tv [untitled] July 5, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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got adverse of the man i called about i guess about it and fire on facebook and twitter as always out on the head out on the versus the man dot com this is out of focus from washington d.c. goodnight. ily. it's been in the year in iraq is not a true journalist by the way still in the us congress is there just kind of wasting their time trying to get killed for. oh i was willing to give the life of. the vote twenty seven days to publicize the invite to the who. started the beat of the
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download the official and see how occasional joe on the phone called touch from the q. stops to. see on the good. video on demand off season mind rules costs. are a sense feeds now in the palm of your. question on the job called. love apparently or something you can't have one without the other and that's the same way if you're going to support the troops you got to support the war first you
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don't support it eighteen care about shout about it. don't made it out yet be quiet if you can't. support it like it be quiet and a message from the president of the united states george w. bush good morning. generals are trying to divide america and break our will and we must not go in with them to succeed we will defeat the carriers everywhere they make a shoot and we will leave a more hopeful world for our children and our grandchildren can go wrong occasionally on and changing our goal is victory. veterans for peace in chapter one eighteen salt lake city is peace just soul and station we basically. worthless all soldiers and all veterans to bring about peace some of us all even actually march with him all the way today. one guy who has it and are protesting he was is an army ranger. it started out pretty and saw him actually if you guys
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got it is also look what this is a us ranger man telling us it would seem to say look we're not. going to be. so clear and go to different conflicts. but. let's do is present so clear not for reading and writing but your morning systematic. yeah i think there's a middle ground. and i think we agree on everything so i think you've got everything up until the point of what will bring stability and i believe that stability will cause us that's for the drop off a small difference of opinion that's marshall himself i have i have a lot in common with him i support a lot of his use but the people that i had nothing to do encounter in the protest bush like kids died michael moore you know fahrenheit nine eleven it's things like
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that they're completely to the left i'm james marshall i find him very you know very charming intelligence clean cut individual. no animosity for him you know and eventually yes i think if this were a perfect world we would be occupying iraq oh there was another counter protester bringing the total counter protesters to three and he was young kid he had to hear the camouflage talk on but i don't think he was in the military those people demonstrating that should their disgrace threat to our country once again certain for that kind of people they need to get them out of here and go live with the tears for all i care. because i said. what what are they doing to people to troops that are just going home where they don't know that they're saying you know what you guys what you're doing more is better when all we're doing out there is trying to go out there and make a difference trying to help trying to trying to make so we can live here trying to make so people don't come here and kill innocent people buildings so we're trying
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to do feel like it's still like there's a spin on the same you know what you. just this is. i'm not i've never actually thought about this subject before so can't say really have an opinion. or be neutral stance. on what we do as american people we just go back our business like nothing's happened i'm not i don't know i don't have an opinion because i don't listen to the news so i don't know anything about iraqis except that we're over there yeah but you know how you know like it might be out there now apathy is the most. essential that. you can start a discussion or debate with someone who's up that it was you know certain to be very draining because you do this big protest you're sacrificing all this time and energy. to get other things with instead people might think that really.
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think a lot of people have a connection like how fast people dying. in the modern medicine coffee. in the car sit back turn on the radio an attack outside of baghdad and other choppers down pipes will be managed in the center of the. evening news comes on the t.v. . two marines if you plan to die each day tat because both good poll and mangini. two marines are killed to families left to treat. a man named or die over seas. in a war and we start. with the brain and the brain just coming out names. wave began to move with
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a grade. where we used to yank open a bit to pray. to is big quote the end of the second week of walking. through. the bush from above i'm going to get you to take me. through dharma build a wall in. there for veterans to use their heart was even a korean war the only solar cookers from only my sister a particular piece were yellow royalist local the color of a hero you had on earlier a good old soul go bad business week by day. giving little blue water so far away from the clergy you side i'm still not a sad poor kids become soldier mahabharata. men and women who die overseas. to know all that was started.
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in the brain and the brain just coming. whaley's da. mayor during. the yankee game the rain. may be a way to raise. a walk might be over right now. i don't know. yesterday because to. them life is so do the ultrasound today. there's hoping and praying that there would eliminate cancer in little sister something. small for some. but it wasn't so deep you probably fans were a. very start to this and she's with them for one. of them from.
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why he was a good dad she said well. keep walking and we get it's like a people walk into a corner or discover got up the next three and walk. thinking that maybe that would be luster the good of the war i was really happy that he could get out and he can keep walking was scared that and devastated with the news. i was charged twelve thirty comes for a possible total sense of one hundred fifteen years or so with good behavior i've been getting out in two thousand and eight. when i realized that the war was wrong always get home which i realized when i read the earliest sections from one of the papers i felt what i could do was expose twenty three years of lies and good treatments and that it might help to slow the people from war but scripted there
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was seven thousand top secret papers they would have to the full extent of the law of history of that there would be basically a life sentence. that's what nixon had in mind to put i just thought it might help that i was ready to go to prison if it might help by talking to any black person for the rest of your life it will be on your record the book. and. at that point he said well in that case then it will be that i'll be sitting in prison in iran now that i did not order my hands are illegal is just i just wanted to people in the military and this laws require a lawyer have to evaluate what you're being told asked to. as the guardian will be goes around and he was the man us we didn't think it overloaded with would be a loaded gun here on campus this is it was a college joint right when they have loaded guns the guardsmen on the end of the
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line decided to not fire the direction everybody else was but to turn ninety degrees and pick me off while i was running for cover and the bullet hit me in the the abdomen just below my belt and it knocked me through the ear into the ground like someone swinging a sledge hammer like a baseball bat if you like a cartoon image or a flew in the air and landed on the ground i was shot a second time by a guardsman who testified in court that he knew had already been shot once and when they asked him so why did you shoot him he said well everyone else was shooting him . did you really think it could happen again yes i think we're going to i think it's just waiting to happen because it's been a long time yet so they can pull this stunt again and i believe it was a stunt i believe this was planned to stop protesting. and the more that protest in this current now the more i look for it to happen in just years run kobe
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. is my hero and his example really got me into all of this. i remember that he said once that there was a palpable turning point when public opinion really shifted against the war and it marked the beginning of the end of the vietnam war and he said that was kent state walked until he came in there. and i could have just gotten a little bit more throughout the border and you miles but i really wanted to watch these in the us the native americans who live there consider that it's. even the most of them made news when they came for the first six words that truly this is god's first this is taking. carol in the news i spend nearly every summer a minute since our emissions are so i couldn't walk you through for kids was on.
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facebook at the. everything started. with the people showed the weather got good and still of those if it was a had parents earlier on but there was some reasonable doubt. and some reasonable hope this year her parents were clinging to the. really sort of the hope again that you could make it if this was worth so i think i just like the idea of no more forms no more screaming no more care no more get stuff from like pawns in the nuclear warfare nuclear north for nuclear warfare my dad always history on that new to me here. she seems good cook but she was much better than more godfather. during the walk we kept getting e-mails from people that said you know i wish i could be there for i really care is there any is there anything i can do and sound
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my sister in law got the idea that we have balloons there representing everybody that wanted to be there and could. from all over the world from the era from the middle east from australia from china that we've got hundreds and hundreds of names and so much support for setting out of the shoes of our interests here is that real reality i mean there's certainly a lot of emotion that goes through when you start reading names looking at names and beliefs and wondering the story. went outside i think it was so much for coming out cock up martial and heart sour for the order for a paper that got such a big health office lock. down for a car that may have collapsed probably nothing nothing. i'm. never ever ever ever see this kind of. again a run ever heard of them and close so now they will never have
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a grand final concourse no they will never enjoy all of the great things that nature is provided. for us here i remember the first day i said you know marshall had to be here. and left on that one wanted to be we have to thank you for the privilege of locking which you would marshal for reminding us of our duty. as they neared the border i was excited i mean this is the slate in the film walk and did it. despite all the challenges. nobody believed the utah would support peace this much and it has sold all those people back in washington d.c. with all the heart so warmongers know the utah supports peace. that the wonderful
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victory. because they got caught up in the sixty's feeling right now just like a wonderful victory made of five hundred miles and it's thanks to all you into my family and all the wonderful people help me to dogs walk almost every inch of it with me. i've never been prouder to be in right now so wonderful thing. because it was very much tempered by the sobering thought that the war was still going. anyone wearing a baseball cap party coming out to take it off and place over your left shoulder if you want to is not mandatory and anyone who wants to slug you can slow to keep the cap until taps is completely played and they can put it back on any questions. thank you.
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joe down those buttons for peace. and prosperity but he couldn't for both of them. a group of showed out of the five of us are going to go california. today is their chance today and i would just like to thank. all of those who have served and all that are serving some of those that are honoring our represented by don't migrate conference there. downtown my son came home this is the future of him as he turned twenty one. it was his last birthday. today and i asked you all to help me carry my grief. because it's very hard to carry myself. to grieve as
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a nation. i think that this will help and seal in the nation someone is neutrons get a. me on on them thank you. martin luther king said it i'm going to silence is betrayal the time comes like the time we're in right now at this moment. when anything other then raise your voice opposition to this. is a betrayal of this country that we so don't thinks neither one side says hey i want you to meet wrong. and. i think the idea both of them they're destroying kuharich right in front of me you just have this or somebody who's spent his life doing good things and i think there is no greater right here then for the part of the peace process right now
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a fall in bringing an end to this forest children's hospital healing this nation and then committing ourselves to never allow that happening the iraq war in vietnam to ever happen again i told him that i'd seen before the fourth of july in iraq and it really made impractical to write you one of the cornerstone you'll remember what i like to write so yeah i'm seriously at that point really thought like the books are new come full circle. that's sitting in iraq. it's been worth it for the fourth of july about rove proving. unseen to how he dealt with the ghosts of war by protesting and they just have your such force of that's exactly what i mean thank you. and so is following his example. because it's only. so reasonable that will didn't see him as a vietnam veteran who's been in this real care for almost fourteen years it's an
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honor to pull you my family to my friend it's no more it's a. good life you know young and. i'm driving down right now it's a good turn and all my but it seems like to get out of the army the army offered me a twenty thousand dollars reenlist one bonus in iraq so there's been one lump sum tax free twenty thousand dollars after iraq and knew how my loyalties can be abused and so while i still feel that my service is honorable and still other people service is honorable i could not read a list no matter how much money offered me just. shift in numbers that we've seen recently says daytime t.v. times like the rest of the country are starting to put a tired of the course starting to question the war and starting to question bush's leadership of the war and it happened especially almost coinciding with marshall's watch and i don't i don't know how many utahns marshall himself swayed to the other
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side it certainly wasn't just the walk but there were tons of other people doing things there's military families speak out and very active and so it was rocky anderson and the norwalk is part of that so the feels really good. mr. singh. children. and. i have to call attention to that dark angel and i mentioned you have to be prepared to accept the wrath of the governments force and as long as you're willing to do that and you do it nonviolent me do everything you possibly can and give them your body you know and then you do
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it nonviolent they do it lovingly and i even try to deal with a sense of humor you know it's no big deal searching. nothing's going to change until a guy's coming home except from atop the back as soon as guys come home and say you know don't count me on the back because things got change we got it be a fix this from things will change in a different scrutiny now i wonder whether it was trying to change things or not i just had to do it i got to do it. not just me oh i think it's maybe it's like spit me ocean to no good it's good you do what you care and ya could make your own statements from your own hard life and i still high. what i'm getting has made us think she breezily cheesiness instead and this time. push will bring in our brothers sisters home fight for peaks march for peace we
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stand for peace sleep in. the morning from now on. it is a time of hope a time to believe that peace can come if we can and just for that we can change the priorities of our country that we can move in a new and dynamic direction that we can make this an america that we can all be proud of that the sacrifice of our young men and women in iraq a must not be undone by to. the only regret. is that i didn't do it earlier at least. the sooner the twentieth they're the walk. and i. got to finish up i hope it's a good idea i didn't know it so expect when i got a call from the police i'm standing here for peace still looks like it really renewed my faith in the people and humanity and it's really reinforced my
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patriotism activists have a lot of different reasons for getting involved but in the end it all comes down to this it comes under the hope that what you're doing the commute the world a better place and they can maybe even save a life. because. if what we're doing can save one person's life and that justifies all the embarrassment all the sacrifice all the pains of public protest. to children. that it's all worth it. in that's the whole point it's the sincere hope and he make sure that nobody else asked him. are you going to. there are gay people. like it so i did step back home record three months ago. and i was going where you are please state your thoughts.
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