tv [untitled] July 4, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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largest country. to suit your relationship. with how did you choose. which began the journey. where did it take. and again this is aussie coming to life for most go to headlines. nato and moscow failed to reach any agreement about a missile defense shield for europe during these social summits with the airlines giving no legal guarantees its proposed system won't target russian territory. and american military advice in the north of england key to his star wars type missile system is the seen of course as my piece on this as more and more secret us have seen the facilities of particles the world. in general rough called love it is
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objective from the yugoslav war crimes tribunal courtroom in the hague for protests demanding his own choice of noid rather than a court appointed one of the judge and to a formal not guilty plea on the hope of the keys of a genocide charges undernourished crimes against humanity during the bosnian war that maintained to. as bad if needs human rights activists in southern russia algal talks to the head of the presidential council on human voice stalls how to develop a civil society. spotlight up next. hello yes well from truth squad like they entered the show on hard to find all their knowledge and today my guest is the sale. president medvedev is holding in
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love with meeting with human rights facts this study is taking place in the caucasus region of russia it's aimed at creating close to tom text between local feeling rights activists at first and politicians but what else is on the agenda obviously we'll hear about it from the head of the presidential palace so obvious human rights. movement the council meeting out of moscow allows those involved to take a closer look at local problems because he also complains of misunderstandings because as he says locals often speak with their hearts missions with the red tape and regulations that's why he calls finding a common language crucial first published and dial a special instruction to state leaders as the russian caucasus to the ombudsman also think style is the only possible way to finding common ground because as he puts it when people talk they don't shoot.
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it was the first hello mr fidel to thank you very much for being with us christine regarding the upcoming meeting with the president why did you start organizing these meetings out in the region. better or more convenient for you. than it was. oh well by holding those meetings outside a mosque or you're not just meeting with the president but you also get to meet with the representatives of civil society in the corresponding region and learn about their ideas and problems and then to present those ideas to the president to those it representatives can travel to moscow he they're interested in the meeting . with the well that's what we did last may it's good we invited representatives of numerous n.g.o.s from the north caucuses to come to moscow to meet with the president and the moscow the fourth one if it is in fact only two
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members of the council. in suitland i'm gonna skip are a famous human rights activists who are present and that meeting go. if you have an awful lot of other council members weren't at that meeting with the president. at the thirty just because you didn't think of changing yet right here in peru on the contrary it was only council members that participated in the meeting with the president on february first. but prior to that meeting that we met with there is representatives of civil society in the urals. world also it is possible to invite several people to moscow for a meeting with the council members that they're working on the status so that was always you can bring a whole full of people bringing several hundred people for a meeting with a total of only forty council members and it would be strange to see what sort of
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chile and you couldn't hear them all in moscow either can you issue to them i mean certainly besides there is another very important point in the way president medvedev is in the crown land using a very different from the way he's say in your concern for the really i had the opportunity to make this comparison to the cuban work but i don't know yet how our meeting in stabber apollo is going to be well of course i hope it will be the same way with it but i know that in a year concerned berg we had a lot more time for a free conversation with the president we're going to ensuring our meetings in moscow in the b. c. of this because if you have him also you know the kremlin is very official at the end it makes people tense and nervous. there is something in the air. i believe that something should be done about this place. for this deal perhaps
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transfer the country's leadership somewhere outside of moscow. actually present in the dead of express this idea not long ago if you propose moving government ought. this is not a moscow is my school to sing petersburg no just outside the city limits and just build a satellite town for governmental officials went somewhere outside moscow but then the road to moscow will always be jammed on the contrary there will be no traffic jams as officials would stain that town all the time. to mean they will live and work there it sounds a lot like a leper colony you know i think it's rather like the city of london there's cradle london where people live in the city were worth so they keep these two things separate we can have something similar. it would be great if it works are
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really alike there's a witch in that this will create a new environment new atmosphere better or more new government that will then the president's original will reflect the president's ideas. but i really like this idea. let's go back to human rights you had a meeting in the north caucasus in june it was a meeting. and another one is coming up in it's never does this mean that the north caucasus is the most troublesome region of russia from the point of view of human rights. well i wouldn't put it this way. when she said you want to be closer to people in their problems we certainly do this means they're all in the caucuses well prior to that we met in the year awards does this mean that a urals region is the most troublesome that you know a tree jane has its own human rights related problems which have to be resolved in
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. this which is the reason we're going to do it carcasses is not just to tackle local problems after we're gone there to tackle russia's problems and in fact international problems. all the discussing the issue of civil societies involvement in fighting terrorism for example and terrorism unfortunately is an ailment over large number of countries today. but we'll also discuss the she'll of civil societies involvement in consolidating the interim afaik and interests feet high are many. easy issues are relevant not only in the north caucasus missing problems exist for instance in a cold media calmly maureen boreal here which is more in your code. and in moscow but again we've got therefore and these are not strictly the problems of the
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carcasses so were other us these are the issues of the entire russia i didn't win the cup as i've said we're going into the caucuses such as it is some very important for us first to meet with the representatives of civil society or any other human rights activists in the region and then we meet with the president. we've had a meeting with civil society in douglas stan and today we're meeting with the president we've also in the north caucasus. in the north caucuses human rights violations and even a violation. the russian law are often justified by local tradition it's what we do you think we should be colognes for local traditions or the russian law should be strictly applied throughout russia and i think that that will probably. well actually this is one of the issues that we are going to discuss with the president
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. and with your group with mr pyne the shadow of our working group you know we have thirteen working groups all together in our council and all of them have been working very actively each in its own area so there is this one group that works on developing ethno cultural communities. and the with and professor in middle pine with erin around expert on ethnic policies is ahead of his career high. so to be mr pyne we'll talk to the president in presenting his working groups view on various problems and ways of resolving down. and you could stop it and he's working group has quite a number of experts including some specialists from the north caucasus which in the weeks before. so mr pyne will tell the president one that's been relying on
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local tradition is actually a good thing. if it is not like it's something bad is for you it's relying on prominent local leaders. were elite troops or a tribal like leaders over local clans is a good way to glamorous you know we often say that plans are terrible because it when they were be say that we should always make it clear that what we actually mean is criminal clams mafia clans that leave you however if it's just death family class. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that for what them or says a new title finn the author of head of the presidential council held civil society and human rights spotlight will be back shortly to break we'll continue this interview in less than
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call. it's. just something to feel. if. he. mission free credit take three times for charges free to make your money great risk free. free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects free medio don carty dot com. welcome back to spotlight i'm just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is me the fed on the presidential
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council on several society and human rights the springfield at the shelter you're meeting with the president scheduled for july fifth will be held as part of a project titled civil society for modernization of russia. is that true. well actually it's not quite so because civil society for modernization of russia is in fact a program for the councils visiting sessions well meetings with the president or something different and they're simply our main form of work in iraq will start with money i have a question there's a government project called civil society it's not a government project is it now is it your project it is our project the councils project it is but you need the president and you somehow discussed this matter with him all of us perhaps including you have a feeling that it is mainly the governments and that is developing civil society in
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russia it is mostly the president any prime minister promoting civil society am i right is that so then it's wrong. well yes yes of course it's true to some extent and naturally it's wrong. naturally civil society should grew up bottom up and go yes it was but if we for it to grow from the grassroots like in western europe say or in north america where civil society really were you born a mob but that bruce's stupid several centuries we don't have the time for this natural growth in the mortgages and that's why we are trying in a sense to apply more and to college and accelerated sterols look at those who don't like eating food produced by growth accelerating technologies genetically modified products do we want to kill in this case is very important that they
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should be genetically modified in a proper way of course he saw that really autonomy us and independent structures of civil society could emerge but they shouldn't be artificial organisations controlled by the state governments any governments create anything they would not control that well the state is not supposed to create these structures what the state should do is create conditions of the way for these structures to emerge in the regions. that is this you mean concerned this is our main task and we're absolutely not interested in creating artificial non-government organisations to please and i can tell you that we are preparing a surprise for a upcoming meeting with the president but it's a bill on citizen oversight at the corner because you see we already have a number of laws related just citizen oversight including the law on public
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oversight commissions in prisons for example and this law has been working. for several years now and it is currently being revised. there is also a law on the public chambre it has also been working for several years and it needs to be modified or thought of that but we don't have a framework law for all these forms of citizen oversight. for what is it that you want to money through or is it premier law enforcement. and not necessarily one about citizen oversight in the army do we need to with our council believes that we definitely need it. and there should be a citizen always said always you new laws always does have some provisions about citizen oversight or but we don't have
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a framework law that would define the general principles of citizen all oversight and i was i so this is going to be our proposal to the president and if he accepts it then he will certainly draft this bill and i will submit it to the president. i have read that your counsel is about submit a preliminary report on their needs case can you please to disclose every part of its conclusions have you seen the report and yet here i know i haven't seen it yet but i know that it's going to consist of three ports one port i will need to build it to you the circumstances that led to the death of sergei magnitsky in prison. there are questions related to medical care in prison. whether a detainee can apply for medical examination and if he is seriously ill he should be in hospital for a learning. moreover he should be in
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a regular hospital because a prison hospital may not always have the necessary conditions for treating his disease one of them against me because you know there's a great variety of diseases and there are various clinics to treat them like a prison can have many different clinics that's simply impossible. so that's the first group of issues and actually serious progress has been achieved on this issue and i'm not they're referring to the fact that some prison officers were fired. also changed for regulation and so on keeping people in pretrial detention facilities. so that's the first part of their report. then the second poured concerns the criminal case against. what was were doing yoga alone would deal with. this is perhaps the most important part
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yes there are important issues of whether the criminal case was initiated lawfully whether all the statutory requirements were observed entering the criminal investigation and there are questions about the term of detention and appeals and so forth at the. direct questions related to the investigation and the court rulings based on requests by investigators from syria so that's the second a court tennis specialists in criminal procedure dealt with this board it's hard for me to say anything about this as i'm not a specialist on criminal procedure and i'm not familiar with all the provisions of the law that they referred. motional good and finally the third part is about the allegations that actually led to this and best to geisha the
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allegations that caused investigators to open a criminal case against certain gay money it's going to mean that he accused them of corruption in the arrested him for that yes i'm referring to those relegations of corruption so that's the third part of the report that we're going to submit to the president. is this report going to be what we call a bombshell should the media round up and get ready for a sensation who's going. yes well i think a very far report says that the case was opened quite lawfully and the investigation was carried out by closely and that he was kept in jail absolutely according to all the rules and regulations and that he was rendered all necessary medical assistance. then why make this report of the us with them and that would be a bombshell i see you're right but i think the public is expecting
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a different report and the report will be based on what the x. purser saying we told them what people are expecting to hear. one more question and this one on the yukos case within the next few months your counsel will produce an independent report on the second case against you cause. why was it necessary to be via an independent report does this mean you think the court's ruling was unjust. no because then why are you doing it's going to appear in independent reports on each and every case it's like after we have talked i will instruct my editors to check every word you say you're welcome to do this you may check it i don't mind. you see some pieces are high profile. they get a lot of attention. it was so in some instances he's necessary to carry out a public examination of such cases. however we should take into account
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two points more first this is a non government initiative and second it is purely legal you know the words we're not asking our experts if there is a political aspect to this case because otherwise and these questions should be addressed to political analysts not lawyers but then with the backbone of the band frankly i don't know how to conduct a political examination. i can't believe i can't comprehend this you can do by geno how to carry out illegal examination really isn't a legal expert myself your he's so why do we think it is necessary we put you first of all it was our initiative we told the president that we would like to carry out such a nongovernment legal examination that this was during our meeting in your concern
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berg on february first. and then the president told us that since he was not an expert in criminal law because he's an expert in civil law and family law. he said he was not competent enough to best judgment on this situation. is just not a specialist in this part of the law. so he said i'm not a specialist in criminal law and criminal procedure so it would be interesting for me to know what experts in criminal law and criminal procedure say about this case emerge so we found such specialists and actually not only from russia about half of them are from abroad including the united states canada they know their lands finland germany and many other countries all of them specialists in criminal law criminal procedure sation and so forth through and what's important to their acts
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russian law not that over their respective countries. will go so we hope that by early fall we will get older in conclusions and after that you will pass them on to the president. we won't edit them we won't make any conclusions instead of the experts we because we want this examination to be absolutely in. dependent human and you know it should be taught only free from any kind of influence you know but these are and the experts who are taking portions in that examination should confirm to us that they have nothing to do you and i have never had anything to do with a case of hot or cough ski and little bit of god to guide me meeting up with deal
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so it will really be an absolutely independent examination or dealing with a school thank you very much just sort of like that my guest today was to be held filled out the head of the presidential council on civil society and human and that's it for now protocol spotlight will be back with more. comments on one of the early on in and outside the show and select stay apart and take your kids. to. get. her. family. i'm spending a year in iraq as a military journalist i saw some of the ways to go in the u.s. contractors there's kind of wasting their time trying to get killed for you.
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i thought all along the way to do stuff in the life and in my. view is his team of twenty seven days in new going to publicize in the field inviting the markets right in the hope believes business people started the bait have a dialogue this is a chance in this world in a way the same it seems that it's. hard .
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