tv [untitled] July 5, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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it. was. actually believe. these celebrate your independence and freedom this past weekend if so i would really like to know what country you live in me i have to take this very for making a video in public after having my camera confiscated go drop to celebrate my freedom and watch the fireworks with the r.v. is now officially a crime in the united states of paranoia we've got more guys with us tonight about just how meaningless the holidays become longer is proposing to virginia be fluke without asking for his native poland rand paul is our hero this week kevin zeese joins jake dilbert o. and myself about what he hopes to accomplish with the open letter that we all decided for our dear leader to stop being such a dick to the rest of the world a more serious note casey anthony was found not guilty today if you only found out
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after watching countless hours of c.n.n. and sorry you'll never get that way support of your life back maybe you should have been watching adam versus the man. yesterday was the two hundred thirty fifth anniversary of the signing of the declaration of independence brave men signed that document in defiance of the king and genuinely risked their lives in the mere act of signing that declaration and the ensuing revolution may represent the greatest leap forward for human liberty in our short history how sad is it then that the space the founders carved out for the ideals of liberty has now sunk to be the embodiment of the worst of humanity's desires to dominate others because we live in
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a paranoid police state was too much to allow people to gather freely on the wall of our capitol checkpoints oh wait we access points i'm away to the jefferson memorial i decided to document what our benevolent government overlords have decided is necessary to keep us safe here's a clip i made of a checkpoint on the mall where if you don't have a bag you can go right past but if you do the cops get a rifle through it and of course everyone is subjected to a probable cause generator also known as a drug sniffing dog. thank. you say again it. didn't go so well for me after having my camera grabbed out of my hands i was then detained for about half an hour while the situation was reported to a supervisor so they could and heaven forbid it one of the cops who had stolen my property and kidnapped me there take direct responsibility they did ask my name before telling me that they knew who i was then they said i was get my phone back but i couldn't record the cops explanation of why i wasn't permitted to film there
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because we were still in a checkpoint area i was told how all the signs in the area made it clear there was no filming allowed so i asked to see one and take a photo of it and i request the plight of service ordered me to take just one picture of the official so i point son and it says nothing about no but talk of feet ok so my petty harassment aside i kept on to one of the terrorists' prime targets the jefferson memorial knowing the terrorists hate us because we are free and want to destroy the statue of constructs and author of the declaration i was really glad to see these want to be commandos from parks police patrolling the tourist making sure all the terrorists had gone through the checkpoints peacefully and were well corralled in the freedom. but the jefferson things were a bit different this time and i'm happy to report that the dancers were not harassed there was a team of motorcycle cops there and they stood on the far side of the memorial as if waiting for someone to ask them to dance while taking their gloves on and off repeatedly and after radioing to their supervisors and stomping around the memorial
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they got on their bikes and rode away. really shouldn't. be you know why cops issue so many tickets and harass people for no good reason. because fighting crime is hard work and while we have the jobs and cameras and backup cameras the cops didn't waste any time finding more defenseless people to harass that's our view may not technically be a crime thanks to the first amendment but pretending it is sure is a good way to keep cops looking busy and putting bodies through the prison industrial complex. all right. so for our next story here. about photography being a crime we have lots of new or well you know ways to keep you safe on a recent u.s. airways flight out of philadelphia a professional photographer sammy the way it was deemed
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a security risk after snapping a photo of an employee's name tag she observed the employee behaving really toward several customers and decided she would file a complaint with the employ a. g followed her onto the plane in demand that she delete the photo reluctantly she complied but the employee then decided she flung her power delusion to extreme and informed the flight's pilot she was a security risk and she was removed from the right i'm jean sixteenth right here in the district of control grave imperial guards or military police as we call them in georgetown stormed in on the activities of a suspicious terrorist and wedding photographer mike o'connor leaving the wedding shots taken as too close to a checkpoint the m.p.'s then threaten to confiscate the camera and arrest the cameraman under federal law it's illegal to photograph certain vital installations if they're deemed secret top secret confidential or started but they weren't close to area fifty one they didn't find any underground bases. just arlington national
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cemetery you know one of the most photographed cemeteries in the world but never fair if if you're into the boat you don't need a camera the state has plenty of brand you are in the sky will make its way to miami florida miami dade police director james loftus spoke recently about the brand new surveillance drone being purchased from honeywell by the civilian legal force really just common sense again quote it gives us a good opportunity to have an i up there not a surveilling i not a spine i love to make the distinction a survey lead on to help us do the things we need to do honestly to keep people safe. it's i guess it's a good thing those drones are only looking for a grease g. strings on the beaches since if you have any potentially offensive bumper stickers and to see you can find yourself with another arbitrary government by yes that's right drivers found to have offensive bumper stickers will automatically be charged
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fifty dollars by the state we've all heard that absolute power corrupts absolutely but we've put power in the hands of individuals now to violate the rights of others at any time for arbitrary reasons of their own designs or brave new world indeed so we all see the billboard we hear the tax funded radio commercials this is sergeant john ridd jackass of the highway patrol and we're getting tough on the road so don't push your luck click it or ticket. it's good to know while the police are cracking down hard on the road they're going to start practicing a little more leniency on their own kind out in los angeles the beautiful city of angels crime cocaine spoiled starlets traffic jams and statism or i guess i could describe the scene the police are catching a break from their higher ups a new strategy called conditional official reprimand will see cases of misconduct met with lighter slaps on the wrists in many cases the l.a.
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times reporting that basically officers caught driving under the influence or using excessive force or falsely imprisoned people may get a strongly worded scolding and a warning not to do it again instead of the traditional firing or pay suspension quote we have to leave as if we're going to progress past just punishing people and expecting that to get anything done according to deputy chief mark perot's so this makes the question can we start seeing any of this leniency for the pleads made an illegal u. turn in the dark three hundred dollars fine driving drunk while a cop don't do that again also better check your parking meter that traffic cop is known to tase people all ticketing and he's got a few more strikes with his superiors before he's in trouble and once again demonstrating that eighteen government busybodies all over the world don't know anything about the internet government officials in germany are calling for outline facebook parties after a string of flash mobs at several parties including one of
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a six year old girl went up with sixteen other people crashing her little shindig the tax funded men in special hats are hard at work trying to find ways to treat the symptoms instead of the problem according to the schuman interior ministry for the state of lower saxony quote if public order and safety are put at risk then facebook parties must be banned in advance. well guys good luck with that you know these parties are just normal parties where they aren't actually using facebook at these parties or maybe our phones but these events can be found on the series of tubes called the answer webs the art of google plus you're plugging a leaky dam with and the real issue here is that the state is once again proposing to put a rope around the internet without appearing to have the slightest doubt about grasp of what it is they're trying to rein in should have been then went on to propose the creation of an internet driver's license to educate young people about
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using the internet and social media hopefully if this stupid idea becomes law you might have a chance to pass it himself all right joining me now is mark dies of mark dice dot com put together a brilliant video that we can share with you because of copyright concerns but he went out to a beach just this past weekend talking to people about why they are celebrating not independence day because nobody even calls it that anymore fourth of july some of them were apparently there to celebrate our victory in the civil war all right mark guys thanks for being with us and i was so glad to finally get you on the show. hey thanks for having me and let me just clear up this this didn't take hours a radio to go out and find i mean especially in southern california here the longest amount of time is driving to the beach really does there's a very accurate representation of the video i wish you could show it for some b. roll but especially yeah i just walked up to maybe when we've got a beer always
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a sale at the we can't let the music play but i mean we wanted you like a highlight of some of the ridiculous answers here but we'll go there was one guy who when you said the said he was like oh yes the civil war of course well what or what were some of your favorite answers from these people well i think the met one woman thought we declared the independence from mexico and i laughed so then i covered it with no actually it was it was china oh that's china china china like drilling it into your head one of them facing here in southern california i showed the people that actually knew there were three different groups of people three people that knew and i actually had to cut out more individuals because i just couldn't make a twenty minute video i don't know how many i'm surprised people could even make it through did you know it was ten minutes on even the people that you included that knew of into it were celebrating independence from great britain and king george it was that they weren't there they were pretty then on their knowledge their i mean
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it wasn't like they crossed the line there were some people that knew what was going on a new at the holiday was about the rest i've no idea what do you think this says about america or what you think this is at least about your fellow southern californians we've gotten too lazy i think we've probably enjoyed the freedom a little bit too much and we've sort of fell asleep at the wheel and i mean i'm a victim of the american education system myself i'm a zombie on some degrees but you know little you can at least have your basic knowledge you know why you celebrate the most popular holiday of the summer at least. no and generally which country which area of the world because it was that we broke away from and why i mean it's funny but it's very sad too so i took the time myself to just really read the the declaration of independence to go through the constitution again this weekend to try to polish up on it for my own knowledge because we're the people who know are going to have to some point educate these
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people that are really just that's why i call them zombie america and it's fascinating. issue here i get some coverage from one of the russian t.v. stations of course the. well is the american corporate media is all of propaganda mouthpiece for our government which is the most un-american thing in the world today but it's the fourth of july people have forgotten what it actually is independence day and what that means perhaps it's time to get a new day to declare independence from our current system of government or for a foreign a second american revolution maybe that's the point at which we're overdue when we forgot what the first one was all about. yeah we don't have to have quite a big party and a celebration of fireworks but it is i mean this is very telling him some of the comments on the video said that i hung around all day and found just the random few people the handful of people that were out there no i mean almost everybody has no clue you could see probably from maybe if you've seen my other videos the petition
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videos we have patients to repeal ridiculous things they haven't we haven't got people to sign a petition to repeal the first amendment. just don't even need that everyone just was one woman i think that said she didn't want to do it should want to go into research it least it was if it's a pretty it's very absurd and i don't know if southern california is just a little more maybe down the zombie trail than the rest of america i would be willing to bet that we are but some of the people in the video you could see were just young kids you know mark i well i i wish it was i wish that's all it was but there's the rest of the country isn't a whole lot better off of people going to work i know you're holding down the message of liberty in southern california and waking out some of the zombies so keep it out thank you very much more a very good with a good work that was not. we're watching adam versus the man will be right back. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions
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it's time to create through thirty people made who can you trust no one who is you reveal who with the global mission to receive where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sections when nobody dares to ask what we do you are t. question more. into it only are we with the mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or to the board. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why. i think. i would characterize obama as they care is minute version of american exceptionalism.
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welcome back to adam vs the man i know you've been sorely missing the pretty face of our own out a verse of the man contributor lucrative here in the studio but we do have them tonight live by by the inner webs from his home country of poland he's been touring europe for almost a month now we'll have you back here i promise that you better and you better live up to this one look within a couple of weeks of me back here in studio they can on the powers that be in washington d.c. but he's learned a lot from his travels in europe and i can't even pronounce the town you're in right now is that give me a so-called poland loop but. yeah obviously anyways and i thought you were. glad that you're getting some time on this tour when you're doing a lot of really good work and put together a lot of great packages and reporting for our show and we've got a few more of those coming up there in the week including one from amsterdam we're
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very much looking forward to what i want to bring on tonight is you were just in london and obviously the police state there the basic dynamic of the government are are following a pattern similar to ours as a modern country where you where you have a surveillance state you have a police state what it what did you notice there how does it compare to what we have in the united states. i actually think it's a little bit worse i mean there are c.c.t.v. cameras everywhere you go i mean it's very much a big brother corporate government nightmare i mean not just regular cameras but you have cameras on every single road you go on body scanners here at the airports mandatory there's no opt out there's no you look there's no love straight to the microwave and it's crazy how many people would make you tube videos here i met people who had to egypt he was taken down not because of copyright but because the government didn't like it and ordered it down but i think the most crazy thing that i saw here is no government spradling to collect money with this new contestants over charges i don't know what mayor bloomberg thought it was that new york city
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which means every time someone tries to drive into the main center of london you have a call but you have to register online you're able to credit cards and routes just to enter the city and if you don't register surveillance cameras or if your license plate and you will have now i don't see this as a longer the european union plan to actually get rid of all gas and use the our cars by the end of two thousand if they're doing this right now with high taxes or not taxes here or reading it say i mean you even have to pay to hear who hear it are it sounds like this tax this kind of this as a tax of the city sounds like a really good way to kill tourism i mean just converse in general you add that that artificial line around the city and say it's going to cost that much more to do business inside people are going to be doing business right outside of that barrier here in the united states it feels like there's a leech that is government on the free market on the productive sector the economy
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is growing in size and we're kind of lumbering along and people are staggering now the economy as a whole is staggering under the weight of government and we see unemployment on the rise and you know all sorts of other problems with poverty as a result did you get the same sense of things are people getting that same kind of awareness as they see the financial crisis going on playing out in europe. and in london that these systems that impose hardships on us are really leeches that are that are holding us back or is there a sense of that in london i mean there's a lot of people pissed off not just london but it was pretty much all the stuff you are having a hard time just so living to survive i mean austerity measures here are pretty insane and everywhere i go every major city in europe i go to there's a general said it's zero zero zero zero zero zero having a hard time just a little bit it's just that or at. ok so some of that when people are facing that kind of hardships are i'm seeing a lot of the protests in london and it looks like you know and some people are
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saying what's happening in greece isn't what it seems with the protests that it's people demanding that the government not exploit them not just begging for handouts but i see a lot of these protests and in london are begging for better handouts for government workers and for students and for all for everybody else i mean is there a growing awareness there that maybe we should be not begging for more more things from the government giving them the power to redistribute wealth. i mean one thing people are pissed off is the power that they're taking away at the money they're taking away from them and giving it to the big banks there's like they did in greece like they did it spain and that's what they mainly it's talk about i mean i think you are still the great and very few people know what a republican is here many of them own our own particular active locker see what you or actually talk about our political system where we are. not just ruled and people are waking up to the fact that we should be helping each other and that's what they're doing pretty much in three states also set up work where people or helping
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each other build a community together not just depending on the government for help but for being there for each other which is also very well i have to bring to the loop and most people back here don't even know what we celebrate on independence day let alone what a republican but we can't wait to have you back and forth here and more from your adventures abroad luke our own very own anderson manager look out the join us from poland and i thank you very much live all right and now we have a special report from this last saturday and event inspired by the dance party at thomas jefferson's because skateboarding is not a crime and dry. was. was boarding we're not trying to grind rails or not and we're just trying to cruise i'm not going to hurt nobody with my longboard you know just a part of my life that i really want to be able to do at the beach the place that i love you know i could beach in my life and i can longboard there was that
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was i got three tickets in the past two years neither one of the ticket has said anything about skateboarding all three take it to said playing in a story which to me is kind of ridiculous because you can probably go around that whole world and find kids playing in history playing hopscotch playing basketball but none of that is illegal was was was her she was. just you know i was the one who will come and go as cost and it feels really great because whenever i got down here i was there anybody here and then he was just not a common in the enthusiasm just went to the roof and a cop seemed to be you know for it so hopefully some positive things will come out of the was the was the. is your right to protest and to do it so i do what i thought i'd have to do and
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it's peaceful and so begin to play the part and i hope it goes through or no you can come to him on board the was the our younger generation is finally starting to realize that the more that we're in active against our governments and the more that we let our governments run rampant the more fines we're going to pay and the more jail time we're going to do in the more of our liberties are going to be taken away from us and they're trying they're trying to keep us from you know having a culture they want to be assimilated they want to basically be robots and do what they tell us to do and i'm not going to have that. oh this is. the. city hall we're going to the city council on tuesday and there's a bunch of companies that are planning on coming up to sit nora in our meeting with city hall or local videographer jenna van dusen and she's doing a video first to present to city council and basically we're going to go there and
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we're going to we're going to present it civilly and if they don't want to go then we're going to start filming or we have on. the. big. oh what a relief they handed out the part of me call it off the wrong word but that was a blast and thanks to tristan and everybody else from burn the radio who put on a great event on saturday all right now i don't know if we're going to start on a regular here of the week but if we had one hour here of the week this week comes from a most unlikely place the united states senate none other than senator rand paul i wouldn't mind we've had not one minute of debate about the debt ceiling in any committee we haven't had a budget in two years we haven't had an appropriations bill in two years so i'm part of the freshman group in the senate saying no more we're not going to let him go to any issue if we have a say in it so next week we will filibuster and to we talk about the debt ceiling until we talk about proposals and many of us in the conservative wing are going to
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present our own proposal next week and that is to raise the debt ceiling we will actually vote in favor of raising the debt ceiling next week if we can but it will be contingent on passing a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. and that's what tea party candidates were sent to washington to do stand your ground rand paul we wish you the best of luck all right joining me now is our own military analyst jake negative neo-con nancy dilbert zero in studio and from adirondack mountains new york kevin zeese gentlemen outstanding thank you for joining us tonight ok kevin now you put together an amazing open letter to the president bring it was bring them home america us are coming america is now malteser come home america diet us you've got even neocon nancy jake to sign on i'm a signatory this letter myself before we get into the reasons you put this together
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i want to share one quote from it if we can get this on screen these unconstitutional wars have been justified on false premises and most recently in the case of libya there was not even the pretense of a congressional declaration of war making it an impeachable offense now heaven the purpose of this letter is to call the president to bring the troops home from all of our imperial adventures i don't know three or so kids yemen and somalia do count with me so that's one of the great things about this letter is that it doesn't really focus on the policies of end of it don't say like this is wrong and this this is wrong this is it really cuts to the heart of militarism being bad for the united states and you're bringing a lot of people together on this what are you hoping to accomplish with a lot of. well what i want to do is begin to kick off a movement that can have an impact and actually end u.s. military you know we've seen efforts to end wars for a long time we had we had
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a across the political spectrum movement and war since before world war two and it took a lot to you in war to we have to be attacked by the japanese and they're going to declination we're the germans for united states going because there was a strong opposition to war and it covered the political spectrum and as we were trying to do here from the right left libertarians conservatives liberals progressives everybody who recognized that warner is bad for us now for national security they're good for our economy joining together putting aside other differences and coming together and militarism now you actually call about here that you're not calling for impeachment but you say specifically that libya is an impeachable offense i want to ask take about this because you know you we saw maybe from our you saw from from the other side of the spectrum the impeach bush movement as an al growth of the anti-war movement kevin was active in that i myself to a smaller extent do you think it's time that if there are so many on the left that are willing to say this is impeachable that obama is committing impeachable
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offenses that it's time to start calling for the impeachment of the president yeah this is the this is the key point here this doesn't matter what we did from nine eleven to this point whatever happened now the country wants to take a fundamentally different approach and i even blogged about this here at our team and at huffington post it is time to beat president obama between the the unconstitutional wars in libya somalia that happened a week ago in yemen and on top of it nation building which also is unconstitutional and his own party his own base and these people have come out strongly against him so it's it is it is time it's time to raise up the b.s. flag and there was actually ten members of congress a few weeks ago ron paul being one of them that filed a federal lawsuit against the president for his on consul actions so it impeachable impeachment very. here kevin is this letter a step on the way to impeachment well i'll tell you i think that if james madison was alive he was the author of the constitution he said the most important clause
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in our constitution was the article that gave the power to go to war to congress and took it away from the president so he said i was the most important i suspect that he and other founders would be calling for obama's impeachment today if they are around to do so i really think that it president obama in a time of economic crisis a deficit crisis. spending being cut and all that everything's at military what we're he's spending a billion dollars without even any congressional authorization it's the most bizarre thing of that kind of thing is allowed the law to go to war send people to send troops and kill civilians and spend a billion dollars without any kind of congressional authorization i have all i will always surprise of the calls for impeachment what have come earlier if the far right were around today where kevin thank you so much for joining us i know you got a lot of people like to excited that there are so many more now coming out against the president recalling for his a pace that almost finally and only better so for i think they're going to add a versus the magic.
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