tv [untitled] July 5, 2011 5:31am-6:01am EDT
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with. the top stories of british activists mark us with protests demanding the closure of an american spy base which is due to be a part of a star war. there is a step toward serving american. space. down market. with customs checks designed to tackle drug smuggling illegal immigration anger. violates the cornerstone of european unity. saying the arms embargo has been breached again bones from qatar carrying weapons for the rebels are reportedly intercepted so far france is the only nation to admit supplying arms to take it off the forces. next we'll meet an army journalist has taken
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a thousand kilometer walk to talk people out of war the second part of a documentary soldier's piece is coming right up here on our. oh sean love it barry you're something you can't have one without the other one and that's the same way if you're going to support the troops you've got to support the war first you don't support it needs keep your mouth shut about it you don't need it doubt guess just be quiet if you can't. support it like it be quiet and a message from the president of the united states george w. bush good morning the generals are trying to divide america in break our will and we must not go in with their just succeed we will defeat the jurors every where they make your skin and we will leave a more hopeful world for our children and our grandchildren are going to run clear and change our goal is victory. veterans for peace in chapter one eighteen
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salt lake city and peace justice organization we basically. work with all soldiers and all veterans to bring about peace some of us all even actually march with him all the way today. and one guy who has it down or protested you with this is an army ranger. it started out pretty tense with him actually if you guys if you know what this is a u.s. ranger me i'm telling you that i would say i'm going to say look i mean i think. i'm going to. go to a different country. but he can't walk that's two is credit so. you're not for starting and running your morning system and. yeah i think there's a middle ground. then i think we agree on everything but i think you've got
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everything up until the point of what will bring stability. and i believe that stability with us that's what. the small difference of opinion that's marshall himself yeah i have i have a lot in common with him i support a lot of his views but the people they had nothing to do encounter in the protest bush lied kids die yada yada yada michael moore you know fahrenheit nine eleven it's things like that they're completely to the left and jaded but more so i find him very you know very charming intelligent clean cut individual. no animosity for him you know and eventually yes i think if this were a perfect world we would be occupying iraq oh there was another counter protester bringing up the total count of protesters to three and a young kid he had to hear to camouflage on but i don't think he was in the military those people demonstrating that shit their disgrace to our country and second search for that kind of people i need to get out of here and go live with the tears for all i care. because i said. what are they doing to people to troops
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that are just going home where they don't know that they're saying you know what you guys what you're doing better all we're doing out there is trying to go out there and make a difference trying to help trying to trying to make so we can live here trying to make so people don't come here and kill innocent people building. trying to do feel like it's feel like there's a spin on it saying you know what you. just this is. i'm not i've never actually thought about this subject before so i can't say really have an opinion. or be neutral. but we do this american people we just go bad our business like nothing but. i am now i don't have an opinion because i don't. listen to the news so i don't know anything about iraq except that way over there yeah you know like it might be out there now after these of those.
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you can start a discussion or debate with someone that it was you know certain to be very. busy doing this big protest you're sacrificing all this time and energy. to do the things with instead people might even really. think a lot of people have a connection like people. in the modern medicine coffee. in the car it back turned on the radio an attack outside of baghdad another choppers down by two a good man been in the center of the town. the evening news comes on the t.v. . two marines are killed planted i mean the big cat to both good old bean. two marines are killed two families left to
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greet. many are die overseas. in a war that misdiagnosed with the brain and the brain just coming campaign. way to. move a grade. we're used to yank cool way to do great. big good the second week of walking. through the river to from above and beyond don't get caught on tape return to. build a wall in. there from veterans to use their heart was even a korean war the only solar cookies for my mom and my sister a particular truth will go wrong in a slogan it's all the rubble for you i don't know your job so we go a bad business day by day. giving little to
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a warning so far away from the clergy to his side from students not a sad bored kids become soldier mock proud. men and women to die overseas. to know all that was starting to gain the brave and the brave move just coming. ways da mayor in the ring. mayor diaz. the rain. may be a way to raise. the walk but be over right there. i don't know if yesterday was the loam i'm alive this morning so did the ultrasound today. are smoking and praying
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i knew he wanted to quit because he wanted to be a good dad and he wanted to be there but i also knew that this walk is why he was a good dad as he said well. he walk into we get a second and keep walking toward final four this kind of got up the next day and was. thinking that maybe that would be the luster the good of the walk i was really happy that he could get out and he could keep walking even though he was scared that and and devastated with the news. i was charged twelve felony counts for a possible total sense of one hundred fifteen years so with good behavior i'd be
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getting out of two thousand and eight. when i realized that the war was wrong and always get home which i realized when i read the earliest sections and in the papers i then felt that what i could do was expose twenty three years of lies on some bridges of treaties and that it might help to solution people for war but expected there with seven thousand top secret pagers they would have to use the full extent of the law against me and that there would be basically a life sentence. that's what nixon had in mind to put i just thought it might help that i was ready to go to prison if it might help i told him again blacklisted for the rest of your life it will be on your record right. and. at that point he said well in that case then it will be that i'll be sitting in prison in iran now that i did not order my hands are illegal is just i just want to get people in the
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military at this because i think there are a lot and have to evaluate what you're being told asked to. as the guardsmen will be goes around and even them at us and we didn't think they were loaded we're going to be loaded gun here on campus this is it was a college one right why would they have loaded guns. guardsmen on the end of the line and decided to not fire in the direction everybody else was but to turn ninety degrees and pick me off while i was running for cover and the bullet hit me in the abdomen just below my belt and it knocked me through the ear into the groaned like someone swinging a sledge hammer like a baseball bat and hitting you like a cartoon image were flew in the air and landed on the ground i was shot a second time by a guardsman who testified in court that he knew had already been shot once and when they asked him so why did you shoot him he said well everyone else was shooting him
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. do you really think it could happen again yes i think we're doing it and i think it's just waiting to happen because it's been a long time so they can pull this stunt again and i believe it was a stunt i believe this was planned to stop protesting and the more that protest in this current now the more i look for it to happen and just scares running code it. is my hero and his example really got me into all of this. i remember that he said once that there was a palpable turning point when public opinion really shifted against the war and it marked the beginning of the end of the vietnam war and he said that was kent state walked until he came to this part and i could discuss a little bit more at the border and you miles but i really wanted to walk through zion national park the native americans who live there considered old footage. and
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even the ones in my years when they came to the first explorers said surely this is god's first home so it's a safe. oh in a used car i spent nearly every summer a minute. or so i couldn't walk for. this because of the. heat everything started to change that a lot of people showed up the weather got but he's still the bill if it was a had cancer or not but there was some reasonable doubt. or some reasonable hope that you two have. really sort of that. you could make a difference this was worth so i think i just like the idea of no more bombs no more screaming no one cares no more deaths from like bombs in the nuclear warfare
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nuclear north korea nuclear warfare my dad always gets me on that new clear. she seems good cook well she was much better than more out of control our team. during the walk we kept getting e-mails from people that said you know i wish i could be there for i really care is there any is there anything i can do and sal and my sister in law got the idea that we have balloons there representing everybody that wanted to be there and. all over the world from europe from the middle east from australia from china but we've got hundreds and hundreds of names and so much support for setting out of the shoes of our communities tears are real reality for me there's certainly a lot of emotion that goes through when you start reading names still looking at names and beliefs and wonder in the story. we define i thank you so much for coming
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out. and heart so great for i wonder for paper that can such a great help on the spot. so great that the fate of the black family nothing nothing. i'm. never ever ever ever see this kind of again everyone ever heard of lemon close so now they will never have a grandchild a compost they will never enjoy all of the great things start next year provided. for us to be here in a matter of the first day i said you know march kept repeating under. the letter that one wanted to be we had to be thank you for the privilege i'm lucky to get marshall for reminding us of our duty.
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as they neared the border i was excited i mean this is the slate in the film walk and did it. despite all the challenges. nobody believed the utah would support peace this much and it has sold all those people back in washington d.c. with all the hearts and warmongers know utah supports peace. that is the end of this series. because they got caught up in the victory. right now because like a wonderful victory made a five hundred miles and it's thanks to all you into my family and all the wonderful people who held me to dog has walked almost every inch of it with me. i've never been prouder to be in right now so wonderful thing. because he's very much tempered by the sobering thought that the war was still
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going. anyone wearing a baseball cap or coming out to take it off and place it over your left shoulder if you want to is not mandatory and anyone who wants to salute you can slow keep the cap until taps is completely played and then you can put it back on any questions. thank you. joe don't throw buttons for peace. offering them but he couldn't for both of them if they do the show don't have to look at the new stuff for us we are going to go california. today is veterans day and i would just like to thank. all of those that have served and all that are serving some of those that were honoring to do any harm represented by don'ts my group conscience there. that's how my son came home this
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is a picture of him as he turned twenty one. it was his last birthday. today and i asked you all to help me carry my grief. because it's very hard to carry myself. and if we learn to grieve as a nation. i think that this will help and seal as a nation so one is the trans day. we honor on the family thank you. martin luther king said a time when silence is betrayal a time comes like the time we're in right now at this moment. when anything other then raise your voice opposition to this. is a betrayal of this country that we the so don't take me to one side says hey i want
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you to meet wrong. and. i had no idea and also there's front kuharich right in front of me you just have this or somebody who spent his life doing good things and i think there is no greater right here than to be part of the peace process right now in golf and bringing him into this forest children's hospital dealing missed nation and committing ourselves to never allow what happened in the iraq war in vietnam to ever happen again i told him that i'd seen born in the fourth of july in iraq and it really made him happy to write you one of the cornerstone you'll remember that i knew i had to write so yes i seriously doubt point really thought like the whole journey you come full circle . that you're sitting in iraq. it was before the fourth of july about roag prove it. and see how he dealt with the ghosts
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of war but protesting that he just hit with such force and that's exactly what i needed to do. and so following his example. because it's only. so reasonable that i drove into him as a vietnam veteran who's been in this real care for almost four years it's an honor to call you my dear and my friend and so forth and so. good luck to you know if you honestly. think that. i'm driving down right now to go turn in all my equipment and so i can get out of the army the army offered me a twenty thousand dollars reenlistment bonus in iraq so there's been one lump sum tax-free twenty thousand dollars after iraq and you how my loyalties can be abused and so while i still feel that my service is honorable and still for other people
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service is honorable i. could not realist no matter how much money they offered me the shift in numbers that we've seen recently says that it does indeed like the rest of the country are starting to grow tired of course starting to question the war and starting to question bush's leadership of the war and it happened especially almost coinciding with marshall's watch and i don't i don't know how many utahns arsehole himself swayed to the other side it certainly wasn't just the walk but there were tons of other people doing things there's military families speak out in very active in salt lake there's rocky anderson and the norwalk is part of that so it feels really good. to see. the children.
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and. i have to call attention to that dark angel in their midst and you have to be prepared to accept the wrath of the governments force and as long as you're willing to do that and you do it nonviolent me you do everything you possibly can you give them your body you know and then you do it nonviolently you do it lovingly hell i even try to do it with a sense of humor you know it's no big deal searching. nothing's going to change until a guy's quit coming home and except the back as soon as guys come home and say you know don't cut me on the back because things got change we fix this things will change i'm a different scrutiny now i. was trying to change things or not i just had to do it i got to do it. not just me i think it's maybe it's like spit in the ocean to know if it's yes you do it you care and you have to make your own stay.
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right from your own heart. and i still my ankle and i'm down has made me and the person she breathes sweet she's a sickness in store this time. push will bring in our brothers sisters home piper peaks march for peace we stand for peace and leave. to play a game from. it is a time of hope our time to believe that peace can come that we can and just for that we can change the priorities of our country that we can move in a new and dynamic direction that we can make this an america that we can all be proud of that the sacrifice of our young men and women in iraq a must not be in very tied to. the only regret. is that i didn't do it correctly i mean.
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the sooner the twentieth day the walk. but to finish up i hope it's some good idea i didn't know what to expect when i got involved with the peace corps standing here for peace to excite it really renewed my faith in people and humanity and it's really reinforced my patriotism activists have a lot of different reasons for getting involved but in the end it all comes down to this it comes down to the hope that what you're doing the committee will better place to make it maybe even save a life. because. if what we're doing could save one person's life and that justifies all the embarrassment all the sacrifice all the pains of public protest. children. die it's all worth it. in that's the whole point
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it's the sincere hope and conviction that nobody else has to do. are you going to do a day. like your sorry i did step back from a record three months ago. that i was going to her prefer that state utah. let me give me a block to come to the nation's capital and see if i like that really really does look like her would make sense the same. until it's clear the. snow.
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