tv [untitled] July 5, 2011 11:01am-11:30am EDT
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activists grow more vocal in their opposition to a u.s. military site in northern england inspired by the reagan era star wars project saying that they have a right to know what's going on and. the shutters are up in denmark because the country passes strict new laws on border control switch already calls from its european neighbors who say that it might violate agreements on free travel. and libyan officials say they've intercepted two ships carrying belgian made weapons for the rebels and violation of un. trafficking to the war torn country. and here in business russian equity markets finished in the black on tuesday out to oil topped ninety five dollars a barrel join me at twenty past the hour for more on the stock performance poetry.
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news from the heart of this is our role research calls for independence from us the militarization of getting louder in britain of course britain being one of america's most trusted strategic allies peace activists have targeted a top secret u.s. military base in the u.k. which is due to become part of a european missile defense shield they say britain barely knows what's going on putting the country's security at risk. here it's a little piece of america in the heart of the u.k.'s yorkshire dales where it's britons who are demanding independence from america. symbolizes what's wrong with the special relationship between britain and the united states here we have a base that's on u.s. control which the british government and british people have no control menwith
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hill is the largest intel gathering and surveillance base outside the us there are thirty two satellite dishes housed inside the huge golf ball structures which can eavesdrop on telephone calls faxes and e-mails from around the world it's been operational since the one nine hundred sixty s. but now it's set to become part of the controversial missile defense shield to alert the u.s. to any launch of ballistic missiles as in poland and the czech republic where the u.s. also plan to cite bases locals who worry that having the facility here will put the area in danger heightening the risk of an attack by anyone who wants to disable the shield but unlike in eastern europe the government here has put up no fight a tall in fact it doesn't even know what goes on here there isn't a single british official in parliament or in the intelligence services who could give you a full picture of what is happening in this space it's the culmination of former
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u.s. president ronald reagan's dream as his statue is unveiled in london on monday menwith hill embody soiree can envisage dimly early warning missile detection system that was dubbed the star wars program it secretive based far away from u.s. soil and some say it's a step towards the u.s. domination and militarization of space people demonstrate here campaigning for the closure of this space and the others like it around the country they want to reclaim this land and bring it back under the control of the british government and its people it's not working their way out. as menwith hill becomes part of the missile defense shield it's building another golf ball satellite structure bringing the total to thirty three despite some local and national opposition growing not reducing the u.s. his influence in europe or abbott's r.t. menwith hill yorkshire. now the prospect of a u.s. led missile defense shield in europe has also set alarm bells ringing right here in moscow nato is failing to provide legal guarantees that the system won't be aimed
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at russia and is also rejected proposals for a joint shield next we hear from a leading american scientist who says that obama's administration is continuing bush era policies. when the bush plan was first discarded by president obama when he came into power there is no longer a whole new system would be more agreeable to the russians but not of the actual numbers instead of being less of a concern going from the bush administration to the obama. this has raised all sorts of red flags in russia. now of five minutes past the hour here in moscow strict border controls are to be implemented in denmark as the country's parliament has voted in favor of permanent new legislation it will mean more security checkpoints at the country's ports and at its border with germany some e.u. officials have already condemned the move saying it might contradict mainland
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europe's much vaunted open border agreement. explains. the danish officials insist that this is to prevent drug flow and illegal migrants from entering the country but the move has been regarded as a bad sign not just by the left wing politicians and the opposition in denmark itself but also has been severely opposed to why the e.u. officials in brussels and especially by denmark's neighbor germany they insist that this is a violation of the get agreement of the open borders in europe and they also say that this is not a wise move at all to make during a particularly volatile time for the european union when countries are bickering over border disputes and over cash and money issue some believe that this as. actually may signal the end off united europe but the danish officials insist that this will not cause any damage to the free flow of traffic tourists and
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transportation across the border we have to remember that this is not the very first border dispute of course the problem of illegal migrants is particularly bitter one right now for the european union earlier this year france and italy have entered a rather bitter dispute over the flow of illegal migrants across their borders and we also have to take to keep in mind the fact that the extremely volatile situation in northern africa is not going to help the situation in any way since most of the migrants could do come to europe could do flood countries like denmark belgium or italy and france actually do come mostly from the north in the african region so this particular move by the danish officials may actually send quite a worrisome signal to other european countries who may also follow suit. to renegotiate reporting let's get some more details on this now i'm joined by schmidt who's a european parliament member live in denmark for us. good to see you so is this
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move to tighten the borders is a possibly symptomatic of an increasingly prevalent european mindset that the system which is meant relaxed travel restrictions in western europe has ultimately failed. but i think it's a logical reaction to the fact that the polish member of the national border control has led to a shooting increase in various kinds of criminal activities cross border lee we have an. influx of drugs in that context we have seen the influx on illegal weapons human trafficking has been rapidly expanding during the years of the shooting and regime so i think it's obvious that any sensible government or parliamentarian has to react to this and that's what we've done by doing what we're doing now increasing the customs control if i may just jump in here it does seem like the timing is rather convenient considering the past several months of ongoing unrest in the middle east and northern africa with the. immigrants flooding upwards into europe surely that's having something to do with this decision do you think. not
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not for the danish case but it's clear that around in the twenty seven countries they are. you could say moving wishes to do something similar to what we have done in denmark and the commission has in its in its recent suggestions are also given more flexibility to meet to member countries to enlarge their border protection but i think that each of the twenty seven countries in the european union have individual problems our problems have been due to influx of especially from the eastern european countries where it's france and italy and spain and other southern european countries struggling with the troubles due to the roots of the turmoil in northern africa are now other than the issues of our security let's discuss the issues of economics here you know surely open borders are convenient for people from e.u. member states and you think that stricter border controls would damage tourism and economic links between between various countries. i think the only thing that is damaging tourism in the free movement right now is the hysteria that we see from
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the e.u. institutions and from individual countries like germany where they where the government i think has acted in incredibly childish by its reaction to what we have we have done i have to stress the fact that we have had the free movement of goods and labor and services since the one nine hundred eighty six and until two thousand and one that's fifteen years denmark maintain its border control with the free movement of goods with the in the market obviously we can maintain having the in a market and of free movement of various kinds of stuff also with a limited border control compared to what we had on till two thousand and one so i think it's a it's a strawman argument it's not a real argument is simply a constructed argument in order to. avoid what is happening not only in denmark but all over the european union where more and more people are realizing that the solutions we have been given by brussels are not the right where the right ones for a modern world are now listen when it comes to when it comes to where the money issues here with the new custom controls in denmark where is the money going to
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come from is it reasonable to use public funds to to ensure better at a border security. i think it's reasonable to use public spending to ensure the everyday lives for the danish population i mean that's one of the main reasons why you want to pay tax that you want to police a customs control the army here and whatever publicly funded institution to protect you so i think it's reasonable that we are spending some. one hundred million are on this matter because we have seen the increase of criminal activity due to the lack of control so now we pay a little bit more but we get more control and thereby more safety and i just briefly so if you give me i'm running out of time here but when it comes to the increased border control in denmark is it more about the drugs and the weapons coming across the across the border or is it more about immigrants. whether it's a broad variation of issues here we're finding try. which is the one of the most horrible crimes we see of course we're fighting drugs we're fighting smugglers and
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various kind and illegal immigrants it's clear that we see what we see in the entire middle east is to shoot pressure on the european borders and i think we have a national as well as international responsibility to avoid that that illegal immigrants come to our country so that they create an environment environment that is hostile to those who are legally here. member of the european parliament who live in strasburg thank you very much there. well on our website r.t. dot com we're asking for your opinion about what the revival of border controls between e.u. members means for the future of the union let's look at the stats right now and more than half think that the end of the e.u. is the only way to fend off an immigration crisis eighteen percent say it's just a temporary setback in the integration process the same number think that europe has failed to find unity in troubled times and another twelve percent say that the e.u. has proven to be workable. libyan officials say that they've
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seized two ships on route from qatar carrying weapons intended for rebels they're said to have been carrying over one hundred belgian made assault rifles along with thousands of rounds of ammunition at this point so far only the french have admitted to supplying weapons to libya's antigovernment forces and he shipment of arms to libya is a violation of international law that's according to marty. from the center for research on the globalization. it definitely is via violating the you know the nation's sanction as well as international law there's something called the a t t and under the a.t.v. cannot supply arms to the rebels this is not new news either they've been saying this from march they've been sending arms to the rebels i haven't been restricted here in libya i've i've i've traveled i've seen the frontier from tunisia to tripoli. the people that are resisting this are the actual people libyan people
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there's no real organized military here is the people the people of libya have taken arms to defend this country against nato if you go to the checkpoints you're going to see the regular people they called people people who are volunteers that it's not strictly a military a military force that's being fought against by the rebels or whatever you want to call them the transitional council forces revolutionaries whatever you want to call them they are a minority and they are being armed by the outside in some cases they have better weapons there. the actually military the ball is in nato support the ball's not in libya's court they're fighting defensively that's the reality of the situation the ones who are being bombed they don't want to have planes overhead it's not it in their hands so right now i don't see nato winning unless they invade or they continue to arm the rebels put it's way it's frankly it's too soon to say and i heard that hillary clinton said we're going to follow this to the end i don't think this is looking good for nato and if they invade they have to be fools every house in tripoli is armed they have neighborhood defenses set up every single house is on
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it all the people here are carrying weapons if they don't like it daffy they would turn those weapons on him. so the eye here in moscow and lots more to come on the program including new ways to satisfy china's energy hunger some countries are deciding against a nuclear future following the fukushima disaster but china is searching for advanced technology to make atomic power safe. we report on the children with a rare condition of skin and the battle to improve treatment for the problem here in russia. on a visit to russia's north caucasus president dmitri medvedev has declared that the death of the lawyer. in custody has a lot of the problems facing human rights in the country he also touched on extremism and intolerance which he believes must be fought by the whole spectrum of society that you go to this kind of reports a lot of issues were on the table at this meeting the president need to be a default first on the civil society and terrorism in preventing and resolving
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ethnic conflicts and also be discussed the investigation looking into the death of city among needs a lawyer who was accused of being poured over huge money laundering scheme in russia but died in prison the. huge wave of criticism in russia and the only international community talking about extremism of the movie it said that even though a lot of progress has been made over the past few years there's still a long way to go before this problem could be fully resolved and just one of the latest examples connected to extremism in russia is the death of beauty. former russian army officer was serving in the field after having been found guilty of killing girl service you know long sentence was released but was killed just a month ago and even though it's not clear police possible for this murder they did it trigger some racist comments this meeting was being held in the city of niger in
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the caucasus of course a very important region for the authorities when it comes to combat terrorism. a police chief this is. to eliminate the hundred militants in the end. of july they are starting another a move in new. operation so quite a lot of things are happening in the caucuses and things are discussed at this meeting as well. right there now don't forget we also have plenty of other stories available for you on our website that's our dot com here's a quick look at what's there right now plays a pencil become considered dangerous as in the russian republic of chechnya whose leader has banned the devices. and the r.t. catches up with an italian marble marvel you can make the stone magically stay afloat and even fly find out how page dot com.
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r.t. is coming to you live from moscow the accident at japan's fukushima facility triggered safety fears all around the world forcing some countries to think twice about using nuclear energy but for energy hungry china it seems his demands are so high that there's just no alternative. morton reports now it's focusing instead on developing new technologies to make atomic plants more safe. with the global spotlight firmly back on the safety of nuclear power following japan's tsunami and the problems at the fukushima daiichi plant china is looking at spearheading efforts to make the industry safer much safer the chinese are investing millions in research into
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reactors powered by the elements a metal proponents say as common as lead and one which despite some concerns would lead to. power plants with fewer safety issues as well as other benefits. thore and based reactors certainly have advantages release from thore and is greater than from uranium the by products from using thore and less toxic than from uranium and it's much harder to make weapons from those my products. public outcry following the problems at the fukushima plant led to beijing putting a freeze on approvals of all new nuclear power stations and safety checks at the twenty seven currently under construction however with chinese electricity consumption growing at more than five percent a year and its current reliance on fossil fuels to generate that unsustainable it's unlikely the crisis in japan will dampen china's thirst for nuclear power. it's impossible for china to give up nuclear energy china needs to make changes to
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its energy structure which is closely linked to the need to reduce pollution carbon emissions and the overall direction of chinese development other new energies have no advantage in either techniques or resources. no one in china is under any illusions that the country desperately needs to find alternative clean ways to generate electricity the current reliance on coal which provides some eighty percent of chinese energy needs cost the economy more than two hundred billion dollars a year through air pollution alone and while beijing is investing heavily in turn it into energy supplies nuclear power is seen as the best bet by the chinese government the problem facing authorities is trying to convince a sometimes and jittery public that nuclear energy is a safe alternative so they are investing millions of dollars into foreign research like this in order to try and lay those fears to rest in so doing it maybe showing the rest of the world a new path to clean energy henry morton r.t.
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beijing. all the effects of the fukushima crisis are continuing to manifest themselves in various areas including japanese politics transit disaster reconstruction minister motto has resigned only a week into the post this comes after his visit to an area hit by march's tsunami and earthquake there scolded the local government and threatened to withhold aid to the region if he didn't provide a clear plan for reconstruction the prime minister's behavior angered the local people and japan's biggest prominent opposition party dubbed it an affront to all earthquake victims. that's court has ruled that the netherlands was responsible for the deaths of three bosnian muslims after the fall of during the bosnian war the judges have ordered the government to pay out compensation as to the relatives of those killed the victims support staff for the dutch un peacekeeping force and were among those muslims who took shelter in the un protective enclave the men were
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executed by bosnian serbs when the peacekeepers forced them out of the compound. a double bomb attack has killed at least thirty five and wounded forty seven in a sunni dominated town north of iraq's capital baghdad. police reports say insurgents first detonated a car bomb near the local council building this was followed by a second explosion of a roadside bomb targeting those who gathered to help the victims of the first blast follows a missile attack killing four people in baghdad's green zone by government and seen buildings are located. it's a rare incurable disease in russia suffer a say it's ignored by the medical establishment known as the b. it means children have skin so delicate that even at just a simple touch can break it arteries diapers cover has met the families who are coping with the obvious now you may find some of the images in this report disturbing. she likes dancing and no one would guess the amount of pain lisa goes
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through to make these simple movements liza has a rare genetic condition epidermal this is bulldozer or that makes her skin less than as a butterfly when a slight touch or a hug can cause painful blistering that takes a long time to heal leaving the skin even more fragile. around the world sufferers like lisa are known as butterfly children however in russia it's as if they don't exist right you can use the doctors simply don't know of the disease and when you tell them what it is they might have heard of it but they don't know how to deal with it she knew lizzie is only five but she already knows her diagnosis better than any doctor her mother knows there is no cure with proper medication her daughter could lead an almost normal life but it's way too expensive while using it it's such a rare disease that it's pretty much been forgotten about there's no states that put to there's no money and no specialists. general manager is
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a dermatologist and admits she's become a specialist by default no one else is dealing with patients but the mothers say her advice can conflict with what they've learned from abroad what you saw well it's a very complex disease with so few patients suffering from it any doctor that would take it up would have to become a very narrow specialist i myself am tied up in many other places so i don't have much time for these patients. two year old nasty is a clear example of what good care and access to proper treatment can do for a butterfly child her mother says she's probably the only girl in russia who from a very thursdays of her life was taken care of properly according to international standards when she was twenty five days old i took her away from one of the best maternity wards in the country her stomach and feet are all and the marks of the doctor's fingers are still her skin back then she did look like an to be patient ever since nice to has lived a life of protection her medication costs roughly one hundred thousand rubles more
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than three thousand dollars per month she has three people constantly looking after her including her mother julia says life expectancy for such kids in russia is very low and she would do anything to make her daughter's life long unhappy. she's my beautiful alongst back to princess and if there is a plea that can hurt my princess i'll take them all away no matter what the cost. julie is also behind a newly created foundation to help other children now people from all over the country are calling her and it seems the number of suffering children is far greater than the previously estimated one hundred s. for louisa she bravely takes on life with a smile despite her deteriorating state as a sign of trust she told me her biggest dream there may be few children with this disease in russia but each of them needs all the support they can get they may have learned to live with their condition but just like elisa the old dream of one day
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waking up to a life without paying. r.t. moscow. business news is next with kareena. welcome to business the sa good to have you with me rating agencies are playing hardball with greece standard and poor's say they would consider a plan by french banks to roll over privately held greek bonds as the default pretty banks the biggest holders of greek sovereign debt have proposed to renew bones when they mature louise cooper from b g c partners says a bailout is not the answer economic reform is the key to its financial. if you look at the amount of debt that greece has you've already had one hundred ten billion bailout package remember this is a country of only twelve million people they just cannot afford to pay back the level of debt that they have and the reform program is terribly important for
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greece making the country more productive selling off state assets reducing the size of the public sector getting point of enterprise back going again that is the key to the financial health of greece and yet in a way that reform program gets ignored because we have these dramas every day we have riots we have protests we have late night votes and all of that excitement to just get to greece from actually so over from sort of week to week is almost. means we forget about the underlying core problems of the economy that need to be addressed. let's take a look at the markets now oil prices are climbing this whole thing and today drop that on speculation that there's growing demand for oil and rice the u.s. and china the world's two largest energy users by two it is trading at ninety six dollars a barrel brant is at over one hundred thirteen dollars a barrel stocks in the u.s. retreat from a five session winning streak to after the government said factory orders rebounded
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point eight percent in may the benchmark indexes turned briefly high after the commerce department said orders for u.s. airplanes cars and other industrial goods rose in may cash laden corporations invested in equipment and europe stock markets are mostly holding tight range traders are cautious over the outlook for greece and following reports that china could hike interest rates this weekend bank stocks were mostly lower worries over sovereign debt again weighed on the sector commerzbank point eight percent in frankfurt and so cities in the us that point seven percent in paris the german dax edged one point seven percent after gains from hawks wagon up zero point six percent after. games one point seven games from paul as the comic or extend of the previous sessions games and in russia the r.t.s. in the minds experienced in the black let's have a look at something individual share moves from isaacs most energy majors finish high at a gas from last point eight percent banking stocks were also lower would be to be
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