems
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to do that and it's i've got a weapons and they require training and involvement and you can do it in five minutes what exactly and again you have the problem sorted right but the rebels are made up mostly of civilians they would know how to handle those weapons so who is training them if they are receiving these weapons. yes but all this of course tends to predicate a long conflict a list colonel gadhafi does decide to give up and go away and that's likely to happen is it so do you think it that he could cling on and perhaps even survive this. he says difficult to say because at some point presumably the people who work for him will have to make the decision whether they carry on doing so or the girls who are it's interesting through yesterday the so the african deputy foreign minister said something to you if you look at our view claim there was a lot they would let him stay in cape town for a limited time if they were asked to go it's interesting development brian thanks
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so much for sharing your thoughts there live from worcester there in the u.k. brian. sorry i just lost your name for a second brian johnson thomas i beg your pardon armstrong exposure of u.n. security council thanks so much for joining us on this has deployed commando units in libya subject just in talking about to get rid of colonel gadhafi well that's the claim from one of his sons this comes after another son saif gadhafi spoke exclusively to r.t. saying he believes the alliance was only to insist on libya's riches this country is a piece of cake rich full of guys oil and we have more than one hundred billion dollars deposits abroad so we have to show that it and we have to get of mr gadhafi because he is the only obstacle between. us and i think it's as simple as that.
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and you can check out the full version of this exclusive interview on our website r.t. dot com. the hague war crimes tribunal has entered a plea of not guilty on behalf of former bosnian serb general wreck and when i teach the accused was ordered out of the court for interrupting the judge and speaking to the former general later complained of having having had trouble hearing previously you had george refused to postpone the hearing at the request of the knowledge you threatened to boycott or seedings is rejected the legal team given to him by the court for morning to choose his own defense lawyers well it is accused of ordering the mass killing of felons of bosnian muslims during the balkans war as our reports many serbs feel the international criminal court is only taking one side in the conflict. liquid little town of sleeping needs in bosnia and herzegovina looks illich new houses are being built people go about their business and in the center of the town a mosque and
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a church sit side by side but this apparent unity is an illusion sixty years ago the entire region was trying to part by ethnic clashes during the yugoslav war in seventy became infamous when the united nations stated eight thousand muslim men and boys were massacred by bosnian serb forces today and immoral for the deceased some grounds of a former military base the sort of thing it's a memorial ground as well maintained and frequently visited by locals journalists and taurus to get lost in the bosnian capital of what the tourists aren't shown are the thousands of serbian graves that ryan cemeteries all around the region. thousands of people were killed during the balkan wars of the one nine hundred ninety s. but cemeteries like these within terra families of murdered serb civilians only get visited by the very few remaining survivors. romney comes here all the time his
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entire family lives here he says our bosnian muslim general is responsible. but you know i was only nine years old when that's their only everything i had in life first to kill my mother then my father and brother i was wounded and taken captive they held me for fifty six days and only god knows how or why i survived. but even though but on a survive his loss just like that thousands of people here is being ignored. each was at the hague tribunal and i was supposed to be a witness in his trial but in the end i mean about thirty other witnesses were simply cast aside they didn't call us didn't ask what happened to our families and the tribunal only gave him two years in prison. the balkan war so heinous atrocities visited an old sites and perpetrated by all players but the version most often propagated by buster media is rather one sided in blaming the serves the
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purpose is to set the stage and create a rationale for so called humanitarian interventions which. occurred in considerable. amount of serpent so that so-called precedent can be traced through the years and into today's headlines razia iraq afghanistan and most recently libya have all played unwilling host to nato troops and u.s. imposed no fly zones it is very important and the creation of the. scenario from a tour in the minds of most people. was on the side which was preventable but for whatever reasons so-called international community wouldn't do anything about it. some might say the journey from sibling it's it to benghazi the a baghdad and kabul could now be traced as
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a kind of nato road map but as with any road paved with good intentions there is only one possible destination karina's r t but in herzegovina barack obama's recently announced afghanistan drawdown plan has been slammed by republicans and say withdrawing thirty three thousand troops by the end of next summer is too much of a military risk but as laura lister finds out that the talk of change may just be a symbolic gesture as there's no end in sight to the u.s. presence in the country. the aftermath of a taliban attack in kabul. a luxury hotel frequented by foreigners earlier this year taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests store the guesthouse used by u.n. staffers. last year another attack on hotels is murder. examples are strewn through the near decade nor familiar aftermath we had any
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takedown here in the south only now americans heard this declaration before news of the blast we're starting this drawdown from a position of strength about u.s. plans to begin pulling troops out of afghanistan but there are declarations on the ground from afghan activists and military might that's left a different mark there marcos never come democracy never provide a military invasion there will never come by cluster bomb by white phosphorus by muscle car by our wedding parties and in washington talk of winding down war in one country does not wind down talk of tackling the global terrorist threat as the focus seems to shift to neighbors should be refocusing resources on pakistan yemen somalia parts of north africa and other locations i've always believed pakistan is more special than what happens in afghanistan a change in the guard of the department of defense with robert gates retiring and former cia chief leon panetta getting sworn in signals this change of course to
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critics i see no difference between between him and robert gates and for afghanistan we now hear a presidential pledge to pull thirty three thousand troops out by september two thousand and twelve fully recovering the surge i have now at west point well it certainly sounds like what the american people would like to hear for the first time ever a majority want u.s. troops out about ghana stand as soon as possible fifty six percent well thirty nine percent want troops there until the situation is stabilized you can see the trend is really flip flop. but what is the reality of obama's plans for troop withdrawal all that thirty three thousand he's calling for is a minority of the one hundred thousand american troops that are there that's not including another forty two thousand some nato troops and ninety thousand department of defense contractors meanwhile the u.s. has reiterated a long term commitment to the country there certainly has been an agreement that
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following two thousand and fourteen there will be some kind of continuing presence . of presence and anshul burden some see as permanent observers believe u.s. bases are in the forever future of lauren mr r. t. washington d.c. former i.m.f. chief potential french presidential candidate the company is about to face a new sexual assault allegations a french writer who claims he attempted to rape her in two thousand and three has decided to press charges for the fall of the case of a new york hotel maid who was accused of sexual assault victims was the weekend after prosecutors admitted that credibility had been compromised. photo socialists fear the new allegation could ruin his chances of running for president so you want to discuss the situation and i'm joined by paul craig roberts with former assistant treasury secretary under the reagan administration and a former wall street journal editor frank you very much indeed for joining us on r.t. why do you think this latest alleged victim waited so long to bring these charges.
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from what i've read the case it's a very weak one and the new york case which seemed to be initially a very strong case was something that the frenchwoman could tire her case to and thereby gain credibility for her charges while that case of course the new york case than it is is that it's going to fall apart so you think that's what's going to happen to these new charges being brought. i suspect that the french attorney will he will reconsider the case because the new york. than you are sort of the new york case having fallen apart. it doesn't give much prospect for the french case so he'll probably reconsider and he may withdraw or you may advise her to withdraw it on the other hand it may be a political act. as sort cozy may be behind it and therefore it may be
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pursued for these political reasons that might be the origin of the case but that's of course not the first time within what you could describe as a political assassination but you're actually saying this could be something that sucker z. is behind i mean after all he is a no he's a rival but that's quite a statement well don't you know the french press has reported that strauss current said before you became to the united states. that he expected star cozy to pay some french woman a million euros to bring sex charges against him and he said that was because he was leading a sarkozy in the polls for the presidency and that he stressed crimes there that would be serco zoos response and french press has taken a serious so i don't know i'm just saying that's what his. well could then
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this play into the hands of strauss karna and perhaps his popularity of perhaps he could find his way to being the next french president or would he actually have to leave politics as a result of this i don't know that it will be up to the french that will play out. but don't you think so it is i'm sorry there's a lot of talk that you think the french public the french media are more forgiving over these sort of scandals than in other countries like where you are in the u.s. . they may also be less gullible. i mean are to believe the scandals. we encountered straus cry me here out with french woman. it could be she said there are some signals she didn't understand. and mostly misinterpreted what i wrote in
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a case that years one possible explanation just briefly i've got to finish but from your sphere your treasury sector under the reagan administration what do you make of his abilities as a politician and of course and he's had previous role with the i.m.f. what do you make of him as a man just briefly. yeah i think he got in trouble because he began questioning the . use of which power to force the cost of the bailout of the banks onto the backs of just ordinary people he started questioning that it was meeting in the united states with the economist joseph stiglitz who's a big critic of about where you're bailing out banks and i think he was sending signals that upset financial community so it may have helped him with ordinary people but janet made it clear i get it for. the
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establishment paul paul will have to leave it there thanks so much for your time always good to hear from you paul craig roberts joining us live on his webcam there in florida thank you. well that brings you up to date for the moment next all the latest business news with kareena. her welcome to business here and our team russell is having to face up to its own banking scandal paula has a recess that's largest lender bank of nascar facing criminal charges after its bailout regulators discovered a third of the bank's assets were in bad loans you know costs are up it's up. everything sorted when d.t.p. took over bank of moscow and discovered bad loans worth knowing a billion dollars which is about one third of the bank's assets but this isn't the first time the bank is involved in the scandal the although one involved the building that you see right next to me which is at the mayor's office and that was
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because the former head of bank of moscow i'm able to do was accused of shady loans to construction companies are run by the former mayors right now he has since fled the country and the warrant has been issued for his arrest the bank of moscow now getting fourteen billion dollars which is the biggest bailout in russian history that will be given over a ten year period i don't give a straight all half a percent now this amount is three times bigger than the capitalization of the bank and it's more than the amount that was given to all of the banks here during the financial crisis russia's finance minister has since called for a criminal investigation into the bad loans to figure out who was responsible and what happens alexander morales a from ages b.c. says the bailout shows the state is expanding not reducing installments in the banking sector in accordance with the president's program. stayed on the screen jeanne you are very experienced in the russian bank concerts acquired more than the
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interest and snorts played in a significant attention due diligence before we do describe the deals hoping that. show will score its. right period for its history and any who will do from here in the case of difficulties will go to our problem. now let's take a look at the markets traded near a two week high after the european union also rises a loan payment for greece light sweet is trading at ninety five dollars per barrel brant crude has gained as much as point four percent trading at one hundred and eleven dollars for the. u.s. markets are closed for public holiday independence day in europe equity markets closed higher on monday london still see ever just over half percent black held by gains for john edwards group and british land company banks fell though after standard and poor's rating services were on a roll over. and russian markets closed in the black as well buys it out of half
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a percent while reality has climbed point six percent stocks were high after loan paid for greece east speculation countries prices move during all the region's economic recovery now let's have a look at some individual samaras on the nicest most energy majors traded in the black heavyweight he was putting pressure on financials the bank fell over a percent amid the scandals with its new problems like of moscow and after more than two percent of reports sales of lot of cars rose by a third in the first three year. that's all the business is one of the final stories on our website how to go thanks for watching.
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the. culture is that so much of a given a dish is an issue a mile from the market there's really starts its military withdrawal from iraq what is faith hold for the kurds and if the kurds strive towards an independent state what is. twenty years ago largest country in. the sense of a sense of. what had been a. speech on a journey. where.
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